The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 05, 1913, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Lesson X. Fourth Quarter, For
Dec. 7, 1913.
Text of tho Lesson, Joh. vl, 8-11, 14
20 Memory Verse, 20 Golden Text,
Mark Ix, 23 Commentary by Rev. D.
M. Stearns.
The story of the Lord's doings on
behalf of Israel reached tho ears of
many people and melted, their hearts
and took away their pride (Josh, t, 1).
Man's doings do not work that way, but
rather tend to self exaltation. It Is
therefore easy to tell whether a. work
Is of the Lord or of men. Israel shall
yet praise the Lord, proclaim His
name, declare Ills doings among tho
people (Isa. xll, 4). But all believers
should be doing It now, praising Hla
works, declaring His mighty acts (Ps.
cxlv, 4).
Since He is ever waiting to work In
us and through us, why not humbly
yield and let Hlra, thaj: He may be
glorllled? Chapter v, 2-9, tells of the
rite of circumcision, which had not
been performed since they left Egypt.
Circumcision 1b suggestive of n work
in the believer, for it was given to
Abraham as a seal of the righteous
ness which he had, yet being unclr
cumcised (Rom. iv, 11). It signified
even to Israel a work In the heart,
the renouncing of the flesh nnd true
humility before God (Lev. xxvl, 41).
Chapter v, 10, tells of the keeping of
the third passover, for we do not read
that they observed it during nil their
wanderings. See the other two In
Ex. xll, 0; Num. ix, 5, and note that
this also teaches man's helplessness
and the mighty hand of the Lord nnd
points onward to the approaching de
liverance of Israel from all nations
(Ex. xll, 20, 27; Jer. xxlii, 5-8; Luke
xxil, 15, 10). The manna, the food
from heaven, continued all througli
the forty years, notwithstanding their
murmurings nnd rebcllings, until nt
Gllgal they ate of the old corn of the
land (versos 11. 12).
In chapter v, 13-15, wo havo a test for
Joshua. He had Just been appointed
as the now leader In the place of Moses
and had been honored as such nt tho
Jordan. Ilns he become proud and
self sufllcient, or is he still meek and
submissive? Near Jericho ho saw a
man with a drawn sword who an
nounced that he was the captain of tho
host of the Lord. Will Joshun stand
on his dignity as the now leader or
accept this other? See and hear him.
no fell on his face and did worship
nnd said, "What saith my Lord unto
his servnnt?" Ho won nnd was safe
as a lender and loosed his shoe from
off his foot, as ho was told to do,, thus
acknowledging another as proprietor
(Ex. ill, 5; Ituth iv, 7).
If we would only live with shoes off,
what might we not see of tho wonder
ful working of the Lord! But in order
to see the power of God and His work
ing we must be willing to do as seem
ingly ridiculous things as bearing the
ark and stepping into the water expect
ing it to stop flowing or marching
round Jericho blowing trumpets of
rams' horns nnd expecting tho walls
to fall down.
What I have In mind Is something
like this: Conducting a religious pa
per without an advertisement of any
kind to help make it go; running a
church (to use a common phrase) with
out having lectures or festivals or en
tertainments of any kind to help
pay expenses; believing that Bible
studies, expositions of tho word of
God, are what people need and want
rather than sermons or essays on pop
ular topics; teaching thnt the same
Jesus will return in person to set up
a kingdom of peace and righteousness
on this earth and that He is only wait
ing until tho church, His body, shall
bo gathered from all nations, that He
may receive her to Himself ere He
shall return in glory; that these truths
will lend people to give gladly to mis
sions without personal solicitation,
ven to tho extent of giving $2 or more
to missions for every dollar spent at
I know that such things seem to
many religious people as wild vagaries,
and yet I havo personally proved the
blessing of the Lord in theso matters
or in most of them for over twenty
Tho ark of tho covenant which was
so prominent nt tho crossing of the
Jordan is mentioned ten times in
versus 4-13, o our lesson chapter, re
minding us of tho words of our Lord
In John xv, 5, "Without Mo ye can do
nothing." The trumpets of rams'
horns tell of atonement by tho precious
blood of the substitute (Gen. xxil, 13),
so both tho ark and the trumpets nnd
tho priests, all speak of Him who alono
can divide tho sea or tho river or throw
down a Jericho and who says to all
who are willing to walk with Him,
"I am with you," "I will work and
who shall hinder It?" (Isa. xll, 10;
xllll, 13.)
In verso 2- of our lessou tho Lord
said unto Joshua, "See, I havo given
Into thioo hand Jericho," nnd yet to
possess it ho had to bo obedient and
do Just ns ho was told.
All things aro ours In Christ, but wo
possess our possessions only by believ
ing. Thirteen times they marched
around the city with no sound but tho
trumpets until tho last round, when
at tho word from Joshua the people
shouted with n great shout, tho walls
fell flat, and all living creatures were
destroyed except those who had gath.
cred in tho house of Rahab (versos 10,
20, 21, 23, 25).
Fruit Centerpieces Are Attractive' and
Very Seasonable.
Fruit makes a handsome decoration
for tho Christmas table. It has the ad
vantage of appealing to tho palate
after satisfying tho eye. A pleaHlng
decoration of this sort is Illustrated
here. The fruit Is laid In a fancy bas
ket Clusters of grapes with green
leaves are suspended from the handle.
Winter pears, red apples, oranges and
bananas aro arranged on grape leaves
In the basket. If a young grapevine Is
taken into the house In a pot before
the leaves fall It will grow all winter
and supply foliage for such occasions.
Rose geranium or any green leaves
may be used If grape leaves are not
There Is nothing prettier or moro ap
propriate for tho Christmas tablo as .a
centerpiece than a pyramid of fruit
This may be arranged in a large glass
bowl or In an odd shaped vase of fan
cy china. Fortunate Is she who still
hoards among hur cherished posses
sions an heirloom In the form of au an
tique epergno or an openwork china
fruit basket of long ago.
These are not always available, and
a clever woman may evolve a very
satisfactory imitation by using n large
glass bowl or deep dish for tho founda
tion, placing in the center of It a rath
er high vase or even a loving cup to
give the required liojght. Twist some
smllax around this glass and lay some
of It inside of the bowl, as well as
around the base, where It rests upon
tho embroidered centerpiece, which
should be decorated with holly or soino
effect in green.
Now fill the large bowl with the
fruit, placing the oranges and larger
fruit at the bottom of the bowl and
lining in with rosy little lady apples
and clusters of white and purple
grapes and bananas. Pack these firm
ly against the small glass to make It
firm and fill tho glass itself with small
fruit. Festoon more smllax and clus
ters of grapes over the top.
Julienne Soup. Celery,
noast Pie. Stuffed Potatoes. Onions.
Apple Sauce.
Boiled Turkey. Potato Croquettes.
Molded Spinach.
Wafers. Lettuce Salad. Cheese.
Ice Cream. Cake.
They Add Piquancy to Many Plain
Holiday Dishes.
Tho sauces give the finishing touches
to the Christmas feast Aside from
mayonnaise for tho salad, white sauce
Is tho most universally useful of all.
The simplest and plainest of white
sauces is a most excellent thing with
baked fish.
Any creamed flsh, fresh or salt Is
nice in white sauce, and It Is the same
with meats, the dried beef, the chicken,
tho veal. Tho white sauce Is the liquid
to use in making many scallops. Even
when we do not combine tho Ingredl-
cnts beforehand we put them into the
scallop dish, and tho cooking does this.
So It is in tho making of croquettes.
Tho binding of the meat or vegetable
of which they aro mado may be done
with egg white, but tho use of the
whlto sauce Is the moro common and
Inexpensive way. Besides blng used
to bind the material of the croquette,
it Is often used as a sauce around It
It Is when wo come to tho vegetables
that we find the widest use of all for
the white sauce. Ve increaso the food
value of a vegetable dish by adding
sauce, which contains both fat and
protein, to a plain material. Many of
tho commoner vegetables are advanta
geously served In cream sauce. Chil
dren will eat vegetables so cooked
when they would not otherwlso touch
Tho pretty mayonnaise mixer Mug
rrated hero makes a nice Christmas
gift nnd can be very appropriately pre
sented to tbo friend who Is a notabl
alful ma bar
Crop Improvement
A Farmers' Club Is Need
ed In Every Town
A Silo on Every Farm Should Be
Built Early Summer Silage an
Important Item.
Not only the ilo, but the summer
silo, is becoming popular. A summer
silo is the tittle brother to the big
concrete or winter silo. In one county
of Illinois nearly 600 winter silos have
been built. Farther in the northwest
the farmers, especially the feeders
and dairymen, are building summer
silos as well as the regular or winter
The big concrete or winter silo is
generally filled fn the latter part of
July or the first part of August, de
pending upon the location and wheth
er the spring is late or early. This
ensilage will be used for feeding beef
cattle, dairy cattle, sheep or possibly
on a large farm, all of them, as soon
as the first frosty days come.
The summer silo, however, is gen
erally filled with a later corn crop and
in certain dairy districts, sometimes
the ensilage is half corn and half al
falfa, and sometimes half oats and
half cowpeas. Kaffir corn has also
been used very successfully. The lit
tle .summer silo (which is generally
about half the size of the winter silo)
remains sealed all winter and through
the early spring, but when the first
hot days of summer come, it is un
sealed and feeding is commenced. It
not only supplants soiling, but is an
absolute insufance against drought,
grasshoppers, poor pastures and the
other ills to which the farmer some
times seems heir.
If erecting a big concrete silo this
year, do not overlook the advantages
of its little brother, the summer silo.
If properly sealed, silage can safely
be left for years in the concrete sum
mer silo or any other air-tight silo be
fore being used.
Advantage of Modern Grain Storagn
and Marketing as Handled by the
American Grain Exchanges.
National Crop Improvement Service.
United States Consul Henry D.l
Baker, who is located at Hobart, Tas-'
mania, while passing through Russia'
noted the lack of grain storage fa-1
cilities. ' l
"I was comparing the American and
the Russian storage system with a 1
grain merchant in St. Petersburg,"!
said Mr. Baker, "and he told me he
considers that a great benefit could be1
wrought in Russia if those interested
in the grain trade of the United
States could visit Russia and invest
money in elevators, and engage in
handling grain on a big scale.
"The Russian farmers have not the
advantage of a great institution like
the Chicago Board of Trade, where
there is an active market established
which is public property, and also
where you have splendid facilities for
trading in warehouse receipts. The
farmers in Russia are at the mercy of
a few cash buyers because they have
no Grain Exchanges to preserve the
"The Russian peasant, as a rule,
knows nothing of the world's move
ments of crops like tlie American
farmer, for he has no daily informa
tion such as is published all over
Neighborhood Clubs Can Make Use of
Club Tools ;Sand and Gravel Should
Be Carefully Screened A Little
Care Will Bring Fine Results.
Screen the sand and gravel if you
want good concrete. Cement is no
magic material. Even the best Port
land cement, when water is added,
only binds the sand and gravel and
forms artificial stone. Properly made
concrete is everlasting, but the farm
er must use both care and common
sense for good results.
Buy a one-fourth-inch screen or
wire cloth from the hardware dealer.
Then screen the bank gravel. AH the
particles which go through the J4-inch
mesh the farmer can class as sand.
The rest can be called gravel up to
stones about 1 inches to 2yi inches
in size, which can be used in founda
tion walls and other mass work. Stope
or gravel larger than 2yi inches in
diameter should never be used in any
concrete work.
For sidewalks, barn floors, etc., if
not reinforced, gravel up to to
1J4 inches in size may be used.
For any reinforced concrete work,
especially silos, water tanks, water
troughs, hog dips and smaller work
like mangers and door steps, no gravel
or stones over J-inch in diameter
must ever be used.
If the farmer will only take pains
to screen his gravel and sand (or ag
gregates, as the engineers say) and
use standard Portland cement, there
is no reason why he should not be
able to make a first-class job on any
concrete work, which he may under
take. He must, of course, use proper
reinforceing material, steel bars, or
wire fencing, as the case may be.
Sometimes clay or other sticy soil
is mixed with the sand and gravej.
The farmer must turn his garden hose
on it, preferably after screening, and
wash off these sticky particles so that
the cement can surround each par
ticle and make a good bond.
(CcnduoUd by tbr National Woman'a Chris
tian Temperance Union.)
Federal Judrja In West Virginia D
trlct Makes 8cathlng Arraign
ment of Saloonkeepers.
In a eharee to the grand Jury of the
federal court in Wheeling, Judge Als
ton O. Dayton of tbo United States
ceurt for the northern dUtrlct of West
Virginia delivered a scathing arraign
ment of tho liquor traffic. Among oth
er things he said:
It has been mr experience, in tho
von years I have ooeupied this posi
tion on the bench, that violations of
the Internal revenue law are ten times
as many as all the other offenses
gainst the laws of the United States
put together. Why? Because, funda
mentally, the sale of intoxicating
liquor is not a legitimate and honest
business, nnd no man ean be an honost
man who engages in It It isn't hon
est to destroy a man. It Isn't honest
to take away the bread and butter of
helpless women and children. Gentle
men, It Isn't honest for any man to
come Into your household and take
the bright, strong, vigorous son and
lead him on and on until he becomes a
disgrace to you, an annoyance to his
fellowmen and finally lands in a
drunkard's grave. And yet there ira't
a single saloonkeeper's saloon in this
country that does not send every year
its man to a drunkard's grave, and
more than that; and when dishonest
men once get into a business It Is the
hardest thing In the world to make
them stop.
I want to say that there Is not a
very great deal of distinction between
the man, In my deliberate judgment
who stands up, and for revenue pur
poses, votes to llcenso the saloon, and
tho man who conducts the saloon. The
good Christian people who go to the
polls and vote for license are the
power behind the throne; they are the
power behind the saloon, because if
they did not vote for license the fel
low could not run his saloon. I tell
you In this country, gentlemen, the
cry comes up, as It came up to Cain,
tho blood of our fellowmen cries out
from the ground to God Almighty;
the victims of this traffic in every
cemetery and every graveyard In this
country cry out to God against us, you
and me, who have permitted this traf
fics to exist bo long. See to It that
In this court all violations of the reve
nue laws are thoroughly investigated,
and that, so far as we can see, we put
ourselves on the side of utter and com
plete and absolute condemnation of
the whole business, from start to fin
Particular Brand of Whisky Was Like
Bridge Because It Leads to
Poorhouse and Cemetery.
A liquor dealer In the town of Ayr,
In Scotland, had a particular brand of
whisky, which ho wished to advertise.
One day the circus waB coming to
town, and to add interest to its per
formances, and to advertise his whis
ky, ho offered a prize for the best an
swer to the question, "Why his par
ticular brand of whisky resembled a
certain bridge across the water of
Ayr?" Just over the bridge were
some public Institutions.
The successful competitor proved to
be a poor boy, who, perhaps, knew
from experience what he was speak
ing of, and his answer to tho question,
"Why the publican's whisky was like
the bridge" was "Because It leads to
the poorhouco, the lunatic asylum and
the cemetery."
Tho following figures refer to tho
state of Massachusetts in 1010:
Total population of all no-license
cities and towns 1,497,722
Total number of high school
pupils in all no-llcense cit
ies and towns 34,633
Number of pupils in high
schools of no-llconsn places
for each 1,000 population. . . J3.12
Total population of all license
cities and towns 1,883,924
Total number of high school
pupils In all license cities v
and townq 81,707
Number of pupils in high
schools of license places,
for each 1,000 population.. 1C.83
Greater number of pupils In
no license places, for each
1,000 population g.jg
Difference In favor of no-llcenso 37
per cent. '
Keep the boys and girls in Bchool
by keeping out the saloon. In theso
days of Increasing competition, your
boy or girl will need the advantage
that a high school training gives.
New Slavery for China.
China, which so long has suffered
from tho opium curse, though free
from the legal clutches of that mon
ster. Is fast coming under the rule of
King Alcohol. Liquor Is there char
acterized as "now Jesus poison,"
"German .poison," et cetera, to dis
tinguish It from the English poison,
opium. It Is reported too, that ml
lions of .cigarettes dipped In opium
have been given awfiy by Americans
to try to create an appetite among
the Chinese youth for the doufele
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Howard for any case ot Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last IS years,
and believe him perfectly 'honorable
In all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his firm.
Toledo, O.
Hall'B Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free.
Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by
all Druggets.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Estate of Charles II. Mills,
late of Lake Township, deceased.
The undersigned, auditor, ap
pointed by the Orphans' Court to
hear and determlno all claims on the
assets and report distribution of
said estate, will attend to the duties
of his appointment on
TUESDAY, DEC. 9, 1913, 10 A. It.,
at his office in the Borough of
Honesdale, at which time and place
all claims against said estate must
be presented or recourse to the fund
for distribution will bo lost.
92t4 Auditor.
Estate of Ella Gllon, late of the
Borough of Honesdale, Fa., deceas
ed. The undersigned Auditor, appoint
ed by tho Orphans Court to hear
and determine all claims on the as
sets and report, distribution of said
estate will attend to tho duties of his
appointment on Tuesday, December
23, at 10 a. m., at his office In the
Borough of Honesdale, at which
time and place all claims against
said estate must be presented or
recourse to the fund for distribution
will be lost.
Shoes with thirty buttons aro the
latest in Paris. They have not leap
ed into Immediate popularity among
fat ladies.
Wayne County
Savings Bank
187 1 42 YEARS OF SUCCESS 1913
BECAUSE we have been transacting a SUCCESSFUL
banking business CONTINUOUSLY since 1371
and are preparedand qualified to rend erV ALU
ABLE SERVICE to our customers.
ONE years.
BECAUSE of SECURITY guaranteed by our LARGE
CAPITAL and SURPLUS of $550,000.00.
BECAUSE of our TOTAL ASSETS of $3,000,000.00.
BECAUSE GO Oil MANAGEMENT has mad us the
Wayne county.
BECAUSE of these reasons we confidently ask you, to
become a dopositor,
COURTEOUS treatment to all CUSTOMERS
whether their account is LARGE or SMALL
INTEREST allowed from the FIRST of ANY
MONTH on Deposits made on or before the
TENTH of the month.
A. T. SEARLE, Vice-President. AY. J. "WAItD, Asst. Cashier
Estate of
Lato of Lebanon Township.
All persons Indebted to said es
tate are notified to make immediate
payment to tho undersigned; and
those having claims against tho said
estate aro notified to present thora
duly attested for settlement
Cold Spring, Pa., Oct. 30, 1913.
Estate of
Late of Scott Township.
All persons indebted to said es
tate are notified to make Immediate
payment to the undersigned; and
those having claims ogalnBt the said
estate are notified to present them
duly attested for settlement
Sherman, Pa., Oct. 30, 1913.
LEGAL BLANKo ror saio at Th
Citizen ofllce: Land Contracts,
Leases, Judgment Notes, Warrantee
Deeds, Bonds. Transcripts, Sum
mons, Attachments, Subpoenas, La
bor Claim DeedB. Commitments, Ex
ecutions, Collector's and Constables'
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