The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 09, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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(Continued from Pago One.)
would entail a cost of $200. On mo
tion of H. C. Hottow, seconded by W.
II. Kreltner, the agreement was ac
cepted as read.
Klglitli Street Connection.
Connection of Eighth street sur
face water with the sower on said
street was left with the street com
mittee to make arrangements with
the owners, of that private sewer for
conveying the water to the river.
Town Purchases Map.
W. II. Kreltner, committee ap
pointed to inspect a map of the bor
ough of Honesdalo made by the late
Lewis Collins, county surveyor, re
ported favorably. A communication
was read from Homer Greene In
which ho stated it was his opinion
that $250 including data, was a con
servative price. He also said that it
would cost the borough a greal more
to mako a map of the town, Including
the streets, corner markings, size of
lots, etc.. which this map already
contains.' After a discussion of the
members of the council upon the sub
ject of purchasing the map, a motion
was mado by C. H. Rettew, seconded
by G. W. Penwarden, that the map
be purchased for $250 including
data. The map is about 4x8 feet
and will be an Invaluable asset to the
Burgess McCarty Bids Farewell to
At this point of the evening's ses
sion, Burgess C. A. McCarty step
ped to one side of the room and re
turned before the honorable body of
borough fathers with a box of fine ci
gars, which he presented to the
council. Burgess McCarty said as it
did not cost him anything for being
defeated for the office he thought he
would give the boys a treat now.
For a few moments the attention of
the council was diverted from jug
gling with the perplexing questions
connected with Honesdalo's welfare
to pleasant times spent with Burgess
McCarty, who also served as a coun
cilman for several years. Burgess
McCarty bade good-bye to the coun
cil from an official standpoint. Ho
said that Councilman Penwarden of
the present board was the only mem
ber On the Council ssmrnn irco-,.
when he made his appearance in the
tuuiiun cnamuerj
To Change Sewer Connection.
Mrs. Georce lAat nam,i ti, u
the privilege of changing the sewer
connection from the West street sew
er to High street. On motion of H.
U Kettew, seconded by W. H. Krelt-
iici, ii was carneu tliat Mrs. List be
granted the remiRst wtir.f
cost, providing the old sewer is cut
Permits Issued.
Permits were Issued during the
last month to the amount of $4,
which were paid into the treasury af-
PenwardenPOrt nade by Treasurer
For Sewer Tap.
PnV'f; ??rney ofWest avenue
Z ,to Ul? council a check for $40
sewer!6 prIvlleg0 of taPnlnS " said
To Cover Hose Tower.
The building committee was in
structed to replace the hose tower
Avith corrugated iron. The wood
work at the rear of tho town hall Is
also in need of a coat of paint.
Buir Brick for Main Street.
Motion was made by G, V. Pen
warden, seconded by W. H. Kreitner
that it Is the request of tho council
that buff colored brick be used in
stead of red brick for Main street.
1 lie secretary was instructed to noti
at tho closo of business, Nov. 1, 1913.
ISeservo fund
Cash, specie and notes, $17,399 00
Due from Approved .Re
serve agents 118.33(1 32
Lesiil securities at par... -10,000 00 -205,73.) 32
Checks and cash items
Due (rora Hunks and Trust Co's. not
3,053 (a
5.925 40
5,000 00
resarve ,
.Fscuritles pledged lor Special
Hills discounted :
Upon'one name $ 10.8S1 50
Upon two or more names 32.i,(iS0 10 .
Tfmeloans withcolluteral 50,112 37 '
Loanson call with " 15JU7H K)
Loans on call upon one name 2,375 00
Loans on call upon two
or more names 92,075 C9
Loans secured by bonds ,
and morteaees 20.137 fc'9-(i!H,071 41
Honda. Stocks, etc., Schedule !.... 1,S01,900 00
Jlortsagcs and Judgments ol rec
ord. Schedule I)-2 .. 30H.723 77
Olllce ltulldine and Lot 27,000 00
Other Heal Estate 0,000 00
Kurnlturoand Fixtures 2,000 00
Overdrafts 39 41
Miscellaneous Assets 400 00
$3,063,223 73
Capital Stock.paldm $ 200,000 00
Surplus Fund 325,000 00
Undivided Fronts, less expenses
and taxes paid 08,021 70
individual deposits sun
Ject to check $150,331 30
Individual Deposlt.Tlme2,312.BU7 35
Time certificates of de
posit 233 78
Deposits. Common
wealth of Fennsylvti'a 10,000 00
Deposits U. S. J'ostal....
Savings 223 7G
Certlllcd Checks 1(8 7(i
Cashier's check outsfc 315 15-2,171,112 10
Duo to banks and Trust Cos. not re
serve 0.559 93
$3,0G3,223 Ti
State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss.
I. H. Seott Salmon. Cashier of the above
named Company, do solemnly swear that the
above statement Is true, to the best of my
knowledge and belief,
(Signed) II. S. SALMON, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
7th day of Nov. 1913.
Notarial Seal.
AT. Seable. )
K, W, (Iammhil. Y Directors.
J, V. Farley, 1
Advertising Shows Energy
Advertising Shows Pluck
Advertising or Bust
Advertise Long
Advertise Well
fy the contractor of the council's
Tho following bills were read by
tho secretary and on motion of W.
H. Kreltner and seconded by S. T.
Ham they were ordered paid:
J. J. Canlvan, police ?
Lovi DeGroat, police
L. Weldner, work
L. Weldner, team
F. RIckert, team
Thomas Kelly, street work
John Bell, work on street
F. Castlo labor on street
II. Knorr,' street work
Bell 'phone
J. W. Herzog
W. H. Varcoe, printing
Citizen Pub. Co., printing
Con. Telephone Co.
Electric Light Co., servlco 2
F. W. Clauson
Kraft & Conger, coal
W. C. Baumann, tapping sewer
F. C. Farnham, Insurance
J. B. Robinson, insurance
C. A. McCarty, burgess 1 year
John Erk, secretary, salary
and postage
G. W. Penwarden, treasurer,
Jadwin Pharmacy
CO. 00
Santa's Pack Will Contain Most
Wonderful Toys Ever Seen.
IMPORTS OF $20,000,000.
Quantity of Playthingo Received From
Abroad Has Been Rapidly Increas
ing, While Only About $1,000,000
Worth Aro Shipped From America.
Santa Claus has been very busy for
the past year in order that children in
tho United States may have a happy
and a merry Christinas, Never in the
history of tho "little old man with the
red, jovial face" bus he made such
preparations for Christmas.
According to a report from the de
partment of commerce, toys to the val
ue of more than $20,000,000 were Im
ported into the United States during
tho last fiscal year. This is tho Inr
gest yenr's importation of toys on rec
ord. Tho value of the toys is sot by
tho wholesale in tho lands from which
they were sent, which means that the
figure they will sell for In the United
States is fur in excess of ?20,000,000.
In 1S03 the toys brought into this
country were valued nt ?3,000,O00, and
tho Ogure'lias been growing with each
succeeding year until it has reached
the great amount just announced. Tho
total value of dolls imported in tho
.fiscal year 1013 was ,?1,500,000.
Germany is by far the largest source
of supply for toys imported into this
country, the value during the llscal
year being nearly 7,000,000.
Exports of toys from tho United
States amount to less than $1,000,000
a year. Most of those aro sent to
English speaking countries.
Toys will bo no dearer this year than
formerly. With ono exception the tar
iff udtnits them into this country nt
tueir old figure. Dolls dishes mnv be
n Ilttlo bit more expensive.
Santa's Pack Altogether Different.
Young America this year demands
everything up to date In toy line.
No more do girls care nbout tho little
rag doll and the Ilttlo wooden bed in
which to "put it to sleep." This year
young milndy demands doll furniture
mado of mahogany and In old colonial
and Jacobean styles. Also sho wants
a doll house electrically lighted and
fitted up with everything that goes in
a well appointed honse, oven to n front
doormat and an electric doorbell.
And tho boys! No more do they find
pleasure in the old hook and lsdder
and tho drum. Those things take a
back shelf In tho toy store, while moro
modern toys, sncli ns locomotives In
the forms of pnshmohllcs, complete
railroad systems eqnlpped with banjo
signals and blinking electric lights on
tho tall end of tho trains.
Observation cars, refrigerator cars in
which tiny pieces of ice can be put,
dairy cars and giant mogul engines,
with real oil cups on tho driving
wheels, nro to bo found in Santa Claus'
stock this year.
And the girl of nine or ten years,
who is tho recognized boss in every
American household, is tired of her
last year's doll with the flaxen curls,
tho go to sleep eyes nnd the Impassive
face. Tills year, If sho is fortunate,
sho will get a doll' that can hardly
bo told from a real baby.
Theso dolls are mado in Germany,
and before they find their way to tho
counters of tho American toy shops
they go through a lengthy and expen
sive process. To begin with, sculptors
aro employed by the toymakins firms
In Germany to model children. Theso
sculptors go forth into tho city and
country nnd get physically perfect chil
dren to pose for them, noil nnd, Ger
many, Frnnce, Denmark and Sweden
aro ransacked for theso ilttlo models.
It is a hard task to find tho just right
model. Hut occasionally a sculptor
does find one, and then ho models'hls
Ilttlo subject even down to tho dlinplo
in his or her chin, nd goes back to. tho
factory, nnd in a short time models of
real live babies aro being turned out
hy tho thousand.
Theso finished products look so life
like that ono expects them to talk.
Tho coloring on tho faco is perfect, and
the rolls of fat on tho chubby faco aro
not forgotten by tho sculptor.
Recognition For Mexico.
This vflar.cno may-iflad Jf -Jic-
It is one thing
to make soda
crackers that
are occasion'
ally good
It is quite an
other thing to
make them so
that they are
always better
than all other
,soda crack
ers, always
of unvarying
The name
on ev
ery biscuit
means that if a
million packages
of Uneeda Bis
cuit were placed
before you, you
could choose any
one of them, con
fident that every
soda cracker in
that package
would be as
good as the best
Uneeda Biscuit
ever baked. Five
aara enouna soma or tis tin "rrfsfciw."
and cowboys of tho older days, tint not
many. They have given way before
tho onward march of yoirng America.
In their place are tin nnd lead repro
ductions of big whiskered Sfexican rn
niles, ragged clad Servians and Mon
tenegrins and American soldiers In the
latest uniforms.
One precocious boy of aboufi twelve
years expressed popular juvenile senti
ment when ho said, "Aw, mom, nix on
the Continental soldiers and General
Washington. Let's see something about
tho Mexican greasers."
Tho old style Noall'a ark, with- its
consignment of animals, is still1 in
fashion. True, the more-expensive arks
with animals riiade from celluloid soil
or $20 and $30, but ono can get an ark
which contains anlmnls from a marmo
set to a rhino for as low ns $1.
In tho toy boat lino some of them
,ost as high as $100. These are copied
after tho great steamers that ply the-
ocean from continent to continent.
Others are models of tho famous mc
Ing yachts. Still others aro fashioned!
on the ferryboat pattern.
Professor Nipher Thinks It Will Rev
olutionize Power Machinery.
Francis E. Nipher, professor of phys
ics at Washington university, in St,
Louis, discovered what ho says is a
now law In physics, which ho thinks is
likely to- load to great changes In the
principles of construction or power ma
chinery. Tho alleged discovery is that on cm
Incline of from 45 to CO degrees more
power Is required to propel' an object
on tho surface than would be required
to lift It outright Tho explanation! is
that nt on incline between- tho degrees
mentioned the frictlonal resistance
makes tho load heavier than Its dead
Nipher had been lecturing
before the sphomoro engineering class
nnd had been using formulas. After
ward, in looking over tho formulas, ho
says, ho found that while the resist
ance up to -15 degrees and nbovo CO
flegrees is less than tho dead weight
between thoso points it is greater with
the maximum resistance between El
nnd CO degrees.
Ho mado further Inquiries and found
that so far ns ho could discover noth
ing had been known of tho law before.
IIo said ho had not hud time to think
out tho bearings of tho discovery, but
he had no doubt that it would have a
revolutionary effect in tho construction
of machinery built to overcome fric
tlonal resistance.
A new line of cosy coats for winter
wear at Manner & Co. 96t4
We publish all tho news.
Mrs. O. Teeplo has recently gone to
Dlnghamton where she has good em
ployment. Tho entertnlnmont given In tho
church on Thanksgiving ovo was re
ported very good. The numbers on
tho program were all well rendered.
Outside of the school the selections
rendered wero a German solo by
Mrs. Kellar, a recitation by Mrs. G.
Lott, and a solo by Miss Esther
Herllkofer. The interest shown in
the entertainment and social by par
ents and friends deserves mention.
The following Friday the church and
basement were cleaned by a commit
tee consisting of Mrs. Grant Caffrey,
Miss Mary Blum, Mrs. Apollis
Schenck, and Mrs. Preston Teeple
J. P. Blum and Mrs. Lula Maynard
of Wauchula, Fla., were united in
marriage at the Presbyterian manso
at Arcadia, Fla., Tuesday, Nov. 25,
by Rev. It. T. Boll D. D. Mr. Blum
was formerly of tiraman and Mrs.
Blum comes from the state of Wash
ington. They expect to engage ex
tensively In tho citrus growing and
trucking business in the south.
Australian Crawfish.
Tho crawfish, which may bo describ
ed as a fresh water lobster, usually
lives n purely aquatic life and keeps to
the river bed. Some of the crawfish
found in Australia, howevor, have for
saken the water and excavate burrows
In damp soil. The tunnel leading to
the heart of the burrow Is free from'
water, but water is always present in
the chambers at the end where tho
crawfish lives. They do much damage
to artificial water courses in tho min
ing districts by riddling the banks and
No man can stand alone. One
thing ought to be aimed at by all
men that the interest of each in
dividually and of all collectively
should be the same, for if each
should grasp at his individual inter
est all human society would be dis
solved. Cicero.
Forces Kxcrteil In Secret to Drive
Dictator Iluci-ta Out of Power.
Mexico City, Dec. 6. Peculiar
sidelights on the giant forces which
are being exerted in secret to force
Provisional President Huerta out of
power In Mexico and point to a close
agreement between tho United States
and Great Britain came here to-day
with discovery of the true inward
ness of tho announced refusal of
Lord Cowdray's company to longer
furnish fuel oil to tho national rail
ways of Mexico on which Huerta re
lies to keep his troop trains moving.
To save the great oil tanks and wells
at Tuxpam from! destruction by
threatening rebels, the United
States, it now seems have acquiesc
ed in a plan to hoodwink tho rebels
and protect British investments.
Tho first news of tho abrogation
of fuel oil contracts by tho English
oil companies with the Mexican rail
ways was given out hero by Nelson
IS BOUND by ties of affection, honor and conscience to provide
for his family, not only during life, but after he has gone.
THE RECORDS in the offce of Register of Wills in a large
city show the following surprising figures.
85.3 per cent, of adults persons lenvo NO estate.
1.3 per cent, leave estates of t $300 to $1000
5.3 per cent, leave estates of ' $1000 to $5000
1.8 per cent, lenvo estates of , $5000 to $10,000
1.8 per cent, leaves estates of $10,000 to $25,000
1.5 per cent, leave estates of moro tlinn $25,000
Are You Prepared for the Future?
A regular deposit every day means independence now, and brings Happi
ness and contentment in later years.
Honesdaieg Pa.
Open Saturday Evenings from
The New Fersian Lamb Cloth and New Seal Fabrics.
A large line of Misses', Juniors' and Childrens' Cloaks.
Our separate Skirts and Waists are the styles, latest cut
and fabrics, newest touch.
i t l nnr irpcc i pnnrrm tit
Silk, Wool and Cotton.
xeacners attending tlio institute
qualities in our up-to-date Made-up
O'Shaughnessy, American chargo
d'affaires. When O'Shaughnessy got
his information is unknown, but it
now appears that this statement was
Inspired by tho oil companies. The
rebel commander at Tuxpam Is said
to have promised immunity from at
tack if tho company would cease fur
nishing oil for tho railways in
Huerta's control. The abrogation
statement, it is now said, was given
out solely for rebel consumption,
while Huerta's Hues will get the
necessary oils.
The incident Is taken to illustrate
the lengths to which America is
Ai i r t I, -
n i if iiiiitiii i i i t i ;n t iiiinit-i
win nnu tno up-io-unio siyics iuiu ues
Goods Department.
& Co's Keystone Stores
nrenared to eo to nrotect urilisu in
terests and carry out the adminis
tration's pledges in that direction.
reoeis is reporteu nere as iminmtiii
nouny. mere are uuu Americans a
m I T 1 1 1 1
1 1 ItKiLr 1 iLIll II lfTII. AIIl IIIHIlliLLHl V III
reports of the pending battle reach
ing here late last night the com
uicii, niiu who ill muAiuu uiijr, ici
wlifincin It was rfinnrted Tio would n
once rush his vessel to the scene o
I tho expected fight.
7:30 to 8:30.