PAGE TWO THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1913. Minute "Movies" of the News Right Off the Reel Baltimore1 lends the country with tango pedometer on garters of fair sex. How known? Why, silt skirts, of course. Rlvcrhead (N. Y.) man who didn't like to hnvo chickens scratch on moth er's grave spread poison; convicted of that offense. Clerks In the Chicago postofflco have n stretch of concrete a block long to cover. Roller skates have been given them to hasten speed. German science has lately turned Its attention to mouse killing, and an ef fective method of exterminantlhg the rodents by exploding bombs in their holes Is tho result The Orange (N. J.) board of educa tion has forbidden the raising of funds by pupils to purchaso Christmas gifts for teachers and also tho practice of parents and pupils of giving pres ents to teachers within the school buildings. FARMING MADE TO PAY BY 1,200 KANSAS WOMEN. Many Widows, and Some Taught School Follow Scientific Methods. Kansas has 1,200 women who are the active managers of farms, and there is scarcely one who has not made a suc cess of her work. These women are scattered over fifty-four counties. Most women owning farm lands rent the property, and generally they have an agent who looks after nffnirs for them. Hut the Kansas 1,200 direct matters for themselves. The Kansas woman farmer is scien tific. It is estimated by tho state au thorities that 08 per cent of the wo men in active management of farms lire members of farmers' institutes. Most of tho Kansas women farmers tivc in central and western Kansas. Among them are about thirty women schoolteachers who abandoned school work because it was undermining their health. Some bought farm lands, and others took up homfgds on the gov ernment's lands oi'tlio state school lands, Many women farmers are widows to whom were left good farms and fami lies to support when tho husband died. These seldom do any of tho work, as they are able to hire men from their own neighborhood, but all the prob lems of management are solved by tho women. Probably the best known woman farmer in Kansas is Miss Mary Best of Barber county. Every bushel of her wheat is sold to millers and state experiment stations at double the usual wheat market figures, it being used for seed by men who want the best seed grown in the state. One year tho Oklahoma Agricultural col lego bought tho entire wheat crop of Miss Best's farm. 92.035 MEN UNDER ARMS. December With Over 3,000 Recruits Sets an Enlistment High Water Mark. Tho present strength of tho United Statqs army, including all branches, in addition to what is known as the regular service, is 02,035 men. Of these q3,220 are in tho United States. 17,238 in the Philippines, 7,030 in Hu waii and tho rest are scattered In smaller groups in Alaska, China, Porto Rico and tho isthmian canal zone. These facts are given in tho report of General George Androvs, adjutant general of tho nrmy, just made public. Enlistments arc Increasing rapidly, ac cording to ills report, after a slump covering more than n year. Tho slump began In tho spring of 1012 and continued until July, 1013. when a rapid increase was noted. Latest reports from the recruiting of ficers of tho army i ml lento that for the month of December tho enlistments will pass tho 3,000 mark, or more than any single month. HOW MR. TAFT GOT RID OF SEVENTY POUNDS IN NINE MONTHS. "I stopped eating potntoes and all starchy things. Potatoes for me have come to bo a deadly sin. I cut from my bill of faro nil fat meats, absolutely forbid ding pork nnd other meats con wining much fat. "I am not allowed to eat fatty fish such as salmon. I don't touch pastry of nny kind. I must bo very careful about my allowance of sugar. I am per mitted to eat lean roast beef and lean mutton. I bavo a wide range of vegetables which do not contain mucl) starch or sug; ar, I am friendly with the sal ads provided tbcro is but a little oil in tho dressings. "I weighed 3-10 pounds March 4 last. Now 1 weigh 270, 1 am more alert mentally and physi cally than over before. It Is n greater Joy to live." Why is the soda cracker today such a universal food? People ate soda crackers in the old days it is true but they bought them from a barrel or box and took them home in a paper bag, their crispness and flavor all gone. Uneeda Biscuit soda crackers better than any ever made be fore made in the greatest bakeries in the world baked to perfection packed to per fection kept to perfection until you take them, oven -fresh and crisp, from their protecting pack age. Five cents. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY SAYS HUSBAND IS TOO KIND. Denver Woman 'Makes That Charge in Seeking a Divorce. Willie tho records of Denver courts aro filled with charges of cruelty as grounds for divorce, it remained for Mrs. Loretta Van Pelt to change the order of things by demanding a legal separation on the grounds of kindness. Clifford Van Pelt sets forth in his answer that his wife is cruel. In her bill she says that ho Is too good for her and that she longs to "lead tho sort of n life that I have been accus tomed to." KAISER FOR MUSTACHES. Dispensed Wijh Army Officers Who "Americanize" Themselves. "A real mnn wenrs n mustache" is the latest pronouncement attributed to the German kaiser. The Berlin society weekly Roland von Berlin states that tho emperor thus indicated his displeasure at the growing practice among army officers of "Americaulzlng" their faces by nhavlng off their Tho Citizen, the paper of tho hour the year end all the time, and it will be improved during the coming year. Subscribe for It now and don't you DARE to forget to, either. POSITIVE PROOF Should Convlnco the Greatest Skeptic ill Honesdale. Because it's the evidence of a Honesdale citizen. Testimony easily investigated. The strongest endorsement of merit. The best proof. Head it: Matthew' MoKeon, 409 Ridge street, Honesdale, Pa., says: "I wish to tell the people of Honesdale that I found Doan's Kidney Pills a most reliable kidney remedy. I suffered from a dull pain in the small of my back and I was convinced that my kidneys were disordered, as the kid ney secretions were unnatural. When Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to my attention, I procured a supply at A. M. Lelno's Drug Store. Slnco using them, I have Improved in every way." Confirmed Proof. When Mr. McKeon was interview ed some years later, ho said: "I still recommend Doan's Kidney Pills in the highest terms. This remedy has convinced me of its merit by giving me relief after other kidney medi cine failed." Price 50c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney romddy-- get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr, McKeon had. Fpster-Mllbum THE MOTHER OFA THOUSAND EXILES Splendid Heroism of Woman Banished to Siberia. HAPPY IN HER GOOD DEEDS. Helping and Cheering Fellow Unfortu nates In Russian Penal Settlement Aids Mme. Catherine Broshkovskaya to Bear Her Cross Aged Martyr's Recent Letters to Friends In America. Tho recent attempted escapo of Mme. Catherine Broshkovskaya, tho "mother of the Russian revolution," as sho is called, from exile in dreaded Siberia, has again attracted world wide atten tion to this brave woman, now near Ing her seventieth j'ear, who is un dergoing her second or "perpetual" term. She was sentenced to exile in March, 1010, after a trial, whose pro ceedings wore followed with intense interest. The charge against her was conspiracy in conjunction with Nicolas Tchaikovsky, the "father of the revolution," who had been active for reform since 1870. The man was acquitted on evidence brought from the United States. Becnuse she would not plead for tho Russlari emperor's clemency Mme. Broshkovskaya has been Incarcerat ed at KIrensk, a penal settlement 420 miles northeast of Irkutsk. At the time of her recent attempt to gain her freedom she went to din ner under police escort at tho lodging of a fellow exile, Vladlmlroff, and re mained there till evening. Then n companion, Andreeff, dressed In Mme. Breshkovskaya's clothing, emerged from the house supported by Vladlml roff, and, pretending to bo a sick wo man. Accompanied by the police es cort the accomplice hobbled to tho lodging of Mme. Broshkovskaya nnd crawled Into her bed, where he re mained. Constabulary Intercepted a convey ance speeding on tho way to Yakutsk, on tho river Lena, and, recognized among Its occupants Mme. BreshUov skaya, dressed as a man. She had In her possession a counterfeit passport and a sum of money. Lectured In United States. It was In 18S3 that Mine Broshkov skaya was first sent to Siberia. Re leased after twenty-one years, she came to America and formed many close friendships with other leading workers in the fight against the cznr. Sho toured tho'principnl cities, lectur ing on the cnuso of freedom in her na tive land. She picked up something of tho English language, but It was not until her return to exile that sho mas tered Its intricacies sufficiently to use It in correspondence. ner friends in this country have re ceived many letters from her. Through them shone the old time spirit of fight and fortitude which twenty-one years in exile had not dimmed when she enmo to this country in 1004. In one of theso letters sho tells of changed conditions In tho opening of tho exile's mail slnco the days of her first banishment, but ndds that the habit of persecution nnd espionage is so old that the guards aro never tired of indulging in it, "During tho festivities of Christmas," sho continues, "when here many young persons disguise themselves and go through tho town with their masks, my keepers are afraid I will escapo in that, manner, and they run about llko mad men, searching and looking after every one. Intruding themselves into every house suspected to bo the place of ray visit. "Every path I raako is surveyed by a gloomy figure shrouded In black furs from head to foot nnd standing Im movable near the house I visit. "Without permission I cannot place my foot on tho frozen river, for It would bo regarded ns an attempt to escapo. All the night they nro look ing into tho windows of my cabin." Mothers a Thousand Exiles. , In another letter to n friend in this country she says: "I did not receive or hear of tho money you sent me. Often my heart overflows with sorrow, for there Is much need of help hero, where many boys have their feet fro zen for want of a suitablo booting. 1 feel I am responsible, for I consider tho young people as my own children, my grandsons." Another of the exiles in Siberia writes, "Sho cares for and mothers a thousand exiles, giving them heart and courage." CLASS WITHOUT A TEACHER. Cincinnati Pupils Are Their Own In structors In Civics. A teacberless class has been started at Woodward high school, Cincinnati. It works automatically. Tho teacher leaves tho room. The pupils, under command of a full set of their own officers, proceed to the regular order f the day's business, ust as they would at a meeting of a fraternity Tho teacher is not missed at all. And thus besides learning the sub ject at hand tho teacberless pupils get a special byproduct course in self gov trnment, leadership and Initiative. At present the teacberless system Is applied to the civics course. It was devised by Frank P. Goodwin, head of the civics department, whoso theory is that the best way to teach civics is to let civic classes covern tbemsnlvn SLUMP IN "BEER" PRODUCTION Decrease In Output of Beverage of 1,106,429 Barrels Compared With the Previous Year. Looks as If beer drinking is on tho decline in the United States. Uncle Sam produces the figures 10 provo it. According to the annual report of the Internal revenue commissioner for the fiscal year ending Juno SO, there was a decrease In the output of beer of 1,106,429 barrels compared with the previous year. That's a big decrease. Counting 30 gallons to the barrel, and thoro is more, It means a slump of 33,192370 gallons. Counting only ten glasses to the gal lon, It means a docroase of 831,928,700 drinks. Counting each drink flvo cents, 1' shows that $16,590,455 less was spent for beer in 1912 than in 1911. There was an Increase In tho pro duction of whisky, but tho bonded warehouses are filled with the stuff, and distillers are all "fussed up" be cause the supply is far exceeding tho demand. Americans aro not all on tho water wagon by any means, but more of them are climbing aboard right along. American lesuo. MEN WE WANT IN CONGRESS Representatives Who Oppose Every Measure Retarding Liquor Traf fic Should Be Favored. "There are many congressmen who are opposed to our Interests and vqto against every measure that looks to ward the development and betterment of our business, and vote for every measure Introduced by the opposition. I Intend that tho 250,444 saloonkeep ers throughout the United States shall know the records of these congress men." M. F. Farley, President Na tional Liquor Dealers' Association. We must see to it that the antl llquor men and' women in the 48 states also know the record of these representatives. They are tho men we want to send back to congress. Bring your difficult Job work to this office. We can do it. HOW'S THIS? We offer one Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. tT. 3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the unaersignod, have Known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fi nancially able to cairy out any ob ligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken 1d ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonial-) sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggsts. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Hi Hi EVERY MAN IS BOUND by ties off affection, honor and conscience to provide! for his family, not THE RECORDS in the offce of Register city show the following surprising figures. 85.3 per cent, of adults persons leave NO estate. -1.3 per cent, leave estates of U.3 per cent, lcavo estates of 1.8 per cent, leavo estates of 1.8 per cent, leaves estates of ,'. 1.5 per cent, leavo estates of moro tliau Are You Prepared for y. y. A regular deposit ness and contentment in DON'T PUT OFF HONESDALE NATIONAL HonesdaIe9 Pa. PAY THREE PER CENT. INTEREST: () tfi i) tfi Open Saturday Evenings from TEN BUSHELS INCREASE. What Ten Bushels to the Acre In crease Would Do for the State of Illinois. National Crop Improvement Service. An increase of ten bushels of corn to the acre upon the 6,628,909 acres planted in the state of Illinois in 1911, at 40 cents per bushel, would have produced an increase of wealth to the state of $26,515,636. An increase of ten bushels of wheat to the acre upon 1,336,267 acres seed ed in the state of Illinois in 1911, would have produced an increase of wealth to the state of $10,422,882.60. An increase of ten bushels of oats to the acre upon the 2,766,087 acres seeded in the state of Illinois in 1911 would have produced an increase of wealth to the state of $9,681,304.50. An increase of ten bushels of rye to the acre upon the 49,356 acres seeded in the state of Illinois in 1911, would have produced an increase of wealth to the state of $360,298.80. An increase of ten bushels of barley to the acre upon the 33,274 acres seeded in the state of Illinois in 1911 would have produced an increase of wealth to the state of $286,192. The' total wealth of the state from the additional increase of ten bushels to the acre of corn, wheat, oats, rye and barley upon the acreage planted in 1911 would have amounted to the enormous sum of $47,246,312. .WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK ELECTION. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Wayne County Sav ings Bank for the election of Direc tors will be held at the banking office on TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1014, between the hours of three and four o'clock p. m. H. S. SALMON, Cashier. Honesdale, Fa., Dec. 23, 1913. 103 w3. BARGAINS m Ono Soluner, $000 Upright Piano, second hand. One Penso .$100 Upright Pinno, second hand. Ono Estoy Organ, second hand. Ono Clilcago Cottago Organ, second hand. Ono Norris & nydo Player Pinno, used. Tills is nn 88 note $000.00 Player, used for demonstrating at thol fair, etc. Will bo sold for $175.00, on easy terms. One Sterling Organ $15.00 " $25.00 shop worn music F. A. JENKINS Lyric Building only during life, but after every day means independence later years. UNTIL TO-MORROW, 01 CATARRH Ilicatlio Hyomel It Medicates ---- 41H 11I3UMUI , IK V rfkll If emit in n.wl Ilelieves. tt J. I AM wt, nnnKn.l .... 1 .1 1 1 other troubles of tho breathing gans when Poll, the druggist, will you Hyomel with a guarantee to fund the purchase price if it is satisfactory? Hvomol Is a nlfiHRntit. Imrmloasi t ui,uijii-u iil.UU liuaiiv tUIViD ' nntlRonMn mprllnntlnn wlilnli 1..... 4t. P A, . 1 smaii innaier. it effectively nrnmntlv TpHavaq nil nntnri-linl 1 . le.i f . . . . . 1. i- ., , uie nose, or money uacK A nnmnlfitn TTvnmol 'nnffH slsting of inhaler and a bottle jnyomei, costs fi.uu, anu extra ties, if afterwards needed, aro 50 cents. i.. ,v uj a uau iiruuii:! nil iiiiiiiitii M1 In t.n linnJ 1. 1 I or inrants and any inflammatory . ease 01 me Dreaming organs. Dep. 30&Jan. C. T ROTHONOTAItY'S NOTICE Footwear Company has filed his uiik in tuc uiiiu til i.iit-1 r nil ii 1 . 111 i. UiUU. UIUL LiUO DUUIM Will MM HNH Honesdale on the third Monday January next. W. J. BARNES, n it. i A lULUUUULai -M. uu xiui iiiiii: i,iiiii an liiii w i m j 9 . - ann near, ah i tan mntrn?. no nn nun til, an ucnoucaicio. fivcijr inuy Magazine, Canton, Ohio. 1 or roll cabinet $21.00 now Music Housi Honesdale, he has gone. of Wills in a large $300 to $1000 $1000 to $5000 . . .$5000 to $10,000 $10,000 to $25,000 $25,000 the Future now, and brings iiappi START TO-DAY 7:30 to 8:30. BANK go., rrofcs., Buffalo, r. y.