The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 30, 1913, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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ir k. himons,
unices lateiv occupica oy juage aearie
Office. Fnatpr Hullrilnp. All pbh business
Office Liberty Hall building. Honesdale
Office: Relf Building, Honesdale.
Special and prompt attention Elven totbf
Office: Relf Building, Honesdale.
Eye and Ear a specialty. The fitting of emef
Especial Attention Given to
Transit Business.
Have me and save money. Wl
attend sales nnywhero in State.
Address WAYMART, PA.(R. D. 3.
t t
The Jeweler
mn iill - nnn . .
n uuiu nrvc iu sec yuu
you are In the markeH
T "Guaranteed articles only sold."
Designer and Man
ufacturer of
Office and Works
1036 MAIN ST.
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency in Wayne County.
Office: Second floor Masonlo Build
ing, over O. C. Jadwin's drug store,
Want a Situation
Advertising ,1a "Bis"
The Old Duchess Could and Did Swear
Like a Trooper.
The old Duchess of St. Albans, who
had been the widow of Mr. Coutts, the
banker, when the duke, much her jun
ior lu age, married her, was one of the
habltunl visitors nt Talmouth. My first
view of htfr, however, was at the Crieff
hotel, on her way through to Kcnmorc,
when the duchess and her retinue ar
rived In eight carriages; for though' by
birth of no family, she had n most ex
alted Idea of her own Importance ivul
when pnylng n series of short visits to
country houses was so convinced of
the snvage condition of the highlands
that she traveled always with her own
chef and patlssier, who alone were per
mitted to cook her meals at the Inns
she stopped nt on the road.
I shall not easily forget the sight of
the disgorging of the duchess' own
chariot when It pulled up at the Inn
door! First emerged her grace herself,
an enormously fat woman; then fol
lowed her three nieces, daughters of
Sir Francis Burdott, whereof the
youngest and best looking became In
heritress of her wealth, and Baroness
These young ladles, evidently in mor
al terror of their awful relative not
without reason followed the duchess
in single file, dutifully carrying each
some article necessary to her grace's
comfort reticule, cushion, wraps,
books, footstool and bag of toilet requi
sites, the duchess' favorite lap dog and
her pet parrot In a cage. After them
came her grace's private physician,
who traveled always In the same car
riage ns herself, so as to be on the spot,
while the duke preferred the coach box
to the company Inside and no wonder!
All the time the duchess' tongue was
heard going scolding, complaining,
abusing everybody, from her husband
downward, In unmeasured terms. The
unfortunate nieces came In for no small
share of her harangue and earned pain
fully any share of her fortune she may
have left them in her will, for she
swore like a trooper or a Bllliugsgato
fishwife the whole time. Lady Login
in Cornhlll Magazine.
Bunsen's Feat After His Goblet of
Solution Had Been Upset.
The remarkable skill In dealing with
the material of their experiments that
some chemists have is well Illustrated
by the following story told of the great
Germnn chemist Professor Robert Bun
sou: Professor Bunsen evaporated fifty
hogsheads of water from the Durk
holm spring and carefully Isolated
from the residue a small quantity of
the salts of two very rare elements,
caesium and rubidium. lie dissolved
these salts in n small beaker of water
and set them aside on his laboratory
One day n friend came to see Profes
sor Bunsen. Unnoticed by the chemist
his visitor In leaning against the labo
ratory table tipped over the beaker and
spilled its contents on the floor and on
his clothing. The solution looked like
plain water, so the man thought noth
ing of the accident and a few minutes
later took his departure.
Shortly after the gentleman had gone
Bunsen noticed that the contents of
the beaker had been spilled. Instantly
he ran out to the street, overtook his
friend and brought him back to the
With water Bunsen carefully extract
ed the salts from the sleeve of the gen
tleman's coat and his underclothing,
washed his nrm, cleaned oft a drop
that had spattered on his shoe, careful
ly washed the floor nnd the table, col
lected all the solutions together, puri
fied them and on evaporation found
that ho had recovered the valuable
salts! So perfect was his skill that, he
had not lost a welghable amount.
Youth's Companion.
Chinese Idols.
The Chinese, nccording to a mission
ary, are the most exacting of worship
ers. When they pray to their Idols
they ask for definite material blessings
nnd they expect results. The life of an
Idol in China Is precarious. Gifts will
be heaped before it only as long as it
seems to be bringing alnjut the wishes
of its followers. If the shrine falls
upon evil times nnd disappoints its
worshipers their homage soon fades
Not only do the gifts cease, but the re
sentful people of the countryside will
come In a body and smash the Ineffi
cient symbol.
A Change.
"Tommy," said an irate mother to
her incorrigible offspring, "if you
don't behavo I'll glvo you a good
"Well, that'll bo a change, anyway."
replied the little fellow. "All the other
whippings I ever got from you were
bad." Chicago News.
Nothing but Fun.
"now's your wife thes-e days?"
"Well, she has found a soap that
makes washing a pleasure, a machine
that makes sowing delightful and a
contraption that makes sweeping a
dream of bliss. She ought to find life
one continuous round of Joy." Louis,
villo Courier-Journal.
Pa Knew.
"Pa, what's an agnostic?"
"It's one of thoso poems where tho
flrst letters of tho lines spell out n
word. Now run along and let mo read."
Boston Transcript.
Tact is when you cover your mouth
with your hand and make the other
party believe that the yawn was a
rafl. Cincinnati Knnnlror
Method That Makes a Child
Direct Its Own Education.
Claims Big Results.
Koine, founder of the Mon
tessori system of education,
has arrived In this country
to study our systems of education, to
see the work done by hor own students
in different parts of tho country and
especially to give the people of Amer
ica who have expressed an interest In
her system n broader view of tho work.
It Is said that thero are betvyson sixty-five
and seventy teachers in the
United States who have studied under
her and have received certificates au
thorizing them to teach her method.
Rhode Island Is the only state in this
country which has taken up officially
the Moritessori system of education,
nnd there It is to bo Introduced Into
the State Normal school. Miss Clara
Craig, supervisor of observation and
training schools in Rhode Island, was
sent by her stnto to take a four
months' course nt the Montessorl
school, and upon her return the state
officially accepted her report, advising
the adoption of the method of instruc
tion. Tho only other countries repre
sented at the school with her, she said,
were India and Englnnd.
First Experiment Here.
The first "house of childhood," as tho
Montessorl schools are called, In the
United States was started In 1011 at
Tarrytown, N. Y., by Miss Anno B.
George, who now has a similar school
Photo by American Press Association.
In Washington. Miss George was Dr.
Montessoii's first American pupil.
This Montessorl school is still in opera
tion and is in charge of a former as
sistant of Miss George.
Superintendent of Schools Maxwell
and tho Now York bonril of education
have also caught the Montessorl fever,
and a "house of childhood" was re
cently established in Brooklyn for the
purpose of trying out tho system.
American educators flrst had their
nttentlon focussed on Dr. Montessoii's
method of teaching young children by
tho loading article In McCIure's Maga
zine for May, 1911. It was named "An
Educational Wonder Worker," with
"The Methods of Marin Montessorl"
ns a subhead, and was written by Miss
Josephine Tozier.
Thanks to tho publicity given to her
educational message, Mine. Montes
sorl's name is better known in Ameri
ca today than that of Froobel nnd
Pestnlozzl. Her most enthusiastic sup
porters contend that she is even great
er thau these two klndergartners, ns
they had n metaphysical and philo
sophical standpoint, while she is pri
marily a scieutlst and a psychologist.
Dr. Montessorl says that she was tho
flrst woman in Rome to tako up tho
study of medicine nud that it attract
ed n great deal of attention and criti
cism. Finally it was carried to the
ears of Pope Leo XIII. He, however,
gave his approval, saying he could see
no hnrm in it. She was graduated in
1S90 from tho College of Medicine In
Mine. Montessorl has brought to the
United States motion picture films
which will show exnetly how the work
Is carried on in tho Houses of Child
hood in Rome After her series of lec
tures she will return to Rome early iu
The Kontessori Method.
Dr. Montessorl hopes to start in
Rorao a school in which she mny tako
young children and carry them through
a term of ten years or more. It will
bo a laboratory school where tho chil
dren may be studied carefully and
where they will live constantly under
tho supervision of tho instructor. In
Mils school Mine. Montessorl hopes to
havo children of different nationali
ties. Her method of instruction Is so
fundamental, sho says, that it applies
to tho children of nuy nationality.
Tho children under her supervision
now nro from two and n half to five
years old. "Auto-education" is the
jasfs cf her system. She places a
Comes From Rome to Note
Progress In "Houses of
Childhood" Here. t
child in an environment of which it is
the ninstcr. The furniture of the room
Is small. The chfid Is not confined to
n desk and follows its own inclination
as to position. To Insure Its physical
well being and for plenty of fresh air
there are gardens connected with the
Even bnbles are perfectly good If
they are treated properly, says Mme.
Montessorl. "In a' hospital In Rome
thero are in one ward sixty babies,
and thero Is not a sound. If they de
sire anything they ask for It. They
are separated from their mothers, who
are poor and ignorant women and
would not understand that they must
be left tranquil. They are fed every
two hours, and when that time comes
they make a slight noise with their
lips, but they do not cry.."
A child, she says, will recognize a
ray of light when it is seven days
old, and then its psychological life be
gins. Guiding Young Mentality.
A passive, not an active guidance
of the eagerness of young mentality
Is Dr. Montessori's principle, as has
been Indicated. From three years old
up tho child is irrepressibly anxious
to learn. It need never be driven, the
streams of Its ever active intelligence
require only channels to lead It from
tho things It already touches, sees and
hears, to an association with things,
names and ideas that make up the
stock of knowledge of mankind. Rough
nnd smooth detected In tho different
surfaces of cards played with; hot and
cold in tho child's nblutions, high and
low, thick and thin, round, oval all'
abstract ideas gained directly from
concrete experiences in games with
blocks, cylinders, disks, stones, colors
and the familiar furniture of the homo
lead the expanding mind to the knowl
edge that may bo gained from books.
Games of Identifying words with their
objects lead to reading; counting
games to arithmetic.
It was during tho vacation of July,
iOO", That Montessorl considered tho
instruction of children In reading and
writing. Sho had an Inspiration one
day when handing out the cards used
by tho children in distinguishing
rough nnd smooth. That night, with
tho help of the teachers, she cut out
letters In clear, round script. The
vowels were of pink nnd tho conso
nants all of blue. A little strip of
whlto cardboard pasted at the back
of each of the letters precisely at .the'
point whore a guiding lino would be
drawn on writing paper enabled tho
little ones to correct themselves if
they were tempted to put the bottom
of a g on a level with the base of
an o.
All children love to scribble, and
she placed this passion to good ac
count. Sho placed paper under ono of
the tablets with the removable insets
of geometric figures, and having flrst
removed the figure from its frame she
showed the children how to All In the
figure with a crayon. Tho children
flattered themselves that they had
made wonderful circles, ovals and tri
angles. Tho children choose tho letters they
wish to lqarn. "I" and "o" are the
most popular. When a child brings
to the teacher the letter which ho
takes out of a box, he receives its du
plicate in black sandboard on n whlto
card. Tho little oue's finger is then
drawn over tho letter from tho start,
lng point to the finish, while the teach
er says "touch it." Tho name of tho
letter is then repeated distinctly and
Teaching, the Letters.
The child Is encouraged to look well
at tho letters. Then tho lesson pur
sues Its usual course. "Glvo mo an
'1,' " says the teacher; "then glvo mo
'o.' " Then she asks tho name flrst
of ono of them, then tho other. They
are not taught the capital letters until
they havo finished tho small ones. Nor
do they learn letters according to
their regular succession In the alpha
bet. The child will peer into tho va
rious compartments of tho letter box,
nnd its lips can bo seen to move ns
It tries to hear with its inward ear tho
name of tho letter desired.
Although tho ten Angers nro trained
by filling In the geometric outlines and
their eyes have become accustomed to
some, tho children do not know what
they can write. They have, In fact,
learned to write without writing,
Tho usual interval between the flrst
preparation and tho accomplishment of
writing is in children of four years a
month and a half; In children of flvo
years only a month. After threo
months most of them wrlto well, and
thoso who havo been writing six'
months nro equal in their calligraphy
to children of tho third elementary
class in the public schools.
Would Trade Greenland to Us.
Tho London Dally Mall's Berlin cor
respondent says the suggestion has
been made that tho United States ex
change the island of Mindanao, In the
Philippines, for Greenland, now belong
ing to Denmark, and that tho latter
power then transfer Mindanao to Ger
many in exchange for Schleswig, which
belonged to Denmark up to fifty years
In tho matter of estato of Thomas
L. Burcher, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of said es
tato of Thomas L. Burcher has biado
application to the Orphans' Court
of Wayno County for an order to sell
at private Eale for tho sum of Seven
teen Hundred Dollars the real estate
of said decedent, situated In the
Township of Damascus, Wayne
County, Pa., being the same land
which Frank N. Betts et ux. by deed
dated December 31, 190G, and re
corded in Wayne County Deed Book
No. 90, page 586, granted and con
veyed to Thomas L. Burcher.
Unless exceptions aro filed or a
higher price offered, an order of said
Court will be made on the third Mon
day of January next at two o'clock p.
m., authorizing the said Administra
tor to sell the said real estate for the
said sum.
Honesdale, Pa., Dec. 11, 1913.
M. E. Simons, Attorney.
Notice Is hereby given that an appli
cation will be made to the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Wayne County, on the 7th
day of January, 1914, at ten o'clock a. m-
under the provisions of the Corporation
Act of 1874 and Its supplements, for a
charter for an intended corporation to
be called the Honesdale Business Men's
Association, the character and object of
which are to co-operate for the benefit
of all; to abate trade abuses; to dis
seminate useful information; to expose
fraud and adulteration; to watch and in
fluence legislation toward the better pro
tection of our capital; to assist mem
bers in collecting delinquent accounts; to
protect them against fraudulent custom
ers, nnd to encourage the observance of
the Sabbath and all legal holidays; and
for these purposes to have, possess and
enjoy all tho rights, benefits and privi
leges conferred by the said act and tho
supplements thereto.
Honesdale, Pa., Dec. 15, 1913. 101w3
By virtue of an order of Orphans' Court
of Wayne county, mado this 16th day of
December, 1913, I will sell at public auc
tion, to the highest bidder on the prem
ises in Hamlin, Wayne county, Pa., on
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 11, 1014,
at 2 o'clock p. m., tho following described
real estate, being the property of Eugene
Mitchell, late of Salem township,' de
ceased: All that certain piece or parcel of land
situated in the township of Salem, county
of Wayno and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to wit:
Beginning in the Belmont & Easton Turn
pike; thence by lands of Sablnus AValker
north eighty-eight and one-half degrees
west ten rods to a post thence along the
lands of the said Sablnus Walker south
two degrees west fourteen rods to tho end
of stone wall; thence south eighty-eight
and one-half degrees east ten rods to the
Belmont & Easton turnpike; thence along
said turnpike fourteen rods to the place
of beginning. Containing six-eighths of an
acre of land, be the same more or less.
Being the same land which Angellne Wil
liams by, deed dated February 18, 1913, and
recorded in Wayne County Deed Book
No. 101, page 401, granted and conveyed
to Eugeno B. Mitchell.
Upon the said premises are a two
story frame dwelling house, frame barn,
and other out buildings.
Terms of sale, cash.
M. E. Simons, Executor.
Attorney. 102w3
Estate of
Late of Clinton.
All persons indebted to said es
tate aro notified to make immediate
payment to the undersigned;- and
those having claims against tho said
estate are notified to present them
duly attested for settlement.
Waymart, Pa., Dec. 13, 1913.
Fred E. Lawyer,
Late of Honesdale, deceased.
The undersigned an auditor ap
pointed to pass upon tho exceptions
to account and to report distribution
of said estate, will attend to the du
ties of his appointment, on
TUESDAY, DEC. 30, 10 A. M.,
at his office in tho borough of
Honesdale, at which time and place
all claims against said estato must
bo presented, or recourse to the fund
for distribution will be lost.
WM. H. LEE, Auditor.
Honesdale, Dec. 5, 1913. 99w3
Notlco Is hereby given that the annual
meeting of 'the Wayno County Farmers'
Mutual Fire Insurance Company will bo
held in the office of tho company In
Honesdale on
at ten o'clock a. m. for tho transaction of
general business and that an election will
be held at the same' place of meeting be
tween tho hours of one and two o'clock
p. m. of said day, for tho purpose of
electing ten members of said company to
act as directors for tho ensuing year.
Every person Insured in said company is
a member thereof and entitled to one
Honesdale, Dec. 15, 1913. 101w3
the Judge of tho several Courts of
the County of Wayno hus Issued his precept
for holding a Court ot Quarter Sessions, Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery In
and for said County, at the Court House, to
begin on
to continue one week:
And directing that a Grand Jury for the
Courts ot Quarter Sessions and Oyer and
Terminer be summoned to meet on Monday,
January 12, 1914, at 2 p, m.
Notice is therefore hereby clven to the
Coroner and Justices of the Peace, and Con
stables ot the County ot Wayne, that they be
then and thero In their proper persons, at
said Court House, at 2 o'clock in the after
noon ot said 12th day ot Jan., 1911. with their
records, Inqulsltlons.examlnatlous andother
remembrances, to do thoso things which to
their ottlces appertain to be done, and those
who are bound by recognizance or otherwise
to prosecute tho prisoners who are or shall
be In the Jail of Wayne County, be then and
there to prosecute against them as shall be
Given under my hand, at Honesdale, this
22d day ot Dec. 1913. and in the 13fith year
ot tho Independence ot the United States
Sheriff's Ulllce I
(Tonesdule. Dec. 22, 1913. - J 103wl
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of tho Mllanvillo Bridge Com
pany will be held at the store ot T. J.
Fromes in Mllanvillo on Monday,
January 12th, at 10 o'clock a. m.
CHAS.. E. BEACH, See'y.
HEAL ESTATE By virtue of pro
cess Issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Wayno county, and State ol
Pennsylvania, and to me directed and de
livered, 1 havo levied on and will expose
to public sale, at the Court House In
Honesdale on
All thoso two certain pieces of land sit
uated in the Township of Canaan, county
of Wayne and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: THE FIRST Beginning at stones
tho northwest corner of a tract
of land formerly of Asa Stanton; thenco
south eighty-seven degrees west thlrty
nlno rods to a corner in tho west line of
land late of Nerlah Colbath; thenco
south forty-four degrees east sixty-seven
and three-tenths rods to stones corner;
thence north seventy-one and one-half
degrees east nine and one-half rods to a
corner on the west lino of the "Elk For
est" tract thence north twenty degrees
west fifty rods to the place of beginning.
Containing seven acres and one hundred
perches, be the same more or less.
THE SECOND Beginning at east corn
er of the James Chapman tract at a
fallen beech, a corner of the "Elk For
est" Manor; thence south flfty-flve de
grees west one hundred and twenty-four
perches to a stones heap on the moun
tain; thence north forty-five degrees
west, one hundred and thirty perches
to a stones hean on the ton of tha moun
tain; thence north forty-flve degrees east
one hundred and twenty-four perches to
stones heap by a chestnut trco at the base
or me mountain; tnence south torty-nve
degrees east one hundred and thirty per
ches to the place of beginning. Con
talning one hundred acres strict measure.
Being the same land which Frederick P.
White et ux. by deed dated March 14,
1891, and recorded in the offlce for record
ing deeds in and for Wayne County,
Pennsylvania, In Deed Book No. 75, page
227, etc., granted and conveyed to Calvin
D. Davis and Idella Davis, and the said
Idclla Davis by deed dated September
18, 1910, and recorded In Wayne County
Deed Book, No. 101, page 272, granted and
conveyed her undivided interest therein
to Calvin D. Davis. And being the samo
land which Calvin D. Davis and Ida
Davis, his wife, by deed dated Aug. 17,
1911, and Intended to be recorded, grant
ed and conveyed to Vina It. Goodrich.
On said premises is a story and a half
house, one barn, 30x40, and other out
buildings. Seized and taken in execution as tho
property of Vina It. Goodrich and Alva
R. Goodrich at the suit of Calvin D.
Davis. No. 281, June Term, 1912. Judg
ment, $2100. Simons. Attorney.
All that certain lot or parcel of land,
upon which there is a dwelling house, sit
uated in Texas township, Wayne county,
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows: BEGINNING at the corner of
Lots No, 60, 82 and S3 In tho allotment of
Stephen M. and Ezra Genung out lots;
thence by lot sold to Henry Plttston and
George Miller, being lot No. 83 In said
allotment, west 9-75 100 rods to the eastern
line of a street three rods wide, on which
this road Is located, leading from Hones
dale to the Milford and Owego Turnpike
near A. Farnham; thenee by the east
ern line of said street, north four and ono
half degrees east 4-1 100 rods to a post
corner;, thence by said lot No. 81 south
four rods to the beginning. Comprising
said lot No. 5.0. Containing thirty-eight
perches, more or less.
(Proviso That this deed is given that
said Mary Shields concedes eighteen in
ches of land from the house between
Benedict Kerl and the place he now
bought by this deed).
And being the same land that Benedict
Kerl by hra deed dated the 15th day of
April, 1891, recorded In tho office for tho
recording of deeds in and for Wayne
County, In Deed Book No. 73 at page 291,
granted and conveyed to Mary F. Shields,
and being tho sime land that Mary F.
Shields by her deed dated the 21th day of
August, 1912, granted and conveyed to
Joseph F. Schilllnger and Lena Schilllng
er, his wife, said deed being recorded in
tho office for the recording of deeds in
and for Wayno County in Deed Book No.
101, at page 22.
The land is all Improved and has upon
It a good dwelling house and other im
provements. Seized and taken In execution as the
property of Joseph F. Schilllnger and
Lena Schilllnger at the suit of Charles A.
McCarty, administrator of Winifred
Gaffney, deceased. No. 123 October Term,
1913. Judgment $2,000. McCarty, Attor
ney. ALSO
All tho defendant's right, title and in
terest In the following described property
All that certain piece or parcel of land
situate In tho township of Salem, county
of Wayne, State of Pennsylvania, and be
ing on the south side of the road leading
from the little chapel to Stocker's corner,
beuinninc on the south side of the road.
two and 19 twenty-fifths rods from tho
north-east corner of tho house thereon
at a heap of stones; thenco running south
eighty degrees west eight rods to a heap
of stones: thence north seventeen degrees
seven rods to stone; thence north eighty
degrees east eight rods to heap of stones;
thence south seventeen degrees east sev
en rods to the place of beginning, con
taining fifty-six square rods more or less.
Being same land which Geo. F. Chapman
and wife conveyed to Fred F. Chapman
bv deed dated 18 Nov.. 1898. and recorded
in Deed uook i, page tzv.
one-half story house and other improve
ments. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Fred F. Chapman at the suit
of Harriet S. Sutton. No. 112 October
Term, 190D. Judgment, ?200. Mumford &
Mumford, Attorneys.
TAKE NOTICK All bids and costs
must be paid on day of sale or deeds will
not bo acknowledged.
Honesdaln Pa., Dec. 22. 1913.
REAL ESTATE By virtue of pro
cess issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Wayno county, and State o
Pennsylvania, and to me directed and de
livered, I have levied on and will expose
to public sale, at tho Court House in
Honesdalo on
SATURDAY, JAN. 10, 1011, 2 P. M.
All tho defendant's right, title and In
terest in tho following described property
All that certain piece or parcel of land
situate In tho township of Mount Pleas
ant, county of Wayne and State of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as fol
lows: Beginning on the west ditch of the
Lackawaxen turnpike thirty links north
of the north line of tho old Stanton farm
so called at stones corner; thence south
sixty and one-half degrees west thirteen
and two-thirds perches, to stones corner,
thence south seventy-nine and one-half
degrees east six perches to a stones corn
er; thence north sixty and bne-half de
grees east thirteen and two-thirds per
ches to stones corner; thenco north twenty-nine
and one-half degrees west along
the west side of the said turnpike six per
ches to the place of beginning. Contain
ing eighty perches of land more or less,
and being tho same land which Miletus
Brown by deed dated the 7th day of June
A. D. 1895, and recorded in Deed Book No.
79. page 111. granted and conveyed to De
borah L. Eade. Upon said premises is
a 1 1-2 story framo houso and frame
Seized and taken in execution as tho
property ot Deborah L. Eade at the suit
of Mary L. Silsbee. No. 112. October
Term, 1912. Judgment, J232.70. Mumford
& Mumford, Attorneys.
TAKE NOTICE AH bids and costs
must be paid on day of sale or deeds will
not be acknowledged.
Honesdale, Pa., Deo. 19, 1913.
Dec. 18, 1913. 102wks3
Estate of
Late of Buckingham.
All persons indebted to said es
tate are notified to make immediate
1. 1. I 1 I I i. i. ,
duly attested, for settlement.
jSinrngnt, pa.
December 8, 1913, 99wG