lie. VOLUME 1. HKYNOMWVIMiK, I'KNN'A., WEDNESDAY, JUNE fl, 1892. NUMBER 5. J-tllrrllitf Q MITCHELL, ATTOUN KY-AT-LA W. Offlrn nil WN Mnln Bln-fl, opposite Iho ( nmnifn-liil llolrl, Ui-yiiolilvlH-. I'm. jyi. . K. hoover, . REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Ht-nMi-nt ilintlt. In IniMillnit iii-nr Mi'tlio illst rhun-h, opposite Arnold Plis-k. Ilmtlo nis In oMrnuntf. JJOTKL Mi BUNNELL, REYNOLIWV1LLE, PA. FHAXKJ. It LACK, Prtyrirtor. The li-ndliiK hotel iif llii town. If eaihimr trr fur I'otnim'it-liit men. Hiram lifiil, frva 'Ims, Imth nsmis mid Howl on every lliwir, sample rooms, tllllarl room, telephone inn neetlons, At. JJOTEL HKLNAP, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. GHEISN&VXSEIt, rnyrhtm. First rlnss In every partleular. lora1el In the very ri'iiln of the business part f town. Kn 'hns lo Hiid fnmi trains nnd commodious sample moms for commercial travelers. MERK'AN HOTEL, UROOKVILLE, PA. JiUFFIXGTOXti I.OXG, V. nmnlhustoancl from nil trnlns. Ivm-opcim rcstiiurtint. House heated mid HkIiIciI liy ifiiM. Hut nnd roltf wafer. Western -I'lilon Telegraph ottlce In tnillillim. Tln linlid In HI I wllli all the mmlcrti conveniences. QOMMKRCIAL HOTEL, HKOOKVILLE, PA., .M.S. II. CLOVE 11, I'miirbinr. Cample nsmis on the uniiind llmir. House hcittcri liy 11111111-111 hum. Omnibus In nnd fnim nil train. 1$ UKEALO, HiH'HEHTEH & PITTS- HU1MJ RAILWAY. The short line between DiiIIiiIm. Khluwny, llriulfnrd, Hiilnmiinea, Ilullulo, Kishcstor. NliiKiira I'll I Ik mid mIiiIh hi the upper nil region. On mid nfli'r Miiy !Kd, IkW, passen ger train will arrive nnd ilrpurl fnim Full Creek station, dully, except Hiindiiy, iih fol lows: TilO A. M. Hniilfnril A iinnindutlmi Kor KnliitH North between Kails Creek mid riidfonl. 7:1s a. m. mined 1 ruin for runxsutiiwiicy. 10:0ftA.M. llnlTiilomid RiH'hester mall--Kor llns-kwHyvllle, KI(lKWBy,.lohnonhiirg,Mt. Jewel t, Hrndford.Halaniaiii'a,, lliilfiiln mid Hm'hi'Hti'ri connecting lit .lohnsonhurg wllh I'. A E. I nil n il, for Wilcox, Kune, Warren, Corry and Krle. 10:&S A. M.-A ininiKliillnii For ltllltols, Wyke. Ills Hun and I'unxMitawncy. 1:110 I'. M. Bradford Accommodation Kor Heechtrce, Hrockwayvlllo, Kllmont, I'ar mon, Ktdgway, Johnsonhurg, Mt. Jewel t and Bradford. 4:50 1 M.-Mull-Kor Ihillol, Hyke, 111k ltun, l'utiXHiilawney and Wiilxtou. TlSft I' M. Accommodation Kor 1ii HolH.ItlfT Hut id I'unxsutawney. Tralna Arrive 7:10 A. M., Accommodation I'liiiXMitnwneyt II1:IK1 A.M..M11II from W11I Klon and l'uiixutawiH" WM A. M.. Ac commodation from Hri .Ifordt 1:20 P.M., AcronimiMtntlnii fmm I'liiiXBiituwneyt :l 1. M.. Mull fnim HiitTiiln and Kneht'Hter; 7:M P. M., ArrnmniodHtlnn from llrnilfnril. ThaiiiHand mile ticket at two i-eiilN mt mtk kinmI for piiHNaite between all Htatlnim. J. II. Mrl ntviik, Aueiil, KiiIIm enek, l'a. Geo. W. IIahti.ktt, Jimi. i. Tiiomiimin Uvneral Hnpt. ., lien. I'iii. Aitent Hradfonl, l'a. KiN-lumter, N. V. ALLEGHENY VALLEY HAILWAY CO.MPANY ctimmunulnir Sunday, June 38, 18111. Low Gruilo UivlHion. AHTWAHO. TATIONH. No.l. Nl).t. NO. 9. 117 IKI A. M. P. M. A, M. P. II. P. M. Red Hank 10 40 4 Ml l.nwmnham .... 10 IM 4 44 New Bethlehem II 2k 5 m Oak KWIko II V, 5 2A MlllvllU II Hli 5 llti MayHvllle II 4:1 ft ill Hummervllle ... 12 in DM Kronkvlllo 12 " 14 S IB Fuller 12 4;i ll'i 114 lieynnldHvllle.. I lie Ml It (12 1'HllCOIU.t 1 mi iw 7 112 Falimiruek 1 17 7 07 7 10 10 M 140 UuKoIh 1 :) 7 la 7 17 11 tn it) Kahilla 1 42 7 20 Wlnteriiburn ... IK 7 40 IVntlelil 1 R7 7 4: Tyler 2 Oil 7 M till n FlHher 2 10 H m Henecelte 2 m H 22 Grunt 2 44 H Itl Driftwood it 10 00 P. M. P. M. A. H. A. U. P. U. WE8TWAHU. No.21 N0.6 1 No. 101 ioh A A. M. P. M P. M. Driftwood Grant...: HeneKettti Glen FUlier... Tyler lVnni'ld Wlnterburn . . Pahula Dli HoIh Kullii Creek... VaneoHHt KeynoldHvilU Fuller Ilrookvllle... Hummervlllu.. Miiysvlllu Mlllvllle tiukltldire lo tn 10 : 10 4:1 11 te n ; 7 i 7 21 7 41 11 1.". 11 2i 7 V, 8 07 11 ai 8 lit 8 27 8 4:1 11 4;i 12 on 1 IT 7 00 7 10 7 in 7 20 7 411 8 OK H 21 11 ao 11 4.1 4 on 4 10 8 M 1 -M 1 4 8 Ml II ON II 2A 4.-1 1 !W 2 2 a 2 8 02 3 OH 8 M R V. H Ml 9 10 4 10 00 New liethleliem 3 1; 8 4: Lawwinhum. lUdHunk.... 4 01 A. H A. M p. h.Ia. Tralna dally oxcupt Hunduy. PAN 1 1) McCAKliO, Uku'l. fl'PT.. I'lttHhure, Pa. J AS. P. ANDEUSON, Gkm'u Pakh. Aiit., PlliHbum, Pa DO YOU NEED A NEW ATTIRE? If bo, and you want a (rood fitting and wull made suit at a reasonable figure you will re ceive ame by placing your ordor with J. C. Froehlich, THE AUTISTIC TAILOtt, Next door to Hotol MuConuoll, iiFANOLDeiVlLLK, PA. EFFECTS OF A WAVE. A STEAMER STANDS HIGH AND DRY OVER TWO MILES INLAND. A Tidal Vn That Carried Away K.rery- thlng but a Lfa-tithnnMi and Dentrnyed FTr 40,000 Llrea Th Nteamer Intact but la la tha MM it of a Janaia. Tourints that visit Untavla nowadays r quits out of the faaliion if tlier fail lo malts the nnannKO throttuh Htinda trait and aee all that i left of Krakntiia and the reati(P of the ruin wrought by tha terrible eruption of 1HH2. If they punti np the Bay of LauipotiB, on the Bnmatra tide of the channel, they are likely to land on the low flhorea occu pied by the village of Tetokli-tletonR, and hire carta for a short jaunt Into the Interior; and when they have gone about two mile they will pause to take in the curious scene presented; for here Is seen one of the most Interesting results of the great wave of Krakataa. There was just one man amid all that wild scene of death and devastation who was not overwhelmed In the common ruin. He escaped while 40,000 porished. He was the lighthouse keeper, who lived alone on an isolated rock in the strait it was broad daylight when Krakatau burst asunder, but in a few moments the heavens were so densely shrouded by dust, mud and smoke that the darkness of midnight covered all the channel. The guardian of the lighthouse was iu the lantern 180 feet above the sea level Here he remained safe and sound in the midst of the terrible commotion. He folt the trembling of the light house, but It was so dark that he could not sue the threatened danger. He did not know that a tremendous wave had almost overwhelmed the lighthouse, and that us crest had nearly touched the base of the lantern. He did not hear it because he was deafened by the awful detonation of Krakatua. In a few moments the wave, over a hundred feet in height, had swept along a coast line of a hundred miles on both sides of the channeL Scores of populous villages were buried deep beneath the avalanche 'of water. Great groves of cocoanut palms were leveled to the ground. Promontories were carried away. New bays were d ug out of the yielding littoral Every work of human hands except that lighthouse waa destroyed, and 40,000 persona per ished in the deluge that mounted from the sea or beneath the rain of mud that tilled the heavens. A little side wheel steamboat was borne on the top of that wave through forests and jangle, over two miles into the coun try, and waa left as the ware receded. It will be remembered that for weeks before the final cataclysm at Krakatau, the volcano was in state of eruption. Pleaaure parties were made np at Ba tavia to visit the volcano. Not a few people landed on the island, little dream ing that in the twinkling of an eye two thirds of it waa to be blown into the air as though shot from a gun. They wished to get as near as they thought they might safely venture to the growling, steaming crater. This little steamboat, on the day be fore the explosion, carried one of these parties to the island. There were only twenty on board besides the crew. They spent a couple of hours around the is land and then steamed np the deep and narrow Bay of Lampong, and it is sup posed they anchored for the night in front of the big town of Telokh-Betong, which waa one of the largest settlements on the south coast of Sumatra. The ill fated pleasure party was never heard of again. It is supposed that the boat was turned over and over like an eggshell in the surt It had every ap pearance of such rough usage when it was found some months later. The ma chinery and furniture were badly broken and were strewn about in the greatest confusion. But the vessel held together, and waa finally set down in good shape, erect on her keel Only two bodies were found in the vessel. They were, of course, below deck. As it was morning when she was picked np by the wave it is supposed that nearly everybody waa on shore. Not a vestige remains of the villages that lined the water edge. But the hulk of this little boat still stands, battered and broken, though as erect as when he plowed the channel, and aha is the most curious and interesting relio of the greatest volcanic eruption of modern times. New York Sun. The Vnom of Snakes. As to the venom of serpents, no dis tinct chemical principle has as yet been detected in it, though such there must be, seeing that the effect of the saliva of different poisonous snakes is different the blood coagulating after a fatal cobra bite, though not after that of a rattle snake or a viper. It has also been ascer tained that if the blood of a poisoned animal be injected into a healthy one the latter will be poisoned in the same way as if it had itself been bitten, al though its flesh may be eaten with im punity. It is a mistake, however, to suppose that a snake's poison can have no effect unless actually mixed with the blood. It will act after being absorbed through inch delicate skin as that which liuos our lips, though its action when thus received is less powerful. Quarterly Review. Bowknots Still In Faror. The rage for bowknots shows no signs sf abating. Eustur gifts were devised 9f thorn in every form. QOO'DBY, GOD BLESS YOU. I Ilk tha Ana-lo-Raiuo speeeh With Ita direct raveallniia It takes a hold and seems to reach Far down Into yonr feellnam That some folks deem It rude, I know. And therefore they ahnaa It: tint I hare nerar found It so llefore all else I rhnona It. I don't object that men should air Tha Gaelic they have paid for. With "An rarnlr," "Adieu, ma ehere." For that's what French waa mad a fofr But when a orony takes yonr hand At partlnf to address you, Ila drops all forelan llnm, and Ha says. "Good by. God bless yonr This seems to lie a sacred phrase With reverence Impassioned! A thlriK rnme down from rtahteoQS days Quaintly but nobly fashioned. It well becomes an honest face, A voice that's ronnd and cheerfuU It stays the sturdy In his piece. And soothes tha weak and fearfuli Into the porches of tha ears It steals with subtle unction. And In your heart of hearts appears To work Its (raelons function! And all day long with pleading song It lingers to car sea yon, I'm sura no human heart goes wrung That's told, "Ooodby. God bless yon." F.ngens Field. Tha Lamonada af Tore, "Wunct upon a time," recently re cently remarked an aged candy butcher who dispenses peanuts and popcorn bars at the Madison Square garden, "they nsed to make circus lemonade aa was circus lemonade, but them times Is gone up the centerpole and they ain't never agoin to come back. In them days all we fellers noeded to clean up twenty or thirty dollars before and after the show was three pounds of sugar, a pint of citric acid, a washin tub and a pomp that threw a good stream. We nster put lemons In and let 'em float around, but when the crowd went we'd fish 'em out agnin, and ono dozen lemons 'ud last us through a whole county, "1 tell you, young feller, a schooner of that there lemonade, after it had been a-etandin in the sun for an hour or so, with a fly or two doin the Captain Boy ton act in it, was something to be re membered. Rut that's all changed now They put stuff in it that makes It pink and dudey lookln, they mix it in punch bowls instead of washtubs, and instead of savin money they nse real lemons in stead of acid." Then, with a sigh of regret for the golden past, the aged man sold the small boy a short weight bag of peanut, a damaged popcorn bar and gave him two plugged nickels in change. New York Commercial Advertiser. Didn't Waa a Faay. Small Boy Papa. Willie Winkers' got a pony.' Papa Has? "Yes, and it's the bee-ntafulist pony 1 ever saw," "You don't sayl" "Just as gentle as can be. I rode on it an didn't fall off once. A boy couldn't get hurt on that pony." "I suppose not." "It eats hardly anything, too, and doesn't cost much to keep." "It doesn't?" "Not anything, hardly. Willie said his papa bought it real cheap." "No donbt." "And he said there was plenty more where that came from." "Humph! Do yon want me to buy you a pony?' "N-o. 1 was only thinkln what a nice pony Willie Winkers has." "Ohl" "Yes. Willie's got a nice papa, too, hasn't he?' Good News. Wood In Egyptian Stonework. Probably the oldest timber in the world which has been subjected to the nse of man is that found in the ancient tomples of Egypt in connection with the stonework, which is known to be at least 4,000 years old. This, the only wood used in the construction of the temples, is fh the form of ties holding the end of one stone to another. When two blocks were laid in place, an ex cavation about an Inch deep waa made in each block, in which m tie shaped like an hour glass is driven. It is therefore very difficult to force any stone from ita position. The ties appear to have been of the Timarish or Shittira wood. Yankee Blade. A Venerable Goose. The oldest goose on record as now liv ing belonged to John Ray, a respectable resident of Croton Landing, N. Y. He says he purchased the goose from Isaac Hill, who made an affidavit at the time that the faithful fowl was fifty-two years of age then. The goose lays flity eggs a year, and was sold by Mr. Ray at the end of the third year of bis posses sion for $100. He says, to the best of his knowledge and belief, she is now eighty six years of age. New York Sun. New England Cures. A New Hampshire cure for sore throat is to wear about the neck a stocking, in the toe of which a potato has been tied. According to a Maine belief, a nutmeg pierced and bung on a string around the neck prevents boils, croup and neu ralgia. The effect of a Connecticut wooden nutmeg is unknown. Kansas City Journal. Aa Important Amendment. A bill waa introduced into one of our state legislatures granting permission that the bighop of the diocese might bo buried in the crypt of his cathedral One of the members who did not admire the bishop greatly, moved an amend ment to the bill that it take effect im mediately on its passage. San Francisco Argonaut HE KNEW. Rlram Waa Not at All ftrered by tha Noises linwn Rtalrs. It was 8 o'clock in the morning when Mrs. Higinbotham shook Iter hiiHhand. "Ugh," he responded nnconsclonsly. "Hiram! Hiram!" she exclaimed in a whisper. "U-ttKh," he observed. She gave him another shake. "Hiram," she whispered, "there's rob bers down stairs." "Ugh?' he ventured again, this time With a rising inflection indicating that he was gradually atmorbing the idea that Something was wrong. She gave him a tremendous shake. "Ugh," he almost shontnd, sitting straight np, "what In thunder's the row, Mariar Pho clapped her hand over his month. "8h shT she whispered, "there's burglars down stairs." "Aw," be growled, "we onght to be thankful they are not np stairs. Oo to sleep!" and he fell bank to the pillow, "Hiram, I tell yon," she Insisted, with another shake, "there's burglars down stairs. I hoard them. Yon go down and see what they want." "Maria." he protested, "I'll do noth ing of the sort. If they don't see what they want they can ask for It That's bosinem." "But yon shall go down, Hiram, and see," she urged and pleaded at the same time. "I won't, I tell you, Maria. Because yonr father owns a dry goods store is no sign that I believe it Is no trouble tc show goods, nnd I repeat, madam, it those burglars want anything they've ot to wait on themselves. It's after onsinesa hours anywny. You mnRt think we run an all uiglit place. Go to sleep, I tell you." ' Mrs. Higinbotham gave a sudden cliili u at Ins arm. "There," she nearly screamed, "I hear them coming up stairs now." "Well, dear," he said soothingly, "you'd better jump np and put on a dress. It will never do in the world for yon to receive strange gentlemen in your present attire." "We'll lie murdered in onr beds," she wailed. "Do you really think yon will," he in quired with some interest "I'm sure of it, Hiram," she sobbed. "Suppose yon get out and lie on th floor, Maria, and then yon won't be," ht suggested heartlessly. "I'm willing to take mine right here in bed, where it's warm." Mrs. H. began to cry. "What's the matter, Mana?" Mr. H. asked, as if he had jnat that moment discovered her grief. VYau're mean, horrid man, Hiram Higinbotham," she said in her natural voice, and she began to get out of bed. "Where are you going, Maria?" he in quired uneasily. "Down stairs," she answered heroical ly. "As between yon upstairs and the burglars down stairs, I prefer the bur glars," and down stairs she went, and the black cat in the preserve closet upset four jars of her finest quinces in its mad effort to escape. She, screamed, but Hiram Higinbotham made no sign; be knew he had forgotten to put the cat in the cellar when he shnt the house up for the night and reported to his wife that everything was all right Detroit Free Press. Home of tha Sea Nerpont- The question of the "great sea ser pent" has of late come before us with an episcopal sanction; but whatever may be the explanation of the various appear ances which have given a certain cur rency to a belief in the existence of an unknown marine monster of some kind, that small sea serpents exist is most cer tain. Thoy are all marine, and with the exception of one or two species never quit the water. Aa might be expected nnder such circumstances they bring forth their young alive, and these can swim as soon as they are born. Mr. Boulunger tells ns that their home is essentially the coasts of the Indian ocean and the tropical parts of the west ern Pacific, from the Persian gulf to New Guinea and North Australia. One species, however, ranges from west and south Africa to the western coast of tropical America and extends northward to Japan and southward to New Zea land. Quarterly Review. Two Guilty Consciences. A Danbury yonth went trout fishing and ventured to drop a sly line into a posted brook. Soon the approaching figure of the owner loomed up in the dis tance, and the Danbury youth knew he had been seen. He took incontinently to the bushes, whore he spent a very miserable two hours in hiding and caught a cold that kept him two days in bed. Meanwhile the terrible owner, who was not the owner at all, had sought a similar refuge at sight of the original culprit, and not until his teeth chattered like a typewriter did he venture to leave the friendly bnt damp shelter and slink away from the scene. He was an elder ly man, and his shore in the day's sport resulted in a four days' rheumatic limp. Boston Transcript Guarding Against Sparks. A now aro lamp has a wire gauze pro tector upon the top of it, the object being to prevent the escape of the dan gerous sparks which occasionally fly from the carbon poles aud are the cause of iiros. The gauze is tine and does not Interfere with the diffusion of the light nor with the placing of the carbons, New York Journal, Reed's Special OFfep.- Wo want no (xlln and ends. You We linve Home mnkeBof bIioph for MEN, LADIES and CHILDREN That the hta'b and widths are broken and we denire to clone out at once. A bargain counter of FINE and HEAVY SHOES, ALL KINDS, STYLES PRICES. We have the above described shoes piled on a counter in the center of our shoe store and you can save money. Men's and Indies' $1.85, 1.40 and $1.50 Shoes at 1.25 Men's " " 2. 00 Shoes at $1.75 Men's 4 4 4 4 $2.50 Shoes at $2.00 Men's 4 4 4 4 $3.00 Shoes at $2.60 Men's 4 4 4 4 $3.50 Shoes at $3.00 Every shoe box in our store is marked in plain figures. No chance for skinning one and not another. We never did and never will advertise anything we cannot show. Come and see and bring the above price list along. Reed's Shoe Store. C. F. Hoffman, Specialist in lenses for the eyes. Examination free. PD.GOODER The Leading Jeweler of Reynoldsville Wishes to announce to the readers of this paper that he carries a full and complete line of- Watches - and - Jewelry. REPAIRING OK Watches, Clocks and Jewelry A SPKCIALTY. ENGRAVING ON ALL GOODS SOLD FREB OF CHARGE. , T GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE. Satisliiction.GnaraiiteetL L Want Shoes. a a a a Opposite Stoke's Drug Store.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers