The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 09, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1913. PAGEIVE ants, For Sale, Be. TELEPHONE your Watt "Adver tisements Tor thla ' department. Use either phone. Call 157 on the Bell and 101 on the Consolidated. " Talk, don't vralkl" Art vorttamnfn nnrt rAi11nr notices of Lll lllUUEf UIUUCU 111 IUID LUIUI1IH 1 ' . " n lrUMl 1 l J I ILL Ll CILULD If L U U V. . . n this column, cash or stamps must ac mmDanv the order. ILL EXCHANGE UHAN'D NEW MA ' linirnnv ITnrlirht Piano, worth 1300 or Booa anvinK noisv; iur iun urn mlilrpsa P. O. Box S28. Scranton, l'a. 89el5t. ANTED AT ONCE Day telephone r nneminr Annlv nnnsnlidated Tele- . .. T,. mrttt ABOUHETS at Brown's Furniture Store. 0Sel6t TOCK FOIt SALE 2 cows 2 yearl- lanuarv 3. & caives; uisu kuuu, - 1 I- . ,nfUl 11 AlrttlMOtl- NGINE FOB SALE-10 II. P., second i,n mi TTnrluht steam Entitle, in ex- tiawiey. IIIUT WAIST BOXES at Brown's Furnlturo store. vxwi. IVE TEAMS WANTED to haul lum hpr to Ariel. Lone Pond Mill, Lake- OLID BRASS SMOKING SETS at Brown s l' Urnuure store. iraeioi ILL bo In Honesdalo week of Deccm- Wayne, sam. o. uu, nuu j.uu.-i. S8t2. u ANGING BACKS AND SETTEES at Brown's Furniture Store. ySeiCt 11 fj AVE vour' Christmas pnoioBrupna taken soon. Our display ot framed pictures Is Immense. Boule s stuaio. sueis I MBBELLA BACKS at Brown's Fur nlturo Store. !)Sel6t FURS Richest prices pam ior uii kinds of raw furs by Isbell of Seely- t.. CIO n to Vine. OR SALE 1 Base Burner Coal Stove; rill Ctnim Tnntil ra a t TCliantHn ARPET SWEEPERS at Brown's Fur niture Store. useiut M T TfRr T.Y nrnnnrtv nn WPSf Street - lui oaiu. muuci il in n . - tii r nwl T ...,.. - nr iIiii--IT A ll f 1 ifnnWn In nit nnnnint. iTlUJO fO,lW. III4UIID Wl .UMj-y IInI.,lnln lln R9eitf OR RENT A sulto of rooms on Park street. Inquire of Dr. Powell. SGtf m-9 ALL TREES at Brown's Furniture Store. USeiiit B OOKLETS for advertising purposes uesiBlieu UUU WUILCI! Ull UIUUCIJI HUM FOR bent one seven-room nouso with imnrovements. 010 River street. Jacob Demer, Church street. 3eitf. a ll KINU or standard Articles at Brown'B Furniture Store. )SciCt ATW T7TT T .vono tjo nntlnau nn ninth, arid nrlntlntr of all kinds Tor the farmer is made a specialty at The Citizen printery. FOR SALE Brick house and lot 50x150,, 1321 East street, known as ICenner property. See Searle & Salmon. 81eitf Pi LACKING BOXES at Brown's Furni ture Store. USeiOt HAVE you' a house you want to rent, or a farm vou want to sell? Tell S ' our readers all about It let the little ad let yell. CJ O-CARTS and Pullman Sleepers at Brown's Furniture Store. 8Sei6t SPECIALIST In Shopping for the ex clusive, new and original; for Gifts, Personal or Household use. Christmas orders taken now. Address Grace Clark, 41 West 22nd Street, Now York City. EOeitf. CREENS at Brown's Furniture Store. OSeiCt WHAT'S the use of fret and worry over senseless cares and strife? Use these ad lets In a hurry, let them smooth your path of life. FOR RENT Top floor of Foster build ing opposite Union station, Suitable for lodge rooms. Apply George Foster. rati. ARD TABLES at Brown's Furniture ' Store. OSeiCt FIRST MORTGAGE FOR SALE Bear ing 6 per cent, interest on two prop erties In Honesdale. Owing to the death nf hnlripr nf mrtrtcrntrn It wnn ninrprt with the Buy-U-A-Home Realty Company, Honesdale, Pa., for disposition. 7Stf M EDICINE Cabinets at Brown's Furni ture Store. oseiet. 1 WELVE PAIRS OF WINDOW blinds 4 1-2 x 14 Inches. Dractlcally as good as now, for sale cheap. Address for particulars, Lock Box GS, Honesdale. M USIC CABINETS at Brown's Furni ture Store. OSeiet ALL popular sheet music 10c copy. By mall 11 cents. F. A. Jenkins' Music House. 83eltf ONE CENT a word is the price for these little adlets, and they are busi ness brlngers. They "work while you OLIVER TYPEWRITER FOR SALE Good condition, used only a month. No. 5 model. Bargain for quick buyer. Address F, Citizen office, Honesdale, Pa. mi. Honesdale and Greater Honesdale Born, to Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Gibbons, West street, a daughter, on Thursday last. A D. & H. section Kane; laid a piece ot road in the yard on Sunday, connecting two spur tracks. The Gurney Electric Elevator company will start its mechanical department on Wednesday. During tho past two weeks an inventory has been takon. To every (subscriber of Tho Citi zen whd pays all arrearages and one year in advance will be given FIIEE a copy or Dr. Frederick A. Cook's book, "My Attainment of tho Pole." A nice fall of snow would en liven business. Merchants and farm ers say that more business would be transacted and a greater number of farmers would come to town If there wero sleighing. If you know of a wedding, par ty, accident or other item of interest that would interest your neighbors, telephone it to Tho Citizen office. Wo have both the Boll and Consoli dated 'phones. The management wishes to express its appreciation to tho number of thoughtful patrons who upon former occasions have not forgotten The Citizen when any thing of Importance has occurred. The Whatsoever Clrclo of the Methodist church netted about $100 from the oyster supper given In tho parlors last -Thursday evening. A large force of laborers remov ed several loads of ashes from tho Delaware & Hudson pit on Sunday. The ashes were dumped along the line. To every subscriber of Tho Citi zen who pnys all arrearages and one year in ndvnnco will bo given FREE a copy of Dr. Frederick A. Cook's book, "My Attainment of the Pole." William II. Itlclimond, of Rich mond Hill, Scranton, sailed from New York Saturday on tho steamer Havana, of the Ward lino, for Car denas, Cuba where he will spend tho winter months. Scranton Times. A. A. Oehlert, practical jeweler and optician in Rowland's, has pur chased of F. J. Tolley the property on the corner ot East and Seventeenth streets. Consideration private. The sale was made through tlTo Buy-U'A-Homo Realty Company. -At a meeting of the Young Men's Guild of St John's Evangelical church last Thursday evening, nomi nations to fill the offices of the so ciety for the coming year were in or der. A social session was held after the order of business was transacted. Rev. C. C. Miller talked to the young men. Dozens of applications for plac ing of woodlands under State auxil iary forest laws and for leasing of permanent camp sites in State re serves was considered by the Fores try Commission Friday. These are the first lists under the acts of 1913 and much Interest is being shown in them. The following prizes at the Pitts ton poultry show, were captured by local fanciers: Best bird in Dutch class, Silver Campine pullet, F. W. Schuerholz, Honesdale; Columbian Plymouth Rocks, Mrs. G. W. Swartz, Ariel; 1st cock, 1st hen, 1st cockerel, 1st pullet; Silver Camplnes, F. W. Schuerholz, 1st, 3rd and 4th cocker el, 1st, 3rd and 4th pullet. Mr. Schuerholz and E. A. Lindsay attend ed the show.. The Young Men's Baraca class of the Baptist Sunday school were entertained at tho home of Earl D. Mitchell Thursday evening of last week. A social and business meet ing was held besides an election of officers. Earl Mitchell was re-elected president of the class and Maurice Jones treasurer. Orville Welsh was elected secretary. A committee was appointed to draft a set of by-laws and a constitution. In the face of the fact that agents of the Department of Justice are in Pittsburg to investigate tho cause of the high price of eggs, quotations for "selected eggs," as the Pittsburg Butter and Egg Ex change terms them, wero advanced Friday last from 45 and 4C cents to 50 and 52 cents a dozen. Dealers declare this is because eggs, to bear the name of "selects," must not bo more than a week old. Tho Pennsylvania railroad last week Indefinitely suspended between 400 and 500 men in its shops at Al toona and the hours of work were reduced in two of the plants. Em ployes of tho machine shops, who have formerly worked 5'5 hours a week, will go on 40 hours for days of 10 hours each. About 5,000 men are affected. In the car shops, em ploying 3,000 men tho same hours will be in vogue. It is customary at this season of the year, with less hours of daylight to ( reduce the forces in most all railroad shops. Rov. Ernest Nash and family, who havo made their homo at War ren Benton's at White Sulphur Springs for the past few years, set sail Thursday afternoon in a prairie schooner for Mexico. Mr. Nash ex pects to make the drive there within a few months, allowing plenty of time for stops on tho way to do mis sionary work. After arriving there, Mr. and Mrs. Nash expect to continue their work among tho Mexicans and native Indians. In the prairie schooner are sufficient utensils and household goods to enable the mis sionaries to encamp and live com fortably wherever they stop. Over a dozen persons arrested recently in the crusade of the De partment of Fisheries against those responsible for pollution of streams along the AVest Branch of the Sus quehanna and the Sinnemahoning liavo asked for extension of time to install disposal plants. The persons arrested, it Is stated at the depart ment, had defied tho efforts of the fish wardens to stop pollution, ibut lately evidences of a general move ment to get togqther on plans turned up. Tho State authorities will grant brief extensions, but will not allow any further concessions. The dis posal works must bo put in, declares Commissioner N. R. Buller. Tho county of Union, consider ing its small population. Is believed to lead all other counties in Pennsyl vania in tho number of resident hunters' licenses Issued. The voters of Union, according to the assessors list number 4,504 and County Treas urer Bealo Informed Dr. B. H. War ren of the Everhart Museum, that up to 'November 29th, inclusive, he had issued 1,232 one dollar licenses and ono ten dollar non-resident li cense. Besides thla large amount of licensed hunters there are said to be quite a number of farmers and oth ers, who hunt on their own and ad joining lands in Union county, and they, of course, do not have to take out the resident license. Tho suit for recovery of ?145, 000 in fines and penalties from tho borough of Coudersport for failure to erect a disposal plant for its sewage and for tho extension of sowers in do flance of State decrees is likely to be followed by several other actions against municipalities which .have paid no attention to the orders from the Governor, Attorney General and Commissioner of Health to Install sewage disposal plants. In the Coudersport case the fines are com puted from 1905 and form tho largest sum over demanded from any town in the series of suits brought b? tho Commonwealth. In these actions the Stato has won every time. Hones dale needs a better system of sewage disposal. Saturday was a good business day for the merchants. Tho advan tage of early shopping is something every person ought to avail himself of. Tho stock to select from will not only be more complete, but tho purchaser will have more time to se lect his or her gifts. Patronize Citi zen advertisers. Mrs. Fredewald delighted a large number of her regular patrons at tho high school auditorium Saturday af ternoon by her rendition of ono of the works of George Meredith "Richard Fcverel." The reading was excellent. Mrs. Fredewald will not visit Honesdale again until Jan. 10, when she will read again from tho works of George Deredlth, tak ing at this tlmo his popular work, "The Shaving of Shagpat" Tho newest idea in one-piece dres ses at Menner & Co. Velvet, Ratine and Messallne. 9Gt4 Vr- PERSONAL MENTION. Neal Hiller of Plymouth, spent Sunday at his Home here. Mrs. W. M. Klenck and daughter of White Mills were callers in town on Monday. Postoffice Inspector John N. Sharpsteen spent Sunday with his family hero,, Miss Harriet Hambly has secured a position as bookkeeper, with S. E. Morrison, the plumber. John E. Richmond spent last Fri day with his brother, William H. Richmond, who has sailed with his family to Cuba. Mrs. C. Emery, of Scranton, re turned Monday after spending Sun day with her son, C. A. Emery and family on West street. Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette W. Nel son, of Siko, left on Monday morn ing's Delaware & Hudson train for Reading, where they will attend State Grange sessions. I. B. Brown returned last Friday from Philadelphia, where he attend ed a meeting of the Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons. Mr. Brown represented Honesdale Lodge No. 218. Superintendent Richard Dusin berre, division manager of the Con solidated Telephone company, return ed last Friday from attending a meeting of the officers and division managers in Hazleton, which was held on Thursday, December 4. The Consolidated Telephone company, which is now under- new manage ment, will be placed in Al condition. Entire new equipment will be In stalled, making both the local and toll departments first-class. G. A. 11. ELECT OFFICERS. The annual election of officers of James Ham Post, G. A. R., was held at a meeting last Friday evening. Nearly all tho old veterans were present at the meeting. The elec tion resulted as follows: Graham Watts commander; E. J. Cook, sen ior vice-commander; Peter Collum, junior vice-commander; Isaac Ball, chaplain; W. W. Wood, quartermas ter; Dr. Robert Brady, office;- of tho day; Michael Webber, officer of tho guard; Henry Parish, outside guard. Arrangements were made to .or ganize at the, next meeting of the Post, an old veterans' choir to sing the old war songs to make the In stallation of the new officers of great Interest. REV. WALKER PRESENTED WITH GOLD WATCH. Rev. Walter Walker, pastor of the White Mills Methodist church, was presented with a solid gold watch and chain by tho Ladies' Aid society of the church last Saturday evening. The gift was in honor of the pastor's untiring work in getting the new basement of the church completed In so short a time. There is now new concrete walls, floor and steps, all improvements having been made dur ing the past few months. A new fur nace has also been installed. A chicken pie supper was served and a neat sum was realized. Those to attend from Honesdalo were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ham, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Varcoe and Henry Manaton. SEELYVILLIAXS ELATED OVER REDUCTION OF INDEBTEDNESS. The school board of the Indepen dent district of Seelyvllle at their last regular meeting reduced the in debtedness ?500. This is exceed ingly good news for the taxpayers to receive. It also speaks volumes for the careful and economical m.tnner in which the school affairs are being managed by Its efficient school board. Tho board is composed of H. A. Dunkelberg, president; Wnlter Stocks, secretary; Edward Welch treasurer, A. W. Eno and C. A! Purdy. The debt on the district Is now only $1,500. CAPT. KELLEV ELECTED DELE GATE TO NATIONAL CONVENTION Delegates to tho National Guard convention to be held in Philadelphia on December 12 and 13 wero eleoted last Friday evening in Scranton. Thoso who will attend are Colonel F. W. Stillwell, Lieutenant" Colonel Ezra II. Ripple, Major W. A. Raub, Major R. J. Bourko, Major W. A. Keller, Captain R. M. Vail, Captain E. J. Wellner, Captain C. D. Smith, Captain R. R. Gregory, Captain C. J. Kelley of Honesdale; Captain F. M. Godley, of Easton, and Captain George A. Dunning, of Stroudsburg. SOCIAL NETS PUPILS .$25.. The pupils of tho Seelyvllle school held a box social in the building last Friday evening. About $25 was realized which will be used In pur chasing a new dictionary for tho school and getting uniforms for the basket ball team. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed. There we're a number of White Mills young peo ple present. Thoy also furnished music for tho occasion. It probably has not been con venient for you to pny your subscrin lion to Tho Citizen. Wo'liavo ar ranged to help you pay it by giving you gratis copy of Dr. Cook's "At tainment of tho Polo." lly paying all arrearages and 91.50 for n year In advance, Tho Citizen will fonvnrd the book to you prepaid. LEGALITY OF LEBANON ELECTION IS QUESTIONED CLARE YALE ASKS OPINION OF COURT IN SUPERVISOR MATTER. Says Dennis Served on Election I ....... .1 T ..... .. I.!, . l L ' visors Appointee. ask new uunr dians for Mrs. Springenbcrg, Per son of Feeble Mind. Judgo A. T. Searle presided at a special session of motion court held tn 4l.ii Hi n I .i nnn.l n n ... II . .1 n n ill uiu lliuill V.UU1 I. 1 I'lllllUllJ' i morning, beginning at 10 o'clock. A I recess was taken at 11 to convene I again at 2 o'clock in the chambers ' on account of the fact that the an nual farmers' institute 'began their two days' session Monday afternoon. Court was adjourned until Tuesday morning, December 1C, at 10 o'clock. Alias Subpoenas Awarded. Alias subpoenas wero awarded In the divorce proceedings of Christian Forestor, llbellant, against Lizzie Merwln Forester; Sarah E. Ruppel, by her next friend, Jacob Keller, ll bellant, against Carl Ruppel; H. C. Noble', llbellant, against Anna M. No ble. The Court appointed M. E. Simons to act as master and hear the evi dence in the divorce proceedings of Grace M. French, llbellant, vs. Frank T. French. James L. Bush as llbellant in a di vorce action filed against his wife', Ora M. Bush, on July 7, 1910, and subpoena awarded in August, asked for the issuance of an alias sub poena, stating that no return of the service had been made In (the three years. A rule was granted to strike the discontinuance from the record and made returnable next term of court. Poor Directors Appointed. Clifford C. Gray was appointed to fill the vacancy in the board of poor directors for the district of Texas and Honesdale; his term to commence on the second Monday of January. The term of Thomas Gill, of White Mills, for poor director ex pires on tho second Monday in Janu ary. He was re-appolntcd for an other term. Ask That Deed be Annulled. A'petltion was filed on September 15 by Frances M. Turrentine and Cora Nelson Turrentine asking that a rule be granted to show cause why a certain deed to William M. Nelson should not. be declared void. Ask Court's Decision Election. Clare Yale, of Lebanon, through hi3 attorneys, Searle & Salmon, made application to the Court Monday morning foi the determination of ths election of supervisors in Lebanon township at the November election. The candidates were Loren Gager, Ray Dennis and Clare Yale. The ap plication sets forth that Ray Dennis was on the election board, serving in the capacity of inspector and that he assisted in computing the vote. It states that Dennis received the highest number of votes and that Clara Yale received the second high est number. The application asks that tho Court make a decision in tho case and declare whether or not the election of Ray Dennis was legal. Judge Searle granted a rule on Ray Dennis to show cause why Clare Yale should not be declared elected. It is made returnable December 1C. It is likely that the office will be de clared vacant and an appointment made. Supervisors Appointed. Ralph W. Bush was appointed su pervisor for Damascus township to fill the vacancy caused by the resig nation of John J. Swendson. John Sporer appointed supervisor of Cherry Ridge township to fill va cancy. At the November election two candidates, D. C. Elliott and John Sporer each received 54 votes for the office and there was only ono to be elected. A petition was presented for the appointment of Sporer. Ask New Guardians. Searle & Salmon, attorneys for John W. Decker, petitioned the court Monday to have the guardianship of Frank S. Decker and Carrie E. Bris tol Tevoked. The petition alleged that they were appointed guar dians of their mother on March 1, 1913, under a bond of $1500 and that on the date of the approval of the bond Frank Decker took Mrs. Rebecca Spangenberg to his home in Lackawanna county. He later, the petition said, took a sum of money from the First National Bank of Ca'rbondale belonging to her. On November ho absconded from his home In Lackawanna county and Mrs. Spangenberg was taken In charge by the poor directors of Lack awanna county and placed in Hill side Homo. Carrie B. Bristol, the other guardian being a non-resident is to be notified before action is tak en In tho case. A rule was granted upon the guardians by Judge Searle to show cause why their appointment should not bo revoked. Other Court Notes. Letters of'" administration were granted in the estate of Lawrence Shermer. No evidence having been shown that he was alive and the no tice having been published in the newspapers of the county, Register of Wills was directed to grant tho letters. In the matter of the salo of real estate ot Rusllla L. Jones, lato of Lake townsliip, deceased, ordered that description of said real estate be amended as prayed for. Petition for a rule on the school directors of Canaan township to show cause why they should not open a school in Farview district and rule thereon was to be argued Monday. Answer filed. Continued until De cember 10, LIGHTY UNARLE TO RE PRESENT L. W. LIghty, of East Berlin, one of the agricultural instructors scheduled to speak at tho farmers' institute, was unable to be present and made arrangements with Wells W, Cook, of the Agricultural Depart ment of Washington, D. C, who will address the farmers In tho different sessions, mm Christmas Gifts Uj For father a tool cabinet or carving set. For the boy a a good pair of scissors or sewing outfit. But listen! If you want tho gift to be fully appreciated, see that the articles bear tho famous Keen Kutter trade mark, becauso goods bearing that mark are recognized everywhere as sterling In quality. Keen Kutter goods make practical gifts. Do practical this Christinas I 1AY CO.. HoiiesdaBe. Christmas Goods in their Reliable Stock, for Special Presents Use ful, Attractive and Seasonable. UMBRELLAS, HAND BAGS, PURSES, NOVELTY CASES, TRAVELING CASES, FOLDING Umbrellas, RAIN COATS, SS'S for The Family md Friend: One Piece Dresses, Velvet Gowns, Messaline Silk Dresses, Charmeuse Draped Dresses, Chiffon and Marquisette, Wool Poplin and Serge Dresses White Wash Voile Dresses, ' ER & MENN H1RTS 1 KHBUHHIIfBXBa Best Qualify RCKERTS mmn safety razor. For motliei a good pocket knife. For daughter Collar and Cuff Sets Irish Lace Collars, FANCY FISCHUES, RUFFLINGS, RUCHINGS, NECK TIES, NOVELTY BOWS. Children's Coats, Infants' Capes, Infants' Knit Sacques, Misses Gloves and Mits, Men's and Ladies' Bath Robes. CO.'S STORES We have the line that will please. Plain and in all combinations of colors. ' tall and see themBuy and knowSlfirt Comfort. KBniBEDSBIEK One Price IINMIUIII