The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 08, 1892, Image 2

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13y Wuter, Hunting Oil and
Fcarl'iil (5n?op.
Hundred! Pariah, and Many Hundred
More Missing.
On. f'iTT, Pa., .Tun rt. Thr most appal
ling disaster In the history nf this unfortu
nate city fell upon it Sunday like a tlmndcr
bolt, resulting in (lie destruction of life and
'rTrty, which. a yt, can only be ap
proximated, sogrcnt biiiI widespread ha
been the ruin.
At 11:.'(0 o'clock Sunday morning a large
Troporlion of the population tru enjoying
the beautiful Sunday morning along the
banks and bridge of the Allegheny river
and Oil Creek, which empties Into thnt
Stream. The cause of thin unusual out
pouring rf the imputation w as n curiosity
to ree the rapid lire in both the creek itti.l
tlie river.
Word had reached here f nrlv In the morn
ing that a heavy cloud hurst had occurred
St Spartnnshnrg, above Titusvilie, and that
preat flood, weeping ilown upon that
city, bed drowned many, Put few details
bad been heard here at the time mentioned
11:30 yet hundreds lined the banks of
the twostrinms, Just w here the two streams
Suddenly the older bcids in the crowd
noticed a thin eoverinp ol oil floating on the
surface of the water, while at the runic time
an ominous wave of pas, arizing from the
crude, refined and d'stilled benzine floating
tlown, swept up from the flood, and begun
to permeate the whole volley.
"Stand back, stand hai k!" shouted a
commanding voice, and the people slowly
and unwillingly began to retreat from
bridge and bank. They were veiy slow
too alow for the volume of oil begun swell
ing and rolling, while wares of the subtle
gnt began coming1, utmost strangling tLoee
near by.
Just then a nihil on horseback pushed his
wny through the crowd", waving liis hands
and repeating in a voice of thunder, "Hand
back.'' It was known that the refineries
lining the banks fur miles had lacn wreck
ed, and with a presentiment of evil, with
one accord theie was a dash for safety.
Presently, fur up the stream came on
dull, sullen report, and immediately after
two more, instantly the great crowd
realized that theoil had taken tire, but they
were an eternity gaining this knowledge,
lis compared to'the lightning speed of lire.
What followed is indelibly imprinted upon
the minds of every panic strii ken spectator,
but no human tongue can picture the Iran
acending horror of the scene.
Attheupier end of the rity, a tinv
tongue of ilame rushed from a hovel fir oh
tbe hanks and shot across the creek like a
streak of lightning. A dull, booming ex
plosion followed, and immediately the
flame flew up and down the creek. 'I lie sur
charged air was cleared of gas in an instant,
only to he tilled with nn element far more
fatal and liorryfving.
it lecmtd as if the very heavens bad
burst into flamo niter the 11 rst explosion,
which then became a solid mass of thinie
along cm k anil rivet for two miles up and
down a lire that rolled anil beat against
bank and buildings and towered high up un
til the very hilia were lost to tight in the
bell of Ilame.
Oil City is hemmed in on all sides by ateep
hills, anil it seemed as if none could escape
the furious element, which began catching
np buildings along the cteek like to many
wisps of straw. Thousands poured out (if
tbeir homes at the sound of the first explo
sion, and had hardly gained the street when
the second and thin) reports were beard.
The entire valley was like one vast gaa
reservoir, l'cople were hurled about and
thrown down or tossed from side to side bv
the force of the explosions. Window's
crashed and buildings swayed aa if upheav
ed by an earthquake while more terrifying
than all was the midnight darkness that
covered the city like a funeral pall.
This intense blackness lasted but a few
seconds, when it was replaced by a glaring
light and the hea of the burning gas and
oil, when again a lowering cloud settled over
the valley from the black waves of smoke.
These terryfying transitions from light to
darkness and intense heat occurred in scarce
ly a moment of time, but it seemed an eter
nity to the people, who believed that their
last day bad come. Thousands prostrated
tberoselvesor were hurled to the ground,
while thousands struggled bravely against
the elements towards home and kiudred,
that they might die together.
The next Instant they were prostrated by
second explosion, only to rise to their feet
again and face what all considered their
doom. Huge waves of flsme rolled up tbe
river banks and began licking up one house
after another. The tiames began lapping
from one roof to another, then from scores
to hundreds, until within three minutes
almost the entire portion of the Third ward
was in flames.
Fully 8,000 people lived In that ward, or
Were lining the banks of the river and creek
at the time, and after the first dull lupor, a
scene of madness followed. Men forgot
who and what they were and fought down
the weaker like demons in thnr mad tush
for safety. Women and children were
swept to lbs ground and trampled under
foot by horses and men.
.- "To the hills, to the bills!" was the cry.
The insane wave of shrieking humanity
started up Center street, leaving the moan
ing, mangled forms of many of the weaker
w ere they bad been trampled In the dirt.
Behind them came the Humes in great
wavea that overtook many faltering foot
teps, while the blistering heat grew fiercer
very moment witu the added fuel of buud
reds of houses.
Then behind this maddened crowd came
few brave men, who tenderly picked up
those trampled under foot, or assisted hick
and helpless to higher ground, once that
was reached in safety, came anxiety for
friends and relatives who had been along
--tbe river banks watching the flood when
the mass of fire and smoke fell man ths
At 11 o'clock to-uight ths list of those
known to be dead or missing is as follows:
John O'Leury, express messenger, and
mother, burned; Willis Stewart, burned; K.
V. K. 1'lank, burned; Matt Lvon, employe
of railroad sho, wife, daughter aged 20,
and boy aged 12, burned; Sherd Wick, lum
ber merchant, missing; H. W. Hhafer, of
.Franklin, postal telegraph operator; J. H.
Jteilhold, member of Select Conned and
proprietor UoJIevue Hotel, burned; Junius
Roger,. laborer, drowned; James Holmes, of
Jamestown, burlier, burned; Frank Good
, rich, electrician, burned; William Eakin,
carpenter, and two grown sons, Frank and
id ward, burned: Charlet Miller, machinist,
burned; Daniel Hullivan, burned; Ed. Keat
ing,' burned; William Moran, employe eleo
nc light company, drowned; baiuucl Kith-
anlson, machinist, and four children, burn
ed; James Hums, laborer, missing; Frank
Watson, 14 years old, burned; Frank Has
scufrltie, 18 year old, burned; J. 1.. lnr
north, prominent lawyer, burned; J. II.
onpherly, oil man of large property, burn
ed: George Hawks, burned; William While,
toromnn of Continental refinery, burned;
William Terwilliper and brother John,
burned; wife ol unknown Pole: six c hildren
who have not been identified; I'd Mills and
four children, drowned; Mrs. John Munch
and child, burned; Charles Fisher, burned;
.Mr. and Mrs. Copcland and baby fix days
old. burned: Mrs Levi retters, missing; Miss
Finitia Rrigg, missing: John t'laiuler, Sr.,
missing; John Gillespie, burned. The list ol
the dead and missing at this hour is 68, but
conservative estimates of many prominent
citizens places the number at 100 or more.
"J Here are, undoubtedly, numbers of bailie
buried miller the ruins' in the burned Dis
trict, anil many bodies have lloated down
the Allegheny river. It is very probable
that some bodies will never be recovered,
and many that have are sublimed niui
charred in to be beyond recognition.
Tits INMUri'.
Tbe names of the injured, so fur ns ascer
tained, follow: F.ugeue Fritz, budlv burned;
Samuel Streck, badly burned; Mrs. I surge
Hawks and daughter, burned probably lu
tully: Nat Simon, lal oicr. badly cut'nnil
burned; Mr. Hriggs, mother ' of Fmmn
It'll!)!, seriously burned. Many others
those names are not known ate iiijuicd.
Nearly Haifa Hundred Dead and Several
Hundred Unaccounted For., Pa., Jntie (i Titusvilie was
visited on Sunday by one of the most appall
ing lire anil overwhelming Hoods in the
history of this country. A conservative
i!:mtite piste the number of live lost st
fully 4.i from lire und drowning.
The list now n'tna!!y found and known
to be iVnil is as loUcus: WHIintu fupiey,
Fred Reide. Mr. Mnrv Hulm, Minnie
llaehn, licrtie Iliu bn, Clara llaehn, I'etct
llaehti. Mrs. Fred ampl cll and two chil
dren. Oliver 1'ilgar, Joseph Spicules mill two
li l I ten visiting here fmin Warren, Frank
Whul. ii. wile and child. F. Icnicri. Nellie
C'uinii. M's. ! iirmuii ami dang liter (colored),
Mrs. A. Jmobs. Hi lila Rice. Air. Iliiglisky
and child Mrs. Jacob nnil child. A picture
fratne peddler name unknown, liolilie llohli
J I years old, Mr. Jacoh Hi'igcnhcimer and
(even children, Mis. C. I'. Caspcrsnn, Mrs.
I . C'uimi, Miiinict,ilinn; John Mcl adden.
As near hi can be pathered from the re
ports n tbev etine in the loss br destruc
tion of property will aggregate fu'llv Sl.Mm.
ln. Ail this lo is in this city, with the
surrounding country yet to tie heard from.
A large milliner of the most extensive
and prosperous manufai tnnng establish
ments now lay in ashes, mid hundreds of
homes ami business places a-e utterly wiped
out. while the streets are tilled Willi a bun
gtv. homeless, weening and distracted
ieople. morning tbe lea of lou d one who
ui e perished m the rush of wiiltti or the
fircy billows of tlaine which eiigullisi them
in ti:e twinkling of au eye as they wee
struggling it the vain endeavor to save their
The scenes of the day completely beggar
description. I'arents aiid childrcn'stnodhy,
without power to aid, anil witnessed each
other st Mingle in the clutches of the Hood
until eventually they went down to rise no
more. As sad and thrilling scenesa ever
look place in the valley ol the Conematigh
three years ago have been r.ipcatid here to
day, while thoutamls of people looked on
Without the least chance to avert them.
People do nut a yet realize the enormity
of the great catastrophe that has befallen
them. It is too full of horror for them to
grasp in a moment. Fully lino people are as
yet unaccounted for hut in the crush, hurry
and contusion it is impossible to give actual
Five men were seen to perish together.
The sight wa witnessed by tolly 2,nun peo
ple, nil powerless to render aid. The men
Imd hold of a piece of timber mid woe
struggling tu make the shore. Just a it
looked as though thev would rtuch it u
neighboring tifnk of oil exploded, and the
burning oil quickly enveloped the doomed
men. death came almost instantly. rlinrca
of case of a like (earful nature ate reported.
About midnight Sutunhiv historical old
Oil creek began suddenly to rise. Heavy niui
sltuost incessant rains have been prevalent
throughout this entire section for the pust
in ni'tw. i ins, However, noes not seem lo
bavc been the cause of the sudden rise in
till treek, although at first it whs thought to
lie the case, l.ate rvmrta sav that the huge
mill dutu, owned by Thoi'nion it Kldrcd,
and located at the little town of Pparlans
burg, seven miles above this city, suddenly
burst. This body of ariilicial wiiter was one
and one-half miles in length ntid one-lourth
of a mile wide and quite deep. That great
body of water, thus suddenly let loose.made
of this valley, in the course "of a lew mo
ment, a regular inland sea. The avalanche
of water descending when most of the in
habitants were sleeping, completely and at
once shut them off from the hiiAicr nor-
lions of the city. Notwithstanding thissnito
of affairs the danger of the city was under-
mini, nu one iinvmg me sugniesi niea tnai
the flood, dangerous as it was. was to bo soon
augmented by fire. This, however, was true,
lor at 2 o'clock Huniluy morning, immedi
ately following three terrilic explosion
wiucn shook tne ciy to us center, a great
light went up from thx direction of tbe
Crescent refinery, located on the north side
ol the creek in the Fast End, and owned by
jonn cenwartz it Co.
A second look showed the entire ninnt In
be one vast sheet of solid Maine, the light
Irora which illuminated a full half mile of
surrounding blackness and showed to the
assembled and horrified spectators the full
extent of the great calamity that had befall
en their city. The tongue's of Ilame shoot
ing leet and more straight into the
heavens; the shrieks and agonizing criesof
the lieliiles human being caged in their
dwellings like lata in a trap, in the middle
of that rushing and mighty water and with
in tue very suaiiow Ol ileum Until burning
oil, benzine and naphtha thut threatened at
any time to engulf them.
till creek, now swollen to fiOO tiinea it ni.
turul size and reaching from one hillside to
the other, presented an appalling picture.
Floating swiftly tiy on its bosom were all
lortB. manners und kinds of animate and in
animate ohiect tanks, stills with Ilia
eum in them and blowing off; houses,
bams, horses, cows, chickens, everything
almost being borne onward with a rush.
nilicinK to various oblecta.such as driftwood.
piece of boards, timbers and any other oh-
ft. i m y coum my nanus on, weie (cores or
iiimau beings, their white mid terror-
strick countenances, desperate at- ugglea and
piuuiuvr, stiiii-piercing cries mi coiiiinning
to create impressions in the minds of the be
holders never to he educed or forgotten.
About one hour from the tnno the Cres
cent works caught another alarm was sound
ed, and it was found that oil discharged
from au overturned tank further no the
creek had scattered itself oier a broad
enough expanse of water to rcich the Cres
cent lire, where it at once ignited, und in a
momenta large acreage ol the creek was
one vast sea ol tire. This blaze soon spread
tithe international Oil Works owned by J.
1'. Thomas ii Co., and they were soon in a
blaze. Then came the large retlnini; plant
and soap fuetory of Hire A Kobinwn, which
the flumes in a short time reached and con
sumed. The wind was in the right quuter
and on sped the tire, arriving In due time at
the Oil ( reek refinery and wax pluut.
Tho tire destroyed the lurge furniture
factory, store and store room oi Caspersou it
liowe, located on Hotith Franklin street; ths
Imlleu Hotel, opposite Ilia Western New
York and Pennsylvania passenger depot; the
Western New York and ceniuylvsnla
freight depot and ulmut 7A private dwelling
Figuring oe low on Wood's plant, the
total iul,a city will urobablv aimrosch
clows lr. Il,fi00,uo0. Hit partly covered by
in nvniu.
Tli loss in the county by washouts and ,
lo of brldge will be enormous, There
Is not a county or townshln bridge for man
mile that is tint washed away, and the roads
in every uireci ion are nearly uni'assaoie.
The Western New York and l'ennsylvanla
ml the I'nioti and Titusville road have
not attempted to run train and will bn
titiligeil to rml an enormous amount of
money before l rafllc can be run in any ill
Tfsst'W Nothing of Important- wn
tccompli-bed In the r'etuttcanil attet rnutine
lusine. tlie ."vmil" uiltoiiriieil.
The House started out with i-nod Inten
tions this morning to do something with the
I'i slolllre appropriation bill, but struck n
snag in tlie ciau-e proviitltig Tor rtee deliv
ery. Mr. Caldwell (Ohioi moved to Increase
the appropriation from f I'i.Co.ohi to io,.
i4f,M. and when a vice was taken he tmcln
the siint of no ipioruin. A call of the
House ensueil, a resolution w a passed re
voking leave of nlxem e except for sicklies
and the House ailjoiiriied until to morrow
w ilbont n c oni ll-oing aiivlhmg.
VH'M.nv In the Si niile (,e'if nil Fppa
lliiiiton. ii . 1 1 i 1 1 1 i I Hi nator from Virginia,
tosiniecd tl e hue f-cnator Hurl tmr, a
sworn in. Ti e tu e silver coiimgd o II wu
Ihen taken up and debu'e.l until adj iurn
lueiil, Anotl er day wa devoted by the House
to the discussion of the flee postal delivery
rvsti iii. and no progrcs wa mad" with the
lo'tollb'ei Appropriation bill, except the
adoption of an amendment proiiding that
no part of the o io,ii aproi riated lor
frii' delivery should be disbursed p,, Il4 tu
establish additional tree delivery otlicers in
any Congressional district where there may
be one or more free delivery otllces already
nor shall freedcli'-ery facilities be increased
in saiil otlicc ntiiil every oiigre-siiinal dis
trict to which thev tliiiv be placed lsiss.ssiiii
the necessary ipiiililieatiou shall have been
supplied with at least one liee delivery
olliie. Iteprcsenlative Hull, of Miiiuesotu,
introiluied ill tlie House u hill plactng coal
bituminous and rhale upon the tree list.
Almost the w hole day u as cnnsi lined in dis
cussion of point of nnb r.uiid little business
of any importance wa truusai t' d.
Tut tinnv. In the Semite the resolution
tiered yesterday by Mr. I urpie, calling lor
the correspondence w ith Haiti, Columbia
ami Venezuela, in regard to reciprocity, was
lak' ii up. und Mr. I'urpie ii.lilno.l the
Semite upon it. At the e!oe of Mr. Tiirnie'
speech, tlie resolution wa minuted. At
i ii clock, tlie lull to provide lor the
free coinage of gold und silver was
laid before the Senate, and
Mr. stfwnrt resumed his argument in sup
port ol it. At the close of Mr. Stewart
speei h tlie silver bill went, over without
iiitioii. i lie resolution reported from the
b itinm e Committee for a committee of live
Senators to impute whether the law relative
'.n National bank f in nishes sullli irnt pro
tection to depositors ami othercredilor. mid
to investigate recent failure of National
blinks, ami any other violation of law or ir
regularities was in-reed tu. The Senate then
proceeded to executive business, and at 4
o'clock adjourned till Monday next.
The House went into committee of the
whole, Mr. Itiichanan, of Virginia, in the
chair, on the tuistiifllce impropriation lull.
Mr. Illount. of lirorgin, offered nu amend
ment reducing by J,.H! the appropria
tion for inland transportation bv railroad
routes, and nitlhorizing the Postmaster
tfeneral to readjust the compensation to bn
paid niter July 1, letM, for the transport
ation of mails on railroad route bv reduc
ing the comia-iisation to railroad companies
for the transportation of mails III per cent
from the rate hssed on the we.giit fixed
and allowed by the net of June IT,
Fending action the committee toie: The
House then adjourned.
l' iiii'AY1 he Senate was not in S's-uon.
Alter some morning business tlie House
went into committee of tbe whole on the
postollice appropriation bill. Mr. Iluchnmin
of Virginia in the chair. Mr. Scott of Illi
nois offered an nmendiiieiit providing that
no part of the appropriation for stumped
envelopes shall be used to pay for or furnish
stamped envelopes having the names of ally
business firm, corp.irution or advertising
device printed thereon, and making it un
lawful for the postmaster general to have
tequest for the return of letter primed mi
liny envelope sold by the postollice depart
meiit, provided, however. Hint the depart
ment miiv continue 'o furnish stamped en
velopes containing the word. "i not de
livered within lo day, return tie .'
Agreed to.
Hatciiiiw Senate not In session.
In the House several hills were called up,
but had to he postpomil owing tu the point
of no quorum, raised by Mr. lluiley of
Texas. The House went into committee of
the w hole on the postollice appropriation
bill. On motion of Mr. New berry, of Illi
nois, au utnendmcnt wss adopted appropri
ating tU.OUO for the establishment of a
brunch postollice on the grounds of the
World's Fair. The committee then ro
ami repor'ed the hill to the House, und it
was pussed. Then came the sensation of tne
day, and indeed of many duya and week.
This wa the iiilnrmulion given by the
Associated 1'ressofthe resignation ot jnnie
tl lllaine as Sec retary of State. Filibuster
ing tactics consumed the remainder of ttie
iluy, ami the House adjourned.
Business Ojnsrally Hai Improved to
Boms Extant
K. 0. Dun A Co.'s weekly review of trade
says: The tone of cum menial reports from
various parts of the country indicate thut
business has tosoiue extent improved. Col
lections throughout tlie country are better,
and excepting the bursting of a speculative
corner at Chicugo.there his been no esjieciul
excitement of any kind in business. The
fictitious pr.twa established for cum ut Chi
cago lusted Just long enough t i bring into
thut market enough of the actual grain to
bury the speculator, und the corner broke
with greut looses, not merely to the operu
tors, but also to the brokers. Ikh de
clined half a ceut.the western receipts being
unusually lurge, tho.igh the experts from
the eastern ports have ulsi bean lur-e.
Outs ute u shade lower, park prndili'ti un
changed, and oil a little lower. The stock of
cotton in the country co.itiimei fur beyou 1
the record of previous years, und there is
every reason to beli ivo tha even a great re
duction iu ths yield will scarcely re.luse the
aggregate supply for the yeur below the
quantity usually required fur c msuraptiun.
At I'.oston hucines is more ac.ivc. At
Philadelphia there is an lucre i iu sales of
iron and hardware is quite active, while the
(irygnods triulo has improved with the
weather and wool is strong. Trude at Haiti
more, is generally goo. I, with some im
provement in retuil biis.ticis mid increase in
the exort trude in ca t e. At 1'ittsburg fin
ished products of iron and steel are iu good
iii'iuunii, inoiigu price are tlie lowest ever
known und tho glass trude is luirly uctive.
Tbe drygooils trude at Clevelund is excellent
and other trades fuirly active except on iron
and ore. At Cincinnati tohucco sules urn
unusually large, and whiskey is active.
(iencral business at Chicago is greutly in
excess of last yeur a record, und while re
ceipts of other breudstutls are relatively
small, there is greut increase in wheat anil
flour, cured meats, dressed beef, lurti and
The business failures occurring throughout
the country during tlie lust seveu Uuvs num
ber 207, as coin oared with totuls of lti lust
week. For the corresponding ween of lust
yeur the riguies were 2-1.
The man who does all bis praying
on bli knees doesn't pray enough.
Bright jrreen Is tbe latest fashion.
Die color In lawns,
Important New Item ficsld aa Wa
Goto Press,
lllsaMrr. Arrldenta a nit I statute.
A rolllslon between the steamer Mackinac
and tlie tug Wavhhurn occurrcl In the lie
troit river, tieuily linking trie latter and
causing the drowning of John Hurley, own
er of the tug, and Chief Kngineer lloiiliisoii,
of the steam barge Majestic, w ho wa on
the Wiishbiirn at the time.
Mmnia Itlutti, ut Muscnulah, 111., suffered
blood poisoning after being pecked by a hen
und came near dying.
Two earthquake rliock. Just heavy
enough to stop clocks, were felt in Culifor
The Mississippi Hoods have wiped several
vilhic-c off the face of the earth.
A lied Wing, Minn., thire young men
were drowned in the river there. They are
(iiistnf llulgicii, H wan Hoderlind and John
A. Henson. In company with pain John
son tin y went out inn small boat. The
cable ferry was crossing and In attempting
tu en over the cable the bout wa upset.
Johnson clung to the upturned boat nnd
Was saved, but the others all drowned.
A most disastrous wreck occurred on the
I'cadwood Central lluilwny neur I'eadwooil
H. J)., which resulted in the killing of Juiiii-
Hcott and ihe probable fatal Injury of Wil
liam Thomas. The accident was occasioned
by a Imsty truck, which caused the train tu
The heaviest rniufull in year visited Ne
vada, Mo., Monday night, 'ihe river ntid
creeks ure swollen out of thel bank. Two
men wi re killed by lightning.
A cyclone swept through Itetchville, Tex.,
wiping nut 2.1 houses. Several people were
killed and many were injured. The property
loss is upwards of C;,ikii.
Polly Macdnnald. au a' t'es in Lester ft
William' Company wn fatally burned in
her room ut Providence, II. I., a lighted
mati n fulling on her clothing and Igniting
There has been a seriou wreck on the
Peleware it Hudson Cnnal railway near
Hydeville, Vt. Conductor Wood was fatally
hurt nnd about -H others injured.
A passenger train on the Helaware ami
Hudson Cunul railroad was wrecked near
Hydeville, VI. Conductor K. H. Wood wu
killed and several p.-moiigcrs in Jured.
taplliil. Labor and Inriusirlnl,
Miner of the Pennsylvania. -Vhuykill coiil
region ute jubilant over au increase of 1 per
cent, in the rule of wage. This is due to the
udvunce in the market price of coal, and n
further increase is expected iu tho near
The big strike on l.nngheud, Modisetto it
Company rniontowii,Pa.,ls ended, not, how
ever in the way anticipated by the Trades
council. The strikers of all the unions ex
cept the carpenter went buck to work, and
the company secured carpenter to take the
place of the strikers. There were Wt men
out, 110 of whom were furpeutcrs. This
action dissolve the Trades Council, where
the troiibleorigiiuited, and workmen and
(ontruitor are alike liuppy. No further
trouble is anticipated'
Two thousand workmen employed In the
Vnlladoliil shops of the Northern iiuilwiiy,
at Madrid, Spain, have struck for a reduc
tion of the hours of labor nnd are coercing
other workmen to join tie strike.
One hundred stone cult-r employed on
the links ut Huult Hto. Marie struck for ft
a day of nine hour's work. Tbe contractors
refuse to grunt the demand.
All the employes of the New England
granite work, 400 In number, went out on
a strike Tuesday night for the same reasons
as tlie other worker.
Louisville marble cutter have struck for
nine hour a day with ten hours' pay.
Toronto brick makers have been starved
back tu work after a two mouths' strike.
The brickmukera and teamsters of J'ecs
'.ur, 111., struck fur mom pay. The manu
facturers buve cliHel all their yards and
iiinouuced thut they will go out of tha busi
ness. New England granite manufacturers, not
being able to scttlo with the unions, have
decided to open yards to individual appli
cants for work.
Washing-fan Kew
A resolution bus been reported in the
House extending an invitation to tbe King
und (jucen ofHpuiti and to the decendants
of Columbus to participate in the World's
Columbian Exposition,
The public debt statement Is as follows:
Interest-beuring debt, t3,0H,'fy, uon-ln-eiYSt-hearing
debt, tMt.H.YI.'.iilt; aggregate
cash in the treasury, f7!i"i,;U'J,,V.Kl; aggregate
deiiiund liabilities,! 7ll5,3OJ,Mi0; cash bulunce
in the treasury April 30, l;)l, 518,1(10; cash
bulunce In tlie treasury Msy 31, t iai.005,
Mb, de Tease during the month, tK,fil2,27S.
Joint resolutions passed authorizing and
directing the president to proclaim a gen
eral holiday commemorating the 400th an
niversary of the discovery of Aoiericu on
the l.'tli of October, 1WJ-'.
A statement prepared at the treasury de
partment shows thut wus a bet in
crease of f 0,437,085 in circulation during the
mouth of May and a net inccase of 17,010,.
008 iu money und bullion in the treusury
during the same period.
The general conference of the Methodist
Protestant church has stricken the word,
"obey" from the murriuge service, The
vote was OS o 20 in fuvor of striking out the
word. Tbe women dclegutes voted for it,
Atthe sixty-sixth anniversary meeting of
the Anicricun Kuptiat Publication Society at
Philadelphia, the Hoard of Managers re
ported that the final revision of the Ameri
can llible Union v union of the English New
Testament by the committee, Drs. Henry
O. Weston, John A. Droudui and Alvan
Hovcy, la completed and printed. Samuel
A. Cruser, of Pennsylvania, was elected
President of the aocie'jr. At ths meeting of
the Young People's liaptlst Union resolu
tions denouncing tbe liquor truffle and all
license of It were adopted, after which ths
Conference adjourned, With the adjourn
ment of the two above societies the Haptlst
anniversaries that have been commemor
ated at Philadelphia for the past two weeks
came to an end.
Plxty-two business bouse of Mason City,
Iowa, were closed on Wednesday on account
of a religious awakening sweeping over tbat
city. I luring the past eight days there have
been 2.i0 conversion.
In Marsherg, Wesfphalla,forfy-itli house,
twrnty-fonr stable and eighteen ware
bouse were burned. About sixty bead of
rattle perished In the flume. More than 2W
Ihtsoiu are hnmeles.
The 1 1. H. ttiinsiim carriage! factory nt
KriMiklyn, N. Y., Wa burned. Loss from
$Vi,li to t7."i,lKi; Insurance, unknown,
At Pan Francisco, the Fulton Iron work
and the Manhattan food factory were burn
ed. The entire north wes'ern half of the
block bounded by Fremont, peals, Howard
nml Folmm streets w as swept clean except a
uniill saloon In the isirner. Fireiun
hard work saving the remainder of the
block because of the scurcty of wnter. To
tal loss, oo,oo'i, nf which tho iron work
Ioe.;o0,00'i. The fire broke out in the
toke oven of the iron works,
At Trinity, Texas, the business house on
north side of Main street were burned. Loss,
At Colquitt City, Ore.;Thrce-fourth of the
business section was destroyed by fire. Los
llo'i.oou; partly insured.
At I'lliinow, Oullcin, two hundred hnuar
were consumed and two persons were burned
to di nth.
At Louisville, Ky.,the New Albany cotton
hatting mill". Los, ll.l.'i'i'i; insurance
llH,(ro. Tbe fire was rained by friction.
t res.
The fruit crop in the Routli of Pnglarul
have been greatly dauiuged.if not destroyed,
by a terrilic storm.
Cuban planters complain of ilrouih.
Kansas rrop rebuts say the rain have
done greut diimuge. In the Wes'ern hulfof
the Stute, which ia usually parcho 1 by
drouth, the farmer arc enthusiastic over
the best prospects ever known.
Hailstorm In the Province of Alessan
dria, Italy, have destroyed the crops iu HO
Ai.tosj, II I.. The damage by the floral in
the river bottom is being duplicated on the
prntrie by the long continued ruin nml
cold. Wheat is rustingso badly thnt the
harvest will certainly be short. No corn
bus yet been planted, owing tu the wet
ground, ami hardly a bushel can be bought
from the farmers ut any price. The fruit
prospects are faring a badly, the opplc and
berry cro being short fully W) per cent.
The prospects of still higher water, and the
ronseqiient necessity of suportiiig the
homeless Hood suffer for 12 month is hav
ing u most ihwouraging effect on nil brunch
e of trude and business is puuc'.icully at a
At Ihe local option election in Torrn'n,
O., tho "Wet" won by 23 majority in a
total of ft m.
The anti-Hill, antl-"nnp" convention
met ut Syracuse. N. V., on Ttievlay. Tlie
platform adopted indorse Cleveland. Sup
plementary to the platform the following
wa adopted: "Keiolved, Thut tin con-
veiitiun approve, indorse and po.i.t w ith
pride to the administration of drover Cleve
land, and we recommend him to the Chicago:
Convention for nomination. and to the Iiem
ocrntic party and the patriotic people of tho
country for election again to the Presiden
cy." Ih-legate tu Chiciigri win appointed
and Instructed to demand r cognition there.
The Crops.
The following, crop bulletin wa Issued by
the weather bureau: Penrisylviiniii; cold
wet weather, injurious to com and much
of it needs replanting; grass and small grain
generally in goo.l condition; season in
northern counties two weeks late, tohari
planting beguu; ground very wet and funu
work delayed.
Tbe Kanmt Farmer publishes crop re
port from it correspondent throughout
the Stute. They indicate a wheat acreage
about equal to that of lust year. Very few
xnintit report insects of any kind. In some
minifies the wheat on bottom lands baa
itifTered from washing out by floods, but
in general the damage lo this crop by the
rxcessive ruins has been less than was tube
expected. The harvest will be later than
ti si ti ia 1. The acreage of outs is rather light
er than heretofore, on account of the late
ness of the season und excessive rnins. This
crop is later than usual, but otherwise in
(total condition. Corn is very backward on
sccount of tool, wet weutber. The acreage
will bs 'nrger than us.iul. Thesevcrul crops
are below the uveruge.
Crime anil Penalties,
Miss I.lllie Norfolk, nge.l So, well-known
in society und amateur theatrical circle,
committed suicide m Urouklyn by choking
liers;lf to (Icitli. She knelt beside a wash
basin and bold her throat against the marble
until she was sutlucuted. Cause: crossed ia
At Atoka, Ky., Moses Bottom's 6-year-old
daughter killed her lH-months-old sister.
She beat out the child's brains and broke its
neck with a piece of stove wojd. Tbe child
teemed to beur some hatred to ber baby
At Annona, Texas, Charles Lytic and Hen
Yelly became involved in a quarrel, and
Lytle shot and killed Yelly. The lutter's son
then shot and killed his father's sl.'iysr. The
ooy is under arrest. The crime were com
mitted while the party were drinking.
The phenomenal Jersey cow, Signal's
"Lilly King," at HimUville, Alu., has brok
n the record, bavin; made 1,02:1 pounds 13 of butter, witli four days more to end
ber year test. She is now tlie Jersey queen
of the world.
The oss caused by the floo Is of the Mia.
ilppi and its tributaries is estimated at tW,
000,000 and the rivers are aguin rising.
Owing to the floods there are 300 destitute
families in Alexander county, 111. Ilox cars
are used as houses aud tbe people are living
on lisb.
Jell Davis' birthday was celebrated ss
legal holiday for the first time In Florida
and Mississippi Friday.
Oeneral Ilatph lluckland died at Fremont,
Ohio. He wa born In 1KI2, and was con
rplctious in the lute civil war.
General Turner C. Misirehead, a veteran
nf the Mexican and Civil wars, died at A
bury Park, N. J., aged SO,
(leneral It. 1). Muwy died in Washing
ton, after a brief illness. He participated
In the Civil War throughout and before the
war was Adjutant Central of the State of
financial and Commercial.
The Hank of Pueblo (Col.) assigned, The
cause I due to ext-ema dull time and In
ability to make collection on overdue ac
count. rrr.nnal.
Peeretary's Foster's wifo and daughter,
rVcretarv'a Husk's daughter and Mr. and
Mrs. Inland Stanford sailed for Europe oat
the City of Paris on Thursday.
Governor Teck of Wisconsin, Issued a pro
clamation calling a Sclal session of the
legislature June 2-1 to reapportion tbe Slnta
Into Semite and Assembly districts, a move
made tiereaary by thn declaration of the
Supreme Court that tho apportionment by
the Legislatureof IRwas inconsistent.
The I, ensue Itrenrd,
The following table shows the standing of
the various base bull clubs :
Post- Per
Won. Ixwt. poncd. Cent.
Postnn '. II 4 .725
Prooklyn 21 14 6 .DHU
Cincinnati Ti III ft .CIO
t hicaro 23 HI 4 .MOT
Philadelphia 21 111 8 .f25
Pittsburgh 22 20 3 .fi24
Cleveland 20 20 .Ml
New York I! HI 4 .47
Louisville 17 22 5 .4:l
Washington 15 2:1 li .309
f-t. Lotus 14 27 4 mi
Halt imore . . .. y . ..I'.-'W 7 .ZH
Plenty of Scow In Wyoming.
Cnvrr.Nxr., Wvo., June fl. A blinding
mow storm raged here yesterday and the
mow is eight inches deep on a level. The
storm I general throughout the State, the
crops are all practically destroyed and it Is
feared there will be loss of life In the
Tits wiim.rsAi.r. rater. ah ntvr rriiw.
inuiii, run a Arm rrin,
WHEAT No. 2 Ited I W 0 I fW
No. 3 Ited H) !
COP..N' No. 2 Yellow ear... M Ni
High Mixed ear f2 63
Mixed ear 47 49
Shelled Mixed lit M
OA'IH No. 1 White 8 H
No. 2 White Wl Hfl
No, 3 White AS Wl
Mixed 33 SS
RYK No. 1 Pa Ohio.... M W
No. 2 Western N 84
Fl.oril Fancy winter pat 4 86
Farry Spring patent 4 85 r) 10
Fane Straight winter.... 4 85 6 10
XXX linkers 4 21 4 Ml
Ifye Flour 4 7.1 6 00
DAY Haled No. 1 Tim'.. 13 Ml 14 26
Puled No. 2 Timothy Ills) 12 00
Mixed Clover 11 ti) 12 00
Timothy from country... HI 00 18 00
ETIIAW Wheat fl AO
Ost 7 m n no
FFKIi No. 1 W'h Md fl T 18 HO 18 60
i'.iown Middling 15 Ml 10 60
Hrsn 15 ,r0 10 00
Choi 14 60 18 00
r-PTTER-IClgin Creamery 22 24
lunry Creamery 22 23
Fancy country roll 15 18
Choice country roll 13 14
!.c crude A cookins.... fl 10
CHEESE (I F iler in mild 11 12
New York (loshen 12 13
Wisconsin Swiss bricks.. 14 16
Wisconsin Bweitxer 14 16
Li in burger 12 13
riit if ami vr.orrABi.r.s.
APPLF-1-Fanry, ft bbl... A 00 4 00
l air to choice, f bid.... 3 00 8 60
IiEANK Select, f bb! 1 K5 2 00
Pa nt O Heana, f bid J CO 1 70
Lima Ileans A 4
Yel lr,w danver 1 bhl .... 2 60 2 78
Yellow onion, ft bbl 1 TO 2 00
Spanish. V crate 1 25 1 40
CAl:HAir-New ft crate... 2 00 8 00
Choice from store, f) bu 45 60
Irish on track V bu.. 40 45
ron.TY arc.
fl 15 10
J'rcssFd ducks fit 5 lfl
I iressrd turkey V D 17 18
Live chickens f pr 80 85
Live llu' ks f pr 70 80
Livet.eese y pr 1 00 1 16
Live Turkey ft), 13 14
KtXiS Pa t Ohio fresh.... 15 10
Extra live tieese f) Tt 60 V
No 1 Extra Uve geese V lb 48 60
Mixed 25 35
TALIX)W-Country,lb... 4
1 ity 5
BEEfiS West Med'm do er 7 fO
Mammoth Clover 7 85 8 00
Timothy prime 1 M
Timothy choice.,,. 1 K)
Klue grass 2 l " 2 80
Orchard grass 1 75
Millet 1 00
Lin k wheat 1 40 1 60
P.AOS Country mixed ... 1
XJONEY White clover.... HI 17
Hues wheat 12 15
FLOT'K 13 2oS $4 10
WHEAT No. 2 Red 80 88
RYE-No. 2 80 83
COKN-Mixed 40 51
OATH 83 4
EGiist 12 14
PUTTER 18 21
FLOl'R 4 l.yg 84 B0
WHEAT New No. 2. Red.. 02 08
CORN No. 2, Mixed 64 68
OATS No. 2. White SO 40
Rl'TTKR Creamery Extra. 20 23
Kfi'iS pa.. Firsts 1.3 18
FLOfR-ratent 8 00 6 00
WHEAT No, 2 Red 07 'J8
RYE Western 80 85
CORN 1'ng'aded Mixed 45 60
OATS Mixed Western 85 .18
R I' TT E R Creamery 15 21
EliGd stute and Penn 15 17
uvi-stik a KEFORT.
iast unncrv, rtTTMBcim srocs varos.
Prime Steers I 4 fi5 to 4 75
Fair to Good 4 00 to 4 60
Common 8 0 to 3 75
Huds and dry cows 1 60 to 8 60
Veal Calves 6 25 to 5 65
Heavy rough calves 2 60 to 3 60
Fresh coos, per head 20 00 to 60 00
she sr.
Prime 05 to 100-IS sheep.... 6 00 to S 40
rJinmon70 to 74 tb sheep... 4 60 to 4 76
Yearlings 6 25 to 5 75
Spring Lambs. 6 30 to 8 60
Philadelphia hoj I 8 00 to 5 10
Corn Yorkers 4 00 to 8 00
KoutUi t 40 to 4 ts