JL 1 r. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC TICKS, CATTOHT FROM MANY WIRES. The New From Mtny Point t Bom nd Abroad. Th Bappentn of th Time In a Con denied Form. lllsaiiterai Accident und fatalities. Robert Bloodgood, who lived near Mnta wnn, N. J., died from blood-poisoning, ranscd by being scratched on the hand by a cat s week ago. He wns aged M. A freight train on the Erie railroad struck cow near Carrollton, X. Y. The engine and leven earn were derailed and ditched, and three train hands seriously cut and bruised. Tbe bridge across the Tennessee river at Florence, Tenn., fell In, precipitating a freight train TO feet into the water. The flrrman was killed and the engineer and two brakemen fnlallj hurt. A man, woman and two children were overtaken on a trestle bridge across the Desplalnes river at Klgin, III. The train sn running at a 40-mile an hour ruto The Imperiled people lay down outside the rail and hugged the ties. A ear struck the wo man and boy, killing the latter. The woman was swept into the raging stream. When nearly enseles she was rescued by Charles H. Ellison. AtTclWido, Cnl., David Dingle end .las. Lucas, employed on the Sherman mine, were blown to atoms by attempting to pick out an unexploded shell of giant powder. At Wntcrtown, Mass.. Willie Keardon and Willie t'lohessy, ageJ about M years each, were playing when Keardon met his death, the prong of a pitchfork penetrating tho brain, t'lohessy says Hcardon slipped and fell on the pitchfork, but Keardon be fore dying said: "Willie CTnhesjy did it." A six-year-old boy claims to have seen the affair, and snys that the two boys quar reled and Clohessy struck Keardon with the fork. At Tombstone, Ariz., the residence of Samuel Harrows was burned and Harrows' 8-year-old son and lT-year-old brother-in- law bnrncd to death. The origin of the tire unknown. C'aidrnl, Labor and lndnerrlnl, The lockout in the Lancashire (England) cotton trade has been settled, both masters and workingmen having agreed to resume operation. The total number locked out has been about O0.0W, HOOD of them opera tors under tho Manchester Federation, and 20,009 under the masters of the Bolton dis trict. The operators consider the result a practical victory. One thousand granite stone cutters struck at Harry, Vt. The strike of lumber mill hands at Otta wa, Onu, to gain permission for them to quit work at 4 P. M. on Saturdays without decrease of pay, has been successful. Nine men who arrived on the steamer Westerland under contract to work on the farm of John Conchl, H n Bentoro, Cal., arc detained at Kills Island, X. Y. Two Italians, who were hired to work on a Itoston rail road, arc also held. Seven Kussinns who came in on the Westerland, under contract to work in a mine near Kingston, I'a., for tl 60 a day were detained. Two men ar rived on the Teutonic who were to go to work In Western Minnesota. They are also held. The carpenters' strike at Decatur, 111., has been declared off. Miners near Hartlepool, Kng., rioted be cause a non-union man was employed and wrecked two houses and injured several policemen. It was learned that the executive council of the American Federation of Labor intend! issuing a circular in a short time warning workmen to remain away from t'hicago, as there are now 30,000 men walking the street of that city. Since the World's Fuir build Ing were started workingmen from all parts oi tho country have Hocked to the Windy City and the result Is that an uriny of men are idle, and some of them a-e in such financial straits as to prevent them from leaving the city. Crime and Penalties, At Cleveland, O., Ralph K. Paige, the Taincs ville, O., bank cashior, wos sentenced to 10 years in the Ohio penitentiary for forg ery. W. H. Warren, a banker of Wellington Kan., while on his way to court to stand trial for embezzlement, was shot by ficorge Timons, who had lost 2,0JJ In Warren's collapsed bank. Thomas Lawton was hanged in the peni tentiary at Carson City, Col., for the niu der of John Hemming August IT, WJl, during a train robbery. E. K Liddull was killed at Prtt Mines, near Birmingham, Ala., while burglarizing a jewelry store. He was Identified as burglar from New Orleans. J. Theodore F. Hunter, cx-president of the Farmers and Mechanics National batik of Phoenix, I'a., was given a hearing before United Btatas Commissioner Bell oa the charge-of making false reports to the comptroller of the currency as to the con dition of th bank, and held In 110,000 bail Three masked men robbed Mrs. Eazen- berger and a lady friend at Salt Lake City the other nlght.of 10,000 worth of diamonds. The thieves got awuy. Abel Smith of Brooklyn, colored, quar reled with bis wife Sunday, finally killing her by shooting her through the breast. He then threw himself In front or a passing train and was horribly mangled, Washlnaiea Kewa. An important bill designed to prevent the employment on public works of prison or convict labor, or the products of such labor, was repoitod to the house from the labor committee. Mr. Bcott. of Illinois, introduced In the Honse a resolution reciting thut, as it Is al leged that the National Cordage Company is operated as a trust to monopolize the trade, -the Attorney General inform the House if 1m has any information on th subject that would authorize him to proceed against the alleged trust. ' The CVnos Miiiinter to the United State has not yet decided whether to withdrew from Washington or not. He Is swatting order from Peking. !n the Senate Mr. Polph called up the bill to make crimes against foreign denizens of the 1'nltcd Htntcs punishable in the Vnitvil States Courts concurrently with the State courts, according to the penalties proscribed by the law s of the sevcr.il States, Consjde"- nble opposition to thu measure developed and it went over. The river and harbor bill as it passed the House carried nil appropriation in round , numbers of 21,rt,0n0. In addition to this the Secretary of War is author ized to contract for the completion important projects of Improvement to an extent involving tne uiiimnu xnenditnr of about 2n,000,000. Hnnnrtnl anil Commpi-fint. The Michigan Suit Company has reduced the price of salt 10 cents a barrel at all West ern agencies. This cut is to meet Xew York and Ohiocompetition. At Hnywanls, Col,, the agricultural work of Chisholm 1t Fnrro 1, the town electrical Works, the harness store of .1. M. Uridine and Some adjoining buildings. Lofs, tl'M,- tun). Judge Sage in the 1'nited States Court al Cincinnati ordered a pre-emptory su'c of nil property of the Shaw m c and Iron 1'oint Iron and Coal Company. Th" sale is to satisfy a mortgage of IO.l,is) held by the Philadel phia linaraiitcc nnd Safe lepo-it Company. Among the assets of the coal and iron com pany arc 4.,uon acres of coal lanus mainly located in the I locking valley, Ohio. The effects of placing so large a quantity of coal lands on the market under a forced salt will affect every soft coal and iron mnn in the I'nlted States In the way of price nnd market. Crops. In hi monthly crop report the Secretary of the Kansas State board of Agriculture says the conditions ure encouraging, not withstanding that the weather has been un favorable to prosecution of farm work nnd the developing of plant life. The weekly crop bulletin which the Iowa Weather liureau issued last week shows no improvements in the crop condition of the State. The rains during the week have absolutely prevented all farm worX. The farmers are still g.uomy at the out.ook. .Ilnrmnrr. I'rof. August Wilhelin llofmann, the dis tinguished Herman chemist, is dead. Edwin O'Brien, the 'Invincible," Is dead at Dublin. He was released not long ago from Mt. Joy prison, where he was serving a sentence for his share in tlie Irish physi cal force movement. l.amerti, the famous singing master, has Just died in Milan. Among his pupils were Mint. Albnni, Miss an andt und Cnmpanini. Turf eve. The winners nt Washington on Thursday were Kric. St. Mark, My Fellow, Can Can nnd Dalsyrian. At Nashville, Bret llarte, Boiealis, lieaper, Springnway and Maggie Lebiis. At Baltimore, Klioha won the 2:1.1 trot; best time, 2:'i'(, made by Blue Light. Tbe 2:27 trot was won by Linkwoo! Maid in straight heat; bet time, 2:271. At Lexing ton, Ky., Bettina.3 to ."; J'e Murphy, (i t .": Boh L. 4 too: Fuv S.. K to 5, and Smcttc. !0 tol. I'nllilrnl. The People's Tarty Executive Committee. of Florida, has called a State Convention at Ocula June 1, the same day tbe Democ ratic Convention Is to l e held ut Tampa, nnd delegates to the former will be chietly Alli ance men. The Pennsylvania State Executive Com mittee of the People's party met at New Castle and tlxed tho State convention for June 22 nt Franklin. A Stnte and electoral ticket will be elected. V nrthannkea. Further accounts of the recent earthquake at Manilla show there was considerable damage done throughout the land. In some towns all the churches und colleges were destroyed. Two slight earthquake shocks were felt at San Remo, France. The shocks catiMed no damage or alarm. Knllronit New. The section hands on the Wabash between Chicago and St. Louis are out on a strike. The men have been receiving 11.25 and now demand a tl.fW a day. A jury at Helena, Mont., has given John T. Reese, a traveling man, a verdict of 2."v OOOdumages against the I'nion Pacific Rail way for Injuries sustained while boarding a train, tbe injuries resulting in the amputa tion of one arm. The Wentlier. Topcka, Kan., was visited by a cloudburst on Wednesday, and about one-third of the city is under water. The Missouri 1 ncitio was obliged to abandon its Linco'n branch in Nebraska on account of landslides nnd washouts. All the ttreams in Southern Ne biaaku and Northwestern Kansas are out of their banks uud are doing much damage to crops. Fire The entire plant of the Northern Cur MunufactuTing Company, in Minneapolis. Loss on building, machinery and , uncom pleted cars, 1100,000; insurance about bulf. At Minneapolis, L. Kimball's job printing bouse. Loss, tl3,000; intured. l.rrWIntlvo. The Massachusetts House buspased a bill providing a penally of 1100 for intimidating laborers, either by employer or employes. -""" Personal, ""Tjay Gould is quite 111, b ing confined toliis bed in hit private car at Albuquerque, N. M. ' - ' ' " ' i - i . .Mtecellatteoue The Delaware Work Fuir Commission er voted unauimously against the opening of the Fair on Sunday. s , Henry Huston, the industrial censui agent who was arrested at I'hilaaclph.a charged with furgery, perjury und fun teturns, w given a final hearing and held in 11,000 bull for trial. " ' "' ' ' A gang of masked men attempted to hold np a Missouri, Kaunas and Texas passenger train in Texas. They signaled th train, but the conductor, seeing them masked, rushed the train past them in spite of a vo ley of hots. The ZVmorrnf, of F.ttin.thnm, 111., was ex cluded from the mails by l'ostmaster Lnry, Fridsy, because it contained a report of a Catholic fair in which various prizes were awarded by Vote. The actors' Fund Fair st New York last week was an immense success, a profit of at least l.V,ixs being assured. Hntrv McCloskcy, the twelfth victim of the Philadelphia Central Theater tire, .lied In the hospital there, .lames Pigeon and William Hinehclifle arc still ill a precarious condition. llt'.VtlM) III It IIIMtOF.lt'. The great railway station nt Dover, Eng land, was burned almost to the ground. No lives were hfct, llig snow storms have been raging In Anuria. Thirty thousand workmen at Lodz, a town of Poland, went on a strike on May Day. nnd are still out. During the week they engaged in much rioting, and made a number of attacks on the Hebrews of tho place. The tiovernor was finally compelled to Invoke the aid of the military. The roof of a rubber factory in Munches. tnr, England, fell in Friday upo t n number of employes. Many of the injured were taken out nnd removed to hospitals, and tome tf them will die. LATEST NEWS WAIFS. A dozen t ersnns were poisone 1 at a festi val at Nevada. Mo., Monday night. A force of physicians saved their lives. During a review Monday, Emperor Wil liam called to the front Private Lue:k, the sentry who recently shot two civilians for attempting to pass him without giving the proper countersign, shook him warmly by tho hand, commended him fur his display of correct conduct of duty and promoted him to be a Ian' corporal. William Hiti-hcli-.fe, tbe thirteenth vic tim of the Central Theatre, Philadelphia, died in the Pennsylvania hospital. James Pigeon is expected to die at any moment. Nearly an acre of ground dropped into an underground lake in West Dubuque, la., Monday night. Tbe latest ropnrt from Emiu Pasha is that he has become totally blind. The House Committee on Elections by a unanimous vote decided the contested elec tion ense of John B. Reynolds against (ieorge W. Shonk, from the Twelfth Penn sylvania district, in favor or Shook, Repub lican, the sitting member. Argument was begun in the Alabama contest of McDutlle vs. Turpin immediately after the vote in the Shonk case. Confederate memorial day was generally observed throughout the South with the usual Impressive ceremonies Wednesday. The president approved "The act to en co.irage ship building" within nn hour nficr its receipt from the house committee on en rolled bills. The 1, ensue Itemed. The following table shows the standing of the various base bull clubs : I.. rT. ft .".Ml II .list T .ll'iil K .iqn w. i.. rT. Wnshingt'nt) M .M Boston I! Hrooklvn...n Lniisv-illc.. l.'l Pittsburgh lit Pbila It 11 4Mi Chicago.... g 11 .421 New York T 11 .:! st. Louis t 14 :.m ltaltimore...8 M .1V t li-veluml. 11 I ..ViO Cincinnati. 10 10 ..'sin CONDITION OF CROPS. Pioipect and Probible Yield of Cotton, Corn and Wheat. Xr.w Yokk, May 11, The rimes presents dispatches from 22 States In the l iiinn, giv ing a careful and conservative summary of the acreage, condition, prospects and proba ble yield of cotton, com and wheat. The significant fact about the cotton crop is the decrease in acreage. The total yield will bo less than last year. Corn has suffered from the late spring In the great corn-growing States, but more particularly from contin uous and heavy rains. Still, If gool weather should come at once, there would be an average acreage and yield. Of tho great wheat-growing States, South Dakota is the onlv one that promises a large crop. In Minnesota the weeks of cold rain have made the prospects of the harvest not very flatter ing. In Wisconsin the outlook for a largo crop Is not good. V ashington has enjoyed good weather and North Dakota is confident of a good crop. From Illinois, Kansas and Ohio the reports arc not discouraging A summaiiy of the condition of crops published in the Farmers' Review this week in Ohio, shows thut work has been kept back by the greut abundance of rain. The planting of corn has been delayed, and it is doubtful whether it can be got in, and no spring wheat is reported from Ohio. TUB CROP CONMTlONS FOB MAY. Th statistical returns of the Department of Agrenuure lor May inaicaie an average condition Mc lor w heat, against M.2c last month. The weather has been too cold for rapid growth, yet the crop has improved perceptibly. The change in the central wheat region is from lc to Tftc. The condi tion of rve has advanced from H,o toWl.Oc Winter baric v averages U2.MC. Mowing Innds have suffered some loss of condition from w inter freezing, but make a higher average tliun the winter grains, or bh.vc lor tne en tire breadth. J lie condition of pustures average ei.nc. A WHEAT 8HRINKAOE. Rtporc of th Stock in North wj;ru Elevator. The private stock of wheat ut Minneapo lis, as given by the Northwestern Miller, is 1,017,000 b shels, a shrinkage of M,0J0 since last Monday. The total stock ut Minnea polis and Duluth Is 10,,'tsi,ipj bushels, a de crease of S,00;),0JJ bushels for the week. Tho Market Record reports tho stock in couatry elevators of Minnesota and the tno Dakota t f 2,0'i7,O00 SS2.00J bushels leas than a week ago. This makes the aggregatu Northwest em stock 21,4U,110 bushels, a decrease of S.lVt.WW bushels for the week, 2,074,000 bushel of which occurred at Duluth. A year (go tli total stock was ld.l.'U.OOO bushel Nsw England Dspopulatlnc Canada. Montreal. May 10. The migration ot French Canadian to th New England Btates still continues. It is stated thut for two month th regular train on th Grand Trunk Railway carried each week about 1.000 French Canadian! to th United Blste. THE METHODIST CONVENTION. AW IMPORTANT OATBERINO Of tat Pollowsr of Wsslsy From AH Part of th Olobs, Th Methodist Conference began its ses. lion in Omaha on Thursday. After organi zation, Bishop Fo-ter read the Episi-opal address. It states tint the bishops have made mnr (had Wl.noo assignments of min isters and families with but little dissatisfac tion. Work in foreign fields has been given more than ordinary care. Bishop Waldron vis.ted Mexico and South America. Bishop Warren vis ted Japan and China, being the first Bishop to visit Corea. Bishop Newman visited Japan; Bishop Nlnde visited Mexico nd B shon Fowler circle.! the globe and held conferences in the various nations of llic earth. Bishop Andrews and Bishop (lood-el vis.ted Asia and Bishop Mallalieu looked after Russia and Bulgaria. These visits have had beneficial results, as the lame kind of Methodism prevails In every country visited. The usual committees were appointed, nnd the convention ad journed until to-morrow. Fiiinw. A motion by Dr. Phrlnkne, nf Kentucky, for the appointment of a special commitiee of one clergyman nnd one lay man from each district, and three laymen-at-large, to consider thecqiMy of reoresentn tion in the conference, wiis adopted. A resolution was adopted ordering the Episco- mu committee to consult wnn the noani oi ihop and ascertain if there is a need of more bishops to conduct th work of the coming qtmdrcnnisl; anil report by May 10. A contest was narrow iv escai-eu when tne dlow-imr from tbe Chicago German confer- m e wns ofTcred : hereas. The oaths of nil who loin oath- bound organizations are contrar" t' the commandment, 'Ihou slialt not tike the name of the 1 ord thy Uud in vain;' hvre- Iter. be It Resolved. That a member of the Metlio- ist church cannot belong to such oruanizn- ioii without violating his faith." Debate was cut off by referring It to the eoininlttee. Yiirrius committee reports were then read nnd "onlereticc adjourned st 1 o'clock. Satciiiiav hen Bishop Thoburn. of ndin, aooean-d on the nhitiorm to rend his report, hew-as greeted with applause, which tclett severm minutes. Ills report says: We have schools w here children nretanidit lo w rite in tbe Bind, anil colleger where th ugliest courses are tatigut to train ministers to work in our cause. A general bienneal conference, thn e annual conferences and women's conferences are held in India. The women consider the matters iiertainine t'i their work. In no country In fhr.steudom s women's work so ierfccted and so thoroughly needed as in India. We have a Christian community In India of fi.ooo and over mi.issi reutilar communicants. When I return 1 expect KM" new converts who gave nn the worship or idols at the beam Ding ol the year. In the pat four year there has been an incressc ol 073 schools and 2M.i;'8 scholars. Durieu the last vear I appointed 1.17H ministers and (i7f Christian women to work in inula. SficiiAV I he delegates to the Methodist F.iuscoiml confi-renie held a large meetinir at Exposition Hall this evening In the in torcst of Amoriesn Vniversity and Christian education. Bishop Hurst presided. Th first sneaker was Bishop lU'Wman, of Oma ha, who took us his suhiect: "The (ieneti of the American I'niversity." The Bishop is a forcible siienker and handled tbe ques tion inumeriv. "lue American I nlversity nd tiie Inctilutions of the Church was Dr. Payne's subject, and he spoke In a feeling manner u me necssiiy oi cnurcn ruueu- tioii. Other sneakers followed. hanlutn Mct'nbe ssolo. "'1 lie Song of a Thousand Years," was a distinctive leatnre of to-day meeting. He was given an ovation. MONDAY 8 SOSlOIt. The old school Methodist will no doubt be horrified when he learns that a scheme is on foot to allow the religious to mix a little gaiety wit It their pieiy. Among me many memorials uresenieii tome .ietnoiisi inn. ferem-e tn-diiv. is one from theTrov Confer ence, w hich petition the general conference toexntinee Ironi iliscioliue section i-l-'. re lation to amusements or nt least that it be modified so that dancing may lie l ermissi- ble. Bishop Foster, of Boston, approves th amendment, and has given it his official sane ion. Tbe memorial is now in the hand of tho Committee on Discipline. Bishop Vincent, of New York, presided over tivdav's inciting. The woman ques tion was sprung by J. B. Maxwell, of Nebraska, in tbe form of n resolution which asks Mint women he ailmitteit to memiier- lop in the general misxionary committee, It was relerreu. N. J. Plumb, of Foo Chow. C hina, pre sented a resolution asking that In contracts wbicn tierunt a Muraliiv ol wives tne mar riage tie need not be dissolved in order to enter the i imrcn. ueierreu. II. B. Williams ottered a res-nn;on tnat MMlimlistn Ho all ill their nowerto diminish or aliohsh the manufacture and sale of tohaem. lir. Kinif. of New York, offered a resohi' tion asking that the Conference commend the proposed sixteenth amendment to the Constitution oroliihitinu the iinnroririation M pulilic money lor ine support oi sectar ian schools, in order to perpetually sepurate the Church and State ami banish eccleslastl -al tvrannv in politics. The resolution wa minuted in HnimouNlv amid aniilause. Dr, King offered another resolution asking that no further appropriations for Indian niis- Hcmsry wora ne accepwa irorn ine .unonui Treasury, us it is wrong in spirit and letter, He said the time had come when this great Church should not only refuse Ut accept money, but decline to apply lor it. ia- plutise.) His statement was emplissizea ivy lr Nndv. who said tbe Chnrch as a Church has never asked or received a single dollur from the Uovernment. Dr. Leonard. of Ohio suid the Methodist Episcopal Church should never place itself In a position where it could not pro tost against farrain out' it wards to be educated by the Roman Cathollu Church, and the misappropriation of funds. Tho resolution was unanimously adopted. Another fight between the laity and th ministry wus precipitated bv a resolution of fered by Dr. McDowell, of Philudelphi, to amend the rule which allows one-fourth of either order to demand tli yea and nay. Dr. McDowell wanted to amend so that neither order could force the other to go on record. In order to shut off discussion a del egate moved the previous question and til vow resulted: Aye laymen. 87; ministers, 210. Nar Lavmen, 113; ministers, 4H. This was a defeat for the minuters, a th two oi dei failed to concur. ttekhay' sefsios. Bishop W. Fitzgerald presided, and Dr. B. B. Hainlin I'd in devotional exercise. The order of the day was the report of th committee on constitution, and everybody expected thut the floodgates of eloquence would be thrown w ide open. Dr. Buckley moved that Inasmuch as Bishop Merill wus chairman of the constitution committee h he requested to txplain tho changes suggest ed by the reirt. ; The resnlntion giving Bishop Merrill the priviiugu of t'Xpluuiing th report on th constitution was currud. Thu rules were suspended here, however, and the comnnl U on the Columbian exposition was call'd to report. The report declared strongly against Sunday opening. In ehsjing tha re port said: "Dettvir that ill Coluiubiun ex not it ion be not oiwned at all than that the gates be owned on Sunday." The commit, ti-e heartily favored th upjirupnation of 5 000,01X1 of uovernment funds provided the gates be closed on Sunday: but if the gates were to be oianied on th Sabbath I hen the conference w uske tooppore the appro, nristlon. The committee recommended that i teleirraru beuring tin wnuiueut m tu re Tori bp sent at one to th President of tn nlled States and to congress, neverai v g- orous siieeches were made favoring the resolution. The preamble ami reioiuiinns were Indorsed, nut were reeommiiieu nr r- vision. The committee was instructed to fend the proposed telegram lo Washington. The conference then took np the report of the commission on constitution. The re mainder of thedav was taken up In th dis cussion, nearly a dozen speakers taking part. Mr. Field, of l lillinleii iiia. moTcii in p i- wine. the debate until the next general cini The motion was defeated, and the session was adjourned. llHY-SnCOND CONGRESS. WrnxrsiiAY. Business In th Penn'e to- lav draifi;eil along In a listless wav. There were but few Senators paving attention to It, ami the heat was very oppressive!. After ne routine morning iiusiness ine renins isik tin the calendar and a number of hills were passed. After an executive session lie M-nate adjourned. in tne nouse.ttie retcrenre mil was ntuer than the House bill, which defiantly and istiltinglv noiHised national faith. Never icf.ire in a free country had there lieen en- ucted such a system of tailing a man ns If he were a dog; first conioellin him to go and irove his right to live where he lived inr years. .ever m-iorr iiiiii pn 11 n niw been applied to a human being, except con victs nud slaves. Mr. Hooker, ill opposing tb repo-t, said that III Its present shape the bill virtually suspended the writ of habeas orpns, nml against this he earnestly pro tested. Mr. lieaiy denie I that it suspended the writ of habeas corpus. The measure was nuclide I to stop up leaks in the exist ing law. Tbe cmfereuce report was then agreed yeas K, navs 2s. Mr. lloodnight, I Kentucky, trom tne t ommittee on judi ciary, reported the resolution calling on the Attorney Oeiieral for Information ns to whether the SiiL'iir 1 rust has violated the anti-trust law, and If so. whether proai-cn-tinns had been instituted for such violation. The resolution was adopte I. I in motion of Mr. lliiimati. tlie llou-e weni into commit tee of the whole, Mr. Hatch, of Mitsouri, In the chair, lor the lousidcrntion of gen eral appropriation bills, and soon after ad journed. jui itsjiAY in tne r-enaie looay, in pre senting n le-nioiistrance agtilnt legislation to close the World I Pair on Sundays, Mr. Morrill re marked that If it were dosed It would de prive the working classes of any reasonable opis-rtiinity to visit the. exiiimtion. 1 lie liillowuig inns were passed: iio-ise inn, iqi propriating l'iO,is to defray the expenses d ;ine iti-iiniig rea nronrimoii ui i aris; 'ensie bill aidirotirintiiur S'si.ihio for a pub lic building at Washington. Pa. Nothiugof Importance was accomplished and the Senate ndiourned. In the llotisii the river and harbor bill was under discussion all day. and without lisno-ingof the bill, the House ailpuirned. Fnti'AY In the Senate, after disposing of some business of no general interest, the resolution heretofore offered by Mr. Jones, of Arkansas, for payment to the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations for their Interests in the Chevenne and Arapahoe, reservation (about S.'t.iMVioo. wns eotisldepil, but no action taken. After listening tn eulogies upon the late Senator Wilson, of .Maryland, the Senate adjourned until Monday. I he Mouse Old nothing mil coiiMiier ine river and harbor bill In committee of the whole, Mr. Hatch in the chair. Svti KliAY. Senate was not is session. In the House after the passage of a few unimportant nuasuies the House went into committee of the w hole and resumed con sideration of the river und harlxir bill. An additional section was adopted empowering the Secretary of War to have work on river ami harbor improvements done otherw ise than by contract w henever he-shall consider it best for tbe public iutf rest. Th commit tee then arose and reported thn bill, w hen the House adjourned without final iiMion. oNhvy. In the Senal the House lull to encourage American ship building was pass ed, and now goes to the President for li provnl. The resolution for payment to the I hix Uwand ( hickasaw nations for their interests ill tbe Chevenne and Arapahoe reservations about l:i,ist.f was then taken up as unfinished business. After de bute this resolution was agreed to, yeas, 4:1, navs I t. Adjourned. In the House the River and Hurbor bill was pas-eil, after a lengthy debate. Routine business then followed, and soon after th House adjourned. Trii'AV In the Senate tn day the river and harbor bill was received' from the House and wss referred to the committee on coin mere . The conference report nn tee urgent deficiency bill was presented and agreed to. Tho Sonata bill to re-establish and extend tbe boundaries nf Yellowstone Park was then taken up. After a discussion that lusted nearly tro hours the bill wus passed Yea, 32: nays, 1H, and then the Senate proceeded to executive business and when the Icm rs were reopened adjourned. Alter routine business the House went Int i coiniint'ee of whole (Mr. Lester, of ticorifiu. io chain nn sundry civil appro priation bill, which was discussed until ad journment. TWO WEEKS TO LIVE. Date Fixed for Ditmlng' Execution. Bis S orles About HI Family. MKi.norHsr., May 10. The execution of Frederick Bailey Deeming, for the murder of his wife nt Windsor, a suburb of this city, was to-day aet down for May 22. Doom ing is kept in irons to keep him from Injur ing himself and others, for he is nt times very savage, while in his best mood he is forbidding and morose. Ha is reported as laying that hi mother predicted that he would be hanged before he reached the agt of 40. With regard to his family history, Deem ing states that his father's mind was un hinged, that be wus of a violent tempera ment and that he died In a lunatic ayluiu at Birkenhead. His mother he describes at good and kind, but she also was confined in a lunatic asylum until shortly before th prisoner's birth. His brother Samuel, lit also a'scrts, wus likewise confined in a luna tic asylum, but this fuct was only known to his brother Albert. When In England last year, the prisoner declare, he vainly en. de.ivorod to ascertain the whereabout of hit brother Samuel. He has a sister who is em ployed as a housemaid st New Brighton, near Liverpool, and another who "is not right in her hi ad." FIVE CHILDREN KILLED in a Cyclone Cays In Kmsas. A Monas. tery Torn Dowc and Several Pop'. Killed in Arkansas. - AxmoxY, Kan., May 11. William Wll. kins, colored, his wife and children, enter ed their cyclone cav last nigh;, fearing a cyclone. The heuvy rains of tbe past three days washed away tho foundations of the ro .fatid at 1 o'clock last night the roof fell in, burying tbo family. Wilkin managed to crawl out from under th mas of mud and brought neighbor to th rescue. The five children were taken out duad. Wilkin and his wife are badly hurt. . At Morrillton, Ark., a terrible cyclone swept territory a mile wide, demoralizing the Catholic Monastery Murieustudt, caus ing a loss of 112,000. Near there the reals donee of Matthew Brill was blown down, nd he and hi children were rerhui fatal' ly hurt, ' , ' NING HORROR. HALF A HUNDRED HEN KILLED tn an Exploslon-Th Worst Calsmitr on Record on th Pacing Slope, Hosi.yh, Wash., May II A most terrible exphsdon occurred In the slop of Mine .No. 2, of the Northern Pacific Coal Compnny nt this point, In which (he loss of life exceeded in number that of any other disaster chroni cled In the Northwest or on the Pacific slope. The exact nature of the explosion or the circumstances that led to It will probably never be known, since at this writing it is believed that every miner w ho was working In the slope at the time has perished. It Is not definitely known as to the num ber of men w ho were In the vicinity of thn disaster, hut It is believed that between 45 nnd f0 men were in the three levels that were affected by the explosion. Large relief forces are at work und at this time three bodiis hare been recovered. Theso men were working nearest the oenlnK and nt some distance from the point where it 1 supposed the explosion occurred. Following Is a partial list of tho men who were at work nnd were killed: Thomas Holmes, John Poster, Philip Da vies. Thomas Reese, John Rees, William Robinson, Hubert llrahiiin, t Ieorge Moses, A. Pollard, John l-'ergn son, (Ieorge Brooks, Joseph h'l swoith, Sr., Joseph Ellsworth.Jr.. John l.afcrtr, Daniel Met lelhiud, Hichiirtl Fw-svthe, Scott Milet, Pruss I. living, Andrew J'.rlaiiilson, Charles Palmer, Mitchell Hule, .Mitchell Ronald, Wilson Steel, William Hague, El-n 'ilsifer. John Daiiko, Jacob Weatherbeo, Joseph Browitt, Thomas Bre ilcn, Harry Campla-ll. James Houston, Jo seph Bennett, Willliim Bennett, Joseph ! may, William Pennhall, Sidney right, 'I humus Wright, James Morgan, John Bone. CONGRESS ION AL NOMINATIONS. For Congressmati-nt-Large ex-Oovernor f Ieorge T. Anthony was nominated by the ' Republicans ot Kansas. Thomas R. Morgan, Sr., of Alliance, O,, was nominated for Congress at Salem on the 71st ballot, for the Eighteenth Ohio D'ntriet. John J. McDonald was chosen on the 3stts ballot us Congressional nominee from tho Twelfth Illinois District. The Democrats of the Second Iowa Con grissional District have nominated Walter 1. Hayes for a fourth term. The Republicans of the Thirteenth Indi ana District nominated Hun. James S.Dolgo on tho first ballot. The Democrats of Monroe and Brown counties, Ind., met at Vnloiiville, nnd nomi nated John H. Williams, of Nashville, for Representative. The Democrats of the Second Iowa Con gressional jnsirici noiuinaieu miner i. Lllayes for a fourth term. J. S. Dodge, of Elkhart, was nominated Wr Congress by the Republicans of the Thirteenth Indiana District. Venango county, Pa., Prohibitionist met jt Franklin, and nominated H. P. Mdal lnont for Congress. Congressman Tnrsney was renominated by lie Democrats of the Fifth Missouri dis trict. (Ictujlrwjfji'ps H. (Irosvenor has been tiomimj"! Toyiu'claniatlon for Congress by Eleventh Ohio district Republicans. At tho Republican Congressional Conven tion of the Twenty-fifth District at New Castle. Pa., Thomas W. Phillips was nomi nate I cn the first bullot. TWO MINBDIJ.A8TERS. Fly Men Klllsd by th Fall of a Cage. Tiv Crushed by Falling- Cosh Bnrssris, May 10. A terrible accident occurred to day nf the Trieauisin Colliery at Ollly, a village throe mile. north of ilain nult. The day shift were entering the pit and the cage wns crowded with miners, who were being lowered into tho mine. Suddenly the chain, by means of which thn cage was raised and lowered, broke and the cngo and itaoccutHints were precipitated to the bot tom of the f tit. Five of the minors were in stantly killrd and some of the other were bad y injured. Lo.ndos!, May 10. A frightful accident oc curred to day at the Manver main colliery, in Yorkshire. A number of men were at work loosening coal in a reirMe section ol the pit. Suddenly a quantity of coal, about 100 tons in weight, foil upon them from the roof of ihe shaft, crushing the lifs out of several of them and badly Injuring others. Three ure known to have been killed, and two more were taken out badly Injured. The cause of the accident was a lack of proper precautions in furnishing support as the work progressed. STORMS AND KARTHQTJAKZ. Lancaster County, Pa., Shaken, Jfaxt and Hr Killed and House Destroyed. Gkttysdi-ro, Pa., Muy T. Yesterday a cy clone struck this place carrying off the roof of the Central hotel and the Picking rtsi dence, next door. Philadelphia. At Norwood, Pa., a bolt nf lightning struck Julius Kuppr.on, who was driving along the road to his home, killing him and hi horse instantly. At Ken net square several carriage were blown over in th street by th force of the wind, their occupant narrowly escaping Injury. Lancastis, Pa. A shock believed to be that of an earthquake was fe'.t in Terre Hill and other sections of northern Lancas ter county about 4 30 o'clock Friday morn ing. The ground (wayed and houses were shaken. Tha disturbance lasted but a few seconds. ANOVSR-WEIQEUDFLOOB falls. Twenty Ton of Mortar Preoipltatsd Upon Fly Mn, KtUintT . Twi of Them. . Niw York, May 7. A temporary floor on the first story of the Havemeyer building broke beneath the weight of about SO ton of mortar placed upon It, and fell upon ' fire hodcarrier who were in the basement be neath. Two of th men were instantly killed and three other were extricated alive. Only one ot them, J. Huney, wus severely injured, and it I not believed hi injurie re fatal. The other were able to go home with the assistance of fellow workmen. Th men killed were Albert Ziuinier uud Churlea Dessc-lar. : , :, Chicaoo's Mayor wautjgrado cross ings abolished. f I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers