"Arcragft" People. The genius soars far to tbe fountain' That feeds the snnnr-cap In tbe skri Dut thouuli our wing break In the flying, And though our souls faint in the trying, , .Our flight cannot follow ao high; And the cagls swoops not from the moun tain To answer the ground-bird's low cry. The worM baa a gay guerdon ready To ball tbe fleet foot of the race; But on the ilull highway of duty. Aloof from the pomp and the beauty, The atlr and the chance of the chase, Are tollers, with etep true n't 1 ateidy, Furaulng their wrarlaonie.pace. False prowess and noisy InsistPnee May rapture the garrulous throng, Hut the "average" father an I brother, Tbe bnnie-kri'plng sister and mother, Grown gentle and patient an I strong, Shall learn In the f.it-ne:iring d.sta n' Wherein life's awards have been wrong. Then hcre't to the "average people," The makers of home and its rests To them the world turns for a blessing AVben life its hard burdens la pressing, For atay-nt-home hearts are the best. Birds build It' they will In the steeple, Bat safer tho eaves for a nest. May llllcy Smith, in Harper's tlazar. THREE BANKNOTES. "Well, Georgo, you ought to bo eatisfled. You huve won llireo thou eand franca I" "Yes," said Ilia other slowly, "but well 1 liuvo made ap in mind nvor to piny ngnln, never to touch another cord, and, as for litis money, I (hall give It owny." "I don't understand you!" "You needn't. Tlio fact remains hat I havo dono with gambling. Ii is a t'ontcmptlblo way, to poss tho (line, respcctablo thoft, sanctioned robbery. And theso lllgotteu gains hall bo dietributod ua thoy were wou by chance." "What do you mean?" "Tills: I (hall scatter Ions tho boulevards. those notes Who finds them may keep them." "A good bono It very seldom found by a good dog," returned Leou doubt fully. "We almll aco. Tlila la my last gamo of chance It may prove amusing, possibly even instructive. See I I lay this banknote -down here, where the gaslight falls on it. Now! hidden In the shadow we shull watch tho Indi vidual who picks it up, to find out what ho will do with it. For my purl t believe in human nature." Ilia friend looked amuzad and, hav ing nothing better to do, agreed. After some minutes' walling the young men, woll hidden la a dark doorway, saw a poor, ragged follow stumbling along with his eyes fixed od the ground. Would be pats tho aoto or not? "Poor creature," thought George, ' "he is probably hungry, half starved jserhaps. What oy this turn is going to carry to his wretched homo. Ah I be sees it! he stops! lie picks it upl Bravo! Now we shall follow him homo." "Come then," tali Leon, still skop tical. yTh raggod mnn stood motionless 'trader the Tamp post. His face flushed, theti turned haggard, and he soemud stupefied. Ho throw furtive ftlancea v&round him, as if he feared soma one "might appeur to claim his treasure. Suddenly his face cleared. ; Try to And an owner," ha sneerod, 'not much! I'm too thirsty. A man mho drops a thousand francs must fcave plenty more or ho wouldn't bo so areless." 11a pulled down the formloss, torn, 4amentable object, that he probably called a hat, drew it well over his eyes and hurried dowu a neighboring street. "Was I right?" exclaimed Georgo, triumphantly. "The poor matt is hurrying home to cheer his family with this piece of luck." "Wait a minute," replied hit friend, don't rejoice to soon. Thero! ho bus turned Into a wiue-ahop; Just what I .expected. 'Yes, so ha lias," murmured George .1 , - . I ,, ..If. . eorrowimiy , iiioii, uusimaiuiy --no i probably means to ask them to change vthe uo'to." r -"He mean to spend it, jnon cher, nd on absinthe. In an hour or two bo will be uproarious, he will display hi money and be marched off to the police station like the rascal he Is, for remembor this, 'objects found ou the Dublio street do not belong to thoso who And them.' " "Wall, ha did not merit hi good fortune. So much the worse for him. Now for the next one." You persist?" "I persist. I feel sure that we shall find one bouest man." : "Optimist I" " To second banknote, placed on tbe earn spot, was almost immediately tploked up by en elegantly dressed f eung man who stood for an instant araxlug at It with delight "Why!" whlpercd Goorge, "that I young Marine! Poor fellow, this time hnzird brings about a vo.'ltnblo restitution, for I won just about that Htnottiit from hi in tonight. Fate owed him this good fortune Aftor tonight's experience over baccarat ho will bo wiaor. lie has no income to spoak of, and once cured of his gambling mania ho may act to work, thanks to this thousand-franc note so miraculously laid In his way." "You believe that ! A gambler is never cured. Miriao did not hesitate an instant about appropriating tho money which prove that his honesty is loss than that of the wretched drunkard who found tho first note: for Hint miserable crcaturo had a struggle between vice and duty. ' Be sides, wo arc following Marian, nnd look at him ! he has turuod back to tho c'.ttb. In flfieuu itiiuutes ho will como out ngaiu without a coin loft and wili be as passionato a plnyor as be fore Give the other baukuoto to aomo charitable bureau, Don Quixote of optimism, that will be bettor than continuing your experiment." "No, I shall carry out my Kloa,' cried George, with some vexation, and ho tossed up tho third and lust bank note iu t lie air, letting it f ill whoro it would. For a momont tho note hovored un certain, then carried by the breeze It fluttered down at the feet of a passer whose attire, without denoting ex tie mo want, yet gave evidence of a do cent, self-respecting, but unmlstuka b! poverty. The man started back as tho pnper fell, then bent nnd plckod it up. He gave a stifled cry as he saw what it was, then lie looked around and stood for a little while motionless as if lost in thought. After that, very slowly, us if Ills feet wo-o made of lead, he tottered toward a bench and sat down. The two friends, uflecting to saunter carelessly by, turned nnd sat down noar him. As tlioy did to tlio mnu moved restlessly, as If to take flight, but changod his mind, and burying hishaadiuhlt hands ho scorned to think deeply. Presently, forgetting the presence of others, ho began to mutter: "She Is dying . . . My children aro hungry ... I am faint for want of food . . . This money would bo life and health to my wife . . . broad for my littlo ones . , . who could have lost it? ... At this hour ... it could not have been a wretch like me . . . who would hesitate lu in my place?'' George and Leon had rlaon qulotly and were standing behind him. Ho was too despcrato to notico that ho was not alone. Poor fellow, his faco was pale and thin, oven bony; his cheek bones jutting out with leanness; his eyes sliouo with fover; although ho was still young his beard was almost white. He had suffered cruelly, that was evident; want aud privation had aged him prematurely. He was cry ing now, the tears foil fast, aud ho was shaken by his sobs. Thou ho roso abruptly. "The temptation and struggle last- do longer than with the others," said Leon; 'but he has yielded as thoy did, Strange to say, I feel milled at this confirmation of my worst thoorlos." Still wo may as woll follow him," replied George; "the wife and chil dren are interesting." The man waltted fast, ho turned the corner of the Faubourgh Mont- marto, and walked straight on with a fixed gaze that saw nothing.-' , "I feel sure ho is suffering atro ciously," said Georgo, with emotion. "Nonseuso!" repllod Leou, "If he suffers at all it is bocauao ho found only one bank note." All at once the man stopped and the two friends were almost thrown ugainst him. Above the door of tho building before which ho stood bung red lauteru marked: "Police sta tion." As the man was entorlng Goorge laid his hand on his arm. "Whoro are you going?" ho asked. "I want to see the commissary. Are you an agent?'' "What do you want with tho com missary?'' "I have something to give him something I found." "You may keep it," said Georgei smiling kluUIy. "Keep the money? Nevorl" ex claimed the man ludignantly. "Why not?" "Because this banknoto burns my fingers; because a little while ago.it made me doubt my own honor; be cause this little time that I have held it has been enough almost enough to make me cancel an honest past; be cause It is evil money aud nearly made me a thief." "You are' right," said George, ap provingly, while be raised bis bat re. spectfully; "you sro right. Tbe I hou sand frauo note that I lost ou pur pose was won at baccarat. I give it o you; take it for your children." And as the poor man, blushing with liame made a slight gesturo of re final: "Pardon mo." added George, I expressed mysolf so badly; allow me lo lend you this money." Woll," said Leon, later, "aud what huve wo loaruod from your ex periment P That only ouo man In three is honest?" 'Is it not 'rather that we must nevor despair of human nature?'' replied George, hopefully. From the French, in the Voice. Fishes That II nil I iH. "Quo of the queorost (lilies in tho world is tho 'gouramis,' " said nil Ichthyologist to a reporter. "It Is na- tivo to tli'i freali waters of Cochin China, farther India, Java, Sumatra mid Uoruoo. Specimens ha to been known lo attain a length of six feet and a weight of 110 pound. Tho flesh Is so delicious that offorts liavo been mado (o acclimatize tho crcaturo in many othor countries, but thus far these attempts have beon successful only on the Island of Mauritius. About SO of them were imported into the island of Cuba aud planted in ponds some yoars ngo, but, although they grew and wore healthy they did not brood. Accordingly, aftor a while, tho prospects for propagating the spocles bocamo so hopeloss that the governor had them served up one by ono upon bis tablo upon stiito occa sions. Tlio same difficulty has boon met with clsowhcre. "The 'gouramis' aro chiefly romark nolo for tho fact that they build nests liko birds. At the breeding season they pair off, each couple selecting a spot among wator-plauts and forming a ncarlv spherical nest, composed of a poculiar kind of floating wood, which grows lu tufts on the surface of tho ponds and plastered with mud. Tho neat Is us t illy about six luchos In di ameter, its construction occupying the llslios for fivo or six days. Where they are propagated their task Is niudo easier by placing in the water branches of bamboo, to which bunches of tho grass referred to are attached. Tho gouramis tiiko this grass and with it mako their nest in tho srbmcrged branches of bamboo. Whou It is tin- shed the fuuiiilo deposits her oggs iu it to tho number of from 800 lo 1000. "While (ho eggs aro undergoing the process ot Incubation tlio parents guard tho nest watchfully, rushing liorcely ut any Intruder, and this caro for the safety of thoir young is con tinued aftor tho lattor are hatched. During Infancy tho young ones tlnd refuge In the nost from a thousand dangers which would otherwise threaton them, and tho grass compos- ng the nest furnishes tliom with tholr oarliost food. When thoy are a few days old the small fry bog hi to make short excursions from tho nest, always u charge of their parents and swim ming togetlior in a shoal. This Is continued until they aro able to look out for thomsolves." Washington Star. Laborers In Alaska.' Tho working-mail need not complain u Alaska. Three dollars a day, with board and lodging provldod by his employers, aro minor's wago. Indiau work mon in tho mines rocoive two dollars a day, and "tlnd" themselves. Tho cost of provisions adds a dollar a day for each while employe to the expoiuos of the mining company, nud with these iioins lu the operating expenses, any fractions of dividends sufficiently prove tho rich ness of tho mlues, Hydraullo mining begins in May aud lasts until Octobor; and unless thoy aro situated In snow, choked canons, difficult of access, the quurtx-uillls can run nil the year round. Tho groat Treadwell mill on Douglas Island thunders ulght and day, winter and summor. grinding out In (he twelve months ending with last May $709,705.80 sufficient to answer to nil that ha beon said against Alaska' bolng or becoming a great inltilug country. Harper's Weekly. An Inherited Attitude. Father Your school report is gen erally good, but you aro marked very low lu deportment. Why Is that? Boy I always forget and stand on one foot and rost the othor on a railing or something when I recite, and toacher marks me for that I told her I couldn't help It, aud she said maybe I Inherited It "Inherited it?" "xesslr. biie said that's the way men staud when they are talklug over bar." Good New. Grapes at Brisbane, Queensland, bring very low prioes and are not psylng crop. FOB FARM AND GARDEN. fnKsmtvisa wms. The beat time to pack eggs is in March, April or May, and ngain in the months of Soptembor, October or November. Tho safost and most pop. tilar plan for preserving eggs is tho ono known as liming, and the usual formula for the lime solution is twen. ty pounds of frosh lime and ono pound of salt to ten gallons of water. This amount will cover half a barrel of eggs. don't nuitnv tiih cows. Cow should never bo hurried, over driven or ill-treated, especially lu hot weiithor, bocauso that seriously injures tho milk and renders it liable to sour- Milk taken from an over-driven cow would scur sooner than under ordinary clrr.umstauros. Milk of good, wholosomn quality Is necessary for the production of line butler and cheese. To have good milk tho cows must receivo good, wholesome food and water, and must bo treated kind ly. Upon the quality of the milk largely depends the quality of tho pro duct made thoro from. The most skilled butter or cheeso maker, crammed with all the scientific knowlodgo available, could not turn out a fino quality of butter or cheeso from mi Inferior quality of milk. lAini-ilcan Dairy man. POfl.Tltr FOIl Oltl'tlAltKS. While it is an undisputed fact (hat an orchard is one of (ho best places Iu which lo establish a poultry yard, wo have found poultry to be excellent for fruit trees. Wo have sixteen Shockloy applo trcoi, now seven years old, standing lu and around our poultry yards. So mo of these standing direct ly in (ho run of tho fowls, have had as many apples as any fivo of the trcos on the otttsldo. This is conclusive evidciico that tho one is beneficial to the othor. The chickens destroy all bugs and other insects that prey upon tho trees and fruit; at (ha same timo they keep down all grass and weeds, and keep the surface of tho ground scratched up and iu a mellow condi tion, thus promoting tho health and vigor of tho trees. Some have been litorally hanging with nice apples, and so heavily laden thnt we wcro com pelted to koep tho limbs well proppod lo keep them from breaking down. Shado is one ot the Indisponsables about a poultry establishment during the summor months, and It Is corlaiuly better and more profitable lo have some variety of fruit. We, at the soma time, get tho needed shado, whilo we get a bountiful supply of delicious fruit, if of tho right kind. Wo would certainly advise all to havo orchards for poultry and poultry for orchards, for tho one will be groatly beuollted by the othor. Poultry Guido. JUMIMNO HOUSE'S. The most effective cure for a jump ing horso Is a good fouco. Low or weak feucos are tho cuuse of this trouble If a fonou is made of ten heavy ruils with one on ton stout enough to hold the animul, and staked so that it cannot bo pushed off, no horso but a professional jumpor will go ovor or through It. Jumping horses havo been cured of the bad habit by inclosing them with such a fence until they have found trying to got over it useloss, and havo after. ward beon quiet insldo of a fonce that they could have easily jumpod over previously. A poke is unsightly and mostly useloss and dangerous, while a burbed-wire fence is a moans of imply inviting (ho loss of a horso. If auy kind of wire fonce is used for horses it should have alternate boards with the wires and a heavy board on top. A "horse-high" fonce is not less tlmu six foet. It i a great pro tection to a fence to plow a deop fur row inside of it (o as to throw the horse's feet in It when in the act of (limping. This is equal to raising the fouco two feol, if properly placed, which is about two feet from tho bottom of the feuce. Another effec tlve and sato protection is a smooth, twisted band wire, stretched on the top of tlio fonce one foot above, or, it a rail fence, along the middle of it, so as to prevout the horso from rising to the jump. New York Times. SCAB IX WHEAT. One of the great staph) products of America Is wheat. The wheat crop Is seriously reduced lu quantity and de predated In quality by four distinct diseases rust, bunt, smut and scab We shall talk about the last one in this article, because there La been loss written about it, aud it promise to be of great importance. Last year seem to bare been the first year that this disease came into prominence. The experiment station of Indiana is the only ono that has published a bullous on the dlsoase, and this simply gives liort nrllclo describing the effect and probable source of the plant Tho loss in thl aection from the dlsoaso was cat. My attention was first ealled to the fact that about a week or two before harvest a groat many heads were seemingly ripening too early and lookod withered. I visited a Hold and found one In every six or sevou heads that had the fungus upon it The whole head is seldom destroyed. Gen erally toward the middle or top of the head the grains wither, and boforo the ripening of the unaffected part tho gluinos are covered with tho fungus, and the ripening spores givo them a red color at tho base. All tho farmers liore know the disease. There has been little written about It bccauio littlo is known of Its peculiarities. Tlio spore probably lights apon the grain while In bloom and germinates, soudlng out Utile threads that resent bio roots, which penctrato tho grain I and suck from It the nourishing mat- tor (hat should mat tiro the fruit. Find ing an abundant supply of food theso littlo hair roots branch off and multi ply themselves till the grain Is filled with them. The diseased partfmay extend to the sloni and thorcby Injure the part of the head abovo. I1 It Is im portant (o know whether they pass I lie winter In (he spuro or whether they onlo'r tho stem at tho timo of germination of tho wheat. St. Louis Hcpublic. Ot'IXKAS. For (he cost and trouble required in raising them guineas are among the most profitable) fowls that can be raised on tho farm. Thoy prefer (o scok their own food In the meadows and fields, and so long as they can find plenty themselves, they will not come home to get It In this thoy eat up a groat number of worms and grubs, and keep down bugs and booties to a great extent. A good flock of the birds need a large range, and every farm of any size should bo blessed with a few at least. It is not profitable to attempt to raise them on small ranges, for they will not thrive when cooped up tho same as tho othor barnyard fowls. ' '"'iCtwi A flock of about 20 will forago ovor a farm of CO to 100 acros,and by their persistence they will keep down all tho bugs nnd insects. Thoywlll do more. They will help kon down many noxious weeds and wMf plants. The gulnoas aro also the mnTl 'rust- worthy watchdogs. If taughtito roost lu tho hennery or close to It, thy will give the loudost alarms as sooiuas an enemy approaches. Dogs, toxes and human beings alike attract their atten tion, and they keep tip (ho shrill crios until tho enemy has left the place. A groat many poultrymen try to keep a fow guineas in their flocks simply for (his one purpose of giving-the alarm wlion chicken thieves conio arouud. The hens always hide their nests. and often in very obscure places, but If one watches them carefully iu tho brooding season they are easily dis covered. They always make a shrill noise wlion they come off the nost, aud those always betray them to thoso on the watch. All tho hens of a flock lay in one nest, nud in such a place it is not uncommon to fiud from 150 to 200 eggs. Each guinea lion that is good for much will lay about 123 eggs a year, and tbeso can generally bo sold for prices that range a little less tian chicken eggs. It should be romem bered, however, that the cost of feed ing the guineas ha practically beon nothing, while the bens of tho com mon fowls have required heavy food lug all the year round. One guinea hen will bring into tho world a big brood of young ones, and thoso can generally bo sold at a fair price. The eggs can bo hatched under the bens in tho poultyhouse or in tho Incubator. It takes about four wooks for them to hatch. . ' "SWfcrMi Iu robbing the nests caro . should be taken not to touch it with the bauds. The guinea hen can tell immediately If the bauds have touched the nest, and she .will leave It immediately, seeking another place. But if the eggs are removed with a stick sho will never dosert the nest, even if the eggs are taken out nearly every day or two. Boston Cultivator. VAIIM AND OAIWF.X NOTES. On a mild day every now and' then open and thoroughly air the cellar. Farmers as well as other folks should take time to eat, drink and sleep. . Good shorts with bran and a little corn make a good milking ration for sows that are suckling pigs. jjrv Matty girls, whose parents are la modorato circumstances, might obtain an inoome by raising poultry and sTg v FOB TUG HOUSEWIFE. UIMTCS AT IIOMB. A scant quart of new milk, ono fourth of a yoast cake, one tablespoon f ul of sugar. Dissolve tho yoast In tome of the milk; dissolve the sogar in ono or two tablespoenfuls of hot water. Mix nil together and put into pint bottlos with patont stopper; sot in a warm placo four or llvo hours, then cork aud put in a rofrigerator twenty-four hours, when it will be roady to drink. New York Press. ENHI.ISII MUTTOX CHOrS. To broil mutton chops aftor the English fashion: Salt aud poppor one sido nud, putting llio chops, between the bars of a folding gridiron, put that aido first ovor a very clear, hot fire. Allow them to remain two min utes till colored ; pepper nnd salt tho other sido nud reverse tlio gridiron; broil two mi mites nud turn ngaiu; repeat thli process without tlio salt nnd popper, eight limes, shortening tho time to ono and a half minutes after the first round. When the chops aro soft to the touch, open tho grid, iron and tnko them out with tho fin gers, novor touching a fork to them till thoy aro on tho table. Servo on a hot plaitor with molted buf.cr. Now York Times. x SIlIltUKIJ twos. Butter nn earthen pio dish, nnd break into it ns many eggsas required. It will be well to adapt tlio dish :u the number of eggs you nro going (o use as (hoy should lie closely, but without crowding. Drop a bit of butter and shako a littlo pepper and anlt on each and place lu the oven until the whites aro sot. Tho dish should bo hot be foro it goes lu tho oven, and two minutes' cooking will generally suffice, as the heat of tho dish cooks thorn a little moro after (hoy aro removed to tho tablo. Cooked In this way, they are far more digostlblo, nud, there fore, preforablo to fried eggs which, through improper cooking, aro so often sorved tough or scorched, crisp and horny. Thoro aro little indi vidual shirred egg dishes with covorS and short handles which aro most con venient and furnish a pretty addition to a breakfast table. Keep tho covors hot and put them on aftor tho oggs are taken from (ho oven. American Agriculturist IIOUSKIIOLI) HINTS. To koep lemons frosh put them in cold water. Salt, if appliod Immediately, will surely prevout wiuo stains. In whipping croam, don't let the boater touch tho bottom of the bowl. Boiling lard smokos In tho ceulro wlion it is sufficiently hcatod for use. In cooking touglt meat or an old fowl, add a pinch of soda to the water to make it louder. White spots cau be removed from furniture by holding a hot Iron over but not ou the place. Tho purer tho tea, tho more distinct ly will tho brown color of tho leaf strike your attoutiou. ; Never loave a spoon In anything re quired to boil quickly. Tho spoon couduots boat away from tho liquid. A good handful of salt should be added to tho wator lu which matting ' is washed. The salt koops the matting iu color. Do not uso soap. Damp salt will tuko off tho dls coloratious ou cups aud saucers caused by tea aud caroless washing. Dates aro quito another article when cut iu two, the stouos removed aud the fruit soaked lu boiling milk, with some shreds of lemou peoU However good baking powders may be, if a recipe calls for the use of soda and you do not huve it ou hand, do uot attempt to uso baking powder lustead, for the result is ruin. Take ouo pound of copperas and eight ounces of crude carbolic acid, dissolve lu a gallou of water, spriukle I the places lufestod with insocti aud it will effectually drive them away. It Is a very common mistako to mend gloves with sewitig silk. Thread of different shades, made for tho pur-' pose, aud glovo ueodles may be bought at small cost Manufacturers uever use silk. It is well worth remembering that if aftor dust and dirt are removed from boots and shoes they are rubbed with a soft cloth and a very little vase line before blacking they will look bettor aud last longer. Tho following recipe for icing will be found inexpensive and good. Three tablespoonf uls of milk. Let It come to a boll. Then set It aside. When cool add one teaspoonf ul of vanilla or other extract, stir In confectioners' sugar until thick enough to spread