hp xx xt x hp x rw xj1 ivr JL JtX Jl 1 IZJLilN TIio Business Men's Clu-Istmos Edl- Hustle your advertisements tor Citizen office for the Business V Edition. ' :tlon of Tlio Citizen will appear De cember 111. 71st YEAR. --NO. 99 HONE SD ALB, WAYNE CO., PA., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1913. PRICE 2 crrs BOROUGH COUNCIL VOTE TO PAVE MAIN STREET WITH BUFF BRICK FRANCHISE PERMITTED TO EX PIRE; HAWLEV COUNCIL ASKED TO RENEW IT. LAST MEETING OK OLD BOARD BEI-XHtE REORGANIZATION . HELD THUSDAY NIGHT TREASURY IN GOOD CONDI TIONTOWN PURCHASES MAP. BURGESS McCARTY REMEM BERS COUNCIL BEFORE RE TURNING FROM OFFICE. The last meeting before reorgani zation of the Honesdale borough council was held Thursday evening in the city nan. ah memuers 01 uib council answered to roll call as fol lows: Martin Caufleld, president; George W. Penwarden. treasurer; Krk. secretary: T. J. Canlvan, S. T. Ham. W. H. Kreltner H. C. Rettew, Burgess C. A. licCarty, Borough Solicitor, W. H. Lee and Street Commissioner Laurence Weid ner were also present. The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved. Paul McGrnnaghaii on the Carpet. Paul McGranachan. who has made repeated calls upon members of the council and attended several council meetings, was given the floor before the council went Into regular ses sion. Air. McGranaehan presented his claim, which he said ought to be paid, especially the nurse, who was In charge of the smallpox patient. Not a Legal Liability. President Martin Caufleld referred the matter to Solicitor W. H. Lee, who said that Mr. McGranaghan's bill was not a legal liability. Sd licitor Leo continued by stating that the borough does not have to pay the bill and if Mr. McGranaghan thinks differently he can sue the borough. Treasury in Good Condition. The renort of Treasurer George W. Penwarden showed the town to be in a healthy condition. Balance last meeting $5,879.00 Received M. Caufleld, permits 3.00 Received B. II. Dittrich, Lyric license,, Septem ber-October Fire Insurance, relief fund Pnt.l nut S1.409.70 Leaving balance Bond Fund. Treasurer Penwarden stated that he had placed the bond Issue on a separate account from the regular borough funds, and that the bond tax will now draw Interest. The , MRS. RUSH READ INTERESTING WAYNE COUNTY RAILWAY GO. ASK TIME EXTENSION 10.00 93.1u S4.G98.05 Matter Laid on Table Borough So licitors Asked For Opinion Fran chise in Uonesdnlo Has Also Ex pired. That the Wayne County Railway company is still alive and active is shown by the fact that at the regular monthly meeting of the Ha'wley bor ough council held on Thursday eve ning of last week, a petition, signed by M. B. Allen, president, and Chas. E. Dodge, secretary of the Wayne County Railway company, was pre sented, asking the council to extend the franchise six months from De cember 1 1913. That borough granted the company a franchlso early this year but it was permitted to expire three months ago by their failure to begin operations on the borough streets within six months after the granting of the ordinance. The matter was considered 'but there seemed to be a difference- of opinion as to whether the time of tho franchise could be legally extended or whether a new franchise would have to be drawn up, advertised and passed by the council. Kimble & Hanlan, the borough solicitors; have been asked for an opinion regarding tho matter. The petition was laid on the .table until such an opinion is rendered. The petition stated that a bond, as required . by the franchise, will be furnished by the Wayne County Rail way Company before commencing work. No application has yet been made to the Honesdale borough council for an extension of time and it is under stood that the franchise hero has also been permitted to expire. Accord ing to the franchise for use of llonesdale's streets the company should have oegun operations in June of the present year. WM, SGHLOSS 33 YEARS WITHjCATZ BROTHERS LADV EMPLOYES OF THE FIRM ENTERTAIN IN HIS HONOR AT LYRIC HALL. WAYNE CHAPTER D.A.R, HOLD MEETING SATURDAY amount received from Collector Her- O 1 1. 1 .. 9 rtffl OA Electric Light Contract Held Till Ci. V. Pewwarden. committee on new contract between the Electric Light company and the borough for a term of three years, stated that said company would n6t deviate from the contract drawn for tho council's signatures. Tho Contract. A summary of the contract is as follows: That tho Honesdale Consolidated Light, Heat and Power company agree io lurniaii iuny ui muio uiu street light at $70 per year for three years. One arc light at the corner of Main and Tenth streets will be furnished free. Thirty-two Tung sten lamps at $12 per lamp per year. One light at tho State bridge; In the borougli proper and fire company at 10 cents per kilowatt. Free, lights in Hose company No. 1 and 3 and town hall. This does not Include the post ofllce. Consumer to turn out the lights on Main street, (those on special contract with company and merchants) at 12 o'clock. Would Save Borough $100 Per Year. In tho event that the contract is accepted it will save the borough over $100 per year If tho police turn out tho lights at midnight. Tho contract was laid on the ta ble for the now council to con sider January 1st. Fire Plugs In AVorklng Order. Tho committee appointed by Presi dent Caufleld presented a written re port in which it was stated that every lire plug was In good working order. Tho Inspection was a most thorough one, occuping about live hours' time. The committee consist ed of G. W. Penwarden and J. M. Twons. Secretary Erk was instruct ed to notify the lire companies tnat the hydrants were an in goou condition. Tap Sower To Carry Oft Surface Water. An agreement was read by Solici tor W. H. Lee made between the (borough of Honesdale and property owners of the sower draining Fifth and Sixth streets, whereby tho town agrees to pay to said sewer company $25 for tho privilege of tapping this private lino to convey tho surface water from tho 700 block on Main street, down Fifth street to tho Lack awaxon river. Tho agreement was entered into by the signatures of President Caufleld and Secretary John Erk. The expense to the town will bo about ?u, wnno u a special pipe lino were laid to tho river it (Continued on Pago Two.) PAPER ON EARLY HISTORY OF DAMASCUS. Entertainment and Banquet Follow ed by Dance for Which Music Was Furnished by Bodio, Frccmnn and Dupplus. In commemoration of the thirty third year In the employ of Katz Brothers store, the lady employes as sisted by members of the Arm, enter tained in honor of William J. Schloss at Lyric hall Thursday evening. The hall was beautifully decorated and tho evening was spent in dancing and having a general good time at which Mr. Schloss thoroughly enjoy ed himself along with the younger members of the party. The music for the dancing was furnished by Messrs. Freeman, Bodie and Dupplus. Refreshments were served by the la dies. William Schloss came to Hones dale on December 6,, 1880, and en tered at onco into the employ of Katz Brothers department store. He was born in Germany and Is fifty-six years of age. During his work for that firm Mr. Schloss prlde3 himself on the fact that he has never been a minute late to his work. He has al ways taken great interest in the de velopment of the business and. watch ed its growth up to its "present standard with pride. Mr. Schloss Is secretary of the Honesdale Maennerchor. Tho out-of-town guests at the party were: Messrs. Franz Von Voltalr of Phila delphia; Leo Levy of New York and Mr. Saxe, of Philadelphia. EDITOR EDW, A. PENNIMAN PASSED CHRIS. REESE STRUCK AUTO; LEFT LYING IN ROAD WAS CONNECTED WITH THE CIT IZEN FOR THIRTY-FIVE YEARS. End Cumo After Few Weeks' Illness Was Ono of Best Known Men in This Section Took jGrcat Interest In Honesdale Was Resourceful lu Data Pertaining to Wayne County. Edward A. Penniman passed peacefully away Saturday morning at his beautiful home on Main street, after a few weeks' illness of heart trouble. The funeral was held Mon day afternoon at 3 o'clock from his late residence, Rev. Dr. W. H. Swift officiating. Interment was made in Glen Dyberry cemetery. In the death of Edward A. Penni man, one of the former editors of the Citizen, there Is removed from our midst another newspaper man who was well and favorably known throughout tho eastern section of Pennsylvania. In the printer's jar gon he has taken his "last take," signifying that the end has come; BROKEN AXLE THROWS BREWERY WAGON OVER EM IL LANG, DRIVER, THROWN OUT AND RECEIVED SEVERE INJURIES. Storm Park County Rich in Revolutionary Lore An Extended Report of-Stnto-Convention Held In Scranton Was Given. Tho third monthly meeting of Wayne Chapter, D. A. R., occurred on Saturday afternoon, Doc. Cth, with Mrs. James Bush as hostess. The vice regent, Mrs. Fred B. Whitney, presided and the meeting was an in teresting one throughout. Mrs. Bush gave a valuable paper on "The Early Settlements of Damascus, Manches ter and Equinunk." This portion of our county Is especially rich in Rev olutionary lore. An extended report of tho recent State convention, held in Scranton, was given by the attend ing delegates. A few prophetic notes culled from this report on the able address given before the conference by our distinguished townsman, and ex-mayor of Scranton, J. Benj. Dim- mlck, are well worth repeating here, Mr. Dimmlck said in part: "Unrest to-day Is not confined to one sex, but Is, unfortunately, per vasive of every ciasa. If suffrage ever comes It will not be as an un alienable right long withered, but as a common belief that with the asso ciation of women In the rule of af fairs, a better government may bo made. He thought we should hesi tate beforo tearing tho veil of priv acy from matters that generations have found it wiser to conceal; and ho believed this hesitancy Important alike to tho preservation of virtue and to its development. He would dlscourago the emotional factors which threaten society, and assured his hearers that they were expected not only to co-operate In tho develop ment of tho best ideals, but to lead." Another able address reported, was that of Mrs. J. C. Neff, of Cleveland, whoso voice could bo heard with profit from seat to seat. Tho sub ject of Mrs. Neff's address was "Tho Conservation of tho Home," and was almost too valuable to make frag mentary. She spoke of the old colon ial home as an Ideal pattern and told something of her admirable work among tho alien little girls of Cleve land. Children from homes, as an instance, where seven families would huddle together in a house of Ave or six rooms. These little girls she taught home making (not housekeep ing.) First of all she taught them cleanliness; then liow to prepare nourishing food, which the little Accident Occurred During Monday Noon at Corner of and Main Streets. During the height of tho amateur blizzard Monday about noon Robin son's Brewery wagon broke an axle near tho crossing on Park street in front of the Hotel Wayne and upset, scattering the' contents, which was case beer, over, a considerable por tion of that part of the crossing. The driver, Emil Lang, was thrown out as the heavy wagon tipped and sustained numerous bruises and in juries about the limbs. It Was at nrst tnougnt tnat ne naa Deen injur ed Internally but on examination by Dr. F. W. Powell, it was found that no bones had been 'broken. Mr. Lang was on his way to din ner at his home on River street when tho accident occurred. When the wagon tipped he held on to the reins and by calling to his horses kept them from running away, PENNSYLA'ANIA DINNER TO OCCUR NEXT WEEK The fifteenth annual dinner of the Pennsylvania society Is to be held at te Waldorf-Astoria, in Now York, one week from last Friday ' night. The principal address at the dinner will bo delivered by former President William H . Taft, who will reply to the toast, "Tho United States." NOMINATION OF BOARD OFFI CERS. Tho regular monthly mpeting of the Board of Trade will bo held on Friday evening of this week at tho city hall. Nomination of officers for tho- ensuing year- will take place Every member is requested to be present. RED SEAL STAMPS. Use Red Seal stamps on all Christmas and Holiday packages. They are now on sale In Hones dale's various stores. FORK PRONGS PIERCED ABDOMEN; FARMER HURT. Lakevillo, Dec. 5. Rlchard'llazlo- ton. of Lakevllle, was seriously In jured at homo on Thursday morn ing. After binding a load of hay,- ho was getting down from tho hay wagon, when he slipped. He caught hold of a large fork to steady him eelf. The fork turned, and as he etruck tho ground tho prongs pierced his abdomen. Dr. White, of Lake Ariel, was called and found aim in a vftrv ir!MrnI iuinriumn famished things afterward ate; then the care of tho homo in every detail She taught them patriotism and love for their adopted country. Reverence for our Stars and Stripes, our insti tutions and our rulers, which tho yellow press so ruthlessly assails, She spoko of these people coming to our shores by thousands weekly and gave a note of warning of what menace to our county it would be in not too many years, if these peo ple were not properly trained for citi zenship and homo makers. In con eluding Mrs. Neff told of a census man calling at a home, and asking tho man of tho house the customary questions, ho turned to the wlfo and among other things asked for her occupation. She said in reply, "I am a house-keeper, and a good one, but the man wrote after her name, no occupation. EDWARD A. PENNIMAN. John Price Jackson, commissioner of the stato department of labor and industry has ruled that there Is noth ing In tho new women's hours law to prohibit women working on Sun day, providing that they do not work more than six days consecutively. Tho question was put tip to Com missioner Jackson by tho Scranton florists, whoso employes are required oftentimes to work on Sunday. Com missioner Jackson replied by letter that the women's law does include employees la florists shops as well as all other women workers. He, how ever, made it clear that women over twenty-one as long as a total of ten hours per day and fifty-four hours per week were not exceeded, could be employed during any of tho twenty-four hours of any calendar day, providing that they did not work more than six hours consecutively. The prohibition against any woman working in manufacturing establish ments between tho hours of 10 p. m, to G a. m. is effectlvo against florists and all other similar .shops. Commissioner Jackson's ruling that girls and women may -vork on Sunday providing that they have some other day off during tlio week, is a new pnase of tne women's la that all copy is In hand, the "galley" is completed and the "stick" is full. Mr. Penniman had lived a retired life since September, 1908, when he and the late Henry Wilson owners and publishers of The Citizen, sold their tfr-per to the.Ci,tlzen Publishing Com pany, iuaitor fenniman was at nome in a newspaper ofllce and until failing health prohibited he made daily visits to The Citizen oiiice, where associations of days gone by were very dear to him. From 1873 to 1908 Mr. Penniman and Henry Wil son were closely associated with each other, Mr. Penniman having had charge of gathering the news items for the paper, while Mr. Wilson did the editorial Avork. These men were old companions, Editor Penniman having told the writer that during tho 35 years in which they were in business together that they never had a cross word. This is some thing unusual, but only goes to prove the kindly feeling one had for the other and tho disposition of both men. Many printers in business in Now York City, and numerous other cities and places learned to stick type under Wilson & Penniman and are now successful in tho art preserva tive. E. A. Penniman was a son of the lato Francis B. and Jane W. (Broad well) Penniman and was born in Cleveland, Ohio, April 4, 183G. He was ono of a family of threo chil dren, Francis B., now deceased, and Mary, wife of W. K. Dimmlck, also deceased. During tho early life of their chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Penniman removed to Binghamton, N. Y., and from that city they camo to Hones dale in May, 1845. The senior Pen niman was a newspaper man and camo to Horiesdalo a year beforo the arrival of his family. ,Ho founded tho Democrat, which Is now Tho Cit izen, September 17 1844. The sub ject of this obituary notice ap prenticed himself out to his father in his early teens, having first re colvod an education in tho Honesdale schools. When 18 years of ago Ed ward left school and chose printing as ins lire's vocation. At the be ginning of the fourteenth volume of the Democrat Edward A. formed a partnership with his father and the paper, beginning September, 1857, for a year was issued under PennI man & Son. At the closo of that year Edward A. Penniman purchased his father's Interest in tho Democrat anu continued to publish it until 18G4, when tho paper was enlarged and the namo changed to The Repub lic, in 1S(j8 tho size was again changed and tho name likewise to Tho Wayno Citizen. Fivo years lat or it was called the Honesdale Citizen with Henry Wilson and Edward Pen niman as editors. Mr. Ponnlman was an exceptionally good ltemizer,! which made The citizen a strong lo cal paper. Ho has kept a file of every year of the papers Issued by his fath er and himself, dating back to 1844. These Mr. Ponnlman prized highly, 'boing invaluable to a newspaper of fice. Mr. Ponnlman always took great interest in Honesdale and its historic sotting. Ho has written and com piled facts concerning the running of the Stourbridge Lion and printed same in a booklet form. Besides this Mr. Pennjman was deeply inter ested In tho veterans of the Civil war, Out-of-Town Cars Were Racing When Accident Occur re d--JV3r. Reese Was Thrown Down, the Wheel Passing Over His Koot--WaS Badly Bruised and His Coat Was Ripped From His Back. Christopher Reese, aged about 65' years, while conversing wun Joe Bodoma on the path near the barns of T. B. Clark on the Seelyville road, Saturday evening about G:30, was struck and run over by an automo bile which was racing with another machine. The cars endeavored to pass at this point and crowded upon the path, in passing, flir. ueese was thrown to the wound, his right ankle being run over by the car, spraining the ankle quite badly. His leu shoulder was severely bruised and right eye blackened. Mr. Reese's coat was ripped off his back and his clothing more or less torn. Both au tomobiles rushed madly on, neither driver stopping to see if they had ac cidently hit anyone. Oh no! the race was of too much interest to think of stopping, even if a human being's life was at stake. As the cars approached the gen tlemen they thought there was ample room for the machines to pass them. Mr. Reese pushed Mr. Bodoma to ono side so ho would not be struck by the first car and before Mr. Reese could jump out of the way of thcrapldly moving auto, was run down. Mr. Bodoma, who is employed by H . A. Dunkleberg, and who was with Mr. Reese, thought he was killed when he was struck by the car. Mr. Bodoma ran to the home of Charles W. Dein and' telephoned to the Honesdale market, calling Mr.- Dein and asked him to be on guard for two automobiles that had just run down Mr. Reese. Mr. Dein at onco sent his sons out on the street and with the assistance of County De tective N. B. Spencer a search was instituted. There were only three cars upon Main street at the time, two of those coming from Cherry Ridge. The other one was a local car. No trace was seen of the much desired cars. Neighbors were soon to Mr. Reese's side and removed his bruis ed and aching body to his home In Seelyville. Dr. P. B. Petersen was called and made a thorough examin ation of tho injured man. No bones were broken, but the doctor says the right foot was run over hy the wheel of the machine. Mr. Reese's condi tion is quite serious. He Is also suf fering greatly from shock. Dr. Pet ersen, however, is hopeful of Mr. Reese's recovery within the next few days. Will we have to wait until some body is killed beforo the law gov erning the speed of automobiles in Honesdale and the suburbs is en forced?' This is a serious question which every pedestrian is justified in asking. There are some, it is true, who run carefully and who also blow their horns at cross walks and on blind crossings. All credit is duo this class of automobile drivers, but we are sorry to say there are almost four reckless drivers to ono safe ono. This may seem like a big per centage of careless chauffeurs, but observe the next 25 cars and keep track for yourself. True, the accident of last Saturday night did not occur in the borough limits, but is there not a speed limit in suburban districts? "Go Slow" signs have been erected by the State Highway Department near hills and approaching turns in the road, which is evident that the State has made laws and rules governing the speed of automobiles and for the safety of human beings. The Seelyville road is travelled more probably than any road near Honesdale. Autoino blles, teams and pedestrians are go ing back and forth day and night and there is more or less danger ow ing to the many turns and width of the road. One day not long since, in broad daylight, a chauffeur drove toward a Honesdale man on tho Seelyville road, pinning him close to the big Delaware and Hudson board fence. The machine was going fast and when it passed the wed known man, the car barely grazed him. The Honesdale man would have been killed had he been struck by the reckless driver. Tho man now takes the railroad track, preferring that to walking on tho public thoroughfare. Automobile drivers take too many risks. In many instances the auto mobile is given tne rignt or way. when by rights it belongs to the pedestrian. The driver is to look out that he does not run down anyone and not the pedestrian giving in at all times to the automobile. Man has right of way on the sidewalks and when cars cross tho streets t'noy should give the man, woman or child the preference of the cross walk. How many do -it? Struck Child and Went On. Only a few days ago Edna, six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. McMullen, Jr., of Park street, was struck by an out-of-town automobile in daylight at Freund's corner. The little girl was tossed by the car and might have been "killed had it not been for the quick action of County Superintendent J. J. Koeh ler, who was nearby. He rescued her from further danger. But what became of tho driver of the car? Why, he was out of sight after tho little girl was picked up and clothes brushed off. No, human lives do not count for anything when there is pleasuro In view. coin in 'Gl, together with those who were drafted and also those enlisting outside of the county. Editor Penni man was instrumental in getting markers for tho graves of many of the old soldiers. Mr. Penniman .will also be missed Memorial Day, having for 25 or more years placed new flags and flowers on tho veterans' mounds in each of the different cemeteries in and around Honesdale. To Editor Penniman tho newspa per men and others in this section of tho Stato are grateful tor a number of interesting facts and data which ho has furnished. Mr. Penniman compiled a list of tho lakes of Wayne county, which Include area, eleva tion above sea level and township and county located. Mr. Penniman was a charter mem ber of Protection Engine Company No. 3, having joined in 1853. On May 10, 18G0, Edward A. Penniman and Miss Annie E. Blood were united in marriage. This ven erable couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary three years ago. Mrs. Penniman, wno uas Deen quite ill, survives him. They had no children. Mr. Penniman's nearest relatives are the Misses Anna, Mary and Florence Baker, of Honesdale; Henry Bakor of New Rochello, N. Y., Lilian Baker, Francis and Edna Dlmmock, all of New York. The deceased was a member of tho Honesdale Presbyterian church for many years, having sung in that choir for a quarter of a century. He was a trustee of the Presbyterian church at the time of his death. Several beautiful floral pieces were sent by many sympathizing friends. DAIRYMEN'S LEAGUE A gain of 82,000 Cows Last Year Books To Subscribers Closo Feb ruary 1. A. E. Sheard, of Mllanvllle, re turned from Albany last week where he attended a meeting of tho Dairyman's League. Tlio league hold its meeting on Friday, which was followed by a stockholders meeting on Saturday. The standing of tho Dairymen's League is exceptionally good; finan cially it is strong. During tho past three months 30,000 cows have been added to the production, while dur ing the year between 82,000 and 83, 000 cows wore added. The milk Is shipped to New York City colifi.um ers. Tho League will closo its books to all subscribers February 1, 1914. The stockholders expect to be In shape to ask a reasonablo price for milk next April. There aro 42 counties represented in the League, tho majority of which aro in Now York state, Wayne, Bradford, Wyoming and Susquehan na counties are the only counties in Pennsylvania. LACKAWANNA WILL BUILD TWO WIRELESS STATIONS "Just as soon as wo can got ma terials on the ground, work will bo started on a new wireless station at Port Morris," said L. B. Foley, super intendent of telephone, telegraph and wireless of the Lackawanna railroad, Scranton, Friday afternoon. He said tho now station would comprise two towers, one on each side of the track. the foundations to bo built of con crete. They will bo 2 DO feet high and the areal will bo 700 feet long. Tho now station that will ho built at Port Morris, will bo Just sixty miles from Scranton and about the same distance from Now York, Mr, Foley also paid that building onora- the soldiers who enlisted in Wavne rated at Hoboken. would nln rami. county at the call of Abraham Lin-!mence in the near future. Talks to Honesdale Ad vertisers No 3 JUST ONE! Hero Is what nn advertiser said recently when n Citizen representa tive was talking to hliu nbout adver tising: "It is a waste of money to uso two papers when ONE PAPER reaches all tho people." Was tlio limn right? If ho was right, then it naturally follows that there is room in Honesdale for only ONE newspa per. By tlio samo lino of reasoning thero would ho room for only ONE bank. Ono plumber with enough appren tices and assistants could do all tho plumbing; and the person who thought ono paper is enough for Honesdale, to bo consistent, should go out of business, for ONE store could bo so systematized ns to do all tho business in this town. Wo would then have ONE paper, ONE bank, ONE plumber, ONE blacksmith, ONE store, ONE preacher, ONE church building, etc., but Honesdale as tho Maple City would' bo wiped off tho map.