The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 30, 1913, Image 1

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Wo can only hint .io good
tilings The Citizen wll ilt-nlsli Its
Tlio Citizen wishes every resident
If Whyno county a happy, prosperous
...readers during 1014.
few Year I Now, uo gooUI
71st TEAR.-NO. 104
4 -o JJliVi (D
lohn Drum PSunges a Basket
Makers Knife Bnfo Albert
a Sup
posedly Fatal Wound Both
Men Were Intoxicated.
(mm Was Promptly Arrested by the Town's
Constable and Began Singing "On Christ the
Solid Rock I Stand, All Other urouna is
Sinking Sand" The Wounded Man
Removed to Port Jervis Hospital
-Drum Brought to Honesdale
and Landed In Jail-Motive
for Deed Not Under
stood at Present.
As the result of a stabbing affray in the bar room of Bleck's
lotel, Equinunk, Wayne county, Pa., Saturday evening at 6
I 'clock, Albert Billings, aged 32 years, is lying at the point ot
eath in the Port Jervis hospital as the result of being stabbed
ly a basketmaker's knift in the hands of John Drum, aged
bout 50 years.
Billings' condition is critical and when a Citizen representa
Kve called up the Port Jervis hospital, Monday, it was stated that
feritonitis had set in and that the patient could not recover.
.... . , ., i nt- l.!f.
The wound was an ugly tnree-cornereu one. 1 ne khuc
sed was nine inches long and tapered to a point, but unlike a
tiletto. As the knife was thrust into Billings by Drum it was
iven a turn, the knife cutting the intestines in three different
laces. The intestines were sewed up on Sunday morning after
he patient's arrival at Port Jervis. Mr. Billings rallied shortly
fterwards but soon lapsed into a semi-coma condition, pen-
jnitis having developed. His death is expected momentarily.
Billings and Drum were enjoying themselves during the
greater part of Saturday. During the afternoon Billings went
"Billy" Bleck's hotel, where he was met about quarter to six
Drum, who came from the hill section. The two men, accord-
; to Landlord Bleck, who was interviewed by a Citizen repre-
ntative at the Allen House Monday noon,- started a conversa-
b and Billings exclaimed, "Now, Johnny, I have a notion to
Istle vou." Drum, Mr. Bleck stated, kept saying, "Don't do
jon't do it." The two men clinched and it was necessary for
Bleck to step from behind the bar to where the men were
Iiged wrestling. He separated them and then returned to his
lcr location.
I The two men, according to Mr. Bleck, seemed to rush to
ll each other and then away again. Ihis is when the stab-
occurred, but Mr. Bleck said he was not aware of the fact
after the man fell. Dr. Frisbie was called to dress the
fnd but he stated it was -a hospital case and that the man
lild be sent to Port Jervis at once. It was disclosed by Dr.
Ibie, according to the cut, that the knife was thrust in the
li and then given a turn, which made a three-cornered cut.
ngs was made as comfortable as possible by Dr. Frisbie be-
ihe was sent to Port Jervis on No. 14 of the Erie. He arriv-
that city early Sunday morning and was given immediate
Instable J. V. Harford, of Equinunk, was summoned and
id Drum under arrest ten minutes after the affray. He was
ll in hand cuffs. Drum was kept in custody in Bleck's Hotel
Monday when Constable Harford, after Drum was given a
rig, started for Honesdale with his prisoner. After the ar-
nf Drum, who is a fanatic on religion, started to sing,
list is the Solid Rock on Which I Stand, All Other Ground
king Sand." He rambled in his conversation and did not
le what he had done.
Hillings and Drum married wives who were cousins. From
lonversation of the people living at Equinunk it is alleged
there was some feeling of long standing existing between
Lvo men and that it came to a climax on Saturday.
prum besides being a basket maker also was a stone mason.
designing person might cause her to
dissipate and to loose her property.
Her age I think Is about seventy-six.
Dr. Frederick W. Powell was the
next witness sworn. Have been her
attending physician for some time.
Have noticed her condition and men
tal attitude, and would say that it is
some changed from the time when I
was first called on her case. I saw
her about a week ago and considered
at that time she was mentally do
ranged. She is not a fit person to
handle her estate, and Is apt to be
come the victim of designing persons.
She is apt to dissipate and to squand
er her estate.
Mr. Robert H. Gray was the next
witness called. He testified that he
was a nephew of Mary N. Gray and
that he had known her, ever since ho
was small, and that her mental con
ditlon is at present very weak. She
is not able to look after her estate.
At the time of her husband's death
her estate amounted to $55,000 and
her monthly income amounted, to
$350. Now the amount of lier estate
is about $26,000 with an income of
only about $150 per month, the
same having been dissipated and
squandered to the extent of the dif
ference, and in my opinion her es
tate is liable to be dissipated, squand
ered and lost if a guardian had not
been appointed.
Mr. Horace Menner was also sworn.
He stated that he had known Mrs.
Gray for some time and knew that
she had become feeble in mind as
well as in body and that she might
become the victim of designing per
sons. Bond was fixed in the amount of
$5,000 with the understanding that
the amount should bo increased as
the amount in the hands of the
guardian increased.
The trial list for the January term
was made up on Monday.
Lebanon Township Supervisor.
Resignation of Raymond C. Dennis
from the office of supervisor, pre
sented to court. The resignation
shows that by reason of the uncer
tainty of his election and desiring to
obviate any doubt as to the same,
his office is vacated and in order to
validate the same the appointment
of his successor is asked for. A pe
tition is presented by a large num
ber of taxpayers of Lebanon township
asking for the appointment by court
of the said Raymond C. Dennis. A
vacancy in said office is declared by
the court and the appointment made
as prayed for. r
as of Interest Transpiring in the Hall of Justice and Record-
led in Wayne County's Different Offices Reported by
Representative of The Citizen.
Tlio Gray Case.
irlng In the matter of the ap-
lont of a guardian for the per-
Ind estate of Mary M. Gray of
fcounty of Wayne and State of
ksvlvanla. Edgar w. Ross nav-
rbeen appointed guardian on tho
m nay oi ueceiuuer, xaxo, hub
Faring Is for tho purpose of ascer-
lining the amount of tho bond.
stimony taken -which toucneu tno
hrits of tho case as well. The first
Itnoss was called by M. J. Hanlan,
iq. John E. Richmond, being called
d sworn, said, that he had known
iry Gray for a period of twenty
e years, and that she had been a
rson of considerable mentality as
tll as estate, that he had traveled
Ith her In California, and knew her
ry well, that he had seen her late
ly and conversed with her, and judg
ing from her conversation and her
acts she had considerably weakened
in her state of mind, that Is, she no
longer possesses the power to grasp
present situations. Her age is about
seventy years. When asked his opin
ion, Mr. Richmond said he did not
think she was able to caro for her
own property and direct invest
ments, and that she is liable to be
come the victim of designing per
sons and to unreasonably dissipates
her estate.
Mrs. Haroun was next called. She
had been tfp nurso for moro than a
year. Had occasion to obsenre her
acts, and to converse with her. I
know she is not capable to handle her
own property and would be easily
Influenced by the right person, 'Not
everyone could Influence her. Some
Never In the history of the
Honesdale postoffice has there been
such a rush of business as was ex
perienced during the four days pre
ceding Christmas and including that
day. The holiday mall received and
dispatched was a record-breaker,
there being about 8,000 packages
sent out of Honesdale and fully as
many delivered in the town. The
remarkable part of it was that all
the work was executed by the present
efficient corps of clerks in the office.
Just before Christmas two teams
were obtained to deliver the parcel
post packages to the patrons. Virtu
ally, only one outside carrier and
team was employed 'o deliver tho
congested mail. Every package that
was received up to 10 o'clock Christ
mas morning at the postoffice was
out at that time.
On Monday, December 22nd, 3,
500 packages were received at the
general delivery window and sent to
their various destinations. Deputy
PHtmaster C. J. Kelly informed a
Cltusn representative that as many
packages came from out-of-town up
on that day. On Tuesday 2,000 par
cels were received and on Wednes
day 1,000. Packages sent the 19th
and 20th make a grand total of about
8,000 in five days.
The receipts for the five days of
rusn were as louows: December 19,
$152.00; 20th, $GO.O0; 22nd, $259:
23rd, $151.00; 24th, $72.00. Other
packages mailed for Christmas
brought tho total receipts up to
$800. The average package sent
cost 5 cents to mall.
The parcel post packages was only
a small part of the regular business
at the post office. In addition to
the largo influx of Christmas pres
ents sent In care of Uncle Sam, there
were thousands of post cards and let
ters distributed.
Postmastor M. B. Allen Is to be
congratulated upon having so ef
ficient and competent a corps qf em
ployees, who by systematizing their
work, accomplished as much as a
double office force. Each and every
man (and lady too, for wodo not In
tend to overlook the capable money
oruer cierKj stuck to his post from
early morning until late at night dur
ing the rush. Postmaster Allen
thanked his corps in a most gratify
ing mannor for tho sagacious per
formance of their respective duties.
Washington. President Wilson
signed the Glass-Owen currency bill
at G:01 o'clock Tuesday night In the
presence of members of his cabinet,
the congressional committees on
banking and currency and Democra
tic leaders In congress generally. !
With a few strokes of tho pen, tho
president converted Into law the
measure .to bo known as the federal
reservo act, reorganizing tho nation's
banking and currency system, and
furnishing, in the words of tho pres
ident, " the machinery for free and
elastic and uncontrolled credits, put
at the disposal of the merchants and
manufacturers of this country for tho
first time In fifty years."
An enthusiastic applause ran
through the ceremony not only as the
president affixed his signature but as
he delivered an extemporaneous
speech characterizing the desire of
the administration to take common
counsel with the business men of the
country and the latter's efforts to
meet tho government's advances as
' the constitution of peace."
The event came at the close of a
day of rejoicing in the national capi
tal for congress had recessed for two
weeks for the first time since it coiv
vened last April. The Democratic
lgad.ers were jubilant because they
had completed two Dig pieces of leg'
islation the tariff and currency re
form, in nine months a performance
which they considered unprecedented
in the history of the country.
' I need not tell you," said the
president to the assembled group as
ho took up his pen, "that 1 feel a very
deep gratification at being able to
sign this bill and I feel that 1 ought
to express very heartily the admira
tion I have for the men who have
have made It possible for me to sign
this bill. There have been currents
and counter-currents, but the stream
has moved forward. I think that wo
owe special admiration to the pati
ence and the leadership and skill and
the force of the chairman of the two
committees; and behind them have
stood the committees themselves ex
ercising a degree of scrutiny and of
careful thought In this matter which
undoubtedly has redounded to the
benefit of the bill itself.
Evidences of Team Work.
" Then there has grown, as we have
advanced with this business and the
great piece of business which preced
ed it, evidences.of team work that to
my mind have been very notable In
deed. Only cpnstructlve action, only
the action which accomplishes some
thing, fills men with tho enthusiasm
of co-operation and I think that at
this session of congress we have wit
nessed an accumulating pleasure and
enthusiasm on the part of the mem
bership in both houses in seeing sub
stantial and lasting things accom
plished. I.
" It is a matter of real gratification
to me !that in the case of this bill
there should have been so consider
able a number of Republican votes
cast for It. All great measures un
der our system of government are of
necessity party measures, for the par
ty of the majority is responsible for
their origination and their passage;
but this cannot be called a partisan
measure. i
" As for the bill itself, I feel that
we can say that it is the first of a
series of constructive measures by
which the Democratic party will show
that it knows how to serve the coun
try. In calling it the first of a series
of conservation measures, I need not
say that I am not casting any reflec
tions on the great tariff bill which
preceded it. The tariff bill was
meant to remove those impediments
to American industry and prosperity
wnicn naci so Jong stood in their way.
It was a-1 great piece of preparation
for tho achievements of American
commerce and -American industry
which are certain to follow. Then
there came upon the heel of it this
bill which furnished tho machinery
for free and elastic and uncontrolled
credits, put at the disposal of the
merchants and manufacturers of this
country for the first time In fifty
years. I was refreshing my memory
on the passage of tho national bank
act which came In two pieces, as yjou
know In February of 18G3 and In
June of 18G4."
Four Gold Pens Used.
Four gold pens were used by the
president in writing the bill into law.
He, wrote tho words "23, December
1913, approved," with ono and used
three pens in writirig "Woodrow Wil
son, splitting the first name Into two
syllables. Tho last three pens ho pre
sented to Senator Owen, Representa
tive Glass and Secretary McAdoo, co
authors of the measure. The presi
dent answered tho curiosity of tho
crowd as to the disposition of tho
fourth with tho laughing remark:
"This is the 40 per cent, gold reserve,"
When Mrs. E. A. Pcnniman died
on Friday morning last at her home
on upper Main street, there passed
from the Wayne county scroll the last
person bearing the Penniraan name.
Mrs. Pennlman was Anna, daugh
ter of the late Alanson Blood. She
was born In Honesdale on Septem
ber 27, 1839, in a building now
standing and situated nearly opposite
tho is. A. l'enniman resiuence.
Honesdale was her world, and that
part of It In the vicinity where she
was born was her special corner of
the round earth.
(Mrs. Pennlman suffered from tho
same disease that caused the death
of her husband, angina pectoris, a
very painful disorder of the heart.
She was stricken with what proved to
be the final attack when her hus
band's condition became such that it
was evident he would not recover.
She became unable to leave her bed,
and was not present when his body
was committed to Its final resting
place. IShe Is survived by a Bister,
Miss Mary Blood, who made hor
home with the Pennlmans.
.Miss Anna Blood became the bride
of E. A. Pennlman May 18 , I860.
The golden wedding anniversary was
observed three years ago last May.
The wedded life of Mr. and Mrs, Pen
.niman Is spoken of as boing of a very
happy nature. No children were
.born to them; but the attachment to
their nieces and nephews was as close
as that 8f the nearer ties that par
ents evlnc towards their own off
spring. Only twenty days intervened
between the death of 'Mr. Pennlman
and that of his wife. They lived for
each other, and constantly sought
each other's happiness. It seems
peculiarly touching that they should
be called from earth with such a
short Interval marking the period of
The funeral was held at the Pen
nlman residence on Monday after
noon at 3 o'clock, Rev. W. H. Sw.lft,
of the Presbyterian church, of which
both Mrs. Penniman and her hus
band were members, officiating. The
pall-bearers were: E. B. Hlarden
bergh, J. W. Welch, H. S. Salmon,
J. E. Richmond, Norman Farnham
and C. E. Dodge.
For a quarter of a century Mr. Pen
niman and the subject of this sketch
sang In the Presbyterian choir. There
was a large attendance of those who
were desirous of paying respect to
the memory of one who had a kind
heart and whose genial smile greeted
a large circle of friends. The day
was bright and beautiful, and as the
funeral cortege wound its way to
Glen Dyberry cemetery for the last
rites pertaining to the committal ot
tho mortal remains to the dust, many
thought what the poet Young so
beautifully expresses In the lines
"Men drop so fast, ere life's mid
stage ve tread,
Few know so many friends alive as
$25,000,000 , AST MORT
IHr Issuo Represents Vivo Per Cent.
Sinking Fund Gold Bonds'of tlio
Pennsylvania, New York, New Jer
sey, Power Company Guarantee
Trust Company of Now York, Trus
tee for tho Bonds.
One of the largest mortgages on
record In Wayne county was filed on
Monday with Register and Recorder
W.. B. Lesher, representing a first
mortgage, fifty years five per cent,
sinking fund gold bonds of $25,000,
000. Tho document consisted of G8
pages and will make about 30 pages
in the mortgage book. It was signed
by E. B. Hamlin, president, and
Lawrence H. Walters secretary of tho
Pennsylvania, New York, New Jer
sey Power company and by William
C. Cox, vice-preSident, and E. Hub
bard, secrotary of the Guarantee
Trust Company of New York.
This is evidence that the Paupack
at Hawley will be harnessed. A lake
17 miles ioug, extending from Wil
sonvllle to Forks bridge, and nearly
three miles wide in some places, cov
ering an acreage of 5,8G0,
Edward Lockwood Honesdale
Edna Moulter Seolyvlllo
Roland J. Reynolds Honesdale
Florence Schoell Honesdale
Harry Buchanan Preston
VIda Richards .Starrucca
Charles Menner Honesdale
Minnie Reeso Honesdale
Martin Yopsen Damascus
Hazel M. Dennis Damascus
A. B. Brown, aged 70 years, of
Rlleyvllle, and Mrs. Emma Walter,
5G, of Honesdale, were married on
iaturday by Re.v. Dr, Swift at the
resbyterian manse.
Miss Edna Moulter, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moulter, of
Seelyville, and Edward Lockwood, of
this place, were quietly married at
Grace Episcopal church Christmas
night, Rev. A. L. Whlttaker perform
ing the ceremony. After tho wedding
a supper was enjoyed at the bride's
homo. Mr. and .Mrs. Lockwood loft
Thursday morning for Binghamton,
N. Y where they wUl spend a short
honeymoon. -The bride Is one of
Seolyville's popular young women
and her many friends In that place
and Honesdale wish her a most hap
py wedded life. Mr. Lockwoou Is
highly spoken of and is in the em
ploy of the American Knitting Mill,
The local troop of Boy Scouts had
tho time of their lives at their ban
quet which was served by Mrs. Wm,
F. Briggs last Saturday night. The
menu was ono of her very best and
occupied the attention of the boys for
two hours.
Mortimer Stocker, as toastmaster,
was greatly appreciated. His ad
dress at the close of tho dinner will
be remembered by the Scouts all
their lives. He spoko of tho time
when all would be scattered to the
four corners of the earth, of tho
things that would stay In the memo
ries and be of lasting good, of tho
wonderful value of scouting in pre
paring tne Doy to meet the emergen'
cies that ho meets up with when he
starts out among strangers. He paid
high tribute to the Interest and close
friendship which has been shown to
every member of the Troop by Scout
master E. G. Jenkins, remarking
that since he has been at Lafayette
College he has realized many times
tho truth of the remarks of Judgo
Lindsay at the' Chautauqua last
summer, in appreciation of tho work
of the Jenkins brothers among the
boys of Honesdale,
The toast by Earl Herbert was a
masterly eulogy of tho local Scouts
and tho organization, emphasizing
the strong brotherly feeling that
exists among the boys.
Clarenco Bodle had the boys In an
uproar of laughter during his speech.
Earl Transue, Louis Dryer and John
RIefler offered after dinner speeches
tnat wore greatly enjoyed.
The songs by Robert Heft in cos
tume and several readings by Miss
Marie Freeman of Carbondale, who
presided at the piano during the eve
ning, were tho top lino features of
the occasion.
Scout Master E. G. Jenkins then
closed tho first banquet of Honesdale
Troop No. 1 with a few words of ap
preciation of tho loyalty and friend
ship which has been extended to him
by each boy during tho nearly three
years since the organization of the
It was a most Impressive sight,
those twenty young men, over half of
thsm six feet tall, standing about the
table bowing reverently while
Scout Master E. G. Jenkins gave
thanks for all the good things that
have come to this troop, and be
sought Almighty God to look with
favor upon each member that they
might become worthy to follow the
Divine Scout of Galileo,
National headquarters of tho Boy
Scouts appointed a Library Commis
sion, composed of leading librarians
from all over the country, to choose
from juvenile publications books 'to
be issued In uniform binding and de
signated as "Every Boy s Library,
Boy Scout Edition."
In selecting the books, the Com
mission has chosen only such as are
of interest to boys, the first twenty
five being either works of fiction or
stirring stories of adventurous ex
periences. In later lists, books of a
more serious sort will be included.
It is hoped that as many as twenty-
five may be added to the Library
each year.
A list of the books follows:
Baby Elton, Quarter-Back, Leslie W.
The Blazed Trail, Stewart Edward
Buccaneers and Pirates of our Coasts,
Frank R. Stockton.
The Call of the Wild, Jack London.
Cab and' Caboose, Kirk Munroe.
College Years, Ralph D. Paine.
Crooked Trails, Frederick Reming
The Cruise of the Cachalot, F. T.
From Cattle Ranch to College, Rus
sell Doubleday. ,
Jeb Hutton, J!es B. Connolly.
The Horseman of tho Plains, Joseph
A. Altsheler.
The Jester of St. Timothy's, Arthur
iStanwood Pier,
Jim "Davis,- John 'Olasefleld.
A Midshipman in the Pacific, Cyrus
Townsend Brady.
Pitching in a Pinch, Christy Mathew-
The Ranche on the Oxhide, Henry
Redney McGaw, Arthur E. McFar
lane. Three Years Behind tho Guns, L. G.
Tom Paulding, Brander Mathews.
Tommy Remington's Battle, Burton
E. Stevenson.
Tecumseh's Young Braves, Everett
T. Tomllnson.
Tom Strong, Washington's Scout, Al
fred Bishop Mason.
Treasure Island, Robert Louis Stev
enson. Wells Brothers: The Young Cattle
Kings, Andy Adams.
Yankee Ships and Yankee Sailors,
James Barnes.
Prof. H. A. Oday has purchased
tho entire list for the Honesdale Li
brary and they may bo secured free
by any boy holding a card.
This is undoubtedly tho best list
of books yet compiled and tho boys
of Honesdale will greatly enjoy tho
privilege of reading them.
Death of Millard Fuller.
Millard Fuller, fourteen-year-old
Son ofMr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Ful
ler, died on Wednesday last at the
homo of his parents at East Hones
dalo ot diabetes. The funeral was
held oh Saturday afternpon at if Alfred I. ScfmRer of Uppor Mont-
o cjock irom tne nouse, Key. u. C. ciair, n. J arrived on Saturday to
miner omciaung. interment was i spena a lew aays'wnn nis mother and
made la Rlverdalo cemetery, mister on Dyberry Place,
Christmas day members of the
Dodge family met at tho home of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel K. Dodge on Grove
street for a reunion. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. Blge
low, of Niagara; Mrs. Jacob Lelppe,
of Binghamton, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs.
Buel Dodge, of Waymart, and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles E. Dbdge of Honesdale.
Nathan R. Buller, State Fish Com
missioner, of Harrisburg, met tho'
representatives of the glass Indus
try in Honesdale and White Mills and
also Blrdsall Bros., of Seelyville, at
tho Allen House last Friday evening.
The chief object of Commissioner
Buller's visit was to notify the repre
sentatives of industries located on
tho Dyberry and Lackawaxen rivers
to stop tho pollution of these streams
by emptying refuse from their respec
tive factories, Into the water.
Mr. Buller suggested the building
of cisterns on tho premises thus al
lowing the acid of the glass factor
ies to percolate through tho ground
and not come directly Into contact
with the fish of the stream. Blrdsall
Bros, largo factories aro also exten
sively used to carry away dyeing and
waBh waters. This firm will feel tho
change harder than tho others.
Judge Blrdsall Informed tho Citi
zen by 'phono on Monday that tho
meeting referred to above was sought
by Iterested parties who desired to
learn what they are expected to do In
regard to stream pollution. Ho said
it is merely a matter of time when
nothing of an offensive nature will
be placed In the streams of the coun
ty, as all factories now complained ot
desire to live strictly within tho law,
both written and unwritten, as far as
they possibly can do so.
Honesdale spells opportunity for
tho manufacturer living in crowded
city districts.
"Made in Honesdale" Is a valuable
asset to any Industry locating here.
In vjew of tho fact that thero aro
nearly 50 Industries In Honesdale, It
ia evident that tho "mado Jn Hones
dalo" asset Is invaluable to ,the man
ufacturing interests of the town.