RATHMEL. 1). Vhllllpps' wont to Piinxsutnwm'jr Ciitnr tiny. Rev. I'nlhird ptviu-hrd In the ln M. K rhnn'h on fiinclny Ht B:;m p. M. P fMlK Hn-klr Wynnt Is tt'iii-lilnx n siimmc1" siliool. Hlie linn nlmut 7A pupils In nt triifliwi-a, O. W. Mohnoy, who hns lwn on tho sli-k lint for bImiiiI two yours In not getting liny lienor. Mr. K. Konnlc nnd fnmlly Hml Mr. X. Ilcnilly nnd nlstrr, took In the exrnmlon to Kinrim bridge on Sunday. LewlH t.ydle, of Reynoldvlllo, linvlnn rented A. W. Miilliolliind'ii house will III the near future hen Hiilhmellte. .Tnmrs Pnrnh, who lot n mlleli eow hy being killed on the nillroiid receUed Sm,no from the Hellef eluhof Knthmel. JohIiua Bntenon, whrwhiis Wen intending the Wllltnmsport business rollege during the past winter hns returnifl home. Our supervisor, Mr. McCliire him been nuik Ing Home mui'h needed Improvements on our road. Miiy thegmHl work continue. The proceed" of the Mippcrnnd entertiiln ment fur the benefit of the Tenipenince Divi sion on MoiidHy ctenlnK, June nth, wo are Informed, amounted to .ifl. Herbert Dyke, who has been nttenillng school at Berkeyvllle, Vennngo county, re turned home on Hiiturduy. He will teach n term of school at this place. Quite a nuniler of our towtwmen have lieen wearing pleasant smiles of late. John Hlple and I'hll IVhtveeniihiwt's nirlvnls were girls and George Henry's Is a boy. J. F. Henry and sons are nui king necemary preparation, to operate their mine as noon as the R., L. & Y. ('. M. Co. get a tipple nnd rail road built which In expccnvl at n not fur distant day. The Hprague Mine Relief association which has been In existence for about three years has paid out for sick and funeral tienetlts about f4,Mft,no and has at present about tV,00 In the treasury. : With the exception of ono or two days Hprague mine has worked steady for nlmut three months. The new mine foreman, Richard Taaf appears'to be a hustler and n jovial fellow to work for. Pahhath was children's day at the Wlne hrenarlan church. The church was hand somely decorated with flowers. As usual on snch occasions a great many people old and young were In attendance. John Hitch, who was operated on at t In West Penn hospital In Pittsburgh, for a dead hone In the foot, Is home and Is Improving slowly, with hopes of Ix'lng cured without having the foot amputated. On the eve of Mr. Wm. Lyle's departure to Manitoba some of his best and most intimate friends called at his residence and presented lilm with a valuable watch chain and chiirm, emblematic of the 1. O. O.K. to which order Mr. Lyle has the honor of being a memlier. Rnthmelciin knock any town In western Pennsylvania (according to population) silly with their list of secret societies. The K. of L., K of P., Hons of Temperance, P. O. 8. of A. A. P. A., L. A. P. A., Temperance Cadets, pre dominate here, with prospects of a camp of the Daughters of Liberty tielng organized soon. If the ell Irons of Rathmel don't know already who Is the agent for The Htar they will sooner or later and If they want a good, reliable and newsy paper Just let them hand him a ll.Wand have their names entered on tho list for one years' subscription. Act wlsely-to do that la to suhscrllie for Tng Htab at once. Republican candidates for Senators and Assemblymen, MeHitrs.Mitchell and Mclv'night and Smith and Long and McLaln for Congress, have all paid Rathmel their respects. Wo feel safe In saying that all of them will have supporters on Saturday the lHth In East Wins low and that the number will not bo as unequally divided as some predicts. THE FACTS. Commuicatlon.) Many of the readers of tho paixirs of this county, perhaps, have noticed the reflection marie on mo by Mr. A. B. Me Lain by intimating that I was roponsi. ble for theoloction of a Democratic Sen ator four years ago. To the people of Jefferson county such statements cannot be made without bringing to their minds the thought of both injustice to me and condemnation of their own wishes and instructions, nd among the four thousand Republi can voters of this county, who by thoir ballots endorsed my conduct In follow ing the Instructions of the Republican party In this county by sacrificing my self for its interests, there were none more determined that I should remain In the field than Mr. McLaln. In justice to myself and Jefferson county, I would just state that there never was a more manly contest, or one more free from corruption than that of four years ago. It will be remembered that I was willing, and did propose to Mr. Hood for both to withdraw and for our conferees to select any Jefferson county man as the nominee of this district, as it was conceded by all to be Jefferson county's time to have thut office. This proposition was refused by Mr. Hood, who said "If we are to have a Jefferson !Ounty Senator we would prefer you to any other man." This county was de termined to have its rights and would have refused me the privilege to with draw, had I asked it. I feel that Mr. McLaln has made a mistake to mention the contest of four years ago, and I do ask the Republicans of this county U Investigate and recall my course in that campaign, and I think they will easily find that my course at that time was en tirely in hurmony with tho wishes of the Republican voters of the county. They will also find thut I am a man who will follow the instructions of the Re publican party of this county and will remain trust worthy to those who place confidence in me. Wm. C. Bond. "Washburns Best," is the name of the best flour on the market. Try a suck of it and be oonvlueed. McKee & War nick, The Grocers, Cor. 5th. and Muin Street. Wanted A reliable young mun who wonts to leurn the practice of dontistry. Dr. J. S. MoCrolght, . Rcynoldsvillo, Pa. STATE SENATORIAL QUESTION. What the Indiana Papers Say of Capt, James O. Mitchell. A welcome visitor to our town lwit week was I 'apt. James (. Mitcnoll, of I"errjsvlllo, Jefferson county. He is an extremely eonipnnlonnblo gentleman nntl a thnrouirh business man. Although ho was nut here "fence building" yet it is known that tho Captain is a candi date lor Mtnte Monato in this district. Ho is eomtetont for the honorable position and without (lispncngenimit to tne aspirations oi cHndtdntes pre sented fur the plitce by Imlinnn cottntv we miiy freely say that if Mr. Mitchell secures the nomination, this county will give him an old fashioned popular majority. He has kept himself from the contentions that have invoked a degree of hostility between tho working force in tho several counties of tho district. Indiana 1'myrrm, March Id, '1)2. Captain .T.G. Mitchell, of Pertysvlllo, Jefferson county, while returning from a business trip to the east, stopped off here a day or two. The Captain is a candidate for Senator in Jefferson county. Indiana county will urge the selection of the candidate who secures tho nomination in this county on the Dth of April: but should Captain Mitchell secure the endorsement of his own county and the district nomination, ho will doubtless get the solid Republican vote of this county. Ho has been for tunate in keeping out of the Senatorial complications and would not be handi capped, besides he is a clever fellow and would muko an efficient Senator. Indiana Minrnqrr, March lfl, '112. "Jim" Mitchell, of Perrysville, a prominent merchant and a candidate for tho Republican nomination for Sonator in Jefierson county, and a whole souled, genial gentleman besides, was here on Saturday and remained over Sunday. If we must have a Republican Senator give us Mitchell, and plenty of of htm tx). Indiana Democrat, March 9, 1W2. The Convention of tho miners' and farmers' organizations which was held in Reynoldsvlllo on tho 4th of March, 18!)2,unanimously endorsed Mr.Mitchell. Doesn't I.Ike rollecmea. Theie is a horse in this town which has a double mission in life. Ono part of it is to get to fires as rapidly as possi ble with a ton or two or apparatus be hind it; the other is to make as ninny vacancies as possible in the police force. The animal is a valuable one, well trained nnd good to look at. For the firemen it has a professional regard, to ward citizens in general it litis tho liauKhtiness which generally goes forth with a place in the public, service, but toward policemen it displays the fiercest of antipathies. Tho horse belongs to one of the companies stationed fur down town, and the engine house is rather cramped. People having occasion to enter the place have to pass closo to the animal's stall, and as a result the mem ber of tho police force who has business in the house is likely to have a lively time of it. To be safe he has to climb around back of a tender and then tiinko his way along with the caution needed to keep him out of range of the horse's hoofs. If he comes near the animal, it is a bite or a kick, according to the end which is approached. The firemen who are thoroughly acquainted with tho pe culiarities of the steed have a very rea sonable explanation of its aversion to brass buttons. It is that at some time a policeman clubbed it, at a time when the excitement of fire made him for get that perhaps a horse may have a longer memory than a taxpayer and more time to devote to carrying out schemes of revenge. Ever since that day no policeman has been able to a, preach the horse without having good reason to repent his temerity. New York Times. Keply raid Tostal Cards. Reply paid postal cards have been in use in Austria for many years, and would be economical and convenient in domes tic as well as in foreign correspondence. They are composed of two unseparated postal cards, folded in the form of a sin gle card, and need no other fastening. A correspondent can insure a correct ly addressed and probably prompt an swer by writing his full address on the reply fold of the card before mailing it; the card, on its first journey, being fold ed so as to cover the reply address. The receiver has simply to write his answer on the reply card, tear it off the inquiry card and remail it. If one does not care to preserve the in quiry or to write a long answer, the cards need not be separated. In that case a reply perfectly Intelligible, un equivocal and binding for all business purposes may be written in one or two words in answer to a direct question. The word "yes" or "no" or "forty" or "41 Temple Place" or "Boston" or "Smith & Jones" or "8 per cent." or any other short replies, signed with initials or full name, without any heading of place or data, would, in connection with the attached Inquiry card, convey as full and definite an answer, and show as plainly when, where and by whom it was written, as an answer on an ordi nary card or letter that contain besides place, date and address a summary of the inquiry to which it is a reply. Youth's Companion, Prevention of the might of Birds. To urevent birds from flirlnir j a i " the barbarous and iniuriona svatam sometimes practiced of cutting thoir wings, wui do louml sufficient V tio together with a thread three or four of the largest feathers of one wing. This destroys tho balance, the wings do not act symmetrically in the air, and flight is rendered imnossible. Fowls" nn,mm etc., may be kept within bounds in thi uiupie lasnion. ijonuon xtt-liiu. Cuai ot Keeping lionet lu London. It has been estimated thut on nun horses are einnlnvarl In rim n,,t,.iiit,,,. oarrying trade in the city of London; tarn uieir vame is s.i.sao.uoo, and the cost of food alone is i'HOO.IkWV A ml prevails for foraging the horse on three oence an inch nor week that U l.n. costs as many shilliugs a week a it i wiius nanus lugu. dew xork Time. 60N0. Comes a loror to his Ins. Ringing to her smiling! "Then art mine till time shall pass" All her day beguiling. Laughing low replies the lass. While he lingers, ringing: "Thine am I while time rioih pass Time I swift s-winging." Eagerly he piles the lass With his warmest wooing; Swift as f ieech the moments pass Comes his swirt undoing. Never lover claims his lass Rut she leaves him yearning! Never, until time shall pass. Will he grow ilUccrnlng. -New York Times. Hats In New Zealand. The original discoverer of New Zen land found but three species of mam mals, two bats and a very small rat called klore by tho natives. The kiore is now almost extinct at times, but oc casionally appears in extraordinary nutii ber, coming, nobody know whence, and going, no one knows whither, tu 1886 the west coast (no other portion) of the island was overrun by countless millions of them, each pressing forward as rapidly as possible, seeming to have but one idea in view to get away from the place with all speed. They were never seen to eat and moved at a steady gait night and day. Thousands and thousands of them per ished from hunger and the attack of a larger imported rat. For eleven week the coast for 180 miles literally swarmed with kiores, but at last they suddenly disappeared. That wa six year ago. bnt the scientists have not yet de cided where they came from or where they went "New Zealand After Fifty Years." 11NAXC1AI. STATEMENT OK WINOLOW T TOWNSHIP H('1I(KI. DISTRICT, OK JEKEKKKON COI!.TY. PA., KOlt VEAK KNDINU Jl-NE 1st, Mfj. W. T. Catiikiis, I)n. State aniiropHiitlon (I 217 04 County Treasurer IK4 11 I'rom tines ! ni Kromothcrtownship n V7 Collector 4 2in :W (ilass Vt. i:i Other sources J mi f, IIVJ lit Hue W. T. Cut hers t ss7 Itt W. T. Cathkhs.Ch. Credit by vouchers (a .'171 72 Percentage lis 27 Interest p () Auditing hoi Secretary 22 II H Ml) to On dog fund , 142 :) Credit by vouchers. . 77 ot rcr cent l M th n4 To balance ic 711 Audited on the the Nth of June, 1SH2. W , I. Iln, 1, is, 1 Tnos. HrTciiiHim, ! Aiidltorit, W K.Oahvin, ) for $tatr Stcnntov. jJk)K state senate: J. G. MITCHELL OP KERRY TOWNSHIP, Hiili.lect to the action of the Republicans of jenerson couiuy 111 ine primary election, June is, law. Jj'OR STATE SENATOR, w. .1. Mcknight, OP 1IKOOKV1LLE, PA., Horn, reared and lived In tho county. A tax- r layer, aciiialnted and ludentlHed with your nlcrests. Herved In tho Senate from isso until 1KS4. A Candidate for re-nomliiatioii now as Senator, and for a second term at 1I10 Rclllltllicilll primaries of JetTerson count v. Ph.. June IN, Ikk. A Republican campaigner. worker and voter forthlrty-Hvo years. LahorsunnortNthe State. TheStateshould firotect labor. The Iniportat Ion of contract alsir stopticd. Jefferson county to lie given two mcnilx'rs In the Legislature. Hchool hooks 10 1m furnished free by the Ht ate to nil thescliisils. The Insane te lie classified and thoexponse of llicirsupport paid by the State. Free schools In fact School tax aisilislnwl. schools to be maintained anil siiptsirted hy the State. Honesty and economy with the people's money. Justice to the soldier. Ills w idow and his orphan. inns is your ptattorm veto tor mo Juno IS, lxttt. JjOR 8TATE SENATE: Dk. Wm. F. BEYER, OP PUNXSCTAWNEY, PA. Hiih.loct to the action of the Republicans of Jefferson county at the primary election, June is, isir. fov eermblu. Jfou assembly: WILLIAM O. SMITH, OP PUNXSUTAWNEY BOROUGH, Piihjcct to action of the Republicans of JetT erson county at the primary election, June in, isiu.i JjOR ASSEMBLY, JOHN W. PHILLIPPI, OP W1NBLOW TOWNSHIP. Subject to the decision of the Democratic voters of Jefferson county lit tho ensuing primary election. TgOK ASSEMBLY, JAMES E. LONG, OP BHOOKVILLE BOROUUH, 4ublect to the action of the Republicans of lellerson county ut the primary election, June IS. Til Kit It IH A Mi; DM' IN IS ('oniiMHtd of Ihii oKM'htlnl virtue of imimit'H rtMitt-itttt, rontrt, tmi'k-i, IhtIm itutt iMMMi-Khlhtf llllll Vt'lollH (MHIiliVO IHIWtTH OVt'l II 1 1 lliKt'HM'M nf tho Htoiniu'li, llvur, Mmhyn, IhiwIh and Ii1mh1. TIiIh mi'dli'lnu.kuowii um Hr.liurKomi'H Ny mIc in Ki'iinviilor, lmn itmvtMl mi mwvi'HHful lu (MJiinjx ilyHttilH, hllllnuMit'Hri, roiiHtlpu tion, IimkIuWih, ImU IiIimhI, tlml thn Din-tor now tiiuriiutii(H It. Tlit' 1 j why Htilfrtr when you mil um! a ivinedy t hut liu i-ui nl ho many other. It hiiH alrto proven wonderfully ue tM'rthfull in imhIiik female dUeaM. $1 a hol l!t, or tt for ttj.MOat vour dnnruiNtN, oruddrenni 41 OhloMi-eet, Allegheny Oty, I'u I. H. The loeioi- Inu heelalUl In cuitwtf taixH woniiri, etmeerM and all chronic dlt)uti. Write ford re ul ur umt tetlmonhiU. Hold by li, Aiux. btoUu, ituyijoldHVllIu, Tit. YOU CAN READ THIS WITH A FEELING THAT EVERY LINE IS FREE From Exaggeration. The entire community by tliis time is thoroughly acquainted that we moved In our new store room in the NOLAN JtLOCK, better known as tho OOH DON BLOCK. Kindly bear in mind what we announced in our last circular about cultivating your custom. There 5r nothing that we won't do to make yon our customer. We recognize the necessity of gaining the confidence and good will of the masses, and it is to our interest to make every effort to please them and deal STRICTLY ON THE SQUARE WITH THEM. BOLGER BROS. Have AlwAys endeavored to do this and have never failed. Nothing pleases us better than to see the son of toil visit our establishment to inspect our magnificent stock of tailor made garments. We dont' say we will save you sixty per cent, as a great many dealers who advertise larger than we do but there is one thing certain and that is we will give you full value for YOUK HARD EARNED MONEY, and remember that it is nec essary to beware of advertisers that PROMISE EVERYTHING and FULFILL NOTHIN0;nothing more than traps to catch hold of you, IT'S ALL GLITTER and NO . SUBSTANOK. All we ask of the public is to be good enough to give us a call when in need of FIRST CLASS TAILOR MADE CLOTHING and GENT S FUR NISHING GOODS and the Prices we will make you will certainly add you to our already large list of custom. Again asking you to be kind enough to remember us and our new store room in the Nolan block We remain sincerely, The Peoples Servants, mainStrkkt BOLGER BROS. ill y" C. F. Hoffman, Specialist in lenses for the eyes. Examination free. jP. GOODER : : : : The Leading Jeweler of Reynoldsville Wishes to announce to the readers of this paper that ho carries a full and complete line of- Watches - and - Jewelry. ltKl'AIHINO OK Watches, Clocks and Jewelry A Hl'KCIALTY. ENGRAVING ON ALL GOODS HOLD FRKK OV CHARGE. GIVK MK A Satisfaction G uarantceil. CALL HHKORK GOING ELSEWHERE. Opposite Stoko's Drug Store. 'roceryBoomer W BUY WHERE YOU CAN GET ANYTHING YOU WANT. Salt Meats, Smoked Meats, CANNED GOODS, H TEAS, COFFEES U AND ALL Km ot Country Produce FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO, AND CIGARS, Everything In the line of Fresh Groceries, FeeoV Etc. (iootl tlrHvereil free nn place in town. Call on and get prke. & J j W. C. Scliultz & Son. DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Reynoldsville, Pa. I SJDRROf Specialties -: Fine DRESS GOODS, Wl AND CLOTHING. OUR MOTTO Good Goods AT LOWEST PRICES. N. HANAU DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions am Underwear, LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WRAPS. inif! ! IT 6 HATS AND MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Fine Shoes. REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. ftWIl (M A UlUlUlll t