The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 18, 1892, Image 7

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In the icliuol for ilio training of
military nnracs established by tlio
l'l-inces Ilolicnlolie, tn Slrassburjr,
tlio princess ahnrcs nllko with nil
mnmbeis of llio class In everything
(hoy mo calloil to do, from binding a
broken Ifg to answering- tho teit
question of t lio examining corps of
physicians. The princess is a woman
of sixty, of strong mures and oplen
lid health, mi excellent shot, being
especially fond of a boar hunt, nnd a
Una horso woman. Boston Cultiva
tor. A fixe. En's vack nocTOH.
rnltl has a doctor, a woman
whose duty it to keep Pattl's fuco
smooth and frco from wrinkles. Tlio
face doctor linn a littlo curtained
boudoir to which Puttl repairs, nnd
wiih the full glnro of noonday upon
lior tlio fnco docior looks for every ln
Ciptont lino nnd possible blemish.
This u immediately removed by mas
ago, Rlcaml nf. or unguents n tlio
occasion require. This woman studies
Clio peculiarities of Paul's skin as n
physician would study his patiout's
constitution. For it in a
mysterious laboratory at tlio
tho back of her rooms the prepares
lotion, powders and soaps especially
for tho singer's use. Slio has re-
ponded to summonses to Craig-y-nos,
nnd it is said that this year Puttl will
lako her face doctor with her to her
C:istlo In Wales. Xcw York Sun.
ri.ovisu SIIOCUIKItS is stvi.r.
Sloping shoulders, one of a woman's
good points, havo of lalo been but
littlo regarded, but they nro again
coming to tlio fore, inasmuch as fash
ionable mantles (not paletots) aro
nude to fall plainly on tho shoulders,
nnd entirely without any puff. Tho
lino of beauty is scarcely thus at
tained, ns the fullness of tlio dress
lcevo mnkes nn impress on tho
tnautlo. Tho fnshlouablo Idoa broad
lion dors Is attempted in every pos
sible way, nnd to attain it even the
slimnoss of tho waist is a' andoned.
Tho capo is tlio best holp in tills rc
poct, and tho nnmo includes every
variety of iiyuillc, exclusive of tho
paletot. The capo proper is a round
polorino cnt In one piece and touching
to tlio knees; tho top can have several
graduated collars, a short pelerine,
fuellings cr a hood. Tho more or
less cccontric deviations show two,
three or more rows of large collars.
St. Louis Republic.
Tho chlof foaturo of tho dress ot
tlio womou of tlio Italian coast fishors
Is a double skirt, the lower portion of
which hangs rather scantily about
their foot. Tho upper skirt is often
booked up at tho front and sldos,
forming a sort of bag. In this they
sorry seaweed, fuel, fish or shell-fish
from the sands; and when not in such
ase it is drawn tip over tho shouldors
and back of the head as a sort of
wrap. ' Mothers also wrap this skirt
about tholr babios when noeding to
carry them for any distance. Tho
material is usually tho coarsost white
cotton, but If tlio women can possess
ny sort of holiday attiro, the upper
skirt may be of scarlot, yellow or
greou, loopod most gracofully above
the lower skirt and surmounted by a
black cloth, or, in rare instances, a
coarso volvot bodlco. They rarely
woar any foot covering, and only such
boa I oovorlng as is supplied by the
folds of the uppor skirt. Nut
Orlonua Picayune.
To bo smartly gowned avails us
nothing, if at the same tiuio we aro
uot smartly shod ; mid as shoos vary
so littlo in their stylo, almost- every
thing depends upon their shape. Of
two sorts to bo especially recom
neudod, one is black cloth with fiuest
French kid foxings, and the other is
tlio Louis XVI. shoo. These last are
made in undressed or glace kid, aud
huvo small buckles in jot or cut steel.
Goorge JIL stock buckles in Quo mar
quisates are wad ou slippers and low
shoos to be worn with handsome tea
gowns or at garden parties, when poo
plo are expected to be elab
orately attired. A carriage boot
' of finest kid with patout
loalhor foxings is smartly brogued,
and lias the high beols to undesirable
in a wulkiiig-boot. Drouze shoos havo
their placet, which is, however,
limited one. It it affirmed that the
gray and pale-fawn undreaied kid
hoot will be worn again lull summer
with drosiy promenade coatumet, the
glove niatohing these thoet in kind
aud color. Five o'clock tea-shoe are
mad to order, to match the tea-frock,
which diffen from tho prlnoatt tea-
gown in being short all around (that
Is, It lint no train), and in being quite
tight fitting, and worn with an Em
pire waist that li niudo to look short
wnistcd to absurdity by itt wide sash,
whose top folds reach to tho armpits.
--Xew York Post.
TUB fl'lHXa (11IIL.
Every right-minded woman can
regulato her temperature in accor
dance with her Ideas of what tlio
weather ought to be, and when it is
time for spring things she puts them
on regardless of the mercury. The
spring girl is tall, superbly tall. Slio
has to be to wear the striped skirt she
affects with itt Unci cigzagglng
around her on tho cross. The tkirt it
dark rather than light in color, to con
trast happily with the palest tnn, and
is just long enough to make carrying
It in tlio hand imperative, for beneath
the skirt It tlio bright bit of color in
the petticoat that comploto tho cos.
tumo ns high lights finish a picture.
Tho coat has rough, ragged edges,
very smart mnnnUh reveres, und two
rows of white pearl buttons as big as
plates. Tlio hat is of straw In four-In-hnnd
shape, with a sparkling paste
bucklo iu front and a pert, independ
ent sort of bow in tho back. That Is
dnik, too, for tlio thing the girl really
wants yon to notico about tho dress it
tlio smartness of tho coat nnd tho
bright' ess of tho gay r utiles boneath
tlio edges of tho train. A spring girl
without a tightly rolled bluo or red
club-handled umbrella, a pair of Rus
sian red gloves and a bunch of vlolots
or one American roso on her breast,
would bo as much of n falluro as tho
Star-Spangled Ilauner with the stars
left out ot the blus Cold. Detroit
Free Press.
Capotes aud toques grow smaller
Is size.
The Waitcan pleat, according to
Parisian edict, must bo won' only on
tea gowns and evening dresses. A
modification Is in ado In favor of dust
and driving clouks of silk.
Jewels of color, gold embroidery,
spangles and pearls, that were used
last season on gowns and bonnets, are
to bo worn ugnin this year.
A Russian belt of silver with a
Kremlin bucklo is among tho girdios
of fashion.
Trout silks is the suggestive namo
given to tlio new changoablo shot
silks, bluo witli yellow, green with
bluo, pink with gray, bluo with
yollow brown.
Silk blouses of surah and Chinese
silks are woru with wool skirts aud
underneath wool coats.
Narrow ribbons aro wonnd around
tho crowns of Tyrolouu hats.
Rosettes of narrow ribbon are placed
under tho low flat btltus of shade
Cloth of gold gauze for cmbroldorcd
bonnet crowns.
Les bngnes is tho pootical name for
a now crimped chiffon.
Tho Incroyablo only is wanting in
the group of fashionable stylet Wat
tcau, Rococo, Empire.
llorcules braid bordered by tabular
braid is suitable trimming for cloth
The tourist's parasol unscrews, to
that it can be put iu the trauk.
Ecru linen batistes havo returned
and will bo uted for blousei durlug
the summer.
Flowors for the hat aro arranged at
Point do Gene is tho laco for French
Among the revivals aro the old-time
rings in hoop shape let with dia
monds. The diamonds are placed iu
a row with just gold enough to form
a tcttiag.
An attractive and novel design for a
pin it a ttilotto in Roman gold, to
which it attached a sheath and chain.
Tim dagger which forms the pin it
stuck through the lace and then flipped
into the theath, tho chain connecting
the two. The hilt, which it lu the
form of a crost, it tet with sapphires.
Busy womou aro preparing summer
waists of black India silk; comfort
waists thoy call thorn. Those are made
with shirred yoke, or with narrow
tuckt, and have full-topped tloveet
and a ruffle below the belt, or they
may bo drawn lu at the walst-lliio
with the skirt portion to be woru un
der the dress-iklrL
For evening wear, glovos in dark
hades are do longer worn ; they must
be of finely glazed kid, in pearl, cream
or lemon shade. Glovot for outdoot
wear are geuerally made of antelopt
kin, at it it to toft aud pliable; the
tame akin it used largely iu the manu
facture of pur, pocketbookt, etc.
ruisixo tiir nnK tnsruFF or
Great Carn nnd Labor Necessary to
Produce a crop Quner Jnpau
. cse Plows ThreshluK
and Hulling lllce.
ICE, tays Frank O.
Carpenter in the Am
erican Farmer, it the
bread of the Far
East, and ot all the
poople in the world
ore-third grow up,
work, and die on
little olso than a rice
diet. The Chinese,
tho Japanese, and the
East Indians know
nothing of baker's
bread, and wheaten
flour is hardly used
outside of Christendom. V are our
selves the chief mrat-caters of the world,
nnd wo have tho Idea that a man can
not do good work without treat. The
farmer of China and Japan works twelve
hours evety day nn a rice diet, and I
have been pulled all day in jlnrikshas by
bare-lcsgcd men who ran at the rate of
five miles an hour, and who ate nothing
but rice and pickles to keep them going.
Borne of the strongest men in the world
aro the Jnpaneio wrestlers, whoio fat
nnd mu'clc are made entirely from rice;
nnd in Slnm they take a baby of a few
months old and it begins tho rice food,
which it takes to the day of its death.
Tho Japanese look upon rice as we do
upon wheat. Our expression "as good
as wheat'' is with them "as good as
rice," ami for a long time nil tho taxes
of the country wero paid in rice, and
rico was practically the money of Japan.
Now the Emperor collects bis taxes in
the same way that wo do. He has in
stituted a hanking system much like
that of our
banks, but tho
money received by
the Government is
largely the result of
the taxes ou rico,
hnd eighty per cent.
of all the revenues of r-LOW.
Japan are gotten from tho farmers and
larm industries.
Tho Japateso are among the best
farmers of tho world. Thoy understand
how to U50 manures and fertilizers, and
they have brought irrigation down to a
science. For more than 2000 years they
bavo tilled tho same soil over and over
again, and to-dav tho land blossoms liko
the rose, and its Holds are greener than
those of the Valley of the Nilo. The
whole country looks liko a garden, and
Japaucte farming is more like market
gardening than bonanza agriculture.
The country is divided up into small
holdings, and a few acres suffice to sup
port a family. The people do not in
many cases live upon their farms. You
find little villages of one and two story
cottages thatched with straw along the
roads, and from these people go out to
the fields, and men, women and children
work together in them. A surprising
thing about the farm lands to us is tho
absence of barns. The Japanese would
look upon tho big barns of New Tork,
Pennsylvania, and Ohio as so many Bud
dhist temples, and they would get down
on their knees and bump thoir beads
against the -ground as they past them.
The crops are generally taken from the
fields to the markets, and such grain as is
kept is stored about the house. Tho
Japanese do not require barns as we do.
They keep but little stock, and in four
fifths of Japan you will not see a cow
from one year's end to the other. They
have but few horses, and the most.of the
labor is done by hand. The fields are
sometimes plowed with bullocks, but
they are more often spaded or dug over
with a great mattock, and in the cultiva
tion ot rice nearly everything is don by
The work begins about the 1st of
April, wheo the ground it broken up
with the hoe or the plow. If the plow
is used it is drawn by a bullock, and the
plow Itself is for all the world ilk that
used in Egypt in tht time of Pharaohs.
It is ot wood, and is mora llk forked
tick than t good Awsrioan plow. It
has nn iron point for a plowshare, but
there Is no loam-board, nor any arrange,
ments for turning furrows or for plow
ing deep or shallow at will. The farmer
carries his plow with him on his shoulder
to the field, walking behind his bullock,
and he does not hope to do anything
more than break tho surface with it.
Tho chlof part of the work is done with
the spade or with the mattocit. This
last has a short handle, and you tee all
over Japan during the springtime men
and Women standing tin tn thalr Imam
In water and digging up the ground with
moe great noes.
The first thing in rice-planting is the
nurscrv. This is usual It mucin In tha
corner of the Held and the seed Is sown
In it. The bed has been first covered
with manure nnd ft Is altrara tho rti-ha.t
Dart of tho farm. As imn ttia rrmifA
has been prepared the seed U scattered
oyer ns suriaco Dy hand, and the water
is then let out from the Irrigation omnia
so that It rovers the bed for a depth of
a lew inches. There is great care in the
selection of the seed, nnd it is sometimes
kent under Water several ilnra tiafnra.
hand. Four or the days after the seed
has beeo sown It begins to sprout, and
lnnRsnrNO men.
about five weeks later the young rice
plant! have grown up and are readyfor
transplanting. During tho planting
scarecrows are put up in the field, aud
the Japancso scarecrow always has a bow
and arrow, which it is supposed frighten
the birds away.
In the meautime tho farmer has put
his rice lands in order. His beds are
made at different levels, ami he has seen
that littlo earth walls have been thrown
up around the divisions of his fields and
has arranged his canats so that ho can
let the water from one place to another
as be pleases. He has been manuring
the ground throughout the winter, and
he has mado it ns levol as the floor. He
has flooded it with water, and it is as
soft as mush when be is ready to plant.
He now takes his shoots from the nursery,
ties them into bunches of a sizo that you
can easily take iu your band, and then
wading through the field, scatters them
singly tight and left over the water
wbero they are needed. He has a number
of men and women to help bim plant, aud
these take the bunches and set them
out in rows ol from four to six plants in
a buncb, and so that there are from
1500 to 3000 bunches in an acre. This
planting is dooo about the first of June.
The plants begin to grow at once, and
within a few weeks the land ot Japan,
from being rough and brown, has become
a most beautiful green. The country has
a climate which is extremely favorable to
agriculture. It is so moist and warm in
the summer that the rice fields aro like
so many hot beds, and after planting the
only thing that is necessary to do is to
to sot thst they are kept free from weeds
and are well watered. The farmers watch
them at carefully as an old maid does her
pet flower bed. You may at any time
tee men trotting along under big hatt
watching closely every plant, and if one
is out of shape, too deep in the water, or
not deep enough, they will push them
down or pull the mud up to them in such
a way that every plant produces itt best
The labor of planting a rice field is very
great. It you will take all the blades or
sprouts in a field of oats or grain and put
them down in the ground again with a
dibble or your hands, you may get tone
1 idea of the labor raising rice.
" It it the same with the htrvestlng.
It it alio done by band. The rice bios.
soms in September, and about the end
of September or the first of October, and
in some parts of Japan still later, tuu
harvest Is ripe. The sickle is used and
the rice is cut off close to the ground and
tied near the roots in small bunches,
which are hung over poles to dry. The
rice Is about as high as our oats when it
is still in the field, and it has to be
pulled from the straw and busked be
fore it can be used. If you will take a
bundle of oats and pull them through a
cross-cut saw, fastened to a piece ot
wood about the bight of a table, so that
all the grains of oats are pulled off, you
will get a fair idea of how the Japanese
sot their rice from the straw. It is still
in the shell, however, aud this busk or
shell has to be taken off before It cau be
used. One of the most common arrange
ment for getting this oft is an immense
mortar, in which tht rice grains are put
and pounded with a wooded pestle uutil
tb bulls and kernels are separated. Then
the mlxtuisi is put into a winnowing
machine, aod this it turned by band to
separate tb rlc from tb ohaff. Many
of tht) farmers bar little riot mills which
""iST' J A." t -fi
nur.T.TNO nics. :?v
work by water, but nearly 'everything It
on the smallest scale, and ther are no
great rice-husking and polishing ma
chines such as you wilt find In India,
Burmati and the other great rlc coun
tries of the world. . .
A- good rice field ought to produce
about forty bushols to the acre, and
some of these Japanese fields produce
more. The country of Japan produces
nearly a hundred and fifty million
bushels of rice a yew, and their rice it
the finest in the world. It may surprise
some to know that there sre different
kinds of rice, but Japan alone has over
300 kinds, nnd there is as much differ
ence In the quality as thoro is in tii
quality of. moat and potatoes. Th
Japanese understand the possibilities ot
irrigation. These rice beds are on dif.
ferent levels, nnd during the time I was
In Japan the land made me think ot a
gigantic patch-work or one of nature
crazr-quilts. Each little spot of green
rico bad flowers planted upon the little
walls of eatth which surrounded It, and
between the patches of lice were cardens
of beautiful flowers and many colored
crops of other kinds. The water which
washed tho roots of the sreen rice nlanta
spnrklod like diamonds under the sun,
and the bara-le?sed farmara under their
big bats with thoir mahogany les shin
ing out over the green seemed a natural
part of the scene.
A great deal of the irrigation of Japan
is done by human labor. Tho water is
raised from one level to another In buckets
or in jnrs fastened to great wheels upon
which men stand and step up from one
rung of the wheel to the other with much
the same motion a dog in a dog churn.
In the western nnrt of Janan a irrent riant
ot the water is drawn from wells by means
of a long haudled polo hung on a pivot,'
by which a man puinns the water out of
the ground and spreads It over the fields.
Labor In Japan is very cheap. You can
get n good man in the Interior from ten
to fifteen cents a day, and he will board
himself. Women can be gotten at still
lower wages, and the result is that the
farming of Japan is far more intensive
than ours, and a much greater percentage
is gotten from the acre. Some of tiie
fields produce two and three crops a year,
and one crop is scarcely harvested before
the next is put in. This, however, it
not the case with rice. It seems to ex
haust the laud and rice lands are usually
allowed to lie fallow in the winter.
During tbo past ten Tears Janan has
changed agriculturally as well as politi
cally, and since tho revolution it has be
come a different country. It has a popu
lation of about 38,000,000, aud It is es
timated that only ten per cent, ot the
country Is given up to. farming; but this
area will be rapidly increased from now
ou. There is a bli agricultural college
near Tokio, nnd agricultural schools havt
been established in different parts of the
Empire. Experiments are being made in
the iutroductior. of stock, and the whole
physical as woll as the intellectual life ot
the pcoplo is changing. The fact that
tho Japanejo were Buddhists has greatly
f rcjudiced them against the me ot meat,
u Buddhism, a man's soul nfter death is
liable to go into tbo body ot an animal,
ami the Japaueso have a prejudice
against serving up for breakfast sllcct
of their unce3tors, and in the killing
of a cow or sheen thev miilit
be cutting off tho life of a grandfather or
a grcat-granduiothor. Buddhism is, I
think, declining. The contact with
Western civilizitinu has caused the peo
ple to giro up many of their old preju
dices, uud while thoy havo largely bo
come iufidels iustead of Christians, after
leaving tho religion ot their fathers they
aro ready to look at things in a practical
light, aud they will in the future proba
bly bo meat-eaters as woll as rice-eaters.
Tho Peculiar Mexicans.
"Thcro is one peculiarity about the
Moxicaus in their social and family re
lations which I doubt to exist among any
other people on tbo ciobe," said P. L.
Hell, of Chihuahua, Mexico. "While
It is true that a majority ot those occupy
ing the highest social nnd political posi
tions in tho country are descendants of
the proud old aristocratic Spaniards, yet
It la equally true tbat a good many others
of wealth and acknowledged leadership
have come up from the lower ranks by
some sudden turn of the wheel ot fortune
or eruption of evolution. Unlike th
American, the Mexican who acquire
fame and fortuno novor forgets or neg
lects hit poor kin. And, unlike the
American again, be treats his more im
pecunious relatives in a queer way. He
takes tbem into bis household as servants,
giving to them the most menial service,
but never denying the relationship or
attempting to conceal it. I kuow of
many instances where a rich Mexican's
mother is his cook, his sister bis house
girl and bis father or brother his butler.
The American would either disown tbem
altogether or put them on equal footing
with himself. In this regard, you must
admit, the democracy ot Mexico is purer
tbar, tbat so louldiy boasted of in thU
country," St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Tho Ouly Way.
Kind Party 'What ar you crying
tbat way for, little boyl"
Little Boy "Cause it' thtouly way I
know how to cry," Ufa,
Thy Wars Aslsap When a Fits Broks
Out In the Houas,
BnnLis, May It So von persons have been
suffocated by the burning of a house at
Krefeld, Rhenish, Prussia. They were
asleepst the time the flames broke out, and
were smothered by th smoke while . en
deavoring to make their escape.
The Democratic convention of the Fourth
Ohio Congressional district renomliiatud.
Hon. V. C. I-ayton by acclamation.
L. A. Tucker was nominated for congress
by the People's part of Crawford Co., Pa.
The Republicans of the Fourth congres
sional district of Kansas, nominated Charles
R.Curtis for Congress.
The Pemorratic congressional convention
of tho Fifth Missouri district renominated
John C. Tarsney by acclamation.
The Democrats of the Bocond Indians'
DNtrlct have renominated Congressman
TVntTiWASRis are frequent enoujh this
sH"on ,
Tnt Bnstnns expect to win the pennant
without trouble.
Kj'M Is doing most of th catching for
t ha Boatin tram.
PtTcnEROALVtw, of Tittsburg, is In his
tlHrty-aightli year.
Jorcx, of Brooklyn, batted safely In every
one of his first eleven games.
Tna Boston team so far leads all the
Lengue teams In bsM-runnlng.
Rva!, ef Chicago, is probably the best
throwing ourfielilni in the profession .
Anson, of Chleig., has finally rmtlnl
th value of bunt hitting, ani is practicing
his nieu ntlt dally.
McAi.ikr, of Cleveland. cor! against
th Hew York In recent game, from
second base, on a hit to tbe pitcher.
HCTrtimgow, of Chicago, ani Rusle, of
New York, the two crack pitchers of the
country last season, ar still out of form.
Manaokr Powkrs attributes th recent
poor showing of th New York's to "Rule'
lam arm and back and lack ot team work."
The flnt baseball fntility of th teaaon M
rurred at Dover, N. H , when Jone Rickar
(tied from injurie received while sliding to
th bom plate.
Boia, who ar Irtqu-ntly among tb spec
tators at Washington, used to piay ball with
their college nines.
Tna allegation is mad tbat when a game
of bawball is in progrew at Washington, it
i altii'Mt p mibl to fin I a quorum of tb
House of Representative siuoni tbe spec
tator Tnitsite, ton and enthusiasm of tha at
tendance everywhere atfor.l no practical
demonstration of tb repeated winter as
aertion that bawball "is dying out" aid
that '"eonaolidatiou would ruin th game."
O'BReix, of Brooklyn, had a funny ex
perienu at Louisville. Ha made tb
of the bnies on a ba on bails, a steal and
a paniod ball. It was then discovered that
h hail batted nut (if his turn, and b was de
darwl out by Umpire Lyncu.
Din lap, one tb greatest ot second base
man, is ulle In Philadelphia. He is still
looking for a call from noma major league)
club. He la waiting patiently for the ex-.
ploaion of "pheiiomvnuiif,"but th magnate
eem to have forgotten hlcu totally.
Says Manager Bancroft: "Why should a
panieot ball that is stopped by rain ay In
tbe third or fourth inning be played aU
over againr My idea is that tb olub in tb
lead should retain its advautags and th
next day take up th game at th point at
which it waa abandon ). When a trot la
interrupted by ilarsnrsi th borsas ar not
compelled to run all the beats ouce mor. I
hold that th same principle applies to bats
boll." The Leata Racer.
Tho following table shows the standing of
the various base ball clubs : i
w. L. PCT,
w. t.. rrr.
Chicago 12 11 .61
1'hila 10 12 AV
New York 9 U .4)
VVathingt'n!) 12 AJ
Ht. Louis 7 H :J1
Baltimore... 13 .200
Boston IS ft .72
Brooklyn.. .14 7
Cleveland, li 0
Louisville.. 14 10
Pittsburgh 14 It
Cincinnati. 13 11
Thim ar .,. laborers in Detroit
'1 H k at ar n arly 3 W0 stitches in a pair of
banu-jewu bootr.
In Ohio law have been ensoted prohibit
lug shaviug ou unlay.
Farm laborer In Italy get but twenty
cents a day on an average.
Th Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen
baa a ineraberabipof aoouc 23,uuu.
Thu convention of tb Brotherhood ot
Locomotive Engineers met this yar in
Atlanta, Ua. 3
In Philadelphia th cabinet makers have
succeeded In reauclng thsir daily workinz
hour to niue.
In th rie fields of northern Italy woman
wail to thair knev twelve tuam at antretcb
lor ten ceuta.
Qvkr on million children ar at preeent
employ! in th mills and factories of tn
L tilted Htatea.
An Influx of English potters Is looked for
in irentou (X. J.i tbia summer on account of
th Htetforasbire atrik iu England, where
l!5,oou men ar out.
Cvkr JOOO granite cutters working a num
ber of ew England quarries wr locked oat
for denian.iing tbat tueir yearly agreement
should be signed by their bosses at th reiru
iar tune.
At the dictation of th man put In power
by th tuioiiMt in Australasia all immigra
tion into th colony u prohibito.1. ao tbat tiis
tbousau Is of ptop, now uuenplored tbsr
may have an opportunity to flul wjrk,
lie th telegraph service of th Unit
State, it it utiniat 1 that 41,00 men and
women are at prawntamployeJ. To leoitn
of wlr in uw ia over 'JJO.UW miles, aud the
capital iuvested Is statsd to be at least L00,-
Captain Mitchell, of Chicago, known
fsiuitiar.y aa "Old Alitoh," ia said to b th
oldest sleepiugar porter in tarrle on tbo
road. He is nixty-eight year old and ha
Iwen employed by the Puflman Compauy tor
aeveuteen vears.
Pkfsidkk? Clark, of th Union PaoiBj
KaiiroaJ, began lit as a brakeraan ua
gravel tralu. Hs I particularly popular
with all tbe labor organisations, and no
trouble ha. aver arisen from tow souroe
aiuc be became mauagar.
Last year e'AU people, moat ot whom war
railway employes, were killed in this coun
try lu railroad acoldeuta, and i),0M were
wounded Tb number of killed iu Eugland wouuded; in Krauce SJtf
wers killed aud 7UU wounded, aud iu fruaiia
tb number ot kuled waa 4.U wall liXJT
were wounded.
Ross Winaks, tb Amerloso muMlonalr
sportsman, ia being sued by th Trust of
Bir Jams Slacken!, (rout whom be reus
an imineos dear forest in lnvraa, Boot
land, for allowing ni keeper to drive 900
rdarc4f th ground taaa uasportaaiasy
iiks fashion. Wuwtis oou tends ha did it
beeaus his estate Is ovsratooAsd with dear.