The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 09, 1913, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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ScmMVeckly Founded 10 08; Weekly Founded 1814.
Published Tuesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company.
Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Postotflce Order or Registered letter.
Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street, Honesdale, Pa.
All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of making
aioney or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only be admitted to this
Mpcr on payment of regular advertising rates. Notices of entertainments for the
bnent of churches or for charitable purposes where a fee Is charged, will be pub
fished at half rates. Cards of thanks, W cents, memorial poetry and resolutions
of respect will be charged for at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on
That great mystery of time,
were there no other; the illimita
ble, silent, never resting thing
called time rolling, rushing on,
swift, sllen, like an all embrac
ing ocean tide on which we and
all the universe swim like ex
halations, like apparitions which
are and then are not; thus Is for
ever very literally a miracle, a
thing to strike us dumb, for wo
have no word to speak about It.
Golden Rule Symbol.
Do you want to do a good turn for
your neighbor? Then buy Red
Cross Seals. Place them upon every
package you send out. It is a sym
bol of the Golden Rule. The seals
are now on sale in Honesdale's dif
ferent stores. They cannot be used
for postage stamps, but should be
placed on the reverse side of pack
ages. The proceeds from the sale of
the American Red Cross Seals will be
given to charity for the support of
families who will not enjoy Christ
mas like you and I.
With three rivers, the Trinity,
Brazos and Colorado, and scores of
small streams out of their hanks as
a result of torrential rains which be
gan last week, the flood situation In
Central Texas has assumed serious
proportions. Within a territory 200
miles in length and 100 miles In
width, almost all of the lowlands are
under water, approximately 15,000
persons have been driven from their
homes. Property loss is estimated at
several millions of dollars.
The 'Souse Judiciary Committee
' voted to begin consideration of the
trust problem this week with a
view of reporting amendments to""the
Sherman law. The committee will
hold extended hearings on pending
anti-trust bills. Representative
Henry of Texas probably will be the
first witness before the committee
In support of the bill which he Intro
The first consignment of Dr.
Cook's new and thrilling book In
which he tells, of his trip to the
North Polo has arrived, and we are
more than pleased with them. Wo
present a book to each new subscrib
er and to all old subscribers who
pay all arrearages and a year In ad
vance, and we can assure you it Is a
present worth while. How about
YOUR copy? Why not get It
SOON? The book would make a
splendid Christmas present.
Rev. J. G. Raymond, now residing
in Honesdale, Is veil known all
through Wayne county, having serv
ed as pastor on several charges of
the Wyoming Conference of the II.
E. church. Of late he has been
pleasing our readers with an occa
sional sketch of his early boyhood
days, and there are others along that
line to come.
Mr. Raymond went Into the Civil
War in 18C1, when he was only 17
years of age, and went through the
war. He is writing a series of arti
cles under the title of "Reminiscence
of the War 18C1-18G5," which wo
shall soon begin publishing In The
Citizen. We have several Install
ments on hand, and announcement
of the date of publication will be an
nounced soon. It will Interest Mr,
Raymond's friends to learn that we
slmll publish pictures showing how
the soldier boy of 17 looked, another
picture two years later, and a good
picture as he looks to-day.
It is very gratifying to the pub
lishers of this paper to assure Its
many readers that The Citizen Is
growing all the' time, growing In
volume of business, 'growing in cir
culation, growing In power, growing
in popularity. Dy the word
"growth" we do not intimate that
there has been any remarkable
w, w. wood
DECEMBER 0, 1013.
"boom," but wo do mean Just what
wo say, that on substantial and con
servative lines our progress has
been very satisfactory, indeed.
Words commendatory of The Citi
zen are freely expressed to us, and
all such expressions are appreciated
by us and inspire us to make this
paper better than ever. You are safe
In telling your friends that they will
make no mistake in taking The Citi
zen Into their homes next year.
Each issue will be filled with General
News, County Correspondence Local
Stories, Thrilling Romance, Remin
iscence, and the very best along the
lino of everything that tends to
build up, make happy and instruct
our home people.
Another matter should not be
overlooked, and It is that we are liv
ing in progressive times. We mean
in other words that we are living In
the times of progress. The world Is
moving right along. Progress Is the
key-note to everything. While in
politcis this paper is Republican, It
is Republican along progressive
lines. Indeed, the Republican party
has ever stood for progress, and has
no reason to be ashamed of or to
wish to change its name.
One who belongs to the Republi
can party should be proud of the
fact. Go back to its early days,
back to 1825, if you wish, and there
you find it standing for progress. In
1850 you find it standing on the
principal that freedom is the' public
law of the national domain. It also
stood at that time for abolition of
polygamy, classing it boldly along
with the evil of slavery. It stood for
freedom again in I860. It stood for
a proper reconstruction of the south
after the war was over and the
shackles had been broken from the
hands and feet of millions of slaves.
It stood back of the Panama canal,
and of placing telegraph and tele
phone companies under government
control. To-day it stands for prog
ress on every line that will benefit
our country at large.
The Republican party has had its
storms, made some mistakes, and
met with defeats; but it will remain
a party In this government till the
end, for It was founded on Right
eousness, and It could not get away
from its splendid record If It tried,
and it ever has been and over will
be the political party of, real
While all we have said above is
true, The Citizen is not' offensively
partisan, and does not force its poll-
tics on its readers. It tells what it
believes, and is satisfied for its read
ers to think differently If they want
to do so. Nor does The Citizen be
lieve that people who differ with it
in politics are necessarily dishonest,
members of "the gang," "thieves,"
"liars," "grafters" and "boodlers."
The Citizen Is too broad for any such
line of policy, which would bo entire
ly too narrow to fit It.
Ruttcrlno may not bo an appealing
subject, from a poetical standpoint,
to write about, but, like the old dea-,
con's horse, "It has many good
p'ints," and The Citizen believes that
It Is unwise to overlook anybody or
anything that is really good. Tho
trade name Is Oleomargarine, and, if
we go into the etymology of the word
It comes from two Latin words,
"oleum" and "margarin " the first
meaning oil and tho second fat, and
the combination is supposed by Its
name to be that of oil and tallow.
Such, however, .is not the case, and
wenster says, "Uieomargarine was
wrongly so named as It contains no
'margarin' proper and was
called 'oleo-margarin' by mistake."
As oleomargarine Is mainly compos
ed of pure vegetable oils churned In
milk, It therefore Is not pure butter,
and tho name of "butterine" Is the
proper application. As an article of
food the United States has set Its
stamp of approval, declaring It to be
fully as wholesome as butter. And
why riot, pray?
Listen: Butterlno Is to-day the peo
pie's butter. Tho U, S. government
says it Is O. K and the U, S., govern
ment is "the people." It has become
the butter of the masses because real
butter, the kind made In the dairy or
at the creamery, has become a lux
ury, and is entirely out of reach as an
article of food. Cutter at 50 and 60
cents a pound should be classed With
hot house strawberries when nows
are drifting, and they never taste
good, and aro not so wholesome as
California prunes at 3 pounds for a
Efforts have been Insistently made
to tax butterlne out of the market,
the claim being that its sale would
hurt the farmer. As a matter of fact
there Is not enough butter made to
supply the demand, and we do not
know of a farmer so heartless that
he would drive 'butterine from the
market In order that he might force
people with moderate incomes to eat
GO cent butter, or get along without
any butter at all. Farmers them
selves have lost their appetite for
butter at 60 cents, and even 40
cents, and aro selling all they can
produce at those figures not eating
much of it.
With eggs at GO, 70, 80 cents a
dozen, bacon at 20 cents, and higher,
a pound, how can the average man
who lives in town pay rent, buy coal,
clothing for his family, and pay such!
prices for butter? He simply cannot
do It, and to all such butterine is a
sort of rift in the clouds of darkness
and dispair.
It Is Whispered that "the world is
always eager to give a man a boost
when he gets near tho top." To all
such we would suggest that It Is wise
to brace yourself and hang on a lit
tle harder when you feel the "boost"
coming, for there is danger of being
thrown clear over the top and coming
down with a "dull thud" on the oth
er side.
"The Woman" was what Adam
said when he was questioned on a
delicate subject, and ever since then
the world has been hearing tho same
expression. The fact is "the wom
an" is the dominant factor In about
all the problems of life, and. after
all, it's a pretty good factor. Right
hero might be inserted a thought or
two on the lino of "Suffrage" as one
of the problems, and a word In com
parison of tho men of England and
of tho United States on that subject,
but we "turn down" the temptation,
as we also pass over the inclination
to refer' to President Wilson's aieg
lect of the Suffragette question in
his last message. We reject all such
temptations because wo want to
make room for the following special
cable despatch to the Now York
Sun from Dresden, under date of
Dec. 2:
The Nachrlchten reports the discovery
of a powder which will. It Is said, send
thn Rnnmv to slcen when the shells con
taining it are exploded In the ranks of
tno Hostile army.
This narcotic nowder when exploded
emits a gas which produces stupefying
effects on the men within reach of the
fumes, and they fall asleep and are hors
uo comoat ior several nours.
Tim Inventor Is a woman. Frau Boehm.
It Is stated that the Prussian Ministry of
War Is making tests of Its applicability
to actual warfare.
Now, isn't that fine? That's "the
idnd of warfare that a lot of folks
'have been" longing for, that Is, if wai
ls at all necessary. It's the un
pleasantness of getting klUed "for
keeps" that keeps thsoe who bring on
war from taking any part in it; and
If hereafter It Is going to be a sleep
ing match, why pass the enlistment
paper right along to everybody who
doesn't believe in advertising, and
give them a chance to geta real
"nap'py" job.
There Is Another wise guy who
has discovered that "the one place
where duty always comes before
pleasure Is In tho dictionary." That's
good to think of by people who aro
prone to give "duty" the "cold
shoulder." By the way: Was it the
same guy who placed the "eat" In
meat" before the present high cost
of living?
"Murderous Speeding" is what the
New York Sun calls certain automo
bile running, and advocates States
Prison for all such offenders. The
SUn's points are so well taken that
we fain would reproduce the entire
artlclo here; but we can only find
room for a few of them. Referring
to a recent occurrence In tho streets
of New York city the editorial says;
Some of our good citizens seem to
think that It was very funny for Mr,
Theodore R. Pell to elect to serve
one day's Imprisonment in jail rath
er than pay a Sno of $25 for violat
ing the law against driving a motor
car at an excesslvo rate of speed.
Instead of being funny at all It
merely manifests Mr. Pell's contempt
for tho law and the plain insufficiency
of the prescribed penalty,
On the very day when Mr. Pell was
breaking the motor vehiclo law In
New York an automobile swept
through tho streets of Montclalr In
New Jersey at a rate of sixty miles
an hour, with the result that a resi
dent on his way home from this city
was carried Into bis houso dead,
while the murder car sped on Its way
Such things would not happen if
speeding was more seriously de
nounced by our statutes and punish
ments were Inflicted that could not
be regarded as Jokes by the law
breakers, After sounding a warning to reck
less drivers, and referring to tho
blessings qf the automobile when
properly UBed the Sun very, truly and
forcefully says!
Wo aro Inclined 'to think that tho
State prison for murderous speeding
Is the thing, whether tho reckless
rate has actually resulted in any
one's death or not. It ought to be
enough that a human life has need
lessly been put In peril by a flying
motor car to insure greater severity
of punishment than now seems possi
ble. Would it sound too churchy for1
The Citizen to say "Amen!" to tho
Soiuo Wise Guy has figured It out
that "most of us know when to stop'
after It's too late." It may be so.
Yes, It may be so; but there's tho
case of the man who stops his paper,
or stops advertising. Is there any
"when to stop" in their respective
Death of Mrs. Lydln .1. Dunn.
Mrs. Lydia J. Dann, who died last
Thursday at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Robert S. Bates, at Dy
berry, was taken to Monticello, N.
Y., Monday morning via Erie rail
road. Mrs. Dann 'had been ill about
four months. Death was due to a com
plication of diseases. She was aged
82 years. Tho following children
survive: Mrs. Myra Brier, of Forest
City; Mrs. Hyman Hulett, of Hurley
ville; George N. Dann, of Monticello,
and Mrs. R. S. Bates of Dyberry.
Harvey Dann, husband of the de
ceased, died 15 years ago.
The funeral was held on Sunday
afternoon at Dyberry, Rev. Geo. M.
Dibble, of Mount Zion church offi
Death of J. P. Dirlnm.
The sad death of J. Philip Dlrlam
occurred at his home at 754 Ridge
street early Friday, morning, Decem
ber 5, at the age of'55 years. Death
came after an Illness of two weeks
caused by lung trouble.
Mr. Dirlam was horn in Honesdale
on January 10, 1858, and when quite
young moved to Cherry Ridge town
ship with his parents where he en
gaged in farming. He had lived in
that township thirty years, coming
to Honesdale with his wife and fam
ily last Sentember to reside on Ridge
He was a hard worker and his
death will be greatly mourned by a
large circle of friends.
He is survived by his wife and the
following children: William," Clar
ence and Lester, at home; Mrs. J. C.
Rowe, Hawloy; Mrs. John A.' Foster,
of Cherry Ridge. He Is also surviv
ed by the following brothers and sis
ters: Elizabeth Dlrlam, at home;
John, Ferdinand, Henry, George, of
Cherry Ridge; Christopher, of New
York; William, of Newark N. J.;
Martin, of Honesdale; Charles of
Carbondale; Frederick, of New York
The funeral services were held
at the late home on Ridge street
Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock,
Rev. C. C. Miller of St. John's Lu
theran church officiating. Burial was
made in Riverdale cemetery.
The mid-week prayer meeting of
the Methodist church will be in
charge of the Missionary society on
Wednesday evening.
The Whatsoever Circle of the
Methodist church will meet with
Mrs. N. J. Spencer on Friday after
Board of Trade meets Friday eve
ning, December 12, In the city hall.
On Wednesday evening of this
week the Business Men's Association
will hold Its regular monthly meet
ing. This will bo the last session to
be held In the city hall, as the asso
ciation expects to occupy its new
quarters in the Foster building Dec.
15, where all future meetings will
bo conducted. Several new names
will be presented for membership at
Wednesday's meeting. A full attend
ance Is desired.
It probably has not been con
venient for you to pny your subscrip
tion to Tho Citizen. Wo have ar
ranged to help you pay it by giving
you gratis a copy of Dr. Cook's "At
tainment of tho role." By paying
nil arrearages and $1.50 for a year in
advance, Tho Citizen will forward
tho book to you prepaid.
The reliable real furs at Menner
& Co.'s stores. 06t4
That Terrible Cow.
She' was even inoro nfrald of cows
than most girls, so when she spied n
placid nnimnl recumbent under a tree
peacefully chewing its cud she at, first
refused to go through tho pasturo at
all. Her husband calmed her fears to
some extent nnd they started by, when
the cow slowly domtnenced to get up,
hind legs first, as 'they always do. At
tills the little lady shrieked -with ter
ror and said:
"Oh, Bob, hurry, hurry! Ho Is get
ting ready to spriug'nt us!" New York
Names of Cities.
Boston Is not tho only city that has
difficulty In the pronunciation of her
nnme. Outsiders consider Boston quite
easj. It Is St. Lorjs, New Orleans,
Los Angeles. Spokane, Louisville nnd
nouston that are difficult. El Paso It
self has two more or less correct pro
nunciations. Yslcta gains several syl
lable's In the mouths of strangers,) nnd
our bereaved sister city across tho bor
der has to suffer being called Jewwar
rcezz by tourists who pass. El Taso
Second Thought.
"Miss Wombat, will you bo mine?'
The young man was Jarred, but not
wholly discouraged. Presently ho cqmo
back in this fashion: "Well, will you
let me bo yours?" Pittsburgh Post.
The Kentucky Black Hand So
clty is tho latest organization to
make an attempt to strike terror in
to the hearts of Carbondalians. Tho
first job of the society was pulled
on Thursday afternoon when a fifteen-year-old
boy walked Into the
"stove hospital" of Jacob Singer, on
Eighth avenue, and handed Mrs.
Singer a letter, with instructions to
give It to her husband. When the
mender of stoves returned to the
"hospital" he was 'handed the letter
and told that tho boy who delivered
it was playing in a vacant lot nearby.
When Singer broke tho seal of tho
letter and saw tho lnslgna of the
Kentucky Black Hand society In red
type at the top of tho sheet, he near
ly died from fright. His fright in
creased- and beads of perspiration
gathered on his forehead as ho read
tho following missive:
Carbondale station of the Ken
tucky Black Hand Society at the new
Leave a 2 dollar bill In the hole
that you see marked out by the pole
in front of coggings store or you will
bo taken to our dungeon In the
woods, leave money at 7:30 o'clock
and run for your Ufa after you have
leave it there.
Tho Black Hands.
The monogram that formed the
caption of the letter surrounded the
figure of a hand and were arranged
in Maltese cross fashion.
When Singer recovered from the
shock he suspected a boy named Mc
Donald and soon located the youngs
ter and his companion, Matthew
Buckley. McDonald, so Singer de
clares, admitted delivering the letter
and suggested that by handing over
the money he would be spared a trip
to the pole near Coggings' store.
Singer, however, refused to come
across and went before Alderman M.
A. Mannion where he had warrants
,sworn out for the arrest of the boys.
uonstame Tooian piacea tne pair un
der arrest and aJiearing In the case
was held. The alderman reserved
his decision until Monday night.
Scranton Daily News.
Braman, Dec. G. Mrs. Hattie
Schenck, of Port Jervis, Is visiting
relatives In this vicinity
Ray Teeple, who Is employed now
at Delhi, N. Y., was a pleasant caller
here on Sunday.
Mrs. Henry Brinnlng and daugh
ter Lillian, of Union, spent a few
days last week with relatives at Cal
licoon, N. Y.
The school entertainment given In
the church was a decided success.
The little tots and all the others did
splendidly. Those who kindly as
sisted by rendering selections were
Mrs. Ulrlch Keller, a German solo;
Mrs. George Lott, a recitation; Miss
Esther Herlikofer, a vocal solo. The
cheerful assistance given in various
ways by parents and friends de
serves mention and is appreciated.
The proceeds were nearly $20 and
will be used toward the purchase of
an organ for the school house. The
Friday following the entertainment
and social the departments cleaned
the church and basement. The com
mittee consisted of Mrs. Grant Of
frey. Miss Mary Blum, Mrs. A. D.
Schenck and Mrs. Preston Teeple.
The work is very much appreciated.
Bethany, Dec. 8. Rev. and Mrs.
A. C. Olver spent Thanksgiving day
with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Amy and
Mrs. Charles Pethick was called to
Carbondale last Sunday by the seri
ous illness of her mother, Mrs.
Baker. .
Tho Presbyterian Sunday school
has been invited to join the Metho
dist Sunday school for the Christ
mas exercises and tree.
Charlotte Blake Is getting along
nicely and is able to bo down stairs
though not strong enough to go to
school. She received a postal' shower
on Thanksgiving from twenty-four of
her friends. One came from London.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
E. W. Gammell regret to hear of
their moving to Honesdale and hope
it is only for the winter.
Walter Lippert, who teaches the
! HIHI Y-l wll YhAHx III- k
Honesdale, Pa.
tl i i: r: :i i
iiib lucrum riiianuiai nismuiiuii ui wayiiB uuumy
We lead In CAPITAL STOCK $ 200,000.00
Wo lead In SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED, PROFITS 372.862.00
We lead In TOTAL CAPITALIZATION 572.862.00
We lead In Deposits 2,463,348.60
We lead In TOTAL RESOURCES ; 3,040,099.22
This year completes the FORTY FIRST since tho founding of the
MANY BANKS have come and gone during that period.
PATRONIZE one that has withstood the TEST of TIME.
W. B. HOLMES, President H. S. SALMON, Cashier
A. T. SEARLE, Vice-President W. J. WARD, Asst. Cashier.
uyuKiiy hviiuui, is miuciea Wltu Uie-
home for the next three weeks.
'Mrs. Harry C. Many spent Friday
with Mrs. A. O. Blake at Beeoh
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blake expect
to spenu next week in Reading at
tending the Stato Grange meeting.
Howard Johns, of Forest City,
spent Saturday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Johns.
Mrs. Keast and Mrs. Wallace
Hacker left for Richmond, Va., on
Tuesday to stay until Christmas
visiting the former's brother, Steph
en Tnomas.
Ernest Paynter of Carbondale came
Sunday to see' his father and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. William Paynter, who
have very poor health. He visited
other relatives also.
Air. and Mrs. J. V. Starnes attend
ed tho supper at the Methodist
church iri Honesdale Thursday.
Stella Dudley has been suffering
from a gathering in her head for the
past two weeks but Is improving.
Mrs. nenry ioagiana nas had a
very sore foot.
Tho pages of to-day's Citizen are
primming full of news. Don't skip a
page. If you do you will miss a
number of good and interesting ar
ticles. On page three Is a story
about George W. Williams who was a
General Custer Scout. He was with
Wild West Bill, Buffalo Bill, Texas
Jack and other famous scouts. He
saw the massacre in which General'
Custer was killed and gives a vivid
story of the affair. Read this arti
cle. This week is farmers' week and
an Interesting story Is also printed
on page three concerning the good
work being done In the interest of
the farmer.
On page six is a story about the
.Panama canal. Its opening on Jan
uary 1st Is threatened owing to num
erous land slides. One slide covered
50 acres. Read the story. Don't
overlook The Citizen's offer to new
subscribers which is also found on
this page. The management offers
free Dr. F. A. Cook's celebrated
book, "My Attainment of the Pole,"
to every new subscriber or to a
present subscriber paying arrearages
and a year in advance. Call at Tho
Citizen office and inspect this won
derful book. There are a number of
half-tone pictures taken in the far
north, Including one taken at the
pqle. The book Is worth $5. The
Citizen gives it free with everv new
If you aro a temperance advocate
read the column The Citizen prints
to-day on page seven. There is a
story on this page about tho ro
mantic city of Cruces, Panama,
which now goes off the map. It will
interest you. Many other stories, lo
cal and general, correspondence and
local news Items abound. By the
aj, aio vuu a Huusuriuui ui 1 no
Citizen? If you are in the habit of
borrowing your neighbor's Citizen,
don't do It any longer. Subscribe
for this paper now and get Dr. Fred
erick A. Cook's "Attainment of the
Polo." It will bo given you free.
2X Fred E. Lawyer,
Late of Honesdale, deceased.
The undersignea an auditor ap
pointed to pass upon the exceptions
to account and to report distribution
or said estate, will attend to the du
ties of his appointment, on
TUESDAY, DEC. 30, 10 A. M.,
at his office In the borough of
Honesdale, at which time and place
all claims against said estate must
be presented, or recourse to the fund
for distribution win be lost.
WM. II. LEE, Auditor.
Honesdale. Dec. 5, 1913. 99w3
Estate of
Late of Buckingham.
All persons indebted to said es
tate are notified to make immediate
payment to the undersigned; and
those having claims against the said
estate are notified to present them
duly attested, for settlement.
Starlight, Pa.
December 8, 1913. 99wG
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