The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 19, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Nothing spoils your good looks
bo much as homely hair stringy,
dulUcolored, harsh. Nothing adds
to good looks so much as beautiful
hair soft, silky, wavy and glossy.
No matter how beautiful your hair is
now, you can Improve its good looks,
by using Harmony Hair Beautlfler.
If your hair is homely and ugly now,
Harmony Hair Beautlfler will make
It softer, silkier, glossier, more beau
tiful in every way. It also makes
It easier to put up and helps it to
"stay put." Its rich rose odor hides
the unpleasant, oily smell of the
hair. Harmony Hair Beautlfler is
rightly named; it beautifies the hair.
Very easy to apply simply sprin
kle a little on your hair each time
before brushing it. It contains no
oil, and will not change the color of
the hair, nor darken gray hair.
To keep your hair and scalp dandruff-free
and clean, use Harmony
Shampoo. This pure liquid shampoo
gives an instantaneous rich lather
that immediately penetrates to every
part of hair and scalp, Insuring a
quick and thorough cleansing.
Washed off just as quickly, the en
tiro operation takes only a few mo
ments. Contains nothing that can
harm the hair; leaves no harshness
or stickiness just a sweet-smelling
Both preparations come in odd
shaped, very ornamental bottles,
with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair
Beautlfler, $1.00. Harmony Sham
poo, 50c. Both guaranteed to satis
fy you In every way, or your money
back. Sold in this community only
at our store The Rexall Store
one of the more than 7,000 leading
drug stores of the United States,
Canada and Great Britain, which
own the big Harmony laboratories
In Boston, whero the many celebrat
ed Harmony Perfumes and Toilet
Preparations are made A. M. Lelne,
Quotations to Go
With Christmas Gifts
PRETTY nnd original touch may
be given u Christmas gift by ac
companying it with a dainty card
on which are written the recipient's
name and some apt quotation of an
appropriate nature. A few selected
quotations suitable for different gifts
may bo of Interest.
For n postal card album:
Kind messages that pass from land to
land. Longfellow.
For a set of books by a well known
The chief glory of every people arises
from Its authors. Dr. Johnson.
For a small afternoon tea caddy:
Tea. thou soft, thou sober, sage and ven
erable liquid. Collcy Clbber.
For a useful purse:
The best friends aro In the purse. Ger
man Proverb.
Happy the man who, void of cares and
Tn silken or in leathern purse retains
A splendid shilling.
John Philips.
With a pack of cards:
The cards beat all the players, be they
never so skillful. Emerson.
With a pair of gloves:
Oh, that I were n glovo upon that handl
Itomeo and Juliet.
With a silver handglass:
The heart, like a mirror, should reflect
nil objects without being sullied by any.
With a "tear off" calendar:
The longest day must havo an end.
Italian Proverb.
A Christmas gift of a ring for a fian
cee or wife:
So let our love
As endless prove
And pure as gold forever.
Robert Herrick.
For the last baby:
Much is she worth, and even more is
mado of her. W. E. Henley.
With an umbrella:
The year, most part deformed with drip
ping rains. Cowper.
With a cookbook:
The taste of the kitchen Is better than
tho smell. Old Proverb.
With an electric torch lamp:
To a great night a great lanthorn. Old
With a necdlceasor
Who hath need of a hundred eyes.
Old Proverb.
With a photograph:
Generally music feedeth tho disposition
( or-lHt which it flndfth. Barnn.
Bentley Bros,
Bentley Bros.
Liberty Hall Building,
Consolidated Phone 1 9 Ii
"My boy," said Bnlllngton Bllger,
the eminent speculator In stocks. "I
Intend to do something this year that
I havo never done before. I have
never taken much stock in this Christ
mas foolishness. It seems to me that
people carry It to an absurd extreme;
but, as I have said, I am going to
break away from my custom this
year. You aro helping to support your
widowed mother,
are you not?"
Tho boy who
marked the quo
tations up on the
b i g blackboard
made a strong
effort to conceal
his emotion as he
"Yes, sir. I al
ways carry my
earnings home to
"That is noble
of you. You de
serve tho highest
praise for your
thoughtf u 1 n o s s.
A mother who
has such a son
should be very proud of him, and I
have no doubt that your mother fully
appreciates your worth. What I start
ed to say a moment ago was that I in
tend to do somothlng to encourage
you in your work something to prove
to you that I wish you well and that,
however cold I may have at times
appeared, I am kind at heart."
"Oh, thank you, sir," said tho boy.
"Mother will bo proud when she
learns that I have been able to win
your respect."
"I like to hear a boy talk as you
talk," the eminent gentleman contin
ued. "A boy who is glad for his
mother's sake to win the approval of
others may always be depended upon
to give a good account of himself.
You may not have suspected It, but I
have for a long time been watching
you. I have noticed that you do not
smoke cigarettes;
that you use lit
tle slang; that
you pay strict at
tention to your
duties and al
ways show a
proper deference
to those above
"M y mother
told mo when I
started out In the
world," tho boy
replied, "to al
ways keep away
from bad habits
and be respect
ful to those who
had the right to
be treated re
"Good. It Is evident that you have
an estimable mother. With such a
mother and such a character a3 you
seem to possess I have no doubt that
you will succeed in life. It would
be a pity to disturb your self-reliance
by giving you money. I shall not do
that. I do not believe in giving money
to people anyhow. It is a bad prac
tice. There aro other ways of ex
tending help that are much more ef
fective much better for those who.
receive It Now It 1b my purpose to'
do something for you."
"I I hardly know how to thank
you, sir."
"Oh, never mind that, my boy. The
most eloquent thanks are not always
expressed In
words. Thero aro
other ways of
showing apprecia
tion. So don't
bother yourself
if words happen
to fall you. Thero
are indications
that this Is go
ing to be an old
fashioned winter,
and I know what
It Is to bo tor
tured by the cold.
You have seen
that I have a
now ovorcoat
with a Persian
lamb collar and
real mink lining,
have you not?"
"Yes, Bir."
"You would bo surprised if I were
to tell you how much It cost But I
need not dwell upon that. I have
found it extremely comfortable. It
has caused mo to feel sorry for others
who cannot afford such coats. I
think it must be the Christmas spirit
that has come to mo. With the col
lar of my warm coat turned up so
that it covers my ears I am able to
keep comfortable In the coldest
The boy felt a lump rising In his
throat and he was compelled to wink
rapidly to keep back his tears of
"This morning," Mr. Bilger con
tinued, "I found a pair of pluBh ear
muffs that I used last winter, and I
havo decided to present them to you."
I Senator Is Second American
t to Win the Honor First
I Was Roosevelt.
TO United States Senator Blltiu
Root of New York has just fall
en tho honor of being tho second
American to receive the Nobel
poaco prize.
Tho Nobel prizes Tvoro established by
Alfred Bernhard Nobel of Sweden. Al
fred Nobel died In 1800, leaving be
tween $8,000,000 and $9,000,000 as a
fund, the income of which he provided
should be divided annually Into five
equal parte nnd awarded annually as
prizes to those who havo done most to
benefit humanity. Tho prizes are (
awarded for discoveries in physics,
chemistry, medicine or physiology, lit
erature and for work in tho cause of
peace. The distribution is made each
year on Dec. 10, which 1b the anniver
sary of Alfred Nobel's death.
As a Nobel peace prize was not
awarded last year, the Norwegian com
mittee this year nwarded two full
prizes of about $40,000 each, one to
Senator Ellhu Root nnd tho other to
Senator Henri La Fontaine of Bel
glum, president of the permanent in
ternational peace bureau nt Berne,
Tho peace prize was withheld last
year because the committee could not
-I- r i... r- 1 i
iiuui ebiiny rarauuA ruunu 111
me Lire siory 01 r-ounaer
of. Famous Fund,
erty seized by tho Portuguese govern
ment after the proclamation of a re
public in that country.
His associates will be Jonkheer Al
exander Frederik do Savornla Loh
mnn, Dutch minister of state, and Dr
C. Lardy. Swiss minister to France.
Roosevelt Honored In 1906.
The only Amcrlcnn to receive the
peace prize before tho recent award
was Theodore Roosevelt to whom the
prlzo was awarded In 1000 for the
president's part In bringing the Russo
Japanese war to a close. Colonel
Roosevelt used tho money received to
establish the Foundation For the Pro
motion of Industrial Peace, of which
NOBODY'S Ilko old Santa Claus
With his red nnd Jolly face.
There's not another around the clone
Can travel so swift a pace.
His twinkling eyes and his merry laugh,
His chuckle of bubbling glee
Nobody else Is so dear by half
To dad and mother and me.
TtTB doesn't forget the baby sweet
As she rocks in her cradle white.
He has tlmo to wait for the lagging feet
ur tne 01a iy candlelight
He has gifts and gifts for the young and
Who encircle tho Christmas tree,
And he has the love to his latest day
Of dad and mother and me.
riAHE froBt Is chill in tho nipping blast;
Smooth is tho Icy mere.
The short, fleet days go hurrying past
To tho last of tho waning year.
And never was rose of the summer's prima
So royally fair to see
As the rose that blooms in the winter's
For dad and mother and me.
Collier's Weekly.
Tho Citizen for 1914 will be
bettor than ever.
Have Beautiful Hai
If your hair is too dry, brlttl
dull, thin, or If tho scalp burns anl
Itches, immediately becln linn rl
Parisian Sage. The first appllcatlol
removes tne tianurufr, cools and hi
vigorates tho scalp, and Increase!
tne neauty of tho hair by making
soft wavy nbundant.
Parisian Rnirn Runnllna hnir nnoril
It is delicately perfumed not stick
or greasy, aureiy try a &Uc bottle.
For Sale by a. W. PEIL.
directly opposite the Falls. Rate!
are reasonable. 19eolll
Bring your difficult Job work t
this office. We can do It.
by American Press Association.
then decide upon any ono person who
stood out above all others In point of
activities in behalf of International
peace. Now, however, Senator Root
gets last year's prize. It comes to
him In recognition of his services in
tho pacification of tho Philippines and
Cuba and In the handling of the American-Japanese
Root a Government Maker.
Ellhu Root was appointed secre
tary of war by President McKinley at
tho close of the Spanish wnr to suc
ceed Secretary Alger and was reap
pointed by President Roosevelt. As
secretary of war the handling of the
difficult problems of what had to do
with Cuba, Porto Rico and the Phil
ippines was loft largely to his judg
ment The Cubans had had no gov
ernmental experience. Tho American
authorities, largely under tho direc
tion of Secretary Root, trained tho en
tiro . personnel of the Cuban govern
ment and handed it over to the island
republic In working order when the
American troops wero withdrawn.
Secretary Root resigned from tho
cabinet Feb. 1, 1904, and was succeed
ed by Mr. Taft, then governor of the
Philippines, lie returned to President
Roosevelt's cabinet ns secretary of
stato July 1, 1005, succeeding the late
John Hay, and remained in that posi
tion until early in 1009.
As secretary of stato in 1905 Mr.
Root negotiated the first eight of the
general arbitration treaties cnterSd
Into by tho United States. Three years
later ho negotiated twice that number,
and his speeches in tho senate have all
been on tho side of treaty obligations
and arbitral settlement
His Work In South America.
In 1900 Mr. Root went to South
America, primarily to attend the In
ternational conference of the Ameri
can republics at Rio do Janeiro, but
also to remove old prejudices and to
pave the way for a better feeling to
ward the United States.- Ho visited
tho chief capitals of South America,
ond everywhere was received with dis
tinction. In 1907 ho went to Mexico, nlso as
secretary of state, and met President
Diaz and the leading statesmen of the
country, again with tho Idea of pro
moting International good will.
Simultaneously with tho recent No
bel nward to Senator Root, It was an
nounced at Tho Hague that ho bad
been selected as a member of tho court
of arbitration to which are to bo sub
mitted tho claims of British, French
and Spanish subjects In regard to prop-
establish the Foundation For the Pro- op tiik
glM Honesdaleg Pa-
jPP 'Mm Loans $211,825.87 Capital Stock $ 75,000.0(
pntfL., ' Stocks, Bonds and Mort- Surplus and Profits . . . 20,187.11
mFfflj&m-. $&$&ZW gagGS 108,010.40 Deposits 382,001.3:
ifell 'jf CaSh neSerVe ' ' "5,887.28
'-' Real Estate 20,800.00
THE LATE ALFRED B. NOBEL. $187,178.50 $487,178.5(
t, , , . i JSnM'Wt Jun 1st, 1907 - - $ 2-1,398.5-1
!';..'V . K' May lst' 1908' ' ' 3100,800.20
fV ;.' ' VVOS 3f May lst' 1D09' " " $101,077.58
9""'. ' )'4li'i.m May 2nd, 1910, - - $241,813.07
' :f'5''i8 May 1, 1911 - - $272,500.08
' :- , 7 'Mfr-Sh May 3, 1912 - - $304,015.07
,-v'vr-v M m Mfty 1 1913 - - - -$310,038.40
j, ' " yf1 I Nov. 1, 1913 - - - - $382;091.37
Christmas Goods in their Reliable
Stock, for Special Presents Use
ful, Attractive and Seasonable.
the late Chief Justice Melville W. Ful
ler of tho United States supreme court
was chosen as urst president
Other Nobel peaco prizes awarded
havo been as follows: 1001, Henri Du
nant of Switzerland and Fr. Passy of
France; 1902, E. Ducommun and A.
Gobat of Switzerland: 1903, William
R. Cremer, M. P., of England; 1904, tho
Institution of International Law, this
being tho first award to an Institution;
1005, Baroness von Suttner of Aus
tria; 1907, Ernesto T. Moneta of Italy
nnd Louis Renault of France; 190S, K.
P. Arnoldson of Switzerland and M.
F. Bajer of Denmark; 1009, Baron
d'Estournelles do Constant of Franco
and M. Beernaert of Belgium; 1910.
International Permanent Peace bu
reau, Berne; 1011, Professor T. M. O.
Assor, founder of Institute do Droit
International of Holland and Alfred
Fried of Austria.
befenss Opens to Save Slayer of Anna
New York, Dec. 17. The sister of
Hans Schmidt, Mrs. Elizabeth Schad
ler, told at her brother's trial of a
"vision" ho had oneo had and then de
scribed a vision that had come to her.
Tho slayer of Anna Aumuller Inter
rupted his own counsel, W. M. K. Ol
cott, to deny that ho is insane.
Schmidt's father took tho stand and
told of several suicides and cases of
Insanity in tho family. Father nnd
sister of the murderer swore to a
blood lust developed In childhood, to
religious mania nnd to Schmidt's belief
that he is not tho son of his father,
but tho child of his own mother nnd
John tho Bnptlst.
Tho defense 'rested, nnd ex-Judge
Olcott. opening for tho defense, said
ho would show that Schmidt is, has
been and always will bo lusano.
Schmidt edged forward In his chair
and said in a low tone;
"Ach, that Is not sol I protest."
A hand on his shoulder stilled him.
FOLDING Umbrellas,
Collar and Cuff Sets
Irish Lace Collars,
Christmas Gifts
The Family
and Friends
One Piece Dresses,
Velvet Gowns,
Messaline Silk Dresses,
Charmeuse Draped Dresses,
Chiffon and Marquisette,
Wool Poplin and Serge Dresses,
White Wash Voile Dresses,
1 Children's Coats,
Infants' Capes,
Infants' Knit Sacques,
Misses Gloves and Mits,
Men's and Ladies' Bath Robes.