The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 25, 1892, Image 1

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JDlitJMK 1.
, in
I tlflll't' nil Vt'lt t Still hIII'I'I, iiijunlli I III'
...... .l..l II. .1.. I 11. ...... .Ill- III.. I'..
l..l,l..m il. niui In liullillnir neiir Metlm-
i I'lmn'li, nl'l" bIH' Arniilil lilneli. Heinle-
lit In niierultiiK.
FltAXKJ. IH.ACK, 'inii-whir.
Thv leilillnu lintel nf llietimii. Ileiiiliiiiir-tt-i-n
fur eiitmiietvliil nu n. ennui hint, flee
'lull. Imlll hanil mill i'IiM'Ih nil elirv limn.
Mllliltl' llii, 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 I Imilll. lell plume eiill
tieellell. Al'.
ft H K K X if ( '( A N -' It. 'iniWi tor.
rii-it i'Iiihs Ineieiy :ii'tli'iiliii'. I.neiiieil In
tin' vim v eeiine tf III' hii-.lni"'-' purl if Iiimii.
-'-l' Mill" tO llllll ftlllll I I Jllll llll'l lnlllllHHlilll-4
llllllle Mil IIIIH Fill I'llllltlU'I'i'lllI 1 til I'li'ti.
in ri'ixinox it I.OXH, '.-i.y
IMiinlliil'' In mill fiiniutll ii iiIiim. Knriiiii'iin
iii nut n ill . HiMi'f luiiii'il mill ll'.'lih'il 1 1
uns. lint mill mill Ulllel. WlMelll I'lllnll
Tetev:ilili "III..' in liiilliliiiir. 'I'hi' Imli'l In
till I'll Willi ll 1 1 I hi' lin iili'l I Ill i iileiiees.
JAS. II. Cl.OlKlt. I',ihl:
Hlimpli' liinin- im tin' ;iiillliil llimr. Iltiil-e
lieiiieil liy iitiliinil iru. lliimll'ii" liimiil rn'iii
nil I nun-.
uitalo. Rochester & pitts-
Tlie short llni' lielueen iHuK HIik'M ii v .
Ul-mlnil'il. hll III inn 111 ll. Itlllliiln, l('t',
Mmiilill I ll 1 1- lliiil I ii 1 1 1 1 ( n III lliv lliiel' nil
Hi mill n Tl i r Niivi'iiiIiit a.'il. s, pn 1 1 -iri'f
tlillliH u III iii rlve mnl ilepnrt fnim t'lilli
1'11'i lv slut inn, ilnlly, rM'i'pl Hinihiy, te. Tnl
Iiiiim: 9llO A. M. Itrnilfiinl At iiiiiiimIiiI Inn I'nr
IMlllltH Nlll'tll iH'tlll't'll l-'illlH I'H'I'k mill
9:A. A. M.- IIiiIViiIimiiiiI llm-lii'sli'i- mull l or
llinrktvnyvHIf, l(liluuii.v..liiliiiniiliiiin..ll.
.li'iii'tt, lirnilitiiil. :ilmiimii-ii. Iliillnln mill
lln'lii".li'r: I'lintieetlim m .lnliiiniiliiirti
Willi I1. A. K. 1 i-ii In :i, fin- Wtli'nx, Iviini'.
m rrll. I 'nrrv met Kile.
10: l. A. M. A.viniiinniliilliili I'nr Hillliils,
svki's, lllir Hun mill I'utH'.iiiiiwiii'V.
l:'Jil I'. M. Hi iiilfnril A mil ii I n i Inn I'nr
. Itl'lt'lltll'l', ItllM'kliliyi till'. I'illllHIIlt. t'lll'-
liinn. Klilifwiiy, .Inliiiiiiiilitii'K, Ml. .Ii'lii'll
mill Ititiilliiril.
I'. M. Mull I'nr Hiillni", SyUi'i, Ilk
Kim. I'linVHiiitiivni'V mill U tilMnn.
Hl5.' I'.M. Ai'rnlilliiniliil Inn I'm IMlllnKIIlK
Kitu mill lunv''iitiiiiiiry.
TrnliiN Arrlti'- 7:MA. M.. Ai'i'iiihiiiimIuIIiiii
I'iiiixmiIuu ni-y : ll:.Vi A. M., Mull frniii U ul
Ktnn mill I'niiX'.ultiiviH'y: ii:-i.'i A. M., Ai
riilnniiMlul Inn fl-nln III mirnril : I :'JH I'.M.,
ArriiintiHHlut Inn ii-nln I'lllixsiituunrv: 4:.Vi
P.M.. Mull finui li ,.iln mill It. m-Im-i 11 ;
N: I'. M., Ai nininilullnil fiiiin Itriiilrnnl.
I'llllllMllllI llllll' lli'kl'tN til. Ill MM H'-
HiIIi'. i.'nhI fnr J in "--lii:!' In'1 unrll nil sliitlultH.
.1. II. MrlM'Vttl., Al'i'HI. l-'ulKrii'fU. Tit.
liKO. V. IIAHTI.KTT, .ll l. I'. TllllMI'SON
lit'lli'l'lil Supt. (int. I'us, Aui'lit I'll. lim lii'sli'i', N. V.
'COMPANY '(iniiiu'iiriii)f Stiniliiy,
Juno MH, S1M. 1-w (iniilii DiviKinn.
HT.VTKINH. No. l.!NoA;Sin.u. II
A. M. P. M.'a. M. I'. VI.
lii'illliink 10 411 4 :m .
I.hwsiiiiIiiiiii III 14 4 44
Ni' lli'llil. lil'lll II '-Nl A I"
iMk Kiilitii ll :t"i A i'i
Miiiviiii' ii :m' ft aw
MuyHvllli- II 4:1! ft :ti
Hmiinii't-vllUi . .. li Uii ft .Vi
KliHikvllk i -IV II 14 H l."i
I'iiUit la 4:1: 11 :n :t4i
Ki'VlinlilxVllln .. I (HI H.MI (I :
I'Htii'iiiiM 1 mil 11 .vi ? 11a
KiillHi'tci'k 117 7 07 Tl III W
1 111 Mnl 1 ;m 7 l:i tit 1 1 m
huiiiiiii 14: 7 ai
Whiti'inliiirii... I ftj 7 4ii
Vi'iiHMil 1 iff 7 4i
Tyli't- 2 mi 7 .Vi
(Inn I'IkIiit a in x in
Hi'iiiizi'ttti a ;ci n aa
i I'M III J44 f.Lt
Drift wihmI a III 9 III
P. M. P. M. A. H. A. M.
P. M.
I 411
I Ml
So.2 1 Nn. iNn.Kll 1UH
A. M.
10 UV
10 C!
Drift wood ....
Buni'si'ttii ....
iilon Kbilmr...
"Wlni4irhurn .,
FHUnl'riHik ...
Ill 4:il
7 ai
7 41
11 0
11 1ft
11 a.i
7 M
fl 07
H l:i
H 27
11 HI
11 4H
ia in
7 00
7 in
H ll
11 M
11 4ft
4 on
4 10
1 17
tl ftl
1 :h
1 4'
7 IN
7 aii
7 4
8 (
h as
li 2ft
V 4. i
1 Mi
2 ai
a m
a us
a oa
a on
H ftl
New HclliW'lit'Ui
a ir.l
9 10
lU'd Uitnk....
a 47
4 01
A. H.
9 4ft
10 (XI
A. M.IP. M
Trulii dully except Sunday.
DAN1D MoCAUGO. Ckn i.. f HPT.,
IMttNhurir, I'll.
JAB. P.ANDEKKON.Gkn'i,. I'ahh. Aiit.,
I'lttHllUI'V, I'll
do you nj:ed
a new attire?
If bo, and you want a good
fittinir and well made milt at a
reasonable fitrure you will re
ceive same by placing your
order with
Next door to Hotol MoOonnell,
lln fllinl Too Well mnl Hit Tltry Tank
II Im Out nf Tetiiitntlnii.
"Awny up In llio Hli-rrim, wlmro Iho
iniiiinliiin-i rciir llii ir nmw wlillc pi'iiltx
nml Ktniiil likn ni'tilliii'l-i in nrumr jtuiiiil
liiKllio khIiI Hint lion liiilili'ii hi IhoriN'k)
riinyniiHliiliiw, I titii i miw nu rililliitliiti
of rifle nliiiiititii( which I linvn never
lliirn neen ripi'ili'il," rcitmikeil n v,7.7'
nl'l innu wlnmn hiiihIh of lifn linil iiem ly
run, nu lin ntoiul futrrotinileil liy a Krniip
nf interpHteil liHleni'id in n well Known
riitrk Klrret Bioillnn resort tilt other
IiIkIiI. "Wluit wan I tilling up llieiti,
you nsU. Why, lirnlin-f Hheep, in iinlei'
to net. together enough for a urnli slnko,
mi Hint I iiiIkIiI Blurt nut iikiiIii nu n
prnnpeclitiK lour.
"We liml 111,(100 Hheep, iliviileil lulu
four IiiiiuIh, wilh three lienlerH mnl nti
many iluun to eneh onn of I hem, ami wo
rnnippil wlti'rever nlnht overtook uh, I
tell you I Hlept Kotimler in IIhwi' iIuvh.
rolleit up in 11 pair of lilutikeln nml wilh
n Ion nf wood fur my pillow, than I tin
now in the licut bed that I can llml in n
" We followikl the old kIukii road that
led up from Hlockton through Kouora
and Pherokei' eiimp, and thou Hlrurk
out over a trail that led through t Im
ilitf lliiHin' and up to the lieiidwalerN of
the Tolumne river. It wan in .Innu and
(lie air was full of the fni,'r.'iui'e of
IIiiwitb, while tin. HUtili;ht an il lliek
ered (iroiinh I he I reel niailii n trliiw
lionid on the velvet k,',',',i fiirpet that
lay Klreti'heil nut lienenlli the nprciiilin;(
"We hud Innu liernre left fivllizatioli
I'l'liitiil its, when Into nun cveniiin w
cuiiii' out of the v.ooiIh into a little
mountain meadow that was known as
Prntie'H Hutu, ami was the hoailijiiartorn
for 11 band of rattle herders. Mont of
tlielil were II:i1I:iiih. Im tlu v ;;ivo UH n
warm welcome. ( Inn id them in put'tii'ii
lar nttracted my attention. Ilowastall,
litlio and inuwiilar, and walked with the
rnsy hw Iiik of n piofcKsiiiiial ieilestt iiiii.
His eyes were of MiuhIi j;riiy, utid hi
Hi'i'iiied to lie 11 leader iiimumi; Ii im com
paiiioiiH, all nf wliom were Nwai lhy and
dark eyed.
"'If you ean K''t ""it fellow to dhow
you piinie Klootinr you will see Home
tiling woiiilerfiil in that linn,' whispered
one nf my t'oiupanioim.
" 'Who is lie?' I asked.
" 'Italian doe,' was the reply.
"1 liud lieardof Italian Joe before. At
Honora, lit Cherokee, at the Cnlillileueo
nines and in a hundred other places bin
fame im n rille Mint bail been ilinned itit't
my ears.
"Tho next nioftiiiin 1 nsked liiin to
Kivo us an exhibition of his (.kill. Slionl
inj was his weak point, and ho ronHcnf-
ed. Unlike the my maiilen, who ran
Kinf.:. l ut wishes to be rnaxed iM'fore she
does, he had bis notes with him. 'I'u It -in
11 (.'oil's revolving rille in bis liands
ho paced nIT nbutiilred yards and pinned
a coinniou cup Imx to the trunk nf a
Iiukc oak. Coming back, bo wheeled as
quick as li;;litniii;c and without Hinht
intf, npparenlly, he emptied tbe clium-
bers. Six of the nhots were in n circle
nroutiil tbe cdi;c. while tbe Hovcnth was
n plnuili center.
"Loading aain. be Klanced ulinut
him. 1 1 i li up in the heavens n hawk
uircled warily through tho blue, looking
for Kotnethititf to prey nion. Tliero was
a moment of hesitation, a quick report
and down eamo the hawk with n bullet
in his head. Pennies, dimes and quar
tern that were tossod in tho nir rnme
down with a bullet hole through them.
He missed nothing that ho drew a bend
on. lie could beat all tho Carvers and
the liuffulo Hills that you ever saw."
"What became of him?" asked an
eager listener.
"Uo shot at a man and he didn't miss
him, either. Ho was capturod by a band
of vigilantes, and when 1 coiiio out of
the mountains in the fall his skeleton,
whito and ghastly, was hanging to a
tree at the entrance of the big basin.
The vultures had picked all the flesh
from the bones, and the sun, wind and
rain had bleached thtta to a snowy
whiteness. Pinned to a tree was this
inscription, written with charcoal upon
a pine shingle i
: us cout.n shoot too wttx, :
"Rather a ghastly comment on onr so
called civilization, was it not?" Chicago
Effect or GraTltattan.
If a man weighing twelve stone were
to be transferred to the moon, the weight
of hit body, measured, at least, by the
attraction which the moon would exer
cise upon it, would be reduced to about
two stone. If his muscles and his frame
remained the same, it would seem as if
he would be able to jump over a wall
twelve feet high on the small globe
without any greater exertion than would
be required to clear a wall two feet high
on the earth. Good Words.
Mountain Lions Arm Great Cowards,
Mountain lions are the greatest cow
ards in the mountains, although people
who are not familiar with them believe
that they stretch out on limbs of trees
and pounce upon unsuspecting travel
ers. I will guarantee to take an ordi
nary hickory club and chase any lion
In the mountains, although I have one
bide at homo measuring nine feet from
tip to tip. Topeka CapituL
tiona Off Ahead.
"I see most of your hair is gone," said
Brown to Burton.
"Yes," replied Burton, "it's" left for
Carta unknown." Kate Field's Wash
ftmiMiwIfoty Ttngllati ffpnrrnn.
A loving student nf the Knclinli spar
row ns the bird is to Im seen In llnmklyt
Stills llml the little creature has In hi
iomcHtlii relations many human trails.
When the Kparrow nre mallnir and
building, the male ninlis Into insl(fcnill
nnco Ih'miIii Hie female. When a ttest
ln place Is to lie selected the Inidn looks
Inutility nbotil anil is remlylo accept
Inylhinif that conies to liirnil, but the
hen examines each proposed torn with
critical rare, npparenlly tituilles the re
lation nf the place to nun, wind anil
rain, nml llually ilcrHcn the question
(villi hi 1 1 1 1 1 miiHiilcralinti for the opin
Hins nf her spouse.
When the nest is in Im built the house
wifely character nf the hen amiin iimhitIs
Itself, She in busy all day long gather
ing sticks nml straws tn serve ns building
llmti'iiiil. Nothing is taken hiiiliiizaii,
but every stick or straw tils to a nicely
and is admirably adapted to the end for
which it. is Nelecled. As In the Inille, bo
KiveM moral support and lit I In rise.
While Iho hen is devoting all her ener
gies to the task In baud Im sits on a
neighboring hough and eticoutages ln l
wilh music. Nor does she expect or
wish moil' at his hands.
Now nml then, apparently pricked by
('oUHcleuce, he leaves his M'ich, picks H
clumsy slick nr slrnw mid carries it ti:
the Hcclin of the building nperiitiniis.
Hut his cotiii iliulinii is h.'liliiiii received
wilh favor. Tin' bell us tally examines
it w ith the ill concealed scorn that, wives
4oini'liincrt accniil to ilomeslic perfotni
iiiii'i M of liusliainls, and in nine rases nut
nl' ten she losses aw ay I ho prollei eil ma
terial as soon us tint hack nT her Mpoitse
is liuiied. -New York Hun.
A I'iiii liiiy's Ni'tiNi nf lliiiiiur.
A glolie trot ting I'.iiglislniiaii told mr
this story: "To show you that the row
ings are not us had as they have been
painted - in fuel, that they uro niKisi'il
to anything like lawbrenkiug ami violent'"-
let. inn relate mi incident. There
was a poor clerk standing tip over bis
books nl a ili sk iu n ulmp on the main
street, and I hero was u rowboy riding
up and down the street. Well, the row
buy saw the clelk mid his sense of hu
mor was aroused by the Idea of shooting
nt him. d'yoii know. Those rowboyi.
have a very remarkable sense nf humor.
Ho Urn row b "V tips with bis pistol, d'yoii
know, utid lie .'IhmiIh Hie poor rlet k right
thi'u:;li the Imail, Killing him itislaully.
Well, now, that. sort, nf thing is very
distinctly frowned upon by cowboys, nt
a rule, nml in this cn" thecowhoys held
a meeting and resolved that the fellow
wilh Hie liw'li' but tl.ingorniis sense nl
humor should be liaiig' d nl once. 'I'I icy
put a fope around Ii' . neck, and llieri;
lieing no tree mi where iu sight they
hung him to the side of n Pullman an
tho train came rolling in. I've seen u
number of occiiitciiccm nf that sort,
which makes mn quite positive in Hint
ing that llnnigli they are a very run:
sort of ls ;;'tai's they urn really not a bad
lot." .liiliiin Knlpii iu llat'r'K Weekly.
A l.uvy, Tlntnuli sjltri'ivil 1'cltmv.
Tulkitison a barrister and bachelor
combined, by the way Is a very sys
tematic man. The oilier day ho bad Ids
house Hllcd with electrical appliances,
nml giving instructions to his servant
Joseph, he said:
"Now 1 want you to understand,
Joseph, Hint when 1 ring once that
means for you, and when 1 ring twice
that menus for Maggie, thn housemaid"
Joseph, who is the laziest wretch that
ever accepted wages lie did not earn,
bowed respectfully and withdrew. A
little later t ho bell rang. .lose) ill never
moved. Presently it rung again, and
according to instructions Maggie came
hurrying to her iniiHter, who was very
"Why didn't that rasrul, Josepli, ooine
wheu I rung for him'" said the bur
ruder bachelor disgustedly.
"Why, sir," answered Maggie, 'Jo
seph is busy in the office reading your
newspaper. When he heard the first
ring he said to me, 'Now, Maggie, wait
until he rings the second time, and then
it will be you he wants.' "London Tit
Bite. Ntranga Cave lwellera In Rpaln.
At a meeting of the Royul Geograph
ical society, of Madrid, Dr. Bide gave an
account of his exploration of a wild
district in tlio province of Caceres,
which he represented as still inhabited
by a strange people who speak a curious
patois and live in caves and inaccessible
retreats. They have a hairy skin and
have hithorto displayed a strong repug
nance to mixing with thoir Spanish and
Portugese neighbors. Hondo have lately
been pushed into the district inhabited
by the "Jurdes," and they are begin
ning to learn the Custiliun language
and attend the fuirs and markets.
W. H. Larrabee in Popular Science
AmnieuiiDl of Texas engineers.
Engineers of railroad trains in Texas
and most of the western states carry re
volvers and often rifles in the cab fdr
contingencies that might arise. They
ainuse themselves by shooting at tbe
telegraph poles or any other mark while
running at full speed, and attain won
derful skill in niavksmanship. St, Louis
Professor John Marshall, of Universi
ty college, London, says that yawning
"may be accomplished by the will, but
Is often the result of involuntary imita
tion." Tbe stupendous results of the steam
ingine may all be traced to the boy who
tat watching the steam which came
from the nose of the teakettle.
TIs strand In mn In llilnk Hint I
A irrnntlim linvn tiis-iuni'i
Itltlcril I rnillmt wrtl ileny
llstrlkm mn nlinn.1 ilmtili.
lint wlmt IsHtrsiiui-r fur limn llils-
Mimt Iritlr sliikuliii'
Oil, inrtnir uf tu wis mnl IiIIma,
It tnnkeH ynil uttinilinnintmil
I flint ll lisril tu reiillr.i',
KVn when till IiiiIm I sen.
That ntt, m jimllitul In tn rrrs,
A BTnttiluinininn enu If.
Kur thmiuli we'vii ilivell tiwtluT now
Knttm twrntjr yrnrsntiil morn,
Time rrls ns Hulitly mi nur tiniw
As lin k In luljr-rniir.
Ami )H lie's lieri', I III" III I In liny.
lime lin will Mil nml run
When Im illwuvrrs, In Ills Jny,
Ills Kcnniluiiinieiii hi yiuil
Anil Imw liu'll In null In limk al me.
Ills funny uhl uriitul'lmll
Alit llttli'iinp. ymi pifiti tn Im
A lucky surt nf Intl.
-Julia K. IliitiKslii limner's llivur.
Nnl Ifiilm tlir Niiiiip.
Hllght inlslakcs iu speaking a foreign
language, nr iu uuderslatnliiig it when
some tine else sicnks II , nre rnmmniily
nothing more than amusing, but a mem
ber of the Alpine club mentions an in
stance nf n more serious mil urn. Ho
was climbing nun nf the Alps with a
guide, who jHTsisleil In talking bad I'.ng-
lish Mislead nf indifli rent rrencli.
"My guide," he says, "had just rrossrd
a snow bridge over a wide crevasse, and
turned In nwalt. mn nu the further side.
I asked him if it was weak; lie nn
nwered, 'No strong.'
"Naturally I ultetnpted to walk across
It Insteud of crawling. I hud almost
reuched I bn other side wheu the bridge
gave way, nml lifter a delirious srrnmblii
to save myself 1 subsided helplessly
Into the crevasse.
"However, 1 did not go far, and when
1 had crawled nut, Willi snow down my
neck mid up my arms and In nil my
HS'kets, I discovered Hint Iny friend
hud meant 'Nnl strong.' I strongly en
joined him tn reserve his Kitglisli hence
forth for use in t he valleys."- K.xchungn.
' Why Mllliy Trent mrllM Tllll.
"The fault Is not nf the art, but nr the
patient," is Hie phrase that may be ap
plied to those diseases in which the most
correct measures taken under favorable
circumstances fail tu accomplish their
purpose, because the patient himself
dis'S not or cannot ro-oicrato with them.
No treatment ran relieve Hie smoker
from his throat catarrh, so long us ho
persists in his habit.
This aspect of the rase is especially
pertinent to tbe nervous disorders which
nre nun nf the growing scniirges nf our
age, Int'npucjty mid vacillation, the
foi of miter inlliietices or tho pressure
of bu.;iiii sH loo often intervene to inter
rupt u euro which wits otherwise fairly
possible. I'lnf 'ssor II. Nolhtiagel in
Popular Science .Monthly.
A TyfiPWi-iler's l.liuelii'iin.
A )oiie.; woman whose work as a
typewriter makes her daily luncheon nt
a reslaiunnt a necessity suys Hint the
lunst sal I:. factory mid sustaining meal
she gels is a plate nf raw oysters, with
a bottle nf ginger ale nml plenty nf
brown bread utid butter. If she feels
poor aim limits thenle, which is an ap
preciable item, and ronteiits herself with
the nyateis and bread. "There aro so
few things to be had at the average res
taurant that are Hiitisfairlnry," she sayK,
"but yon may really rely on the oysters
and l'ostou brown bread." New York
Triiilrnl I'm I la In thn I ulti'il Hluli.
There are now more than filKI.IHKI
ulmoud trees actually bearing in the
United States; there are hundreds of
thousands of bearing cocnaniit trees;
there aro more than U.'iO.lHlU olivo trees,
producing fmit espial to tho best Medi
terranean varieties; there are now more
than mxi.OOII bearing banana plants, 80(1,
000 bearing lemon trees, 4,0(10,000 orange
trees and S1,000,000 pineapples, and the
value of tropical and semitrnpical fruits
grown under tho American Aug U nearly
20,000,000. Yankee Blade.
Knew It Wa Ilia.
Mr. Do Avnoo 1 suw our baby way
around on a Bide street today. The baby
should tie kept in tho park.
Mrs. Do Avnoo That's where she is.
Yon must be mistaken.
Mr. Do Avnoo No, I'm not. Don't
you suppose I know that perambulator
tliat I puid sixty-two dollars for? New
York Weekly.
An Awful Indian Custom.
In India, up to within the last few
years, tho wife, either according to her
wishes or otherwise, was cremated on
the same funeral pyre that converted
her dead husband's remains into ashes.
Philadelphia Press.
"John," said the dealer, "where is the
key to this self locking safe?"
"Insoide, sorr. It'll not be losht there,
wrr,H returned John. Harper's Bazar.
In England the broad arrow is the
recognized symbol with which the gov
ernment property including army wag
ons, mules, provision bags, and the gar
uionte of convicts is regularly stamped.
It is one of the "minor morals" that a
borrowed book should be carefully used
and returned without boing denied by
dirty hands, or disfigured by marks and
turnod down leaves.
The new bridge over the Tay at Dun
dee, Scotland, is seventy-seven feet
above the water, has eighty-live piers
nd is over two miles long,
Specialties -
Good Goods
AT LOWKHT l'ltH'1'.H.
in: a I. Kit in
Dry Goods,
Notions ani'
I llllll, ! Clolllillir!
Fine Shoes.
HKYNol.lisVll.l.i:, I'A.
Grocery Boomers
m:Y win-: m-: voir c..
v v I ;kt anytiiinc
Vol' WANT.
V 'I 101 ( I T I
Salt Meals,
Smoked Meats,
can.vki) (joons.
AMI am. kiniis or -
Kverythiiig in thn line nf
Kicsh (iiiK'i'iii's, Fi'fMl,
(IihhIm ilrlli'eml free mil)
plare In town.
Call on mm mul iet prlren,
W. C. Schultz & Son.
i n
The Leading Jeweler of Reynoldsville
Wishes to nnnovince to the readers of this
paper that he carriea a full and
complete line of
Watches - and - Jewelry.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
How In your liiHtop?
mi en ii fit niiy foot.
full mnl m-i llir friiilmf unit bent
I limit Ion rrrr tiittile in
f' hv tuljimtiil l llir hlfhrx! tnul
IIii Ioii'vhI hiilrntnd Hint
nl)' mnl mi iih ii ii f i loiifririit
"Best Hub Goring.'
l'rict'H 1o Htiit nil M-(i)l(i
niiitfiiiK from
$3.00 to $5.00.
wit iihv.'iyH IhjmI.
Shoe Store.
Dry Goods,
Boots, and
Fresh Groceries
Flour and
Keynoldsville, Pa.
Opposite Stoke's Drag Store.