The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 25, 1913, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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This Year there is a Great
Over the Mountain at Christmas Time
EMORY does not have to exert itself very much to reach back to the days
when there was no Scranton. There is Ed. Merrifield whose memory runs
back to the ante-Scranton days. 'Squire Hollister is another. 'Squire
Smith is another. It was surely a picnic for Santa at that time. He drove
his antlered team around from Dunmore to Hyde Park and then across to
Razorville. Slocum's Mill, where Scranton afterwards sprang up like
Jonah's gourd, only more substantial, was too isolated in those days for old
St. Nick to bestow on it more than a passing acquaintance. It surely puts a crimp in the old fel
low and his team in these later days to keep up with its growth and demands. Its development,
power and importance have greatly overshadowed everything within a radius of 100 miles, and
the main business of adjacent cities seems to be that of watching Scranton grow. Scranton is
seen at its best at Christmas time, and Scranton is worth seeing any time.
The stores are decorated with everything that art can suggest and that science can supply. Its
myriads of electric they flash, and fade, appear and disappear, pointing out public places
of interest and the location of enterprising manufacturers and tradesmen, especially at this time
of year, are very suggestive of the North Pole with its dazzling boreal splendor. All of these
1 sights, really must be seen to be truly appreciated.
BTUSE, indeed, must be those
vho cannot see In The
Scranton Times one of the
leading newspapers of the
State. Looked at from tho
-view-point of the individual who
makes newspapers and understands
the game, the assertion of leadership
previously made will stand unchal
lenged, rand it is the purpose of this
little sketch to give the reader the
xeason why of "this thusness."
First, then, let us talk a bit about
the growth of The Times' circulation.
"When Mr. Lynett purchased the pa
per in 1895 or 1896, Its circulation
was small. Its whole life has been
an existence of struggle, a "hold on"
existence, an effort to keep going.
That was the history of the paper un
der various managers, such as Hon.
W. H. Stanton, A. A. Chase, P. A.
Barrett, J. C. Coon, Captain Morris
and Bell & Hudson All of these peo
ple were good, clever newspaper
men, and it would seem that all of
them should have succeeded, for
they all worked, and worried, and
suffered enough to merit a full meas
ure of success. None of them, how
ever, found newspaper Easy Street,
which attainment was reserved for
Mr. Lynett.
From an insignificant circulation
The Times began to grow. It is not
the purpose of this sketch to trace
tho details of the circulation journey.
It is sufficient to say that In due time
its circulation caught up with the
Truth, having previously passed
both morning papers. This was done
without gifts, contests, or other cir
culation promotion schemes. Its cir
culation to-day is nearly 40,000, and
its figures and claims are never ques
tioned or disputed by advertisers,
general readers or contemporaries.
The Times Is essentially a news
paper. It seems to have solved the
difficult problem of "knowing what
is going to happen, and of having a
man on the spot to report the hap
pening." To illustrate this wo would
refer as an instance to its issue of
Monday, Nov. 17. Two days pre
viously occurred the fall of Juarez
in Mexico. The Times on Monday
contained a detailed word-picture of
tho battle written by Dr. F. W.
Lynch, of El Paso, an eye-witness of
the struggle. Along -with the splen
did report was a war map of the
scene of strife and a fine portrait of
tho young doctor. Mr. Lynett knew
that Dr. Lynch had lived in Clark's
Summit and was in El Paso. He
got busy with the wires on Sunday,
and the result was the graphic story
told specially for Times readers.
The Scranton Times can truly be
said to be a complete newspaper.
Its news service is always unequal
ed. Its editorials are always fair
and liberal. Its policy is progressive.
Its features are unique and original.
Its household departments and serial
stories are up-to-date, clean and mor
ally uplifting.
That is only one instance of how
the Times "gets there" ahead of its
contemporaries. Its flying-machine
delivery of papers to Carbondalo; its
wireless telegraphy enterprise, and
many such things have only to be
referred to to bring vividly before
the reader's mind some comprehen
sion of the enterprise of the Scranton
Times. It is no wonder that it has
so largo and so constantly an increas
ing circulation. It is no wonder
that advertisers want to be repre
sented in its pages. It Is no won
der that the public generally has set
its seal of approval on its claim of
being "The People's Paper."
HERE is one store that does
'not scare at the incursions
of the catalogue or mail or
der houses, and that is the
Union Cash Store of Dun
more. This borough has more
than a passing interest in Wayne
county affairs because many of its
citizens came from Wayne county.
Hawley at one time -was the home
of the shops In which the gravity
cars were repaired. When they
were removed to Dunmore imany
Hawleyites went along with their
jobs and thus Wayne county and
Dunmore became very closely relat
ed. To-day there are many people
from the south-western parts of
Wayne county who find it convenient
and to their advantage to trade at
the Union Cash. And " there is a
The proprietors of the Union Cash
long ago decided that they would
beat the mail order houses at: their
own game. They" sell Furniture,
Beds, Springs, Mattresses, and a
variety of articles along the line of
house furnishing goods. They buy
these articles in large lots direct
from tho manufacturers, and, con
sidering quality, their prices are ac
tually less than you have to pay for
the same articles in the far-away
and out-of-slght stores that gather In
everything and never do a thing to
help communities and counties they
are trying to pump dry of ready cash.
The Union Cash Store is one of the
largest mercantile enterprises in the
State. Its men are home men and
its interests are home Interests.
Wayne county people within easy
reach of the Union Cash Store, when
in need of anything in the lines men
tioned above should give the Dun
more enterprise a chance before
sending their money away from
homo, for they will see to it that you
MORE than save tho freight on tho
goods you purchase of them. Thoy
lay them Tight down at your door,
freight prepaid by them.
1HE past year has marked an
I epoch in the affairs of the
Fidelity Deposit and Dis
count Bank of Dunmore.
This bank, by the way, is
among the pioneers of the great
number of banking institutions that
have sprung up, in recent years out
side tho larger cities and centres of
commerce. Dunmore is a great big
borough, larger than some cities, and
it took a long time for her good citi
zens to come to the conclusion that
it was a safe proposition to try and
establish a bank. Dunmore was al
ways conservative, and the spirit of
conservatism most naturally entered
into -the formation of The Fidelity
v It became apparent long ago that
something had to be done to accom
modate the bank's ever Increasing
Saturday night business. It ended
in the bank making substantial en
largement of Its building.
The writer recently was shown
thorugh the bank building, and he
noted with much Interest the changes
and the improvements. The Interior!
of the building, like the exterior, is'
devoid of gaudy display. It has the
mission effect and is severely but
pleasingly and substantially plain.
It conveys thejideaiof solidity. There
is now room for everybody, bank offi
cials as well as bank customers.
The clientello of the Fidelity Bank
is not confined to Dunmore, but
reaches away out in the country, es
pecially in certain sections of Wayne
county, especially that part of it
which has the Moosic mountains for
its boundary on the west.
The Fidelity is a SAFE bank. It
is officered by substantial men who
are invariably conservative instead
of enthusiastic. Tho Fidelity was
capitalized at $G0,00O, and in the ten
years that it has been in existence
on that capital stock tho bank has
earned In profits j.04,000, or more
than an average of $10,000 a year.
The Fidelity's deposits are now
crowding the million dollar mark, be
ing upwards of $800,000. It is no
wonder that the Fidelity Bank of
Dunmore is on the honor roll.
eases among smokers. He has arriv
ed at the conclusion that juvenile
smoking involves the gravest perils
of future health. The professor
found tho most serious cases of nico
tine poisoning almost unvariably
were those in which the sufferers be
gan to smoke when very young.
The symptoms of such poisoning
never appear in youth, but usually
take years to develop. They become
apparent in most instances between
the ages of 40 and 50.
Thompson Beane, former editor of
the Susquehanna (Pa.) Transcript, it
is stated, has filed a suit against Geo.
W. Schaeff, doing business as the
Transcript Publishing Co., for back
salary to the amount of $6,300. It is
alleged in the complaint that at the
time of Beane's retirement the de
fendant refused to settle on the basis
agreed upon, assuming that the edi
tor received full compensation for
services rendered. Mr. Beano now
sues for the full amount of his sal
ary. Editor and Publisher, New
Vienna, Dec. 22. At the instiga
tion of the Austrian Society of School
Hygiene Prof. Frank Hochwart, the
scientist, has conducted a series of
investigations of cases of nervous dis-
Great Barrington, Mass. In an
od cemetery in the town of Now Marl
boro is a quaint old tombstone. It
is' the gravestone of Polly Rhodes,
who died September 7, 1855, at the
age of SO years 5 months and 3 days.
As stated on the stone she was the
widow of five different husbands, and
on her gravestone she had them all
listed in order of sequence as fol
lows: First, David Rockwell; second,
Capt. Alpheus Underwood; third,
Deacon Amos Langdon; fourth,
Hezeklah G. Butler; fifth, James T
There was little business to occupy
the attention of tho regular Decem
ber court in Pike county and adjourn
ment was taken in less than two
hours. President Judge Staples and
Assdcinte Judges Quick and Swart-
wood were on the bench. The most
important item of business was tho
Issuing of a venire for a jury .term in
February, when the few criminal and
civil cases on the calendar will be
disposed of
James T." Grady, who was recently
appointed constable of Palmyra
township, failed to qualify and upon
petition of a number of taxpayers
Arthur L. Pellett was appointed.
Com. vs. Joseph K. Slocum. Kill
ing a cow belonging to Anthony Geb
hardt of Palmyra township.
Com. vs. Bertha Armbruster.
Wantonly pointing a pistol at Mrs.
Orpha Kleinhans of Blooming
Jeremiah Sheerer of Greene town
ship, who has been in the county jail
for the past three months in default
of bail owing to domestic troubles,
was given his freedom. When the
case was called Attorney McCarty of
Honesdale, who represented the de
fendant, informed the court that a
settlement was in view if some dis
position of the costs could be made.
At this time neither his client nor the
prosecutor was in position to pay
same. The court was willing to give
defendant ample time to raise the
costs and allowed him to go on his
own recognizance with the under
standing that he pay the costs, $70.
42 within four months at the rate of
$20 per month; and the further un
derstanding that he must not molest
his family in any manner. Mrs.
Sheerer is suing her husband for di
vorce. Milford Dispatch.
irarrisburpr. Tne state water supply
commission has arranged for the start of
the Inventory of the water resources of
the state, which will ultimately cover
every county ami provide a means of es
timating tho value of water pover In the
The work will be undertaken, by en
gineers this winter.
Indians, Tories, Patriots, Scouts,
Love, Mystery, Itiver Life, History,,
Poetry, and everything that goes to
mnke a thrilling romance are found
in John E. Barrett's "Red Shadow."
At Leine's. Price $1.25.
The Result of Service! j
In November, 1890, the firm of MEGARGEE BROTHERS was established at
134 Washington Ave., Scranton, Pa., occupying one store and basement with a total
floor space of less than 6000 sq. ft. To-day, located at the same place, the business has
grown to such magnitude that more than six times the space or over 36,000 sq. ft.
is needed to store the vast stocks of Printing Papers, Envelopes, Card-Boards, Wrap
ping Papers, Bags, Twines and Paper Commodities that are required to fill the orders
coming to us every day.
And no greater testimonial to the "SERVICE we always strive to give could be
written than these same orders which come in repeatedly from our old friends the
customers who have dealt with us from the first, and whom we hope to serve just as
satisfactorily and as continuously in the future.
Briefly, here's what we mean by "SERVICE," the kind of dealing that has made
the name MEGARGEE a by-word for reliability and integrity for the past one hundred
and fifteen years: First, to provide an ample supply, at right prices, of all the desired
grades of papers, so that 90 per cent, of all orders can be filled at once, from stock.
Second, to execute your orders as you want them accurately and quickly. Third, to
stand back of these papers to the point of your entire satisfaction with every order we
Sanitary Paper Cups and Towels Required by Law
Several stat"
cian And health i
causes of diseas
Paper1 Cups
'nd many cities have by a law prohibited the use of the common roller-towel and drinking cup, because every physi
stor considers the use of a towel or cup by more than one person in factory, store, office or home as one of the prime
id contagion. The latest state to join the procession was Pennsylvania.
Compliance with the new law is compulsory, but few people will wait to be forced into the practice first from considerations of
health; and second, because paper towels and paper cups are cheaper anyway.
Papeir Towels
We carry a large supply of paper towels in rolls, with specially designed fixtures
that are easily put up and inexpensive. The towels are made in a number of grades and
The cost of these towels is really small in comparison with cloth towels, and there
are no laundry bills to pay each week.
These paper towels are scientifically made, being soft and agreeable to the touch
and just tough enough for the desired purpose.
The best are the most economical since onetowel of the better grades will com
pletely dry the hands, while the thinner papers necessitate the use of two. Samples
and prices will be gladly forwarded on request.
We carry three styles of paper drinking cups, together with convenient and sani
tary glass cup-dispensers, designed to deliver the cups one at a time as "they are need-
. in perfecfShape
The American cup is recommended for general use as it is formed like a
drinking glass and may be set down while full of water.
For advertising purposes, and also for general use, the Puritan Flat Cup is espec
ially adapted, since the outside can be printed. Samples of all the styles we handle will
be sent on request.
M-B" Typewriter Papers
Completeness is the distinguishing feature of tho "M-B" lino of Typewriter Tapers
and Manuscript Covers. It is probably tho most extensive on tho market, since it does not
represent tho product of ono mill alone, but is a careful selection of tho best miners man
ufactured. Our Typewriter Paper sample book lias Just been revised and really serves as a
band-book of high-grade papers for office stationery. Contains over ono hundred sam
ples of different papers representing thirty-one separate kinds suitable for manifolding,
copying, letter-beads, law records and mimeographing, and eight different colors of
manuscript cover.
Each ream of 500 sheets is put in a neat, attractive and durablo box, with label giv
ing number, color nnd slzo of contents. Send for tho new sample book, select the paper
that suits you and order from your stationer or from us.
dering n habit.
Use the Mail Order Service
You will llnd it a great convonlenco to use our Mall Order Service. If you are located
outside of tho territory regularly covered by our sidesmen, you can still take advantage of
our immense "on band" stocks of standard papers, paper commodities, etc., through tills
department. Wo like to call it a "service" rather than iv "department," because It was
with tho Idea of providing better service to our customers that wo installed a now sys
tem of handling orders that como in by mall.
Of course we have always filled orders by mall. But now wo aim to niako tho Mall
Order Servico a scparato part of the order department, with ono man to devote bis time
to making it valuable to you.
If you've read tho introduction to this advertisement you know tho kind of service
wo oirer through the Mail Order System, nnd wo wnnt you to uso it every day. Try it out
in buying tho papers you need don't take our word for it. We'll provido all tho notes
sary facilities sample books, catalogs, and oven order blanks and addressed envelopes
if you want them. --TAKE THE FIRST STEP NOW.
Drop a card in tho mail and get our catalogs and sample books, and mako mall-or-
Paper for The Citi
zen is supplied by
Mcgargee Brothers
134-136 Washington Ave., SCRANTON, PA.
"Everything in Paper"