The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 18, 1892, Image 5

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?Eft it Star
Nttbtcription $l.oO prr ynir, in mhance.
C A. MrKPIIKnON, Kdltor and Pub.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 18. 1892.
F travelers' flttlb.
lmMwnirfr trains srrlvs ht thn RnvnnldM-
villi" mat Ion nit follow:
TrnlnJ, - - A.M a. m. Train t, TOT, m.
Truln I, - 1.00 p. m.lTrnln 1,-- I.M p. m,
Train . - S-30 p. m.iTmtn 10, - - 9.QH p. m.
k mtrioi,uvii.i,s nmr-orrus.
Mi I In arrive n1 hare the pont-ntfloe a
Arrivt. I Drpart.
nan th tnr. I vos ths ast.
Mil p. m. - J p. m.!.IO a. m. - It.) p. m.
' ranx w r. at. I row Tim wmr,
7.W a. m. - - z.oo p. m.'T.flf) a. m. - - I. is p. m.
Arrlvm from Rathmxl and Prewottrlll
11.10 a m.
Arrlrm from Pnnlri Turaday. Thursdays
and HftlurilnyH nt t.V p. tn,
Itoparts fur Vrnwottvlllo, Rathtnrl, Pnnlc
3 W P- m.
onVw hmirx 7.00a. m. to .00 p. m.
. Monijr nrdir ofllrn oprn from 7.00 n. m. tn
7.30 p. m. Kt-KlMer ofHee opvn from 7.00 . m.
to 8.00 p. m.
Ltticitl Holidays from 7.00 to ft.OO . m. Ktid
(mm 12.00 to a.00 p. m.
Office open Humliy fnm 9.00 . m. tn 10.00
a. m. J. W. r'oiHT, P. M.
Festival at the rink Saturday night.
The school hoard will meet In Dr. J.
B. Neale's office to-morrow, Thursday,
The Prohibition League WH meet tn
Centennial Hall Monday evening at
eight o'clock, sharp.
W. 8. Ross, proprietor of the Ross
House, has had an addition attached to
I his already large hotel.
4.' Tf win mn'tKH 41 th nnw nn.nel
tcau on nonman, ine opucan, ana nave
I a Jjour eyes fitted with glasses.
fwlll attend the Presbyterian church in
a body next Sunday morning.
4 Rev. W. P. Murray will preach the
.Memorial sermon in me m. c. cnurcn
on the Sunday preceding Decoration.
The DuBols Sons of Veterans joined
the Clarlon-JefTerson Field Encamp
v mont Association on Monday evening.
k An ice cream festival will be held In
t the rink Saturday evening, May 21st,
. j by tho members of the Epworth League
p The Clarion-Jefferson Field Encamp
ment Association will encamp at New
i teethlehom on the 12th, 13th, 14th, and
th of July.
I On the inside pages of The Star will
found late telegraphic news, farm
hd pardon notes, ladies' department,
ptes for the housewife, &o.
Geatano Macro, an Italian, had one of
'..his countrymen, Giustlono Colosando,
ifcrrestod last week for assault and bat
ilery. The case was settled.
1 A strawberry, Ice cream and cake fes
tival will be held in the G. A. R. Hall
' on Wednesday evening of next week by
r tne ladles ol tne uuldlng Star lodge.
;t The manager of the DuBols opera
. house has become disgusted with spar
ging matches and will not allow any
Inore In his place of amusement.
John W. Warnlck, of the firm of
McKee & Warnlck, will represent tho
Jr. O. U. A. M. of Roynoldsville at the
State Council, which meets at Easton,
"I The Grand Castle of the Knights of
Goldon Eagle met at Chambersburg th
,'first of last week. Edwin Hoare vas
delegate from the Roynoldsville
I Vlllla, a little daughter of Andy
fDonny, is not expected to live. Whoop-
: ing ocough and consumption of tho
i bowels Is the troublo with the littlo
A. I. Broadhoad has In his possession
a five dollar bill that was issued in 181)3,
T ft almost sixty years ago. It is not as
large as tho five dollar bill of to-duv.
The currency shows its antiquity.
I The pay car made its monthly trip
, over the A. V. R'y last week distribut
ing nearly $200,000 to the company's
(employees. Fifty-five thousand of tho
above amount was paid out on the Low
Jack Long, who lives near Sabula,
lllod a bear In that section last week.
ngs are noted as hunters. Jas. E.
ng, of Brookville, cousin of the bear
slavers, is now on the trail of the
'"Assembly plume
l& Walter Spry, the assessor, on account
f pl illness, resigned the spring assess
; tnent on Monday and A. I. Broadhead
Was appointed to perform that work,
t tnd is now at it. The returns should be
juade before the 23rd inst,
I The General Assembly of the Presby
terlan church will convene at Portland,
JOregon, to-morrow, 19th. Inst. J. 8.
H Elder, D. D., of Clarion, and John H.
1 Moore, of Brookville, are the delegates
n from the Clarion Presbytery.
I The Rev. George Rodgers, General
Missionary of the Episcopal diocese of
Pittsburg, will be assisted by the Rev,
M. S. Hemenway, of DuBols, in oon-
ucting service in the Rathmel M. E,
hurch next Sunday afternoon.
M. J. Farrell, the gentlemanly tickot
rent, was a trifle disfigured a few days
U 1. 1 -1 . J .-V. . ..V. 1. V.,.1
I uffed out skin-tight. Neuralgia forces
i t aaking an attack on one of his teeth
' . ww the cause of the swollen cheek.
Tast Friday being Mrs. Th(. Ma
honoy's thlrty-wcond birthday, aomo
of her lady friends got up a surprise
party and visited her homo In tho
evening. Refreshment wore sorvod.
About twenty-flve ladles were present.
Last Sunday being the third anniver
sary of the Epworth League In the
Methodist Episcopal denomination, the
evening services In the church at this
place were in charge of the League.
An appropriate and Interesting program
was rendered.
Prof. G. M. Jaquay, of Butlor, has
commenced a musical convention In this
place which will continue for three
weeks, meeting on Mondays, Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Friday evenings. The
I'rofossor comes highly recommended as
a musical Instructor.
Tho large candle In Bell Bros, show
window, that was placed there some
time ago with an offer of a ten dollar
suit to the ono who could guess tho
nearest the length of time it would take
to burn the candle out, was lighted at
2.30 p. M. on the lflth, Inst.
Viola McGaw, little daughter of E.
T. McGaw, Esq., is now able to hobble
around after being unable to walk for
several weeks because of a sprained
ankle which mishap she met with by
a swing breaking and she falling only
a distance of 18 or 20 inches.
A special car of the A. V. R'y, and
also one from the P. R. R.. with David
McC'argo, Gen. Supt. A. V. R'y, 8. B.
Rumsuy, Supt. Low Grade Division and
Vice President Greene and other offi
cials of the P. R. R., passed over the
Low Grade yesterday morning on their
way to Pittsburg.
Dr. Neale, Alex. Riston and John C.
Conser, who wore at Kansas, on Bear
Run, in Elk county, fishing last week,
fished about seven hours and caught 171
"sjieokled beauties." They camped out
and Alex. Riston "kicked"' because their
bed-room was ojwn on three sides.
Some people In this world are hard to
Mlcheal Bremmn, the man who gives
the A. V. Railway boys their supplies,
has gone to Pittsburg to consult some of
tho eminent physicians of that city con
cerning a sore on his lower Hp, which
made its appearance several weeks ago.
Mr. Brennnn Is an inveterate smoker
and it is thought ho has what is called
"smokers cancer."
The Utopia Circle met at S. T.
Duughorty's Monday evening. The
evening was pleasantly spent. Tho
ladies of this circlo invite their hus
bands to attend thoir meetings every
six weeks and then spread before them
ham sandwiches, pickles and coffee at
the eleventh hour, thus laying a foun
dation for dyspeptic "cranks" as house
hold fixtures.
On Friday morning, after an illness
of one week, Ottis El wood Barton, little
son of Harry E. Barton, of Rathmel,
succumb to the terror of infancy pneu
monia. The remains were taken to
Benezette, the home of the mother,
Saturday afternoon for interment.
John Smith and wife, and Mrs. E. Q.
McIIonry, of Rathmel, and Rov. H. G.
Furbay, of this place, accompanied tho
bereaved parents to place of burial,
Rev. Furbay conducting the funeral
Jas. G. Mitchell, of Porry Township,
candidate for State Sonato, was In
Roynoldsville Monday. Mr. Mitchell
Is not Idly waiting for tho primary elec
tion In June, but, on tho contrary, is
getting acquainted with the people.
At a meeting of tho farmers' and miners'
organizations held at this place last
March, Mr. Mitchell received their
endoi-sement. Ho is confident that Indi
ana will support him if he gets the nomi
nation in Jefferson county. Mr.Mitchell
has the ability to represent tho eoplo
if elected.
On the 8th of April a Loyal Temper
ance Legion was organized at this
place. It has a membership of fifty
boys and girls with Mrs. II. S. Murray
as superintendent, and Mrs. J. M. Hays,
Misses Eleanor Rood, Eveline Sochrlst,
Mildred Sechrlst and Olive Jones as
teachers, Julia Kirk, organist, and Mary
Harris, secretary. The object of the
organization is to teach the young poo
ple to be temperate in all things and to
abstain from the use of intoxicating
liquor as a beverage. The Legion is
undenominational and meets every Fri
day afternoon at 4.00 o'clock in the M.
E. church. A cordial and earnest invi
tation is extended by the superintend
ent to all the boys and girls of Reyn
oldsvllle to attend these meetings.
On the editorial page of The Star will
be found the announcement of Jas. E,
Long, of BrookvUle, for Assembly,
Mr. Long was born and reared in Jeff
erson county, the early years of his life
were spent in tilling the soil. He en
gaged in the merchantile and lumber
business, becoming an extensive lumber
dealer. He was the first lumberman of
Jefferson county to adopt the monthly
pay system. Has always been a staunch
Republican; served the country in the
time of her noed. In 1880 he was elect
ed as a member of the Assembly for
Jefferson oounty. While in the Legis
lature he voted for the monthly pay
and anti-store order bill which was
afterwards declared unconstitutional.
He also voted for the amendment of
"an act to limit the hours of labor oon
stitutlng a day's work in this Commcn-
weaitn to eight Hours."
Two 8lory Brick.
A real estate deal was consummated
lost Monday afternoon the object of
which we are pleased to note. Burgess
J. M. Hays purchased from C. C. Gib
son the property on Main street where
Esq. MitGaw has his office. Considera
tion 2,rt50.00. Mr. Hays is to got pos
session on the first of June when he will
immediately commence tearing down
the old frame structure now standing
and will build a twostory brick. What
the new building will he used for Is to
be found out In the future, as Mr. Hays
Is loath to tell. While we are unable to
Inform our readers as to all the tacts In
the case, yet we rejoice that the old
frame structure will be raxed to the
ground to give place to a brick building.
May the day hasten when many more
such transformations shall take place
In Rcynoldsvllle.
LATElt. II. Alex. Stoke, the druggist,
Is the gentleman for whom Mr. Hays
purchased the projorty. Mr. Stoke
will use the proposed new store room
for his drug business. Alex, has suc
ceeded In business through being ener
getic and enterprising.
A Weighty Body.
Rcynoldsvllle has a body of council-
men that mean business, and will not
be trifled with. The Burgess and police
are not slow tn enforcing the law. If
the present state of affairs continue we,
as citizens of this borough, will have
to be law abiding and as strict as the
Pharisee. After while a young man
will not even be allowed to burn a love
letter on the street, and as for the
housewife, she will not be permitted to
empty the contents of the family coffee
pot out of the kitchen window. It Is
barely possible that there will be a "let
up" before such strictness shall prevail,
although the law now forbids the burn
ing of paper on the streets. It is useless
to rebel, for If 1,1(14 pounds, avoirdu
pois, como down uon a man he will
certainly be crushed. The average
weight of the council Is 194 pounds.
Tho heaviest 240 and the lightest 104.
Not in it.
Tho rumor that tho tannery at this
place Is to l)o shut down for sixty days,
is without the sunctlon of Halt, Vaughn
&Co., proprietors. They did not enter
Into the agreement made by leather
dealers at New York recently to close
their tanneries for sixty days which Is
done to clear tho market of an overstock,
although over one hundred tanneries
entered Into such an agreement. The
proprietors of this tannery prefer to be
at liberty to run their business when It
suits them to do so. Although the tan
nery may shut down for a short time,
yet there have been no such Indications
manifested on tho part of tho proprlo
tors. 8smnle Copies.
We are sending out sample copies of
THE Star hoping It may find favor
with you and that you will send a sub
stantial request for Its appearance In
your home for a yeBr at loast. Wo
have endeavored to serve all with sam
plo copies as far as possiblo, having no
intention of slighting any who may do
sire to read tho pajxir with a view of
becoming a subscriber. In making up
tho mailing list last week a number of
names wore omitted unintentionally.
Resd His Platform.
This week wo published tho announce
ment of Dr. W. J. McKnight, of Brook
ville, for State Senator. The Doctor
served In the Senate from 1880 until 1884.
Ho now seeks a re-nomlnution. Ho is
well known In Jefferson and Indiana
counties and anything we might say
would bo superfluous. His platform is
published in connection with his an
nouncement. Read it.
Funeral Thursday.
Tho funeral servicosover the remains
of John Bono, whoso traglo death was
noted in The Star lust week, will be
held in tho M. E. church Thursday
afternoon at 2.30, Rev. W. P. Murray
will preach the sermon. Tho 'funeral
will be in charge of the I. O. O. F. of
Rcynoldsvllle. Tho remains will be
interred in the new cemetery south of
A Business Change.
Mrs. Elijah Trudgen has purchased
E. Neff's grocery store. The new store
will be run under the name of Lizzie
D. Trudgen. Esq. Neff will devote his
time hereafter in performing the duties
of his office, Justice of the Peace, and
will deal In real estate. His office will
be in the room now occupied by C. J.
Kerr after the first of June.
Both Convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spry, who have
both been seriously ill for the past month
are now on a fair way to their usual
health. Mr. Spry had pneumonia, while
his wife was suffering with bronchitis
and la grippe.
The ladles of Roynoldsville and vicin
ity are invited to call and see the large
and stylish line of millinery goods and
notions at Flo. Best's millinery store.
Waiter Spry will, in connection with
his insurance business, deal In real
estate. '
Go to McKee & Warnlck's for your
green goods Saturday. '
Advertise In Tux Stab!
' .' i Thrown From a Pony, i " '
Amolla Morrrw, 11 year old daughter
of Jos. 81 Morrow, the merchant, nar
rowly escaped death or serious Injury
Monday afternoon, A few scratches
about tlM face and badly bruised knees
were the extent of injury. Mr. Morrow
has a gentle little pony and was giving
his daughter and Lydla Mulllnger less
ons Monday forenoon In horseback rid
ing. At noon Amelia hud come to the
conclusion that she was an export rider
and told her papa that In the afternoon
she would make Lucie the pony be-
llovo that she was Mertle Peek No. 2.
Soon after the noon hour Mertle No. 2
mounted her little mustang and forget
ting, just a trifle, her papa's Instruc
tions to wait until he was ready, the
young rider rode up Third street and
near Thos. Shields' house a newspapor
that was lying In the street, was caught
up In the brisk breeze and frightened
the pony.' Tho animal quickly turned
to go the other way. Amelia lost her
Mertle Pock grit, let go the reins,
screamed and grabbed the horns of the
saddle and the pony made a hasty return
trip down the hill. Those who witness
ed the scene expected to see the young
miss dashed to the ground. Ca-znr
Ferris ran In front of the pony at the
Commercial hotel and stopped tt. Ame
lia lot go her death-like grip and fell to
the ground uninjured with the excep
tion of a few bruises and badly shaken
up. The ambition that was at Its
zenith at noontide to become an exiiert
rider went down behind the hill of dis
appointment long before the sun disap
peared behind the western hills.
One New School Building Sure
The school directors have decided to
build one new school building at least
and will give the citizens, by social
election, an opxrtunity to vote as to
whether two new buildings, one In each
end of town, shall be erected In place of
one. As to the location of the new
house, if only one, we are unnblo to state.
The board, as mentioned last week, look
ed around for sites and have In view a
lot near tho Sunkey pii)Hrty on Jackson
street, for the east end building, bihI a
lot near C. C. Gibson's property on Hill
street, for west end. The Isiard meets
either thlsor to-morrow evening and will
then come to some definite conclusion.
They will do whut they consider the best
for all concerned, but if they were tolls
ten to the many suggestions offered as
to how this question should be settled,
they would have a conglomeration of
Ideas that would bo sufficient to confound
steam engine. The Star will not ad
vise these gentlemen, who have boon
elected to their osltion by the people,
what they should do as we think it
would be useless. It Is an Important
question and should bo viewed only In
tho light of the future benefit of our
thriving town, and not in the interest of
one man or (me end of town. Whatever
action the board may take In the matter
they will be censured by some people.
There aro always people who see things
their way and no other.
Prohibition Meeting.
Tho Prohibitionists of this place hold
a meeting In Centennial hall Saturday
evening. Notwithstanding tho inclem
ent weather the hall was packed. The
meeting opened with a song by Lilly
Runals, of New York, ontitled "The
Ninety and Nine." H. D. Patten, of
Lancaster, State Chairman of the Pro
hibition party, talked an hour and
thirty minutes on the claims the Prohi
bition party had upon American people,
espcclully upon tho professed christian
people of the land. Miss Runal recited
"The Kitchen Clock." A collection was
asked for. "Tho Cows are in tho Corn,"
was sung by Miss Runals. Mr. I 'at ton
explained tho Baker Law and the moot
ing closed with a recitation by Miss
Runals entitled "Rock of Agos." Miss
Runuls is a good singer, hut evi
dently likes to have the people show
their appreciation of her tulent by
encore. Sho was prepared for such an
outburst, but silence predominated and
tho peoplo missed what was in store for
them and tho singer's feelings were as
thoroughly dumponed as were the
streets of Roynoldsville.
A Timber Deal.
Urockwayvllle Record.
E. C. Stuart, the Sugar Hill lumber
man, has mado another timber deal, this
time out in Warsaw township, near
Rlchardsvllle. He has secured 126
acres of land on which are 3,000,000 foet
of pine and hemlock timber. The land
was sold at sheriff's sale a short time ago,
and Mr. Stuart bought it from the pur
chaser for the remarkably low sum of
Mrs. A. E. Hetherington, the new
millinery, carries a first-class line of
goods. Everything of the latest styles,
She handles fancy goods, gloves, corsets,
&o. Located in the Broadhead building,
Main street. tf.
Next Saturday you can get new cab
bage, onions, cucumbers, lettuce, pine
apples, radishes and other goods too
numerous to mention at McKee & War-
nick's, corner 6th and Main streets. .
Mrs. Kate Smeltzer, the Jackson
street millinery, has an elegant line of
goods. Everything first-class. Give
her a call.
Go to McKee & Warnlck's for your
green goods Saturday.
Erb's New Sensational Shows.
Glaring bills were posted in this
vicinity about the 7th Inst, announcing
that Erb's Now Sensational shows would
give ono of their superb exhibitions In
Reynoldsvlllo on Saturday, May 14.
Saturday morning four wagons drawn
by fiery steeds that looked as If they
had boon fed on promises and groomed
with corn-cobs, passed down Main street
and across the bridge to vacant lot near
tho Mooiu House. It was discovered
that the lot was not In a fit condition
for such an excellent show to exhibit
upon, and therefore, another place was
looked tor aad found on the flat below
Jackson street. The wagons were haul
ed to the phsee selected, which had been
rented from a lady, for five dollars, who
had no claim upon the land nor was she
authorized to rent It, but did so as an
act of accnnmodatlon to Thomas Me
Crelght, the owner. Mr. McCrelght
was Informed by his son that the show
was occupying his ground. He appear
ed on the scene and in a gentlemanly
way, as Is Mr. McCrelght's way of doing
business, he Inquired of them what right
they had there and who gave them per
mission to occupy the ground. Mr.
Mcd-eight asked ten dollars for the
privilege ol remaining. One of the
showmen, in a snappish, snarling man
ner, gave Mr. McCrelght an Invitation
to take a trip to hades. The property
owner immediately started for a 'Squires
office to hare the trespassers arrested.
Seeing they had a man to deal with
who was not to be trifled with, ttiey
followed him and became very polite
and talked pleasantly. The price of the
ground was raised to Jl.l.OO. After con
siderable pleading on the part of tho
public entertainers a compromise was
secured and they paid $10.00. On ac
count of having trouble In getting a
place to show, there was no perform
ance on the ground In tho afternoon
excepting the exhibition of the illit
erate, uncouth and profane gang trav
eling with tho prodigious representa
tion of what it was not. Some of the
stars are DuBols boys. The rain pre
vented the African from taking a trip
in his baloon. The band played and
tho show wont on in the evening, how
ever, if tho clouds did empty their
watery contents upon tho canvas, and,
not strange to say, they had a large
crowd.but It is hard to find any one who
was there.
Ninety Miles on Foot.
Several weeks ago a young Miss of
fourteen summers, who resided with her
parents in Venango county, became
weary of the monotonous routine of
every day life under tho parental roof
and restraint, and decided to take a
trip Into Jefferson county and visit
relatives near Roynoldsville.' She pack
ed hor little "grip" and, with seventy-
five cents In her purse, sallied forth to
travel a distance of ninety miles on
foot. She left home without bidding
the other members of the family an
affectionate farewell, In fact without
even announcing her proposed journey
to hor parents. The father of Nellie
Mlcough after missing his daughter
started in pursuit of the girl but passed
her in some way and arrived in Reyn
oldsville without catching her. He
left a written description of the girl
with the authorities hore with Instruc
tions to arrest hor. The maiden left
homo on Tuesday and on Thursday of
the following week was intercepted on
Jackson street by Policeman Mincer
and tuken before 'Squire McGaw. The
girl at first gave a ficticious name. She
said she walked because she would
rather travel that way than rldo on the
cam. How sho lived on her pleasure
trip, was not revealed to the authori
ties. Tho fathor was telegraphed of
her arrival. He answered to give her
in charge of the relatives to whom she
was on her way to visit. Now she is
enjoying a visit on a furm near this
County Convention.
The Prohibitionists held a County
Convention in the Lutheran church at
Brookville Monday afternoon, com
mencing at 2 P. M. Six delegates were
elected to send to tho State Convention
to bo held at Scranton, Pa., on the first
of Juno, and one delegate to attend the
National Convention at Cincinnati in
June. S. P. Sprankle, of Grange, Pa.,
.was nominated for Assembly; Solomon
Shaffer elected County Chairman, and
J. Van Roed, Secretary and Treasurer.
A financial plan was adopted to raise
money for campaign work.
A mass meeting was held in the
Court House in the evening which was
largely attended. State Chairman Pat-
ton and Miss Lilly Runals were present
and were highly appreciated by the
large audience.
Oo Spooning.
Tea soons,
Table spoons,
Berry Bpoons,
Sugar Bpoons,
Orange spoons,
Ice oreani spoons.
At Hoffman's, the Roynoldsville jow
Don't forget the festival in the G. A,
R. Hall on Wednesday evening, May
25th, by the ladles of the Guiding Star
lodge, No. 27.
Go to McKee & Warnlck's for your
green goods Saturday.
Will Bell was at DtiBols yesterdsy,
G. B.Rcpshor was in Brookville Tues
E. L. Moore, of Rathmel, fat a juror
this week.
Mrs. Jos. Strauss Is In ffrochvrllle
this week.
A. D. Dcemer, of Btooekrtlle, was In
town Saturday.
Joe Johnston, a typo. of! DuBols, was
In town this woek.
Miss Lucilo Mltoholi is visiting
friends In Pittsburg.
D. W. At water, the ptsnber, was at
DuBols Monday evenings
M. J. McCrelght, of DuBols, was In
town Monday on business
Senator S. R. Ptiale, of Lock Raven,
was In Reynoldsvlllo Monday.
E. J. Lofts, of the Belt, Lewis & Yates
store, went to New York yesterday.
Jas. E. Long, Republican candidate
for Assembly, was in, town yesterday.
Harry L. Hastings sad wlfo. of Brook
ville, were In Rnynohfoville this week.
Ben. M. Clark, son of Judge Clark,
registered at Hotel Belnap last Satur
day. Mrs. B. Schaney, of Oil City, la visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Armor on Grant
Dr. J. W. Fount fs tn HHrrisWjr this
week attending! th Stato;Medieal Asso
ciation. A. M. Wilson formerly ol this place.
now of Huzen, Pa., was In town during
tho woek;.
E. 8. Wood., of Brookville was the
guest of C. F. Hoffman, the iowelor.
Miss Brttta Truby, of Gazzam. Pa..
ts the guest of the Mbwes Butler, on
Grant street.
Smith McCreiirht. of Washington
county, is visiting his brother, Thos.
Miss Carrie Fink, who had been housed
up for several weeks with erysipelas, Is
able to be out again.
Mrs. Cfezar Ferris went to Sunhurv
Monday us a dolognto to the Daughter
or KeneKah Convention.
Mrs. W. F. Klujrh. of Hill street. Is
convalescing from an attack of lung
fever following tho measles.
Dr. A. H. Bowser and wife are eninv-
ing a trip to Pittsburgh. Washington. D.
C, and Baltimore this week,
Mike Montgomery, an engineer on
the A. V. R'y, went to work Tuesdav
morning after a 10 days' sickness.
Andrew Cant, of Buffalo, N. Y., senior
momberof tho firm of Cant Bros, & Co.,
was in town several days last week.
W. K. Squires, of Falls Creek, one of
tho superintendents of Proctor's large
tannery at that place, was Id town Mon
day. A. C. Quigley, formerly an employee
of Hopkins' big mill, Is now scaling logs
on the Degnan & McDonald job at Falls
Dr. B. E. Hoover, Rev. E. T. Derr, C.
C. Gibson, R. E. McKee and Solomon
Shaffer were at the county seat Monday
Honry Bone, of Roslyn, Washington,
accompanied the body of John Bone,
which arrived here Tuesday on the one
o'clock, train.
Mil os Welsh and Henry Rodon have
purchased a livery stable at PunxBUtaw
noy and went ovor lost Saturday to take
charge of the same.
J. A. Wolsh, who wont to Pittsburgh
the first of lost week to be treated for
rheumat ism, returned the latter part of
the woek feeling much bettor.
Dr. W. J. McKnight, of Brookville,
candidate for State Senate, was in Reyn
oldsvlllo last wook looking after his po
litical Interests in this section.
Esq. E. Neff and wife were at Hazen,
Pu., last Friday and Saturday. Mr.
Neff went there for the purpose of
organizing a G. A. R. Post. The organ
ization was not perfected, but will be in
the near future.
Mr J. Samuel Skivington, Past Mis
tress of the Roynoldsville Guiding Star
lodge, No. 27, went to Philadelphia
Friday as a delegate to the Grand Lodge,
A. P. L. A., of Pennsylvania, which
convened in that city yesterday.
L. M. Dennlson, of Greene county,
Ohio, C. W. Dennlson and W. C. Price,
of Warren, O., D. G. Dennlson and A.
K. Price, of Hubbard, O., members of
the Hamilton Coal Company that oper
ated In this section a few years ago, were
In Reynoldsvlllo this week.
John Kane, an employee of Hotel
Belnap, left Roynoldsville Monday after
noon tor a few days' visit to Pittsburgh,
so said he. Tuesday morning Mr.
Kane's Sunday girl loft for a weeks' visit
at her home in Oil City. Some of the
people of a suspicious nature in town
insinuate that there is to bo a wedding
in the vicinity of Oil City this week.
"Washburns Best," is the name of the
bent flour on the market. Try a sack of
it and be convinced. McKee & War
nick, The Grocers, Cor. 5th. and Mala
All kinds of fine pickled goods oon be
found at MoKeo & Warnlck's, No stale,
goods, and prices low. , '