flip s0 Stlf VOLUME 1. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1!)2. NUMBER 7. tMlarrllanrotte. Q M1TVHKLL, ATTOHN E Y-AT-LA W. , oprs lie, Pa. Commereliil lintel, Keynoldsvl D II. B. E. HOOVEIt, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Kesldent dentist. In building near Metho dist ehnivh, opposite Arnold lihs-k. uentle ness In operating. Ootrl. JJOTEL McCX)NNELL, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. FRAKKJ. MACK, J'roprtWw. The leading hotel of the town. Headquar ter for iiintim'rrtnl men. Hteant heat, fnfi bus, hath rooms nnd chwIb on every flisir, sample room, billiard room, telephone con nections, ate. JJOTEL BELNAP, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. GREEXd COXSER, ViVHi7. First obuw In every particular, totted In the very iientro of ine nulneepart of town. Free 'bus to nnd from trains nnd commodious sample rooms for commeri'liil travelers. MEUtCAN HOTEL, BROOKVILLE, PA. lil'FFlXGlXtX tf LOXG, i'mp'n. Omnibus to and from all trains. F.tiropciin rewUMirant. Honne heated and lighted by iras. Hot nnd cold water. Western I'nlon IVIngrnnh omVo In hiillillnv. 'J'hn hotel In tlttetl with uuthe mooi-ru conveiiiences. KMM EKCI A L HOTEL, BROOKVILLE, PA., J AS. II. CLOY Kit, l'rin-Mnr. Kamnlc rooms on the ground floor. lloiixe licuf-d by niitural giis. Omnibus to and fiim an trains. CFFALO, lWX'HEKTEH & PITTS BURG RAILWAY. The short line bclwii-n Piillol, HldgWHV, Hrwlford, Httlnniiincn, Iturl'iiln, itochestcr. Nlatrnrii Falls nnd points in the upiier oil region. On nnd nfter Mnv 22d. Ihi2. nnNscn- gcr trulns will urrlve and depart from Falls reek Htation, atmy, except pumiity, as Uil lows: filO A. M. Bradford Accommodation For .polntK North between Falls t'reek and Bradford. 7:15 a. IB. mixed train for Funxsutiiwney. 10:0&A.M. liiiffiilonnd Rochester mall For Hrockwayvllle, Klflitwuy,. Johnson ImiicMt. .lewett, Hradfonl.hMUimanca, Hiitfalo and Rochester; connecting at Jolinsonhiirg with I'. A E. train . for Wilcox, Kane, Warren, t'orry and lirle. M):&5 A. M. Accomimslutlon For DuHots, Sykes, ItlgKuti and I'unxsiitnwtiey. 1:90 I'. M. Hradford A mimodiitlon For Hcochtrce, HriK'kway vllle, Kllnmnt, Onr mon, Klditway, JnuiisniihurK, Mt. Jowott and Bradford. 4-.60 1. M.-Mull-Kor Illinois, Hykes, Dig Hun, I'liiiXNiitnwney and WalHton. I'.M. ArcornnHHiatloii For lHillols.rllg Kiln and I'linxsiitHwrn-y. Trains Arrive 7:10 A. M., Accommodation .I'linxHiitawney; I0:ik A.M., Mall from Wal ton and PiinxMitawney; io:M A. M.. Ac commodation from Bradford; 1:20 P.M., Accommodation from PunXHiitawney; 4:M .1. M., Mali from Itulfalo and Kochester; P. M.( AccommodHtlon from Hradford. TOhnusand mile tickets at two cent per -Bilk), good for pannage lietween all atntlona. J. II. Mi Intyhk, Agnnt, FalNcreek, Pa. Gao. W. Hahti.ktt, ,Iuh. I'. Thomphon CieiiiTal hupt. lion. Pan. Agent. Hradford, Pn. Hik'heHter, N. Y. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILWAY -'QMPANY coramnru'injf Sunday, J una an, mi. Low Gratlo DiviHion. KAHTWAUI. 8TATIONH.- No. 1. NO..V No.9. 117 ion A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. RedKank 10 40 4:l Luwttonhum .... 10 M 4 44 New Jlcllili'hem 112m ft in Oak Uldgu II :i' ft M Mlllvillo II Ml ft 211 Muyiivilki 11 4.1 ft itl HnmnHrvllle ... 12 ( ftM BriH.kvlUe 12 2A H 14 (1ft Fuller 12 4:1 82 : Keynoldavlllo .. 100 tl no IK PuncoiiHt 1 (III a AN 7 j FallHl'niek 1 17 7 07 7 Jo 10 IW 140 PuHoia 1 Ml 7 111 7 1" 11 OA 1 AO Walmla 1 42 7 211 ' Winternlmru ... 1 A2 7 40 PenHeUl 1 A7 7 4 Tyler 2 Oil 7 AS filen Flnher S 111 M or, HeneiutUi 2 HI N 22 Grant 2 44 H XI Driftwood li 10 It 00 P. U. P. H. A. M. A. K. P. M. WEOTWAHD. BTATIONg. No.2 1 No.fl lNo.101 108 110 A. A. M. Prlftwood Grant Henecetto Glen Flutter Tyler Poiineld Wluterburn .... Habula DuHola FallM Creek Pancoant Iley nolda vllle . . Fuller Itrookvllle Niimmervllle,... MayHvlUo Mlllvillo Oakltldue P. H 10 On 10 U2 10 4:1 11 02 85 7 0M 7 21 7 41 11 7 55 8 07 11 25 11 81 8 18 11 8 2' 12 ( 7 On 7 io 8 4.1 11 80 4 00 4 10 1 17 8 51 8 5H S ON 25 4.5 11 45 1 M 1 42 1 All 2 21 2 m t 5N a 02 7 1M 7 2 7 4 8 (W 8 2H 8 Al H 55 8 All II 10 B 45 10 Ul 8 Uil 8 15 New Bethlehem J'awNonham. Hudliuiik.... 8 47 4 01 A. M. t. M P. M.A. H.P. M. TruliiK dully except Huuduy, DANIl) MtKJAltUO, Gkn'l. Hiiht., tM till fa I'h. JAB. P. ANDEKHON, Gkn'i,. Pahh. Aut., ' , PltlKburg, Pu DO YOU NEED A NEW ATTIRE? If no, and you want a good fitting and well mudu twit at a reatKmable figure you will re oeive Hume by ilaoing your ordor with J. C. Froehlich, THE ARTISTIC TAILOR, Next door to Hotul MoConnell. REYNOLIWVILLE, PA. AlcKcc & Warnick IIF.ADyllAUTF.H.1 FDK Fancy and Staple GK0CE1UES, Oil, Flour! Feed. An elegant line con- pi Hting of nour, sweet aiur mixed pickles. Onions, chow chow, -2 olives, cauliflowers and others too numer oils to mention. f An endless variety on M hand; always fresh. Try our fruit and chocolate cakes. "Washburne's Best" leads the list; it's a dandy. Try it. We have in stock, "Our Kent," "Straight," o "Imperial," "N. W. Patent," "Pilgrim" and others. We have no oil wagon on the road but we deliver you a 5 gal. best 150 oil for 50 cents. Get our rates on oil by the barrel. A FVLL STOCK of ffnofln in our tine ttUrou oh hotul. Illfhext tunrkrl prlve jmld for -oifr; HOOliS ltKCEIVEIi ' DAILY. XO OLD GOODS EORSALE. McKrc & Warnick, The G rocers, Cor. Hth xind Main St., . . . . . . RefinolilitviUe, Penna. - IN OUR :- Shoe Department earry only reliable makes, and we could fill the one side of this issue with testimonials in re gard to the wearing qual ities of our shoes. What is termed among shoe dealers as cheap shoes, "for instance, "shoes that sell for one dollar a pair, we do not handle, for the simple reason that goods of tliat kind will not build up our shoe de partment. We buy no shoes from what is called "Jobbers," but place our orders three and four months in advance, with the best shoe manufac-' turers in the country. C ,3ur dry goods depart ment is full of spring fabrics, at prices lower than the lowest, and all we ask is that you give us a call and Compare Prices and Quality, don't forget the quality, as that goes a long ways as regards price. Quality first, price second. J. B. ARNOLD. SECKET SOCIETIES. SOMETHING ABOUT THE FAMOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF YALE. Strange Proceeding nn the Catnnn of the Hew Haven Unlvernlty Peculiar III tea and Ceremonies of flknll and linnet, Scroll and Key and Wolfs Head. The election ceremonies to the Skull nd Bourn, Scroll and Key, and Wolf Bead societies of Yule university are very impressive. The members of the Junior class on the afternoon of this day gather In little knots in front of one of the big buildings which are used by the scholars as sleeping rooms. The win dows of every other building which commands a view of the exiiectant stu dents on the campus below are crowded with other scholars and their friends. Suddenly a solemn looking young man comes around a corner of one of the dor mitories. He goes straight toward the waiting crowd without a word to any one. He walks in among the fellows, many of whom are his friends, without noticing anyltody. Every other student stands perfectly still, and without turn ing his head follows with his eyes the movements of the mysterious looking fellow who has recently appeared and who is going up nnd down, up and down, in and out, in and out among the crowd, looking at nobody, speaking to no one, apparently seeing nothing. Then ho goes around in a circle, All hold their breath. The people in the windows on every side lean a littlo further out and watch with increased interest. It is a moment of intense suspensel All of a sudden the quiet man, on whom every body's eyes nre fastened, slaps a fellow student right lietween the shoulders and almost knocks him over. Then a great shout goes tip! The students on the campus are yelling them selves hoarse. The crowded windows are alive with frantic men nnd women who are waving handkerchiefs and hats, clapping hands and laughing, each add ing something to the terrible uproar. Meanwhile the student who was slnpiied on the back is tli happiest man in the immense crowd, for he has been elected a member of Kkull and Bones, the fa mous serret society of the university. The Hrt thing the fortunate student does whmi he realises that he has been slapped is to go straight So his room, with out a word to his most intimate chum, or even to the man who has so rudely struck lum. He 1b followed by the man who did ithe slapping, and who all this time has not even so much as smiled or said "Hallo" to any one in fact has not recognized the .man he is following eicept try the slap. Nobody knows, exoept these two, what takes place in the room, and the men are not seen again that day, for the in terest f the people "outside is centered on another mnn who has come from tho same direction as thetirst one, and who is going through exactly the same per formances that the first fellow executed. When he finally slaps a man, another great shout goes up, and then these two students go away to the room of the one whose back has been shipped. These scenes are repeated until forty-five men have been slapped, for that is the num ber conniosing the three societies. Each society is made up of fifteen men, no more and no less, and each member is said to choose one student. When the .forty-five have been selected the elections are over and the people go nome icoitng tnat tnoy have witnessed an event more interesting nnd mare ex citing than the graduating exercises which take place when a whole chum are about to leave tho school. Nothing more is done to the students who have been slapped until the next Tuesday. What occurs then is seen by nobody except a few of the students who gather in -front of the secret society houses. The names even of the sucioties are not known. They are called Skull and Bones, Scroll and Key, and Wolfs Head, because each member wears a little gold pin, with one or another of these objects on it as the case may to. The Skull and Bones pin is a horrid bit of gold la the shape of a human skull and croesbonea. The Scroll and Key, as the name implies, is made np of a mall sheet of gold, like an ancient piece of paper. On the scroll is a key, above the key are the letters "C. 8. P." and below the key are the letters "C. C. J." What they stand for only the wearers of the pins know. The other society bas tor its pin a lit tle gold head of a savage looking wolf. Often the eyes are mads of two brightly shining diamonds. Another wonderful thing about those pins is that the wearer never loses one. He never lays it down even for a second. Of course they have to bathe, and how do you so suppose they do then? You would think they would have to lay the pin aside at that time anyway, wouldn't you? But they don't; they hold the bit of gold in their mouths! "Bones' in the oldest of the three so cieties. Tradition has it that tho pins first appeared in 18!12. About ten years later men who had expected an election to "Bones" and wore, disappointed or ganized the Scroll and Key. Wolf's Head was founded less than ton years ago, but today is almost as exclusive in its membership as either of the others. In fact it generally represents as much wealth among its members as tho two other societies oombiued. New York Horald. Old books are not foruud, It has been tried, but the deception is sure to be din ered, The old paper and old type can not w niaae now. THE VOICE WITHOUT A WORD. Be'lde the reunited rlilftwi nf the deep I sat ms down In nllrnt fnntnr; K mother wind laid all the units asleep Upon the cradle of the Bummer sea. So sound but that of wave tlint followed wava Arron the shlntmr vellnw sand niu liennl; But all their tones itrew one In comvrt grave The Voire without a word. I sat before an nltnr nnd a shrine. Heynnd the shadows of the eurtnlited loft The orannlst, with ferveney divine, frayed from the willing keys a blessing soft, that filled the ernnnlrs of the rlolMered air Like spresded wlinrs of some Immortal blrdt and once again It eunte and thrilled me there The Voire without a word. rha arms of night held etone the sleeping earth. I laid me down and watched the lambent west, And saw the star flcMs and the giant birth Of Nature. And wllhln my serret breast The flood of song across Its barriers broke. And all the chords of bring greatly stirred! But tongue and pen fell mute! alone there spoke TTm Voire without a word. W. J. Henderson In New York Times. Pond of Slmpls IHet. The Astor House has among its regu lar patrons of the lunch counter in the rotunda one gentleman who for a period of ten yenrs, summer and winter, has scarcely varied his diet for his noonday meal. He is a tall, athletic man, always well dressed and apjiears to be, if not wealthy, a man in excellent circum stances. It mtist lie from choice then and not pecuniary reasons that each day In the year he orders regularly a bowl of milk nnd a plate of crackers, nnd con cludes tlio repast with a chocolate eclair in winter and a dish of berries in sum mer. The gentleman for fully a half score of years has not altered this tinier. Whether he is interested in a dairy and desires to popularize a milk diet no one seems to know. That the food agrees with him is evident from disappearance, and a mere glance only is conclusive evidence that he most thoroughly en joys the refreshing repast. New York Herald. Area and rnpnlutlnn nf the World. The data givon in "Die Bevolkerung der Erdo" show that the area of the world is 52.SU0.4S1 square miles and the population 1,47I).?2U,151, an average of twenty-eight to the square mile. Raven stein's revised estimate for 1890 gives the area at 01,2,10,800, the population lit 1,407,920,000, and twenty-nine to the square mile, and estimates the increase of the world's population in a decode (1880-90) at 8 per cent In computations of this kind several totals, particularly in Asia mid Africa, have to be obtained by estimate. It is quite txiBHilile that the total population reaches moro nearly 1,500,000,000 than the figures given. In any event the lat ter in round numbers are more practical and easier to remember. Chicago Trili- une. Moving Band Hills. In the arid lands of central Asia the air Is reported as often laden with fine detritus, which drifts like snow around conspicuous objects and tends to bury them in a dustdrift Even when there is no apparent wind the air is described as thick with fine dust, and a yellow sediment covers-cverything. In Khotan this dust sometimes so obscures the sun that at midday one cannot see to read fine print without a lamp. The tales of the overwhelming of travelers by sand storms in Saralia are familiar to every schoolboy. Goldth waite's Geographical Magazine, Iufluenm of Superstition. When wo stop to think, we wonder how real the silly superstitions, in which nobody believes, are in their influence upon our actions. We hesitate to start on a journey on Friday; we walk out in the mud rather than go under a ladder; we don't give knives or sharp instru ments to our friendB, and we don't do a hundred things that we might, all be cause, though we are not superstitious, we would rather not do what suggests anything disagreeable. Harper's Bazar. Gypsy Superstition About Wltahsa. Those people who suffer from a witch fall into a kind of lycanthropy. They are characterized by a pale, sunken countenance, hollow, mournful eyes, swollen lips and flabby, listless arms. At night they often change themselves into wolves and do irreat harm. Trans. formed into dogs, they must accompany me wircnes on ineir nigntly forays. Philadelphia Ledger. She Told the Truth. "Maria Jane," said a fond mother the other morning to her daughter, "did Daniel Jumieson kiss you on the steps last night?" "No, mamma; he did not." If the fond parent had said "lips" in stead of "stops," it would have troubled Maria Jane to reply. Exchange. The horse's intolliuence has been ao marked by evory nution, ancient and modem, that he has alwava been taken as a symbol of the human intllncr. nr understanding. Hence in the mythology oi au nations ue nas oeen used as a sym bol of the intellectual principle. Vanees In England. English bar fences have the appear ance of being bottom sido up somewhat as an Y looks when inverted. But it is all right; lumber is scarce there, and it isn't necesaary to have the bars so close together up whore the horses and cattle are as down where the sheep and pigs would be tempted to crawl through. New York Sun, LEGAL ANOMALIES. ODD CASES THAT OFTEN ARISE IN ENGLISH COURTS OF LAW. The Power of "Consideration" In a Money Transaction An Interesting I'olnt About Tradesmen's Bills "Men of Straw" In a Criminal Prosecution. At a time when law reformers ere busy, it may be interesting to notice some of the many absurdities which still exist in English law. A person buys goods, pays for them and gets a receipt. The tradesman sends In his bill a second time. The purchaser protests that he has paid, but cannot find the receipt Accordingly, the trades msn brings an action and wins. Boon after this the missing receipt is found. And yet the purchaser cannot by law bring a new action to recover the amount he has paid as the result of the first ac tion, unless he can prove actual fraud on the part of the tradesman. And why is this? Because, according to the legal maxim, "It Is to the Interest of the s:jtte that there should lie some finality to litigation." It Certainly is not, in this instance, "to the interest" of the pur chaser. A owes B an undisputed debt of 100. After much pressure he comes to B and, dilating on his own misfortunes in par ticular nnd the hard times in general, offers him i'80 In full satisfaction. B. partly through sympathy nnd partly be cause having written off tho amount as a "bad debt," is only tooglad to getany thing nnd accedes to thoHO terms, Most people would think that here was an end to the matter. It all depends, strangely enough, on the way in which the money is paid. If the amount is paid in gold or bank notes there is no "consideration" for B agreeing to accept less than the full amount due, and therefore if he after ward repents of his bargain he can sue A for the remaining 20 in spite of his promise to lie satisfied with 80. And yet if an old knife, a rusty nail or somo other thing, however trifling, is "thrown in," then B is bound by his agreement to take the lesser sum In full discharge, for in this quibbling way the legal theory of "consideration" is duly satisfied. Let us suppose that a Mr. Smith holds two houses under one lease from a Mr. Brown, and assigns one of them to a Mr. Robinson. If Mr. Smith omits to pay his rent, or breaks some other covenant In the lease, Mr. Brown the superior landlord can "distrain" not only o:i Mr. Smith's house, but on poor Mr. Rob inson's as well, though he may be a model tenant. A proposes to sell B a piece of land, and at the same time gratuitously promises to keep the offer open for a week. In spite of this A can revoke his offer the very next day if B has not al ready accepted it. Legality, again de fying all ideas of morality, argues that there was no "consideration" for the de lay agreed upon. Very frequently a busybody bringing a criminal charge elects to bo "bound over to prosecute" at the assizes, even though the magistrate has expressly de cided tnat no jury Is likely to convict. Now this can be done "on his own recog nizances," without any substantial sure ties. The result is that if, as is often the case, the prosecutor is impecunious, the accussed when acquitted, cannot, except in theory, make him pay his costs, nor doeB he feol inclined to bring an action for malicious prosecution againBt one who, as the lawyers say, is "not worth powder and shot." In this way unscrupulous "men of straw" have op portunitieswhich thoynot seldom util izeof putting people to terrible annoy- ance and great expenso without incurring any practical risk tbemselves. A lessee always remains liable on the covenants until the expiration of the tease, even after he has assigned it with the approval and consent of the lessor. Quite recently two of the judges sol emnly declared from the bench that it was humiliating to confess that by the laws oi England, nnlllce those of France. brokers and other agents could not be convicted of embezzlifnent for misap propriating money intrusted with them for investment unless the direction to Invest was in writing. One of them at the same time tersely and truly summed up the history and present stage of our law when he called it "a thing of shreds and patches." This definition explains the origin of many absurdities and in congruities. Still.it scarcely justifies their continued existence, London Tit BiU. A Forgetful Professor. A story is going the rounds of Har vard, and the joke is on the professor. He is a very forgetful man, and in call ing the roll, although his class is small, till has to rely on a printed list The other day he found to his dismay that he had forgotten his list What should he do? The office required a report of the attendance at the lecture. He could not remember the faces or names. Aha! a happy thought "Gentlemen, there Is one seat empty," said he. "Will the gentleman who is absent kindly tell me his name?" Boston News. Bobby Anxious to Help. Bobby (whispering) Didn't I hear Clara toll you, Mr. Featherley, that she was sorry, but she really couldn't give you a lock of her hair? Featherley Sa Bobby er yes. Bobby Well you just wait a day or two and I'll get some for yon when she's out Exchange. AN EPITAPH. I dreamed that one had died In a strange place Near no accustomed hand. And they had nailed the boards above her faea. The peasants of that land. And, wondering, planted by her solitude A eypteas and a ysw. t earns and wrote upon a nrem of wood Man had no more to do "She was more beautiful than thy first lore. This lady by the trees." And gated npon the tnonrnfiil stars above And heard the mournful breeze. -W. a Tents. A Porte with His "Kvll Bye." In the early years of his papacy, when he was adored by the Roman people, Plus IX was driving through the streets of Rome and chanced to look up to an open window, where nurse was stand ing with a child. A few minutes after ward the nurse let the child drop to the pavement below and it was killed. In stead of laying the blame to the care lessness) of the nurse it was laid to the malevolent influence of the evil eye. and the fancy became universal among the lower classes in Italy that the pope had the evil eye, and it lasted until his death. Travelers who knew of the be lief were often amused to see people kneeling to receive the pope's blessing, and at the same time holding the fingers forked to break the maleficent power of his glance. When Plus IX gave up his liberal theories and fell back to the old accustomed methods of government there were an abundance of liberals who took it as proof positive that he was possessed of an evil spirit. Chicago Times. A Lawyer's Little Joke. The humor of the legal mind is some times a trifle subtle. There is just now to be seen in the window of a famous secondhand book shop In the Strand a complete set of "Voltaire" in fifty vol umes. The is bound in what is tech nically knowu as "law calf." It has evidently belonged to a lawyer who hesi tated to let h. clients perceive that he was given to reading anything so mis chievously frivolous as the philosopher of Ferney, or who could not resist his own little joke. Instead, therefore, of lettering the volume "Voltaire," which everybody would have understood, he had them inscribed "Afouet's Reports." The joke would of course be lost npon those who happened to have forgotten that the great philosopher's proper name was Arouet de Voltaire. London Cor. Yorkshire (England) Post Odd llamas of Streets. To reach Boa VisU palace take a car riage at your hotel door and drive down the Rue Cattete, skirt the bay along the Praya da Gloria rattle through the Rua das Manguerraa (street of leather pipes), dash under the aqueduct arches of Mate Cavallos (horse killing avenue),' turn into the Rue das Invalidas (street of sick people), and then follow the Mata Porcas (pig killing street), until at: last you come to the direct road that; leads out to Sao Christavoe. The well, paved avenue has lampposts set on either side and is lined with handsome suburban homes set in gardens of per petual bloom, shaded by featherly palm trees. Rio Janeiro Cor. Pittsburg Dis patch. Testing Love, Southern children have a very pretty way of "telling fortunes" with the dod der vine or love vine, as they call it. A. pieces is broken off and twisted around the head three times, then dropped on a bank behind them. If the sweetheart is true it grows. If it dies, he or she is false. The mullen stalk is also used to learn the constancy or the fickleness of the lover. The stalk is broken, but not de tached, and if it continues to grow the absent one is constant, or vice versa. New York World. An Air Tight Prison. While some men were squaring the trunk of an oak they had just felled they suddenly started back in astonishment on seeing a hideous toad about the size of a large pullet's egg incrusted in the tree 4 inches in from the bark and 18 feet from the root. Though mangled by the ax the creature still moved, but it appeared old, thin and decrepit. A careful examination revealed no en trance to its prison house. London Tit Bits. Tha Baittosnaks'a Yonng. Does the rattlesnake bring forth its young alive? I have seen young snakes run in the old snake's mouth, making a singing like noise, and upon killing the old snake and enttinor If. AriATI hnTM nM.1 O wwwBva gW iuUUU the young packed away side by side, not In l. u ... . iuo auuuiKa proper, out m what seemed a nlace for them TV- nv, -ww. u,w and Stream. Taking; Off Old Wall Paper. To take Off wall nanor nrmrlnm painting or Darjerinir. wet tha nM thoroughly with a long handled brush dipped in warm water. Let it. nut nnn the water has penetrated it and the paper blisters and loosens, when you can peel it off with vour hanila TV, wet too much at a time. New York uuruau Hard Liuea. Employment Aront What's th tor with that last place? Domestic The missus -v ssmiv WWW gloss tumblers phwat cosht wan dollar a pace, an she says Oi must pay fur all I break. Sure Oi'd niver have ATtV urn trail at all at all. New York Weekly, A Predicament. Conductor Come, now, get aboard! . Lady (frantically) How nan v Tk car behind is on my trail, Cloak Ke- IWS, 1 '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers