The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 11, 1892, Image 7

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t .in.
On Iho Truck nl trio ftmt llerila
Animal Murdered Wholc-salo
Ulrica fur White Men ami
flvcar ftir Indian.
P the temporary
agreement (or pro
tect In 3 tllOMIlU (if
Alaska, known as
tho "modus vivnn-
ii',V ill," wore nut ro-
Sf ncwcu, inn wnoio
- ..1 ! 1 11 - 1
- illinium iniTk iri
sealers wnntil enter
Itcrlng Hen in July
'nnil wIikj nut In
Jt one season tint en-
fjW. tiro l'rilrylov herd,
lnir industry in
tlioo waters forever.
To mnkt till understood, writes Iteno
Cache In tli llo-tnn Transcript, It in only
necessary to explain tlio ntoiilnhlii(X sel
untitle Hi 1 rin of slaughter adopted liy tlin
pelagic (tlint Ik, open sea) scalers. Sup
pose tlml there were n single u,rent herd of
one million valuable; fur-bcarlnir lnnwt.i
which traveled I'ontimmlly over i kitu
alinpcd track, many thousand of miles
In circuit, on thu rcnt plains nf tint
Went. Imagine tlint these, minimis de
voted eljrht month in every your to
fnivcrsinir this route, never varying from
it, o tlint their entire, compniiy v.ns nl
trays sure to he nt 11 p;ivcn point on tho
roml nt n certain date, lliou.'li lialtintg
together in nn Isolated spot for four
tmmtlis uimtiiill y, to breed and renr their
aming. How lontf would it lu before
the greedy hunter would Imvo wiped
them nil out. If tho hitter were per
mitted to surround them nt the breeding
plnce, n intli) hiuuu would aulllcu for
their cMcriitinutinti.
cnrKnsn tx r.RTWKKN a bra -
Tlml is precisely tho situation of tho
roals. Tho herd there is only nno
leaves the Pribylov Islands nbnut No
vember 10 each year, to spend tho win
ter in warmer waters, l'aasing south
ward through the Aleutian chain nnd out
of Ilo.-iiif Bin. tho animuli swim in a
iioutlicntcrly direction, townid Santa
Darbarn, about 41)0 miles south of Sun
I'"raii('itco, on tlio I'ncitlc const. Tlioro
they turn nnd o nortbwnrd nearly a
million trou liugning the coast, past
Oregon and Wuitilnnton, mid nlonir tho
couthcrn shoro of Alaskn into llorin
r?ea, reaching tho I'ribylov Inlands aain
by July 10. Upon thoso lonely rocka
they breed nnd nurse their young for four
months, at the end of which time tho pupa
are weaned nnd hi; enough to accompany
the annual migration. Tho track they
follow is ntver varied from, nnd each
tveck in tho year finds tiietn nt the tamo
tUgo of their route, so that no ditticulty
In discovering the herd is experienced
ly tho hunters, who pursue too poor
beasts rolcntleuly mouth after month,
killing, killing, killing until they get
back into Her in? Sen ajain and are safe
fcr a while. No pre-ent projoct for
putting a stop to this is cntorUainod. The
modus viveudi and the scizuros of vessels
have mere'y related to the exclusion of
the pelagic seniors from Bering Sea
itself, wher.o they are anxious to go and
wipe out the whole breeding herd while
it isssjemblcd on two small Ulnnds.thus
making an end nf the species at ouct
and "for good."
A kll.LINd
Some very interesting point! may bo
mentioned respecting the extraordinary
business of pelagic sealing. Far the pur
suit of this industry small schooners of
from forty to sixty ton are equipped.
Each sucb vessel starts out on voyage
with three or four months' provisions, a
quantity of salt, a supply of repeating
rifles, and fifteen or twenty men. Usually
the crew includes a few Indians from
Vancouver's Island and Ne?ah Bay,
Washington. The schooner sails out into
the path of the herd of seal. She has
no trouble in discovering when tbo right
point is reached, by the popping up on
all sides in the water of the animals'
beads. Then sbo lies too, unless the
weather is too rough, and lowers into
the sea a number of small dories.
Each boat is occupied by two men.
On of them sits In tha bow, with a Win
chester rifle or fowling-piece loaded
with buckshot tcrou hi lap, whiU tha
oflier row. The effort Is to extend
from the vessel tins of from seven til
tan dories which limit be within hull of
ench other, to Hint they can find thnlr
way bnnk In ens nf n fng or storm.
Having taken their positions, they wait
for th rhnncn nf a seal's head popping
up within rnnge. Tim animals, wliilo
traveling, only appear on the mrfnre nt
tho Interval necessary for hrcathlntf,
Inking a quick mid motions look around,
nnd Immediately diving atrnin to swim
mid llah. They dn nil their swimming
ami fiahlng under water.
a roAriiRn fiiooTiNd srai.s.
When the hunter sees n head pop up,
If lin la ipilek enough ho tuny hnvu time
tonitii and II ro hcloro tho seal litis taken
nn instantaneous aurvey of him and
dived. Usually, when tlioaiiimnl cornel
lipcloio nlotigsidn tlio hint, Ita fright is
an great that it disappear ton suddenly
for n ahot; but, if it pupa up nt n ills
limco of fifty or HID yarda, perlinpa It
may pauao two or three seconds nnd af
ford nn opportunity to tho tnarkamen.
At beat tho nlni it necwirily very lin
certuin, inasmuch na both boat nnd aenl
tiro tossing nh.iut in fhu lumpy water.
No tnntter whether it ii hit or not, the
aenl disappears instantly. Jf killed out
right, It aiuka; but, if tho markamitn, by
keeping hia eyu 011 tlio apot wliero , tlio
carens went under, can an direct the
bout ns to get there ipiiekly enough,
ho mil v lie nblo to see thu body of tho nn
Inril going down in tho crystal-clear
water. In that case ho wliipa out liia
gnlf polo nud fishes it up. Til aucceed
in thia, however, ho must arrlvo in tune
mom nr.nn and Tnn watku.
nt tho exact point wliero tho gnmo sank,
since it is only from just above that it
wilt bo visible through tho choppy
waves, which show not a tmbblo for a
guide. A dead seal will siuk from six
to ten feet wliilo a skilf is rowed fifty
yards. Thnra is more skill in (hiding tlio
proy after it is lilt than in shooting it.
Hupposiiig that tho seal is slightly or
mortally wounded, It dives and swims
nwny, in most cases to perish Liter. If
merely stunned, it flounders nbout on
tho surfneo and is easily taken ; but that
seldom occurs. From this brief descrip
tion soma notion enn be formed of tho
eiioimous waste of life in this kind of
hunting, which, according to the testi
mony of tho scalers thomselvcs, destroys
11 f teen animals for every one secured.
After a fow days tho herd thus inter
cepted by tho schooner will have passed
by. This is discovered from the fact
that no more heads of seals aro seen
popping up in the water. Have the un
fortunate beasts at length made their es
cape from this predatory vossoli By no
means. 81ie simply spreads her canvas
to the breeze, tails for sixty or 100 miles,
overhauls the animals and droccods as
before. So it contiuuos week after week,
month after month, until they have been
pursued to Bering Sea, into which soma
bold poachers follow tUoni, lying oil the
I'ribylov Islands in tho fog which baldly
ever lifts, nud shooting the breediug
mothers that venture out into tbo ocean.
In 1866, thero were seveu Teasels en
gaged in tho scaling industry on the
northwest coast. Tboro were twenty
two In 1887, tblrty-three in 1889, forty-
five in 1890, and one bunirod and tan
last summer. This year there will be
about one hundred and twenty-five
schooners in the business. All o( these
craft and more than 2000 Canadian,
American, Japanese, and Indian hunter
are devoted to tbo indiscriminate (laugh
ter of thia herd of valuable creatures,
which are to-day almost ninety per cent,
By July 10th the entire berd will be
on two island in Bering Sea, breediug
and nursing their young. The pups aro
all born by July 20tb,and up to Novem
ber 10th the mother seals are constantly
going out to the ocean fishing banks for
food. They nurse tneir otupring at in
tervala of from one to four days, and
travel in search of fish fifty to 300 mile
away from the Island. The fleet, enter
ing Bering Sea la July, would draw
corrlnn around tho islands, practically
annihilate all the, mother before the
botplcs young are wonned In November,
and leavo the Infant teala to stnrvn by
myriads on the rocks. While not liter
ally exterminating tho species, the result
nf this would be to destroy the scaling
Industry forever. True, the pelngio
seniors would ruin thnlr own business,
but they belong to a class nf people who
car only for to-day and do not look for
ward to thit morrow.
Tho Indian hunters carried by the anil
Ing vessel take an Important part In tint
chase. They am turned loose nn days
whim cnbn weather lias succeeded a
stotm. At such times Din seals, which
have been so tossed nbout In the water
as to linvo had no sleep for a consider,
nblo period, Indulge in tho luxury of
sound naps nn the ocean billows, lying
nn thnlr backs nt the r.urfare with only
their noses and 'heels" showing. Thus
rocked In tho crndlo nf tho deep, they
priicefully repose, doubtless enjoying
pleasant dreams, while tho savage In his
canon approaches silently from tho lea
ward. When within striking distance,
Anvi.T sr. A t.tnn AND TOtlSfl.
the hunter drives a toglo-hended spiar
into thu unconscious animal, drags tho
prey ui to the boat, mid knocks It on
tlin head. This method of slaughter,
though not less ludicriminato than that
adopted by tint white men, ha the ad
vantage that no S"iil that is struck is lost.
Fiank Leslie Illustr.V.od also gives a
pnge nf pictures, from which tlin two
double-column cuts are taken, showing
tho methods employed In catching tint
seals on King's Island, in Bering Su u
Tim imnt nf tho licorice so turfiil in
medicine nud so dear to every small
boy's heart conies from Asia Minor. Tha
plant liclongs to tlio order of leguminosoi
and tlio genua glycyrrhira (Greek
glukus, sweet, nud rhiza, a rent) and ii
a herbaceous growth, with steins four
or live feet high nnd perennial roots,
which are freiiuontiy several feet in
length nnd more than an inch Ick. Wa
have a native ll.;orico which grows on
the shores of Like Frio and is found
even more abundantly farther West. It
tastes strongly like tho foreign llcorico,
and If cultivated might bo made equal
to it. Wo Import from 50,000 to 80,000
pounds n year, valued at from $80,000
to l?l,000,i)00.-.AMierlcun Fanuur.
S'lnpcs In Sleeves.
Among tlin new sleeves one la made of
fancy vicuna cloth, closn lilting from
elbow to wrist, nnd draped above. Tiny
volvot buttoned tain, and finishing bow
In velvet nn tlin outside seam.
The pulTod alcove is of gray crepoit
cloth, caught up in bouillonnes, with
bracelets and wristliaud in pink volvot
Another i of nun's veiling, cashmere
or surab, arranged in ru:ns, and beaded
with a deep putnng. Fiat folds round
the wrists, and golferlogs down the out
side seam.
Tha Tartan sleeve is of Scotch Cheviot,
witb two gauntlet cuff in dark plush
and light colored silk edged with double
cording. New York buu.
Chime Rlnglnj by Electricity.
An electrician has invented a system
for ringing a cuimo of bolls by electricity.
which, if it prove auccessfut, as there
eom little ground for doubt that it
will, bid fair to do away with tha
ancioyit profession of chime ringing. la
early time chimes were rung by having
a man at each bell, and long practice
was necessary to insure even tolerable
accuracy. An advance upon this primi
tive method wa made by the construc
tion of a kind of key-board composed of
lever, each connected with its belt.
This arrangement was manipulated by a
single muu handling the lever so a to
bring a tune out ot the bells. It require
a good deal of exertion, and the move
ment is necessarily slow and heavy. Tl
most recent invention makes the bi
clapper more responsive to electr-
magnet, controlled by a Key-board pre
cisely similar to that of a piano, and is
expected to develop great delicacy and
accuracy. The invention has been fitted
to the famous chimes ot Grace CUurcu,
New York. New Orleans Picayune.
There are very nearly ten thousand
steamships in the world, and their ag
gregate burden amount to about V
million tons
TU sun all I booming In flttstiur.
Tnins I nnS m iuh tilttnr nn ftia flrimtA.
lyn tmim.
KtnaMRitara nrlr all sraat hasnliall en
Rnnirrnxna. of rtriviklvn. hashll mir
awlststhan any otlmr first lasaian.
Till crowds nt tint saniM In tha West ara
the largest In the history of lias'ilisll.
JONS nf Niulsvlll. la ilneldeillv tha nlteh-
Ing ptienoinmion oc the season thus tar.
Tins Is tha ritMniri veteran olteher.
Onlvlu's nliieteeutti year on tli diamond.
Til clilnf trouhla with tlw Ht. Louis taam
Is salil to tw an almost total ahsnnes of team
I'MMtnuifT Yntrun) mvs tins present Ros-
ton Ciuli la tlin sirougimt ball team evr or
I'lTflian Ism. of Hrnoktvn. is a tnwir
lli'lili-r In his iHMltloii. Mn laes uervsto taei
hot hits.
Kll.uov. nf Washington, ts nns of tlin
clflvm-M,ltu1inra In M11 profi-tnlon In tvati-li-
ing lianas.
No third Imsnman In tlin l.nai tin esn eotinl
Tnlirnu, nf 'If vumii'l, mi riinnliii catches or
sky scrapers.
l.'I.AKXflu. thn Pinion nltelinr. savs his
arm fivln ntrongnr this yo ir than for tha pat
urn wmnonii.
llAMHKr, onnn tlin greatest of left.-hanileil
plteliers, in now t"lilln a luiieli-eount T oil
the IjouUviIIo itrntiiiil.'
Tlia llrst iiltrhnr this s sis-m to shut an
opiMisitiK team our. with nit a hit or run was
llKUIanila, of llarvaril.
Nrvrn Ixirorn did tlin ball players ns a
rholi, takn sun'i go 1 1 earn of tliotnsalvai
and work ns lmr.1 ns tills mason.
Intnn, lias Imnn alini iiy Hi-w Ycir. Ua
will piny eltlinr wNMiid b iS'i or li ft llnlil. Dliiili.n.Hil luul I.. tVAk.
AVashiniitoM samns havn been ti ttar
iiatronlsD'l this ynnr than nl. any tlmn sine
WasliliiKton was c Minuets I wita lias -tiall.
Notiiinii no makes a crowd of rnthiislnKts
wenken on a fnvurltji iilh'linr ns shIii loin
giving nn opposing leitsm iti a btso oil bills.
Tun Mostons havn thus early won f.hlr
imrina from tlin Itnltltnores. 'i'h 1 leilsvltl ,s
havn nls wmi th -lr snrlim from thn l,'lil'.l'
and tlw I'ltunurs from Ht. jmil.
la Kwlnz lloier 'minor's eounl at first
haw? is a ipi -ntion as I br a I'ittntjiirg
erille. who wvs thn New York (,' intnm can
only hnntlle Hrfctly tl-lihl bulls to llrst
Chow ns nttnndlng baseball gainu this
season havn b-ii wnll tin to a cutnmrtnliln
srerann, nl tint Interest in tin s;Kirt Is not
llknly Ut ntiatn If tlin dmibln eliariipioiHlup
swMon dons what is rH-etn I of It
Mui.t.sxR, of tits) Clin-lnnatl Club, pniba
hly IHiln his M,sltion IhiIIit than nny otlir
Iiilelii-r In t.lmnimiitry. lin faeen tlin hanlest
lit bulls without a wlncn and gathers 111 nlnn
out of nvnry ten of them. Iln m-vnr lets a
ball pnns for thn lnll'Mors that he can
bly gnt his ban !s 011.
Or thn players who wr.l In thn Amerlein
Aasiiclntliiii ilurliig tlin llrst year of its exist
eiiee. only Hrowu, Mrownlng, Miillann, Mt
I'Iiws, Hwartwoml, Htrieker mi l 'Joinlsknf
am now In thn nmj iriiratilr. illcin. All thn
otheis havn tlrlltwl Into minor leauns.siiiin
have given up basnball nnd many iiavo tiled.
Kekvk Ain I 'l.IMKXTS, of I'nlladnlphln,
do not work well toeihiras a battry.
Inmi-nts has le-ii aci-ustoiiinl to 1I0 all tha
signaling for his pltelmr hiretofnrn, mi l
thinks lisought to with Keefe. Ki-ifa knowi
tha wnaannss of ovary 1,-nns tmttnr, an I
should 1I0 all thn signaling himself. Iln is
e-rtiilnly mora cnpb!o than Clements t
jii'lga his own ilnllvi-ry, mil until ha ooin
inainls tha battary hn cumioi d his best
(Jurat Hhitaix, the land of athletes nnd
thn home of criunt, is to barn lissnball this
anason. A m."etln was hel l sij-na days agi
at tlia ibiyai ami Mimmerciai iiotm, 111 nai
ford, ami steps warn taken towarl ornn
Isntlou of Kngllsn Inagum nil I ass Hiktions,
Thn oollntry was ilmitm! Into ton illstrlets,
Illrminghain, Cleveland, Uirby. Llvurpojl,
Ionion, Manehnstnr, Nsweistln, Notting
ham, Prnston an I tStukn. K'i'!ti of them ilis
tricts rnKrteil thn nxiateniM within its bor
ders of several clubs twenty iu tlia Ciov
lauJ district alone.
THE LABOR W0BLD. women build the houses.
FAitMbelpIs in great dvuiaul in urt'i
A KrsMAM's fj.stox or Amkiuca lias hem
organised at Chicago.
CTiinamkn havn ben Imported In'o 11 ;l
glum to replace striking iron worker.'.
Ktiukks fur eight hours and morn w.k;
ara being reported from all over the coun
try. Tile sponge In'luatr nf tha Dahama Id
amis employs QUO bouts and nearly -WJ
Tiut Durham (Snland) miners will go to
work eight hours a days ami live dayj a
Tna minimum azn of employment on thn
Continent is generally twaive,or from tna.vs)
to lourteen.
It Is calculate I that tha aigrngats an
nual income of the working c.aswi u Kug
land is about ll,r,'i,0J0,outi.
Out of the '2VVn doneatin servants in
London it is e.tiniatel that lo,U XI of tnaia
are always out of employment.
E.ioi.ihH army uurse ara pai I fl a
rear, and this is increased 1.1 J forevary year
of service until it reauuM UMO.
In Massachusetts the demsnds nf organ
ised, labor iiavn secured thi passage of
thirtr-Mve laws ilurinj tha last fire yoirs.
Tim dry goods firms of Baltimore, M-l.,
have agree.! to close tbeir stores at noon 011
(Saturdays throughout the summer mouths,
O.'tn 11700 Journeymea hive trradua'-al
during tha last ten years from the N w York
City Trade Hahool, wuicn at present has
about W0 pupils.
Thi bakers' unions of Berlin, have estab
lisbed a co-operative shop, furaiihing bread
to eighty-three dirlersnt store and many
hundreds of families,
Thi entire membership of ths trade
unions in Germany is about 3!iWJ at pres
ent, as shown by tha reports at the recent
National Convention in Hulberatadt.
To enable the contlnuinoj of ths Queens
land sugar industry it has bun found im
perative tnat ctuap Polynesian labor be
introduced from ths South tsea Islands.
Labor CouuiaslONxa Kobixjox, of Mich
igan, shows in a recant report that the
average hours of labor for womon in that
Ktate are at present ten per day at seventy
five ceuts.
Thk Superintendent of a big division of
the fenntylvania Kilrjal iu a lecture to
employes under him rsomtly declared
against the running of passm jer an i f r sight
trains on Sunday.
Thi Kew York Association ot Working
Oirls' Clubs has twenty different sicietiea,
with a membership of iS3o. Heven societies
rent an entire bouse, twelve rent rooms and
one owns its bouse.
In Lancashire, England, the Federation
of Master Cotton bpiuuers lias orderel a
general lockout in order to limit production.
This action will result in throwing thou
sands ot mill hands out ot employment.
Tbi recent annual report of John Bur
nett, Chief of the British Labor bureau,
shoe s that the tradea unions of Ureat Brit
ain are in a highly prosperous condition,
and that tbeir membership is growlui rao
IdJy. :
London U two and a half time as
wealthy as Paris.
Of Internet to D wilier la the Keystone
ttnaflronMor nan Inirtng (be heavy
tain storm near ( arboiidale, the downmr
nf water was acinmpatiled by a showi-r of
fish. At Kornst t lty thn Inhabitants gather
ed many of tlin atranga visitors. In npix-iir
ance they reneinbln eatlish and mrisurei
four ini fies Iu length.
Mm. ('Aiiervnn. who resides nt
Hli I iip'rs hill four miles from Tiiiiklitiaine'k,
wnseirui'k by llgbtnlug ami killed. Thn
housn wiisstriii k by a IhiII whb'h ilesreuded
ni'hiinney. She was standinK by the stove
at thn time and was Vmlmtlly thrown to the
Hour. Ilefore aid could reach her sbo was
Ib'tMMd a severe Ihnnilef storm that pre.
vailed at Cluster. . lullus T'uprewn, niieruiati
n-siillng at. Norwood, was struck by light
ning and instantly killed. Iln wna driving
lil'ttig lbs ruad, acriiuipniiled by two Irieuds
nnd his wife. Oncnf the men was seterely
burned on the arm nnd the horse was di
stantly killed.
A in! of thieves are working Jeannetln,
nnd neighboring towns. Itobberlcs occur
almost nightly. The lutest victim is ( buries
A II itiMii. a tohiicfiihht. (loodsto the niuoiiut
nf 170 were stolen.
Tim l"i- months-old child of l-evlne lloo-ih-r,
llc'lili'lieni, itticorkeil a two 011111 e hot.
tie of earbnlie n id, and ponri-d the eniiteiils
over its bauds, nbdiiuieii and bgs. The
mother enme 1,1 lie rescue, but, tuo late, as I hi!
I is 1 1 i.l had permeated to 1 In- hones. All the
llesb peeled nfl the portions touched, and
thn child died ill great agony.
.1 imks '1111vr1.1t a, who was rnnght In an
attempt to wreck a passenger train on tlin
reiiiHvlv.iiila railroad near Hpruen Creek,
last Sunday, la now In Jail at lliintinitdou.
He says lie committed the deed when drunk
llinirMcotliiKco, an Italian, was fatally,
shot nt Krie, by Hbaley Ibe-bet, an Arab,
to whoso wife the Italian made love.
.buiM Mi 11 vi 1 or, an employe In a coal initio
nt Larimer, was fatally crushed by a full of
llrMTifloimjT eieinty Irea-ury Is empty
and there is no money to pay the cxnsis
nf May court. Tbo legal assessment, PI
mills, is levied.
Kni'iT trees of all kinds In Knst and West
Mahoning townships. Indiana contitv, nrn
loaded with blossunis, and if then am no
more killing frosts these townships will
have even a larger fruit crop than that of
last year.
Aa epidemic of measles of particular
violence line been prevalent for some tlmn
III llm northern pans 01 ennngo eoiiniy,
the lii-cniiiing cfiiniilii ateil with
throat and chest troubles In much the
sniiiii milliner ns the grip, r rum the vicin
ity of I hapmanvilbi four deaths are re
Kahmkii If sitKV llnKpr.11. residing near
Hummit station, Hrhuylkill ouiity. aee.
ilenllv shot and killed bis VI vear old son
Itoeder bad taken a gnu out to destroy a
crow's nest near bis barn, but it would not
gooff. Ileturuitig in doors he proceeded to
examine it carefully to ascertain the cause
nf lis failure to shoot, while the boy stood
watching him. In some unaccountable way
the nice wiis d'scbarued and the entire load
entered the hoy's abdomen. JIo fell dead at
hia father's feet.
Jamm Kki-uiw, of I'ittston, while under
operation for a dislocation of the right
shoulder, died ill the doctor's chair of heart
V. A. Miskmaht's clothing and notion
store at California was robbed of about tl')
worth of clothing and Jewelry,
lftiiAM Hump's house at Herry was robbed
of il1).
Tim hearing In the Houth Fork Fishing
leub case lias been prntpofico. until May a.
lltuiiv Hyatt, watchman on tho Haiti
more it Ohio road at i)tt I'yle, was kilh-d
by a train,
Miis M Mrrm Scani.ah nf Hcrnnbin ended a
qiinrrelsoine esislencn with her huibaud by
heating inn iiraius out wmi 11 iiunnui-i 111
tlm If vile I'ark section of the eitv. Tho man
was so intoxicated at the timn that be could
offer 110 resistance, i be murderess also at
leio-itul to kill her sou Frank because he at
tempted to interfere in in-hair or ins ratuer.
Her mind is believed to be affected.
A riiMKii iismnl Maurer. near Heaver,
found u bull which had been missed two
months, under a straw stai k that had fallen
on it. and which, while keeping it prisoner,
bad furnished it with food.
To PnorriT Fish A.m O.xmk. Thn Oil City
Fur.Fin and Feather Club discussed tonight
methods whereby the game and tisb nf
Northwestern I'entisylvuliia may be protect
ed Tin-plan under consideration contem
plate the extension of tlje club's member
hii to or more regular tnemlicrs and an
Ulilllnite-I honorary llieinl.erhii.. bund
owners will oe iiunriwiiir.n-j-1
club will prosecute cases of violation of the
law scporiea oy iiieiu.
I'ktkii I)oiix. a shoemaker of Alientown,
whlledanring with Annie l.audenslager at
a public ball a few tiighia ago kissed her.
Annie objected to that manner of I lor mis
honing ii is affection, and besides tbut aba
aald that he bit tier cheek. Hhe brought
suit against thn affectimiate shokemaker,
and he was obliged to pay her I1U damsge.
Otsthefhartlnr railroad at Hell' tunnel,
near t re ira stution, Washington county, a
train r-ick a loose piece of limber hanging
from the tunnel. It smashed the smoke
stack of the engine into thn cab, killing
Fireman Dal Johns, of Flttsburg.
(iaoB'iii Micgry, of Washington, cut off
bis two-foot-long beard, which had grown
ao because he lost an election bet.
Hvrhv Williams, a farmer near Franklin
was fatally gored by a bull Thursday.
A May musical festival will be held In the
mountains neur L'liiontown, at which 700
(e-rsons iroiu Coiinelisville and other towns
will sing.
John McN'K!!.. in eluding an officer, Jump
ed Into Oil creek ot Warren. He has not
been seen since, is thought, is drown
ed. A ma?i with a black mask appeared before
n (i-year-oid son of Fred Walzer of New
Cantle. frightening the boy so badly that he
will die.
A eveosta lasting only a few minutes pass
ed up Amberson li dlow, near Hutler. a few
days ago, leveling in its course M rigs and
causing much damase to producing wells.
The Forest Oil company lot 15 tigs. 0ajr
ation will be atopped for weeks.
Ciiaiiliy Dill"X, of Bristol, bos a trained
colt," which performs all soru of comical
trick. One of these tricks of the colt,
which Charley has been 13 years trying to
break it of, is the practice it has of climb
ing the roof of the barn and sliding down
on ita haunches as if it was a toboggan
slide. Charley thought lie would spoil the
colt's fun bv driving nails part way into the
shingles, but the running animal lound a
piece of tin roof up the alley and used that
to sit ou when sliuiug down the tobugaau-
Tb Rendeivou of Russia' Starving.
Kazan, Russia, May 10. Th overflow of
the unemployed from all parts of this pro
vince is collected here to the number of 17,.
QUO. These people are begging the mean of
sustenance, and many of them are dying of
now 1,00?
flrooklyn father went ham
drunl:, and picking up an ace, atrnnk hi
daughter with It tn th fa-, almost cutting:
nff hr nose, A snoond blow on tha bnnk of
her head knocked her nnennsnimis, and whets
the nelghliors earns In and nvnrpownred him,
tin was belaboring his nnnonxdous victim
with a heavy pb"ce of wood I This drunken
rrlmlnat, temporarily Innknd np, wa a
criminal undoubtedly, bennusn erased nmt
transits! with alcohol. How long shall such
tragedies continue by thn authority mni
with the toe-ration of otherwise good oltlasne
who sustain thn Inlipilums ll -nnee system
.National Teniperanoe Advocate.
Mir, now pARcaa,
Kelt Dow, the famous Prohlblttoms- was)
born In Hnrtlnnd In V)i. Twlr,ln tail and
JIM, he was Mayor nf his native otty. Th
Maine llipior law, which was passed In 11A1,
was drawn by him, and his nam I known
elnetly a thst of its author nnd tb Haunch
ileieurterot I'rnhlbltion prinnlplns. In 1H.V
and IH.'.K Mr. I low was a inemlier nt tha
Ma ne legislature. He was In the Union
army from l-cemhnr, lVsl . to November,
1WH. In lx-,7. 1NW and ls?4 he made
series of tmiern-e speechna In Flngland,
Theclilf.f principles of thn Maine Honor Insr
were InenriHirntnd In aa anwiidiiient to the
Conatitut.lon of tlin Htnte, aoosnted bj a
vote of S to I, In ltJU.
A rtont roa aonairrr.
n-fore the big village nf Hyde rrk wa
emieseil to Chicago tnat handsome nn I well
behaved suburb of the great Western city
was run on a strictly prohibition plan, and
when it consented to east it lot with tha
larger municipality thn right to keep oat
saloons wna reserved. Now the gco 1 people
of Hyde Fnrk nr engaged In a hard struggle
to maintain tha uuhpie character of tneir
section aa a temperance oasis in tha desert of
dramshops and drunkenness around It. They
tlennrvn thn aympnthles ot all friends of so
briety and good ordnr, for II la an etcenl
Ingly riillleiilt thing to keep saloons out ot
any rtof Chiesgu, nnd they will win tbnlr
fight, II they win it at all, against heavy
olds. Just as an object leneon, and In order
that comparisons may bs possible. It le It
lie found that Hyde Park nan l kept "dry"
tor many years toe ime. ClevelanJ Leader.
Tn nntig nanrr tv arjnrt.e.-.
Ttrinking both moderate nnd Immoderate,
Is much morn e mvnon in thn llrltiah Islna
than in thn United Htaten. The feel is, the
church, and this Is especially true In Hnot
letid. has not ynt ens nut this curse nf the,
nineteenth nentury. Hrower and saloon
keepers are permitted nol only to ttn mem
liers, but otltoa holder In ths church in
Hentland. Two or three months ago, el tb
Installation dinner, given to thn pastor of
thn K lluburgli ehurehne (the bampint was
held at a "Utmperanen" hotel) wine was pro.
vldnd for all thn guieita. Not long ago tha
papnrs rep irtn 1 that a member of th Glas
gow I'r.Moytery had Intro-luned a resolution
that license holders, nr saloon keepers,
should not he permitted to hold office in tha
church. Iln lound only two members to
support his resolution. Thn nonsnqunno of
all tills la apper.-iit In thn habits ot the peo
ple. Von cannot walk through thn street
on Mnturday evening without meeting dna
ens of men, and uf ton women, reeling along
thn sidewalk.
Drinking amont women I mnnh mora
common in the British Isles than in tha
United Htatea. On holidays it I no uncom
mon thing to a-ie the ea loons half full of
women. About two-thirds of the groeerina
In Edinburgh tell liquor. This has greatlr
increased drinking at Home, aa many women
order liquor with their groceries wno would
not enter a saloon to buy. Darin; thn oold,
mimths of November and Deoemlier
you sen dosnns of barefooted, ragged, hungry-looking
children running the streets.
Ynt, no less than VJ .Wt Is annually ex
pended in charity in Kdlnburgh. "Aut,"
says Mr. I). JawIs, "tha drink traffic bee
oounterantet mir laliors to an almost in
credible extent." The Voice.
naxn and bmi
No one knows Just what stron? drink will
do to a parson, for two reasr-ns. First, no
on knows Just how a particular constitution
wilt b arfeotL and sec-m I, no ono knowe
just woat infernal drus and poisons the
rum seller may have mixed tn that particu
lar lot uf boose. In addition to the regular
"bottled devil" it contains.
Hays a physician : 'Trona who ars heavy
and lethargic should nevsr touch beer f do
not mean physioally, but for Ita mental af
reet, ir 1 anna nair a glass ot nesr at oin
nsr nothing on earth interests m for an
hour atterw.ird but an easy chelr, slippers
and a qulol nap. If my wife, on th other
hand, drinks a glass of hear, It set her
nerves tingling an I she wants so drees and
go to the theatre or a do; show. There 1
no telling exsotly whet ths effect nf drink
ing beer will b on a man, but It Is always
interesting ti m in traveling to note turn
differences in thsfaos of psople who drink
various beverages. In the West, for In
stance, whisky is th staple; the men are
sharp, aotive, nervous, lean, thin and Intense
They can get along with six hours sleep, be
cause they take a cocktail before breakfast
wlidi stirs np the energy whicll the aVirt
hours nf sleep have taken away. In BnrllD,
where they drink beer all the time, ths man
are heavy, stout and logjy. They sleep nine
hours a night, and very frequently take an
hour's nap In a chair In a beer garden during
the day. In France, wkersthey drink wine,
tb men have sallow skin and wrinkle!
feces. The win has a slightly stimulating
eflerl, but not as m'ich a one aa th whisky
nf our nobility of tna West. Tn nest thing
for a man to drink Is water. Never make
any mistake about that. I am not a teeto
taller, but I am able to look al the thing
clearly, and I know, as every other man ol
the world dona, that nine-tenths of ths mis
ehief la society oomea from drink. Many
woman gose wrong wh . would never ha
thought of it if It Dad not bee a for the pre
liminary champagne. Besides, It is the beet
opinion of mediaal expert everywhere Id
the world that a man 1 healthier without
winas or liquors of any jrc tuaa a i
them . " daf eguar J.
Th biggest rlrsr in thi world U th river
or rum.
Local option ha long been In operatioa in
Finland, with tb result that, as a rule, la
th rural districts there are no pubiio house
Jacob A. Rlls, In his article on "The Poor
Children of New York," in Fjcribnar's. say
that "drunkenness Is the vloe that wreck
about halt of th home of tb poor which
uo not cause it."
Mrs. Hltuhouck. President ot th Nebraska
Woman' Christian Temperance Union,
writes that they have tha iiame ot SXJOU
children oa the pledge ear is, wuislt will be
used to decorate the whitn-ribboa depart
ment of the Columbian Exposition.
The Dukes of Richmond, Hamilton, Athole,
Butoerlao-1 and Fife; toe Jlarquisea of
Dute, Alisa, Breadalbaas; the Earls of Rose-bes-y,
Aberdeen, Moray, Zitland, Haddlug
tou, Elgin, Weuiyes, Utair and (sadoway, ara
ail mterested in the liquor tralfia la Hol
land. Dr. Dawson durns,ln bis annual letter 04
the drutg oonsumptioa ia ureat Britain,
ihows a yearly expenditure per head of the
population, counting ouildreu, of seventy
tbdlings, whicn indicate thai the habit of
jruik ojutinuee to grow, but at a dower rata
lhau previously in recent years.
Thos who advocate the ass of light winee
is a preventive of druuxenuess, and point to
France a an Illustration, should read an
article in a recent iseus of ths Fetit Journal,
fans, wblc declare that of aU toe danger
nenacing the agricultural populatiwi aC
Frauce, sue gravest aad most .liiHn,!H as,
Igbt is a-cobol power.