The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 25, 1913, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    fAGE SIX
Ilccall of Famous Juvenile Jurist
Falls Flat AVlien l'ut to Test.
Denver, Tried and completely
vindicated by an Investigating com
mittee, which was appointed' by tho
very Interests seeking his political
destruction, and with every member
of the committee his open and avow
ed enomy, was tho recent experience
of Judge Ben B, Llndsey of the Den-
vor Juvenile Court, originator of the
juvenile court system now In exist
ence throughout the United States.
Several months ago, about May,
circulars were sent broadcast
throughout the country attacking
Judge Llndsey and tho Juvenile
Court of Denver. Most of tho cir
culars were anonymous, and when
they were signed at all they pur
ported to be Issued by "The Women's
Protective League." Such an or
ganization was hitherto unknown
and Its membership, If It had any
members at all, has never been made
public. According to Judge Llndsey,
tho only members were Rodney Cur
tis, E. K. Whitehead and Dr. Mary
Elizabeth Bates.
Whether the charges of Judge
Llndsey be true, tho three persons
above named were the leaders In the
recent movement which had for Its
object the recall of "the little
judge." Dr. Bates was his open and
avowed opponent In public utter
ances and in private.
At the time the circulars first
made their appearance in Denver
and elsewhere, tho judge was under
going treatment at a sanitarium and
was not here to defend the charges
brought against his record. The
circulars charged mismanagement on
the part of Llndsey In conducting his
court; that he neglected his duty by
giving lectures throughout the coun
try, and that he extended leniency
and condoned offences committed by
men and boys against girls. To sub
stantiate their statements they repro
duced certain jail blotter records
which, It was subsequently shown,
did not correspond with the actual
records of the Juvenile Court.
When Llndsey returned home,
about three months ago and threw
down tho gauntlet and dared them
to come out and fight in the open, his
challenge was accepted. He defied
tho so-called league to prove its
charges, and charged that Dr. Bates,
Curtis and Whltehiiid were oppos
ing him at the behest of the corpora-
tion interests which were assailed
by Linrtsey in "Tho Beast and the
It should be mentioned that Curtis
is ex-president of the Denver City
Tramway Company, one of Denver's
wealthiest citizens, and has always
lined up with ' the corporations.
Whitehead is secretary of the Hu
mane Society of Denver, a private
corporation. He, too, has always
been closely associated with corpora
tion Interests. Dr. Mary Elizabeth
Bates is a practicing physician, and
over since the publication of "The
Beast and the Jungle" has been an
open enemy of Llndsey. Two years
ago she was in the public eye for sev
eral months by reason of her charges
against the management of the Old
Ladies Home, a charitable institu
tion of Denver, which she claimed
was a "hell" instead of a "home."
Her charges were investigated by the
State Board of Charities and Cor
rections, which declared they were
In order to further their progress
in their fight against Llndsey, his
opponents finally directed all their ef
forts to put through a set of resolu
tions at a meeting of the Denver
Taxpayers Association. Soon after
LIndsey's return in September, such
resolutions were introduced at a
regular meeting of tho association,
but failed to pass. They called for
an Investigation of LIndsey's record
and also demanded his recall.
At a meeting two weeks later the
resolutions came up, but friends of
Lindsey demanded that ho be given
a chance to defend the charges be
fore a vote was taken. This de
mand was granted, but tho meeting
ended in a near riot and a police
man was called to restore order.
At a regular meeting one week af
terward, Judge Lindsey was present
and answered every charge that had
been made against him. Curtis and
his followers were also present.
Riotous scenes also prevailed at this
meeting and the entire session was a
stormy one. The He was passed and
repassed and the arrival of the po
lice alone prevented several fistic en
counters. When a semblance of or
der was finally restored, tho resolu
tions were passed amid shouts of ap
proval and howls of derision and
hisses. The Llndsey forces at the
meeting were plainly outnumbered.
Chairman Martin, after a consulta
tion with Curtis, then annnunml n.
committee of five 'to fully Investi
gate tno charges against Llndsey.
The committee was made up of three
men and two women, all openly
avowed enemies of Llndsey, especial
ly Its chairman, H. S. Vaughn.
The committee made a careful and
searching Investigation of every
charge against Llndsey, and their
findings subsequently reported were
a complete exoneration of both the
judge and x his court record. This
ended the miserable effort to ruin
LIndsey's splendid record and tho
attempt to force his recall.
During the campaign against
Llndsey, if It can bo called a cam
paign, tho better element of both
men and women voters were content
to sit back and listen. Tho Taxpay
ers' Association Is a small body and
not what could properly be called
representative, although composed
or reputable citizens. The, movement
never reached the stage of even pre-
Tinvfnr rnnll naUHnna Tin ,1 1itir
i " O (lull uvruai lluu lllCjr
been actually circulated it is doubt
ful If the required number of votes
i tuum uuvu ueen secured lor suumis
oiuu io inn voters, n is uui iair to
state that the real opposition to Llnd
sey was hopelessly In tho minority
and, nccordlng to the report of the
Investigating committee, evidently
resorted to trickery and cunning to
accomplish their purpose, Tho jail
blotter records, for instance, which
they submitted to prove tholr
charges, do not pretend to give the
evidence or the facts In a single case
It was also shown that LIndsey's
trips throughout the country were
taken at his own expense instead of
the taxpayers', as represented. It Is
customary among Judges of all courts
of Colorado to absent themselves for
two or three months during the year
on vacations or for other reasons,
first delegating another judge, as did
Llndsey, to conduct their courts
during their absence.
Prominent woman suffragists of
Denver heartily approve of Judge
LIndsey's work and his recent vin
dication. Senator Helen Ring Rob
inson, Superintendent of Public In
struction Mnry A. Bradford, Attor
ney Gall Laughlin, Mrs. E. P. Costl
gan, president of the Woman's Club,
and others equally prominent cheer
fully Indorse his record.
A recent statement signed by well'
known club men and women who
have always been Identified with leg
islation and other matters looking to
the advancement of their sex, says:
" Wo have tho utmost confidence
In the Juvenile Court of Denver and
Judge Llndsey. Wo are familiar with
its methods of handling sex cases
that arlso under tho extreme and dif
ficult age of consent laws existing In
Colorada. Judge Llndsey has met
the problem as It was never met be
fore, with results most satisfactory,
especially as compared with past
methods. We have not the slightest
doubt, as shown by the official rec
ord, that his work for girls has great
ly inceased the efficiency of the work
as regards detection, prosecution
and convictions In such cases. We
heartily believe In his ideas concern
ing probation in a certain class of
these cases. Wo know that he has
Imposed heavy penalties in other
cases where probation was not called
for. Wo heartily believe In his plan
of constructive and administrative
work in these cases. We believe it
has done more for the protect on of
the girls of Denver than has been
done though all the otho" courts In
the history of tho law."
The women voters of Denver are
highly Intelligent, as a rule, and are
not easily swept away from their
deeply imbued sense of justice. They
are usually the first to condemn any
deviation from the right in a public
official. It follows, therefore, that
Judge Lindsey is safe in the hands of
the women and children of Denver
so long as he maintains his present
Cold Spring, Dec. 23. Mr. and
Mrs. Olln II. Yale and children and
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Douglass of
Uniondale were visitors at this place
Humors are afloat that some of our
boys have "heart trouble," at least
they call at the doctor's quite often.
Clare Yalo has been laid up for
a few days, a colt having kicked him.
Tho school is preparing for Xmas
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Coons and
son and Mary Goodnough of For
tenia were callers at G. H. Douglass'
on Sunday.
A Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year to tho Citizen and all Its
Meeting of the -stockholders of the
Honesdalo National Bank will be
held in tho banking house of the
said bank in the borough of Hones-
101-1, between the hours of 2 and 4
p. m., for the purpose of electing di
rectors and transacting any other
business that may be brought before
the stockholders.
Honesdale, Pa., Dec. 17, 1913.
Euist'iiars INUUUJS. .Notice is
hereby given that the accountants
herein named have settled their respective
accounts in the oilico ol the Register ot Wills
of Wayne County. I'a., and that the same will
be presented at the Orphans' Court of said
county for confirmation, at the Court House
In Honesdale. on the third Mnnduv of
Jan. next viz:
First and final account of G A
Curtis, Laura M. Rude and A. ' H
Curtis, administrators of the estate
of Louisa Curtis, Clinton.
First and final account of Charles
E. Collins, executor of the estate of
Philander W. Collins, Lake.
First and final account of Geo
F. Roney, administrator of the es
tate of Lorenzo Roberts, Bucking
First and final account of H. R,
Megargel, admlnstirator of tho es
tate of O. B. Megargel, Sterling.
First and final account of Thomas
F Moran and Michael Moran, execu
tors of the estate of Margaret Mor
an, Preston.
First and final account of John R
Buckingham, executor of the estate
of John S. Dexter, Damascus.
First and final account of J. E
Mandevllle, executor of the estate o
Azuba Mandevllle, Honesdale.
First and partial account of Paul
ino M. Horst, executrix of tho estate
of Frederick Horst, Texas.
First and final account of B. W,
Raymond, administrator of the es
tate of James Van Valkenburg, Scott
First and final account of B. W,
Raymond, executor of the estate of
John B. Leonard, Scott
First and final account of Euith
M, Vandervort, administratrix of tho
estate of Ralph R. Haling, Lake.
First and final account of Jes
samlno Carlton, administratrix of tho
estate of Emma Beecher, Dreher.
First and final account of Clara A,
Borchers, executrix of the estate of
Nathan Grlswold, Clinton.
First and final account of Charles
A. McCarty, administrator of the es
tate of Kern Ward, Palmyra.
W. B. LESHER, Recorder.
Estate of
Late of Clinton, deceased.
All persons Indebted to said es
tate are notified to make immediate
payment to the undersigned; and
those having claims against tho said
estate are notified to present them
duly attested 'or settlement.
Waymart, Dec. 22, 1913.
Don't tell peoplo that you do not
expect to recolve any- presents. You
know you do.
Don't forget that tho clerk who has
been working long hours for many'
weeks Is human.
Don't, If the present you aro Bend-
lug away was expensive, fall to ro
movo the price tag.
Don't hunt for price marks on tho
presents you receive.
Don't wait till ChrlstmaB for the
purpose of being kind.
Don't let your left pocket know
what your right pocket gives for'
friendship, for lovo or for charity.
Don't bo grouchy merely because
some dollverv boy happens to prod
you with the corner of a box that is
twice as large as he.
Don't let yourself suppose when you
rrowd Into tho place where ChrlstmaB
shopping Is being done that you are
the only one who is in a hurry.
Don't present your Christmas gift
as If you wore conferring a favor.
Don't give merely for tho purpose
of creating tho Impression that you
are generous.
Dear Santa Claus: My mother sho
Says what she wishes you'd bring me
On Christmas Is a heart that's kind
And and oh, yes, tho wish to mind,
And happy smiles for every day
And goodness that won't wear away.
Dear Santa Claus, please won't you bring
These all on Christmas everything
My mother wishes that you would?
And and a sled that's strong and good.
And r would like to have a gun
The kind that shoots an Iron one.
My father told me If I'd write
And ask you for It that you might
Bring me the wish to study well
And learn to read and write and spell.
And thankfulness for limbs that's straight
And youth and health that's simply great.
Friend Santa, bring them all and I'll
Be good and cheerful all the while;
But If I can't have everything
My parents say they wish you'd bring,
And If I can't have only one.
Why, please, I'd rather have the gun.
A Preference.
"Bobble, would you rather find your
Christmas present In your stocking or
on a tree?"
"I'd rather have It on a tree, 'cause
there's more room there."
Wise King Solomon,
"King Solomon had a great head,
all right."
"Certainly. He was the wisest man
who ever lived."
"I guess he waa. He had all those
wives of his before there was any
such thing as Christmas."
"Well," said the good man, patting
little Willie on tho head, "have you
written to Santa Claus?"
"No," replied the child. "I heard
papa and mamma talkln' about what
they were goln' to give me, one night
when they thought ,1 was asleep, and
If old Santa doesn't want to stop
here without gettln' invited he cad
drive on."
this great book which contains over 650 finely illustrated pages and is handsomely and sub
stantially bound in cloth. Now, then it is up to you. It is your move.
-All Citizen-Milsci'iler.s who pay nil un-cui'iitrcs and 0110 year in ndvnnco net a FREE copy of this won
derful book that is its entertaining
1 neumzen rumismng uo.
HEAL ESTATE By virtue of pro
cess issued out of the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Wayne county, and State ol
Pennsylvania, and to me directed and de
livered, I havo levied on and will expose
to public sale, at tho Court House In
Honesdale on
All those two certain pieces of land sit
uated In the Township of Canaan, county
of Wayne and State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to
wit: THE FIRST Beginning at stones
the northwest corner of a tract
of land formerly of Asa Stanton; thence
south eighty-seven degrees west thlrty
nlno rods to a corner In the west line of
land late of Neiiah Colbath; thence
south forty-four degrees east sixty-seven
and three-tenths rods to stones corner;
thence north seventy-ono and one-half
degrees east nine and one-half rods to a
coiner on the west lino of the "Elk For
est" tract thence north twenty degrees
west fifty rods to the place of beginning.
Containing seven acres and one hundred
perches, be tho same moro or less.
THE SECOND Beginning at east corn
er of tho James Chapman tract at a
fallen beech, a corner of the "Elk For
est" Manor; thence south fifty-live de
grees west one hundred and twenty-four
perches to a stones heup on tho moun
tain; thence north forty-llvo degrees
west one hundred and thirty perches
to a stones heap on the top ot the moun
tain; thence north forty-five degrees east
one hundred and twenty-four perches to
stones heap by a chestnut tree at tho base
of tho mountain; thence south forty-live
degrees east one hundred and thirty per
ches to the place of beginning. Con
taining one hundred acres strict measure.
Being the same land which Frederick P.
White et ux. by deed dated March 14,
1891, and recorded In the otllce for record
ing deeds In and for Wayne County,
Pennsylvania, In Deed Book No. 75. page
227, etc., granted and conveyed to Calvin
D. Davis and Idclla Davis, and the said
Idella Davis by deed dated September
18, 1910, and recorded in Wayne County
Deed Book, No. 101, page 272, granted and
conveyed her undivided Interest therein
to Calvin D. Davis. And being the same
land which Calvin D. Davis and Ida
Davis, his wife, by deed dated Aug. 17,
1911, and Intended to be recorded, grant
ed ana conveyed to vina it. uoouncn.
On said premises Is a story and a half
house, one barn, 30x10, and other out
buildings. Seized and taken In execution as the
property of Vina It. Goodrich and Alva
R. Goodrich at the suit of Calvin D.
Davis. No. 281, Juno Term, 1912. Judg
ment, $2100. Simons. Attorney.
All that certain lot or parcel of land,
upon which there is a dwelling house, sit
uated In Texas township, Wayne county,
Pennsylvania, bounded and descilbed as
follows; BEGINNING at the corner of
Lots No, 80, 82 and S3 In the allotment of
Stephen M. and Ezra Genung out lots;
thence by lot sold to Henry I'ittston and
George Miller, being lot No. 83 in said
allotment, west 9-75 100 rods to the eastern
line of a street three rods wide, on which
this road is located, leading from Hones
dale to tho MUford and Owego Turnpike
near F. A. Farnham; thence by the east
ern line of said street, north four and one
half degrees cast 4-1 100 rods to a post
corner: thence bv said lot No. 81 south
four rods to the beginning. Comprising
saia lot jno. nu. containing tiiirty-eigiit
perches, more or less.
(Proviso That ti(s deed Is glver that
said Mary Shields concedes eighteen In
ches of land from tho house between
Benedict Kerl and the place ho now
oougni uy mis acea).
And being the same land that Benedict
ICerl by his deed dated the 15th day of
April, 1891, recorded In the office for the
recording of deeds In and for Wayne
uounty, in uoea hook mo. is at page s,
granted and conveyed to Mary F. Shields,
and being the same land that Mary F.
Shields by her deed dated the 21th day of
August, 1912? granted and conveyed to
Joseph F. Schllllnger and Lena Schilling-
er, his wife, said deed being recorded In
the olllce for the recording of deeds In
as any romance ever written.
and for Wayno County In Deed Book No.
101, at page 22.
Tho land Is all Improved and has upon
It a good dwelling house and other Im
provements. Seized and taken in execution as tho
property of Joseph F. Schllllnger and
Lena Schllllnger at the suit of Charles A.
McCarty, administrator of Winifred
Gaffney, deceased. No. 123 October Term,
1913. Judgment ?2,000. McCarty, Attor
ney. TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs
must be paid on day of salo or deeds will
not bo acknowledged.
Honesdalf. Pa.. Dec. 22. 1913.
I). & H. AFTER THE 11. & M.
The Delaware and Hudson rail
road, according to news from Boston
is desirous of taking over the Boston
and Maine system, to give it an out
let for its coal Into Now England.
The Boston and Maine if now in .the
New York, New Haven and Hartford
system, but will soon have to resolve
Itself into its former entity.
The Wall Street Journal speaking
of tho probable acquisition, appears
not to have heard a great aeai aoout
the city down the line. It says:
"The Delaware and Hudson runs
between Wilkes-Barre, Pa., land
Rouse's Point, N. Y. That Is from
nowhere to nowhere. It wants tho
Boston and Maine because of the
fine terminal that would give it in
Boston. That would be satisfied if
they could get the Fitchburg without
taking over the rest of the Boston
and Maine system. The Fitchburg
runs from Boston to Mechanicsvllle,
N. Y., whore It connects with the
Delaware and Hudson.
"No opposition is expected from
the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion, for the two roads are in no re
spect competing. It will, however,
bo necessary 'for the Delaware and
Hudson to secure consent of the up
state (New York) public service
commission, and before tho New Ha
ven can dispose of tho Boston and
Maine it must have the approval of
the Massachusetts legislature. The
New Haven's twenty-one millions of
Boston and Maine common stock and
six hundred and fifty-four thousand
of preferred stock are held by tho
Boston Railroad Holding company,
which cannot part with them without
special statute."
Record time In a single heat of a
trotting raco will not constitute a
new record If the horse does not win
the raco and will not. affect the
horse's class, according to an agree
ment on rules made Wednesday by
the National Trotting Association and
tho American Trotting Association
aftor two days of conference in Chi
cago Tlie new rule provides that a horse
must win at least one raco before he
can bo advanced to a higher class.
Tho same distance rules hence
forth will govern both associations.
Tho two organizations will meet the
second week In February, the Nation
al In Now York and the American in
The associations agreed that all
fines and penalties shall be given to
injured and needy drivers.
Dr. Cook's Book
is just out, spic and span new.
In it he tells the complete story
of his journey to the top of the
Earth. It is a thriller, and The
Citizen is going to sell it. A
lot of the books are on the way
hot from the publishers. Al
though the book sells for a dol
lar, and is as large and fine as
books that sell for twice that
sum, The Citizen will present
a copy
to every new subscriber who
pays $1.50 in advance for a
year's subscription. Don't
wait for a Citizen representa
tive to call on you, but call at
the office, or send in your sub
scription at once so that you
will begin right away to receive
the brightest, newsiest and
most up-to-date local newspa
per in Wayne county in your
home twice a week, and at the
same time get a FREE copy of
A gentleman from the eastern part of
Pennsylvania wrote to Prof. H. A. Sur
face, State Zoologist, Harrlsburg, Pa.,
asking for detailed Information concern
ing tho time and method of pruning
cherry trees, and received the following
reply, which contains suggestions that
will prove valuable to other tree grow
ers: " Cherry trees can bo pruned at any
tlmo of year they are dormant, or. In
other words, at any tlmo between now
and tho time the buds burst or the blos
soms appear next spring. Tho method
of pruning Is something that can not well
bo described, but I am a great believer
In the low open spreading top for all
kinds of fruit trees.
" Your diagram of cutting would be al
most exactly correct It yuu would turn
your cutting lino so that tho lowest point
is at tho centre and the highest at the
outside. When a tree Is pruned so that
tho highest point Is at the centre, tho
growth Is forced there, and It becomes
constantly taller. It results finally In a
poor shaped tree, because of Its strong
central growth. This should bo so pruned
that tho side branches aro the taller or
longer, and tho central parts aro tho
shorter. As soon as tho weight of tho
fruit comes on It the side branches droop
downward, away from the centre, leav
ing tho centre temporarily as high, or
higher than that. Always In pruning
the shape of a treo at tho time the fruit
Is upon it is that which it should be.
That Is a critical period of the tree, and
the pruning is particularly for proper
shape and strength of the tree at that
time, as well as to convenience tho gath
ering ot the same.
" Fall or winter pruning will do as well
as spring pruning, but the twigs should
be cut a little higher above tho buds In
the fall and spring, so as to allow a Uttlo
greater distance for them to dry back
without killing the bud that was left as
the last on the stub. Tho outer branches
should bo cut to the outer buds. In other
words, the last bud on the stub should
be that which extends outward, so aa
to spread tho top of tho tree. In fact,
If there are many sldo branches starUng
I much prefer to cut to tho strong
branch. By this I mean to say that the
cut should be made just above the side
branch which reaches out from the tree.
" In pruning during tho fall and winter
one should be careful not to cut too closo
to the last desired bud, as It Is liable
to bo killed and thus start the growth
at the Inner bud, which will closo tho
top of the tree and defeat the purpose
of the operator. The distance that ho-
should cut from the last bud should bo
at least equal to tho diameter of tho twig
wnicu no is cutting; ana ior tan aim
winter pruning It would bo best to cut
off the twig at some distance above the
last desired bud, and either let It re
main as a long stub, or go over the tree
In the spring time about the time the
growth Is starting, and shorten the stub
so It will heal more readily than though'
It were left nlono."
Bcglnnlng January 1st you. will com
mence to send out bills and statements
to close your accounts. Look at your
stationery supply now and If you are In
need of billheads, statements, letterheads,
envelopes or anything else In the lino of
printing, make out your requisition and
send or bring It to the job department or
The Citizen office. Wo have a lino and
varied selection of type faces to choose
from, which combined with artistic tasto
of tho printer, good paper and the best of
press work cannot help but please and
glvo you satisfactory results.
W. C. T. U. NOTES.
Tho Pleasant Valley W. C. T. U.
will hold their annual reception and
oyster dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Ridd at Siko January 1,
1914. The recoptlon will be held at
11 o'clock, followed Immediately af
terwards by tho dinner.