The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 25, 1892, Image 2

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Important New Item Received a W
Oo to Pre.
Disaster. Arrlrlccls anil I ntallllee.
At Marshal tiiln, Colo., Anthony Iters.
Itindca misstep mill plunged let till bottom
of the shaft In the I'nltui mine Ho was ter
ribly crushed, ImviiiK "truck on bin head,
ml livid but a nhort lime.
Lightning struck the boil's nf W.F..Pnilc
t liriitnii, Tel., nml klllol hin .Vycarolil
daughter while she was aIccp.
Mike Mirlii'l, while returning liinn' from
Wnvetly, Iowa, during n heavy storm, drove
team nil usmiill bridge mill was drown-
Ilingling tmthers' i itcu' train wa w reck
nl near Atchison, Kan., mi l two person
were killed.
Nelson Pneknrd, Mart'n Wondwnrd mul
an old fisherman ilium-1 PcinhnfT, wen1
drowned In tin- Itlne river lit Crete, Neb.,
Monday. PcimhnfT wa row itig in ri tlir
rivcraiul hi isiat wast audit in the t urreut
nnd carried over the i!am. 1'acknnl mul
AVoodward were in n mill mi l jumped into n
boat lii'lnw (lie ilam ami ' tn asit liiln.
but their boat was caught in mi eddy mul
dashed to pieces.
!') the of n on t!ie How-illo
place, Mcrriltnn, Ark.. Hump Wilson, i olor
rd, four wciini'ti anil live children were
A destructive tnrnailii swept over the
wetern purl nf llnmiltiui rmuity, Ohio,
Wedntsilay nftcrniiiui. llouc, barn mul
tree were li'veli'il mul several people seri
ously Injured.
Mr, ltciijainlii Van I ailcn, of Irmpioi",
Mich., sacrificed her life in rescuing her six
children from their burning honie.
At Fairliold, Cul., Joyce's lintel u u total
ly de'troyed hy lire. Two I'm were nt,
one man, n blacksmith from Ceil plufl,
named Oniric Hailcy, and it section man
named Jmne I. Inn, ( f San Frnm ii u.
An engine mul 12 ear were derailed near
Zahesville, t)..iii the It. A i. Huilway. The
engineer and lircmuii jumped, b it were
Intnlly injiireil.
The factory nf the Aftnti Pyrotechnic
coinpiiny, llartfonl, t'onii., blew up ami nil
people were killi d. The bodic of .1. L. II.
rlihley, paymaster; Finmn Tarbnx, Milium
Tri-gunr. I mul Maggie ( were recovereil.
Two hodiisnrc mill in the mini. A number
of persons were seriously Injured.
(atltnl. I.iibtir nnd Inilnstrlnt,
At a meeting of tinnier of New York,
(Mute laft week, it wa decide I t ) "hut iliivvn
for (si tiny. All the prhi'lpal tanneries,
numbering nhout 121, will he nl!e:tcd. The
leusnn given for the shut-down Is overpro
duction nml ilull triule.
One of thp greatest labor troubles that
New Fngliind has ever been atlliotcd w ith I
now In full progress. It i in the (rrnnite
Iruile. All of the i;rnuite tiriu have einieil
their workH by a enncertiKl pre-arriiiifcinent
mainly because the norknicii wo.ilil not
uonient to have nil iij-reemintd between em
ployer anil employe ilate each year from
January 1, Insti ail ot from May 1, M hu
been the euhtom. A eonvervative estimate
places the number of !oi keil out ijuarrymeii
at lL'd.WHV TUey live mainly in lloMon,
yuiiuy, MonxDti, liockpnrt ami Milfonl,
Ma.; t oneonl, X. II.; Jlwalowell, Water
ville, Clnrk'a Mill ami rorilaml.Me.; liarre,
Vt.; Westerly, It. I,
The huililini? buine In New York Is
completely prontratnl hy theetrlkeuf the
prnuite worker lit New Knyliitul. It Is es
timated that fully 6o,() men are out vf
About l."iO t'liieniro prunitc cutter "truck
to help their fellow-workmen In the Kail.
I'liiliulelphin t-Tuuito cutter have "truck
paiimt haiulling lion-union granite from
New Knitlnnd.
Two liumlreil nml fifty lathers ftruck at
riiilatlelpliin or II 7. per l.lmo lntbs, nml
two-thlnl of the btss pinsteror compllec'.
with the demand".
From May 5 to May 1 2".'i contract
. laborers have Jeen barred fiom enter
itiK the I'nited States at New York.
Another mectiii); of the "trikiiiK Durham
onl miners was held at London, A vote
was taken on the queftiiiu of remmiiiu;
work, but a majority of the delegates voted
in favor of continuing the xtrike. This strike
hat now been going on for over two mouths,
and the greatest surTering exists, not only the miners themselves, but among
the factory bands, iron-worken mid others,
Kboxe places of work have been dosed iu
consequence of the impossibility of procur
ing fuel.
Local Assembly R430, Knlfhts of Labor
New York, and the New York tint Kngl
neers' Society, passed resolutions protesting
against the action of the lubor leaden iu
calling out Gu.OUO granite ijuarrymen on ac
count of nn alleged gtievuuce of six granite
block cutters.
Many plasterers, bodenrriers ami brick
layers of Pittsburg are striking, and build
ing us a consequence, is deluycd. The build
ing trades have three strikes on hjnd and (A
uits for injunctions.
The street car drivers nt New Orleans went
out on a strike because the companies refus
ed to recoKiiixe the union,
Governor Flower, of New York, lias sign
ail an important bill governing the working
' boursou ateain surface railroads tit New
York State. Tbe new law provides that no
turn c-r-riorntinn shall uermit or reuuire anv
conductors, engineers, trainmen who have
worked 24 hours to go again on duty until
be has bad at least eight hours' . re'. Ten
hours' work performed within 13 consecu
tive hours shall constitute duy'i work on
11 suara surface railroads.
Crime am4 Peaaltlea.
William Wilkins, of Nicola, 111., owned
vicioua stallion, whicb attacked and severely
bitbim. Wilkins subdued tbe animal by
roping biro and then picking out tbe ani.
insl'ieyea with needle. He will be hk.'d
to tbe graod Jury for cruelty.
Frank Prane, a Clm iniiatl, 0., Milesmnn,
"hot llattie llaireib n nnd then suicided, ho
eau'e she would bnve notbing to do with
him. Khe will die.
A girl about 18 yenrs old, t1ipul"cd a
inlf. wa shot at Lake f'reek, Idaho, while
stealing ore. Heversl tbiuismid ilollnra worth
wa ini""ed before the girl wn shot.
In a light between r union ore trim
mer of Ksemiaba, Mich., nti.l acinic of lion
ntiion workmen, ten of the noii iinioti!"t
were "hot, one erliiip fiitnlly. After the
shiHitlug the inilen men lied.
Ira Mullen, n ileipeiado of Norton, Va.,
wa" "hot from nnibi.sli. His wife, brother-in-law,
the drivtr and (wo horses were aNo
The residence of Hon. .1. S, t'nmion, one
of the tineit in Mii iitine. lima, wa raiilnl
y biirglnr. The w hole family were held
For the ecotnl time New York Kate
rrViluil elertri'lil eseeMtioti nppn'atu wa
ii-ed I lnirxilav in Auburn, nml in the -hat
w he-e Kernmler w;: exf'er:meir.ed ii)"ii
.loeph l ice wn eii ctroi iiicil, being tb"
State's ninth tint. He nu t death bravely
nml yet not with miy bravado, ami "n far
n human ii gen iity or -ii me can ilci"cr,
he died instant!;- and witho.t pain. The
execution lasted hut a few s-i oniN. l-'ioin
the lime the Warden notified Iiiin in hi
cell tbnt all wn in u nilinesM nut I dentil was
iinnouiiceil was tun and one half minute.
The iuii ki-M ri ii" I'liv it ii in in thi State
has hieu turn d nt Jii minute.
About T.0 Hi grnnite workers tlir.uii'ho'lt
the coiMitry nre now on strike, and the t'.ght
is nnlv just begun.
Hiver 'urti I'erry, the train robber,
pleaded ru'ilty lofnur indictment in e mrt
Ht Lyon. N. Y., and wa scn'ence to 4''1
years nt hard work in Auh i'ii pri-on. A
the Judge lliiishid Hicnkiiig tl.e prisoner
"tnggcred, and it w as w iih gn a' elloit that
he retained hi" standing po-ition, II hi be
have we'l iu prison and ue" ire ciiitiinittu
tioti he w ill I. a free man October I'1-'-'.
He i Jit years old now, mul will he upwanl
of M when he gams hi liberty.
A Hussian .leu lalncer named Nonkowi.
"ki, shot nnd killed hi wile at Newalk, N.
J., nnd then committed siiiciile.
The two Oo:iM innvi.'te I of wimMtnj?
the Albimy I S. Y.I National lank by false,
bookkeeping 'verent I L t better sentence I to
fix year in prison.
It now trnn-ipi"' that t' e ame night the
lour niiiriier werecommilf.c t ar I'cnuisoli,
Tex., muitlier wninaii w.i shot by, it i siie
posed, the same pmtioi.
At I'hiladi'lphia. I'.i , l.nitd t'icarone, nn
Italian, who on l'Vbr:. my in last killed his
wife by 'calding her. wa ci.nvictc.l of min
der in Ibe second degriv and leiiteie e.l to 1 J
years' impr.oinui nt.
t'hnr'is Stewart, a prisoner ill the jail at
Morrillton, Aik., struck Hiputy Shenl!
Iloinit with nu iron I nr, killing him in
timtly. An armed body f men pro eeiled
to the jail, nnd, n i; ini; Hew iit, hanged
bim to the ncaii-t tree.
An attempt wn made to wreck It Hock
Island railroad train near 1e Moines, la.,
Saturday n'ght. Tie were p:led arrossihe
track. The li ght track-walker wa shot
ut, but succeeded ill slopping the train.
Four men hoarded a train on tbe Jackson-villi-,
Tampa and Key We', railroad near
Monroe J urn linn, I-lit., and nitc mptcd to
rob the express car. Messenger W. N.
-a iniler. mul Spe.ial Agent I.. M. l'o.e
mii'le a de'-perate rcsi-trmii'. and the foiioer
wn killed, wlplei'uxe was wrio'i-ly wiiunil
ed. '1 he jumped from tlie tiuin
without muring mi) tbing. A posse n in
Isaac P. Tnlbct. id thirdiner, Me., shot hi
wife and then committed suicide. He also
lired shots nt bis sister and brother in-luw
' ause, a family ijiimicl.
CunitreMtUiniil Ncnntiinitena,
The Sixth distriit tlhio lleinocnitlc con
vention at Lovcluud, O., re m unrated Hon,
M. l'attisnn for congress.
At the I'einocratic Congies!onal Conven
tion of the Fifth, North Carolina, district,
A. II. A. William was nominated by accla
mation to succeed himself.
The First Califomin district hn re-noml-nuted
Tllomas J. lieary for Congress, the
Second district re-nominated A. Caniiiiinct-
li, the Fourth district nominated James (I.
Magiiirc nnd the Fifth dirtrkt liouiiiuiled '
John F. Iiyland.
At the Tlepublicnn convention nt Media,
I'll., lion. John II. Kobinson was nominated
for Congress without opposition,
Wiishliiaioii News,
Secretary Foster lias given hi enilorFe
tiient, of the plan to issue 10,oti,(MH) fifty.
cent pieces of a speciul design as touveiiirs I
of the World's Fair.
The total collections of Internal revenue
during the first ten months of the fiscal year
ending June SO, 1I2, were IJ.'i.Mii.lSil nn
ineivaseof iriJKKl.K-ll, comimred with the
collectionsduring the corresponding period
of the previous lisciil year.
Mr. Aldrich offered a rt'olution in the
Senate, which was agreed to, abolishing the
oflice of principal executive clerk of the
Senate, and placing the entire clerical for.-o
of the Senate in the Secretur's oflice.
The president issued a proclamation an
nouncing tbe reciprocity agreement with
Senator Welcott, of the Committee on
Civil servire nnd Retrenchment, reported a
Joint resolution proposing an amendment
to the Constitution, making the term of
President and Vieo-Freident six years, in
stead of four, cud making a President in
eligible for re-election. The change is to
take effect Murch i, 181)7.
A petition was presented to Congress,
signed by 25,0110 merchant tailors, praying
for a law prohibiting tourists from bringing
back more than two suits of clothes and one
over garment of foreign manufacture or
workmanship, froe of duty frotu foreign
The thirty-eighth annual session of the
Western Unitarian Conference begun ut
Chicago. Resolutions asking that the
World'! Fair be opened on Sunday will be
laid before tbe Conference.
At the Episcopal Convention of the Dio
cese of Massachusetts, Boston, motion
that the by-laws be changed so at to admit
j women as lay delegates was lost, W to 83.
The Presbytnrlan (leneral Alterably Is In
session at Port land, Oregon.
The regular sewinn of the Fifty-second
Cumberland Presbyterian (lenrrnl Assembly
convened nt Mrmhis, Tenn.
At the leeond dny's proceeding of the
Southern Presbyterian tleneral Ascmh!y nt
Hot Spring, Ark., report of committees
consumed the time. Ihiring the yer mis
sion treasury receipt from nil source were
i:i(i,.Tii:U, being IIT.'t.'l nt in ex 'e of re
ieip! of nny previou year. The ninouiil
contributed ''V ' hurdles and Individual ex
eeeiled that of the previou year by ll.'I.ViJ..
41, th, total amount having been I7,(il.,
The Pnptis! emigre, at Philadelphia, Pn.
during ttie scond day meeting, dictii
the ipiestioii: "Is a union ol various Hap
tist bodies lenible'.'" Ilev. II. II. Tyler, 1 1. II.,
read a pa er viewing the subject from M,
M n i nl i ' i n t of ttie Ihrciple sect, expresi
the I pinion that it ! not only fennlhle but of
prime imp ''tame, lie favored a union like
that of Hie Primitive church, not doctrine,
but personal In i's nature. Ilev. A. A. Lew
is. editor of the SiMnth thillimk, believed
till' union could be brought about, bill con
fined hi.'n'g'inicm to defending the practice
of hi own "ect. the Seventh lay Itaptist,
in observing the Seventh day a the Sabbath,
Prof .1. A. Howe. i. H . n Free Will Hap
t;st. oft'obh 1 i vitiity School, argued tbnt
union wa possible by lordially aciseing to
tiod law of var.ety In unity, by allow
ing every church to preach what it prac
tice, an I praci.e w hat it pre. n he. A pa
per fr W. II. Wyat', i. l., of the South-
mi Thei logi id Seminary, wa rend, w hich
dei lnrd the probshilitie again! an orgnidc
union, on account of ike greater tendencie
to "caller mining religious bo lie. the fre
iuency of theological dl-pnte mid the ten
neity w ' h wlih h men ding to their opin
ions. I In.
Twenty-live horse were creainated ilia
tire nt tin- ;ei l ion Stable, Pittsburg.
The cavalry barrack at Fort McKitiney,
Wyoming were burifiil. I .us ,uo,nn'.
At Albert I ea, Minn , tbe large llourlug
mill of the Albert l.ea Mill and lilevator
Couiiiiny wa burned. l.o-i, iin,irsi; innir
at'ce, Itii.n si.
A big tire at Oswego, .V. Y., practically
w ; ed on s milling nml elevator In
ti ri-t. Only one elevator I left In the
harbor, the Northwestern, owned by tiay
lord, Iiowney it I'o. The lire wn tbi dot
et nmi lierif't sin-p the tire that swept
the same site in lsvt, nml the property de
stroyed could not be leplmed for ll,tri,(U.
The I'enio ratio Territorial conveiit;o!i nl
rucsoli. Ari.'.., selci to. ilele'.'.i'e to the I hl
cagn national convention. Tbe eouveulion
indorsis Mann A. Smith a do egate to eon
gross; also Orovi r Cleveland.
The l'i mi l rat e centra! comniittee oi
I'tnli has e ected a ilclig in .i t,.. I hicsgo
eoriveiition O. W. power, of . alt Lake, mid
I' red .1. Kii u'l, or Ogilcu.
I liilmrliil nml t'liiiimcri'lnl,
I'ennis l.i ut y ,v Co., w hoiesale di alcr in
woolens, ( Imago, have failed . 'I he ns-ots
nrp nominally stated nt Himo i, and the
liabilities nt the same 'igiirt.
The Pike Mani:ficiuringi'o:uianv.whole
sale dealers In pi imbcr,' s.ipplie. Po-toii,
with woiks at I'e I l ily, Ala , ha assigned.
Liabilities mid a- vt at present uukiiom ii.
The President mid party caught I'.S blue
t'.h at Kurt Monroe, Va. Mrs. Il inison con
tinues to improve.
Ilev. I'r. T. Dewilt Talmage Intend to
pmbark on the steamer City of Neiv York
on June l.'i for l.iveipool, and w ill engage in
s preaching tour through Knglmid, Scotland
slid Ireland.
The Pennsylvaiiiii Military Academy nt
Chester, Pa., bus been t lo-ed lor the season
as a precautionary measure, lis number ease
id typhoid fever has been diniovetcd among
the cadets.
Turr cw.
Hunol will eat hay that eot I !7 wl r tf.h
The iriee wn i:i per ton at Pieman ton,! nl.
ami the freight to Mendville Ut.
Mrs. 8. K. Pullman, mother of the in.
vciitorof the Pullman Pulace Car, is dead.
The rice crop of the l'nite.1 State thi
year will be fiO per cent. bcavU r than lust
The I, ensue Iteeiirit,
The following tableshows the standing of
tbe various base ball clubs :
w. i,. in.
Poston ai 7 ."41
ItrfHiH Ivn.-.lii .1 '41
Chicago. ...17 11 .i7
Cincinnati. Id lit .Kl
Cleveland.. 14 12 ..Ms
loumviilu-.14 13 ill)
w. I.. 1st
Pittsburgh .1.'. 1.1 .ki
New York.. 13 Pt 'SKI
Pbila 12 1.1 444
Wasliingt'nll II 4411
St. L'juis H -M listl
liultiiuoru... ti 'JU U.l
K Frightful Cyclone Bwsea over Iff lur
itius, in .h Indian Ocean.
Lonixin, May I'l. Advices received
lierc trom Mauritius state that a hurricane,
unprecedented in its violence, over
that island on April 2h, causing
Jninago to shipping. A inajor.ty of the
voxels ut the island were blown ashore.
The western hulf of Port Louis, the capi
tal, was devus'uted. Hollies were blown
down, gigatil c trees were uprootel and
i bat part of tbe town was wiped out of ex
istence. The loss of life was appalling. A large
number of iiersons were taught in the
fulling houses and crushed to deuth, while
others lost their lives by being struck by
flying debris while they were u'teiupting
to seek places of safety. The roar of tbe
gale was deufcnlng, and people rushed to
and fro in nimiess confusion with no idea
of what they were doing. Kain fell iu
Tbe exact nunier of dead is not known,
F.very effort is being made by the authori
ties to alleviate the surl'u'iug thut lias been
caused by the disaster,
Mauritius, or as it Is sometimes called, Isle
of France, has always been noted for iu
violent and destructive Hurricanes, but this
one exceeds iu destruciiveness anv hitherto
known. The island lies iu the Indian
ocean and is well known as the scene oi the
famous story of "Paul and Virginia." in
that story tbe author describes witn ftreut
iniiiuiunesi a terrible hurricane thut passed
over tbe island, during which Paul und
Virginia lost their lives, but the horror of
tbut scene was far excelled by this lost death
carrying wind that baa throwu the whole
bland into tuouruiug.
Mr. Thomas iHiwIng delibernWy threw
Lerself in front of an engine at Itochestrr,
N. 11., her bend being severed frotu her
body. I'oniestic trouble wa the cause of
the suicide.
II lm been decided by the (rutee of the
Tuftsco'lege. Htsttoi, Muss . to 0n the
iloor ofthat intiti,tloii to women. Ill
lint the plan lo start ro education at Tufts,
bill the inoveineiii is similar to that token
nt Itiosrn nnd Ynlr.
Thonand of frog fell during n henvy rnlit
nt Mexico, Mo., Wednesday night.
Thi! coroner's Jury, which ha been In
vestigating the can!' of the explosion In the)
liilne nt llolyn, Wnsh , iu which 41 men
were killed, found that the explolon wn
the result of ln:illicient ventilation. T he
ver diet w ill probably re:i!l ill large damage
An unknown plague I killing off eatlli
along the Arizona and Mexico border.
Martin Peed, the eiiiuletniie I murderer,
Joe Prow n and John Ciillani s.'n'd from
the i utility jail lit Wash ngt in, l'n., and lire
Hill at large.
rirvoM iii it iinitiinc.
The nutopsy In the c--e nf (Icneral tire
er, the I'erfe t of Poliii' of St. Petersburg,
who died n few d iv ago nfli r being treated
with "Vitalille." ibsclos'sl trace of poi.on
iu the ho ly, f !atoh'iwky. the inventor id
' Vituluie." by whom tlenerul tire-"r wn
treated, h- n arrested.
Iliiinlreil ire I'ying of cholera every day
nt Hurrar, Past Alrieii.
liermany lontemplatt" irobibiliug nil Im
migration from llit-ria.
'I he rovim ial diet of Wet Pru"iit gnv
a baii'tiet In honor of the i mperor mid in
responding to n toast hi iiiaji-ty in the
iicirseof hipii"h snid : "May the son ol
thi con:, try accept patient! w hatever
Providence hn in store lor them, mid
liwnit with conliileiice the result which
their emperor w ill achieve In the tourse of
tbe toilsome future.''
A dispatch from I ago, on the we', coast
of Afri' S, say the Pritih punitive expedi
tion agailit the Jehu burned two town
und killed many natives, H Knglish soldier
being killed.
A severe enrtlu itike sho k wn felt in
Cornwall county, Ktigland. Ilnttse nu ked
mid chimneys fell. People were n wakened
by the rocking of their boil, the movement
lasting for several seconds mill great alarm
wa tell.
'I he I- leii' h forci in 'i'niitpiln have cap.
t ired a piinte stronghold, killing S. Fifty
!hreel'ren;h soldiers nn I live olh ers were
Three viilnrc" In tbe I'rwin 'toverninent,
llii'sin 'uive been ile-t roved by an earth
i;ako. .'Mity-H vi n live were lost.
M. Itollle fought S'Vord ill! ', with full I
successive iiritis-.-nrii-t-r near Pan nnd dis
abled nil oflhiui.
An epidemic of cholera i ragimr near
llarrar, Fgypi. mul i spreading inland. It
is already cnu:iig I'f.t death a day. Pre
cautious are being t.ikeu to revent it reach,
icg Massowah.
Two Anarchists nt Liege huvc been sen
teticedtii lo ir years' imprisonment each
fi r attenit ting to wit" k n train.
An explosion occurred nt n dynnmitt
fii'tory nt (ialdiinie. near liilhaoa, Spain, by
which eight persons were killed and ten
injured, ami 'he factory wa destroyed.
Wartnnt huve been issiu d for the arrest of
some women w ho were recently dismissed
and who it is supposed cutised the explosion.
A cloudburst in Ciirinlli a, Au-triti, has
caused great damage to crops nnd roads, nnd
killed thousands of bird. Heavy hail ae
coiii anied the torrents of ruin. The prin
cipal damage wa ntar Klagei.furth. No Joss
of life is reported.
Trad Int'rrupied by Floods, But It la
Nsve rtrisless Satisfactory,
n.'l. Dun V Co. I.VW.7) Hrrirwaf Trail
ays: The great llorid seriously interrut
trade. Money is every where In large supplf
and light demand. Collections nre only nn
latislactory where hn I weather delays dis
'.ribiition und settlements. At Poston trail
is more active, particularly in boot and
times and rubber gu:.U. Philadelphia notes
fair trade in dry go. id, excellent except
with the South, m ir-i activity In wool es
pecially In wors'e I it tides nnd larger trade
in Iron, though at low prices. More eneonr
igement is seen in gln-s. Iron is weaker In
Pittsburg, but then is n fair demand for
finished pro lticls. cspec.ully for hardware,
ind improving trade in glu-s. Trade is fair
ly good in Cleveland, and eijual to last year's
t Iietroit. At Cinciiiiiati pork pinking ii
heavy, the ill inand cx ceding the supply.
Trade at Chiuigo eijuu s last year's. Dusi
lie at Miniieaiolis and St. Paul i greatly
retarded by bad weather, nr.d o: St. Louis
much ilepriHseil by the MomIs.
The tit.sine- failures during the last sev
en days number for the I'nited States 1W,
"anadaj, total lb.', as compared with Vi
lust week, 'M the week previous to the lust,
nd .'iO for the corresponding week of last
CDO PEr.fc.0N8 LOaT. .
They AUOoDownlna Eurricane on th
Citapian Ba.
Bt. rirrrRsBt'BO, May 18. The Caspian
sea steumer Alexander Wolcow. which it
was reported from Astrakhan yesterday hud
undoubtedly foundered, left a Persian port
for lluku toward the end of tturch. No doubt
1 now entertained but Unit she foundered
iu a hiiiriciine, which occurred on the fifth
of Murch.
Tbe Wolcow did not carry a single life
boat, and her ii.Vj pusseugcrs are given up ut
Shi was hampered with a heavy deck
rurgo und it is supmsed thut her cargo
shifted, causing her tocupsizt
Tbe Weather and Ike Crepa.
The w cutter, which forth post few day
lias been remarkubly cold all over Maine,
bus been particularly severe near Farming
ton. The cold rain turned to snow during
the night Suturday. The growing crops have
been seriously damaged, while many utnili
in outlying pastures died of exposure, and
farming operation generally have received
a severe setback, .
Career ef On of the Holt ftsmarkabll
Wretcusa In the World's History.
Munoi nN-n, May a. Frederick llnyle)
Jiieming wn liiingid one luinute nfter H
o i lock thi morning.
When lieeming wn led Into tbe ynrd nnd
upon th gnllow everylusly w,, aurpriscil
to see that he was not cba lied, n had
been expnete I, c ivalke I iintendily be
tween the gtinr.l, mul several time totter
ed, as il to fall. He facts wa nsheii,
und he shook :ke a mini with the palsy
Several time when the chaplain sp ike to
him encouragingly in mi undertone, lieem
ing purled hi lips to reply, but he utterel
unsound. Hi seemed In l stop. lie I by hi
npproai him death. When hi nrtn were
pinioned he wavered nnd would have fallen
had he in.t hc:i caiitrlil by the warden. At
fiM he sho ik his he i I when hi last oppor
tunity to speak wa g veri bim. Then he
rallied frotu Iks stupor and w ill It strong
eltoil inlliil out:
Lord ,le i, receive my tplr't."
He tried to say more nnd stmsl with bis
mouth w ide open, but no word came. As
the iioiwi' wa' a Iju'ted h kneet knocked
together mi I he would have cillapsed ha I
he not been supporti d until he was swung
ititu mid air. He died without a struggle
nnd almost in-tantly. The body, niter be
ing cut down, was taken in chiiru" by tho
prison phy.ii ians, w ho will siiperiiitend tho
pot inorti in i xamitiatioii into the structure
of the skull mid biaiu. '
A 111 M MIKAI I t WlirTI II.
Frederick I lay ley I'eeming was one of the
most vcr-nt:lc iiini l,c.oilll,ir!y wren he in
the his'ory of the world s crime. I hat part
of Iii career w hich ei iioined atelv to hi
arre-t, trial anililialh nt Me.l.onrne, bigan
in l.'ain Hill, a suburb of Liverpool, on July
HI, l"'tl. lie then took lodgings under the
inline of WiHntuis at the t nn ini-n inl Hotel
iu that villnce und shortlv began paying
court to Mis Piuily Ma'her. w hoin he sub
seipiently mnineil. He rented liinluiiii
vilm. on the out-kirt i f the village, during
hi courtship, nnd there received a woman
nnd four young children, w ho disappeared
shortly befhre nis iiiarr.nge to Miss .Mather.
Alter the weilding. on September 21, he mul
hi w ife took a short wedding jouriiey mid
on October 17 they sailed for Australia.
Iliey went to live in a boue in Windsor, n
suburb id Meiboiirue. '1 here, on Hecemtii r
Zt. nine day alter their arrival, he killed
hi young wife and luirieii under the
Hour. He ti.en disappeared.
About ten week' la'er when new len
m t were about to take tbe houe a pe
culiar odor wn unfiled, the Moor w taken
upmnlthf body of Mrs. lieeming wa
loiimi. .miuks on iier iii n l nnd necu show
ed that she had been kill! bv blows. When
the new reacbed Pain Hill. ' the police torn
up the flnor.of I 'ml, inn Villa, to satisfy their
uspii ion thut the woinnn and four children
wen (mil been seen there with lieeming
might have suffered the sarne late as did
Kmily Mather. 'I hey found under the
floor, which lieeming binneif had cement
ed, the bodies of the woman mid children.
The woman wa his w ile Mar e, nee Jaiuc.
whom be married in liiigliind iu IsM, and
the chi litre ,t were bis own.
I'eenriig na oa.ight nenr Perth in Aus
tralia, lute in March. 'Ihe exact truth of
the oiuirei was not mid never will be ascer
tained, as lieeming wa tried, convicted,
entoiiocil nml bunged for tho killing of
Linily Mather nnlv.
An idea of the numbiTof crime uttribtit
ed to him. n we; ns of hi whole reinaikn
ble career since s, may be gathered from
thi condensed stntemeiit:
As Frederick Pnvlev lieeming, lssl
I'ebr'iary-Marrieil M.-s Marie .lame. Went
alone to A u-t nt 1 ia.
lHS.'.loim il by h'.swife. Sent to jail for
six week for theft. He was at that time
supposed to be working a n plumber.
Iss Miiincric.. Innx roi.leries tiok
place In rivdhcy, the pi i petrators not
isr'i More robberies, hiirglurie, myster
ioas disaitearaiii e and t 'agejies.
!. Sets i:p snnp in n large wav. perpe
trate a fraudulent bankrupt, y an I absconds
from Sydney.
lss-7 Piies from Adelaide to Cnf1 Town
nfter robbing two brothers, whom he nut,
of .torn.
less No'hing know n of him. Htiring this
year six of the White chi.d murder were
fMi po-e in lbirbnn as n u.iiiinir enirin
eer: going to.lohii'iriedmrg. and sucieeil in
olitaiiiing KHf.i by Irn ;d. June Hn fl.tssi
advanced to bim in iMrban on tog'is ileeils.
obtains lljo worth of jeweiry anil diamp.
About the same time two murderers were
committed in the 'J rnnsvual. the murder es
iHping. July 17 The eighth Whitecbnpel
murder. Sei tember lis-The ninth W lute
chapel murder. Septeiubf r 'I urned ii)i on
expecteilly in Pirkenhead. where iii wife
was living. October 1 traced by a private
detective, who wanted him for the Trans
vaal, to Camberwell, then to
Stockton-on-Tees and buck again to London.
Novembi r Snils for Australia. Leaving
the vessel at Port Said, i.e double on Lis
tiursue suud returns to
A GERIE8 07 H0KP.0R3.
si'vm m aths iiv a w urcx.
Ft. Lot-is, May it. In a collision between
a passenger and freight tra n near Crooked
Payou, Ark . on the Cotton Kilt rjilroad,
seven persons were killed and 21 injured.
The accident w-a caused by the crew of the
pnssenger train distihf ying orders.
The naiiies of tlie dead ore otticiu'.ly given
as follows :
Mrs. Octave Antlerson. Amarillo, Tex.;
Wrn. Christal, Uenton, Tex.; J. T. Sander
ton, Penrce City, M .: Mm. K. II. Clark,
Winchester, Tenn.; It. I). Crompton, Nash
ville, Term : Mrs. A. M. Henson, Fisher,
Ark.; Mrs. Hudgim of Alabama, en route
to Fort Worth. Tex : James Morgan, Mem
phis, Tenn.; Frank Nichols, hrcinnn of the
freight, Eighteen persons were wounded.
This has brcn the most disastrous and costly
wre -k that ever occurre 1 in this Stute, and
happened on the same spot where two pre
vious wrecks occurred, both resulting in
the loss of life.
OSK Ht'MiKKtl ami tw i.xty l ERisiirn.
IONiniN.May JH. A dipatcli from Monte,
video says that the praziliiin turrevshio Hoi
imoes wui wrecked off Cape Santa Marin,
near the mouth of th Kio dp la Plata, while
enroute to Mutto (irosso, and that but five of
the crew weie saved. I'M being drowned. The
Soliniocs was on of the venae's seat hy the
liraziliaii governmei't with reinforcement
to sui press the rising in tbe stale of Matlo
Cirosso. C'upt. Cunt rot was drowned.
ir.VFSTK.1 iihuw.vnu.
MKr.noi'KMt, May 23. An onen boat in
which titteen members of a football team
were being taken across the buy of Port
Philip by two tishermun has been found
botioin-up, and all are supfiosed to huve
been drowned. Tlie bout couiuined Clleen
iiersons all told. One laxly hut) been found.
itLers are tomg senrciieif for.
Lo!(io5, Muy !, Acisnutch from Mauri
tius aiutes that tlie loss t f life in th recent
hurricane fur exceeds the estimate so far
made, and that the death roll will not fall
abort of IS.ono.
MonnAV-The Senate tiwlny dcvoleil H
time to the funeral services of the late'
Senator John H. Harbour, of Virginia. Ibe
servii being concluded In fhfl ohamlipr,
the remain were removed to the late resi
dence nf the deceased, and then, on mo
tion of Senator Matiderson, the Henate
uiljouriied. ,
in the Hoti'p IteprpPtitatlvn Josppn in
trisloced n Joint resolution ni'prol'rintlliff
.i,lri lor rebuilding the public building
Id Santa l-p, S. M dest roved hy lire on the
12 insf Nothing P'se wn accoinplisheil,
and ufler a short session the House udjoitm-
"l- ,
Tiir.siA In the SenntP, Mr. Chandler In
(rislueed another bill to givn Amerlciiil
registry tif prospective Pnlted State cruis
er. The imvnl npiropri:ition bill wns)
Inken up the pending iUi'tlon being the
provision lor an Increase of iIip nsvy. Mr.
Mcpherson, who la-t Friday oMered an
nnii iiilmeiit to strike out the House pro
vision for nn Honored cruiser and IIip Seti
tile provision for n battleh:i; nnd to pro
vide lorthree, iiotsnd of one harbor defense
double turret ship of thi Monitor type,
modilbsl hi hineuiliiii'iit so as to i online it
simply to the striking out part of It. lenving
the number id Monitors nt one. ItfjCotcil.
Mr. Morgan ollered mi nmend'nenl provid
ing that il Ihe harbor ilefens" ship be built
iin the I'ai die i' inst. no allowance nf H er
cent, may I'e m ule on II cot to Ihn eon
tractor, iii addition to the contract price. tr
cover the cost ol the transportation of inn
lerial. 'I he niiieiidineiil wa agreed to
without n iiivi-ion. The 'piestion recurrisl
iin the ainetidiuent rcMirte I Iiv Ihn Coin
mitfccnti Aptropriafion. Without eritiilna;
to n t ote on the ijuestioii, thrr Semite nil
joiiriied. Alter routine business th" House went in
to eoiiim tti e ol li e whole. Mr. I.eler. of
(leorgiii, in tl.e chair, on thi) indry civil
Mr. I'ii kler. of South Haknt. moved In
Its rce Irmn l2i,iito l.'io.ismthe npprie
priatiou to meet the expense of protecting
limber on Ihe public laud-, but It wa lost.
I'eiiiiiiitf action on the hill tho committeo
rose mid the House adjourned.
Wi ni -niv In the Sena'e the eonsiilera
lion of the naval appropriation hill wa re
sumed, mul alter several amendment were
ngieed to the lull wa rejiorti' I from the
rominitti e of the whole to th" Si'iiale. Tho
amendment were nil agreed to and the bill
was pa-seil without n division. Adjourned.
'I be silver iiiestion wn the feature of in
terest in the Hotisw to-day, nnd,
much to the disappointment rif the silver
ites, the Speiikers'istsiiied the point of order
raised iigioiit Mr. linrtiue's Iree coiiiace
miieailnient to tt" sundry hill, nnd the
llou-e i in, i be I the matter by npholdiuu;
the ' hiiirnuui decision. Later on Mr.
Plarid oflerist mi amendiiieiit thpeoiiiage
oi nil s iver triillioii fiurchneil and now in
the 'I rei.s'iry into sinnditrd silver ilollmn.
Point if i,rlir were raised against the
limeitilinerit. mid the Speaker reserved bin
ileci.on. wbich will be awaited with inter
est and iwpa'ienoe by Ihe free coinage inefi
nndlheir opi'Otients alike. After the transac
tion of routine business the House went into
roinmit'ee of the whole, Mr. I.i"ter, of
Ccorgia. in the chair, on the sundry civil
loll. .Mr. Smith, id Arizoj,a. movi'd to in-
cri use Irom ii.'SSi to f to i.tsi ihe appro
priation for surveying the public lauds.
After some ilenn'e n fomprom.e wa nr
rived at nnd thcnpiirnpr itiou Ii xed at 2II,.
l'i. Pending further n'ttion, f ,'ilS commit
tee rose and t le House adjourned.
'I'm i.' ..v In the Senat" tn" bill authnr
izu.g tbe Seciitaryof War to detail for
"I'd laid ty, in i on licit ion wite the W' rld'a
"1 1 1 in I : n 1 1' l.xpi 'ition, sinli iirmy otliier
as luny I e reigiire.l (to refmrr. to tlie tieneral
coinniandiii'j tlie Pcpartinont of tfie .Miss
ouri' wa' l'ik-ii from the calendar und pass
ed. 'Ihe i tiiifetenci! report on the bill to
provide lor 'be disposal and sale of the Kla
math river Indian reservation wa presented
nnd agreed to. The river nnd harbor
pmi'rintinn bill wa then tak'Ui up, mul Mr,
Nil I'Li rson made the motion, of which Iin
had given notice thi morning, to recommit
tbe bill, w ith instruction to reduce tlie
iiiuo, mt Vi ner lent. Mr. Imiph moved to
lay the motion on the table. Agreed to
yeas, 42. niivs t; ( Mc-,rs. Harris. Kyle, Mrs
i'heison. I'addofk, Palmer and' Vilasi.
A iii'iii tiiii'iit reported from th" Comin tti'e
on l oMinu ri;" and inere ept ropriatiorm
wi re agree I tn. All the cnuiiuittep ainend
mcnts I nving heel disposed of, f,r
went over till to-morrow, when it will lie
open to general amendment, an I the Senato
iii Iu in ed.
In the lion", the third pir'V receiveil
rP' ogniiioii th s luoriiiiig, and Ir. Watson,
of i. coii'. i sent up to the cleric ilck ami
had n ad the terse res lutiou "thattheeom
mittee on wavs arid means he reipiested tt
report the nili lrc-iirv bill." Hp asked
ui.iiii.iooo consent for it coosi-ler ition but
Mr. Iieithoovcr s demand for the "regular
order ' orperatcit s an ohje'itloti. Alier a
fruitless call id commit!0! the house went
into committee of the whole (Mr. Lester, of
leorgiii. iu thee liairi on the sundry civil
hill. The chair delivered hi opinion on the
sriht of order made against the amendment
offen d by Mr. liland yesterday torthecoin
nge of ull silver bullion purchased and now
in the treasury into stamlurd silver dollar,
the lost of coiiiage lo be paid out of the
seiiiiiorace or gain to thn government, tho
remainder of the stignorag to be covered
into the trsss.iry. i he chuir wa unable to
see how the amendment was gsrmane to tho
mbject of the clause. He sustained the point
ot older and r bed out the ninendnn nt. Mr.
Itlaiul np csl-d from this decision, hut the
committee sustained the decision of the
chair by a vote of 121) to 7 . After routine
business tbe House adjourned.
HiTitiiHAV In the senate after a little rou
tine Ims. i.e-s the consilient' ion of tl.e i iver
nnd harbor bill wa resumed, and various
Hiiieiulnieuts of small importance wern of
fend and agreed to. After a long political
discussion tbe bill wa reported back to tho
Senate. Ail the amendment agreed to in
committee were concurred iu, in gross, and
the hill wjs pissed without u divioon. Thn
following bil.s were then taken from tho
oHchdur and asset): Houe lull hill to rat.
ify an agreement with the Indians residing
on the Colvil.e Peservation in the Sitto of
Washington. M-uate hill authorizing tho
coli-tru' ton of a bridge across the lied lliver
of the North. After an executive session the
Senate adjourned.
Alter tlie ca'l of committee for reporte
the House went into committen i f iho
whi le, Mr. Lester, of (ieo.-gia, in the chair,
on tbe sundry civil bill. Thi' niiiioinice
nient of tl.e approval by thn President of
the Iiimati registry bi I wa received witn
applause. Consideration nf the bill was
mot. in. ed until adjournment.
Sati w'AY The Senute was not in session.
The House in committee of the whole,
Mr. Lester, of tieorgia, in the chnir, consid
ered tlie sundry civd appropriation bill un
til adjournment.
Three Hen Lay Sown Thsir llm for
the Saks of a 16 Year old Oirl.
M.ikvsvilli, C'al., May ID. Last evi ning
Jesse Foulk, 10 years old, went to a picnio
near town and met 10-yeur-old May I-ane.
Foulk says the girl had hardly sat down to
eat ice cream when her father approached,
accompanied by one Oanley. He gnispej
the girl by the head and threatened to shoot
her if she did not go with him. When.
Foulk said she should not go, be wa
trucked and knocked down. Thereupon
Henry Flowers, colored, teized Danly, and
the latter and Lane discharged their
pistol several times. Kou Ik fired twice at
Lone, both shots taking effect Lane ami
loulk were brought to this city fatally
wounded. Pauley la under arrest, and
from all indication he i tbe on who tirwj
th first shot. He boa been attentive to th
girl and objected to Foulk' attention. Th
colored man, Flower, wa also shot tail
died on th ground. v