PAGE TWO THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1913. Ti'CT'TJ A VTV j-juj x iinn J. Bethany, Dec. 23. Mrs. J. J. Hauser spent Tuesday In Scranton, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Starnes went to Scranton Tuesday to consult an eye specialist as Mr. Starnes has had great trouble with ono of his eyes. Dr. Frey made an examination and didn't find any foreign substance which was supposed to havo been there. After treating the eye Air Starnes felt very much better. Patrons of the school enjoyed a very Interesting programme Friday afternoon and much credit Is due the teacher, Miss Purdy, In training the twenty-four scholars who did so well. The programme was as follows: "Santa Claus," song by the school; recitation, "Santa Claus," questions toy Elizabeth Prltchard; "A Tele phone Message to Santa," by Helen Bodle; "Christmas Speech to Santa Claus In China," Robert Paynter; "Just Before Christmas," Clarion Hauser; song, "The Naughty Little Mouse," Tamar Prltchard; "Santa Claus," Leslie Pothick; "A Little Speech by a Little Girl," Edna Clemo; "Talking to Santa." Ituth Yerkes; song, "Where Does Santa Claus Live," by the school; xeclta tion, "Moderate Wish," Charles Paynter; song, "Ho Is a Funny Old Fellow," Edwin Prltchard: solo, with school joining in the chorus; recita tion, "Bister Susie's Beau," Marshall Ward; "It Was the Night Before Christmas," Helen Bennett; song, "The Women Who Lived in a Shoe," Stella Dudley and Doris Blake; reel tation, '"Twas the Night Before Christmas," Mildred Avery; "Santa Claus at Home," Hilda Smith; "Betty and the Bear," Doris Blake; "A Catastrophe," Donald Ballou: song by the school, "Children, Why Are You Here?" Nellie Prltchard was the accompanist. All enioved the prettily decorated tree which was I lighted after the entertainment and a general social time was spent. Miss Purdy received a very fine cut glass flower vase from her scholars. There will be school three days this week, then vacation the remainder of the week. The Sunday schools will have their exercises and tree in the .Methodist church to-night (Wednesday). Helen Manning returned from New York Wednesday to spend Christmas at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. Clemo of Beech Grove will give a family din ner party on Christmas which will Include fifteen people. Rev. and Mrs. J. E Prltchard and family are Invited for Christmas to the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jennings who will also give a dinner party to fifteen people. RARE OPERATION PERFORMED ON PIKE COUNTY LASSIE Portion of Spinal Column Removed Bone Sowed Together and Plac ed Around Spinal Cord, Fortifying tho Thread of Life. A tiny wisp of Pike county girl hood, says the Milford Dispatch, had tho distinction of undergoing recent ly what is probably the most un usual and marvelous surgical opera tion ever performed in the world. Josephine Stafford, seven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Stafford, of Lehman township, was the subject of the operation, and is at present in tho Post Graduate Hos pital in Now York city, convalescing from the operation with a part of ono of her shin bones performing the functions of several of the vertebrae of the spinal column. As a master pieco of modern surgery, this delicate operation has only been performed two or three times In the United States and scarcely that many times in Europe, or in fact in all the other countries of tho globe. The girl has suffered with tuber culosis of the spine since a short time after birth. As she grew older the disease developed and at three years of age it became alarming. Her par ents endeavored to find a cure for It. Manv doctors have examined tho child and given up the case. Many have tried to effect a cure without any success. Several operations of a variegated naturo have been tried mmm with no change in the condition of the patient. Some months ago air, Stafford heard of Dr. Fred Aldee of New York, who had some time before mntln a trin to Eurone and at the Europe Medical Congress had per-' formed successfully for the first time 1 a transposition of bono to stamp out! of the spine the deadly tuberculosis. Investigation revealed that the prom inent physician would perform the operation at the Post Graduate Hos pital in New York. About four weeks ago Mrs. Staf ford accompanied her daughter to the hospital. There the operation was performed. The large bone of the lower part of one of her legs -was cut and a good sized piece taken there from. The sliver of bone was then cut into four parts. The diseased portion of the spinal column was then cut from the spinal cord. The four pieces of bone were sowed to gether with kangaroo tendons and placed around the spinal cord and fastened together, fortifying, as it can aptly be termed, the thread of life. Tho patient rallied rapidly from the effects of the anaesthetic. It was expected that It would be at least six months before she would be ablo to recover from the .'operation. However, her strong constitution, It is thought, will enable her to come to her home in Pike county much sooner. Mrs. Stafford returned home last week from tho hospital and brought strong hopes that her daughter would soon be home. Dr. L. B. Smith of Bushkill, who has been interested in the case, states that the operation is about the rarest known to him. It gives a permanent cure to an hitherto Incurable dls- ease. He also' states that Dr. Fred Aldee of New York Is the only sur- geon who can successfully perform that operation. Physicians and sur geons everywhere were interested in its outcome. "WAY DOAVX EAST." Typical of New England rURRed hones ty, simple traits and charity, "Way Down Hast" comes to the Lyric Tuesday, Dec. 30. For nineteen years this famous play that arouses memories of childhood, of clean, wholesome Uvlnc. has been before the public. A play that touches the heart and emphasizes the little virtues that make all humanity better Is bound to live and be always Interesting. As familiar to the majority of theatregoers as a household word, for this reason no de scription Is necessary. All that needs to be said Is, that there Is no purer, sweeter or more wnoiesomo play in existence, none of which holds the mirror up to na ture more truly and none which has moie real Inspiration In Its every lino and leature tnan this tamous rural play. A special new production Is announced this season, and an exceptional cast headed by Sir. William Lawrence who for the past ten years has been identified with the part made famous by tho late Dcnman Thompson in "The Old Home stead." The musical features are of tho same high order as In previous years. This grand old Idyl of New England en dorsed by clergy and press for eighteen years will undoubtedly be greeted by a capacity audience, at both performances. A bargain matinee will be given. Prices 25c and 50c. Night prices always 25c to 11.00. "Red Shadow" is Hon. John E. Barrett's great story of tho Wyo ming A'alley. It tells nil nbotit tho famous massacre. Jt grips. It thrills. It is the seed of local patriotism, lllg book. Price S1.2."?. Cheap at double the money. At Leino's drug store. nows Tins? We offer onp Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. b J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the unaerslgned, have Known F. J. Cheney for the laBt 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fi nancially able to cairy out any ob ligations made by bis Arm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Id ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free Price 75 centB per bottle. Sold by all Druggsts. fane Hall's Family Fills for con' stlpatlon. Put Your Foot Down On Stair Climbing Doesn't it seem that the tele phone always rings when you are on another floor?. And have you ever stop ped to count the weari some steps which the answering necessitates? But there if an effective remedy. An Extension Bell Telephone on the other floor will bring all calls to you will put you on the same noor with your telephone, ALWAYS. Call the Business Office to day and order this step saver. It costs but a few cents a week. "Practice the Telephone Smile." The Bell Telephone Co. of PtC. T. A. Garvey, Local Mgr., Carbondale, Pa. uuuumuiunuimiiiuuuiuniiiiiiiLuiiiiuiiHiiitiLuiuttt! 63 Dr. Swift's Adult Bible class had fifty-seven members present at SUnday school December 21, of which thirty-one were men and twenty-six ladles. This class is gaining new .members each week by personal work. Dr. Russel H. Conwell, a Baptist pastor who lectured in Honesdale on "Acres of Diamonds" a 'few years ago, has gone to tho seashore for his health. He was taken ill at his homo In Philadelphia. Tho Right Rev. Henry Rouglas Robinson, Episcopal bishop of Ne vada, died in New York city on Sat urday from a complication of dis eases. Church Publicity, by Christian F. Relsner; the Methodist Book Con cern, publishers, New York. IChurch advertising Is a develop ment of the last decade. Previous to 1000 very little had been done to ap ply to religion ttie methods that count for so much in business. Sys tematic and intelligent advertising had no olace in church work for sev- eral reasons: first, because It reaulr- ed the expenditure of money; second, 1 It was used by theatres, circuses and swindlers, and, therefore, should not be employed by religious institutions; .third, if people could not be Induced to attend church by the appeals of the clergy at the regular church ser vice, how could it be expected, to in fluence them through newspapers? Dr. Relsner, who is pastor of the Grace M. E. church In New York, has just bought out an authoritative book on Church Advertising. Only one other has ever been published, and that was by Charles Stelzle and was entitled "Principles of Church Advertising." Dr. Reisner's is a much more comprehensive treatise than Dr. Stelzle's. It discusses every form of publicity that can be used for church exploitation, and gives examples of the best kind of copy to use In the different mediums em ployed. The author himself has been one of the most successful of church adver tisers. When he came to Grace Methodist Episcopal church three years ago the average attendance at the services was 200. To-day the average attendance is over 1,000 and 1,000 new members have been added to tho roll. Perhaps one reason of Dr. Reisner's success is that before ho became a clergyman he was a newspaper man. His training gave him a knowledge of publicity meth ods, so that now as a clergyman he recognizes news when he sees it, and knows how to appeal to the masses. Among the subjects treated In the volume under consideration are these: "Why Should Churches Ad vertise?" "Does Publicity Pay?" "The Minister Who Advertises," "Paid 'Newspaper Advertising," "Featuring the Sunday Night Ser vice," "Making tho Church Promi nent," "Outside Advertising," "Aid ing Sunday Schools and Children by Advertising." Dr. Reisner's "Church Publicity" should bo in the hands of every clergyman in tho United States be cause of tho practical help it can give the 'churches in enlarging their spheres of usefulness. SUNDAY SCHOOL ITEMS. The Cradle Roll Department of the M. E. church, Honesdale, will meet in tho Sunday school room Friday af ternoon, Jan. 2, 1914. Autumn Leaves has conquered all difficulties and now has a front line Sunday school. Schools that havo not adopted a Graded Lesson series should use the graded supplemental lessons with the Uniform Lessons or they cannot at tain Front Line. Good Bibles, latest revision, cost prices from 2C cents up; testaments, 5 and 10 cents; single books, two. cents at 1101 Church street, Hones dale. The Elementary Workers of our county are preparing ror a conven tion. Class No. 5 of M. E. Sunday school of Honesdale are taking a trip around the world. Everyland has some exceedingly interesting articles. Read them, use them. Send names of scholars having a perfect record this year to Mary E. Jones, Honesdale. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. The following pupils have not been ab sent nor tardy during tho first three months of school: First Grade. Lola Fasshnuer Second Grade. Albert Burkhnrdt Gladys Ban-able Homer Daniels Thelma Grambs William Elsele Grace Metzger Fred Kimblo , Third Grndo. Russell Barrable Daisy Irwin Arthur Campfleld Beatrice Murtha Merrlman Itelfler Dorthy Miller Flora Cassell Edna Penwarden Fourth Grndc. Earl Campfleld Ford Whlttalter Aramls VanDusen "Doris Congdon Fifth Grade. Nelson Beck Helen Stocker Sixth Grade. Powell Bauman James Blakney Katharine Shirley Seventh Grade. George Dudley Ituth Decker Charles Decker Oraco Dunlap Louis Kreltner Phoebe Irwin Floyd Penwarden Loretta Smith AValter Wagner Jessie Toms Eighth Grade. Harold Kimble I'aul Lundmesser Fred Moser Charles Qulnney Mary Crossley Alicia Krantz Helen McGulre Marjorle Smith Ituth Spencer llowena Spencer Edith Karslake ERROR IX PICKEREL SEASON CLOSING. In our last Issue Tho Citizen stat ed that December 31 was tho last day for catching pickerel, instead it should have read December 21. The rabbit season closes Dec. 31. 1 TO BE A TIME OF JOY FOR HIM This Little Story S-ows Just What a Lot of Good Things tbo Bachelor Misses at Merry Christmas Time "My wife has been questioning me for the past three weeks about what I would like for Christmas." "Well, I suppose you told her?" "Yes. The first thing I thought of was an umbrella. I really neod an umbrella, because it Is quite a dis tance from my houBe to the train, and I have to walk it. A nice umbrel la would come In bandy on rainy days. Then there are some books I would like vory much. I gave her a list of them as nearly as I could at tho start, and hare been adding to It day by day as I happened to think of something else in that line. I men tloned cuff-buttons and studs for full dress occasions, and I gavo her to un deratand that If she didn't feel like troubling herself over tho matter I would be glad to take the money she had set aside for me and buy myself some cigars. Last night I had occa slon to look into a closet we don't use much, and there I found my present. all ready to be placed before me on Christmas morning. "Of course, then, sho hadn't adopt ed your suggestion as to the cigars. "No. I'm going to be made glad with a beautifully worked sofa pillow. At Christmas1 fST UTOUf ByS.E.KISER Along the road to Bethlehem Thiee weary wise men slowly fared. And wondering shepherds gazed at them And bowed the heads which they had bared Three wise men who had journeyed far Rode slowly o'er the hills that night. Still following then guiding star Whose constant beams were broad and bright. At Christmas time they heard a voice That sweedy sounded far on high; "Rejoice, ye sons of men, rejoice I M The words rang clearly from the sky. The trembling wise men paused to bear The song that angels sang to them. And ceased to doubt and turned from fear. That Christmas night in Bethlehem. We hurry through the busy days And in the market-place contend; We strive to win in shameful ways. Forsaking brother, wronging friend; We foster greed and cling to pride. We have no time fev being kind. We rudely push the lame aside, And guidance to the blind. We madly struggle after gain. Forgetting all the Master taught; We worship riches, and disdain To heed the message that He brought Yet, even so, at Christmas, love Assails our hearts and chastens them And brings us glad remembrance of That holy night in Bethlehem. We cease a little while to hate. We turn a little while from sin; We greet die stranger at the gate. And reaching forth we lead him in. And, happily remembering The babe that in the manger lay. We still acknowledge Him our King, As they did, that first Christmas day. Three shadowy wise men slowly fare Alnna tlit, shadnwv hityhwav still. And shadowy shepherds watch them there And see the star blaze o er the hill, And men, wherever men may dwell, Still hear the message borne to them; That God still reigns and all is well. 1 he star shines on o er Uethlehem. Child's Reasoning. 'Mamma, Santa Claus isn't married, Is he?" "I don't know. Why do you think he isn't, dear." "'Causo if he was Mrs. Santa wouldn't lot him stay out that way at night." No Room for Any More. "Goln' to hang up your stockln' Christmas, Mickey?" "Naw." "Better. You might git It filled.' "It's filled now." "What with?" "Holea." His Gift. He gave the girl a pair of skates, And now his heart Is full of hate; He merely stands around and waits And Inwardly rebels at Fate, While one more favored far than ho Is or may ever hone to be Kneels whero she stands, so fair, so sweet, And fastens them upon her feet Joy Ahead for Him. Don't forget that tho clothes you are not going to wear any more may Jook mighty good to somebody. 1914 FORD MOTOR CAR! are now ready for present that would not be forgotten. Send in your order and we will make delivery. 127 Ford Motor County This is enough the wise ones are CARS. Some good territory open in Wayne County for good, live agents. Write me and I will send you our proposition. FLOYD E. BORTREE3 Distributor, ARIEL, Pa. WEEK'S Lieut. Becker's Mother Dies In Ignor ance of Her Son's Plight. New York. The mother o former Police Lieutenant Charles Becker, who is in the death house in Sing Sing awaiting execution for the part he played In the murder of Herman Rosenthal, died at her home here on Friday last. She was very old, and had been bedridden for years. She died in ignorance of her son's plight. For more than a year she had not been permitted to read a newspa per. When her son Charles ceased to visit her, another son, John, told her Charles was suffering from rheumatism and had been sent to a sanatorium. This explanation suf ficed. JUDGE LINDSAY WEDS. .Tiiiivptiiln Court, Founder Takes Britlo in Chicago. ! iino non it jinnsnv. tciiiiiiihi ul tne juvenue uoun ui uuuver, iu.., r atrn tpoviinpr srp.nnniitTnrpr or ui. F. J. Cllppert, of Detroit, Mich., were married in Chicago on Saturday. Must Keep Beaux From Exchange. Operators of tho Bell Telephone Co., in Scranton, are gloomy over the order issued by Miss Anna Mc- Andrew, the .night chief, forbidding the girls to allow their beaux to bring them closer to the exchange than one block. And it's all because, as tho 'phono girls are saying, a big brother of one or them leaneu UQwn to whisper something to his little sis ter, whom he had taken to work, and the night chief thought he kiss ed her. Assistant Postmasters Out ol Civil Service. Washington. All assistant post masters will bo exempted from the civil service under the post offico ap- nronriation bill, which has just been completed by the House Committee on post oillces and to uo reporieu im mediately after tho holiday recess. Tho Democrats of tho committee vot ed to put into tho measure a provis ion substantially similar to tho one in tho sundry civil bill under which deputy collectors and deputy mar shals from civil service. The bill carries approximately $303,000,000, a Cut of about ?3, 000,000 from the estimates submit ted by the post ofllce department. Winter AVheat Incrcnso A early :i,)()0,000 Acres. Washington, D. C. An increase of 8.G per cent., or 2,888,000 acres, in the area planted to winter wheat in the United States tins Taji com pared with the revised estimated area sown last year, Is reported by tho Department of Agriculture. The total area Is 3C.500.000 acres. Tho condition of winter wheat on Decem ber 1 was D7.3 per cent, of a normal. tho highest December l condition re corded since 1003. The condition of winter wheat last year was U3.2, 8C.G per cent, in 1911 and 89.2 per cent, the ten-year average.. Imaginary Lino to Become Heal. Washincton. D. C. A barbed wire fence along tho Mexican bound ary to check Incursions into Ameri can territory was proposed in a bill Introduced last week by Senator Ashurst. A total of $350,000 would be ap propriated. " HORACE VOSE DEAD. Sent ThnnksRlviiiK Turkey to Every President Since Johnson. IIoraco Vose, of Westerly, It. I., widely known as the purveyor turkeys for Thanksgiving Day din ners at the White House, died on Saturday. Ho was 73 years old and had been suffering from heart trouble '(or six months. When 15 years of age Mr, Vose be delivery. A Xmas Gars Sold in Wayne in 1913 ! to convince you that buying FORD MOTOR I il... 1. I .. 1 a 1.1,. .1 1- V X iCOlUUlll O L ltlilYDVlb UlUliCl VI 1HII il. I. II I K r. V 1111 IIH IV II II H nil S filtlinnrrh nn thp nnnnsdnn nf Ills flnn Lllil. I1!.L. ILlllillll II1IS 1111 II Mil. LI Mil Illl ors with a turkey from the South. Largest Telescope. ceive an automobile and having erected in tne uttawa. uanaua. o cprvntnrv Tho nmv tp RSpnnt Wl lie lamer tnan tne i.ick lusirumun tho new searcher of the skys. FAltMEBS SHOULD ItAISE TLE. fenn&vivunniiis arc iusiuk iu u portunity to engage in the profitabl inr1 nr. tn Sunrotnrv nr A Pr1 fl! i Ml r N. B. Crltchfield, who declares in Tnrmvnpn in n. fl rn:i rrin hii I. imiiHiiii (i 1 haul npnrtiioHnn flint tlin. Sfnto 1C l'i i auapteu 10 tne raising 01 larm an ' . r. mi i .1. Ji 1 .1 . .. . mum. -jeuiuuuy 11 lLuuumu suya; There are large acreages of lan in houtibv v.inin rmni wnip.i I r Tin uer nas recently ueen remuveu, uiu hiipo. p-ronr nimnTirins nr miT.ririni pasturage and forage. Such lands, tho production of live stock, ana Mtt o nr r in npsr nrnpf s wnrn nmi fn nn inom rno Tnrmnrs in run Kriiiii eastern part of the state, who 1 hetter conditions for raising cor riinn nnn no rn inn nnvw prp ihki i ln TTnlfoH Qtntna ivrinl1 lm flhln. Ul 111UJI UU 11 OvUlU UUU JiiUllJ tl W I. amis of dollars could thus bo save to Pennsylvania farmers. Modern Woodmen of America. lln,ln.n TITnmlninn nf AHSrtV nvonmn' mf run nnsnini' vpur: t .ill oni tiemrtra J fnea finnr. iitiriiH K 'llirV. lillNI.LVH IjlJMUlU: LI UQLcCQ. 1 Buerket. remainder or the evening. GIB1XGO TAKEX TO FAUVIEW come Insane, tp the State hospital at I'"a view. UlulUKO was examineu uy it cu. tentlary, which adjudged htm of soui 1111I1U U1L11UUKI1 liv oiiuiilu ...,.....- i 1 . n, i.n, limn Mnnlrniin Momltl s.iulted Mrs. uoruen near umuuuu about a year ago. "ilea Leino's. FAULT! DIGESTID n..t.l.l. l1.... .lin Ynl'rniikl Sit' torn Iinmcdinto Action Neces sary Try Mi-o-na. V III' I Villi 1CC1 1 1 I A k 1 V 1 lyavva rlaennni onl iWllPTI VOU IiaVO IltTVU UUJUtlUVtl b " ------ IWllCinngS, speuKB umuiu vu w- llUUUUUUCO hvusuhwh) IIIIIILUaLlUU tL II U LuU vw - - t.nnrnl ..rsMl ull I Tlr 1111111 III I'esttnn. wlilnh soon develops in DJJUOJU WV W..-W n.Vn(nln irrtll MOO il MUfi-na UAllUUOliUll J -- w-v - once. .Ml-o-na Is not a cure-all, but stomach misery. It builds up ai strengthens the stomach walls ai KianuS, imyiuvtjo umiiui; u.fev p. . 1 il. -.1 i 1 of UVU AW w. and nerve energy is restored, ii nartlne strength and gtfod spirits tho discouraged, run-down and -wea Do not suffer another day, Got fifty cent box of Mi-o-na Tablets Tloll'n hn .rmrirlRt- 19&2B