PAGE EIGHT THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1913. : Down Hawley Way: The Story of the Mysterious Disappearance, of Marcelln Simmons is Told Once More School Hoard lie-Organizes nnd Votes to Install Commercial Course The Borough Council is "From Missouri" Regarding an Extension of the Street Railway Franchise, and Turns a Ueaf Ear to the Pleading of Airs. Wiggle, Also. 4. 4.4.. 4 4.4.4 4 4.4.4. HE recent disappearance of Henry J. Kotz, of Strouds burg, on October 28, was of such an unusual nature that it attracted universal atten tlon. The man who disappeared was a prominent lawyer and was at one time district attorney of Monroe county. His disappearance was so complete that it 'baffled the skill of the local Sherlock Holmes amateur detectives in this part of the United States. Probably the saddest part of the affair is that in trying to solve the mystery it became necessary to make disclosures about the absent lawyer's personal habits and moral character that it served no good pur pose for the public outside of his own community to know. The many theories advanced as probable solutions of the mystery were as Ingenious as they were prob able or ridiculous. His presence was reported In various sections of the State, but when those who sought him reached those localities he could not be located. And thus the mys tery deepened for one 'full month, when his dead body was found In a small brook only a few hundred feet from his home. It has been a great many years since Hawley had such a mystery. The Marcella Simmons mystery was so long ago that there are 'but few left in town who will recollect it. It occurred at tho close of the Civil war, and, as recollected by the writ er, the details are about as follows: Right near the corner of Main and River streets lived the Simmons family. Mr. Simmons was the vill age shoemaker, and in that family was a daughter who had just blos somed Into womanhood. The name of the young lady was Marcella. Miss Simmons was employed at the dress-making shop of Mrs. James Dunlop, which was a part of the Dun .lop residence, and was situated right near the north end of the Mlddlo Creek bridge on Main street. On the day of which I am writing she re mained quite late, as there was a rush of work In the shop, and she did not leave for home until the candles had been lighted. The time of season was late in the fall. As the evening wore on and Mar cella did not return to her home her people became alarmed, and in the -winds and darkness of a cloudy, drizzly fall night, she was sought by the aid of a lantern. They went di rectly to the Dunlop shop, but only to be told that long ere that she Had started for home alone. They thought they had passed her in the darkness, and returned to her home expecting to find her there; but she was not there, and in great alarm the neighbors were aroused, and searching parties were organized. On the hillsides, along the banks of the Tiver, around the coal chutes, around the canal basin, in the odd and dark corners of the town lanterns flicker ed and danced like will-o'-the-wisps. All night the search went on, but the only tidings that could be carried back to the stricken home was that of continued absence and deepening mystery. " Surely, when daylight breaks she will be found," was the sentiment in everybody's mind; hut daylight came, the search proceeded, and there was not even a rift in the cloud of mystery. "They sought her that nlgh( And they sought her next day, And they sought her In vain While tho weeks slipped away." For several days the search con tinued in possible and impossible places A publicity fund was raised and advertisements were placed In certain metropolitan, papers. The writer recollects seeing one of those advertisements, a part of which was a pniall wood cut of the missing girl, A'hlch was published In either Harp er s weekly or Frank Leslie s. Tne The clairvoyants tried their skill at unraveling the mystery. They were not as honest as the magicians, as trologers, sorcerers and Chaldeans of the DroDhet Daniel's time, for they owned right up that they couldn't tell the secret he required. Wonder ful. Indeed, were their answers as to what had become of Marcella Sim mons. That she was alive all of them, to the best of my recollection, agreed. Various answers were given as to her whereabouts, and how she got there. Of course the family suf fered greatly. If they only KNEW the truth, then they could bear the sorrow better; but the torture of suspense is what kills. And thus day after day Dassed. Christmas and New Year's came and passed by, but no H diners were brought to. the sor rowing family. Winter waxed; the ice crew thick and thicker: the sun rode higher in the heavens; then the season waned and the gentle windB and soft rain drops began to fall, Spring drew on apace, the Ice broke up and went out of the creeks and rivers, and rafts of logs, boards and sawed timbers began passing from the UDner Dyberry through Hawley One dav. when the willows were beginning to turn green and there was every indication that Summer was surely coming, some wanderers along the Lackawaxen, away down the Tiver below the Narrows suauen ly came across the dead body of poor Marcella Simmons. It was entangled in some brush and half buried In the sand. And thus the mystery was solved. In the wind, the cold and the darkness of the drizzly Novem ber nleht she had either fallen or been blown by the blast from tho wooden brldce that BDanned the Mid' die Creek where tho new cement bridge, was recently constructed, Into the Quarreling waters that were rushing towards the Delaware. Tho winds and noise of the waters drown ed her brief call for help, and in some recess among the rocks tho cruel waters hid her body from the gaze of the searchers by night and by day until in the fullness of time the mystery was fully ana complete ly answered. Chnrles P. Nell Offers a Rnrc Steam Engine Bargain. C. P. Nell. Hawley's meat man, has a 10-horse power upright engine that he wants to sell for want of use as he now uses electric power. Mr. Nell used the engine about 8 years and took splendid care of It. The engine is as good as the day It was brand new. It makes no difference If the engine did cost ?12B when new, for Mr. Nell will be very rea sonable in price as he wants to sell it right away. If you need an en gine, go right around and see it, and you'll And the price all right. Adv't. It may not be convenient to have a satisfactory Sunday dinner In your home. Don't let that disturb you. They have a fine dinner at Baschon's every Sunday. .The price is no high er than on week days. Go and let them show you. Adv't. Tho New School Board Installs Commercial Course. On Monday night the school board held an important meeting at which the frazzled ends of the year's work were gathered up and adjusted as far as possible. Dills were passed on, approved If all right, and ordered paid. New Members were accepted and a new organization was effected. W. F. Suydam was elected President and Dr. A. C. Volgt Vice-President of the board. The Secretary-Treasurer was not chosen at the meeting. Supt. J. J. Koehler, who always takes an interest in Hawley affairs, as he was a Hawley boy himself, was present at the meeting. Probably the most Important busi ness done by the school board was the unanimous adoption of a reso lution providing for the addition of a commercial course to tho High school's curriculum. The course 111 open the first halp of the school year, about February 1st. Miss Vera Murray was selected by the board to assist In High school work during the illness of teacher Blakeslce. In connection with the commer cial course appeared representatives of the Underwood, L. C. Smith and the Royal typewriter companies, who presented the claims of superiority of their respective makes of type writing machines. No deflnlto action was taken, and all of "the boys" will undoubtedly receive a share of pat ronage. 'Robbie" Wheeler is Now An Allentown Councilman. People In Hawley have by no means forgotten the Wheeler family that removed to Ohio a few years ago Robbie" now lives. In Allentown, in this State, and they think so much of him down in that city of scrapple and cider apple sauce, not to mention lager beer and headcheese, thatthey nave elected mm to tneir city coun ell and set him at work doing things. Robbie" has been editing the La- bor Herald, but ho thinks THINKS, mind you, that it is so much harder to run a city than it is to run a news paper, and desiring to give his atten' tlon to city affairs, announces tne appointment of David Williams as editor and business manager of the Labor Herald. "Robbie" will find out the difference after a while, and Mr. Williams will learn some things, too, if the writer makes no mistake. Doxtcr, Lambert & Co. Got Ahead of Santa Jlaus. About as iicuiea a uuncn oi peo ple as could be found anywhere were the employes of the Dexter, Lambert & Co. silk mill who were notlned on Monday of a ten per cent, increase in their wages. This substantial ad dltlon to the contents of their pay envelopes goes Into effect immediate ly. The raise in pay came as a sur prise to the employes, as It was but recently that the mill cut down its working hours owing to the new law forbidding females to work more than fifty-four hours a week, and this Increase Is welcome news all around especially at the holiday season of the year. Hawley Solons Hold An Important .Meeting. The Council held a regular meeting on Monday night and many matters of Importance were considered. Of course there was the regular gnna of bills and such things, but nothing In the line of re-organlzatlon was effected. A communication was read from the Honesdale and Hawley Street Railway company asking for the re newal of the franchise for the pro posed route. The franchise that was granted some time ago lapsed in October. Not being clear as to their Dowers in the matter the communi cation was tabled and the question of authority will bo referred to the borough's attorney. A communication -was read from Mrs. Mary A, Wiggle, of tho Eddy, who asked the borough to change the course of surface water flowing at times across her premises In an open they made their escape from tho ca dltch. This water course has been boose, which the overturned stove set there for at least 50 years. It was there when the Wllsonvllle turnpike was built. The premises across which the objectionable water flows was bought with the ditch on It and tho water flowing through it. The council went over the cIHim carefully and decided that legally they had no jurisdiction in the matter, and to drain the land, by means of pipes, or otherwise, at the expense of the borough, would establish a precedent that would lead into an endless lot ng. vvorK wm piuBiBa uo iuud of trouble along similar lines. Nega- as circumstances will permit, tive action was taken on the com- m"nlca"Jn- ,L . m It Was Mnry Golden No affldfcvks from officers recently Wlo Won tho Fancy Qunt. elected were presented to the Coun- 0ne of the features of the "Reds" ell, and they ordered all officers-elect socai was the raffle for a fancy to qualify without fall at the next guilt, which was won by Mary Gold regular meeting of the council. en ot Marble Hill. Some Hawley Young People How the Hawley Boys Home for Thanksgiving. Helped Buy New Books. Miss Anna Richardson, student at Last Saturday evening an en- Mt. St. Mary's, Scranton, spent thuslastic bunch of Hawley i boys Thanksgiving day with her parents went out of town about 3 miles down on Church street. into Pike county where Miss Matilda Miss Harriet McAndrew, of Bried teaches school, where a box Bloomsburg State Normal school, social was held for the purpose of was at homo with her parents, Mr. raising some money to purchase new and Mrs. M. McAndrew, of the East Side, during the Thanksgiving holi day. Fred Freethy and Harry Rose, of Wyoming Seminary, ate Thanksglv- ing turkey at their respective homes In Hawley. Miss Hazel Malia, of Mt. St. Mary's, Scranton, was entertained by her aunts, Mary and Julia Moyer, of Main avenue, on Thanksgiving. Wilson Ames was home from Swarthmore college to spend Thanksgiving day. Prof. James McCloskey, teacher of the high school of Jessup, ate Thanksgiving dinner with his par ents here in Hawley. IMlsses Florence and Anna Reel, f White Mills, were callers In Haw ley on Thanksgiving day. Free on Saturday, Dec. 6, and Monday, the 8th, 2 gold fish, pebbles, fish plants and good sized globe, with every 25 cent purchase of goods dis played in the window of Snyder, Freethy & Parker. Adv't. Just Ordlnnry Personnl Mention About Some Hawley People. Miss Bessie Spring, of Wangura avenue, is visiting her sister in New York City. William Burlelch and his brother Burton of Dunmore. were at Hoad- levs on Saturday last .trvinc their shotguns on birds and rabbits. They were accompanied in the woods by their brother, Howard D., of Hoad- leys. Thomas Spring, of Scranton, a D. & H. brakeman, was visiting his par ents on Wancum avenue the fore part of this week. Richard Murnhv's new house on River street is nearly completed, and tenant Is already moving some household roods into it. The inter- or is finished in oak. It has all modern improvements, and Mr. Mur- phy contemplates building a mate to it on the lot adjoining. George Thompson, who recently uuutsUv ul w . o '"'""V" niM,o m,nuo .i A- will be known as Thompson & Phil- Watts' hall on Thanksgiving eve jips ning. After the affair was over and Misses Mary and Beatrice McDon- ,tue crumbs had been swept up, it was o r iinri,is diu ,,t d f i D-, ihaDDilF found that the affair had Jervls friends last week. Daniel Cahlll, of Marble Hill, who was recently bereaved by tho death of his wife, Is now making his home with his daughter, Mrs. Henry Drake, on the Wllsonvllle road. They Are Making A Hawley Board Walk. Workmen were busily engaged on Tuesday in laying new planks on that part of the bridge near the depot ovpr whloii npriRstrinna woiif Vpara bridge near this part of Hawley, but after it had served its nurnose. the regular bridge was removed from its former location near the foot of No. 13 plane. The old bridge was of the covered variety much in vogue in the days before the war. They were expensive to build, expensive to maintain, dangerous after they began to grow old, and a terror to every body who had to pass through them after dark. Nobody mourned when they vanished. Don't wait until "the night before Christmas," but go right around to E. L. Schlager's now. There they are displaying handkerchiefs, pillow cases and some of the daintiest artl cles for Christmas presents imagin- able. Prices low. Adv't. If Ivan Swingle Had Lost His Nerve, Then What? At 10:30 p. m. on Monday night there was a wreck at the west end or tne wanguiu dushuib biuiiik tuiii. came near resulting in tho tragic death of two or three men. Conduc- tor A. H, Thornton had Charge OI a coai train, running extra ior tuunea Pletoher. The train was a very long one, westward bound, and -was helped on its way Dy a "KiCKer" engine with engineer Ivan Swingle in charge, which pushed the rear of the long string ot empties, as uie irain was passing oui ot uie wesi enu ol .1 J 11 .1 . 1. .1 . . 1 1 .1 . . . V uie BiuuiK u luiiyj-ueuu puitcu uui ui. the car in front of the caboose. This disconnected the air pipes and auto- matically sot the brakes on tho car that was severed from tho caboose, and there the car stood as solid as the rock of Gibraltar. The sudden break of the air pipe released all pressure on both caboose and en gine, and as there was pushing pow er on 'tho latter strong enough to move a train, it can readily be seen that almost Instantly that poor little caboose, and all it contained was in a very precarious situation and vory apt to be all smashed to pieces. Engineer Ivan Swingle fortunate- ly saw the danger, and he Instantly set the emergency brakes, which re- versed tho engine; but quick as hoi was the head-light and pilot of the englno were smashed, as also -were both platforms ot tho caboose. Two men were with the conductor, and on fire, by crawling out of the cupola window.' Fortunately nobody was hurt; but If Swingle 'had not been right on his Job this story would have a different and a more sorrow ful ending. Tho New Coal rockets Are New Being Constructed. Ground has been broken for the new coal pockets at Degnan's cross- books for tho school library. When the excitement was all over and the cash was counted, it was found that the library fund was increased to the extent of $30. In addition to tho free offer of gold fish, globe, pebbles and sea crass on the 6th and 8th of Decem ber, Snyder, Freethy & Parker will have on sale lisli of various sizes, also aquariums in , 1, 2 and 3 gallon sizes, with castles, ornaments and shells. Adv't. An Author-Evangelist Will Visit F. P. Woodward. Albion F. Ballenger, of Riverside, California, will spend a few days In Wayne county. Ho will reach Hoad- leys on Friday of this week. Mr. Bal lenger is not only an evangelist oi power, but he is an author of con siderable note. Probably his most noted book is entitled "Power for Witnessing," and is undoubtedly the clearest and most practical work along the line of perfect Christianity that has been produced in genera tions. Mr. Ballenger is a poet of marked ability, several of his produc tions taking the form of sacred song. He Is an earnest speaker, and has tho rare faculty of presenting any subject he wishes to talk about with such clearness that the listener can understand its every detail. He Is no ranter, but is a sweet tempered, courteous, scholarly gentleman whom to know is a rare privilege. Certainly Mr. Ballenger will do some talking while on his visit. Mr. Wood ward s home at Hoadleys will be opened for a few public services There will also be services in South Canaan on tsunoay next. Mr. Ballenger left his little orange grove rarm near uiversiae, uaiuor- nla', last May, and has since made an extensive tour. He win leave wayne county for his home, expecting to ar rive there along about Christmas. m, TrmiB ni,! .i NIco Wnd or Jlonoy The "Reds" held a social in netted the Catholic church parochial residence fund the neat sum of Something New, and Just Because She is a Woman. A new set of telegraphic instru ments has 'been placed in the Hawley NA tower for Western union busi ness on Sunday. Miss Harding is the rsular for the Western Union, with mco n statln- The nw .law prevents her working on Sunday, I 1. vji nil Hfrtti rtW Tin Inn l! 1-T1 that d has to be done the tower ." PAUPACK. Paupack, Dec. 3. Miss Ida M. Fowler started for Rochester Satur day where sho lias secured a posl tlon in the Hahnemann hospital Dr. and Mrs. Green, son and daughter, of Scranton, spent Thanks giving at B. F. Klllam's, Miss Blanche M. Fowler returned home Wednesday after spending a few days at Greentowa The local Institute was well at tended. Mr. Bunting of Wisconsin, is visit ing friends at this place, F. Gilpin, wife and children, of Hawley,, spent part of last week at C. E. Williams, Frieda, Louise, Hilda and Henry Vetterleln, Anna Steinmann and Mrs. Vetterlein spent Wednesday evening at H. Fowler s Billy Scott returned to his home jn New York after spending two i wpoka at this nlap.o. Henry Vetterlein expects to go to state College on Monday to take ud n .three months' nonrso in nirrlonl- ture, Mrs. Oscar Honns. nn Anthnnv. and dauchter Ruth A., are vlsltlne jrrs, q. Ansley, Edwin Gumble, who spent a year at Edgerton, Wis., came home to spend the winter, C?TJT7TTT A 1VT unmurmi,, Sherman, Dec. 3. Walter Curtis of Telford, is visiting friends In town. Rev. S. Ft Wright spent Thanks giving In BInghamton this week. He Is in Deposit attending the revival services in the Methodist church Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith spent Thanksgiving in Honesdale. Guy and Charles Haruson are visiting their mother, Mrs. James McClure. Miss Hazel Garlon, -who has been working in Deposit all summer, is now working in tho box factory, IB. W. Raymond made a business trio to Honesdale last -week, AVlnnio and Jesse Garlon have st'9ted a grocery store in the base n mt of their house on the corner, Mrs. Ira Clearwater has gone to Deposit to keep house for her son C C Z Z C Z Z 1 C 'Z C C Z C Z C C C C C Z Z C E l ) Z Si Z 'Z Z Z 'Z 'Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Zf Z Z Z Z Z 6S Z "Good Sleighing for Christmas' That's what ajl the weather prophets say. In line with this prophecy we have gathered together from the best factories one of the most complete lines of Cutters, Bobs and Sleighs ever shown in this section and now have them This is. one of the newest styles and sure to be popular, the cold out and the robe in. Our Line Comprises: Cutters, twenty -different styles, Two and three seated Bobs, Farm and Lumber Bobs, We not only have the sleighs, but also Sleigh Bells, Blankets, Robes and Foot Warmers; so it's not our fault if you do not have a pleasant sleigh ride. COME IN AND SEE OUR BIG LINE Murray Everything for the Farm. 5iBCC!i&iBiBHCCBiEEEZoZiBZ88i 6 Z Z C C-1 Z Z Z X Z 1 Z i-Z1 Z Z E1 Z 1 Ej Z 1 Z Z Z C-1 I C C O Z Z' C C I Ross who is attending school there. Misses Hazel Warner, Frances and Charlotte Early, who are attending the Lakewood high school, spent Thanksgiving at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Reynolds spent Thanksgiving in Binghamtou. Mr. and Mrs. Wo, Evans visited relatives in Deposit last Sunday Mrs. Rose Early, who has been very sick, is now on the gain. HAMLIN. Hamlin, Dec. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Field entertained a family dinner party on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Rhlneheimer were visited by their son and little grand daughter for a couple of days last week. Mrs. John Elliott celebrated her eighty-second birthday oh Friday. Dr. W. A. Stevens, of scranton, was a business caller at Hamlin on Friday last. Dr. O. J. Mulier assisted by an other doctor, performed an operation on a little child of Elmer Pughs on Wednesday. , Mrs. Isabella Basley and daughter Miss Clara took dinner Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chu- mard. The friends of Mrs. E. L. Chap man will be very sorry to hear that she Is not Improving as rapidly as wo wish for. Miss E. M. Buckingham was a guest at M. E. Chumard's Thursday. A joke can be carried too far, and the person who sent to a daily paper a false report of the marriage of one of our young ladles, should be severely reminded of the fact. Homer Pelton took a party of people to Scranton In his automobile Saturday. PLEASANT MOUNT. A shipment of four thousand yearling trout from tho Corry Fish Hatchery, Corry, Pa., consigned to Frank J. O'Neill, proprietor of the Pleasant Mount hotel, arrived In first-class and healthy condition on Tuesday, and were distributed in tho streams throughout this locauty the same day that they -were received. Mr. O'Neill expects another large shipment in a few days for the same nurnoso. The offort made Dy uommissioner of Fisheries, N. R. Buller, to keep the streams of Wayne county well stock ed with good, healthy flsh should be appreciated by all Interested In flsh and who enjoy tho sport or nsning It Is noticed in this locality that fishermen 'becomo more numerous every year, and unless tho streams are restocked flsh would soon be come very scarce. WHITES VALLEY. Whites Valley, Dec. 3. The but ter factory operated by G. Smith & Sons Seelyvllle, closed Dec. 1st. E. M, Stark, of Carbondale, was recently a guest at u. P. Stark s. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Glanvllle and daughter Rose, of Pleasant Mt. spent Thursday at Chas. Bonham's. Mrs. Fred Fowler of Niagara, was a guest Tuesday at W. H. Fltze's, Mr. and Mrs. S. Pomery, wjio re cently visited two weeks with rela tives In Lestershlre, N. Y., have re turned Home. Mr. and Mrs. H, P. Mead Intend leaving at an early date with a party I C C C Z' Z C Z Z C C Z Z C C Z C C Z C I C Z C CI 'Z Z 'Z Z 1 Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z C Z Z Z Z C Z" Z 3 ready for your inspection. Keeps $25 to $65 $45 to $55 $25 to $35 Honesdale, Pa. of friends for Florida where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. S. Tompkins left Wednesday for New York state where they will spend the winter. LAKE COMO. Lake Como, Dec. 3. Misses Ethel and Helen Woodmansee were enter tained over Sunday 'by Miss Wilma Williams of Hancock. Mrs. Allen Monroe, of Carbondale, Is visiting 'her parents, H. T. Justin and wife. Leland Woodmansee, a student of Wyoming Seminary, spent Thanks giving -with his parents here. Revival meetings are being held in the M. E. church by Rev. Schenck. Mrs. Buckland and children or Forest City, are visiting relatives here. There will be an oyster supper in the hall Friday evening for the bene- nt oi M. Hi. Eiunaay school HAND CAUGHT IN POWER RINGER Lnko Ariel Woman Tlu-ough Pres- enco-of Mind Saves Arm Boy Falls From Loft of Bam Floyd Bortreo Attending Grand Lodge Business Good. Lake Ariel, Dec. 4. Mrs. P. T. Howe caught her hand in a power ringer a few days ago, injuring 'tne hand quite seriously. Presence of mind enabled Mrs. Howe to shut off tho power, thereby saving her hand from further mutilation. Dr. White was called and the Injured member Is now Improving nicely. Ralph Simons, aged four years, a few days ago, while endeavoring to reach 'his father, who was in the lort of the barn, lost his balance and fell down the steps, sustaining an ugly scalp wound. Floyd Bortree, who has been quite 111, has recovered sufllclently to at tend Grand Lodge in Philadelphia, representing the Free and Accepted Masons. While there ho will consult a specialist In regard to stomach trouble, having been bothered con siderable of late. Leslie Simons, ofr Scranton, spent Thanksgiving .and tho week-end with his parents in Ariel. Floyd Champion, representative of tho Metz car, reports good business. He sold four cars of thjs make in Ariel on December 2. COLD SPRING. A number from hero attended the dance in Grango Hall, Glrdland, Thanksgiving evening. Elna Yale and Judson Gager spent Thanksgiving at Pleasant Mt. Austin LeStrange spent Thanks giving at his home here. Ivan Knorr of Glrdland was a re cent business caller here. Robert Kennedy has been spend ing a number of days in Scranton. A social will be held In the school house Friday evening by our teacher, Mattie E. Gager. Tho Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. John Douglass on Wednesday, IF YOU Want a Cook Want a Clerk Want .a Partner Want a Servant Girl Want to Sell a Piano Want to Sell a Carriage ADVKiraSK. Co