The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 11, 1892, Image 3
i. yP Mr. Clarence O. Itlgeloxo Preerrtpt nn Dnitrtrlst, lfC Oth Are., N. Y. City, my The People's Confidence Hii oeen won bv HOOD'S Sarsaparilla In Manner Never Eqtialled. 1 am, on general principle, avcrsed to ex preening my view, pro or con, in respect to any proprietary article, but In the light cf Hood's ParsAparllla being the pmliict of a brother apothecary, will say, Hood's Parsaimrlllatia secured a place in the public confidence ncror attained by anr proprietary medicine Ihnt I hnre handled during an eiperlence of mere than twenty yean in the drug trade. It Must Possess True Merit aa a remedial aoent to retnin It Increas ing popularity aa a household remedy. Theeale of Hood's fanmparilla eioeeds that of all similar preparation combined, of which I keep in slock aom. lifteen or twenty, its Praises are Proclaimed tally at my counter by those who havo bet. benefited by it. many of whom are iier snnal arqnalntamvs." C'LARBNts O. lllOBLOw, Apothecary. Rood'a PUl'a cure liver UK constlpatiun, kUiuuniieda, jauudlc, Mick headache, I'KDIU '114 JOHNSON'S Anodyne Liniment. T ORIGINATED IN I8IO. S!Sf Of ITI ALVCSI a CI8TC8Y. K rT tmrrler, Every family .honlil k-et tt at haml, for til of lift- liable to occur to any MU-. It I. Kwthtnir Hfallng ami t'rrtrtmtlnir. Iwr uiwd nl WmvwruiteU. Ht,UlfMTVWIirv I'rlr.- Sac .fclv f.i. tu.l IMTUculani free. L a. Jult.MltiN A IX'.. BosTon. Mam, The old saying that " con sumption can be cured if taken in time" was poor com fort. It seemed to invite a trial, but to anticipate failure. The other one, not so old, "consumption can be cured," is considered by many false. Both are true and not true; the first is prudent ' one cannot begin too early. The means is careful liv ing. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil is sometimes an important part of that. Let us send you a book on careful living free. flcorr & Bowmb, Chemists, it South jih Avenue, Mew York. . Vour drufmti keep Scntt'f Emulf ioa of cod-liver ail all druggiM everywhere do. i. IS 1ftNNArllllA vciiiirjuys Medical Discover) Takes hold in this order; Bowels, Liver, , Kidneys, Inside Skis, Outside Skin, Driving everything before it thet ought to be out. You know whether you need it or not. Cold by every druzgist, and manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY BOIBTRV, MASS. DR. KILMER'S ,oo Kidney, Liver and Bladder Curt, Rheumatism, IjOmbfliro, pain In joint or back, brick duet la Urine, frequent culls, irritation, inllumntlou, travel, uloeratiuu or catarrh of bluduer. Disordered Liver, Impaired dlirestlnn. (rout, hllllous-hdarhe. Lil'ASsl'-KCO'r cures kidney diltluultld, iaOrtppe, urinary truubio, bright d'nase. ' Impure Blood, Borofula, malaria, gen'l weakness or debility. Siaaraat Use content, of On Rattle. If not bea AUd, lnisaiU will rwfuuil to yob tMt uric mu1. At Drusststa, SOe. Sice, 1 .00 kUe. 'SJnvalkli' Quid to HeaJur'fm-CoBwlution teas, t)U. KlLMKB CO.. lilKUUAMTOM. N. Y. PS WBIOirai - aM mat sLMns IUUIM a eve luamaa.. m vat nortaao. wrlia lei un, A.w. atuOu rrs RUIlf WR0T7OHT BY FLOODS. Thousands of Acre of Wheat Destroyed, Factortia and Villa J Bubmsrged. Kansas City, Mo., May 0. The heavy r.tina which have been pouring down for the last few dnv are having tltoir effect on the Missouri river, ami to-ni;lil that stream is rising very rapidly and la within two feet of the danger line and rising at the rate of an Inch an hour. The conditions are simi lar tothose of 1MI, when most disatroui fjoo l did o much daman? In this part ol the country. The wet wenther sj long con tinue I has caused the wheat to rot in the ground, and it Is reported by the farmers Hint the crop will be almost totally ruined. (ii Tiitur, O. T., MavO. The heaviest rain fall for renrs has fallen fteaclily for !M Imurs. Knit of IMlancIo there was a cloud btirst. causing streams to rise six feet In R few minutes and drowning many cattle. At Oklahoma City the lower part of the city it flooded and much damage has been dune. There are t-everal bad washouts on the rail ways, and In the country so many bridge ore washed awav that mail routes linve lit-eu abandoned. Near Stillwater lliree hou.-et and many barns were destroyed by wind. ProiitA. In.., Mav 0. The river rose to 21 feet last evening, the highest oi lit reached in nearlv half a century. The great marsh dvke, 1') miles long ami protecting 0 strip ol blittnm land two miles wide, gave way up posite I'ekin. A rescuing party was kept linsv all night and bv tliylight had account ed for all tne 'M) families living in the (lis. trirt, with the exception of tieorge Mcliolt nd his family. There are over .V1 people homeless be tween here and I'ekin. Nearly oil house in the? inundated region arc liable to com plete destruction. Small bouse, along the river bank in this city hsve been carried way. The river flood around Alexandria, Mo., and at other places has mbmerged thousand! of ncres of wheat land. Factories in (Ittawa are hopelessly inundated. As the river has fallen but i inches in UO hours, the pros pectsof starting is discouraging. Two Murderers Hanred. I.mi.F litv K, Ark., May ". I,. I). Slaught er ami Tiiomns Itailey were hnneed at noon yesterdny. Hoth executions took place at the same time and o t the sime gallow. The men we -e negroes. Slaughter murder ed his mi st reus In a fit of jealous rage in June, ISiil. Itailey shot and killed o ped dler from Jacksonville, 111., afterwards rob- bine the body. MARKhTS. UTTSIUKO. TIIK WIci.KAI.K I'HH K ARR .IVR!I HEI.OW. iHIN. P1.01 R ASU HiKU. WHEAT-Xo. 2 Ked I W fg 87 Xo. 3 I!ed HO b3 C'OUX No. 2 Yellow ear... W M High Mixed ear 47 4" Mixcfear 44 45 Shelled Mixed 44 45 OATH Xo. 1 White l 87 No. 2 White : 8n No. 3 White 35 80 Mixed 33 85 RYK-Xo. 1 1'aAOhio.... M M No. 2 Western hi KO Fl.urit Fancy winter pat' 4 85 j-nncy spring piiients n o to Fancv Straight winter.... 4 K5 5 10 XX.' Hakers 4 25 4 50 live Floor 4 75 5 110 HAY Kuled No. 1 Tim v.. V. 00 14 50 llaled Xo. 2 Timothy 12 00 12 50 Mixed ( lover 12(0 J2 50 Timothy from country. 1(1 00 18 00 PTKAW Wheat H 50 Oats 7 50 8 00 FF.F.D Xo. 1 W'li Md f) T IS 50 10 00 j:rown Middling in ao in no Uran 10 () 17 00 Chcp 14 50 1H 00 PA1RY l'ROlltVTH. BVTTKR Elgin Creamery 25 27 j-ancy t rea nifty et Fancy country roll 23 25 Choice country roll 15 10 Low emtio itt cookimt.. . . H 7 CHKll--() F'llcr minild 11 12 New t ork doshen 12 Id Wisconsin Swiss bricks.. 14 15 Wisconsin Sweitter 14 15 l.imburgcr 12 13 r 111 'IT AVTt Vl'illTlVI IB Ari'LES-Fancy, V hid.,. 2 75 Fair to choice, V bid.... 2 00 2 50 BEAN'S Select, V bid 1 M 2 00 I'll ,t O Heans, V bbl 1 U) 1 70 Lima ltouns 3 4 OX IONS Yellow danvers V bhl .. 2 50 2 75 Yellow onion, l bbl.... 150 2 0) Srnikli V crate 121 1 40 CAllHAtiK V head 3 4 roTATOKS Choice from store. bu 45 . 4fl Irish on track ?' bn 30 35 Kilndri'dJer'y sweet V bbl 8 2.5 8 60 POt.I.TKV KTO. V tb 14 15 1 'reused ducks V It. 15 1U lireswd turkevs fl lb 10 17 LIVE CHICKENS Live chickens V pr R5 PO Live Ducks V pr 75 t5 Livetieese V pr 1 00 1 15 Live Turkeys Vn 13 H EGliS l'n.t Ohio fresh.... 13 14 FEATHEK8 Extra live Ueese V Hi 50 (10 Xol Extra Jive geese Vlh 4 60 Mixed 25 35 M1FCELLAMOLS. TALLOW Country, V H . . . 4 City 5 8EE1J8 Wett Med'm clo'er 7 75 Mammoth Clover 7 85 8 25 Timothy prime 1 (15 Timothy choice 1 00 Blue grass 2 (5 3 80 Orchard grass 1 75 Millet 1 00 Buckwheat 1 40 1 60 r.A(iS Country mixed ... 1 1JOXEY White clover.... 16 17 Luck wheat 2 15 CWCIXNATI. FLOCR 13 40$ 14 60 WHEAT No. 2 Red 90 W RYE No. 2 80 81 COKX-Mixed 40 43 OATa 30 ai EtrttS 11 12 BUTTER 24 24 rmLAUKLi-iiiA. FLOX'R- 4 70(3 85 WHEAT New No. 2. Red.. 93 W CORN No. 2, Mixed 45 40 OATS No. 2, White 87 38 BUTTER Creamery Extra. 24 25 E(iG8 l'a., Firsts 13 15 MW YORK. FLOUR Patents WHEAT No, 2 Red RYE Western COKX Ungraded Mixed..., OATS Mixed Western.... BUTTER Creamery , EUUS State and l'cnn.... 8 00 Mi Mi ' 45 34 16 13 LIVI-HTOCK HtKlRT. I abt MBiiHTY, rrmmvko srotE TARIM. CtTTI.S. Prime Steers...... Fair to Oood Common Bulls and dry cows Veul Calves Hoavy rough calves.,..,. Fresh cows, per head..'... 4 65 to 4 20 to 8 60 to 1 60 to 4 80 4 60 8 76 8 60 8 76 to 2 60 to 4 00 8 60 20 00 to 60 00 SHKEP. Prime 96 to 100-tt sheep....! 6 60 to 6 25 Common 70 to 75 t sheep... ( 4 60 to 4 75 Lamb 0 80to 7 00 HOU. PbiUdelpbU hog.. Corn Yorker. Rough 00 to 6 20 6 00 to 5 10 i 70 to 0 i. ... An unfortunate feature in wttet power U that it it usually difficult te o proportion or build the machinery that the failure of any one part hall tot effect the rot. With steam plant is ordinarily constructed the break down cf one boiler or engine doe not necessarily disable the other, nd even the failure of the tteam pipe can be guarded against ot moderate cost by duplicates systems, while, k rule, the cost of double dams, raceways, or flume, and gate would be prohib tive, Again, water power being so to speak, a question of luck, cither to be had by good fortune or not to be obtained nt ail, the question a to what it would cost to put in find operate under competition neter de manded investigation. A regard team, thing arc on a very different footing. There i no luck about it, everyone and anyone can have it, and consequently there can be no conceal ment of profit or loss in its use. The experience of year have been gathered and placed in tabular form, to that we can tell just what it will colt for each item in ordinary work, and lor each kind of engine and boiler. 1 do not mean this cost estimated by the par ticular manufactures, or as developed by fancy tests mado twenty, four or fwty-cight hours with one man to hovel coal and one to open and close the door and dampers; with "ill open ing "blanked" off except the one used in test, and with every nerve trained to the point of snapping, but as developed by the experience of years and of hundreds of different ob servers. In this way when a new type of engine or boiler is produced we can at once say it has cost so much to produce power, of which so much was for coal, so much for taxes, so much for labor etc. Now in which item do you save, and liowt Moreover, we can fairly well deter mine if this laving does not spend one hundred and one cents to save one hundred; that is, whether the new de vise does not introduco new features which in themselves cost more than the old. "Electricity,"New York. A Positive Injury. Old Tramp (affectionately) "flow nnch did ye git, Willie." New Tramp "Nary a red," O. T. "Nothln'l What did you trike Mm ferP New Tramp "ITalf a dollar." O. T. (disgusted) "Hah, Yon ama toon is ruinin' the business," Detroit Free Press. Questions Olten Asked. Q. What is Alabsstine A. Alabastine is a PVRABi.a coating for wads and ceilings. Q. Is It tbe Mills as kalsominei? A. It is entirely different from all other priarations ou the marset. Q. Wherein does it differ from these kal somines on the market A. It is made from a cement that goes through a process of setting on the wall, ani grows barter with age. Q. Wbat are kalsoiulnes made fromf A. From whitings, chalks, clays or other Inert powders lor a base, and are entirely depeulent upon glue to boli them on the wnii. Q. Why do kslsomines rub an I scale A. Because tbe glue, being auiniil matter, decays in a short time by exposure to air and moisture, aud the- binding qualities ot ine material are men o-nne. (J. Does the Alabastine contain anv in jurious substance? A. Ainoaaiiae das oeen mosi careruny tested, and Is recommended by leading sani tarians throughout tti country, on account of its sanitary nature. Q. Wbat has the same investigation shown regsi'ding wall paper? A. Sanitarians condemn, In stronz terms, tbe use ot well paper for walls of lmuir rooms, on account ot the poisou used in ita manufacture. Q. Can anything but plain work be don wnu Aiaoaatiner A. Anv kind of work, from plain tintlnz to the most elaborate decorating can lie aone. Q. How can I learn to do this work and decorate my house? A. By writing the Alabastine Company, Grand Rnptds, Mich., for book of instruc tions and suggestions, an 1 Illustration of stencils; also showing six sets of tlntei wall designs, sent free. The train-hoy is the official who "honks" pasengers in Wis country; und be bananas and cnugh-drops them, t'w. Pivk. COPVRICtrlT IK! Tht lest thing to do Is this : when yon'ro suffering from Sick or Biliou3 Headaches, Consti pation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, or any derangement of the Liver, Stomach, or Bowels, get something that relieves promptly and cares permanently. Don't shock tbe sys tem with tho ordinary pills get l)r. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They'ro tho smallest, for one thing (but that's a great thing), and tho easiest to take. They're the best, for they work in Nature's own way mildly nnd gently, but thoroughly and effec tively. ' They'ro tho cheapest, for they're guaranteed to givo satisfaction, or your money is returned. You pay only for tho good you get. What moro can you ask ? ' r But don't get something that tho dealer says is "just aa good." It may be 'better for him, but it's pretty certain to do worse lor you. PATENTS ....e.ffe77't1: taaaowmM ) b free. riesae res ef M eatery. What a bleated thing Is memory I Bow It brings up the pleasures of tb past and bldee Its unpleasantness! You renal I your child hood days, do you not, and wish they would return? You remember the pleasant associ ations, while the unpleasant ones are forgot ten. Perhaps to your mind oomes the lac of some friend. It was once a pale, sad face. It showed marks of pain, lines ot care. It seemed to be looking Into the hereafter, the unknown future. And then you recall bow It brightened, how It recovered It rosy hue, how It becatae a ajclure of happiness and Joy. Do you remember these things? Many people do, and gladly tell how the health re turned, bow happiness came back, how the world seemed bright They, tell how they were once weak, nerveless, perhaps in pain, certainly unhappy. They tell of sleepless nights, mtirs days, untouched fool, un strung nerves. And then they tell bow they beeaiu happy, healthy and strong once more. You nave beard It often in the past have you not? You have heard people de scribe how they were cursd and kept in health? You certainly can remember wkat It is that has helped people in America. If not, listen to what Mrs. Annie Jenness Mil ler, who is known universally as the great dress reformer, says: "Mix years ago, wbsn suffering from mental car and overwork, 1 received tbe most pronounced benefit from the use of that great medicine, Warner's BafeCure." Ab, now you remember. Now you recall how many people yon hsve heard say this same thing. Now you recollect how much you have beard of this great Cur. Now you are ready to admit that memory Is usually pleasing, that the highest pleasure comes from perfect health, and that this great remedy has dune more to produce and prolong health than anv other discovery ever known in the entir history ol tbe whole world. Like an Old Unman. The Ideal type of senatorial dignity and calm, so long imputed to the old senators of Home, is thoroughly em bodied in Senator Faulkner, of West Virginia. He never lounges about the Semite with bis hands plunged deep into trousers pockets, ns If igno rant or unnpprcciattve of the dignity of his surroundings, but preserves an exceedingly impressive gravity of de meanor, lie never rises to bis feet as if violently propelled by a bidden spring, but does so easily and with perfect tranquillity. Ills voleo is dis tinct and never used as a means of hurling abuse at the head of a fellow senator. Every movement is accom plished with majestic grace, and never are his anus set going in the heat of debate or controversy like the fans of a windmill, as sometimes occurs with more excitable poople. Ills features are purely classical, and even the fashion ot his hair is strictly In accord with tho Uotnan typo. Kate Field's Washington. A Vlaorous Speaker, "I don't need to praieo my butter, (aid the dealer. "It speak for itself." "Ye," aisentel the ctj ner, "It uses strong language too. 'etroit Free Pre. The news sen-ice of sortie apers seems to ue largely leicgriii-rnii. mca-. "German Syrup 99 I am a farmer atEdom. Texas. have used German Syrup for six years successfully for Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Pains in Chest nnd Lungs and Spitting-up of Blood. I have tried many kinds of lougu byrups in my time, but let mc say to anyone wanting such a medicine German Syrup is the best. We are subject to so many audden changes from cold to hot, damp wcatuer here, Dut m lamuics where German Syrup is used there is little trouble from colds. Tohn F. Tones. eeoeeeooee Thii s Tin v Pillso m a aa. w m mmm j m w A A ulngl ilfMtB firotlure Irrnrflrltil If- A wultp, ffllnffrhefrriiliirM,riiiliiil nml r Oiiuiiyuirvy j a-ar vtiin ii yuu wrn av hTtre a trmittffr. Tltoy nJoy imp. mitrdj mm jinrMiivivtie l rur, ajts3( A Biinple Cake of SotpnnA l?ft anu iwhuivi liiuHiriiii-u; . . ... 1. i .. -v'.. ft'Hlt-ti for 10c. J nlfo i MniiKurriiii'iiiB, jikd WurU, India Ink ttnd Powder Morks, Heart, fit tlnim.H(vdueu of Suite, Su- r J nn w vnnnu rv i5t5lniiM(.i..(ftnt, V. 42drii.. New York Citr. mnt wuustuiuiii(airiN;taioDc " cr ty letter. nn ainr m nrr.rivrn ilh IMUi. KiiatneTl, and IIiiU which suua U,e hsniK. Iiilnre the Iron, end Uurn ot The Klslns inn tsiiiva fuliab U Urllllant.Odnr leu, Dursijie, snd the entiMiuier ! lor be Uu or glaas packare wlIU every purcbaM. Private European Parties Under tb patron of Mr. AX. I. Praiar, 70 and 71 Olobs Building. Boaton. Tour of eighty, lxty, nfty an4 forty-0v . t'arty for Korth Cap Jun W buud for oltuuiars ami relereuue. m Illustrated Publications, with MAPSatlwRerttiintf Htumiuta, yrt. rlkuts. MuMituift.hlgvba. V fteiilttKlon ttnU Urnjrtm, tii r UKftWV VJtMH M KaT 4NI CHKAP NORTHER PACIFIC R. Bst ALflirulttlllalUl In as- iiR Tlsutiwr labdsil nnw uhrn to kHttUn. Miird rUKK. Adrln tlaA. UmMtM, Um4 . Bs V. ft. 1. tU. fMl. EIm. I'D BIRD MANNA 1 'TbalirtMiHtttriytaf ia Haria Muuulaiu.Ur ttUUWT IUWIlltl aauy. lllnl Miuina Oatitf Dlrila, wlU ir will rustorij m muum ot sktin Kiuim in kusuu UatsUOtf, tJVfm WUUSf Ho. V4d l9 Ui OmutosM Mwd llo-jk W roust, rw . raitJ4HN W.IHOKHIW, 1 .I.sJsVav1 W.nlilon, U.t . dsUiu Bureau, Jyr.lolAsl w, U4JiJkiUiiuUlu, atl) tliiM. VCI I fl I O- - r, ayneusa, W. T.. wmiIs KsslliU I lOeTUthS I sell Huasaaf Stees. unnnniiriv.T, it rift in t njj VA Natleaal Base Ball (Vkeslale. A very neat pocket schedule of thy National Leagu Ball game for 1891 ha been Issued by the proprietor of Johnson' Anodyne Liniment as on of their "Pleasure Serle." The schedule is arrange! af tar th plan of the New England Lssgu Bene lule, published last year by the nm Arm, for hich they own the copyright. It show at glance whtre each game for any day in fie season I to b played. Tbe price of thli schedule i ten cents, and ought to be obtain able of any new dealer. If not, by courtesy of the publisher, t. 8. Johnson tc Co., 23 Custom House St., Bonton, Mis ., the read ers ol thl papsr cm obtain a copy by en closing Ave cents In stampi with their ad dress In an envelops, directed to Johnson' Anodyne Liniment, Boston, Mas. Every body will want one for dally reference. Hunuer for fume lb Forty-day faster. -fuefc. new' Tfcle We offer One Hundred ttallfiea m.h fn. anvraeeof catarrh that ennuut be cured by takluallaU'slatatrh Cure. W. J. CliBKsr at Co., rropt Toledo, O. We. th. nnil.t.l.nwl low. I tp f Cheney tor tbe last U years, and believe tilio penncny uonnra'Jte in an business tranftac lions, and financially able to carry out any oo llitatfiin made by their firm. wnrr lauaJs, vtbolesale Drugnlsta, Tole do, o. W albino. Km aw A Marvin, Whole! lairs Catarrh Cure Is taken Internatl. In directly upon the bond and mucu sur. laoetosiae system, 'jepnmoniuii, sent rre4X fries 7o. per boitla. told by ail d nutlets. The deaf-mute is always ready to take n liana in conversation. t tie. f. n TtrfinhAm. etlttne Pbrt.tlnn tnde. At. lanla, f(a., writes: "1 have used ilradycmtln witn uniHinnit, prompt, deemed rcUel lor Head ache." All druirtrlsts, fifty cents. H. f. Al l IN Co.. HUi l ana street. Mew York, are soie azent in the L'nited States for beeuham's I'lua. Hi du i but. m "PEOMPT AND dL . J" - rusnatkai rd Are Its Prompt and Permanent Cures. .vibu 17, IMS, r.EORC.E C. OSOOnT) cS CO.. RHEUrIATIOiVI. nnifts, Lowell, Mnss., wrote: "Mil, LEWIS PENNIP, 130 Moody Pt., desires to say Hint OliKIN KOUIX80S, a boy of Gninlteville, Mass., enme to his house in IMHl, wnlkiiiR on crutches: his leg; was bent nt tlie I'.me two mouths. Mr. lX'iinis cave him Ht. Jacoii Oil to ruh it. In rix dnys he hud no use for hi crutches and went home cured '''xJwel'h'Stnss., Jn1v9.'r7! "The cripple bovORMN KOniNSOV, cured hr ft. Jiicobs Oil in 1HH1, has reniuined cured. The voiintt man hns been and is now at work every duy ut pinininl lubor." I)K. GKOlitiE C. OSGOOD. , i,ai Alierdeen, B. Puk., Bep'. f, l't "ButTcrcd severnl LAMEBACni years with chronio stilch in the hack: was given up ty doctors. Two bottles of Et. JucoU Oil cured I roe " ' JltliUAN SCIIWAYGEL. Oatftrrk un3 (JoiiT IntlleTIeauliaEse Sore Nose, &a, Oured by " Hall's Erie Oa turh Hemedy, 60 cents at druggists or mailed on receipt of price, Pleasant, Harm less, Convenient, Bond for Free Sample. Address E P. HALL, Erie, Pa. Always specify " ERIE." Take no othflr. TRUIS S1KS LOVELl DIAMOND CYCLES Por Ladiaa Pnaumat ic Ditnend rr.rr.. loss, oi tss., JOHM P. LOVELL ARMS CO.. i Ktuiiiavt'li, liver mit'i b-ow )), 7 liutify Uit) Uood. r wfe and f z rfta.iN frj. ttiU. Trie ot-dt ifOtrml family Z nallun. nTineiiia. tVi.tii nown Brvtitb. Hadsw-ti0, HomLiuin. Loi iif Aim! it. UcntAi Ue,irutvtoD,f Flnf ul btirrMtlrtn. Ilfnotm. Ksvilow j f i.i rrr sTTTonfnm or diesutt rtvultiDdr from 'likKMi.orti iithir hj th- rtomarb. liver or lnUttne :iaesutt rrvuuiDsT irout id xto Nrfnrni their proper functl'mt. Pnnij:lyun U XvrtinTrebeneflU-dbv uklna fcTABri-r fter ZttsM-bnii.sal ttisUI. 1 (CHMwiai 1 botlWlAo. Ad, XOriMBTIlERlPANRCnKHI'ULCO ,W8pnioSt JI.Y., Agrmf antrl riuril I pt'r rvat proll, CeiiaMiiilfci ftiia bvoplt who b witk loofi or Ath B3s,boaIdM Plio'tCsrfifor CoataiopilOQ. Il (Ma ar1 tliitBto. It b not injur i upo. II not b4 to tmh 9. It it lb bil cougb tjrnp. ED BUGS WUI you,drlv. nui tarn LI I, It Bi us or wiu UeJ Dsn IIUdUTCHER'S DEAD SHOT sssvssfF ia a, Duwtr.ui KtUtir. it vura tbfiu uu a nratloo-a It aii la hi- urVintlv uf retura. ana In pruiwitor of Hieep la lc.' kT.uo 4i VVOI4 1vrt,v or uy niwi. VUKU'li Dl'IHIElt A: HON. tt. Albans, VI, OSGOOD'.' SCALES U. S. STANDARD w.l'u. Htl and ( keanesl ua lb Mnrk.t. Llv AQCNTS Wanted la tkl. ( iv. 0S0000 A THOMPSON. Binghimton, II. Y. u c 1 n 1 ou r ra,a ' '' .' nLAUAuilE Rank! av. stsml.H. .wSr'i'l esns Malll m mm, m vm T SUKB, SW JMruatWkU,M. . rev WU ""nilfii i.isisim Jt....fctSiu GARFIELD TEA Hi rcalorMComplaSAOBfCiuviiConatlLiailon, ahme Sftilal Isrsu in Quantity to tUr. Both the method and result when Syrup of Fin is taken j it Is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta Jentlyyet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cloaneoe the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual Constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ao ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial In ita effect, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Bvrup of Figs is for sale in 60o and fl bottles by all lending drug gists. Any reliable druggist who tnay not hive it on hand will pro cure it romptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do uot accept any eubetUutn. CALIFORNIA FfO SYRUP. CO. sah muuavo. rt, uuitvtue. nt. ttm ton. . PERMANENT 1" THE PECULIAR EFFECT8 OF ST. JACOBS OIL El HALL'8 EriE NOT A LIQUID. GO OT3. Look out for Fraud and Oanta. ais strloa Cushion and Solid T ire. Stss. Drop For.inst. SU Adjuftial. BtH B.rirtgi to running psrti. irciuaing rvain. uipniion aiaai. Strictly HIGH ORAVB in Every Particular. Head S eeais la slain for oar 100-p.ire Hfoitrafea nfa-1 itiues, neToirers, Rportis uooqs, era. Mfre., 14? Waihlnjrtos St., BOSTON, MASS- GOLD MEDA1VPARIS, 187a W. BAKER & COS Breakfast Cocoa from which th zcm of oil hita bcttfn rcmoTod, It absolutely pur itt it is Bolitbte, Xo Chemicals iir utl Id Its preparation. It hat mor than thr timet IA ttrengt, of Cocoa rolled with (starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, nd 1 therefor tnt mor eo Domical, totting Ittt than on cent a cup. Itiidllcloui(Bonr Uhlng, MrcnEthnlDtf. XaiiLT Moisted, a ua admirably ad up ted for Invalid M well a for person Jnhvalth. Sold bf Grofr rerywlir. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Maii. FN u 1 1 FRAZER GREASE BEST IN THE WOULD. Its wearing qualities sr. vuturpaMwt, aotaalry eut tail ins tbrc. brixes ot anv nther brand. No sOocu-d Ij bt. r"t;ET TIIK (JtNOINK. OR KALE fV l)IiU.K UkNIkAiXY. Thousands of Womon . restlfv, from pemonal knowledge and experience, tlint as a simple reliable cuts for all form of female complaints, " . Lydla E. Pinkham's ... Vegetable r .'.Compound Is unequalled. Mrs. Mabv A. AllaT, Lvnn, Mass., sast"! suflfered from womb trouble, misplacement, ulceration leucorrhcta, etc. After tisingr few bolt! of Lvdia E. Finkham' Vegetable Cona pound, I recovered ntirety. All iwuijitu nil U. v h y Tt"'' fcn! " It.u.i. "n mtiu ot I. (MB. i v ftsVA "-i. L. .