THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913. PAGE THREE A WORD ABOUT EW ERIE Ticket Agent, Honesdale, Pa. Ilk B D General Passenger Agent 50 Church St., New York 1 , '1 To more adequately handle its ever increasing traffic, The Erie Railroad is constructing 260 miles of new double, triple and in some places quadruple track between Salamanca and Ghicago. Five thousand five hundred men are employed on this work which, will be completed in the near future. The Erie Railroad will then operate over 1,000 miles of double tracked, rock-ballasted railroad between New York and Ghicago and with increased service will more than ever be the "Desirable Way" to traveL Equipment "As Good As There Is' When planning your next trip why not confer with an Erie Agent and have him tell you why "The Erie Way" is the "Econo mical Way?'r Hi Trains are manned by competent, cour teous employes. eg afted From ashington (ill to remove tho limitation on Inount that may be accepted Fdepositors in the postal savings h was recently passed uy tno Tho measure would permit Jted deposits, but $1,000 is fix- the maximum upon which in- will be paid. Under the pres- Iw tho limit is $100 in each tar month, no account to ex- j500, exclusive of accumulated lit. ; said that the squirrels in Cap- irk at Washington have de- (d a strong affection for Vice ent Marshall, who always car- pocket full of nuts for them Ion a stroll. Then, too, they (lave familiarized themselves Us various remarks and after speeches as reported in the tapers from time to time and fed by them to the conclusion that he is more or less of a nut him self. Pittsburg Gazette-Times. Old Flags Decay, Washington. Historic battle flags of the United States in the museum at West Point Military Academy are in need of repair. The Civil Service Commission is endeavoring to find an oxpert needle woman to mend them. These ancient colors are very valu able. Most of them pertain to the Revolutionary, Mexican and Civil Wars and were carried by the troops engaged in those conflicts. The work or repairing these flags will bo ver difficult because in most cases the material has become so brittle that they would almost fall to pieces if handled roughly. Tho older ones especially are fragile, and in the opinion of the commission it will require tho most expert work manship to put them into condition "''" ' The Bell Telephone in the Scale of the Farm Work A telephone keeps a balance in farm affairs which means more profit at the end of the season. The telephone sells the product, gets best prices, brings supplies, protects the home, helps tho housewife. By all means have a Farm Telephone. Write to-day for our interesting booklet, it's free. 'Practicm thn Telephone Smile." The Bell Telephone Co. of Pa. T. A. Garvey,' Local Mgr., Carbondale, Pa. to permit their being exhibited. An open competitive examination will be held to obtain the services of the right person for the task. 38,170 Reindeer in Alaska. Washington. Uncle Sam owns 3, 77C reindeer in Alaska and is con stantly increasing their number, ac cording to a report of the Interior Department. The report says the total number of reindeer in Alaska was 38,4 7G distributed among '54 herds. The government introduced the deer into Alaska from Siberia in 1912. Tho report says: "In 20 years the reindeer indus try has elevated the Eskimos in Alas ka from nomadic hunters and fish ers to civilized, thrify men. Lumber Sold by Forest Service. Washington. More than two bil lion board feet of timber, with a' value of four and ne-half million dol lars on the stump, was sold by the forest service last year, according to the annual report of Henry S. Graves, forester. This is an increase of 107 per cent, over the sales of tho largely for fu ture. The timber sold was largely for future cutting under contracts that will run for a number of years. The actual cut was a little less than 500 million board feet, an increase of 15 per cent, over 1912. Still larger sales are in prospect. Desplto tlio efforts of temperance ad vocates more distilled spirits were con sumed last year than In previous years,' and tho consumption of cigarettes, not withstanding the agitation against their use, was enormous. Tho report of tho commissioner of In ternal revenue shows that the production of distilled spirits was 65,352.383 gallons, which Is 7,103,308 gallons more than last year. Tho quantity of spirits removed from bonded warehouses, presumably for consumption, exceeds by more than 7, 000,000 gallons tho quantity removed dur ing 1002. There was an Increase of 3,055,150,170 in tho production of cigarettes. RECORD-BREAKING MINERAL. Output of the United States for 1012 was Two ami n Quarter Billion Dollars Six Times the Value of the Production of n Generation Ago. The value of all minerals produced in the United States in 1912, accord ing to figures just compiled by Ed ward W. Parker, statistician, of the United States Geological Survey, Teached the record-breaking total of $2,243,G30,32G. This is more than six times the value of the production in 1882, 30 years ago. During that period tho population has not quite doubled, but the per capita output of tho mines has increased from $7.2 1 to $23.47. During these three decades the value of the output of some minerals has made a striking increase. The value of tlio pig-iron product, for in stance, has increased from 10G to 420 million dollars; copper from 1G to 205 million dollars; gold from 32 to 93 million dollars; lead from 12 to 37 million dollars; zinc from 14G to G95 million dollars; petroleum from 24 to 1G3 million dollars; natural gas from 215 thousand to 84 million dollars; cement from $3, GOO, 000 to $09,000,000. Still moro striking illustrations of the growth of the mineral industry in the United States are tlie figures showing that, while in 1880 the total mineral production In the United States was valued at $3G4,000,000, in 1912 tho value of the pig iron alone was $420,000,000, while the value of tho coal production for 1912 was nearly double tho total mineral out put of 30 years ago. In 1880 the value of tho mineral products was approximately $1,000,000 a day; in 1912 It was over $G,000,000 a day. THE XEW PHILADELPHIA SUN DAY RECORD. Acceding to the frequently express ed desires of its subscribers and the demands of the reading public, The Philadelphia Record will make a new departure in the publication of its Sunday edition beginning January 4 th. i The New Sunday Record will con tain a four page colored comic sec tion, an enlarged magazine section, a new fashion department, the amus ing Willie Green, drawn by H. H. Brown, who resumes his pranks in this issue, and a new serial by Har old McGrath, entitled "The Adven tures of Kathlyn," besides the recent ly added Twenty (20) page fiction magazine. And there will be stories, puzzles, contests, articles and pictures for big and little boys and girls as well as all the news of tho things that hap pen of sport of the markets of the home of everything and every body. In the enlarged section, there will be included a new fashion depart ment and many other new features. The fiction magazine of twenty pages will continue to include short and continued stories by such authors as Rex Beach, Sir Gilbert Parker, Itichard Harding Davis, Gouverneur Morris, Gelett Burgess, Eleanor Glyn and other equally well known auth ors. Simultaneously with tho publica tion of this story exclusively in The The Citizen for 1914 will be better than .ever. Wf publish all the news. CAMERA BATHING SUIT CASE. One of tho cleverest novelties that the summer season has brought out is tlio "camera bath ing suit case." It is so conven ient nud neat a contrivance that one wonders nobody had thought of It before. This caso. which is made of an Imported fiber, is built to look like tho caso of a camera, size about 7 by 0. It has a black leather finish on tho outside and insido a smooth waterproof fin ish which Is unharmed by o wet bathing suit. It is. ns light as n feather and easily holds one's completo bathing kit. , Tho "lens" is In reality a small .round mirror by which one can arrango one's hair and collar as tho box stands or hangs hi the bathhouse. Tho "camera" is equipped with a flexible leather bandlo and a leather strap by which It may bo swung over the, shoulder, Tho device which looks llko a "finder" proves (o bo a wire net ventilator. Tho camera bathing suit case Is priced at 75 cents and is a most handy and deceptive littlo picco of seaside luggage. : WHAT e HOUSEWIVES SHOULD KNOW. Gum arable is often used In "doing up" ribbons. . Fish aro scaled and fowls plucked moro quickly if dipped Into boiling wa ter for an instant. . K If you wish to uso boiled starch with out waiting for it to cool put into It a pleco of ice, and it can be used in a few moments. If tho pitcher containing milk or "cream Is put Into a pan of water It will bo moro likely to keep sweet 'dur ing an electric storm. In order to utiilzo the heat to the best advantago when cooking over an oil or gns stove uso pots and pans that arc as broad and flat as possible. In such a pan water will boll In just half tho time It would require if tho ordi nary .kind of ketllo were used. Much heat, too, as well as time, is saved. The broad, flat bottomed pan, com pletely covering tho flame, makes use of all the heat. Sunday Record in this vicinity, there will be shown in every moving pict ure house within the range of The Record's circulation, that is supplied by the Sellg service, pictures illus trative of the story. With all these adjled features, the retail price of tho Sunday Record will be advanced to five cents. The Sunday Record in its new dress will represent the biggest and best five cents' worth you ever bought in a Sunday newspaper. An advance order to your news agent or carrier would bo advisable to assure receipt of a copy of Phila delphia's newest, biggest and best Sunday newspaper. OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TS1 IMJ: ' A Tbihip Mmdwc Designs COPYTtlGHTS &c. Anyono sendtnff n sltrt rh nud description niny quickly ascertain our ii'lnnm freo whether an Invention Is prohnhly puicnfnblo. Conihitmlen. tloiiflfiirlctly ronmicntlul. HANUUUOK on Patents Bent free. Oldest Agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific Fmfmi A handsomely lllnstrnted weefely. T.nrtrnt cir culation of any scientltla Journal. Terms, ?3 a vcir: lour mouths, L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN SCo.361"1"' New York llrancn OBico. 625 P St- Washington. V. C w SM mil PMSMM SWU SMU $M M Sii'U REPOIIT OP THE CONDITION OF TIIK BANK HonesdaBe, Pa. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS NOV. 1, 1913 RESOURCES. Loans $211,823.87 Stocks, Bonds and Mort gages 108,010.40 Cash and Reserve .... S5.887.28 Oyerdrafts ..... 15.05 Real Estate 20,800.00 $187,178.50 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $ 75,000.00 Surplus and Profits . . . 20,187.13 Deposits 382,001.37 8187,178,50 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OP DEPOSITS. Juno 1st, 1907 May 1st, 1908, May 1st, 1909, May 2nd, 1910, May 1, 1911 -May 3, 1912 May 1, 1913 -Nov. 1, 1913 - - $ 21,308.51 - 8100,800.20 - $101,077.58 - $211,813.07 - $272,500.08 $301,015.07 - $310,038.40 - - $382,001.37 III sims mMMEMtSMSXMSSi