PAGE ELEVEN 1871 ABSOLUTE SECURITY 1913 Wayne County Savings Bank THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1913. The Leading Financial Institution of Wayne Deposits are - - - $2,500,000.00 To pay them there is - $3,100,000.00 County. THIS IS ABSOLUTE SECURITY Your .Business is Invited It will receive COURTEOUS, intelligent care. There are multitudes of Children among the depositors learning thrift ARE YOURS AMONG THEM? Savings deposits made by the tenth of any month draw interest from the' first. Put your SAVINGS in a SAVINGS BANK. Capita! and Surplus $ 593,000.00 Total Resources 3,100,000.00 Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent OFFICERS: VV. B. HOLMES, President H. S. SALMON, Cashier- A. T. SEARLE, Vice-President W. J. WAUD, Asst. Cashier. W. B. HOLMES A. T. SEARLE . H. J. CONGER DIRECTORS: F. P. KIMBLE W. F. SUYB-AM H. S. SALMON E. W. GAMMELL T. B. CLARK C. J. SMITH J. W. FARLEY By HAMILTON POPE GALT. Copyrltfht, 1013, by American Preu Assoclttlon WE hod all agreed that Mr. O'Shaugnessy was the very ono to bo Santa Claus at our Viuuuuua Live. "No!" be said. "No!" Wo had never seen Mr. O'Shaugncs- sy so vehement before. "That Is ono thing I -will never do no, not If tho czar of Russia wero to command It!" "Why?" asked some ono from a safo distance. "Because I played tho part once, and I will never do it again. I may as well tell you about it, and then youll Unow that it is of no use to bother mo about it any more. "Ono Christmas I was broke, I was hungry, and my feet wero on tho ground. I had asked a thousand peo ple for something to do, anything to do, and finally a manager In a depart ment storo said, 'AH right; well make a Santa Claus out of you.' "I told hlra I didn't feel much like a Santa Claus Inside. "Oh, we'll fix that all right,' he said and handed mo a pillow. "So, with pillows and boots and .gloves and a fur coat outsldo and nothing at all Inside, I started iu to bo Santa Claus in tho toy department. While I was thinking about my wife and tho two kids at homo needing money, nnd mo with no steady job, and other things like that, I heard ono of the fellows in tho storo say to tho boss: '"Say. that St. Nicholas of yours Is about as jolly as a hymn book. lie reminds mo of a funny 6ong entitled "Silver Threads Among tho Gold." Why don't you throw him out?' " 'I will when I get time.' "I tried to liven up a little after hearing this praise of my histrionic talent, but It wasn't much use. "Pretty soon I saw a boy coming down the aislo Hko a wolf on the fold. Ho was also scoklng whom ho might devour. Ho was followed by an anx ious looking maid and a gentleman in a silk hat, who was an indulgent mil lionaire father. "Tho kid sauntered along in an inde pendent, bored way, swinging his arms kind of reckless, as If ho was in hopes of breaking something and relieving tho monotony, "When he came tin. to Vberp. I was sitting he stopped. Ho had seen plen ty of toys, but I guess I was some thing new in tho way of a St. Nich olas. "no called his daddy and pointed to me. " 1 want that,' ho said. " '.Oh, no, dearie,' said tho maid, 'ncre. look at this nice giraffe! See! it does this!" "The kid shook tho nurso off irrita bly. '"ne doesn't seem to tako much in terest in the giraffe,' I remarked to the father. " 'No, nor anything else,' ho answer ed in a patient, weary tone, ''no has had all these toys before, and he knows all about them, inside nnd out. Ho had ono of theso giraffes last year nnd broke it open to find out what was In It, and bo was mad when be found there was nothing.' '"I want that,' said tho boy again, pointing to me. " 'Ho has taken a fancy to you,' con tinued tho pa. " 'I can't see that I bavo any advan tage over the giraffe,' I said. "I WANT THAT." "Just then tho Tjoss of tho store came along. He was just busting himself for the millionaire. '"My boy wants your Santa Claus, said the gentleman to tho boss. "And the kid jumped up and grab bed me by tho hand and began pull ing at me and fighting tho maid off with tho other hand. "'Well,' said tho boss, 'take him along, Mr. Van Vcegle. It will bo no loss whatever to us, I assure you.' "This recommend seemed to sort of encourage the millionaire. " 'I will pay you for your time. he said to me. "As tho little fellow was pulling my arm off I got up and went along, ne I towed mo through the aisle against a tide of open mouthed people. Wo got into a big red automobile, and the mil lionaire said to the chauffeur, 'Homo as quick as possible, for goodness Bake!' "Away wo went, my white whiskers flying in tho wind. "Pretty soon tho millionaire said to tho chauffeur: 'Look here, you needn't display us any moro than necessary. Kindly pick out some quiet streets.' "Tho kid was sitting next to me, holding my band. "The chauffeur started to slow down In front of a mansion when tho mil lionaire gavo a shout: " 'Hold on!' ho said. 'Drivo on quick! I forgot Mrs. Van Vecglo has compa ny. We'll go around tho back way.' "We wero turning the corner to go around the other way when tho mil lionaire shouted again suddenly, 'Turn around quick!' '"Wo wero dodging somebody or oth er that he knew, "Finally wo passed through a big gate, and tho boy towed mo around through a conservatory or two Into a swell room. "Tho man swore. There wore a lot cf ladles there 1111. They seemed to take a great interest In the pageant. '"Well, what on earth!' screeched the millionaire's wife. "Whllo the man was explaining to his wife tho boy led mo around all over the house by the hand. Ho would not let go. "Ho had to have mo sit beside him whllo be ato his dinner, and I had a "HE TOWED ME THROUGH THE AISLE." big, fat butler shoving ruy chair around for me and waiting on me. I got some birds and one thins and another under my pillow and my furs, but I was aw ful warm. "It was too warm for comfort when It got around that there was a real, live Santa Claus at tho Van Veeglo house. All tho children camo from all over tho neighborhood to maul me. "But young Van kept a tight grip on my hand and fought them off when ever thoy got too near, "When bedtlmo came they tried to tell llttlo Van that Santy wanted to go home now and work on tho toys for Christmas, out he held on tighter than over nnd Insisted that I would have to sleep with him. "This made it pretty bad. If I was to pull off my boots and my beard and my stomach and one thing and an other the boy would bo paralyzed with fear, they said, and for mo to turn In boott beard, stomach and all with lit tle Van in his llttlo bed seemed utter ly Impossible. "Wo compromised by my sitting by his bed and holding his band until ho went to sleep. Would you believe it? That boy was tho lightest sleeper you ever saw! Every time I tried to tako my hand away his eyes would open and ho would tako n tighter grip, "I sat up all night holding that kid's hand. J bad a an in attendance, who TAKING SANTA TO KINDEBdABTEtl. brought mo everything I wanted, and I had collected a ten from Rapa Van. but I didn't get much sleep. "Tho boy had mo with him all the next day. I had to bo with him when ho got his bath and his breakfast, and I attended kindergarten with him. "I was 'it- at kindergarten, too, but along about 4 o'clock he lay down on a couch nnd went sound asleep. "I stole from the room softly and un observed. I hud had enough of tho Job and was resolved to escape. "Just as I was getting out of hi front door a good sized boy came ulong and started to blab somethlug abom nello, Santa Claus!' and tried to grab hold of me. "I paralyzed him by pulling out my sVmach and hitting blm over the head with It "1- gained tho street and flew for home, dodging this way and that to bafllo pursuit nnd shedding beard, boots, cotton nnd fur all along the way. "I hid for three days and then emerg ed and got a nice llttlo job loading coal on a ship. I have always gone in for a sano Christmas ever since that little experience." We did not press Mr. O'Shaugnessy. Concerning Christmas Presents. A man may not bo so badly off for presents if be only has presence of mind. The question of tho hour is, "What on earth shall wo buy for a Christ mas present?" Never look a gift borso in tho teeth. It is also wrong to look a Christmas present in tho price mark. "What shall I glvo tho hired girl?" is a Christmas conundrum that puz zles some. Give her last week's pay and get another girl.