THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1913. PAGE NINE Spot's Friend By ELDON SPEAKE Copyright, 1913, by American Press Asso ciation. EAR Mr. Santa, I don't know you. And maybe It's just as well. For, beln's you never done nothln' for me, I ain't quite so 'frald to tell What It Is that I'd like to have you do Just as quickly as ever you can. And maybo some day I can pay you back If I ever Brow up to a man. A dog catcher camo here last week and took My puppy away somewhere, And I am so lame that I can't go look And get him away from there. And even if I could go where he's at I haven't no dollar to pay, And if you will kindly advance me that I'll try and return It some day. -S3: -" ' -rr;x SPOT THAT'S HIS NAME." You know, my papa he went and died And left just my mamma and me And Spot that's his name and we cried and cried, For we missed him a lot, we three. And mamma she works, and we got along', And Spot ho stayed homo with me And never went out, for I'm not very strong, And I have to have some one, you see. The dog man that took him away he said He'd keep him ten days in the pound, And alter that time poor Spot'll be dead And three days from now Spot'll ba drowned. So please, Mr. Santa, If you can spare A dollar to set Spot free, 1'iease taico it ana give to the man up tnere And. send homo my puppy to me. And please, Mr. Santa, If you haven't got wo dollar to spend that way, i wisn tnat at least you would go sea Spot And tell him wo'Il meet somo day. And if you don't mind that ho's not very clean, And if there's nobody to see, I wish you'd just klnda he'll know what you mean Just give him a pat for me. HOW TO SPEND CHRISTMAS. Forget Yourself For the Day and Try to Make Others Happy, . 1 DAY off, a few remembrances A from relatives and friends and f a good dinner is that all thai ly you are going to make it an occasion for more than usual re joicing this year, a real old fash ioned Christmas. Surely you aro going to be more liberal In spirit than over before and scatter mer riment on all sides. Have you been a little selflsh, have you de voted so much time to enjoying yourself that you have forgotten other folks? Those you have forgotten aro good folks, aren't they, the best folks in the world? And you aro Just going to show them how ap preciative you are. You don't like this modern way of turning dear old Christmas into an occa sion for trading and exchanging gifts. You are going to see all the friends you can on that day and shako hands with as many; pat them on the back and tell them how glad you are to bo with them. And to those you cannot see you aro going to write cheery, warm hearted letters and toll them you want to hear from them oftenor. Isn't that how you feel about the greatest of all birthdays? PLUM PUDDING AND MINCE PIE CHRISTMAS NECESSARIES Plum pudding and mlhee pie are mi nor but necessary accompaniments of Christmas day, und strangely enough tho former was long ago accepted as typical of tho riches and spices brought hy tho threo wise men to tho child in the manger, whllo tho Christmas pio was held in abhorrence by all members of strict puritanical bodies, who bo Moved: All plums the prophets' sons deny, And spice broths are too hot; Treason's in the December pie sff ' i ''''' Christmas at LEINE'S Shop early while tho various lines are nil complete. Have your selection laid aside if you wish. Don't fall to conic and look around, wo will welcome you. PARISIAN IVORY Mirrors, Hnir ISrushes, Cloth Brushes, Manicure Goods Combs, Tie Holders, Military Urushes, Complete Toilet Sets, Etc. At LEINE'S BOOKS Large line of Standard Au thors at 35 to 50c and $1.00 in fancy bindings. Books for boys and Books for girls. Gift books of all kinds. The newest nov els. An immense line of popu lar reprints at 50 cents. Spec ial orders will have prompt at tention. , Wo can get any thing in the book line you want. At LEINE'S CALENDARS We have the largest lino of beautiful calendars ever dis played here. Prices ranging from 5 cents. The popular 25 cent calendars of Friendship, Cheer, Business and Sunshine are prettier than ever this year. At LEINE'S FINE WRITING PAPERS AND CARDS The nicest boxes of writing paper and correspondence cards you could wish for. A box of uico paper is always welcome and appreciated. Prices to suit nil from 15c to .$2.00. Special initial embossed if desir ed. At LEINE'S SEALS, STICKERS, TAGS, &c, Our lino of Seals; Stickers, Cards and Tags is simply great tills year. All gifts look so much better when nicely down up with the right seals, etc. Tuck's, Dennison's and other lines. Also n largo lino of Christinas Letters at 5 nnd 10 cents. At LEINE'S DECORATIONS Don't forget to decorate your home. It really makes tho Christmas season so much nicer. AVo Iiavo garlands of many kinds. Bells, Crepo Paper, Bed and Green, both plain and deco rated. Tinsel, Fancy Twines, Etc. At LEINE'S LEATHER GOODS Pocket Books Billfolds, Wal lets, Book Covers, Paper Weights, Note Books, Shopping List, Art Pnncls, Diaries, Table Map, Playing Card Cases, Etc. AT LEINE'S TOILET ARTICLES Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Fancy Soaps, Talcum Powders, Face Powders, Faco Lotions, IUco Powders, Cold Creams, Etc. At LEINE'S SHOP EARLY At LEINE' Headquarters i 1 For Xmas Candies, I Oranges, 1 . Fis . 1 I Dates, M & M 1 and a Full Line of Up-to- M m date 'GROCERIES. B m DOUBLE THE AMOUNT of Red Trading H Stamps given on all cash purchases on gj Monday, December 32. C. A. BROOKS 1 Grocer 1 125 flain Street. WE HAVE MANY Useful Xmas Gifts A Vacuum Cleaner is Always Welcome Let us have your Xmas Order The SPECIALTY STORE 1127 Main Street. Bell 'phone, 59L Gifts Worth Giving! Nothing else does quite so well for a Man's or Boy's Christmas as something he can wear. What he wears he will appreciate. Man pr Boy what makes so tavisfactory a Christmas gift as a Suit, Overcoat or Rain Coat? If you do not care to invest so much, then we have many things in our Toggery Depart ment which are very useful gifts. Garters Gloves Ties Hosiery Underwear Handkerchiefs Collars Shirts Flannel Shirts Suit Case Arm Hands. Silk Socks 1 Hats Caps Umbrella Muffler Suspenders Sweaters Pajamas Cuff Links Scarf Pins Trousers Pocket Hooks We have a host of things wugnoniDHiunMmHBNnnMMMn that are Just RIGHT Our store is in a Holiday at tire. New styles and new ideas will greet you at every turn. Come in and see what you cat; do for HIM. We can settle your Christmas worry in short order. And the best of it all, save you money on any article you buy. A. W. Abrams, Prop. Enterprise Clothing House Solo Agent' for AV. It. Douglass Shoes. P. B. Don't fall to see our Mien's Hubbers at (Qr Ladles' Hubbcrs Boots at $2.98 .V BX3K3EIK3B3BI3K3X3H And death within tho pot.