The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 15, 1892, Image 4

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    snt Stat.
SnhKcriptlnn tt.HO ;wr inir, in nifmiMV.
Aj 1nlHiif1i'iit Iim'hI print, niltlNlH'dpvfry
WftliH'Milny nt U'yiMil(Nvllli', JcffcrMnii Co.,
In., llt'vnli'cl lo Ihc Iti'li'Mtw of Ht'ynoltlMVlllt
HtKl .It'fTcrMnnpnlllily. NiHt-tlhtrnl, will trvut
nil with ftilrm, imtl will Im' M'liif1y frli'iul
ly InwuriU I ho hOmi-lntf rlnw.
Htilwrlptlnn irlcTl.:ViM'rypnr,ln nrivniifft.
Cmmnunli'ntliittq lutcntli'n for imlillrnllmi
mutt In ncriimimnli'tf liy tlio wrlirr' nnnu,
not for niiltlli'iiiloti. but nit n ffmiriiMtcf' of
Kmh1 fiitlli. InM'riwtliiir ni'Wn Itfttm wilti'ltfMl.
AHvitIImImu rul' iiiiulo known on Hpplli'ii
tlon nl thtMiAVp In Arimlil' llltirk.
Iictmlilr I'oniintinli'iilloiiK mid rliiinvn of
rlvirtlMnieiitii nhotilrl rt'iirh tlilM nlllre hy
Momlny noon.
Ail(lii'x nil i-nnimitnh'nllonii tol A. Htpph
onmin, Hiynohl4vllln, 1'n.
CI. A. aTKPMKNKO, Klllor mill Pub.
Tlio Demnrratic Nntlonnl Convent Inn,
which meets at C'hlciiB') en the 21t
iimt., will ho Bnothor linportiuit jrut ti
ering, ono thnt will ho of (front Interest
to the o()plo of the I'liltoil Stilton.
Ijwt weelm' Itwun f tlio liriMikvllln
Jlrjmblirnn eontulneil it lung nnony
moim letter tunlclng It npioiir to tho
voloro of thin cmiiity that thorn wiw
grave diiutit In tho event of Mr. Hmlth
getting tho nomination mid election
for Aaxenilily, of hi Ix-ing ulilo to
get nnd hold a mnt In tho 1'ifUln
ture. Tho writer of tho wnrerow
ortlelo did not nlgn Ills inline, ho Ih
donhtlcHfl Intelligent enough to ho
OHhnmod to futher hiicII nn hImiu'iI jhii
duct Ion. Wo received iicoininiinlcutliin
from Mr. Smith giving a pluln nnd
thorough exluimtlon of tho Hitimtloii,
hut did not have npaoe for tho iirtlcle.
It In iikcIcbx for tho author of tho hug-a-boo
article UjHiippono tho people will ho
hoodwinked that way. We believe In
hetng Jimt with all men.
A catalogue of the HVMtein of study lit
Chautauqua. N.Y.. for the inontliHof .Inly
and AugUHt Iiiih lieen IhhidmI. The fue
tilty of Chant timpia College and Melionlx
of Naorod Lltrnture l the bent tho conn
try can produce. Those who desire two
monthx of educational advantages hIioiiIiI
not miss this opportunity. Kngllnh,
Latin, Creek, rhyshu. Chemistry,
Geology, Mathematics, History, Poli
tical Kconomy, Philosophy, Hebrew,
Now ToHtament Creek, Ac., will lie
taught, Ih-hUIcb tin.' schools of Physical
Education and music, classes In Art,
Elocution, Kindergarten, Sloyd, etc.
Tho tuition for tho two months is very
reasonable. HesldeH tho Kducatlonal
advantages offered by tho C'liautaiiipiu
College, tho student can enjoy tho
pleasures and lnvlgoratlons of that
delightful siiiiinier ii'sort.
The awful disaster on tho banks of
Oil Creek adds one more to the list of
dreadful Minx calamities In our State.
Here, again, the poorly constructed
dam plays its dreadful part in the
tragedy. Gas and oil united also to
shed a lurid light on tho stage while
scores perish. Titusvlllo and OH City
are in great need. A local committee
has boon appointed and citizens of Hoy n
oldsville are requested to add their
offering to those of other towns.
New York, with hor J accustomed
liberal spirit, has subscribed -1M. One
gentleman of Philadelphia has alone
given toOO. President Harrison promptly
sent ft subscription of $200. One near by
town, herself aflllcted, has Bulwcrlbcd
tl, 500, and wo trust Reynoldsville may
be able in her town toromombor liberal
ly those In need. Let us not be actuated
by the spirit of the metropolis of our
country, but rather by tho spirit which
has led to the credltahlo gifts of smaller
but more generous towns.
The Minneapolis Convention Is over
and Its work done. Harrison and Hold
is tho ticket of tho Republican party in
the coming Presidential campaign.
We think Cleveland and Boise is likely
to be the Democratic ticket. The cam
paign, whoever are the uomlnoos of tho
Democracy, will be an interesting one.
Harrison's renomination was the logical
one, as his party must fight the coming
battle on his administration. His vic
tory means defeat for "Absentee" Quay,
"Free Sliver" Wolcott, "Me too" Piatt,
and the rest of the "Individual disap
pointments" crowd, as President Harri
son styles thorn. If it means that these
bosses are really to be overthrown, it
should rejoice not only tho rank and Hie
of the, Republican party, but all honest
and patriotic citizens. For the "Boss" is
the bane of our political life. Down with
the "Boss" and "Spoil System," should
be the battle cry of the great mass of In
telligent and conscientious voters of all
parties. After the nomination of Harri
son it matters but little what the plat
form of the Republican party is, for the
present administration must stand real
ly as the party's platform. The McKinley
Bill, the Reciprocity Treaties, the Cur
rency Policy, the Diplomatic Measure,
the Internal affairs of Harrison's ad
ministration must be the platform of the
Republican party in this campaign.
This one hope we may now express; that
the coming battle will be, like the fight
four years ago, a campaign of ideas, not
of personalities. Let there be no mud
throwing, but let the press and the plat
torm be devoted to a plain, clean, earn
est, and intelligent discussion of the
issues of the campaign.
It seems but just that in closing we
should say a last word of the leader
whose defeat marks the late convention.
We will have now but little to excite
Interest and create discussion, no mora
letters, no more conflicting health
bulletins, no more resignations. Fare
well, Blaino! "
Which l or Ihc llrmli-nl liitrrpat lo
Tliolianiula nl Our llt-nitero.
A Review of Vital Importance to Every
Sufferer in the Land.
ll'ltlxlnira I'lpsn.l .
The subject of health affords a' thnnio
reploto with Interest to every human
being, and Is one which may, if con
scientiously handled, prove of untold
good to humanity. Unfortunately the
subject of health, as rated In tho col
umns of tho dally press, gives the read
er no fair Idea of the relative value of
tho various treatments and aids to re
covery, but on tho other hand are paid
puffs of this and that remedy or physi
cian pnid for by tho subject dleussod
and which may or mny not he true.
The daily news'piis r can make no dis
tinction. Tho honest advertiser tho
ipieslioniihlo schemer tho doubtful
practitioner and tho rank nnd arrant
fraud linvn equal rights and claim to
space in its columns and at the counting
room, glaring advertisements contain
ing sH'cloiis promises. linHMsihlo of
fulfillment are accepted, and the render
who seeks health Is likely to ho misled
If ho places tho slightest confidence In
such claims for frequently ho who
makes I ln must pretent ions claim Is the
most unworthy and Incompetent of nil.
Tho 'nxx asks no pay from any physi
cian accepts no paid advertisement of
any proprietary medicine and has none
to servo save its rondel's and no ex
M'iiso. time or exertion shall he spared
to protect the render. In the Interest
of such the following report is now
iniiilo and upon It wo rest the reputa
tion of 2.'l years of journal Ism. The
subject now liefore us is one which has
frequently lieeh brought 'before tho
reading public, viz.: Dr. .f. A. Ilurgnou,
lit 47 Ohio street, of Allegheny City,
and his well known System Itenovato'r,
and tho other remedies ho compounds
and tho system of treatment lie pursues.
A trained nnd trusted correspondent has
just visited Allegheny In search of
reliable information concerning this
prominent sicciiilist and the result of
Ills ministrations hero and after a
thorough examination a close Investi
gation nnd a compilation of data (full
and effective) wo do not hesitate to
endorse Dr. liurgooii fully and freely
nnd to recommend his remedies without
stint. A consensus of opinion made
among the representative commercial
and tinanchil interest of the two cities
served to show how high a place in
public coii lldence Dr. Ilurironn occupies.
On all sides in the counting room In
tho marts of trade in the hanks nnd
offices of those whoso name socially.
luilustrially anil commercially are
written high in tlio role of honor from
those of unquestioned standing nnd
worth tho euloglum showered up Dr.
ihirgoon was such as to inspire strongest
conlldenco and most Implicit trust In
tho rcpi-esentntintis and promises of
relief and cure held out by Dr.Hui'goon.
Bankers, manufacturers, lawyers anil
merchant princes of Allegheny and
Pittsburg vied with each oilier in
bestowing expressions of honor, trust
and confidence on the man who to-day
Is tho acknowlcgcd lender in the medi
cal profession of the city in which he
practices the most eminent, the most
successful of all those who practice the
nonoraoie proiession oi medicine. Dr.
Burgeon is no vulgar pretender, no vain
hoaxter, no impudent quack or ehar
latan. He is an intelligent lihvslclan. a
deep reader, a profound rcasoner, a man
who by keen intelligence and closest
study, diligent application and executive
ability of a rare order has breasted the
waves or circumstance, grappled with
tho star of his destiny and stepjicd
boldly from the ranks of the ohscurn
and unknown up to an eminence that
many physicians would give half tho
years of their life to attain, and which
many seek for m vain for a lifetime and
never accomplish.
A few years ago Dr. Burgoon started
In business ponnyloss with no stock in
trade hut an honorable and untarnished
name a reputation for sterling honesty
and unlimited ambition and energy
to-day his position is a proud one Indued
his name is an honored one wherever
known a loved and revei-ed name
wherever tho rare merits of his rem-
edles have penetrated a blessed name
in thousands of homos where loved ones
have been brought up from the dark
valley of the shadow of death once more
to take their place at the family fireside,
thanks to tho marvelous power of those
remedies which he alone prepares.
A few years ago an unknown physi
cian to-day the poor of tho highest of
the land. A few years ago the com
pounder of medicine in a small way
to-day with facilities increased a thousand-fold
unable to moot this demand.
A few years ago in an obscure position
to-day in a commanding one.
What has served to make tho change
what has been instrumental In the
transformation? The pre-eminent abil
ity of the man the supremo worth of
his remedies the wondorfully-bonofi-cent
and resultful record of his treat
ment. Next year, when the nations of the
earth gather in the grand now-born
wonder of the world Chicago to do
homage to Amorlcan enterprise no
one exhibit will afford more interest
none will be fraught with greater im
portance than will the remedies and
presence of Dr. Burgoon no lectures
no musical productions will present
more unique and useful features than
will the explanations of the makers of
these marvelous and miraculous medi
cines. In every land sickness exists in
every land intlrmltios and ills of flesh
are the heritage of man. Dr. Burgoon's
cures of catarrh whore all earthly means
prove Ineffective could have been ac
complished under the same conditions
at Bombay as at Allegheny. His rare,
nay, unequaled success In canoor and
parasites could be duplicated in Berlin,
In Paris, in London.
Before tho man under whose out
stretched hand tho human system obey
the dictates of an over-mastering power
those who assemble from all parts of
the globe may well stand amazed. Not
to give such a man our heartiest ap
proval would be to do an injustice to
our readers not to Indorse his treat
ment would be to neglect the sacred
duties owing to invalid and suffering
humanity not to recommend his reme
dies would be to Ignore a wonderful fac
tor in the physical and mental regenera
tion of mankind. His treatment Is
thorough, effective, restful, sure. His
remedies are unequaled and unfailing
in their power but harmless to man,
woman or child. As to Dr. Burgoon
personally, it is not frequently it is ours
to have such an individuality as the sub
ject tor our pen. socially oeyona re'
preach professionally head nnd shoul
ders above his fellows an honornhlo
mini, a trained physician, and ono who
withal "bears without reproach that
grand old namo of gentleman."
Before such a II go re let tho youth of
America pnuso for reflection for emula
tion. Starting wit h no stock but honest
worth seo where ho Is to dayl It, Is
tho oft-told story of what pluck backed
by brain nnd steered by honornhlo en
leaver will accomplish in this grand
land of ours. It Is the magical power of
unsleeping vigilance, unsparing Inhor,
Indomitable nerve, inflexible applica
tion to duty,
Hut not by Idly sitting down and
wishing was this great consummation
achieved, not by looking back to count
the milestone, or looking with fear to
tho vista of tho future where tho shad
ows gather not by wishing, or repining
thnt Dr. Hurgism bus attained the pin
nacle of a noble ambition, but hy work!
work ! ! work ! ! I ho has honestly earned
name, fame, emolument and glory.
It is such men and such careers as
that of Dr. HurgiHin that the poet had
In mind when ho wrote:
"The hcltrht by grim! men fftilncil nml kept
Were not iittiiliii'd hy smhlfn llltrht;
Hut they, while tlii'lrrompioilons .bpt ,
Wen (olllnir iipwnnl In Ihe nlKlit."
The Responsibility Resting on the Direc
tors of County and State.
It has lieen said, anil truly, that the
chief duty of a generation of men is to
proH'i'ly train the next general ion, as
It Is a parent's duty and highest privi
lege to care for and properly train their
liefore long the school directors of
this Commonwealth will be called upon
to take a step thnt will decide, In a
great measure,! he public school interests
of tho state for years to come. ,
It remains to lie seen whether our
directors In tho country mean to use tho
."i.lKHI.lHMl of appropriation as was
intended. We are awaro that a certain
clement clamor for a reduction of local
taxation nl Hit rrwiiw (;' thr jinhtic
N-himl sitlrm, a system that has for its
prime object the lct torment of youth
In every possible way. To accomplish
this we must place a comctent teacher
in each school iimiiii in the state. Our
last Legislature appropriated $.i,INKI,(NI0
for school purposes. The Trainers of the
bill never Intended that one onny of
the appropriation should lie used to de
crease liMMil taxation, when the mill
rate Is already below what It should lie
to provide good schools. We are In
favor of a reduction of taxes, nnd Hie
cry alsiut taxes may bo abated by reduc
ing tho cost of conducting state and
county business in other respects.
Would it bo right to attempt to retrench
at the exHnse of a system that has for
Its object tho welfare of tho future
citizens of tho state?
Cod save us from any such economy.
It would he unreasonable and unjust not
to make an advance In school condi
tions. We fool fully satisfied that the
appropriation was made for the purpose
of bettering school affairs In general;
to provide better buildings, free text
books, more ample accommodations,
longer school terms and better salaries
for efllclent teachers. Let us not forgot
the blessings that we daily enjoy. In
our national life there are many things
for which wo should novor cease to bo
thankful. Among those national bless
ings, )erhaps the highest among them
is our "Public School System." The
common schools of our country are
essentially a national institution, they
ought to bo dear to all the people,
respected by all, and sustained by all.
Is it not true that they are the only
tnurce of, public prosperity?
Our public schools, then, need no
defense; they have novor noeded
defense. Our public schools wore insti
tuted with a well defined purpose, and
thoy have grown to their present state
of efficiency through the watchful care
and unoeaslng efforts of tho noblest
minded of men, and women, inspired
not by hopes of wealth and fame, but by
patriotio love of country and an unsel
fish desire to elevate man and push on
the car of human progress. Whilst
much has been done to advance the
cause of education, there yot remains
much to do. At no time in the his to 17
of the state was thore such an oppor
tunity to give tho case of human
progress a push forward. All eyes are
turned upon those who are to determine
whether Pennsylvania is to lead In a
cause that Is grand and noble.
It is our earnest prayer that the
directors may fully appreciate what a
responsibility rests upon them, and may
they determine upon a policy that will
place the schools of Penesylvania far
in advance of where thoy now are.
W. H. Stamev.
The best $2.00 shoe in the world at
Robinson's shoe store.
Card of Thanks.
We would take this method of return
ing our sincere and heart-felt thanks to
the many kind friends who so cheer
fully assisted us during the sickness and
death of our darling baby, May they
never bo called uixm to endure the same
sad bereavement is our sincere wish.
Ladies walking shoes at Robinson's
75, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 & $1.75.
ffrtfttna with th eio.
Bowman Benson Thursday, June
th. 181)2. at Ilevnoldsvillo. bv Rev.
E. Grossman, Jeff. Bowman and Miss
Bertha Benson, both of Ueynoldsville,
Dunlap Cochran On Sunday, June
12, 1H02, at 10 a. M. at the home of the
bride's parents, by Rov.W.P. Murray,
Charles u. Uunlap, of f unxsutawney,
and Miss Alberta E.Cochran, of Reyu'
oldsvlllo. '
wnen we strike we Hit Home Every Time.
Our Clothing in doing wonderful work. Our patrons are realizing
Our Clothing in not only the Cheapest but the bent in the
long run. New styles of fine all-wool suits in Cheviots,
Cassinieres, light ami dark colors
AT $10.00.
New styles of Homespuns, Worsted, Diagonals; fine Suits, worth $16
AT $12.00.
Furnishing Department
Our special offers in this department: Men's Negligee Shirts 25c,
75c, 1.00, $1.50. The goods are all designs of this season and
are aa fine as can be shown by city merchants. Men's Night stock, 75c, 91. 00,91. 50. Summer Neckwear.
We have one of the finest lines of Neckwear ever
shown by us, and remember we can show you
a tie from 5 cents to 92.00
Is filled with the choicest stock of fine Fur Durby, fin eFelt Soft and
Crush hats.
Straws I straws! straws! straws.
We have started the Straw Hat Season with a boom and "we don't
care a straw" for price. It all goes. Yachts in Canton, Jap,
Mackinaw and Senate Braids.
One hucdred styles of fine Linen Vests, fast colors, double or single
breasted worth from 1.00 to 4.00.
Ladies we ask of you to call and see the fine line of waists we are
are showing. Prices are very low and they are the
finest goods ever put on the market.
ig,Ksr "i Reynoldsville.