The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 11, 1892, Image 5

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ft Stan
finlimription tlM' per year, in itdvantx?
, A. UTErHKIUH'll, Kdltor and Ptib.
WEDNESDAY, MAY 11. 1802.
rtlrr' nlb.
Pimpniw train iirrlve at the Remolds-
vllle station an follow:
Train t, - t.K a. m. Train , 7.20 a. m.
Train 1, I 00 p.m. Train i, - 142 p.m.
Train S.flO p. m.lTrnln 10, ,nn p. m.
miitromiiivim.1i muT-omm.
Mall arrive and leave the post-office a
rnoM tub wwt.
1. 15 p. m. T.onp. i
. 6.10 a. tn. - 12.) p. m.
rmm ni raht. row tub wmt.
7.0" . m. - - 2. no p. m. 7.00 a. m, - - 1.15 p. m.
Arrive fmm Rathmcl and Prwacottvllle
11.30 a m.
Arrives from Punic Tuesdays, Thursday
and Saturdays at S.oo p. m.
Depart for rrescottvllln, Rnthmcl, Tanlc
2.30 p. m.
oiw hours 7.00 a m. tn n.oop. m.
Money order office open from 7.00 a. m. to
7.30 p. m. Register offlro open from 7.00 a. m.
tos.OO p. m.
legnl Holldnv from 7.00 to A.Of) a. m. and
from 12.00 tn 3 00 p. m.
Office open Sunday fmm 9.01) a. m. to 10.00
a. m. J. W. Focwr. P. M.
How do you like ?
Don't fail to hear Miss Lily Runals
The town waa unusually lively Satur
day evening.
King & Coleman have invented in real
estate at Sykeavllle.
The Star and Volunteer will be pub
lished on Wednesday hereafter.
Edward J. Schultz, proprietor of the
City Meat Market, is having his shop
A twenty-five cent show will pitch its
tents on the vacant lots near the Moore
House Saturday.
Corwin, the photographer, was com
pelled to enlarge his gallery on account
of his increased business.
Frank Hoffman, the butcher.has made
a decided improvement in the appear
ance of his moat shop.
"The three most difficult things are:
to keep a secret, to employ time proper
ly, and to bear ah injury
Since last Thursday morning Solomon
Shaffer, the lumberman, counts one
more little girl to buy dressos for.
Frank J. Black, proprietor of Hotel
McConnell, presented this office with six
newspaper files, for which we are thank
ful. The people of DuBois have reasons to
believe that the B. R. it P. R'y Co. will
put up a now passenirer station at that
. place.
Mli M. E. Moore keeps all the now-i
est,and best styles in the market. Hfr
stock is the largest and her rlfWP'le
J . The Grand Army Post of Reynoldsville
are making the necessary arrangements
for the usual obsoAance of Memorial
Day. '
J. M. Norris, of Paradise Settlement,
killed a calf last week that was four
weeks old and weighed 1081 lbs. whon
The transportation facilities were not
sufllolent to aooommodate all who de
sired to go on the excursion to DuBois
on Sunday.
The Daughters of Liberty held a fes
tival In the G. A. R. hall Saturday
evening. was not a glow
ing success,
Thomas Mahoney has oponed another
meat shop in Reynoldsville. Meat shop
No. 2 will be In the room next door to E.
T. MoGaw.'s offioo.
The soml-annual eonvention of the
Jefferson County Sunday School Associ
ation, will be held at Punxautawney on
May 24th and 25th.
The second annual statement of the
Reynoldsville Building and Loon Asso
ciation was crowded out of this issue,
will appear next week.
Bell Bros., the clothiers, who are suc
cessful business men, believe in a liberal
mo of printers' Ink. Road their advor-
isomont on fourth pago.
The new M. E. Church at Sigel will
be dedicated next Sunday. Rev. Per
shing, D. D. of Pittsburg, will be pres
ent and preach the dedloatorial sermon.
The ladles of the Reynoldsville Guid
ing Star lodge will hold an ioe cream,
trawborry and cake festival in the G.
A. R. hall on Wednesday evening. May
A number of Mrs. C. H. Gordon's
fady friends got up a surprise party last
Thursday and assembled at her borne
to spend a social and pleasant evening
Robert Yeaney, who has been In the
merchandise business at Sykesrille for
several years, has disposed of his store
there and may go Into business in Rey
noldsville. . Neff has rsMlved his commission
and has '.aken the oath of office as Jus
.Hue of the Peace. .This make the
fourth tis4 Mr, NaT has been commis
sioned J. P.
John Shults hobbled around several
day this week because a heavy board
fall a distance of twelve feat endwise
j striking "the nail on the head" of hie
', I great toe on right foot. .
The Burgess has Issued an edict that
all the streets, alleys, backyards, &o.,
must receive attention arid bo relieved of
the trash there accumulated.
William Foster, the confectionery
dealer, who has had 8 snrimm tussle for
four weeks with typhoid fever, the
typhus vory nearly getting the hotter of
hira, is now convalescing.
A brick addition is being built on to
the post-office. This is a much needed
improvement, as the office was too small
to give the Postmaster and his assistants
room to do their work with comfort.
John Mulhollan, of Rathmel, has pur
chased Dr. Bowser's residence on East
Main street. ThedoctorexpecUtobutld
somewhere In the west end of town.
Mr. Mulhollan will move to this place.
A special train of three coaches from
the B., R. & P., passed over the RAF.
C. R. R. last Friday carrying some offi
cials of the B., R. St P., the B., L. & Y.
C. M. Co., and a number of their friends.
The Prohibitions of Jefferson county
will hold a convention in the Court
House at Brookvllle on Monday of next
week, May Kith. It isexpertcd that the
State Chairman will attend the Con
vention. Dr. B. E. Hoover, who is tenderly car
ing for the fifth boil on the back of his
neck, thinks that amidst Job's great
afflictions he never had a boil on his neck
especially such excruciating ones as
he has to suffer with.
The body of the man who was drowned
at Falls Creek on the 2nd inst. was found
last Sunday about five hundred yards be
low where he went under the logs. His
name was Joseph Mondorf and he was
an employee of Degnan & McDonald.
Prof. W. J. Weaver, of RynoldBvllle,
receivod his commission several days
ago as National Deputy of the Daughters
of Liberty. The Professor expects to
institute a Daughters of Liberty lodge
at DuBois and one at Doemer's Cross
roads in the near future.
After an explosion of George Wash
ington Stoke's usually unexploslve tem
per, the soda fountain in H. Alex. Stoke's
drug store has been loaded with "phiz"
and now all who desire to can slake their
thirst at the fountain if they have the
Wm. Burgo, who has been suffering
for several weeks with an injured foot,
is able to look after his business affairs
aiLln. Mr. Burgo stepped off the Bide
vJIk onto a board with a nail in it and
tlV rusty nail almos made its appear
and on the upper side of his foot.
With this issue we announce the can
didacy of Capt.Jas.G.Mltchell,of Perrys
vlllo, for State Senator. The Captain
Is a veteran of the late war, has been
a life long Republican and is known to
a large number of the Jeffonton county
people as a gentleman of Integrity.
J. A. Welsh, the grooeryman, went to
Pittsburgh Tuesday morning to be treat
ed by Father Mullinger. Mr. Welsh
has been afllicted with 'rheumatism for
almost three years. Prior to his coming
to Reynoldsville last year, he was con
fined to the house for seven months.
Rev. P. P. Woraer, of this place, who
was attending the Delaware University
at Delaware, Ohio, and was sent from
that school, about the first of this year,
to Carrington, Forest County, North
Dakota, to fill an appointment for a short
time, has decided to remain there for
Albert Reynolds, who has been No
tary Republio for twenty consecutive
years, has been assured by Governor
Pattison that his commission will be re
newed for another four years on the 19th
Inst., when his present torm expires.
Mr. Reynolds is a staunch Republican
yet this will be his seoond commission
under a Democratic Governor.
G. G. Williams, of Benezette, Pa., is
now night dispatcher in the A. V. R'y
office at this place. By-the-way, our
neighbor, the DuBois Courier, mention
ed not long since.ln a bragging manner,
that the telegraph office at that place
was now open all night. We have had
a night operator at this place for over
a year.
Prof. G. M. Jaquay will hold a moot
ing in the Lecture room of the M. E.
church on Thursday evening at 7.30 for
the purpose of organizing a musical
convention. Prof. Juquay closed, on
Tuesday evening, a successful conven
tion at Brookvllle. Let all interested
in muslo at jnd his meeting on Thurs
day evening.
James Degnan and Patrick McDonald,
the extensive lumbermen of this place,
intend putting in nearly twenty-two mill
ion this seasou, which began the first of
the present mouth.. They will put in
front eight to ten million at Green Briar,
in Polk township, and from ten to twelve
million at Falls Creek and along the San
dy Lick between Falls Creek and Rey
noldsville. These gentlemen are ener
getic lumbermen.
The sohool director and councilman
of DuBois must, undoubtedly, - be
"sport:" The Courier says: . "The
dates for the boxing matches la DuBoU
invariably correspond with the dates
for meetings of oounoll and the school
board. A coincidence of that 'kind
always Increases the difficulty in getting
a quorum to remain long enough at a
business 1000004 to do business. " Are
the police and all the other officer "in
it" tot r
A Reynoldsville Young Man Meets Death
3,000 Miles Away from Home.
John Bone, son of Robert Bone, of
Reynoldsville, waa Instantly killed In a
mine disaster Tuesday, May 10, on the
Paclflo slope.- He was working for the
Union Paclflo Coal company at Roslyn,
Washington state, when the explosion
occurred which cost him his life. From
forty to fifty other mon met death at
the same time.
John Bone was an employee of the
B., L. St Y. C. M. Co., working In the
Pleasant Valley mines, until about four
years ago whon he and a brother, Rich
ard, left the parental roof to seek a llv
lthood In the western country. Rich
ard returned home about the first of
April and the parents have been look
ing for John home most any day, as he
has been promising them he would
come. He was 27 years old and the fourth
son of a family of nine boys and three
girls, this being the first tie broken in
the family circle. When the boy, for
whom they now mourn, arrived home It
was the Intention of the parents to have
a picture of the family in a group, as
their daughter, Mrs. Klrkman, of Peel,
Clearfield Co., is now at home waiting
her brother's arrival. The expectations
of joy and pleasure have been turned
into mourning. The mother is almost
frantic with grlof. The remains will be
shipped here for burial, but the family
are unable to make any definite arrange
ments yet. It will be Impossible to get
the body here before Monday or Tues
day of next week.
Next Sunday being the third anniver
sary of the organization of the Epworth
League of the M. E. Church and termed
"League Day," the evening services of
the church at this place will be conduc
ted by the Leaguo. An appropriate and
interesting program has boon prepared
for the occaHlon.
A special train was run from this
place to DuBois Monday evening for
"sports" to witness the Butler-McTigue
boxing match. The train was compos
ed of two coaches, which accommodated
the people very comfortably going up,
but after rcnuiining at DuBois throo or
four hours the crowd swelled the
hoads of many of them so large
that the two conches were packed on
the homeward trip. The boxing match
was a farce, according to the Courier'
version of tho affair.
The school question has been agitated
extensively by the Volunteer during the
past five or six weeks and we will not
devote space to it at present. It is
patent to all that it is an Important
question. The school directors viewed
tho town Monday afternoon with object
of selecting some site, or sites, for
school building purposes. There was
nothing definite done. What will be
the outcome of this weighty question
now being carefully and thoughtfully
considered by the school directors, lies
in the future.
Frank A. McConnell, who has been
identified in the business circles of Rey
noldsville over twelve years, has taken
charge of Hotel Pantall, of Punxxutaw
ney, the largest hotel In this or adjoin
ing counties. Mr. McConnell was pro
prietor of Hotel McConnell for fivo years,
and during that time he and his house
became pular with the travelling
public Frank is a gonial fellow and
will, undoubtedly, succeed as proprietor
of Hotel Pantall. Mrs. McConnell and
son went to Punxsutawney the first of
this week.
John W. Phillippi has decided that
if a majority of the people of Jefferson
county will It so he will represent this
county In the legislative halls. Mr.
Phillippi is of the Democratic per
suasion and has filled several minor
offices in the township and county, but
this is his first effort for any honor of
importance. Ho is an energetic man
and is what might be termed a"hustlor"
in any enterprise he undertakes. The
people of this section, as he is a Wins
low township gentleman, are well ac
quainted with the Democratic candidate
for Assembly.
Peter Burkett, of Horra Settlement,
died at three o'clock Sunday morning,
May 8th. Mr. Burkott's death was
caused by chronic myelitis, from which
he has' been a patient sufferer nearly
two years. About four months ago he
was confined to Ms bed where he re
mained until the messenger of death
claimed him. The funeral services were
held Tuesday forenoon and his remains
were Interred in the Smith cemetery.
A wife, five sons and one daughter, Mrs.
Josh. Shirty, survive him. Mr. Burkett
was well known in this section, having
resided in the Horm Settlement nearly
thirty years. He was fifty-two years old.
John MoConvllle, who was arrested by
Detective Addelsperger lust March for
breaking into A. V. R'y cars at this
place, was tried at Brookvllle this week
and found guilty. About so vert years ago
MoConvllle worked at the tannery.
From here he w.nt to St. Mary and
there engaged in stealing and was sent
to the penitentiary for three years and
nine months. Sinci that time he has
boon tramping through the country.
He and several "parda" were stopping
at the eoke oven at the time thieve en
tered Wm. Burge't store, tannery office,
A. V. ticket office and can. MoConvllle
was the only one that sufficient evidence
could be procured against to bold for a
"Aapiramua, Nobllsimus, Rebus."
Rv W. 3. Wbavkr.
Whllt) oojonrnlnn In thin tnrrcntlnl hull.
With troubles and trlnln to nrlpvp uat
May thin maxim Ih firmly Impntwd upon all,
"AnplramiM, NohllslmuM, Krlmn."
Like lhi wlft flying clouds are nur days
flwtln hy,
oon, or later urlm death will relieve tii
lie thou not otemimn, hut thU minim apply,
"Aapiramua, Nobllnlmtia, Htiliun."
The flnwera that bloom through the lon
Hummer day,
t)f the frailty of llfnfteem to plead iik;
Be enrnent and prayerful and glvetiud prnlae,
"Aapiramua, NobllKlmua, Kudu."
Be hopeful, when aore with affliction d'e
pned, Thonah Hope very oft' will deceive uai
The Km her In good and means all for the
"Aapiramua, Nolillalmua, Return."
Though the anul be cant down and dark clouds
hover 'round,
And friendn to our fate aeem to leave uj
"In the darkeat of clmida, silver lining la
"Aapiramua, Nnbtlnlmua, Rebua." '
When tempted and tried affliction begin.
When Satan roimplrfn to deceive ua;
"Yield not to temptation, for yielding la
"Aaplrnmua, Nobtlnlmua, Rebua."
In fnmlne'adnrk day, In adverMlty'a hour
Remember tlod- promise to feed n.
To 11 Im be dominion and glory and power;
"Aapiramua, Nobllnlmua, Rebua."
When with sorrow overwhelmed and with
HadnenH deprewwHl,
And niireirortNwem naught to achieve uai
Trust fully In Ood, He'll take care of the rent,
"Aapiramua, Nobllamua, Kehun."
Sit not Idly down and of life fondly dream,
'Twill not from our sorrow retrieve ua;
Tome weal or come woe. let thla lie your theme
"Aapiramua, Moblialniua, Kehua. '
If the storm of thla life we would safely
E'en though our afflictions bereave n!
Cling Arm to this minim whatever betide,
"Asplratnus, Nobllsmus, Helms."
A Pleasant Trip.
D. F. Robinson, who, In company with
Jos. S. Morrow, loft Reynoldsville on
the 14th of January for the Hot Springs
In Arkansas, returned last Saturday
much improved In health. After a
seven wooks' stay at the springs, Mr.
Morrow visited friends In Kansas and
returned home, but Mr. Robinson took
a jaunt into Texas, passing almost
through the state. He was In Texas
two wee lea and enjoyed several hunting
expeditions during that time. Mr.
Robinson says he killod fourteen quails
at four shots, and yet he doos not pro
fose to be an expert marksman. He
also sojourned in the state of Kansas
four weeks. He is not timid In express
ing his opinion that Kansas is the place
for farming. Ho saw wheat fields there
containing 100 acres. Mr. R. says this
was the most pleasant trip of his life.
We are glad that ho and Mr. Morrow
are both enjoying bettor health since
their visit to the Hot Springs.
Corner Stone Laid.
Tho corner stone of the Catholic
church at DuBois was placed in posi
tion last Sunday, the ceremonies being
witnessed by three thousand pooplo.
The priests present were, Right Rev.
Tobias Mullen, of Erie, Fathers Maher,
of Ridgway, Winker, of Punxsutawney,
Desmond of Coal port, Brady, of Reyn
oldsville, and McGlvnoy, pastor of the
church. The now church is to be a
largo and magnificent one, costing a
largo sum of money. The structure Is
such an imposing one that it will, doubt
loan, be two years before It is dedicated.
The foundation Is (M)xi:i0 foot. Excur
sion trains were run to DuBois from
Punxsutawney, Johnsonburg and Reyn
oldsville. The School Question.
If the school directors wish to do the
best for the people and desire to know
their wish, let them name three of a
board, name time and place and give the
tax-payers a chance to express their
views by a straw vote, or meet In mass
and say shall we have two smaller build
ings, one in each end of the town, or
rent a building for a time and then put
a No. 1 brick on our present location.
Decoration Day.
All patriotic societies are Invited to
participate in the proper observance of
Decoration Day, May 30, 1892. Any
ordor intending to participate will
please early inform R. D. Boer, Chief
All old soldiers are requested to meet
In the G. A. R. hall at 8.30 a. m.
All places of business are requested
to be closed from 9 a. m. to 12 m.
Left My Bed and Board.
All persons are horeby notified not to
harbor or trust Tlllie Slmoox on my ao
count, as I will not be responsible for
any debts contracted by her, she hav
ing left my bed and board without any
Just provocation. G. W. Simoox.
Sandy Valley, May 9, 182.
"A man who has started a newspaper
will never afterwards mind trifles like a
boil on his nose, or the sweet song of file
upon saw, or even a piano next door.
He Is acclimated."
An Irish peddler, who had Imbibed
too froely of Intoxicants, and had be
come very hilarious, was put in the
lock-up Monday afternoon.
A. large Invoice, of candy, oakea and
crackers at McKoe Warntok'. first of.
next week. We lead in thla lino.
The ladieeof Reynoldsville and vloln
Ity are Invited to call and see the large
and stylish line of millinery goods and
notions at Flo. Best' mUntir (tore.
AU kind of But pickled goods can be
found at McKee A Warnick'i. No stale
goods, and prioea low.
1 1
Advertise la Th Stab. . .
Demise of Mrs. 8edler.
Mrs. Margaret Bodlor, wife of John
Sodler, tho tailor, died at her home on
Jackson street Monday, May B, 1SI2, at
5:00 p. m. Mrs. Sedlor was a victim of
tho "grip"' about one year ago, from
which she never fully recovorod. On
Monday, May 2nd, she was compelled,
through Illness, to go to bod where she
remained until Thursday whon she got
out of bed, there being no ono near, and
in walking around fell down stairs.
From that time sho grew worse.
The subjoct of this notice was born In
County Born, Switzerland, In 1R19, and
was, therefore, In her 7.1rd yT.r in life's
Mr. Bedler and wife came to America
in Iftlft. They moved to Reynoldsville
about 16 years ago. The old gentleman
is now loft alono In the world, no chil
dren ever having gathered around their
The funeral services wero hold In the
M. E. church, Wednesday afternoon,
conducted by Rev. W. P. Murray.
The remains wero Interred in the
Beulah cemetery.
Threefold Usefulness.
Last Saturday Joseph Shaffer deliv
ered an express package, neatly done up,
to Samuel Lattimer, Quartermaster of
the G. A. R. Post at this place, purpor
ted to have been shipped from Philadel
phia, express prepaid. Whon the pack
age was opened it was found to bo apiece
of furniture with a threefold usefulness.
Some person had foloniously takon the
organ stool out of the G. A. It. Hall some
time ago. The now piece of furniture Is
suppled to bo an organ stool, but It will
also answer for a rostrum from which
recitations can be rendered and upon
which tho soldier boys can mount and
tell some of their thrilling army lies,
and it will also be useful in caso two of
the many lusty ladles of tho W. R. C.
desire to play an instrumental duot on
the organ. From whence this valuable
appendage to the G. A. R. Hall came Is
unknown, but Mr Lattimer is of tho
opinion that the place designated as the
shipping point Is a misnomer, and some
of the members of the Post at this place
could explain the matter.
Geo. P. Cant a Benedict.
Punxsutawney Spirit.
Mr. Goorge F. Cant, a member of the
firm of Cant Brothers & Company, ex
tensive coal operators, of Reynoldsville,
Pa., and Miss Christine Wilson, a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilson,
were married at the residence of the
bride's parents in this place at twelve
o'clock on Thursday, Rev. Dr. Jackson,
of Gault, Ontario, performing the cere
mony. Owing to the recent death of a
sister of the bride, the ceremony was
private, only near relatives of the con
tracting parties being present. Tho
couple left on the afternoon train on
tho Pennsylvania & Northwestern rail
road for an extended bridal trip. Thoy
will visit Philadelphia, New York city,
Baltimore, Washington and a number
of other places of interest before thoir
return. It Is their intention to muke
Roynoldsvillu their future homo.
Found in Canada.
A tie-counting tourist who had the
semblance of a suspicious oharacter, was
taken in charge by Policeman Mincer
one evening last week and given a nights'
lodging In the lock-up. In the morning
he was taken before Burgess Hays to be
Interrogated. The questions and ans
wers were as follows.
Burgess "Whore were you born?"
Tramp "Well, sir, when I first found
myself I was In Canada."
B. "Where did you got your supper
last evening?"
T. "Have hod nothing to eat for four
B. "What have you been living on?"
T. "Cold water."
B. "I will give you one hour to get
out of town."
T. "Is that all?"
New Coal Works.
The Reynoldsville and Falls Creek
Mining Co. have a number of men at
work noar Sandy Valloy opening a drift
and putting up buildings for now coal
works. About seventeen years ago
Powers, Brown & Co. expended neurly
$18,000 at this sume place In attempting
to get coal. They graded a road, built
abutments for a bridge, bought ties and
rails, and at the same time were open
ing a drift. They found a rock fault
and abandoned the enterprise. The
present company surmounted tho rocky
difficulty and expect to ship ooal from
that point about the 1st of July.
A Charming Singer,
Mis Lilly Runals, the charming
singer of New York, will sing in the
Centennial hall Saturday evening, May
14. Rev. R. F. Sample, N. Y., speaks
of Miss Runals as follows: "I shall carry
with me always the memory of tho
sweetest vo' ;e lever beard." Admit
tance free.
Mrs. A. E. Hotherington, the new
millinery, oarrlee a flrst-olass line of
good. Everything of tho latest atylea.
She handles fanoy goods,' gloves, oorsete,
to. Located In the Broadboad building,
Main street. tf.
"Wathburna Best," la the name of the
bent flour on the market. Try a sack of
It and be con rl need. McKee War
nick. The Grocers. Cor. fith. and Main
Street. .
Rov. H. G. Furbny was In Philadelphia
during the post week.
Frank C. Miller, of Punxsutawney,
was In town this week.
Levi McGregor, of Punxsutawney,
was In this place last week.
Jas. M. Marsh, conductor on the Sligo
Branch, was in town Monday.
Goorge Burtop.the Beechwoods Joker,
was In Reynoldsville Saturday.
Ooo. F. Cant and wife arrived in
Roynoldsvlllo Tuesday evening.
N. L. Hoover, the DuBois lumberman,
was In town the first of the week.
Joseph Zolner, Jr., and son, Stanford,
of Troutvllle, were in town Tuesday.
Rev. Porter, of Allegheny, fillod the
Presbyterian pulpit at this place Sunday.
Dr. J. A. Henry, of Falls Creek, was
among the visitors to this place last
Mrs. Sidney Smith, of Washington
county, is visiting her futher-ln-law,John
S. Smith.
Scott McClelland, of the hardware
firm, has moved his family to Royn
oldsvlllo. Maud Welsh, of 8ummerville, visited
her brother, J. A. Welsh of this place,
last woek.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Elliott, of Mans
fiold, Pa. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
F. M. Brown.
W. P. Postlowait, of Varller, Pa.
Ex-Revenue Gaugor, was In Reynolds
ville last week.
R. E. McKee and wlfo attended the
funeral of Peter Burkett In Horm Set
tlement Tuesday.
Thos. W. Jonklns, of Llndsey, Pa.,
Sundayed In Roynoldsvlllo. This plaoo
hath charms for Thomas.
Dr. J. B. Noale, Alex. RIston and
John Conser are at Portland Mills, Elk
county, this week fishing.
John Brown, who lives near Brook
villo, visited his sister, Mrs. Jos. Shaf
for, of this plaoo, last week.
F. A. McConnell, proprietor of Hotel
Pantall, Punxsutawney, was In Reyn
oldsville the forepart of this woek.
Liout. Col. J. R. Himes, of New Beth
lehem, inspected the Sons of Veterans
Camp at this plnco Tuesday evening.
Jas. B. Arnold is taking in the sights
this week at Pittsburg, McKeesport,
Sharpeburg, and several other plaoes.
Rov. Winker, of Punxsutawney, who
was the priest at this place a number of
yoars ago, was in Reynoldsville to day.
Mrs. M. M. Cribbs, of DuBois, daugh
ter of D. W. RIston, visited her parents
at this place the latter part of last week.
L. P. Seeley, of Allegheny, of the
firm of Socley, Alexander & Co., bank- '
ers, was in town several days this week.
H. B. Cooper, a hardware merchant
of Brockwayvlllo, visited his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ninlan Cooper, at this
Will. Taylor, an erst while Reynolds
ville boy, now of Emporium, was In this
place several days last week v Jng his
Mrs. A. B. Weed and Miss Lulu
Crelghton are visiting the home of Mrs.
Weed's parents at Grampian Hills.CIear
field county.
Mrs. C. N. Lowls and daughter, Edna,
returned several days ago from a weeks'
visit at the home of Mrs. Lewis' parents
at Emorlckvllle.
M. J. Farrell returned on Monday
from Free port, where ho had been as a
delegate attending a Royal Arcanum
District convention.
A. H. Collins, a telegraph operator of
this place, Is enjoying a thirty days'
vacation. He Is vhiltlng his parents at
St. Petersburg, Clarion county.
Mrs. W. S. Sankey and Harry Doyle,
of Minerva, Ohio, who havo been visit
ing Mrs. C. H. Gordon for the past five '
weeks, returned to their home Monday.
Mra. H. G. Furbay, who has boon vis
iting the homo of her parents at New
Athens, Ohio, for tho post six weeks, re
turned to ReynoldHvlllo Tuesday after
noon. Misses Dollo Fullmer, Dot Truxal and
Fazla Moans, of DuBois, came to Reyn- '
oldsvllle last Suturday to gather trail
ing arbutus on the suburban hills. They
were the guests of Miss Verna Bing.
Mrs. U. G. Perry, of Washington,
D. C, who was called to Reynoldsville
about four weeks ago an account of the
serious illness of her slater, Mrs. J. C.
Williams, will return to her home
Robt. Sohofield, formerly an em
ployee at Hopkins' big mill, and who
has been attending school at Pough
keopsle, N. Y., for some time, was In
town Monday. He has accepted a posi
tion at Dunlo, Cambria county.
C. N. Lewis was at Allen town, Pa.,
last week, as a deles-ate from the Raid.
oldsvllle lodge, attending the annual
state council meeting of the O.U.A.M.,
which was in session at that place sev
eral days last week. Mr. Lewis reports
it to have been a very interesting meet
ing and largely attended.
Mrs. Kate Smeltier, the Jackson
street millinery, has an elegant Una of
goods. Everything first-olans. Give
her a call.
Our stock of pickled goods are all fresh
and guaranteed to be the best U the
market. MoKee A Warnlck.
. 'f