The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 01, 1892, Image 5

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8nberiptim $l.HO per year, in adntnee.
C. A, NTP.PIIKKIMI, I'.dltor mid Pnb.
traveler' OTult.
1 Denver trains arrive nt the Reynolds-
villain Ion im follow:
if EuiUrar1. I Hrflftrwril.
Train . - - . l. m. Train , - T. . m.
Trln I, - 1.(1) p. m. Trnln t, 142 p.m.
Train It. - a.iw p. ni. Train in, . - K.iw p, m.
kkvnommivii.i.k rosT-orncic.
Mall arrive and leave tlio post-ofncr as
nun tn wrr.
1.1A p. m. - i. no p. rn
rim thk hast.
8.10 n. m. - . 12.) p. ni.
ron Tim WK.ST.
T.OOs. m.
I.CK) p. m. ".no n. m, - - l.m p. m.
Arrives from Rathmcl mid I'rrsoottvllle
11.30 it m.
Arrives fmm Panic Tucdnys, Thursdays
and Saturday lit 2.W p. m.
Depart for Present! ville, Itiitlimi'l, Panic
11.00 n. m.
OnW hour .imn. ni. InKA) p. m.
I Money order cilice open from In
7.30 p. ni. Kctflslcr office omii from i.OD a. til.
to H.iO ii. m.
llollihiv from 7.00 lo n. m. nnd
from to . p. m.
Office mien Sunday fmm nm n. m. to tn.nn
n. m. .1. W. I'oi'HT. I'. M.
The II rut of tho season hunil organ
Lot of given goods nt McKoo & War
nick's Saturday.
Tho last two days of May were noted
for perspiration producer.
Maticl street Id being opened tip
from Third to Fifth street.
Geo. P. Cant will erect a dwelling
house in Reynoldsvllle and domiciliate
The editor of tho Volunteer is now
papa. A nlekle for hair pliiH, Ac, will
Accordlng-to tho assessors spring
report there are (Mill voter In tho
A Junior Epworth League has len
organized in the M. K. church at this
Intoxicants weiu freoly indulged in on
Monday, even a fow small boys reeled
upon the streets.
D. W. Atwator, the plumber, put
water in Reynolds' drug store and G. A.
n. Hall this week. ,
Call at the office of The Stab in tho
Arnold block and leave your order for a
years' subcription.
Jasper Womor has been idle since lost
Friday on account of having a nail run
through his loft hand.
Will H. Boll, of tho firm of Boll Bine.,
was prostrated on Decoration Day from
heat and over exertion.
The Reynoldsvillo Cornet band filled
our Btroets with some of their delightful
music Monday evening.
- Dr. S. Reynolds' drug store has boon
re-papered, which makes a great
improvement in the room.
( This week the Punxsutawney Hpirit
will be printed on anew Campbell Oscil
lating Book and Job press.
A street "skinner" made an unsuccess
ful attempt to sell his wares upon our
streets one evening last week.
W. W. Ford has purchascd,frora F. K.
: Arnold, the property on Grant street
now occupied by Thos. Sechrist.
A man who was too heavily loaded
with "Oh, be joyful," bunked in the
Reynoldsvllle hostile Monday night.
Doubtless the people of Big Run will
rejoloe when the editors of the papers
f published at that place cease their jang
The Cristiun Kndeuvor business meet
ing Wednesday evening after pravor
t meeting is important and requires tho
presonoe of every member.
The post-office at Fuller station is a
thing of the past. It bos been knocked
out by Camp Run, whore mail matter for
J that section is distributed.
There will be a meetlnir of thoso
interested in the Reynoldsvllle Cow
Insurance Fund at 7:30 Monday evening
in the Minora waiting room.
A little daughter of Emery Lash,
aged four weeks and one day, died on
Wednesday and was buried in Beuluh
cemetery Thursday afternoon.
The boys in the Sandy Valley brass
band, which was organized only a few
months ago, are getting along nioely
and can already render good music.
Jack Frost spread his chilly mantle
over the buds and blossoms in this
section last Friday night, but no great
amount of damage was done by the
Frost King.
Miss Verna Bing won the prize, a
book entitled "Evening," at the Y. P.
S. C. E. Progressive Novelty party held
at Miss Belle Arnolds' on Tuesday eve
ning of lust week.
Fakirs and Sharps are numerous.
Farmers should be careful about signing
papers of any kind presented by stran
gers for they may turn up some where
as promissory notes.
Rev. E. Cresman has quite a juvenile
school at his home. Sixteen boys and
glrls.ranglngln age from five to twelve
.years, are taking lessons from the Rev
erend la 3ermM and English.
A little fracas oooured on Main street
Monday evening in which a young man's
mailing aparatus came in contact with
niece of board which resulted in the
prominent part of his phis being
The room formerly occupied by C. H.
Gordon's store is being ro-papored and
painted and Bolger Bros, will move
their clothing store into It as noon as the
room Is ready. An addition Is being
added to the building to bo used as a
tailor shop.
The ladies of the Guiding Star lodge
held a festival In the G. A. R. hall
Wednesday evening of last week and on
Thursday evening dished out straw
berries, ice cream and cake at the rink.
Thoexeheqtier of the lodge was increas
ed thereby.
The employees of tho Hell, Lewis &
Yates' store at RoynoldHVlllo and Du
llol had a friendly game of base hall on
Decoration I)ay In the field below the
coke ovens at this plaee. The DuBol
ites came out victorious. The wore
stood 13 to 17.
Tho ladies of the W. R. C. gavo the
old soldiers and Sons of Veterans an
excellent dinner In tho G. A. R. Hall on
Decoration Dny. Tho dinner was such
an one ns tho Indies of the Relief Corps
know how to get up, and best of all it
was a free dinner.
A preliminary meeting of the Knights
of the Miienbees was held at Dr. .1. H.
MeCrelght's cilice Inst Friday evening.
A meeting will lie held In tho G. A. R.
hall on Thursday evening of this week
when the organisation will lx completed
and officers elected.
Last week wo hud written a personal
for Alex. Rlston who was in Phila
delphia and In correcting proof the
printer made "pi" of the entire item but
"Philadelphia this week,"and forgot to
reset it, thus tho three words appeared
in tho orsomt1 column alone.
1 To celebrate, or not to celebrate, is
the question? The F, rth of July is
just over the hill of June and there has
been no effort on the part of our citi
zens, as yet, to greet tho day in an ap
propriate manner, as is becoming a live
town, such as Reynoldsvllle is noted for.
Come, awake!
A coal train on the R. A F. C. R. R.
knocked M. Mohney'scow into tho ditch
last Thursday evening. Tho cow was
badly used up. Her jaw and throe legs
wore broken. The injuries sustained
necessitated the application of a sledgo
to her forehead and a butcher knife
across her windpipe.
Dr. J. B. Neale attended a meeting
of the National Association of Railroad
Surgeons, which was hold 'at Point
Comfort, Va., last week, convening at
2 P. M. Tuesday and closing at 2 P. M.
Friday. About 2,000 including wives,
wore present. Tho doctor also visited
Washington and Baltimore.
John Flynn was tho guossor who got
the suit of clothos offered by Boll Bros,
for tho candle guoss. Flynn said it
would take 7 days, 16 hours, and 15 min
utes to consume the tallow dip. Tlmo,
7 day, 18 hours, and 7 minutes. Some
extravagant guessing was done; ranging
from i of a second to a hundred years.
The musical Institute now in session
will close on Friday night of this week.
The pupils are highly delighted with
the instructions. On the lino of read
ing and voice culture they have made
great Improvement. Prof. Jaquay and
class will give a musical entertainment
in the Ojiora House on Tuesday evening,
June 7th.
The third semi-annual convention of
the Union Y. P. S. C. E., of Jofforson
county, will be held in tho Beechwoods
Presbyterian church on Thursday, Juno
23rd, commencing at 9 o'clock A. M. and
closing at 9 o'clock p. M. Rev. H. G.
Furbay, John B. Whitchlll and Miss
Belle Arnold, of Reynoldsvllle, are on
th program for tho exercises of tho day
Street Commissioner Henningor as
sessed tho canines of Reynoldsvillo last
wook. There are only ubout 1U dogs
in this borough. Tho Commissioner
found 14 dogs at three places. The
dog tax for onefumily was J10.,r0. The
tax on a doy Is 91.50, feminine gender
$2.00, the borough gets a dollar of this
and tho Statu gets tho balunce.
The newspaper that attempts to pub
lish a lie as enormous as tho one pub
lished in tho Rldgway IMmocrut lost
week about the balloon ascension from
Erb's circus at that place reoently, will be
as "far out of sight" in its lying ability
as the balloonist was when he lit on the
base ball ground. If that is a sample
of the editor's ability for campaign
truthfulness, he's a "dandy."
The school directors of Wlnslow town
ship, W. T. Gathers, Henry Stevenson,
O. H. Broadhead, Thos. MoCrelght,
Levi Schuckers and J. W. Phllllppl,
met, with exception of Phillippi, in
the school house in West Reynoldsvllle
last Saturday forenoon and settled their
accounts for the year. The directors
paid $4,410.00 salaries to teachers for
the last term of six months schooliug.
The township has a good suhool board.
The letter from Reynoldsvllle to the
Falls Creek Herald last week gave very
strong evidence that the correspondent
had been sleeping a week, or else bis
letter was written for the week before
and was held over. The excursion to
the mine, -referred to by the urrapund
ent, was composed of thirty-five people,
including "a great many stranger
vinlting in town" Mr. and Mrs. Elliott,
at Mansfield, instead of seventy-five
people of Reynoldsvllle and a great
many strangers,
Telephont Extension.
The extension of the telephone line
from Punxsutawney to Blatrsvllle, Indi
ana county, is being pushed along as
rapidly as possible and will be complet
ed about the first of August. This will
give Reynoldsvillo and neighboring
towns telejhono connections with Pitts
burg. The telephone comiiany are not
finding their line a paying business In
this section. The company expended
$15,000 In running the lino from Clar
ion to Punxsutawney. There are only
about fifty Instruments on the line
which will bring to the company about
$2.-0.00 ier month. Out of this they
pay something over one hundred dol
lars per month In salaries to thoso who
have charge of the "phones," besides a
superintendent, royalty to tho Bell
Telephone Co., rent and other necessary
A family whose name commences
with U have moved Into Handy Valley.
The postmaster there, W. T. Cox,
who has been serving Uncle Sam In that
capacity for three years, says that last
Thursday whs the first time In his post
mastership that tho letter U, so near
the latter end of the alphaltet, has lieen
bifiught Into use In inquiring for mail.
The origin of tho name of the new
comers In that vicinity may date back
to Noah's time when that old gentleman
called his suns three or four times In
tho morning and then said, "are you
Their Hands Tied.
The supervlsoi's of Wlnslow township
get an oceaslonnl "hauling over the
coals" for the condition of the township
roads. The jM'oplo who work out their
read tax are ready to ierform such lalxir
when they have nothing else to do, thus
tho siqiervlsors' lunula are tied to a cer
tain extent In getting tho roads repaired
and, heretofore, an insufficient amount
of money has been another drawback.
A supervisors jiosltlon Is not an envi
able one. Sometimes these gentlemen
are dilatory In their duties.
Another Train.
Tho new schedule on tho B., R. & P.
R'y that went Into effect on tho 22nd
ult., makes It convenient for people who
desire to go to Punxsutawney In tho
morning and return in the evening. By
leaving Reynoldsvllle on tho 6:52 A. M.
train you can reach Punxsutawney at
!:.')0 and remain until 6:00 o'clock in tho
evening and got back to Reynoldsvllle
on tho 9:08 train. If tho B., R. & P.
Ry continue to put on now trains peoplo
can soon travel without such awful
pauses between trains.
To Fill up On.
We are thankful to tho ladles of the
Guiding Star for somo delicious straw
berries sent to this office. Usually the
people who hold festivals ask the news
papers to give -vn liberal notices,
thinking they are accommodatlnir the
editor by giving him something to "fill
up" his paper with. While such
notices are run willingly for "tho irood
of the town," you know, yet somothlng
lor the editor to "fill up on" is more
fully appreciated.
Had Political Aspirations.
David Reynolds, of this plaee, who
devotes his tlmo to funning, has hod
tho desire at one tlmo to become a
politician, uh tho following article cli
ped from The Eye of Juno 11th, 1878,
would I ml lento:
"David Reynolds says that ho would
sooner bo defeated on the Givonbaek
ticket than elected on any other. There
Is times in a man's life when Providenco
sees fit to comply with his desire."
Watch Examiner.
C. F. Hoffman, the jeweler, is watch
examiner for tho A. V. R'y. The com
pany employees huve their watches
examined every six months. Tho jow
oler visits the ruilroad frequently
during the month for "tlmo" scrutiniz
ing. Mr. Hoffman understands his
business and, consequently, keeps the
trains woll timed.
Something Good.
The members of the DuBols M. E.
church choir, under the direction of
their loader, W. R. Chosnutt, will give
a grand concert in the Reynolds Opera
House on Tuesday evening, June 14, con
sisting of instrumental and vocal music,
solos, duets, trios, quartettes and four
magnificent choruses from the best com
posers. Quarterly Meeting.
Quarterly Mooting at tho Methodist
Episcopal church next Saturday even
ing and Sunday. Preaching Saturday
at 7:30 p. M., followed by quarterly con
ference. Saoramentul sorvloe Subbuth
at 11 A. M. Children will be baptised
before the service. Love feast at 3
P. M.
Three Hundred Trout.
Henry M. Iseman and Henderson
Sample, of this place were at Medlx Run
trout fishing several days last week and
came borne bringing three hundred
"haautlttt" with them.
. Ar Thankful.
We take this method of expressing
our gratitude to all who were so kind to
us during the illness and death of our
baby. Mr. and Mns. Emery Lash.
A 8nek Thief."
Last Sunday morning after Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Copping had gono to church
a "llght-flngerVidT' chap residing In the
East End of town, raised a back window
and entered Mr. Qipping'a store, per
haps to examine the goods and sample
the tobacco, clgan, Ac, as the sneak
thief claims he did not intend stealing
anything. Of course not, he Is very
Innocent when caught. Harry Copping
had Just got out of bed and como down
stairs while the yrnmg rascal was taking
a look at tho goods In the store. On hear
Ing footsteps tho innocent chap made
a quick exit from the building but not
soon enough toeoneeal his identity He
secured no plunder that could be miss
ed. Tho sooner such "didn't mean
any harm" desires are strangled out of
this lad's life, the better for him and
his parents, or he may have an oppor
tunity If he practices such innocent
sports to quietly meditate within tho
lenltentlary wwllsas to tho harm of en
tering place of business at the roar win
dow when he supiMiscs all tho family are
away from home.
On the Battle Field.
Henry A. Reed hud his show windows
tastefully and appropriately arranged
for Decot-atlyn Day. In ono window
was two large pictures, ono tho battlo
of Chnnccllorsvillo and tho other tho
battle between tho Monitor and Merrl
mac. In the other window there were
two pictures, ono the scene of the con
flict at Antictam and tho other was a
picture of John Davis of this place,
which was tuken at Bristol Station, Va.,
on tho Aloxutider ft Richmond railroad,
with his army outfit on. Ho knows
something uliout tho encounter ut An
tletam, for It was there he camo very
nearly offering his life on his country's
altar. Mr. Davis has four bullet marks
upon his body that are reminders to him
of tho days when our country called for
brave men. There are no semblance
that would Indicate that tho soldier boy
In the picture Is John Davis of Reyn
oldsvillo, yet It is ho. The effects of the
leaden messengers from tho southland
that marked his body, with the assist
ance of time, have wrought a great
chango In his appearanco.
Killed by a Train.
Miss Clara Davis, daughterof Newton
Davis, of Knoxdalo, this coupty, was
knocked over an embankment by a B.,
R. & P. R'y train at Mill Creek Monday
and died from the effects thereof Wed
nesday morning. Her left leg was
amputated Tuesday morning with hopes
of saving her lifo. Her remains wore
taken to the home of her parents and
Thursdoy afternoon were buried in the
Presbyterian cemetery near Knoxdalo.
Miss Davis was employed as a domestic
for a fauilly . at Mill Crook and was
engaged In washing on Monday when
a freight train was soon coming and the
family cow was lingering noar the
railroad. Miss Davis ran out to drive
tho cow off the railroad and save the
animal's life and by so doing was knock
ed off the track herself with the results
as above stated.
The Fourth Week.
For four wooks we have been sending
out sample copies of The Star, hoping
to thus Introduce tho pacr to tho poo
plo and gain a place In their home clrclo
and hocomo a weekly visitor. Our sub
scription list Is evldonco to us that we
havo succeeded In winning tho affections
of many, and wo hope that many more
will call at the office In the Arnold
block and leave a dollar and fifty cents
for a years' subscription. We proviso
to give the people all tho news of the
day. Homo news, county news, tele
graphic news, farm and gurden news,
news for tho ladles, news for tho house
wife, lnlxir news, grunge news, In fuct
Interesting reading matter for all peo
plo. Bo sure to call and subscril)e for
The Star.
Larger Shop Necessary.
Jacob and Henry Doible, of Reynolds
villo, are building a 20x50 two-story
addition to their already large shop.
The now addition Is to be used as a
paint shop and to keep buggies and
wagons In. Delble Bros, have been In
business here eighteen years and have
built up a good trade. They make a No.
1 wagon. Over fifty wagons are manu
factured by thorn each yoar. We will
always gladly note the fact when any
business Increases in Reyuoldsville to
such an extent that the buildings have
to be enlarged.
"Would if I Could."
We have frequently been asked, "why
don't you send a man through the mines,
as the Volunteer does, to got subscrib
ers for your papery" For the simple
reason that the goneral manager will
not allow us to send a solicitor through
the ralnos. Consequently, we ask all
who are pleased with THE Star to call
at this office and leave their subscrip
tion or send your name In with your
We received a communication from
Rttthraul yesterday giving a thrilling
account of a combat between two young
men, one of this place and the other of
Rathmol, who had become enamored
with one of Rathmel'a fair maidens and
decided to settle the affair by a display
of their dog-like natures. The column
of The Stab are open for news of im
portance and interest, but we have not
yet concluded to attempt to keep pace
with the Police GuMtttt.
Memorial Sunday A Long Procession
A Big Day for the Old Veterans.
Another May day that marks a great
event in the history of this land, ban
eomn and gone. On Monday love and
patriotism united to strew with flower
tho graves of our dead soldier boys.
This is a beautiful and appropriate cus
tom, worthy of )orotuul observance.
Iter. W. P. Murray, pastor of tho M.
E. church, wa invited to preach tho
Bertnon on Memorial Sunday. Tho er
vleva were held In the M. E. church.
Tim church was very beautifully dec
orated. Three large flags were used,
(Hie over tho vocation organ, one over
tho backs of tho pulpit chairs, and one
over tho communion table. An arch of
evergreen was placed in front of the
pulpit and a grand display of potted
plants wus arranged Inside tho altar.
Tho G. A. It., S. of V.. and W. It. C.
attended the service. Revs. E. T. Dorr
and Harvey G. Furbay, assisted In tho
opening and closing services. Rev.
Murray's address whs an able ono and
evinced the Reverend's ability as a
punne Hix-ukcr. It is seldom that the
Grand Army are favored with such an
excellent sermon. Tho musie was good.
Mrs. W. P. Murray rendered some
appropriate selections on the vocation.
Tho month of May was mrted for rain
and disagreeable weather, but as the
sun arose alnivo tho Eastern hills on
Decoration morn there were evidences
of a beautiful day and peoplo took cour
age and began to decorate and prepare
tor the occasion.
About 0:30 a. m., the appointed time,
the long procession wa ready for the
march to the cemetery. Tho parade
was headed with the IVesbyteriBn and
Baptist Sunday schools combined. In
charge of Rev. H. O. Furbay and Mr.
w. a. btone; second In line was the M.
E. Sunday school In charge of Rev. W.
P. Murray, Solomon Shaffer and Wm.
Harkley, thon followed the Reynolds
villo Cornot bund; Commundory General,
No. 46, S. of A.; P. O. S. of A.; Jr. O.
U. A. M.; Presoottvlllo Cornet band; P.
O. S. of A., of Rathmol; firing squad
irem u. A. It. and S. of V.; G. A. R.: S.
of V.; W. IV C; and a long lino of citi
zens followed In the rear.
On arrival at the gate of Boulah the
Sunday schools and orders halted and
ojiened ranks and tho G. A. R.,S. of V.
and W. R. C. passed through receiving
ine nowors rrom tho children as thoy
marehod along. The monument erected
In memory of the doad who were burled
In unknown graves was the first stop
ping place. Although no tomb stone
or slab marks the spot where many a
brave sold lor boy's body has been depos
ited to await the Great Roll Call, yet
'Very peacefully they rest
Who, In life hy Peace unhlest,
('iiuirht the war-cry, Herce and shrill,
f elt the battle's hIiock and thrill.
Heard the dreadful caooon'n roar
lleath hehlnd and death liefore,
HKhtlmcon the sea and land,
root to foot and hand to hand!"
Here the Commander, Samuol Sutter,
delivered his address; a male quartette,
Prof. Jaquay, Daniel Strouse, M. C.
Coleman and John Trudgen, sang "Our
Honored Dead;" Chaplain, Wilder
Boyles, offered prayer; Sr. Vice, D. R.
P. Woomor, read the burial ceremony;
Miss Minnie Ewing sang a solo, "Tread
Softly, a Soldier is Sleeping There;"
flower, were strewn upon tho mound
and the firing squad fired three volleys
over tho unknown; tho choir sang
"Cover them over with roses of May."
ltev. Noble delivered an able and elo
quent address. Tho choir sang, "Hal
lowed Memories." Flowers, natures
beuutiful tribute, wore scattered over
tho graves of all tho soldiers buried in
Beuluh, and tho firing purty visited tho
Catholic, Pleasant Avenue, Baptist and
Presjiect cemeteries to do honor to
their comrades who are burled in thoso
Every part of the memorial exercises
passed off nicely. R. D. Boer was Chief
Marshall and J. W. Warnlck and Jas.
A. MoCrelght assistants. '
Tho soldiers who still survive the
storms of this life will again engage in
their usual vocation, and as for the
comrades who have been numbered
with the dead,
"Very peacefully they rest
North and Mouth und East and West
While the heaven-descending dew
rails alike ou Gray and Blue,
While thechoerlnir llvhtof day
HhlneMon Blue aim shines on Gray;
Weary march and battle sore
Pant fur them fureveriuore!"
Many people visit the cemeteries on
Decoration Day not only to pay homage
to those who sacrificed life for their
country, but to stand beside the place
where thoir fond hopes have been bur
led. As the recollections of the past,
the thoughts of a kind futhor, a loving
mother, a sweet bubo, or a darling
brother or sister, puss through the
memory many a heart Is re-touuhod
with the grief of by gone days and the
tears unbidden come. Who can stand
beside the grave of a soldier and think
oi nis love lor ireeuom ana not feel a
thrill of patriotism)1 Or who can stand
beside a grave of a loved on and not
feel a sadness stealing o'er hlra?
Wanted A reliable young man who
wants to learn the practice of dentistry.
Dr. J. 8. MoCrelght,
Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
Strawberries! strawberries! at MoKee
& Warulok's next Friday and Saturday
Harry Shanner Is noar the jsirtals of
Esq. E. T. McGaw was at -Beech troo
lost Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Cant sjumt Sunday
In Punxsutawney.
Mr. C. Mitchell visited friends In
DuBols Saturday.
C. ('. Bunscoter, of Brookvllle.wM lu
Reynoldsvllle Saturday.
Mr. S. K. Furman, of Hnrrlsburg, 1
visiting her parent at Rathmol,
Miss RiddloOlloolcy.of Rldgway, Pa.,
Is visiting Miss Jennie MeCreody.
Dr. W. J. McKnlght. of Brook ville,.
registered at Hotel Belnap Monday.
J.F. Alexander has gono to Brock way-
vlllo to work at his trade, harness mak
ing. Mrs. W. W. Bark ley and son, Frank,
of Big Run, were In Reynoldsvillo last
Miss Arietta Robinson, of- Tlonesta,
Pa., Is visit ing Misses Bell and Lib Rob
inson. Thomas Tapper, the liveryman, went
to Warren, O., last week to buy a fine
Mrs. A. P. Holland, of DuBols, visit
ed her sister, Mr. E. C Sensor, last
Captain H. O. Boyle, of DuBols, vis
ited hh cousin, M. Fred Reed, this
Mrs.P.A.Hardman,rrs. C.F.Hoffman
and Mrs. J. B. Neale were In DuBols
Prof. Hawkey, of New Bethlehem,.
was tho guest of A. J. Postlethwait
Friday night.
Dr. II. P. Thompson and wife, of
Portland, Elk county, were In Reynolds
villo this week.
Rev. H. O. Furbajr and Alex. Riston
were at Johnston's Run, near Benezette,.
fishing yesterday.
J. W. Warnlck. of the firm of McKee
& Warnlck, visited his homo in Clarion
county this woek.
Jas. M. Marsh and wlfo of Sllgo, are
visiting Mrs. Marsh's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Carey.
Mrs. Richard Jennings visited the
homo of her parents at Summervllle
several days last week.
John B. Whitehlll was called to
Brook ville this week on account of the
serious Illness of his mother.
J. C. Mclntlre Is now a resldont of
Roynoldsvlllo, having moved from Du
Bols to thl place last Thursday.
Harry and Miss Minnie Plylor, of
Pat ton Station, Pa., visited J. W. Mot
tor's family during the past week.
itirn. vv . a. uucoim, oi runs reeK,
f TIT i3 T 1 - . T7. 1 1 r l
visited hor parent, Mr. and Mrs. Roeoe
Williams, at this place last week.
Jas. Cathcart visited his father, who
is 89 years old and lives near New
Bothlehem, during the past week.
W. L. Mlssimer, who is now engaged
in business at Titusville, visited hi
family at this place during the past
P. A. Hardman, book-keeper at the
tannery, took a jaunt into Polk town
ship last week and enjoyed several days
In fishing.
G. E. Brown, the gonial insurauoe
agent of Brookvllle, was in Reynolds
vllle Thursday, and made this office a
pleasant catl.
Mrs. L. C. McGaw, of Punxsutawney,
was in Reynoldsvillo several days last
week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. W. Riston.
Miss Jessie Barkley, who has been vis
iting with her grandmother, Mrs. Jessie
Lowther, at Rlmorsburg for sometime,
returned homo Saturday evening.
Miss Sadie McCall, of Ambrose, Indi
ana county, returned to her home on
Monday after a three weeks' visit at
Benj. Haugh's in Winslow township.
Mrs. R. E. McKee, Misses Hettie
Beer and Mamie Sutter attended the
commencement exercises of the Brook
vllle public schools Thursday evenlngof
last week.
J. E. Miller, stonogarpher for the B.,
L. & Y. C. M. Co. at this place, will soon
leave Reynoldsvllle. He expects to go
to Pittsburg. Mr. Hammond, of Punx
sutawney, will succeed Mr. Miller.
Rev. W. P. Murray, Rev. E. T. Derr,
W. H. Slack, Mrs. A. M. Woodward,
Miss Laura Kline and Miss Bertha
Ayres, were at the Sunday school con
vention held at Punxsutwney last week.
W. B. Wilson, of Blossburg, Pa.,
master workman of (tie U. N. M. W. of
A., for District No. 3, was In Reynolds
vllle lust evening and attended the
meeting of K. of L., Assembly No. 10,427.
Wm. M. Foster, whom we mentioned
several weeks ago as convalescing after?
a serious Illness, has since had a relapse
and his condition was even more critical
than at first. He Is again slowly recov
ering his health.
Rev. I. K. Wlsmer, who has been
pastor of the Lutheran church at Du
bois for six years, spent Thursday night
with Rev. Grossman at this place, iter.
Wlsmer wus on his way to Latrobc,
Westmoreland county, his new field of,
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Walker, ot
Trade City, Pa., spent several days with
their daughter, Mrs. B. E. Hoover, at
this place during the past week. Thla
was Mr. Walker's first visit to Reynolds
ville and he was very favorably im
pressed with the town. How oould ill
be otherwise) ...