The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 11, 1892, Image 8

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8ome Fact Olesncd from daily Intercourse
with men of Experience.
tKarniciV Friend unci (Irnnan Ailvixnti'l
A rmtmiH)ry, wlin known from artiinl
cjeprrlciirti trhcfiiif ho iifllriii, (llwoui-
ww on tho nlmvo Hiihji'ct In t In Mlowltitf
"Tlimn Ib n Klvut drill mor talk ittmut
tho 'rioollno nf ftjri'lciiltiiro' thnn th or
cnxlon ohIIh fur. Truo It Ik tlmt iii lcnl
ttiro Ih iliM'llnlnir In rortnln IimmvIKIck mi
ller tho mm tnil of nyfl"ult urlnlH.
"It In nlsii trim tlmt, If nurli'iiltnrlHt
faroil iih well iih otlinr producer In tho
IiiiiiiIm nf tin' tnuiNHirtntlnn i'iiiiinnli'H,
coiihiiImhIoii iiicicIihiiIm. tiiximikrin mill
ntliKrH they would tiiivn Ii'kk rvnuon to
I'imiiiliilii then now.
'Hut to rlitltn tlmt mrrleiiltiiro uk n
wliiilo Im nil tlio ilowiiwiii'il (fi-iulo Im the
'veriest hush.'
"11cm iitii winio fiirtH li'iuii'il finiii
dully liite'reoiiino with nii'ii of iimuy IhinI
iii'hh In a (tri'iit idt.v."
"I. Tim lient of tlin nvii'iiKi Minn of
inlddli' ii;ii working on n milury In Now
York Im totviinl tho einintrv. 11'' Iihh
lnlmri'd for jvniufnr iiimlornto hIIh'IhI
mill li iih urciiMinlitt 'd u few Imndrcil dnl
lnrn. Instinctively li Im inlnil Innmto the
country, mill, mind yon, In- not only ilo
hIivh it Iioiimi' In tin-country, lint Imeri.'s
for litiul: lint it house lint nere, one or
IIIOI1'. Ml' ll'lllll'H tlmt IIM 111' t'l'lM olilcr
lin limit jrlvo wny h 'fore tln yoiinyi'f
heads mid Mti'oliirt'l' lHidii'M.imil lie knows
from olwrviit Ion tlmt bin :-jvlnt,rM ivlil
do lint littli' toivill'd .-: t r 1 : 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 (. " :l lif ( f
li'lHtiro In :i er. t i-ity. I 'otutih's iT.nnot
Ik- j;rovii In It'vaov. uv.
"2. Tin' aviMMjro yoimn mini who Iii:m
MH'iit an :iiiii-nl ic-shlp on tho fii-ni.
mai'i'ii H imil S"ttles down mi a fiirni to
work ntTai'i.i'l'dili'lit will iii'fiiitii!isli Ii h
iiii'iow' In less tint" mid rii joy li.-tu-r II-.-Iny
and In ultli in tho t:u mitim - than the
yoniiff mini workiiijr in tin-idly at an or
dinary Miliny ami paying oil' the miiii--ili'ht
nn IiIh city linmc.
".'I. Tln farmer In a producer of the nc
CCSSarleS nf lifl'. llllll HO lolltf II tlll'IH IV-
nmlns those who arc ho located that they
cannot produce their own food. just no
hnif the farmer will l' called iimiii tocx
erolso lilHciillliitf. with itnnv or loss prof
it to hliiiHi'lf.
"4. There inn men In New York imil
other lai-jfo cltli'M, (fiadimte.i of coll ates,
who mil nimble to earn barely enough
to keep hody und mini together. Tliero
HccniH mi place for them In the hives mi
Ifiuutly ovorloailcil, und they wniild.
and many of them do, gladly take n
position on tho furm. where they were
Mire of bread and butter und a plae ' to
sloop. Wo furinein mid friilt-jrrowcrM
ure uvur momiing over wlmt we uro
pleased to term un overproduction In
our wuroH; If wo could but hou the fierce
competition unions men In the hirccr
cltli'H wu would realize, um wo do not
now, what competition unit overpro
duction really mcttns.
'Discontent Ih tho curse of our race,
und unfortunately tho farmer ban moiii
of that vice than Ih j;imm1 for him.
"When wo leurn to hod the bright
sltlu of our country life un plainly iih wo
think wo hco the brluhtin-KH of life in
tho city, wo will bo tho happier for It."
l.lfe I.oat In War.
Dr. Engel, Uermun statistician, gives
the following us the approximate cost of
the principal wnrs of the I ant thirty
years: Crimean war, $2,000,000,000;
Italian war of lf9. $300,000,000; Prnsso
DanUb war of 1864, $33,000,000; war
of the rebellion north, $5,100,000,000;
south. $2,900,000,000; Pruaso-Aostrian
war of 1806, $330,000,000, Raaso-Tarkiah
war, $123,000,000; Booth African wars,
$8,770,000; African war, $12,250,000;
Servo-Bulgarian, $178,000,000. All these
wars were murderous in the extreme.
The Crimean war, in which few bat
tle were fonght, coat 750,000 lives, only
50,000 less than were killed or died of
their wounds, north and south, during
the war of the rebellion. These figures,
it must be remembered, are Qerman,
and might not agree precisely with the
American estimates. The Mexican and
Chinese expeditions cost $300,000,000
and 65.000 lives. There were 250,000
killed and mortally wounded during the
Russia-Turkey war, and 45,000 each
in the Italian war of 1859 and the
war between Prussia and Austria. Son
Francisco Post
Regarded It as s Real Body.
Two old country dames, whom we
came across in the churchyard of an an
cient country town, were curiously re
garding a monumental stone, surmount
ed by the recumbent figure of a woman
several sizes larger than life.
"And so they brought the poor young
woman here and laid her a-top o' that
there stone I Well, now, who would
ever ha' thought it V said one, laying a
half-shrinking hand on the cold, hard
image, which she undoubtedly believed
to be the veritable body of the long de
ceased lady, which had been committed
to the earth generations ago. By what
process she imagined it to have been pet
rified and enlarged to such ' a shape it
would be curious to discover. London
Uva Stock In the West.
West of Missouri and exclusive of
Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas and Mia-
sonri, the number of cattle is 16,248,667
and their value is estimated at $213,087,
569; the number of horses and mules
4,536,080, value $244,775,058; number of
sheep and hogs 23,882,782, value $84,
504,980; making the aggregate value of
horses and live stock $543,857,602. The
total product of horses and mules of all
the other states is 6,854,030 and their
value is estimated at $719,836,085. Ed
ward Rosewator's Omaha Address.
Its Makm the I I fe nf a Theatrlral Mmm
agfr W earjr.
"This," snlil a tbontrical manager, "is
very protty town; It onght to have a
hall built around It. that might rrllert in
the sky so tlmt thn surrounding countries
could are and admire. Between whiles,
when yon are not being stood up and wind
hanged for your money, they aland you
np for paaaea. Uion my honor I was In
troduced to a man on Mnndny and on
Tuesday he buttonholed inn on Fifth
avenue and said he would like to come
down nnil sen ns.' 'So yon shall, my
boy.' said 1. 'the box ofltco la open front
9 toll and your dollars are always wel
come.' "Another time I was u sort of en
forced escort to a young lady who was
belated and hud ml used her friends. I
knew her slightly, and. an a gentleman
should. ofTered to sen her home. There
Isn't n bliKsed relative she bus that I
haven't pitwctl into this house, mid only
thn other day the young woman met tun
and said her sister was going to Im mar
ried, and wouldn't I Hive her a box, so
her bri'lher-iti-law-to-lie rnuld give n
farewell stag party. I dined nt n first
class rcMt.-iiiiaut last week, where they
serve second class meals, and the clerk,
as hn struck inn for two dollars, re
marked. 'You iiiiKht just as well use
the other side of that, check to make me
nut n puis."
"I dim-Iced nn Infant under the chin
the other day und said It was the living
imicre of its mother. I cot u letter from
its hither the licit day linking for two
scats at the licttinee, 'and please,' It"
added, 'keep the third ehnir vacant if
you tun. liahy t ;oitfj a I. li;;. nn it Is
nnr.o'' day out. and the little fellow
may want to have his mother's Itnee,'
Aiiotlnr ihiy in a crowded street ear I
'M'li.'nijiod my seat fore i.liap. to which
yoUii-f lady wiii holding on. What do
von think, she came into my nllk-e only
'.his inoriiiic; itnd wauled . know if I
wouldn't lie so -perlite' a" to ;in her a
sent ill the theater also. She I nought I
was so much nf a gentleman -) li.ltit
mind in the least asking me.
"My pastor begs for pusses. My land
lady demands them and pays nil' her
milk hill uitli them When I treat n
man he looks lis if he expected a pass at
be bottniii nf the glass. The street car
conductor thinks one ought to go with
every fare I pay him Young women pre
sent me with roses, wearing n 'wnn't-yoit-pii.vx-mc-thruugh-thc-diHir'
sort of
expression, mid their brothers walk
along the liveiitm with me mid call me
niy boy' and want to know what night
-me mid sis' cur. find a couple of seats
Then they take some other fellow's sis
ter But for thn c'n'k of thn cake walk
jrivo me n fellow on Fifth avenue whom
1 ask ml Monday to send me down some
things C. U. I)
" 'We don't trust theatrical people nt
all, my dear sir. We find It diwsti't
pay.' I wanted the things straightaway
and with ditlicnlty made up thn sum ont
of the change in my pocket The next
night the gentleman was ut the theater
door just as I came forward.
" 'I Hiipiwwo it's all right? ho said.
"What's all right?1 said I.
" 'Oh, you know me. You did busi
ness with me yesterday 'Isn't it all
"1 didn't wait to say a word, but 1
rushed home and for live minutes
yelled blue devils up the chimney of my
fireplace, after which I went buck to the
theater and for two hours couldn't
break the line of people waiting for
Then the manager, sighing wearily
and wiping his perspiring brow, wrote
on the margin of a newspaper, "Puss
Mr. Jones and party to box." When he
finished he whisjK'red: "My best girl's
mother's divorced husband, who at the
present time is standing in again with
the old lady. If things continue bloom
ing there will be a double wedding."
Pittsburg Dispatch.
- Women tiring- Reeng-nlBed In tendon.
Women are fast obtaining substantial
recognition in the governing of London.
There are women members of the board
of education and various other Important
bodies, and if women choose there may
now be women dock commissioners. In
a' bill before parliament dealing with the
election of dock commissioners, Mr,
Courtney, chairman of the committee,
took a novel and, as the newspapers de
scribe It, "praiseworthy" step bjr strik
ing out the words "male persons," so
that the franchise might be conferred on
women. The promoter of the bill Mid
if ladies might vote they might also be
come commissioners. "And why not,"
asked Mr. Courtney, "if they are good
business women?" London Letter.
A rmal Drawing Vine.
The Kudiu vine is probably the most
rapid growing plant in the world. II
belongs to the bean family. The leaves
look something like a Lima bean, and
was once called Dolichos japoniens. It
will grow easily sixty feet in three
months. It was introduced Into Amer
ica by the Japanese during the Centen
nial exhibition. It Is said that In Its
own country it has flowers like bnnches
of wistaria. For some reason American
summers do not seem long enough for
It It rarely bloains. Meehan's Monthly.
A Hesutllnl Effect lu atahufsny.
A peculiarly fine effect in mahogany
Is obtained by sawing crotches. A piece
is sawed just above and just below a
point where two limbs shoot out on op
posite sides. When such a piece is prop
erly cut up into veneer the crotches
show in beautiful plumelike markings
througn the middle of each sheet. New
York Sun.
A CuinperUun.
Judge What sort of a man, now, was
it you saw commit the assault?
Constable Sure, your honor he was
a small, insignificant cratur about your
own size, your honorl Exchange.
Out ul Nlfht.
Aunty How did yon catch such
Wee Niece Lookin ut tee roily bolly
slice. Good News,
Cruel New fork Moelety.
Whoever ahnnld writs an analysis of
affairs in New York today and should
leave, out the strain of social ambition
would miss tho most serious thing in the
life of thn metropolis. We are apt to
think the hardest thing a man can do Is
to come to New York, establish a fisit
hold and eventually mnke a fortnne, aa
so many thousands of country hoys have
dona. But my olieervatlon la that if
yon will go to those asms men after they
have put the city under their feet, they
will tell yon that what they have accom
plished was nothing an compared with
what they have yet to do and that la to
get Into society. 1 do not mean McAl
lister's Four Hundred when I say "soci
ety;" I mean pollto society of any sort.
I mean tho entree into any one of a hun
dred far morn desirable circles than Mc
Allister's band nf self instituted aristo
crats. The day waa when a man hud the
entree of any such circle If he was u re
apertabln man of any profession or if he
woa rich. That la the casein the smaller
cities today. Any doctor, lawyer. Judge
or rich man. whoso reputation is clean,
can Instantly gain admission to the
nicest circles in the small cities, fltlt
hn cantvit do so In New York. The only
auru piiKssirt to such circles that I know
of in New York today Is to Ih- born In
such n circle. The next la-st thing is to
honst u commission in thn army or navy.
Thn city is old and rich ami suspicious
of all newcomers. That makes Its ho
fiety the most rigid mid cruel In Amer
ica. Julian Ralph lu Providence Jour
Itai. WUv ('iiiincd NHllMOtt ( (',
When one cotiiea to think nf it It seems
quite wonderful that one should be aide
to buy a pound of salmon In a can from
thn Pacilie const for twenty-live cents.
The frozen li di emits forty cetita a x.:uid
lit least, while the unfrozen article
ranges in eastern markets from one dol
lar up. lie. iiles. the manner In which
each can is made t contain a segment
of salmon perfectly titled into it appeal.)
most surpl i iin;t, the bones, even In the
Inrrer vertehn". melting In the innutli
without requiring so much ns a crunch
between the teeth and the ceil Mesh sep
arating in beaut il'ul clean flakes.
Yet salmon would be very much
cheaper than at present were it. not that
tho great cminersnf Alaska have formed
a combination to restrict the product.
This is unfortunate for consumers per
haps, but lucky certainly for thn lish.
which would lie wiped nut III together
within live years at the must if the com
panies engaged in their capture hud n
market for all they could produce at
profitable rates. The methods employed
are thn most destructive conceivable, in
asmuch ns the lishcrmt'ii stretch seines
across tho mouths of tho rivers mid take
tho fish which are going np the stream
to spawn. There la a law against this
sort of thing, but it is not enforced.
Eventually, doubtless, the supply of this
valuable tinny game will run out and
artificial propagation will have to be re
sorted to. Washington Star.
Insomnia und Nervousness.
There can lie no doubt that tunny jwr
sous suffer from insomnia which had its
origin, or at least its principal strength,
in their own nervous apprehension that
they are or are about to be ufllictud with
it. Any one of a dozen causes may in
duce wakefulness, und yot tho person
lying in bod with the faculties alert at
the moment when they would naturally
lie expected to Im wri'.pied in slumber
has nine times out of ton, or ninety-nine
times in a hundred, nothing serious to
apprehend. The stom ich may not be in
quite its normal condition and there is
no more potent cause of wakefulness.
Now nn hour ten minutes even
seems a long time in the middle of the
night, when a pernon wishes to be sleep
ing and cannot. If a sensation of dread,
of apprehension, is allowed to enter the
mind, such a period simply becomes in
terminable. The nervous apprehension
Increases the difficulty, and feeding
upon itself the derangement may quite
possibly increase til it becomes a dan
gerous malady. Good Housekeeping.
How to Save Money
Borne men plead poverty when they
are well off. Uilhooly Is one of these.
His landlord said to himi
"I want you to pay your rent right
"I haven't got any money."
"But yon have got to pay it any
how." "Now, you look here, if you keep on
dunning me for that rent when I've not
got a cent do yon know what ril do? I
don't like to do it, but you'll goad me
to it"
"What will you dor
"I'll buy me a house for cash and put
a stop to this paying by the month."
Texas 8 if tings.
alienee Unkind Critic Um.
"This world could be made better,"
aid Mrs. French-Sheldon with emphasis,
"if we would exercise more magna
nimity in our Judgment of other people's
motives, and by devoting ourselves to
the accomplishment of some fixed object,
ambitious or otherwise, which will give
scope to latent qualities and develop new
ones, hence tending to break down preju
dice by self enlargement. By silencing
the unkind criticism which may be pro
voked and even deserved. By recount
ing the good rather than the bad even of
those inimical to us. "New York World.
Blow Torture-
Teacher In China criminals are fre
quently sentenced to be kept awake un
til insanity and death result Now
how do you suppose they keep them
from fulling asleep?
Little Girl (eldest of a small family)
I guess they gives 'em a baby to take
care of. Good News.
OlaH Made Transparent Quickly.
A method of quickly rendoring glass
transparent during the process of manu
facture consists in forcing into the
melted materials a stream of oxygen
gas, the enormous heat generated oxidis
ing all deleterious materials. New York
Not lstneiinie to My yonr foolt ear
1IAVK. .11 1ST WHAT voir
Also a full line of Slippers and Oxfords.
dill and see
Our Men's Hroans
and Nailed Shoes
a1 81. 2.", mid see if
we emi'l save you money.
IOxHusiv Shoe I )('nlcr,
:ft GOLD
If you want to buy a WATCH
C. F. HOFFMAN, . . .
The Reynoldsville Jeweler.
Shoe Department!
We ()"'y reliable
itinki'P, ntid we could fill
the one Hide of thin lnmie
with tttHiimoiiinlfl in re
tfanl to the wenriiitf qual
iUH of our nhoen. What
Ih Icnnml among phofl
dcnlerH ah cheap nlioiw,
"for iiiHiatice,"8ho!Hlhat
wll for one dollar a pair,
we do not handle, for
the niniplo reanoti that
Kio1h of lluit kind will
not build up our nhoe de
partment. VVe buy no
hIioch from what Ih called
".lobbct'H," but place our
ordcrH three and four
niontliH in ndvaiicc, with
the bent rhoe umnuffic
liiicrH in the country.
dry L'oodx depart
I. jur iy tfooflK dep
ment iw full of spring
fabricK, at prices lower
tli;in the lowest, and all
we auk is that you give
us n call and Compare
PriceHHiid (Quality, don't
forget the quality, aH
that goes a long wayn an
reganln price. Quality
firnt, price second.
J. li. AltNOLI).
McKcc 1 fmh
Fancy and Staple
Oil, Flour! Feed.
An elegant line con
ninting of sour, pweet
and mixed picklep.
Onions, chow chow,
olives, cauliflowers
and others too numer
ous to mention.
W r An endless variety on
1 1. -I r i-
mum; always iresu.
Try our fruit and.
chocolate cakes.
"Washburn e's Bei
leads the list; it'
dandy. Try it
VinvA In orrwV
J ' " -"- v.,
S I Best, ""Straight
w "Imperial "
Patent," "Pil
and others.
( We have no oil wagon
on the road but we
deliver you a 5 gal.
best 150 oil for 50
cents. Get our rates
L on oil by the barrel.
A FULL STOCK of gootU in our
Un nlwny on hand, HUihent
market price paid for country
McKee & Warnick,
Tho Grocers,
Cor. Hth atul Main St., ...
. . "ReynoldHville, Penna.