The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 30, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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ants, For Sale, Etc.
TELEPHONE your Want Adver
tisements (or this dhDartment
Use either phono. Call 1(7 on the
Bell and 101 n the Consolidated.
"Talk, don't walkl"
kinds nlaced In this column will be
iiitnif nn nrivfirtlRmpntB to be Drtnted
mis uuiumu, cuau ui oiwiy niuofc
npaiur uio oruer.
ltij w jiz lLt lor uunerui iiuuoe
Heumann's restaurant. iiwm
OICE CULTUHE taught by Mrs. J. m.
Archer, 208 Sixth Street, Honesdale.
Ull UAlll'liiNTliaUiNU wont vunieu.
This means the odd little Jobs about
Hour or utty. uiui iu
kV llnnaannln 1'n If. 11. 'Z. 1UZP11L
nn ratf Thrin rnira bred Holsteln
.i,n pntvoQ wll hrpd and sons of
i. klnil anrt wnll broken. All more
i.n. i.innlp Wf-ttn frtr nrlpo find
rticuiars to li-asewoou riiriu, uiiiiut.
cloth, ana printing 01 an mus
farmer Is made a specialty at The
ana decorating worK wamea uuiiiib
wintpr mnnths. Ileasonable nrlce per
trt .lnmott i:nnc. unnesuaie. l'u.. i.
9 102eltf
BEAUTIFUL, line of Music Satchels.
nn KATTC 1 nnsn Tiurner Coal Stove:
one Oil Stove. Inquire at Electric
wei.VE PAIRS? OP WINDOW blinds
4 1-z x 14 inches, praciicany as
TTTITMn trio ultitnr mnnths. In order
to Keen kuhik. i win uu juui juu
iwifiiif. ut uuuu uuiuco wwunt
.T. KEi.LY nroDerty on West street
i . . . ri ' -- . I n . . 1 1 .1 1
. . - - C"! I .
noon all-around horse for sale
cheap. F. A. Jenkins. 102eltf
OR RENT One seven-room house
with improvements. HU mver street.
cob Demer, Church street. 93eitf.
OR SALE Brick house and lot 60x160,
1321 East street, known as Kenner
AVE you a house you want to rent,
fit" n fnrm vnn wnnt in anil? TaII
r rpanprs nil jinnur. ir ifir niiiR uu
OR SALE At the carriage rooms of
E. T Smith, a practically new and
Implete cut-under surrey. The owner
cis no turtner use ior it. lusti
' HAT'S the use of fret and worry over
senseless cares and strife? Use
lese adlets In a hurry, let them smooth
lur path of Hie.
OR RENT Too floor of Foster build
lng opposite Union station, suitable
loathe rooms, audiv Ueorae I'osier
Itf. ......
lnc 6 per cent. Interest on two prop-
lbs In Honesdale. Owing to the death
noiaer or mortgage it was piacea witn
liuy-u-A-Home Realty company.
Inesdale, Pa., for disposition. TStf
IL popular sheet music 10c copy. By
nan it cents. i. a. jenKins music
VV FISH for sale Inquire of Chas.
k. uoyu, uoyus anus, luzen
I)Od condition, used only a month,
model. Bargain for quick buyer,
ss F, Citizen offlco, Honesdale, Pa.
Honesdale and
ireater Honesdale
3orn, to Ilr. and Mrs. Paul
h, a son, December 24 th.
iThis Is surely Ice-making weath-
rhe mercury was 7 degrees be-
bero Sunday morning.
bhampion grange, of GIrdland,
liold their annual oyster supper
fiance in their hall, New Year3
V little girl arrived Christmas
ji homo of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Ion. Tyler Hill. She has been
Ml Dorothy P.
heigh bells were heard for the
lime this winter on Friday.
six inches of heavy snow fell
tmns night, which ought to
a good bottom for sleighing.
is evident shopllftinc is not
led to the- largo cities. Some
hade themselves a present of a
bio watchcharm from Row-
Jewelry storo on Tuesday eve-
fwhile the storo was crowded
If the present cold weather con-
Ii, tho Borden's Conrtenfipil Mlllr
Eany will start to harvest their
ler SUDDlv of Ico thn Inst nf Milo
land first of thn fnll
Ivill want to hire men, teams and
its to nam the ice from the
uood wages will bo paid.
Iln Wilkes-Barre it is tho inten-
of the local health officers to
10 a tOUr Of thn nfllpRS fnrtnrloa
lall public places in tho city after
fary isi, 10 ascertain if the state
prohibiting the roller towel and
vv uruiKing qup is ueing observ-
i huh snouiu uo uono in every
hJrOnrOO COUntV niltn nwnnro urn
g to solve the good roads prob-
i tnemsoives. At a meeting re-
IV held it was llopldnd tn fnllr
Itho plan of Missouri autolsts and
Rinio overaus anu work on tho
s. Within tho next few
fa force of tho auto owners ex
tn pot tn wnrlr nn tlio
I road and eliminate tho grade
(-The heavy snovof last Thurs-
nlght loaded down several trees.
Faking the branches of many. As
To result of nn overladen tree a
I reck nearly occurred at Whites on
ho Honesdale branch of the Dela
aro and Hudson railroad. Jael
irnold, engineer of the C:50 pas-
lenger train discovered tho obstruc-
lion in time to avert a wreck by ap
plying tno emergency brakes. No
ne was injured and tho tree was
lemoved by the crow.
If y6u are a citizen of Hones
dale or Texas township, and are un
der 45 years of age, tho assessors of
these respective places desire your
name for tho military roll.
The recent heavy storm played
havoc with tllo telephone and elec
tric wires: For several days after
wards tho linemen assiduously work
ed to get tho 'phones In their proper
Bradford county has another
murder case on hand. Samuel
Wheeler, a farmer residing about
two miles west of Bentley Creek,
shot George Kline, a neighbor,
through tho heart with a shot gun a
few mornings since. Wheeler has nn
ungovernable temper, and getting In
to a tantrum at about 4 o'clock in the
morning, ho made it so dangorous for
his aged "mother and sister, with
whom ho resided, that they sent for
Kline to quiet him. As soon as Kline
entered the room Wheeler drew an
old shot gun and shot him through
the heart. Wheeler served one term
of two years in state's prison for as
saulting Frank Thomas.
In a letter to tho conference of
the International Anti-Vivisection
Congres1- held at Washington, Sena
tor Gah . ;er of New Hampshire,
who is a physician, said there was
every reason to believe that in some
hospitals the pauper children were
" innoculated with loathsome dis
eases to see the results that will fol
low." He expressed himself as op
posed to vivisection except under
strict regulations. The senator
said he had learned that school chil
dren were taught to inflict needless
suffering on dumb animals to ob
serve facts which had been proven a
thousand times. Thousands of phy
sicians, he declared, are opposed to
Fred Doney, of Park street, is quite
ill of pneumonia.
Florence Iteid is spending tho holi
days at her home In White Mills.
Miss Clara Bergman wag a recent
guest of iMrs. Nessham In Olyphant.
Cashier and Mrs. L. A. Howell and
family spent Christmas with relatives
In Scranton.
Postmaster M. B. Allen spent
Christmas at the home of his niece
in New York city.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wright and
family spent Christmas with rela
tives in Carbondale.
Mrs. Louis Korb of Grove street,
is a guest of her daughter, in Brook
lyn, N. Y.
W. H. Terrell, of Atlantic City,
spent the holidays at the homo of
Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Butler.
Miss Emma Bone, of Dunmore, is
a guest of her sister, Mrs. E. B, Call
away, on East street.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Demer,
of Great Bend, are guests of rela
tives in Honesdale.
George C. Blnlce has been confined
to his home on Terrace street by ill
ness during the past fow days.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Gardner of
Carbondale were recent guests of Mr.
and Ms. Lewis Bruner, of Carbondale.
Miss Emma Hess spent Christmas
with her sister, Mrs. Samuel Miller,
a resident of the Bronx, New York
Mrs. Wm. Dodge left Friday for a
few days' visit with friends in
Wilkes-Barre, Scranton and Carbon
dale. Cashier and Mrs. C. A. Emery and
son were guests of relatives in Scran
ton a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Brunner, sons
Arthur and Lewis, Jr., of Carbondale,
were guests of relatives in town over
Miss Harriet Arnold, of Swarth
more, is spending tho holiday vaca
tion with her parents and friends
William Bergman, of Great Bend,
has been a guest of his mother, Mrs.
George Bergman, at East Honesdale
the past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. James Bush will en
tertain a number of their friends at
their home on Sixteenth street Tues
day evening with a dinner.
William II. Hawkins and his
daughter, Lactea, departed Saturday
for a ten days' sojourn in Wilkes
Barre and vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fox and two
children of Hagersvllle, Can., are
spending the holiday season with rel
atives in Honesdale,
Mr. and .Mrs. Samuel Dodgo of
Grove street entertained a party of
sixteen relatives and friends at din
ner on Christmas day.
C. H. Hannum, tool designer of the
Gurney Elevator works, will spend
tho holidays with his wife's parents
at Wilmington, Del., returning about
January 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dailey, of
Deposit, N. Y., are guests of the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har
rison Dailey, at this place.
Miss Mary Parker and brother,
Weston Parker, entertained a num
ber of their young friends with a
dinner at Mrs. William Briggs' Mon
day evening.
The Missof Menner have issued at
tractive Christmasy Invitations to
their friends for cards and a "dan-
sant" on Tuesday evening at their
homo on Second street.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Davis, of
Itoslyn, N. Y., spent Christmas with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W.
Baker. Mrs. Davis will extend her
visit for a few days.
Louis Wagner and his son, Wal
ter, are visiting tho former's sister in
Brooklyn,, N. Y whom ho has not
seen in thirteen years. They will
spend about two -weeks in the metropolis.
Mr. and iMrs. T. J. Parker spent
Christmas with their children, Wes
ton and Miss Mary Parker at thoir
home hero. Mrs, Parker returned on
Monday, but Mr. Parker will remain
for a fow days.
Mlllard Sherwood narrowly es
caped serious Injury last Friday
morning. Ho was shoveling his walk
and right after ho changed his loca
tion a heavy limb of a tree overhead
foil to tho ground.
Mrs. John Igo is critically 111 at
her home atBlandin.
Giles E. Schenck was .a caller In
Scranton on Christmas. .'!
MIbs' Lena'- Carlln,'' of '"plttston, Is
the guest of friends here'.'
C. E. Volkhart spent Christmas
with his family in Philadelphia.
Wm. Cummisky spent Christmas
with relatives In iNewurk, N. J.
Orvillo Wels'h spent Christmas
with his parents at 'fyler Hill.
Miss Cliurlotte Allenouciier spent
part of Diiiisimus Uuy m Scranton.
Edmund Finerty, of Wllliamsport,
was in town on Uuristinus day.
Miss Mary Menner of Brighton, N.
Y., is a BUust or ner purents here.
Air. una Mrs. Micnael Cannon spent
Christinas in Curuondale with tnqir
Walter Campbell, of Scranton, was
a guest of reiutives in town on
Christmas Day.
Norman Decker, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
spent the holidays with relatives and
friends in Honesdale.
Mrs. Keefer, of Scranton, visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. a. Eber
hardt, last week.
Vice Principal and Mrs. It. ,T.
Davies spent the holiday season at
the National capital.
Fred Hillcr, of York, is spending a
few days with his parents, Mr. ana
Mrs. Rudolph Hlller.
Attorney C. A. McCarty spent part
of Monday in Scranton, wherq he was
professionally engaged.
Miss Mary Oday of Cortland, aunt
of Professor and Mrs. H. A. Oday, is
spending a few days here.
Miss Ina Babbitt, of Scranton,
spent the week-end at the homo of
George Searles, High street.
Vincent Kllroej New York City,
visited relatives in town and Tan
ners Falls during the holidays.
Norman Bodie went to New York
City on Monday where he will con
sult a specialist regarding his hear
ing. Miss Emma Sandercock spent Sun
day in Hawley with Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Male of that place.
Fred Booth, of New York City,
spent the holidays with his mothei,
Mrs. Henry Gumnioe at Torrey.
Elton Layton, who is working in
tho Farmers and Mechanics bank,
spent Christmas with his parents in
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Menner and
son Kobert, of Peckville spent a few
days last week with relatives in
Miss Anna Reed returned to her
work as stenographer in Binghamton
after spending Christmas with her
relatives here.
Master Jos. Houck and sister,
Florence, are spending a few days
with their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. S. Fryer.
Fred Krantz, who Is employed by
the United Machine Company of New
York, spend Christmas with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Krantz,
in Honesdale.
Rufus H. Frisbie, one of Wayne
county's oldest Odd Fellows, having
been a member over GO years, died on
Thursday last at his home in Varden.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Swoyer and
family were guests over Christmas
of Editor E. D. and Mrs. Lathron.
Mrs. Swoyer and two daughters will
remain for a week.
Mrs. J. S. Brown, who has been
confined to her home with a light at
tack of diphtheria, has so far recov
ered so as to leave her room and go
down stairs.
Hon. A. T. Searle left Monday af
ternoon for Philadelphia where on
Tuesday ho will attend an executive
session of the State Bar Association,
of which he is a member. j
Dr. A. W. Smith, of Scranton, per
formed an operation upon the arm-of
Frank JIcKanna who has typhoid fe
ver, Saturday. Mr. McKanna Is get
ting along as well as can be expected.
Mrs. C. H. Woodward, of Hawley,
and daughter, Miss Nellie Woodward,
a superintendent nurse In the Roose
velt hospital, New York City, spent
Christmas with relatives In Peck
ville. Robert Gray, late of 'New York
city, operated the key at the West
ern Union Telegraph offlco on Christ
mas In the absence of A. W. Larra
bee, of Starrucca, who spent the day
at home.
Prof. H. A. Oday, County Superin
tendent J. J. Koehler and Prof. R. T.
Davies are attending the Pennsylva
nia State Educational Association
convention In Pittsburg. The ses
sion opens on Monday and closes
Henry Brown, manager of tho Mo
hican Grocery store, of Troy, N. Y.,
returned to that place on Sunday af
ter a few days' visit with friends and
relatives here. Ho was accompan
ied by his wife and little son who
have been visiting hero for some
time. .
When In 1S65 tho cholera broke
out In Paris, among those who of
fered their service's for the terrible
conflict was Louis Pasteur, then pro
fessor in the Ecole des Beaux-Arts,
and already famous in tho scientific
world. With two assistants, Pasteur
established himself in tho attic of
one of the hospitals above the chol
era ward, and there carried on his
experiments with tho diseases. One
day a friend spoke to him of the
work he was doing. "Experiments
of that port require much courage,"
ho said. Pasteur's answer was in
three Words: "What nhnut ilntv?"
ho asked, quietly. It wns a grand
answer, because tho whole man
stoou oeninu uie woras. it was tho
test with which Pasteur met every
thing that life offered him; whoro
duty called, no matter what tho toll
or dancer or dlscnmfnrt. thn mnn
obeyed. His genius he never count-
ou iub own; u was a girt to be held
in trust for the world, and magnifi
cently llO flllflllofl bin trimt Thn
world is his debtor not alone for his
discoveries, but for his character.
One may not possess Pasteur's
cannot, If he will, meet life with his
great question: " What about duty?"
Charles H. Clark; aged forty years,
of Pleasan,t Mount, died Sunday af
ternoon at 12:30 o'clock at the home
of his sister Mrs. John McCusker, of
1G4G Adams avenue, Dunmore, fol
lowing a brief illness. Deceased was
a farmer at Pleasant Mount.
Mr. Clark was married two months
ago which adds to the sorrow of his
death. He Is survived by his wife
and four sisters, Mrs. McCusker, of
Dunmore; Mrs. J. R. Fleming and
Mrs. J. J. McAndrow, both of Scran
ton, and Mrs. E. F. Riley of Omuha,
Neb. The body was take on Mon
day over the O. & W. to Pleasant Mt.
where the funeral will be held on
There will be four eclipses in 1914,
two of the sun and two of the moon,
and a transit of the planet Mercury
over the sun's disc.
February 24 there will bo an an
nular eclipse of the sun, visible In
tho Southern Pacific and Antarctic
On tho evening of March 11 and
morning of March 12, there will tie a
partial eclipse of the moon, visible
throughout North and South Ameri
ca, and partially in Europe and
Africa. This eclipse will take place
at the moon's descending node, tho
moon passing from west to east,
through the southern part of the
world's shadow, leaving only a small
portion of her face uneclipsed. The
moon will enter the penumbra at
8:41 p. m., .March 11, eastern stand
ard time, and tho shadow at 9:42
p. m.; middle of eclipse, 11:13 p. m.;
moon leaves shadow at 12:44 a. m.,
March 12, and the penumbra at
1:45 a. m. For central time deduct
one hour.
There will bo a total eclipse of the
sun August 21 at sunrise, visible as
a small partial eclipse to the north
eastern part of North America as
far south as Washington, also In
Europe, northern Africa and the
western half of Asia. The path of the
total phase passes the Arctic regionu
between Norway and Sweden, south
ern Russia and Persia.
September 4 there will be a par
tial eclipse of the moon, visible to
Australia and the greater part of
Asia, and in part to the western por
tions of Africa.
A transit of the planet Mercury
across the face of the sun will occur
'November 7, and will be partly visi
ble here, the sun rising with Mercury
on its disc. If one looks at the sun
through an opera glass with smoked
or stained glass he may observe a
small, round black spot on the disc,
which is the planet.
The planet Mercury, the star near
est to the sun, will be brightest as an
evening star February 15 to 20, and
October 17 to 23. As a morning
star it will be brightest April 5 to
10 and November 17 to 27, rising be
fore the sun.
Venus will be brightest as an eve
ning star October 20 to 2G, and as a
morning star December 27 to Jan.
3, 1915. It will bo visible for a few
days before and after February 11
and November 27, being a morning
star until Feb. 11 and after Novem-.
ber 27, and an evening star from
February 11 to November 27.
Mars will be brightest and an all
night star in January, rising at and
near the setting of the sun. It will
be visible as an evening star all the
year except in December.
Jupiter will bo visible in January
and December. In February it will
be a morning star and it will con
tinue to be until about tho middle
of May, after which it will become
an evening star. It will be at its
brightest in July.
Saturn will be a very bright eve
ning star and will be visible nearly
dll night at the beginning of the
year. It will be visible In June, but
from July to September will be a
morning star and for the remainder
of the year an evening star.
Uranus will be brightest In Aug.
but scarcely visible to the naked
eye. Neptune will be brightest In
January, but visible only by means
of a telescope.
McAdoo Makes Public Regulations
Regarding Persoiuil Belongings.
Secretary of tho Treasury McAdoo
has made public tho new customs
regulations regarding the admission
of tho personal belongings of per
sons entering the United States. The
regulations follow:
une exact numner or ,t jag
gage 'must bo - a roims which
will be furnished passengers. Tho
declaration should be prepared and
signed at least one day before tho
expected arrival of the vessel.'
The coupon at the bottom of tho
form muBt be detached and returned
by the passenger and the declaration
delivered to tho ship's officer desig
nated. Tho coupon must be present
ed at the Inspector's desk after the
baggage Is landed, and an Inspector
will then examine the baggage.
Passengers must acknowledge in
person, on the pier, their signatures
to declarations,
Residents of the United States, re
turning, must declare all articles ac
quired abroad, whether by purchase
or gift or otherwise, and whether
dutiable or free. Exemption allowed
on articles aggregate value of which
is not more than $100 if suitable for
personal or household use and
whether intended for personal use or
as gifts, provided the articles are not
bought on commission or intended
for salo. Articles so exempt, how
ever, must bo declared.
Articles belonging to one passen
ger cann.ot be Included In the ex
emption of another.
. Use of articles does not exempt
from duty, but allowance will be
made by appraising officers for de
preciation. Passengers must not deduct tho
$100 exemption in making out their
Wearing apparel, personal and
household effects taken out of tho
United States by residents shall bet
admitted free of duty, If remodeled,
or repaired, cost of remodeling musj
be declared and receipted bill prej.
Absolutely Pure
Calces, hot biscuit, hot breads, and
other pastry, are daiSy necessities
in the American family. Royal Bak
ing Powder will make them more
digestible, wholesome, appetizing,
No Miami Ho Lime Phosphates
sented. Cost or such repair is sub
ject to duty.
Citizens of the United States or
persons who have at any time resid
ed in this country shall be deemed
residents of the United States unless
they shall have abandoned their resi
dence here and have acquired an act
ual bona fldo residence in a foreign
The residence of a wife follows
that of her husband, and the resi
dence of a minor child that of Its par
ents. The examination of baggage -will be
facilitated by presentation of re
ceipted bills and if articles acquired
ty broad are packed separately.
Non-residents of the United States'
must declare all articles in baggage
or on person which do not constitute
wearing apparel, articles of personal
adornment," or similar personal ef
fects. They must also declare all
wearing apparel, jewelry, and similar
effects when not owned by them or
when intended for another person or
for sale.
Household effects Imported as bag
gage must be declared. If actually
owned and used abroad not Icjs than
one year and not intended for anoth
er person, or for sale, they will be
.admitted free. If not so owned and
used abroad duty must bo paid.
Passengers over 18 years may
bring in free 50 cigars or 300 cigar
ettes or smoking tobacco not to ex
ceed three pounds, if for use of pas
sengers. The articles, however, must
be declared.
Examination of any baggage may
be postponed if passenger requests
ofllcer taking declaration to send the
baggage to Appraiser's Stores.
Currency or certified checks only
can be accepted in payment of du
ties. All persons must make a declara
tion of personal belongings, but this
may be done by the senior member
of the family for other members If
Chilli Wouldn't Pray.
Pittsburg, Kan. C. E. Winsby, a
painter, was recently convicted in po
lice co"urt of abusing a 3-year-old
stepdaughter. He was fined ?20 and
sentenced to 15 days In jail. Sev
eral neighbors testified that Winsby
beat the child with a board. Winsby
denied most of the charges, but ex
plained that he frequently punished
the child because sho was reluctant
about saying her Drayers.
Christmas Day was made doubly
happy for several people In that It
either marked the anniversary of
many happy years or will be known
hereafter as the day of much rejoic
ing. In Honesdale there are quite a
few persons who were married upon
that gladsome day, In fact many
couples have been joined together
over fifty years. Among this year's
Christmas brides are:
Roland J. Reynolds and Florence
Schoell, both of Honesdale, who were
married by Dr. Balta.
Richard M. Bryant and Miss An
toinette B. Brown, Honesdale young
people, married by rtr. W. H. Swift.
Raymond Lockwood, of Honesdale,
and Edna Molter of Seelyville, by
Rev. A. L. Whittaker.
Edward Brehm and Caroline Mc
Cane, at Lakevllle, by Rev. Stephen
Lottio Blair Parker's "Way Down
East," unimpaired in any way and
seemingly more virile and compelling
than in the past, Is now in its nine
teenth season and is playing to au
diences that completely fill the thea
tre when the company appears. The
audiences nightly follow the thread
of the famous story with as much in
terest as if It were all new.
One of tho secrets of the longevity
of this simple play of a simple peo
ple lies In the high standard always
maintained in production and pre
senting company. Considering the
wholesomeness . of its atmosphere,
tho richness of its comedy and tho
genuineness of its pathos, it is not
surprising that it has such a strong
and lasting hold upon the amusement
loving public, and no one is at a loss
to explain the perennial popularity
of the play after one visit.
Never has the grand old play had
a finer presentation.
A capacity audience will undoubt
edly greet the old favorite at tho Ly
ric Tuesday night. A bargain mati
nee is announced. Prices, 25c and
EOc. Evening prices, same as al
ways, 25c to $1.00.
Samuel Wedge, who has been con
fined to his bed with pneumonia the
past two weeks, is improving rapidly.
Wallace Seely is looking after his
business during his sickness.
Will start out in 1914 with the support of
Honesdale and Vicinity loyal home work
ers. To make the year one of our most
prosperous for all legitimate business and
civic up-Iift.
Yours for the genuine loyal and true
home helpers.
- i
The well established harness business
of the late S. T. Ham is offered for sale. Ap
ply to, or address
Mrs. S. T- Ham,
1318 West St., Honesdale, Pa.