The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 01, 1892, Image 6

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    TYhm Daylight Die.
Vbm daylight dlei how ead the aummef
' lew,
tthea aaumoira falil the fields' most lovely
I And datkneas Tel It the arching skies,
And di.r no longer night defies,
Hntah4wa her saldenel eyes to you.
When tttrt tre dlatant and tbclr rayi are
Worst light teems ever to have wild a J leu.
i Toe bluebird now no longer flies,
' When daylight die.
Bnt Bve in hope, faint heart, nor woo
Dark Letbc'e (Cream, but kiss the dew
And feel that tho' the daylight dies
Bnyor.d are atill the lummer aklea
And other cays will dawn (or you
When daylight die.
litrnard Emery, In Terpsh-hnre.
iy John p. joLAXi):;it.
"That cat Is what koepi them
part," wis tho general verdict.
Everybody know everybody's bus!.
sseet on Magnolia Creek, and it wus
sto secret that Junto Brownlow and
Mark Peters had fallen out about the
Utter cat, just as tho were about to
get married.
The Drown low and Paters home
steads were adjoining, a brush fence
only separating thetn. The houses
primitive log structures, wcra not
mora than a hundred yards npui-t, for
Cite builders of them had been friends,
end had moved to Mngnolia Creek to
gether. They Imd brought their young
wive with thorn, and had begun the
battle in the wilderness bravely, de
termined towln hornet there for them
selvc and tliolr loved ones.
When Janlo and Mark were about
one year old, tho war between the
tales bioko out. Pelers and Brown,
low went into the thick of it and
never returned, loaving two widows
nd two orphans behind them to fight
the battle of llfo as best they could.
The two women niado a living some
how, and raised their children to
manhood and womanhood. Then they
laid down tholr cores forever to take
eternal rest.
Up till tho tlmo Mark and Janle
' were completely orphaned, it is doubt
ful if love or marriage had ever been
(bought of botwecn them ; bnt then
onio a time when they were in a
manner dependent upon each other.
Ia the couno of a year they saw that
it would bo best for both of them
that ihey innko their future one, and
everything was sottlod botwocn them
fa a sort of matter of fact way, alto
gether unlike tho courtships described
la hooks.
But one morning tho storm broke
loose, end reared an apparently insur
mountable wall between them.
51 ark had a fondness for cats, n
masculine truit of character not often
met with, and ho took an ill deed done
hi eat as au offence committed against
'himself. Janlo, on the other hand,
rather disliked cats, but kept a good
.dog instead, who followed her about
.constantly, cvor ready and willing to
td her bidding.
7 One morning Janio fouud Mark's
eat among her chicks in tho yard, and
au aoino of thorn had been missing for
eereral days, Thomas was looked
npon with suspicion as a thief. Now,
when ho was detected almost iu tho
act, Jaule's anger was arouaed,audslio
called Dover to hor side.
Catch the plagued col," she cried.
-"Catch him I catch him, Rover I"
' With Rovor to hear was to obey, and
(he cat and dog had a close race to see
which would reach the brash fence
llrac Thomas won by the length of
hie tail. Theu commenced a fight iu
which Rover was at a disadvantage,
for evory time he poked his nose into
cbe brush the cot spit, scratched and
clawed him until his yolps of pain
Iwwught his mistress to his assistance,
i Jaule had no more than mado her
Appearance upou tho scone before
Mark arrived also. Their glances met
mi1 anger flashed out of their eyes.
"Call off your dog I" Mark de
manded. Shan't do it," retortod Janlo,
I "If you aou't call that yelping cur
way, I'll kill him."
i "I'd like to see you do it I set him
thai thieving cat of yours, and
you'll havo to kill ine first before you
kill my dog."
' Just then the cat made tbe dog yelp
tnoat pitifully, and Janle rau to his
eeUtuiice. She picked up a stick and
aUtetnpted to throw it at tho cat, but,
with' the proverbial marksmanship of
her sex, she missed, and bit Mark In
lead. -
Then Mark lost hit temper com
pletely. He sprang over the fence,
avad with the first thing that came to
tend, which happened to be a stout
pole, he began to belabor the dog most
. It wa a disgraceful affair, and It
si whispered aroond la the neigh
borhood that Janlo even went to far
at to pull Mark's hair.
The eat finally made hit escape and
ran toward hit home. Rover would
have given chase, but he wat too busy
just then keeping out of reach of the
pole in Mark's hand, and iu a short
time even he made good hit retreat,
leaving Janle and Mark sole combat
ants in the field.
"You're a bruto, Mark Toters, and
I'm glad of this chauce to tell you sol"
cried Jitnie.
That's all right, Janle. I'm glad
I found out your temper before it was
too late."
"You was, ch? Didn't know be
fore that I could tako coro of myeelf,
did you? Well, that just shows that
you ain't as bright a you should be,
having known uie all your life."
"Oh, that's all right."
"That's Just what it Is, and it will
always bo so, too, for I wouldn't
marry you 'now, not if you was tho
lut man on earth."
"I reckon 1 gave you the first
chance, and I am thinking it will be
your last one, too," Mark retorted.
"Never you mind. You go and
take care of your cat."
"Yon go and keep compauy with
your dog."
"I will. Between Mark Peters and
Rover, I had rather have Rover for
steady company."
By that tlmo both were retreating
toward their respective homes, mid
tholr words grew to bo mere mutter
ing. From that day Mark ".ud Janle
shunned each other, and though they
were such close neighbors, lived like
total stt angers.
It is only natural that, after a while,
both were sorry in a manner that the
quarrel had occurred, but neither
would acknowledge it openly. On
tho contrary, when somo good neigh
bor offered to step in and bring about
a reconciliation, the offer was rejected
on both sides with so much scorn, that
the experiment was never tried again
by tho same person.
The neighbors woro about equally
divided in taking sides with Mark and
Junle, but on one thing there was
only one opinio , which was, that tho
cat was to blame for It ail.
Murk too seemed to acknowledge
that much, to himself at least, for
there wcio times when he would chase
his pet out of tho home, and shut him
outsido for hours at a time. On such
occasions the cat would climb to the
roof of the house, and give volco to
his sorrow in long and dismal wails.
"Oh, plagno tako your picture,'
Mark would mutter, "now yon know
how it feels yourself. I took up your
quarrel, and I am shut out, too. If I
was a cat, I would climb up on a roof
and howl, too, but I am a human
being and daro not do It."
It was in the latter port of the win
ter, and Mark was sick at heart with
the pain porting with Janlo gavo him.
The evening was cold and damp, and
he was sitting before the fire in the
lingo chimney, watching tho logs burn
dowu slowly nn i crumble to ashes.
Ills thoughts we 10 of Janio, and he
was debuting with himself for the
ten thousandth time whether it would
not ho boat, aftor all, to go to her and
beg to bo reinstated in her heart and
oflectlon once more. IIo had almost
decided to give In, wheu the cat, as
was his habit, jumped up ou hit kuee,
purring softly.
Mark was startled. For tho time
being he had entirely forgotten the
cat. The cat must have felt it, and
thought it was time to receive tome
recognition. But for once the cat's
judgment was at fault, for Instead of
being petted and stroked, he was
picked up and flung oat of doort.
In a few minutes tho cat was on the
roof of the house, bewailing the cruel
troatment he had just received at the
hands of his master. Mark, however,
only gritted his teeth, stirred up the
fire, and sat down before it, deter
mined to lot the cat ttay outside for
tho rest of the night.
And to the hours passed away one
after the other, and Mark still sat be
fore the fire. The only movement he
mado was to ttir up the fire occasion
ally. The cat had been quiet for a
long whllo, and Mark bad sank Into a
reverie again wherein Jaule wat up.
permost in his flitting thoughts.
"That quarrel must have been the
work of Old Nick," he muttered. "I
shouldn't wonder If he hasn't taken up
permanent abode here with me, for I
am just about suitable company for
Just then something came tumbling
down the chimuey, scattering lire and
brands and ashet all over the room.
Then an uueartbly scream, inch as
Mark bad never heard before, rang in
hit eart; at the tame lime tomethiug,
looking like a ball of fire, sprang out
of the fireplace Into the room.
The devil," screamed Mark, and
fell to the floor.
It wat several days after when Mark
regained consciousness and found
himself In bed. lie was in total
darkness, and wondered where he
was. lie pat hit hands up to bit face
to rub hit eye, when he found there
was a bandage over them, and that he
was blindfolded. lie wat about to
tear tho bandage away wheu Janlo' a
gentle voice spoke to htm.
"Don't, Mark," the said. "The
doctor said not to remove the cloth
until he came back. lie will be here
again shortly."
What it the matter, Jonie? What
hat happened?"
"Your house burned down the
other night, and It was only through a
miraclo that I got you out of It alive."
"Yes, I remombor now. Satan
came down the chimney, and kicked
tho fire all over the flaor. It tnut
have sot tho house on fire; but I can't
remember anything more about it"
Mark got we'l In time, and mar
rled Jaule. The cat, it was supposed,
must have porlsho 1 in the burning
house, for ho was never scon ogaiu
after tho fire.
Janle often laughs softly when her
husband insists that satan burned him
out of his house that night. "But,"
she says to herself, "I but it was the
cat." Yankee Blade.
Stringed Instrument.
Tho violin has for many yoars held
the lending placo among stringed in
stniiuoiits. With scarcely any modifi
cations, the same instrument exists to
day that charmed the sonsos of hearers
centuries ago. From tho early part
of the sixteenth century to tho ending
of the eighteenth the forests of South
ern Tyrol were ransacked for trees,
which were cut down lute In the sum
mer, carried down tho (janlo and then
down tho Mlncio to Mantua. From
Como they woro brought to Milan,
from Lake Maggloro down the Ticlno
and Po to Cremona. Tho Brcsciou
makers preferred the pine and ash,
while the Cremona artisans preferred
the moplo and sycamore. With rare
skill dealors would roicrve pieces for
this or that leading artisan, who In
slated on choosing ouly the best.
Since tholr day violin makers have
followed their methods of construc
tion, copying as best they may the
lines of a Stradlvorlus, an Ainati, a
Guurnerlus or a Bergonzi. It Is Iruo
that the violins of today are, through
out, precisely tho same as tho violins
of three centuries ago. Tho sound
bars havo been modified to stand the
strain of modern pitch and now necks
have been devised to meet tbo de
mauds of artists skilled in technique
and intrluato execution. But, after
all, the swell of the body, the princi
ple and arrangemont of the sound
post, remain what they were eveu to
this day.- Public Opinion.
Llfo Among Hlrds.
The distinguished German biologist,
Welsinaun, has pointed out t'.iut thete
is leas exact knowledge on this sub
subject than might be expected, con
sidering how many lit number aro
the ornithologists and the ornithologi
cal socio ties. Small tinging birds
live from eight to eighieeu years.
Ravous havo lived for almost one
hundred years iu captivity, and par
rots longer than that.
Fowls live from ton to twonty
years. Tho wild gooso lives upwards
of one hundred yoars, and swans aro
said to huvo attained the ago of 300.
The long lifo of birds has been in
terpreted as compensation for their
feeble fertility and for tho great mor
tality of tholr young.
From the email island of St. Kilda,
off Scotland, twenty thousand young
gauuett and an immense uutnber of
eggs aro annually collected; and al
though this bird lays ouly one egg per
annum, aud it four years In attaining
maturity, itt numbort do not diminish.
Obviously, as Weismann observes,
such blrda mutt roach a great age, or
they long ago would have been ex
terminated. Suientifio American.
Poisonous Honey and Wax.
There aro certain plants which pro
duce flowers which make not ouly
poisonous houey, but also poisonout
wax. Caset often occur of person!
being made ill after eating houey,
aud the cause it sometimes attributed
to mdlgostlon, but more frequently
the reason is fouud la the honey
Itself, the bees having fed upon poison
out flowers. In tome partt of South
America there are flowers which pro
duce honey and wax of a bluish green
color, and It it tald that both houey
and wax are more poisonous than the
tame quantity of arsenlo. No auon
poisonout honey It produced la tho
United States, though it It known
that the quality of honey it frequently
greatly impaired by tbo flowers of
certalu treat on which the bset greed
lly feed. Boston Trautorlpt.
There it no better food for horses
than beam. They contain more nonr
Ishment than oats; and in Spain, Italy
and In tome partt of Austria horses
are fod on beans regularly, as wo feed
our stock on corn. The use of beans
for horses and cattle produces a beau
liful, toft, tleek coat; the animals like
the beans better than they do any
other form of dloi, can do more work
and gain more fleth while doing It
than If fed on any other sort of food.
SL Louis Globe-Democrat.
Turkeys should not ho allowed to
brood the first littor. Tholr eggs aro
too valuable early in tho season to
stop their production by Incubation.
If kept from sotting the hen turker
will, after a few days, lay a second
litter, and the process may with old
hen turkeys reach a third setting. If
sot under hens nine eggs are enough,
as the egg is larger than a hen's egg,
aud tho young In it are easily killed
by a little exposure to the cold. Com
mon hens make better mothers for
young turkeys than those of their own
kind. The latter wander too far and
do not keep quiet while tho dew is on
the grass, thus draggling their young
and soon killing most of them.
Boston Cultivator.
Fruit, when in its natural a I a to on
tho treo or vine, writes A. P. Reed, is
always kept at a comparatively cool
temperature, In ever so hot weather.
This result is brought ubput by evapo
ration, not only from the surface of
tho fruit but from tho leaf surface to
which tho moisture comes from tho
roots. As soon as tho fruit leaves
tho tree or vine, or as soon as it is
doad ripe. It no longer receive! this
supply, but takes the tcmperaturo of
the atmosphore, and ripens or decays
according to itt condition, at onco.
Reasoning from this understanding
of tho case, I would suggest that cold
storage it demanded immediately for
all fruits plucked when the atmos.
phcre Is wurro, which it is desirable to
keep any length of time. A hot sun
should siriko It hs little as possible if
wc would havo it reach mnrkot in the
best condition, or iu a condition to
please. Fruit plucked when but half
grown may often bo rlpcnod in a
a worm place, bnt the tame fruit
could bo kept unchanged In cold stor
age a great longth of tlmo. Masco,
chusetu Ploughman.
A writer in Hoard's Dairyman de
scribes a good buttor cow as follows:
She it of a modium slzo, hot a long
face, brood muzzle and strong jaws, a
slim, even neck, thin, sloping shoulders,
large girth and immciiso abdomen.
Sho has a sharp, high backbone, thin
hams, giving room for her lnrgo ud
der, which runs well forward as well
at bock. Sho It n voracious cater,
gives a good quantity of rich milk,
which never makes lest than soveii
pounds of butter to tho 100, and
sometimes considerably moro. She
has a general looso, relaxed and bony
appearance. Sho never had, and I do
not believe ever will liovo, an ounco of
surplus llosh on her. She is very sensi
tlvo to cold, cannot bear rough treat
mentor exposure of storms or inclein
ont weather. Sho is so fur frorn boing
hardy enough to withstand the fare
that tome farmers give their cows that
she would probably dioon it, whllo tho
scrub eow would teotn to do fairly
well. But tbo has got the kind of
hardiness thot will enublo hor with
right feodlng and care to produce
three pounds of butler per day. That
is the kind of hardiness that pays.
It may intorest our roadeit to note
the difference as shown by a modern
at agatntt an ancient writer on thit
tuiject. Columolla, a Roman author,
who lived several centuriot before the
Christian era, describes a good milch
cow in the following way: "A tall
make, long, with very large barrel,
very broad head, eyes black and open,
horns graceful, smooth and black,
ears heavy, jaws ttraighi, dowlap and
tall very large, hoofs aud logs moder
Orchard troet vary greatly In the
bonofltt or injurious clluatg oeaasionod
by pruning, advises a Morgan county
(Ohio) orchard itt. In the case of tbe
apple occasional pranlngs are indie
pensable for keeping the tree In good
shape and for the production of a good
quality of fruit through the removal
of superfluous tproutt and branohet.
On the contrary, the pear require!
very llttlo pruning, and no tret It
more liable to be Injured by too rnuob.
of lt At tot tlmt of transplanting
there will usually b tome pruning
required to preserve a proper balance
botwecn the branchet and the roott. I
would alwayt make thlt at little at
posslblo by great care In taking up the
young trees and making the lost of
roott to small that a very severe prun
ing of tho top would not be re
quirod. The pruning back at planting
should bo made with reference to a
symmetrical, well balanced tree, and the
after pruning should not be frequent
or excessive. Where it is desired to
prune to pyramidal form or shape to
please the fancy, cutting back or
shortening the yearly growths will be
necessary; bat for fruit production I
would avoid that kind of pruning. In
the case of interfering branches the
one least promising should be the one
to bo removed, but after tho tree has
becomo well established the less prun
ing the butter. Iu the present condition
of pear blight, enforced pruning or
cutting oil of diseased bronchos often
must be resorted to, no matter what
the effect may be on the symmetry or
productlvoucss of the tree. TNow
York llurald.
pkas as sheep food.
Thero Is ne better sheep food than
peas, and as about as many peas cau
be grown ou an acre, if mixed so as
to be half oats as when grown aloiio,
and as tho oats will, In ordinary
years, hold the peas np so they can
be cut with a mower, it is better to
mix them in tho proportion of two
bushels of the small Canada field pea
to ouo bushel of oats, choosing a
kind of oats with pretty stiff straw,
Tho best way to prepare the ground
and sow the peas Is to uso good land.
Corn stubble, if one has It, is best,
but if sod ground is used hove it fall
plowed, or plowed as early iu spring
as possIbIe,and, as soon at itla In good
working order barrow lightly and tow
two bushels of peas per acre; Im
mediately plow from four to six inches,
to as to cover tho peas at least four
Inches deep. Wait a wock and sow
one bushel per ucro of oats, and glvo
a thorough harrowing. This will leave
tho peas deep in tho soil and tho oats
near the surface, Just as they should
be; It will not injure the peat, will
kill all weedt that have started and
will give each an even send-off to In
sure tho largest yield. It is a good
plan to roll the ground after the oats
aro harrowed, as It will leave it
smoother for the harvesting." Soon
after tbo peas get beyond tho eating
stage, and whilo still green enough so
that tho pods will dry down holding
peo, cut the crop with a mower, and
whoa cured, so they will not mold, but
not enough so as to loso tho leaves,
put them Into cocks of 200 or 300
pounds, and aftor a wcok of good
curing weather they con bo simply
aired out and put Into mows; or they
can bo put into good. sized stacks
without cocking, but tho slacks should
bo topped, or capped, with any cheap
hay or swamp gruss, put on when no'
moro than half cured; othorwlso, they
will wet half through, and much will
be spoiled. This crop may bo threshed
with a machine, but for sheep feeding
it will be bettor to feed without, as
tho sheep will eat everything clean ;
and the farmor can foed according to
his judg mont, and the haulm will not
be broken. American Agricultu
Ducks and turkeys should rurely bo
tamed out uutll thoy are at least two
weeks old.
' If duck eggs aro set nnder the hens
from this time on it will be best to
make the uest on the ground.
Whenever there Is a considerable
number of young chickens it will pay
to provldo a separate place for them
to roost.
At the weather gett warmer lice
will begin to be more troublesome.
Unless kept down the chickens will
not make a thrifty growth.
It shows tho Ignorance of honey
buyers that ' they prefer tbe whito
comb to tho darker, but honey-sollort
have to humor tholr Ignorance.
Nobody yot seomi to have found
out exactly the right temperature for
a cellar in which hives are wintered.
The best rule yetgiveu is that tempera,
ture it boat In which tho beet teem
Pigmy Hogg.
Specimens of the smallest known
tperlot of hogs are now quartered at
the London Zoological gardens. They
eame from tbe southern part of Aus
tralia, and aro knowu a ''.he pigmy
hogt of the antipodes." They are
well formod, frisky, and about the
site of a inuskrat. They art real
bogs, aud not to be confounded with
gulueaplgt, which are specie! of
rodtnt. Chicago Timet.
Cut a' pound of tripe la narrow
etrlps, pot a tmall cap of water or
milk to it, add a kit of batter the elM
of au egg, dredge In a large teaspoon
ful of flour, or work It with the
buttor; teason whh pepper and salt,
let it simmer gently for half an hour,
terve hot. A bunch of parsley cat
tmall and put with It is au Improve
snout. Boston Cultivator,
In that delightful middle-aged book,
"Quits," which the Passion Play set
everybody to hunting up and reading,
travelers in tho Tyrol are often re
galed with schmarn. Some readers
wanted quite as much to know what
schmarn Is as to know about the wood
carvers, so hero it Is: Tako a half
pound of flour, the yolks of four eggs,
a little salt, a teacupf ul of sugar,
cither nutmeg or grated lemon, with
cream or tullk enough to make a
rather thick battor. Tho hotter must
be light and smoothly mixed. Lastly,
add the whiles of the eggs whUked to
a snow. Melt a toblespoonful of but
ter In a stewpan, place it over' a brisk
flro and Into it pour tho batter. Cover
tho pan and let It stay over the fire
until a nico brown crust hat formed
at tho bottom. As toon at this Is
done,brcok up the schmarn with a
lltt'.o iron apotula or fork, and let it
let and brown again ; then break ap
Mimllor by tearing it lightly apart, and
serve It without delay. Farm aud
A celebrated Now England dish it
tho genuino Nantucket chowder. The
dish usually served under thot name, a
mixture of potatoes, crackers, etc., it
more properly a ttcw or fish fiicatto,
a palatable compound, but not chow
dor. This is tho genuino article.
Got a codfish, fresh caught and weigh
ing about five pounds.' Don't buy It
unless its eyes am bright and its gills
a bright red. Have it cleaned as for
boiling, leaving tho head on. Cut it
into five pieces, tho head forming ono;
wa h clean and leave tho pieces iu cold
water slightly saltod. Take throe
quarters of a pound of cleau, fat salt
pork, cut this up Into flue dice, the
finer the hotter, mid put Into a pot
over a slow flro. Whllo it it slowly
frying out cut nn onion very fiuo, and
when tho pork is a rich brown turn in
tho onion, stirring it frequently, and
after the onion is cooked lay the fish
on it and cover with boiling water.
Wet two tnblospoonsf ul of corn starch
in half a pint of milk and add salt and
peppsr to taste. Wheu the fish hot
bollod fifteen mlnutos add tho thick
ened milk. Boil five minutes and
serve with pickles, olives or colcry.
Washington Star.
To purify water, hong a small bag
of charcoal in iu
Vinegar bottles may bo cleaned with
crushed ogg-sholls in a llttlo water.
For toothache, try oil of sassafras,
and apply it frequently, if necessary.
Scorchod spots moy be removed
from cotton or linen by rubbing well
with chlorine woter.
If tho color has been taken out of
silks by fruit stains, ammouio will
usually restoro the color.
A good liniment for Inflammation,
rhoumatlsm, swellings, etc., is olive
oil well saturated with camphor.
To brighten cirpets, wipe them
with warm water In which has boo a
poured a few drops of ammonia, i
Acids, wino or fruits may be ex.
traded by first being moistened wlta
ammonia, then washed iu chloriuo
To clean ttrow matting boll three
quarts of bran in one gallon of water,
aud wash the mattiug with the water,
drying it well.
To remove brown spots from black
fabrics, poar spirits of ammonia on
tbe spot, drop by drop, aud rub gent
ly rouud and round with the fiuger.
Onions should not bo cooked In an
Iron pan; if they are very strong, boil
a turulp with them. They ore alwaya
best scalded before choppiug for
gravies or sauce. '
All vegetables are improved by lay
ing thorn iu a pau of eold water be
fore cooking. Tboy should be put to
cook in boiling water, and quick boil
ing In an uncovered pau will preserve
their color. Never allow thetu to stand
in the water after they are done.
For soft frosting, use "ten teaspoon
full of powdered tugar with one egg;
beat thirty minutes. Lay the frosting
on with a kuife, whloh If frequently
dipped Into ooid water, will give the
Icing a gloss. A little cream of Urtw
will hasten tht hardening.