The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 25, 1913, Image 1

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In trying to live tho. true Cliristmas
isptrit don't bo kinder to others tlinn
to your family.
At Christinas time It is proper to
forget your prejudices and bo at
peaco with all the world.
71st YEAR. --NO. 103
ihisnntch Jk no. KVTrevn
EltRY Christmas! is the
greeting from the depart
ment .stores of Menner &
Co. to its hundreds of
Honesdale and Wayne
county patrons. And, by the same
token, those patrons extend the
,yuletide greeting to the famous old
store that has for so 'many years wa
tered to their needs.
The windows of these stores have
ibeen most ingeniously decorated for
the past two weeks. The miniature
outline ofthe D. & H. railroad from
Farview to Honesdale, ending at the
store of Menner & Co., as it has been
worked out in one of their windows,
is well worth looking at. It is an
original idea, something different
from tho ordinary window. The oth
er windows are seasonable in their
UIOIJIU, UUVU1& U. Will 1121 l&ll 11UVU1 111
their arrangement and make-up that
goes right along harmoniously with
the holiday swing of things.
The grocery department, too, is a
veritable store house of good things
to find place in the composition of
tho great Christmas feast. There is
a delicate odor of "sugar and spice,
and other things nice" that per
meates the entire store. This store
sells the choicest of mince meat,
plum pudding, fresh and dried fruits,
layer raisins in great purple clusters,
California canned fruit, put up in
rich, heavy 'syrup, Hawaiian pineap
ple, picked ripe and Canned while at
its very best, and, in 'fact the choic
est food products obtainable in any
It may be a little late to get Suits,
or Coats or Purs for Christmas gifts,
but here is a fact that is worth con
sidering to-day along with your tur
key, cranberry sauce and mince pie:
The Menner & Co. store put in stock
this year a heavy stock of the better
grades of Suits, Coats and Purs. The
season well, you know how back
ward it lias been. Everybody is dis
appointed. These goods must be
sold, and already they are offering
some tempting bargains that will
make your pocket-book say "Merry
Christmas!" A word of advice: If
you are in the market for anything
in the lines mentioned above, that
is, Coats, Suits or Furs, don't buy un
til you have taken ample time to see
Menner & Co.'s stock and got their
prices. It is well to remember, too,
that they never deal in anything but
articles of quality at that store.
1IGHT now at Christmas time
I I is tho very best time Wayne
county people win ever
have to listen to a message
from Honesdale's big store
that is conducted by The Murray
Company, the place where " every
thing for the farm " is sold. They
specially want Wayne county people
to consider the fact that never in all
has such a high prlco for eggs ruled
from ocean to ocean and from lakes
to gulf as is now the Universal con
dition. In fact eggs have not been
low in price for years, and conditions
warrant the statement that it will
be many years, at the' ery least, be
fore eggs will ever be i cheap arti-
is also equally true of butter and
Now, then, what safer; more prom
ising prospect could be opened to
Wayne county land owners than the
poultry and dairy business? And
iwners, it nays to nrouuco eggs at
10 and 50 cents a dozen. You can t
lave eggs witnout nens. Tne nest
lens aro tne result or incuoaior
latched chicks, and the Murray Com
lany are quite sure tnat mere is no
leiier incuoaior mauo man mo
na nil virrnr n rwi ir iicuri wi.i. t nn
naturlty all chicks hatched.
Right now at the Christmas sea-
iuii cu,iiv. n linn u 11 iiuvn irmiii ri
hink out the details, is the proper
Imfi tfl Rtnrt von? nnnltrv hualnnsa
rhere was never so much monev in it
is mere is 10-uny. ana tne ouuook is
That's the Murray Company's tip
n how to make money with poultry.
die same lino of argument nnnlies
o tho dairy Industry. Butter at
learly half a dollar & pound ought
o mean something to the farmer.
UIVD 1113 U1D D11U1V111 ItlllllUlB
tow to double their hay crop at
uiiui uxpuusu, uuu you uuuur umiK
ver that proposition, also, while
ilcklng tho bones of your Christmas
The Murray Company want to
mi H wnrn in miR i:nr simnn Trips.
ago to the effect that they are ofer-
ng a special fertilizer for corn at
20 and ?25 a ton; also a special for
ilizer for potatoes at f 30 a ton.
FTER a few more Christmases have waxed and waned Santa Claus can say,
"There, that makes one hundred' times I've visited that town! When I
made my first trips it used to bother my team to make the rounds. The
laurel swamps were bad enough, 'for my eight reindeer found it difficult at
times to locate solid spots on which to step, for into the swampy sections
their sharp hoofs pierced like a spear into a kettle of mush. Then, too,
there was the canal. When we were anywhere near that there was danger
of an unexpected slip, and that meant a slide into the water, or into where
the water had been, for the canal was generally empty at holiday time. In
war time I used to carry a big stock of Guns, and Flags and Drums. Some
boys wanted Drill Books, Dime Song Books and Soldier Caps. The girls
Anticipating Christmas
Already they have booked a sale of
250 tons of these two special fer
tilizers. Surely that is " going
v JX-SHERIPP Braman has a
I I "Merry Christmas" greet
ing 'for everybody this
year, and there is abund-
"nce of reason why he feels
cheerful and glad. Tho past year
has been one of advance and pro
gress In overy part of his business.
Early last spring he, began selling
horses, Iowa horses, the best horses
in the United States. He sold more
horses In less time than were ever
6'd by any dealer in north-eastern
PC ylvanla in the same length of
time. He made five trips to Iowa
after horses, bringing home car
loads of tho best he could buy out
there on tho sun-kissed prairies, and
then, like a progressive dealer of to,
day, ho advertised thoroughly what
he had for sale, and the peoplo came,
purchased, and everybody was satis
fled, for not a horso was sold that did
not have the Braman guarantee back
of It. not a horso was sold that the
purchaser didn't have ample chance
to try out.
In making his five trips after Iowa
horses, Ex-Sheriff Braman travelled
3,400 miles each trip, totaling 17,
000 miles of travel. He sold 100
Iowa horses and 150 natlyes, totaling
250 horses sold the greatest sale of
horses Wayne county over witnessed,
At present tfiere are but 8 native
horses left and Mr, Braman says they
: AT :
must all bo sold by Now Year's day
When Braman began selling hnr
ness ho put in as good a line as
ho could find in the open market.
This branch of his business increased
so rapidly that he found It neces
sary to open a large department on
tho second floor of his barn for that
To bo more exact regarding his
harness business, Mr. Brarnan says
ho had sold fully 100 sets before he
decided to fit up a manufactory.
Then he,put In the latest and best
machinery fdr making and repairing
harness, and he placed those ma
chines in charge of an export har
ness maker, and over since the sliop
was opened those machines have
been humming as cheerily as a hive
full of bees In June.
At this season of year, you consid
er the blanket needs of your horses,
and in that harness department,
(whero they not only make, but
mend your broken harness), they
have a stock of horse blankets that
cannot bo excelled in quality, and at
Braman prices, which aro always
fair to every customer.
These aro some of the reasonswhy
Ex-Sheriff Braman has such a hear
ty "Merry Christmas!" for every
body; and Tho Citizen has reason
to believe that In the year to come
a new high-water mark will bo re
corded by the leading dealer In
horses, and everything that goes with
them, In this part of the State.
In wishing the public a merry
Christmas and a happy New Year,
Ex-Sheriff Braman says: "Tell your
readers that good as we did last year,
we expect that next year will .beat the
, -
wanted Nets for their hair, and Reticules made out of black oil cloth over a paste-board frame.
Sometimes I gave the real large girls pictures of their brothers, their fathers or their lovers who
were 'away down South in Dixie.' These are the hardest days of all. Travelling is more rapid,
but the dangers are as great as ever. The wants of the people have changed so greatly that I
can scarcely keep up with them. Some people think I have it easy; yet I am ready to change
jobs with them any day. But there is no use complaining. This year I have been particularly
pleased with the way my friends, the Honesdale merchants, have been helping me out. They
never trimmed their windows with such good taste as they have this year and it looks as if they
wanted to put one over on me. But I've got my eye on them, and you may rest assured that l"
will never let them get ahead of, , SANTA CLAUS.
OOK at the windows of Eric
Brothers hardware store
if you want to see some
thing really worth while.
They are object lessons of
tho effective way genius and origin
ality can take a few common, every
day articles and with them create, a
picture that will please every be
holder. The writer has studied and
written abput window display feat
ures for years, and he most em
phatically says that Honesdale has a
few of the best window trimmers
whose work he over inspected, and
probably at the head of these may
be placed tho Erk Brothers window
display artistjp
In the lower window, for Instance,
he took a fow high grade articles that
are used overy day, such as Salt and
Pepper Shakers, Oil and Vinegar
Cruets, Silver Knife, Pork and
Spoon, (in box-), Carving Knife, Fork
and Steel, (in box), Tea and Coffee
Pots with glass percolators, Crumb
Trays, Chafing Dishes, Cacserolo
Sets, etc., and ho arranged them in
such a manner that you just couldn't
help looking them over and wanting
some of them In your own home;-
Ih tho upper window the central
piece was a mounted Moose head that
we liaAij. .previously mentioned.
ArountfiSfai0-v grouped shining
Knives, SuiE.-t,'iAr'ety Razors,
Rifles, Fishing Wy ' T4ghts,
Revolvers, Skates, Carpw "Wy
Bird Cages, Sleds, etc., all nio.r7
less useful and all more or less de
sirable and appropriate for gifts.
The grouping is done so skillfully
that you gaze, and gaze, and after
M - H - M t -M"M"M"H- Mt-M
turning away you return to gazo
some more. v
To-day Erk Brothers wish every
body in Wayne county a Merry
Christmas and a happy New Year,
and, while thanking you for past
patronage, solicit your continued pat
ronage and friendship during 1914.
HUY your groceries and house
hold supplies at Clark &
Bullock's all-around gener
al store, and you will be
satisfied in every way from
quality to price. Almost every thing
wanted is sold at this store, and tho
greatest of care is used in purchasing
goods of quality, the goods that give
satisfaction and cost you no more
than ordinary grades. '
This storo is tho place where you
get Occident Flour, the kind that
makes good bread every time;
f""SrNIjY just once will cure a
I VJ J man r tlle sln of neglect if
hnmjffl fire comes his way one
UHIUUJ - fire that destroys the
building of anybody who
has no insurance will make him see
things In a new way. The proper
time to get relief from Are Is before
the fire starts. The samo rulo ap
plies to the insurance of stock and
the insurance of life,. When you
think of Insurance of ijny kind, then
think of Warren P. Scjbenck, .Every.
t 4
body In Honesdale knows him, and
knows, also, that his office is on the
second floor of the Foster building.
He represents the best and most solid
of companies. He sells all kinds of
Insurance, but makes a specialty of
Are risks. Start the new year right
by placing your insurance with him.
Mr. Schenck also represents the Fi
delity & Casualty Bonding Company,
of New York.
i ILANNEL, Honesdale Flannel,
I J? I of course, made at the fam
ous woolen MUis or tne
Birdsall Bros. Co., at Seely
ville, is an article as staple
as old corn, hay In the mow, or mon
ey In the bank. This institution is
now busily engaged in operating
their "mills in the manufacture of
Blankets and Flannel Shirts, and
their production of this line of
goods is constantly increasing. That
means that the cllcketty-clack of tho
Birdsall looms is constant music at
the manufactory, and the further
meaning of the music of the Seely
ville looms is that the village on the
West Branch is prosperous and
The making of casslmeres and
pants by tho Birdsall Brothers Co.
has been discontinued. The discon
tinuance was not occasioned by lack
of appreciative demand for those ar
ticles, for they were very popular;
but the growth in the line of Blank
ets and Shirts become so insistent
that tho output of the mill had to
be directed to accommodate that
special line of trade.
It is but stating a truth to. say
that the fame of the Honesdale
Blankets and Flannels has grown so
great because of their quality alone.
It would be hard to find a region so
j remote that a line of these goods Is
not obtainable, attracted tliere by tne
insistent demand for that particular
weave, make, and excellent quality of
The factory is up-to-date in every
way. Its machinery is modern and
of the highest grade. Its employees
are skilled in the details of their
craft. The Flannel Shirts are made
in various weights from the lightest
to the heaviest. While in pattern
the shirts are of the staplo make,
the mills are also turning out many
attractive novelties.
All of these combinations of qual
ity, modern methods, and strict In
tegrity, constitute the one big reason
why the fame of the Honesdale Flan
nels ever grows, and why their
business is over Increasing. And
now, both makers and weavers of
Honesdale Flannels have reason to
wish each other a " Merry Christ
mas," and many of them.
f lAVING just purxhased the
I rSJ 'frlt. nut and confectionery
business ot Aniomau iuuu,
I am in a position to servo
vnu with a fresh lino of
these goods. Santa Claus can And at
our store all kinds of nuts, candies
and oranges for the Christmas stock
ing. We also have a choice variety of
standard brand cigars and tobacco.
Fresh peanuts roasted daily only Ave
cents per bag. Our line of assorted
Christmas candles is unequalled, sold
in bulk, by the pound or boxes. Dates
and figs will make your Christmas
purchases complete. Your patron
age solicited.
843 Main street, Honesdale, Pa.
UST see here, Mr. Wayno
Countean, the Farmers &
Mechanics Bank wants to
wish you a "Merry Christ
mas," and really hopes
that -your coming year will be a
happy one from start to finish. That's
a great bank, that Farmers Bank is.
Not tho biggest bank In the universe,
oh, no; but just a plain, every day
bank for plain, every day people,
and that is why It is so popular with
There was something substantial
and very satisfying in many a Wayne
county stocking this Christmas
morning, thanks to the Farmers
Bank, that found Its placo there be
cause that institution had received
the little stream of deposits, and, by
paying 3 per cent, on them, comput
ing the interest twice during tho
year, had enabled the depositors to
save what otherwise would have
vanished away. .
"Rh1 Shmlow" Is Hon. John E.
Barrett's Krent story of tho AVyo
mlng Valley. It tells nil about tho
famous massacre. It gains. It thrills.
It is tho seed of local patriotism.
Klg book. Price $1.25. Cheap nt
double tho money. At Leino's drug