The Gentlo Ghost of Joy. little while ago foil know lint I was I I A little while ago I knew not you were i you How the swift hours have run by And all the world It new. I hear the young birds sin? In the rosy light of morn Like them I could take wing, And sing aa newly burn. A little whlleYroni now t shall l.i faraway A little Vhlle from now your face I thai' not see But within my heart a ray To light the dnrk will be. Do you not know that pain So and, no tweet, so coy, That cntfifi, and eomm again, The gentle ghost of Jay J Ah, that shall dwell with me, When vour tnce I do not lec ! '-Louise Chandler Monlton, In Indrpendcnt. FOR HETTY'S SAKE. Tlioro bo moro heroes In this world, according to my way of thinking than ever got tnlkoil on In the newspapers, or have the Victoria cross presented to them, or have books written about them after they ore doad ami gone. All the tamo, I've never been nblo to nuike up my mind as to whcihor ono man I've known was a hero or not. Miiybe I'm a heavy kind o' chap, and things don't strike mo so clear as thoy do others; but If I tell you tlio story Just as it happened, you can put what rending you like on it. I'm a miner down Staffordshire way, have been a miner all my life, and reckon I'm likely to stick to tlio pick till some explosion comes along and makes an end of me. I worked with a gang In tho Kino Pits colliery about fifteen years back, and there was one man there who bailod from South Wales as I got pretty friondly with. I've called him a "man," but I don't know If the tiile comes right. lie, was more like a stunted boy than a man, and more like some qucor animal than either. He was a dwarf. lie had a monstrous large head and shoulders, and pair of littlo, bowed, twisty legs no bigger than a child's of nine years old. His backed was crooked ; be bad a lot of hair on his face, as those Welsh men lmvo, and his eyes had a look In (bom as I never got to tho bottom of they wore deep set in Ills head, as black and as bright at a bit of silk atone; and sometimes there would ftrttna n t.ii 4lnm ,1...... w.a.w .. viwuia 1 1 1 ' W lUSIU OUU UUJ4 . I1U III , and ho would stare out before him as though he wcro tranced ; it was a sod look, too, as well as dull, and I never could make out what be was thinking Of then. ' You might think that, being so mis ahapen and little, he wasn't much good in a coal mine; but I can tclj you tlioro wasn't a man of six feet among us stronger than he was. To Ziavo seen him swing his pick would bavo made you hold your breath ; he went at tho work like steam, and be could walk, you see, down some of tho narrow, low galleries wboro chaos like me would have to crawl. I lived along with my father and aister thon. We were precious poor, and father used to say he hoped Hetty would marry some one ablo to keep ber, and so give us a lift that way. Hetty was powerful protty. I've aeon a sight of women, as you may auppoto, in si x-and-thirty years, but I have never soon one that oould come near hor for good looks. Bright and light she was as sunshine, and she bad bit of temper, too. . Ono day a new hand camo to the pit, Jim Mar wood by name ; a pleas antor man to look upon than Jim you never saw. Soe him on Sunday going to chapel, clean and smart, as straight a a polo, with blue eyes looking so frank and smiling, and you'd say he lie had struck up a mighty affection for me before be hid been a month in the gang. ' Yon would have thought 'twas a wonder he had lived so long without me. Ho told me all about his friends and such like most confidential, and I found ont he had to keop his mother and hadn't a sixpence he could call his own. All he told me I told Hetty, and slio wiuld listen, with a lovely color lit ber checks, and go on talking about him after I had stopped, till all of a uddeu It came npou me that him and ber knew as much of each othor as 1 did, and more, too, and liked what they knew to a degree that was con siderable. I w a trlflo put out about it, for I knew be was poor, and it would bo a bad lookout If they was to come to gether; still, as I've said, Tin heavy and (low in most things, and I thought I'd better hold my tongue awhile longer. Well, one day I remember it as (ear as yesterday It was between the lights on a September evening, very quiet nnd still, the statajttst show ing out liko sparkles of diamond light wo get in tho teams nl times. I was smoking my pipe In our back room father was out of tho homo when I heard voices In the other room across tlio passage. It was Malty and my sister talking together. Matty was the dwarf. Ho had a long Welsh name, but we callod him "Matty" in tho general way, becauso of hit rough hair, oud didn't seem to mind tho joke. I knew his voice woll enough. It was not exactly unpleasant, though dcop, with sometimes a sort of crack In It, but anything like it sounded just then 1 never heard bofore. It mniio mo sit up and put my plpo down pretty sudden. "I love you!" ho says to Hetty, "l'vo loved you ever since I've soon you; won't you marry mo? I'd boa good husband to you." She went into a light kind of scorn ful laugh. "Marry you?'' she says. "Why, Matty, you must bo dreaming? Of courao I won't." And then I guessed she gave hor head a toss, with a wny she hud. I got up mid went n step nearer tlio door, for I didn't know how ho might take it, them dwarfs being uncertain creatures. He was silent a minute, then he says: "I'm stunted nnd crooked, I know, but I love you better than any other man will ever love you, and I've a coinfortublo home to offer you." "If you had twenty homos I wouldn't have you," she answers quick. "So do say no more about it." I tldnk ho moved around the room after that, for his voice sounded near to me. Ho spoke short and savage like: 'Jim Marwood's the man that stands betweon you and me. Do you think I've been bill d? Do you think I can't sco that? Jim Marwood has got your heart; and do you think you will ever marry him while I'm nlive?" I got a shiver down the back, and felt round for my stick, for his tono was awful, and I dldu't know what he might do next. Hetty never was the girl to be cowed, and alio flushed round on him tho next moment like gunpowder. "It is Jim Marwood that has got my heart, and I have hit, and I'm not ashamed to say it before you or any man. I know you've got your cottage ami your garden that yon aro so mor tal proud of, and we shall have to wait for years ; but you needn't think you'll frighten me out of marrying him, for you won't; and if I don't in airy him, I'll never marry such a miserable, wicked, ugly wretch as you I So don't flatter yourself I would." And sho gave a kind of sob, and burst out at tho door, and rushed upon our little flight of stairs, and I heard tho door bang and the key turn In her lock sharp and passionate. I we'.ted, still as death, wondering how ho would tako on, and hearing no stir I kind of squinted round tho door post into the passage. Thero he stood in the dusk facing towards the open entry door and the starry sky. A dosporate, hidoous, evil-looking thing, with his monstrous head and shaggy hair and his littlo twistod legs. There was that dull, tranced look in his eyes, and he was staring before him liko I had ofton seon him do In the mine. "She shall never marry Marwood whilo I'm alive. God made me surae as him," I heard him mutter to him solf, and then he went out. I taw him no moro that night, and I didn't let on to Hotty that I hud over heard thorn. The noxt day we were all underground as usual. Somehow or other Matty and Marwood and I found ourselves always pretty close together. He seemed to me to be hanging on to Jim in a way I dldu't like, bearing what I had heard, and I kept as close to both as I woll could, keeping my tools ready to hand, and watching the dwarf out of the corner of my eye. Jim nevor looked taller, nor hand somer, nor straighter than he looked that day. Happy he was as a lark, whistling ovor his work and laughing as llgbt-hearted as could be. I couldn't be light, for there was a curious weight on my mind, a sense as if some mischief was going to hap pen before nightfall. I notice that the dwarf scarce took his eyes off Jim, except at 13 o'clock, whon we stopped for our bits of food, and thon he sat in a corner by himself uuder a trnck and scribbled ou a scrap of paper, with a queer sort of smile on his face. I had the shivers more than once, for ho looked so evil aud so black among tho eoal heaps, aud every now and thon he would talk to himself in Welsh, which I had never beard him do before, and it turned mv btood cold, for it It soundod for oil the world like the Jabbering! of a maniac. In tin afternoon wo got down to a lower level. It was a dangorous part of tho mine, as wo all know, and we kept our Davy lamps pretty light, I can toll you. "There's fire-damp about bore," said one of the men. And a Spark would settle tlio lot of Its, woutdn't it?" said tlio dwarf. They wcro nlmoit the first words be had spoken, and the expression of his face as he said It mado my heart give a turn. "Ah! that It Would," Jim on swered. A kind of sick fear camo over me that our llvos were in the dwarf's power, and hanging, as It might bo, on a thread. Such a longing came over me for a mouthful of fresh air and tho sight of the opon sky as I had never known in the mines before. People warming their toes at their handsome lire on tlio winter nights don't know what it means lo us chaps who have tho digging of tho coal In the depths of tho earth, nnd who put flesh nnd blood In jeopardy every hour to do It. Nothing moro was said about fire damp, however, and that day, the longest dav I had over known, camo round to 0 o'clock without an explo sion. Tho cngos wore ready for us to get up to the top of tlio shaft, and most of tlio men had gone. "You go now," says I to the dwarf. "No!" he answers, "I'm going to stay a little over-time to-night. You all go on, and send the cage down again for me. And look here, give this to your sister Hetty, will you and tell her to open it." He put a bundle in my hand, tied up In a handkerchief. I took It gin gerly enough, for, with such sus picions in my mind, I half expected h might go off In my face somehow. Thon wo touched tho signal rope, and up went Jim and me, and the dwarf stood underneath and turned his face up, watching us out of sight Weill I felt more comfortable when we put our feet on firm ground on top of the shaft, and then sent the cage down again for him. "Wonder what's in that bundle P" says Jim. "Maybe Hetty will tell you some time," I replied, littlo thinking how it concerned him. I took it home and called Hetty to open it. Our cottage wasn't far from tho pits, aud it couldn't have boon above ten minutes since tho dwarf had put it into my hand. Sho undid the knot, and tlioro If you would believe it were tho title deeds of his cottage and a dozen sov ereigns tied up in a piece of canvas, and ihe scrap of paper I hnd soen him scribble on undor tho truck. There wero thoto words on itt "What is hero is for you. 'Ugly and mUorablo' I am, but 'wicked' I am not, I said you shouldn't marry him whilo 1 was alive and I shall keep my word. Think kindly of a dwarf if you can. God made mo as well as him." Wo hadn't got to tho end of tho poor, dirty littlo loiter whon we heard a sound that mado our hearts stand still a long, dull roaring, shaking the floor wo stood on as if it was thunder undor our foot. "An ox plosion in the mtnol" says Hotty, with a face as white as chalk. Wo rushed out. All Kino Titts was out; moii, women and children, screaming and running to the shaft head. Hundreds of tons of solid earth and rock and rubble had fallen in, and under tt all was tho dead, crushed body of that poor creature wo had helped to send from tho world. It was no uso trying to dig him out Ho know when ho opened his Davy lamp and be must have opened it that human holp could never reach thero. He know, when he watched mo and Jim go up In tho cage, that he was staying behind for his doath, and he went to it of his owu free will for the lovo of my sister Hotty. She criod about it for a week and said sho should never be happy ngalu. But I think sho is happy now, for she married Jim, come the Eastor after, and they live in Matty's cottage still, and the gardeu is all abloom with flowort. Might Have Been Worse: Sho I am very sorry, but our on gagomont must cease. I cau novor marry. He My gracious? What has hap pened? . She My brother has disgraced ut? Ho Oh, Is that all. That doesn't matter. I feared maybe your father had failed. rNew York Weekly. LADIES' OF.PARTMtSl. The mask veil. Tho "Yashmak" is the nnmo of tho now "Oriental'1 or mask.voll, so donso its meshes at tho ton that tho features are almost obliterated as far the noso. Tho more transparent lower half of tho Veil, however, per ms the mouth ami chin to bo visible, 'hoso veils aro still uncommon, and qulto a departure from the popular filmy veils so Ions worn, and remind one of the masked footpad. Now oik I'ost. WITCHKItr OF JAPANESE WOMEN. Every one who has been to Japan cntchot the witchery of tho Japanoso women. .They are ut as sweet and pretty ns they can bo. At leant that Is the verdict of all tlio men who go thero and see them In their own homes. i'hoy nre so clean, too, and so willing and so obliging. Whou a Japaucso belle gets herself up to slaughter hearts she stains her teeth blncK let black. Now this doesn't sound vory pretty, but to offset tho blackness sho puts a dash of red pomado i lirlit upon the front of hor mouth, making such a tempting beauty spot that no man at all, cvou though ho bo married and is tlio hoad of a family, cau resist ad miring the lovely bit of beauty. New York Advertiser. A QUEEN IN DIVIDED SKIRTS. Fancy tho ngod (jiiooti of Great Britain anil Empress of India, Prin cess Beatrice, tho Duchots of Con. naught and their maids of honor and .Indies of honor wearing divided tklrt! A lady correspondent writing from Hyerca, France, where the royal party recently rusticated, chronicles tho fact with much fullness of dotal 1. Princess Bentrlco says It is the most comfortnblo dress yet tried at that hilly resort, equally nico for walking and yachting. She Induced hor royal mother to try It, and Her Majesty Is delighted with It. She will wear It In future whenever sho goes to her High, laud rcsidoiico, and possibly, also, in her rambles within the royal precincts of Windsor Castle. Now York Journal. "WOMEN AS MIIRAIUANS. An ofllcial stntomeut bat been sent to the Pittsburg Dispatch by Mary Salome Cutler of snluries paid to all the women employed in twenty-four of tho most prominent libraries in tho country, prominent for their sizo, wise administration and efficiency. Throe huudrod and eighty women are employed In twenty-four promi nent libraries, receiving from $240 to $1500, an average salary of $070. This includes work of all grades nnd the average is greatly roducod by the largo number required to do mechani cal work In comparison with tho few neodud for supervisory and independ ent work. Thirteen women of recognized ability, trained as oppreuticos in large llbrarios or in tho school of experi ence, recolvo from $350 to 2000, an average salary of $1500. The 37 women trained In tho Library School which was opened iu 1887 receivo from $600 to $1300, an avorago salary of $900. The 13 highest salurlos paid io Library School wotnon average $lu90. Seven women as librarians of Siato llbrarios receive from $025 to $1200, an avenge salary of $1000 The 24 men filling similar positions recolvo an avorago salary of $1450. A woman occupying a subordinate position in a library, whore faithful ness, accuracy and a fair knowledge of books are tho only cssoutlals, can expect from $300 to $500. A good cat iloguor, or a librarian with average ability and training, can cxpoct to rc colve from $000 to sj'JUO. A woman with good natural ability and fitnoss for tho work, with a liboral education and special training, can expect $1000 at tho head of a library, or of a do pnrtment in a large library, with a possible increase to $1500 or $2000 Women rarely rocelve the same pay as men for the same work. HOW WOMEN SHOULD HIDE. Half the acoidents to woman origi nate In their owu fright, and the ob ject of lessons is as much to liifute confidence as to give instruction. Any horso suitable for a woman can be ridden and managed with ease by auy one who will keop her head. When her horse is led up to the door, the equestrienne may dismiss all fear aud look with unalloyed pleasure at what lies be f oro her. Many women, es pccially tu tho South, mount from a block. It is a capital thing to leurn, and, with modern short skirts it easy. A woman should be able, at uecetsl ty, to mount from a fence, as she can with a steady horse. If riding aloue, aud ber horse picks up a stoue, sho must get it out or lame him; but un less she can mount unassisted she dares not dismount. Women usually rid'' In company, but In tho country It 1. .roll to bo independent. It is qulto possible to mount a small horso by letting down tho stirrup leather far enough to Insert the foot, but this savors of gymnostlcs. In being mounted It is three-fourths tho lady's spring and ono-fourth Ihe lifting of the cavalier which tolls. Somo littlo womon are heavier in Mounting than a sack of meal, nnd others of greater avoirdupois and no moro strength ticod scarce a finger's oxertlou. Only very muscular men can lift a woman bodily into a saddle, and no ouo llkos to do it. One of tlio worst preparations for a ride is the Irritation caused a man by having to exhaust his strength In mounting his partner. Tlioro aro many methods of holding tho reins. Provided tho curve and sun fib reins aro kept so distinct that each cau bo quickly shortened or longthoucd any method is good. Tho fashion of tho day is to rldo with belli bands, but a woman's horso should guide by tho neck or bit at will. To bo iinnblo to ride readily with ono hand is an absurdity. In any case, hold the hands low. Whon tho seat Is straight and strong the hands can be as light as tho horse's mouth. Tho perfection of riding is to accomplish everything with as slight muscular effort at possible. The bit should bo such as to prevont tho horse fiom boring on your hands and yet not make him restless. The adjustment of the bit to produce the best results Is a matter requiring much judgment aud experience. Every horso bus his peculiarities. Iu company, keep together. Noth ing is so aunoying as to havo your companion ahead of or behind you half the timo. Companions should rido as thoy walk, side by sldo. One of the charms of equostrianiam, con. versation enlivened by tho brisk motion and suggestive surroundings, Is qulto lost unless you koep togethor. Good riders can chat at a rapid trot or an inspiriting cantor as well as at a walk, becauso, whatover their gait, thoy remomber that they ride for com. pausliip as woll as exercise. Lack of familiarity with saddle work Is quick ly betrayod by tho failure to keep abreast Dismounting is about as easy as getting out of a carriage. It may bo done gracefully or ungracefully. An active woman can slldo to the ground without assistance. Bo sure your skirts aro clear of your hone and your feot oloar of everything. The rest comes readily. Now York Sun. FASHION NOTES. Gaiters aro tlio correct thing. Glace batiste is a uow fabric- for gowns. Stone-soled shoos are made for active boys. More trimming is observed la the front of hats. The broad square toe Is conspicuous by i's absence. The newost ornament is a diamond- shaped buckle. Many puckered effects are seon In now cotton goods. In buying fancy silks all-over do- signs should bo chosen. Old-tlmo lawns and organdy muslins are in delightful demand. Drab waistcoats spottod with pink, and flocked with white and tints of bluo and fawn, are wonderfully effective. Four tints sro used Iu somo party dresses, as yellow, blue, pink, green; yellow dominating. Flounces of graduated widths and tiny overlapping bias ruffles will trim many of the new tklrtt, if one may judge from the character of the latest modes. Dots, checks, flowers and numerous other devices are woveu in the new ginghams, which show such dainty colors as canary, pea-green, heliotropo, pale blub and pink. Full bibs of Irish-point lace attached to standing collars formed of over lapping folds of mull or cropo do chine are worn by many fashionable women. Thoy sometimes reach sevoral inches below the walst-llue and are caught to position, the fullness being bunchod under a narrow girdle, a long metal clasp or a suction ot handsome passementerie. As pointed girdles are just now counted the height of good style, the shirt blouso will be very generally chosen instead of the vest for travel ling, for outdoor sports, and for aiore or lets ceremonious indoor wear. A new blouse of this kind is prosonted aud is very effuotivo, whether seen be neath a coat-basque or with au open or purtly open top garment. FOR THE HOUSEWIFE. A OOOD 8TOCKINO PARNEIl. Tlio suggestion is offered ty BttoA n or V ip la clever noodle woman that a betto stocking darner than tho woode porcelain egg or polished solid eup adlscardod slipper sole, or rather ihe solo of a discarded slipper, for the two should remain united. This In serted in the stocking offers a smooth ami more available surface for stretching tho holo over thau any other. Now York Times. PROTECTING DltlED FRUITS FROM INSECTS Dried fruits can bo effectually pro tected from tho attacks of insects by being slightly sprinkled with other by means of an atomizer and then shaken in a wido niouthod glass vossot that has been rinsed with ether. The fruit should thon bo put up In woll corked bottles and kept in a cool, dark place. Raspberries thus trcalod nro not only safo from Insects, but also preserve their natural appearance aud taste, as woll at tho odor pocular to them when dried, that of the oiher uot being per ceptible. New York Commercial Advertiser. A CURE FOR MILDEW. "What is a good euro for mtldow in clothes?'' writes a friend. The best thing is to uso tho ounco of preven tion In timo. When tho evil is done, however, there is no uso in crying over spill; J milk, though it must be admitted that any agent powerful enough to remove mildew or blue mold from liueti Is apt to injure the fabrlo. A solution of the chlorido of limo, such ns may bo used for bleach ing, is perhaps the best remedy. A tablespoon ful should be dissolved in a gallon of cold water, by stirring with a wooden stick. Soak the injtirod garment iu this preparation, moving it about occasionally till the stains are no longor visible, then rinso very thoroughly, changing the water several timet. Now York News. ASPARAOU3 IN TEMPTING) FORMS. There are several ways of, cooking asparagus betides tho familiar one of boiling. It may bo cooked au gratia, in the ovon. For this purpose, boil a bunch of flno asparagus for twelve minutes. Lay it in a baking dish. Moisten it with half a cup of the water in wnicu it was Doueu. urate Parmesan cheuso over it, scasou it well with salt and pepper, sprinkle a tablospoonful of fresh bread crumbs ovor the top with a tnulespoouiul of buttor cut iu bits, and bake in a moderately hot oven for fifteen, mliiutot. Cold boiled asparagus ' is very nico served as a salad with a Frouch dressing or with tho following sauce: Pound il yolk of a hard boiled egg to a patto, add two tea spoonfuls of good vinegar, a salt- spoonful of salt and half the amount of pepper. Add an onion minced fluo. Toss all togother thoroughly and pour It over Ihe cold asparagus. New York Tribune. RECIPES. Potato Croquettes To two teaenp f ills of potato mashed with a vogotable . mashor add two well beaten eggs, ono tablespoon ful of buttor, salt and pepper. Beat until light, then form into flat cakes, roll in boaten egg and broad crumbs, aud fry iu smoking hot fat. Asparagus on Toast Cut the stalks. of equal lengths, rejecting all wood portions. Tie In bunch with strip muslin, and boll until tender, from 20 to 30 minutes. Cut off the crust and nicely toast the bread. Dip each slioe carefully in the liquor iu which tho asparagus was boiled, buttor well, and lay on a warm platter. Spread tho asparagus on tho bread, slightly sprinkle a bit of salt over, and serve. Dandelion SuUJ Wash tho leaves thoroughly through several waters, pick ovor carefully and let remain la cold water over night, Drain and wipe dry ; put in a salad bowl and add the following dressing: To three tabletpoonfult of oil add One of vinegar, one-half tuaspoonful of si and one-half tallspoouful of peppi aim beat together thoroughly. Gar nish with rings of hard boiled egg. Minced Spinach Wash carefully and boll iu a very littlo water until tonder. Drain and chop fltio. Put a tubloapooiiful of butter In a saucepan, and when hot, add tho splnaeh, salt aud pepper to taste, and when hot stir in cream until well molstoned. Spread slices of bard-boiled eggs over the top aud survo. Spinach is also uico served on toast. Prepare aa above, and whon seasoning add ouo hard-boiled ej;g, chopped flue, but no cream. ap ft .1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers