PAGE FOUR THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913, THE) CITIZEN Scinl-Wcckly Founded 10 08; Weekly Founded 1844. . Published Tuesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company. B. B. HAItDENBERQII PRESIDENT E. B. CALLAWAY MANAGING EDITOR. FRANK P. WOODWARD ADVERTISING MANAGER AND FEATURE. WRITER. DinccTona: L. J.-DOBFMNQEB, M. B. ALLXH, E. B. HAKDENBKROn W. W. WOOD TERMS: ONE TEAR 11.50 THREE MONTHS JSC SIX MONTHS 75-ONE MONTH ISO Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Poatofflco Order or Registered letter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street, Honesdale, Pa. All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of making money or any items that contain advertising matter, will only bo admitted to this mm' on payment of regular advertising rates. Notices of entertainments for the Kniflt of churches or for charitable purposes where a fee is charged, will bo pub- llnhccl at nan raiea. mu ul umiifto, wtw. ............... -vz.: : of respect will be charged for at the rate of a cent a word. application. Advertising rates on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 101.1. TIIOUGIIT FOB TO-DAY. "The rnoBt .blessed of human endeavors is service the ser vice tllat educates and builds, and makes this old world a better and a happier place In which to live and work. Service is the spirit of the hour. It blesses him that gives and him that receives; it Is the brotherhood of man In busi ness; It is a helping hand extend ed unselfishly; It is bread cast upon the waters; It is a way of helping ourselves by helping each other. The best that can be said of any man Is this: He served others that they might better serve themselves." iTho currency bill was signed by President Wilson December 23. It may result In "23 " for some of the banks of our nation. GREATER HONESDALE A POSSI BILITY IS 1014. One of the many things which we hope to see before many years Is Greater Honesdale. A broadening out or expansion of the borough proper. Honesdale ought to take some steps toward being misrepre sented at the time of taking the cen sus. We are now credited with hav ing a population of about 3,000, whereas in reality there are from 7,000 to 8,000 people living witmn a radius of the central part of the town proper. The town would welld a greater Influence, be in a class of a city and It would be bettor all the way around. Let's all work for Greater Honesdale. It Is coming, but so is next Christmas. By hard and persistent work in systematic way it will not bo ig' before we will enjoy a bigger, busier and better Honesdale. turo, session 1913, was for the es tablishment and maintenance of boards of health in boroughs and townships of first class. True, Honesdale has a Board of Health, but we havo been authentically in formed that It Is not overly ambiti ous, no meeting having been .held since the appointment of one new member, which was six 'months ago. This does not, however, signify that the Board is not doing its duty in the community, but with the reorganiza tion of municipal affairs at the first of the year new plans may be outlin ed for the Board of Health, work. The new Act of Assembly grants greater authority over the commun Ity than was given former boards. With the advent of 1914 a num ber of changes are looked forward to with considerable amount of in terest. Honesdale's burgess-elect, G. S. Wendell, Is now given full power and control over the police for the enforcement of the borough ordin ances and for the discharge of their respective duties. Although Burgess- elect Wendell has not 'made public his platform, it is a foregone con elusion that he will perform his duties with Integrity and celerity and make Honesdale an ideal chief executive. A LOOK INTO THE FUTURE. To-day, December 30, is the last issue of the seventy-first volume of The Citizen. Next Friday's paper will appear fresh arid bright in the dawn of 1914. The management of this journal has a number of sur .prjses and good things in store for its readers. We hope to make The Citizen brighter and more attractive during 1914 than It was in the year now closing. We have all enjoyed a most prosperous year, despite what some calamity howlers have said. Business has been good, the country at large has remained peaceable and we as a people have a great deal to bo thankful for. (All of Wayno county's various In dustries have been busy, which Is a good criterion of prosperity. In fact, the Honesdale manufacturing plants have received more orders than they could execute In a given time. The scarcity of operators in a measure has handicapped business to a cer tain extent, but this will be overcome in 1914. The Wayne County Rail way Company, which wo have every reason to believe will be built, will have a tendency to bring addi tional help to the town and build up the suburban districts. The coming of new industries to locate in Wayno county and near Honesdale, is assur ed. This also will rehabit dear old Wayne and place this locality in a positiou where it will be known throughout the United States and in foreign countries. The industrial outlook Is exceedingly bright. Tho Greater Honesdale Board of Trade is planning for a banner year, al though It has done a number of tell ing things for tho town during its short existence of about two years. Honesdale has voted for' a paved Main and Park streets, preliminary work upon same having already been commenced. Besides this much need ed thoroughfare for Honesdale, which has been muddy slnco the borough's incorporation, four score years ago, other improvements are likoly to be" made. There Is a pos sibility of removing the poles and placing the overhead wires on Main street In conduits underneath the pave. By the co-operation of the Hpnes dalo Improvement Association tho planting of trees along either sido of tho street to replace' tho poles would add greatly to tho street's appear ance and tend to make Honesdale an ideal Maple City. An Act of importance, which was passed, during the last Legist A LOST INDUSTRY. In 1861-2 3 and 4 Wayne county had more and larger tanneries than any other county in the United States. At this date there Is not one within Its borders. In the early days of the big indus try of cutting and marketing lum ber, the work that resulted In build- Ing many fortunes, tanneries sprang up all over the county near every lumbering job of any magnitude. Early-day farmers combined the bus iness of tanning with their regular labors, and on many farms to-day are ruins of old log buildings and saw mills that tell the tale of a lost indus try. The great hemlock forests of Pennsylvania, however, are now so badly depleted that tanneries in this part of the state no longer can de pend solely upon them for tannage. Bark of other woods aro being used and tanning liquids aro being extract ed irom tnem Hundreds of miles from the Pennsylvania tanneries and ship ped to tho plants. A large part of tne Hides now used come from for eign countries, the American supply Deing insuiiicient to meet the de mand. The decrease in the local sup ply of raw materials has resulted in the shipment of them long distances to the plants and then back again long distances to markets as the fin ished product, leather. On this ac count? some believe that eventually all the inland tanneries will be closed and the plants moved to tho sea,- board, where the tannage can more easily be procured. The great Penn sylvania tanneries grew up at a time when there was apparently an end less supply of bark in nearby- forests. In addition to this, the chief hide supply was not so far away as it is now. expected to return to' the Regional Banks and be withdrawn from circu lation when tho need for their use passes. None of tne existing lorms or pa per currency -will be disturbed by the new law. Provision is made, how over, that tho government two per cent, bonds, upon which National Banks now secure the issue of their 4 bank-notes," may be purchased by thd Government at par, through the Regional banks. This provision is expected to result in the gradual re tirement of most oi tne national name currency. Tho Federal Reserve Board will ex ercise final control over the entire operation of the system. It can com pel one Regional Bank to loan to an other In time of need; can authorize banks to use the Treasury notes or even national bank notes as part of their legal reserves; can suspend all restrictions surrounding the reserves which Regional banks 'must hold; and can remove directors of Regional Reserve banks whenever It is believ ed necegsary. While the banks retain control of thl boards of tho Regional Reserve banks, their connection with the Federal Reserve Board is only through an Advisory Council, made up of one representative from each Federal Reserve district. This coun cil will meet in Washington to confer with the Federal Reserve Board "on general business conditions," and to make recommendations and sugges tions concerning discount rates, note issues and reserve conditions. An Important change in national banking methods, embraced in the new law, will permit all national banks except those in New York, Chicago and St. Louis, to make di rect loans on five-year farm mort gages, upj to 25 per cent, of their capital and surplus, or up to one third of their time deposits. Anoth er provision in the law permits na tional banks having a capital of 000,000 or more, to open foreign branches. Similar authority Is giv en to the Reglnal Reserve Banks, the purpose being to facilitate the development of American trade abroad. 1 Botea I OBITUARY. Church Notes. Dr. John T. McFarland, editor of the Sunday School Literature of the Methodist Episcopal church, passed away Sunday night at Maplowood, New Jersey. Since 1894 Dr. Mc Farland had hold a position unex celled In Christendom for influencing tho lives and beliefs of growing young Protestants. As editor of our whole series of Sunday school lessons and helps the fruits of his mind and pen have been borne into more homes and read by more young peo ple than that of any other religious journalist. "Go-to-Church Day" in Jollet, 111., following a three weeks, campaign urging church attendance on the part of all the' people, brought In 20,000 persons, crowding every chruch to Its capacity. Chicago Is planning for a similar campaign for February. Rev. John G. Thomas, D. D., Con gregationalism who is said to have been the originator of the individual communion service, died recently at Lima, Ohio. The Methodist Episcopal church has In its various mission fields 1282 missionaries and 375,481 church members. Rev. C. B. Papa, late of Clinton, Ind., has been appointed to the Ital ian Mission work In Scranton and Carbondale. Rev. E. G. Holmes, formerly of the Wyoming Conference, was ordained to the Episcopal ministry the pastJ week. i Much can be accomplished by co operation in business life. Why will It not apply In church work? Help support your pastor's arms during 1914 by volunteering your services In the church of your choice. THE CURRENCY BILL. The now treasury notes, which are to furnish the "elastic" element in the currency system, and to add to the country's circulating money in time of need, will come into use in tho following way: The notes will be printed by the government, with a distinctive style for each Regional Reserve bank. One of tho three directors named by the Federal Reserve Board for each Re gional bank will be known as the " Federal-Reserve agent" for that bank, and a supply of the notes will bo placed in his custody. Should a Reglnal Bank desire to pay out more money than its cash re sources will permit, the law provides that it may put some of its redls counted commercial paper Into the hands of tho " Federal Reserve Agent," and receive in return the new treasury notes. For each note that It puts out Into circulation, the Re gional Reserve bank must set aside In gold 40 per cent, of the value of the note, as a guarantee for Its re demption. This gold with tho com mercial paper held by tho " Federal Reserve Agent," Is the protection be hind the new money; but these notes will also be guaranteed by the gov ernment, and may be redeemed in gold at the United States Treasury. Each Regional bank, under the act, must keep a reserve of 25 per cent, of the deposits it has received, besides the 40 per cent, gold reserve behind the Treasury notes It Issues. If the gold reserve behind the notes falls below 40 per cent., a heavy tax Is imposed on tho bank, which in turn adds the tax to tho rate It charges member banks for redis counts. This was designed to stop an over-expansion of currency. In times of sudden stress, the Federal Reserve Board can suspend these re serve provisions, in order to furnish quick relief to any community. One Regional bank can not again pay out the notes of another, except under a heavy tax. These notes are Dentil of John W. Scaninn. J. W. Seaman, one of Wayne coun ty's best known anu respected citi zens, slept away at his home on Wil low avenue Monday -morning, aged 8G years. Mr. Seaman has been afflict ed with valvular heart trouble for sometime. He has also been a patient sufferer from rheumatism for several years. Mr. Seaman spent Sunday with his family and appeared unusually happy, in fact his health was better than It had been in sev eral years. He retired as usual and no sound came from his bedroom during the , night. His son-in-law, Robert B. Brenneman went to the room at 7:30" to extinguish the night lamp and as he did so ho noticed something unusual In his father-in-law's appearance. He notified his brother-in-law, George H. Seaman, and Dr. F. AV. Powell was called, but life had quietly gone out a few hours before. John W. Seaman had been a resident of Honesdale for about 29 years, having moved from Berlin to his late home on Willow avenue at that time. He was born in Milford, Pike county, February 19, 1828, where his life was spent until he came to Honesdale, where he has since lived a retired life. Mr. Seaman was married to Mary E. Stephens In 18C5 and she died July 2, 1891. The following chil dren survive: Charles W., and Al fred V. Seaman, of Carbondale; Geo. H., at home; Charlotte M wife of Robert B. Brenneman, of Willow avenue; also by twin sisters, Mar tha Seaman, at home, and Mary Seaman, who makes her home with her nephew, A. V. Seaman, In Car bondale. The deceased was an attendant of the Berlin Baptist church for sever al years and had also contributed lib erally toward its support. Mr. Sea man was a man exceptionally upright in character and possessed many friends who will bo sorry to learn of his death. Ho comes from along llved family, whoso members vary in age from 8G to 101 years. Mr. Sea man's father, Charles B. Seaman, died when ho was 92 years old; his wife at 86 years and a sister, Mrs. Eleanor Smith, at 94 years. The funeral will be held from tho house Wednesday morning, Rev. G. S. Wendell, of the Baptist church of ficiating. Interment will be made in the Berlin Baptist church cemetery. Deatli of James Ryan. James Ryan, for 40 years a .resi dent of Tanners Falls and later of Scranton, died at his homo there on Saturday. He 'was a bachelor." The remains arrived on tho 10 o'clock Delaware and Hudson train and tak en to St. John's Roman Cathniin church, from where the funeral was held. Pastors living In any part of Wayne county are requested to send church news to this department. It will be published free and willingly with tho hopes of doing some one good. MHHMIHHBraHMIHI In Days Gone By TAtriiiv mtrvir rrirm nr.n farrrca nu toe ni'nivuw H Hil J." 'VtH AIMJ VMMr . .- .B.UU v wa.- M Ji.J M t A t'J 41 Wayno county has had flvo hang ings. Peter Allen for the murder of Solomon Tlce, in Bethany, October 18th, 1808; Cornelius Jones for the murder of his stepfather, George Roswell, on the George C. Robertson farm, Dyberry, February, 1817; Freeman Marthers, 'for tho murder of Colonel Jonathan Brooks, in Mt. Pleasant township, June 24th,- 1828; Harris Bell, for the murder of Mrs. Gershom Williams, in Scott township, August 1st, 1847, arid James P. Mc Cabe for the murder of Michael Rellly, in Preston township, Decem ber 30, 1885. Tlce was stabbed to death; Roswell poisoned with arsenic in cider; Brooks' skull was smashed with a stone and his throat cut; Mrs. Williams was outraged and stran gled, and Reilly cut down with an axe. Allen, Jones and Marthers were hung In Bethany by Sheriffs Abisha Woodward, Solomon Jones and Jos. Miller; and Bell and McCabe in Honesdale, by Sheriffs William F. Wood and Thomas Medland. Jones was arrested on Information furnish ed by his mother, and convicted mainly on her testimony. Tho first telegraph line connecting Honesdale with the outside world opened an office in tho second story of the Hand & Kirtland building, now occupied by Henry Freund, and commenced business March 14 th, 1849. Charles S. Minor was the first superintendent. Damascus 1; Lebanon 1; Mt. Plea ant 5; Palmyra 1; Sterling 3; Pre of 7,663. O ncerts in Honesdale at the Ban Us chdrcn. Friday and Saturday evi n noa Mnrull Ufh nrwl 1 nf 11 - V A The Family came from Salisbury, ! ri . t l r- t.i giiieu vutunaia. juuu u, jjukui uu er. tains, in x'resion lownsuip a, 10 est point is Damascus village, 76 feet above tide. UUl. iLUKSy 11UU1UU1 UUUlljr 1UU ill Ul Preston has 30. lins, county surveyor, was electei sheriff in 1831 by a majority of 35 I'll a tritn 1 rnfo 1 r i li a if fill tit v wn Martin Kellogg, 266, and Joseph Mil ler, 187. The Weston Pottery, located on the site of the present Katz Underwear factory on 6th street, was started March 13th, 1849, by William At kins, who died six weeks ago, In the 97 th year of his age. The Foster building, corner Main and Ninth streets, was the first brick building erected in Honesdale. It was completed In June, 1846. In 1832, Dyberry township, In cluding tho borough of Honesdale, had 10 mercantile firms: Canaan 3; In 1831 oak wood sold In Phila delphla at $10 a cord and hickory a $14. iv rmir in fin t ii r wirnniir. lnrprrnnTinn The snow was four feet deen in the woods at the beginning of March. During the week ending July 22 .1 1 ., . I. .. Oil. 1- 1 1 . I- 1 !!., , Tn1.n Till madge. Ho was sick eight hours. New Year's eve service at Grace Episcopal church, Wednesday, Dec. 31, 11:30 o'clock. After a brief ad dress the Holy Communion service will be in progress at the opening of tho new year. ELLA FLAGG YOUNG DEPOSED. Chicago's school board elebted John D. Schoop, who has been assist ant superintendent, to be tendent of public schools in place of Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, who for four years nas neiu the position. The de feat of Mrs. Young was followed by the resignation of Peter Tini nhprf no president of the board and Dean Wal ler v. summer as chairman of the committee on school management or some time enemlna nf Atra Young had been conducting a secret campaign against her. Ono Life Lost in 700,000. Washington. ADnroxIm r t a 1 v 700,000 passengers were carried for every life lost on steam vessels in tho United States in the last year, ac cording to the annual report of Geo. Uhler, Supervising Inspector General of tho Federal Steamboat Inspection Service. More than 300.000.000 Dor- sons were carried on vessels required iu report, anu or this number 436 lost their lives. Of tho lives lost, however, only 210 can be attributed. the report says, to accident, explo sion, collision, or roundering of ves sels, the remainder bolnfir due to sui clde, accidental drowning, or similar pauses. The cantata, "Sarita Claus and Company," will be given in Grace church Sunday school room on Wed nesday, New Year's Eve, at 7:30 o'clock. It has been very carefully rehearsed under the direction of Miss Dorothy Menner. If the reader of this item happens to be an embassador of the- Lord he is requested by the Religious Editor of this department to use this col umn as freely 'and often as he chooses. Communications of a re ligious nature, that contain some thing to make the shut-in's life hap py and bright, are solicited. Make this column a sunshine department. Send to the Religious Editor of The Citizen Publishing Company the nameb, addresses and date of the next birthdays of aged persons in your parish who would rejoice at receiving a birthday card. Remember the sick, send their names and addresses. All names will gladly bo printed in this department so that they, too, may re ceive cards and words of encourage ment from a largo circle of Citizen readers. "Blessings ever wait on virtuous deeds, And, though a late, a sure reward succeeds. Congreve. Methodist Church. The members of Airs. W. i T. But ler's Bible class will hold a watch night service at the home of their president, Frank Evans, on Fifteenth street, Wednesday evening. Rev. Will H. Hiller cordially in vites the public to attend the praise and prayer service In the church par lors of the Methodist church on Wed nesday evening, December 31. There will be a meeting of the Cradle Roll department of the Meth odist church Thursday afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock in the parlors when graduation and baptism will take place. Parents aro requested to accompany their children. Notes. Count your opportunities as tal ents. How many have you lost or folded In a napkin during the past year? In looking back over 1913, have you done all that you could for your respective cl-urch? If you are not a regular attendant at Sunday school start tho new year right by enrolling as a pupil. "A BUNCH OF YARNS." Sounds good, doesn't it? Well, thoy say it Is as good as it sounds. And here is what "it" is: Mr. Stan ton H. King, of Boston, has' been se cured as speaker at the Grace Church Men's Supper, which will bo held at the Allen House on Tuesday evening, February 3, at 7:45. Mr. King is Superintendent of a Sailors' Haven, atTJoston. He is an Inimical speaker, very forceful and humorous. He an nounces for tho subject of his talk, "A Bunch of Yarns," and judging from the nature of his dally work and the opportunities it affords him to acquire knowledge of first-hand experiences, all who hear him at the Men's Supper will be glad ever after. I I I 1 TY..f.nMn HT:ilI..n . . . II.l... f...... .... incut's Wishes Without Suit. The so-called " Bill Posters' Trust' is negotiating with the Government 1 J- 1 1 ... . 1. .. ...... ... 7 .. P i 1. ... ! pnmlilnntlnn wns homin at. C.lilc.if'n recently, but the association is said wish or tne uovernment wunout rur- ther procedure in court. 'rnn iirtirnTnmniiT'D rjiiir in n ni-iri iiiu uuiciuuiuut a ouil 10 u v, ono clirectea acainst Associated liii Posters and Distributors of the U. TiiRrR nrfi sniii rn iih. rniir nip nssnni: association. Charged "With Murder of Grandfather. IT! Charged with tho murder of granuratner. jonn .rj. uusn, uqw Is in jail here. iimiTM wns !irnii'ii in iiih mi depot at Pittsburg, by the police his grandfather had was found Uli ilia llKJkDuii, tjiuuii Dam uiu 111 ey had been given to mm oy grandfather. MASTER. fi I rna v !i villi i niiniv MirriiTiiii society ana iaie oi jjoumuy, uircu till LL I1HL1L1UI1 LLiliUilir lmh IJlLliUlia Hnnocnn n Tim iror nnrr i i iiih wi If II- Mlllf'tf III I1I1NI IIMIIS (II I borough. HONESDALE, MATINEE at 3:00 Children 25c, Adults 50c, ALL SEATS RESERVED EVENING PRICES, 25, 50, 75 and $1.00 TUES. 3 60 Ft Gar Production The Famous Snow Storm Scene The Quartette Known From Coast To Coast America's Popular PLAY iMMiiiaiigiiiiui Endorsed By Press Clergy And Managers The One Play Dear To Millions Always And Ever The Same ii Seat Sulo Starts at 0 A. M. Monday, for both performances.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers