THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1913. PAGE FOUR THE CITIZEN Semi-Weekly Founded 10 08; Weekly Founded 1844. Published Tuesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company. E. B. HAItDENBERGH PRESIDENT M. C. VAN ALSTYNE and E. B. CALLAWAY MANAGING EDITORS FRANK P. WOODWARD ADVERTISING MANAGER AND FEATURE WRITER. DIRECTORS : X.. J. DOBFLlKaER, Mi B. ALLXK, X. B. BAUDEKBERQU W. W. WOOD TERMS: ONE YEAR fl.EO THREE MONTHS Kto BIX MONTHS 75-ONE MONTH 13o w.mlt hv ExDress Money Order, Draft, Postofflee Order or Registered letter. Address a?l cmunlcatlohs to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street, Honesdale, Pa. All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of making money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only-be admitted to this ?ttDr on payVent of regular advertising rates. Notices of entertainments for the KSlflt nf churches or for charitable purposes whero a fee is charged, will be pub ii!hld at half rates Cards "ot thanlts. W cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of inspect will be T charged for at the rate of a cent a word. AdverUslng rates on application. FRIDAY, DE CEMBER 5, 1013. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY. Stagnation is death, whether it be physical or spiritual. A pool cannot bo pure and sweet unless .thero is an outlet as well as an inlet. Unless you use for the ser vice of others what God has al ready given you, you will find it a long weary road to spiritual un derstanding. H. Emllie Cady. A RARE CHANCE. There is not "a farmer in any re gion who can afford to miss a chance to learn something more about his business. No matter how much he knows about his own business, there i3 always a chance that someone can tell him a few new things or put an old subject in a new light, thus ini his finances of success. If you are a farmer, do you know where and when your best opportunity is" It is in the Honesdale court house next Monday and Tuesday. Here U the secret: The Department of Ag riculture of Pennsylvania will hold the Wayne County Farmers' Institute right here in Honesdale next week, and will give the farmers an oppor tunity to hear interesting and in structive lectures on many of the phases of farming. The speakers are Fred W. Card, of Sylvania; L. W. Lighty, of East Berlin, anil J. Stuart Groupe of Jersey Shore, all interest ing speakers and well qualified to talk on agricultural questions. The meetings are called at 1:30 and 7:30 p. m. Monday; 9 a. m. Tuesday, and 1:30 and 7:30 p. m. Tuesday. Come and bring the whole family. Admission Is free. at once and he urges provisions that will enable the farmer to finance his crop; the anti-trust law is com mended but it ought to be so revised or supplemented with more explicit legislation that its administration will be facilitated. The Philippines are to be develop ed along lines which work toward their ultimate independence. They are not quite ready for this, he says, but he believes they eventually will be. In Alaska full territorial form of government is advocated and the government should develop all nat ural resources. He thinks we lead the world in the efforts for peace and he wants all the treaties or arbitration awaiting renewal by the Senate to be ratified He urges legislation to safeguard workmen both on land and sea, an emnloyers liability act, and other economic reforms. It will be seen that the great mass of this address is purely idealistic and that it contains little to show how the ideals dealt with are to be realized. It cannot, for that reason, be expected to make a very deep 1m pression nor to accomplish very much in a practical way. Philadel phia Evening Star. PEOPLE'S FORUM. The Cost of Living. Mr. Editor: Wo hear so much about the high cost of living that it is well to make some comparisons. The books of Menner & Co. show some charges in 18G7 as follows: Kerosene oil CO cen.ts; molasses 85 and 90 cents a gallon; sugar, 18 cents a pound; cheese, 20 cents; eggs, 30 cents a dozen in October. Flour $14.40 a barrel; linseed oil, $1.45 a gallon; pork 14 cents a pound; vinegar, 40 THE WIDER USE OF THE SCHOOL PLANT What Honesdnlo's Building is Used For :A Surprise to Many Tho Citizen Reproduces a Letter Sent to Commissioner of Education. In answer to a letter to P. P. Clax ton, Commissioner of Education, Washington, L C, Professor H. A. Oday, princ'pal of, the Honesdale schools, has prepared the following, entitled "Tho Wider Use of the School Plant." Dec. 3, 1913. P. P. Claxton, Commissioner of Edu cation, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: In regard to the wider use of the school nlant." I beg to submit the following: Honesdale is a Dorougn of three thousand inhabitants with a suburban population of about three thousand more. In the Dorougn there is one school building in which is located the free library owned by the school but free to the people of the entire community whether in or out of the borough, in fact all the social activities in connection with the school are free to all residents of the community. The library Is open every school day from four till five and every Tuesday and Friday from three till five and seven till nine p. m, ,, The Ladies' Improvement society hold their regular monthly meeting in the school. The Clvic's club, a company of ladies studying civics and current topics, meet in the school every Tuesday night. The Boys' Band of about thirty members, most of whom are school boys, practice in the school every Tuesday from four till six. The High school orchestra and various glee clubs of the school use the building very much for practice work. On two Saturdays of each month a trained reader from a nearby city gives readings In the school build ing. One night a week the gymnas ium is used for the girls of the town. On four different nights four classes of boys and young men meet In the gymnasium and the average attendance of these classes is about forty-five, on Saturday nights, teams representing these four classes meet in a friendly contest. At various times during the year, one of the gymnasium classes will give their night to the students of the school for the holding of dances. The au ditorium is used in addition to the nights already mentioned for the county teachers' Institute, lectures on poultry, chestnut tree blight and various other subjects. RECORD MONTH During November More Snow Fell Tliim In a Corresponding iuonui in 50 Years Greatest Dally Range 50 Degrees in One Day Rain Precipitation More Than in 43 Years. Highest temperature ranged from 27 degrees 28th, to 70 degrees 22d; average 49.4 degrees, iiignesi in November for 4G years, 78 degrees 1st, 1909; and 74 degrees the 14th, 1902. Lowest temparature varied from 56 degrees 20th, down to 15 degrees sixth; average 29.3 degrees; and low est on my records for this month is six degrees below zero, Nov. 26th, 1880. Greatest daily .range fifty degrees, sixth and seventh, which Is greatest range of temperature in any one day for a year past. Least range four degrees 16th and 28th; average 20.1 degrees. Warmest day 20 th, mean G2 degs., and coldest day 11th, mean 24 degs. Daily mean for the month, 39.4 degrees, is 1.8 degrees warmer than last year, and four degrees above November average of 35.4 degrees for 46 years; from 26.4 degrees in 1873 to 43 degrees in 1902. Storms to measure nine days, with traces six other days. Total rainfall, 3.68 inches, is 1.29 inches more than last year, and .71 Inch more than November average of 2.97 inches for 43 years, from .75 inch In 1908, to 7.10 inches in 1886. Snow fell to measure on four days: Total 3. '5 inches. Last year nine in ches on two days; average 6.6 inches for 56 years, and most 34 inches in November, 1886. Seven days were clear, nine fair and 14 cloudy; average .39 per cent, of sunshine. Last year. 45. Prevail ing Winds, northwest and west. THEODORE DAY. Dyberry, Pa., Dec. 1, 1913. THE CITIZEN IS A FAMILY NEWSPAPER. If you are looking for genuine reading matter, inspect the in side pages of to-day's Citizen. Miss Miriam L. Stephens, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Lafayette Nelson, of Dyberry, Who recently sailed for England, writes an Interesting letter telling of her trip across the Atlan tic on the "Imperator" and merry England. This article, together with national telegraphic news and two columns of live advertising, con stitutes the contents of page two. President Wilson will do away with the New Year's reception at the White House, which on one other oc casion, is something that has been practiced for more than 100 years. More news of national doings, local and county doings are recorded on page threes Don't overlook tho ad vertisements on this page. "How We Whipped Mexico in '4 7," is the caption of an interesting Illustrated article found on page six. also a story entitled,- "Roosevelt's Trip is Full of Perils." Tho Citizen's big book offer is something which Interests every reader. If you are a subscriber and desire "My Attain ment of the Pole" by Dr.. Frederick Cook, look at your label. If you are behind, pay up your arrearage and one year in advance and this much-talked-of book will be sent to your address. It Is also sent to all new subscribers. It contains 650 pages and is a book that is usually sold for $5.00. Take advantage of this ex traordinary offer to-day. Details found on page six. Page seven contains a varied number of articles "Sunday School Lessons," "Christmas Table," "Crop Improvement" and "Temperance" columns. Read the advertisements. gingham 40 cents a yard; butter 40 cents a pound; chicken 15 cents a pound; calico 14 cents a yard; flan nel 40 cents; salaratus, 15 cents; bushel of salt, $1.35. In 1873 we find potatoes 62 cents a bushel; sheeting 25 cents a yard, shirting 20 cents; calico, 12 cents; coffee 38 cents a pound; sugar 11 cents; raisins 20 cents; ginger, 35 cents; butter 31 cents; black tea, $1.20; Japan tea $1.00; flour, 59.50 a barrel. ' v Wages In those days were only about half what they are now. Meats are higher and temporarily eggs are higher, but the cost of liv- ing has not advanced so much as the high stylo of living. HOUSEKEEPER. nuirc TMtTCSTDENT'S MESSAGE. President Wilson's address to the cents a gallon; spool thread 10 cents; second session of the Sixty-third Congress, delivered in person as were the other addresses he has made to that body, possesses the merit of be ing brief and while it contains noth ing of startling importance, it pre sents many ideas which are decided ly interesting. For instance, his advocacy of a Nation-wide primary election, at which shall be nominated the candi dates for President, is extending this primary election idea further than anyone else has so far gone. He favors National conventions for the purpose only of framing plat forms and declaring and accepting the verdict of the primaries. These conventions, he thinks, should be composed not of delegates chosen es pecially for the purpose, but of the candidates for the House and Senate, hold over members of these bodies, the members of the National com mittees and the candidates them selves, so that all concerned in the carrying out of party platforms be engaged In their making, the respon sibility for both the platforms and their enforcement being thus placed. This is a novel idea and it has Bomething to recommend It although it appears to be more idealistic than practical, as we might expect from, Wilson. As the leader of his party he might be able to commit it to suoh a method of procedure, but it is doubtful that the Republicans will look with any favor on tho idea. As to Huerta, he simply reiterates that the policy of "watchful waiting" shall be continued. He states again that Huerta is a usurper, that he must go and that we of this country are not only "the friends of con stitutional "government in America," but that "we are more than its friends; we are its champions, be cause in no other way can our neigh bors to whom we would wish in every way to make proof of our friend ship, work out their own develop ment in peace and liberty." Huerta, the dictator, however, is not to be disturbed, as "every day his power and prestige are crumbling, and the collapse is not far away." He hopes to see constitutional order restored in Mexico "by the concert and energy of such of her leaders as prefer the liberty of their people to their own ambitions." Where such people as this are to be found in Mexico, how they will come to the" frqnt even after Huerta has collaps ed and how they will be enabled to set ud the new dispensation, the Idealistic President does not state He wante tho currency bill passed Tell the public what you have for sale by using the display and cent-a-word columns of The Citizen. HOT BLANKETS SAVE WOMAN FROM DEATH. New York. Mrs. Ada Weisberger, 3S years old, has been discharged from a Hospital as completely re covered from the effects of fifteen grains of poison which she swallow ed by mistake twenty-one days ago. No operation was performed. The treatment consisted in keep ing Mrs. Welsberger wrapped in steaming hot blankets during the first fifteen days. These blankets were dipped in boiling water and changed every fifteen minutes. At the same time all windows in the room were kept open that the pa tient might have a continuous supply of fresh air. A diet of milk, eggs, flour and sweet oil was adhered to throughout the twenty-one days. HUNTING COSTS 135 LIVES Wisconsin Heads the Death Roll With 20 Fatalities. ... . . At - . xno nunting season which ehdeil Dec. 1 cost 135 lives In 21 States! according to a tabulation by a paper! in addition, 14U persons were Injur! ed, several of them fatally. WisconJ sin was the chief sufferer of tho seal son, with a total of 29 dead and 2 'J injured. Michigan camo next wltll 28 dead and 16 injured. New Yorll was third with 19 dead and one in I jured. The careless handling of weapon! was the chief cause of death. Thirl ty-seven persons lost their lives a their own hands. Twenty-four othl ers shot themselves but escaped witll lesser injuries. The careless travell Ing companion was held responsible tor zi deatns and one injured. The man who shoots everything he sees moving in the bushes waJ held responsible for 17 deaths antl iu injuries, sixteen hunters weni drowned while searching for came. It was estimated that 60,000 huntl ers were in the field in Michigan antl Wisconsin alone, and with the thousfl ands who took tho trail in Minnel sota, Pennsylvania, Maine and Nevi York the total is placed at more that! 100,000. ,DIE SAME WAY 35 YEARS APART Thirty-five years ago at 1 a. m. last Monday John Purcell, of Towanda, Pa., died from a fall which fractured his skull. At the precise hour yes terday his widow died from a frac tured skull inflicted by a similar fall. Both husband and wife lived nine days after being hurt. MRS. FRIEDEWALD TALKS ON "INSIDE THE CUP.'I Before a large audience of teacher! of the various kindergartens and others in the assembly room of tin! Administration building, Scrantorfl Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Salo Friedel wald gave a reading and talk on Winl ton Churchill's great book, "InsidJ the Cup." About one hundred and fifty womj en were In attendance. The reading lasted for about an hour. The affali was enjoyable throughout. Mrs. Frledewald will read ill Honesdale Saturday afternoon fronl "Richard Feverel," by George Mere dith. The reliable real furs at MenneJ & Co.'s stores. 96t4 OUR STORE WILL CLOSE MONDAY EVENINGS, AT 9 O'CLOCK OUR STORE WILL CLOSE MONDAl EVENINGS, AT 9 O'CLOCK A new line of cosy coats for winter wear at Menner & Co. 96t4 ij afted From astangton $3 'St. Death of Mrs. L. K. Ham. Ella D. Hewitt, daughter of the Rev. J. W. ,and Clarissa Wright Hew itt, was born March 8, 1853, In Bar ton, Tioga county, N. Y was one of a family of seven children, two sis ters, Mrs. S. J. Blewer, of Horriell, N. Y., and Mrs. W. H. Bushnell of Dun more, Pa., of whom survive. Her father for many years was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. In early infancy she was conse crated to the service of the Saviour and all through her life she endeav ored to follow His teachings. In her young womanhood she taught school for a season and October 1, 1871, was married to Lucius K. Ham at Slat ersvllle, Tompkins county, N. Y. They Immediately came to Fulton county, which locality, with the ex ception of about two and one-half years which was spent in Kansas, has been her home. To this union were born four children, Lewis H. of Mor- ence, Mich.; Mrs. Nellie May Dill, of Wauseon, Ohio; Edward J. of Mor- ence, Mich,, and Mrs. Bertha L. Ran dell, of Albion, Mich., who with her bereaved husband and eleven grand children survive. October 25, 1913, she underwent an operation for a serious malady and for a time some hopes were en tertained for her recovery, but medi cal skill and tender, loving care were unavailing and surrounded by those she loved so well she passed from the scenes of earth at the beginning of a new day, November 28. She will be sadly missed from her accustomed place In the home and the cheery greeting to friends and loved ones will no more be heard. But we mourn not as those without hope for the promise of eternal life was very dear to her and in her last illness expressed the desire to bo at rest with her Saviour. Though our hearts are torn with the anguish of parting, no more to meet this side of the grave, we would not call her back, for she "has 'borne tho burden in the heat of the day" and to her weary form has come rest, blessed rest. Those from a distance who at tended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Randall of Albion, Mich.; Dr. C. B. Ham of Toledo, Ohio; Wm. Ham and Miss Hah of Raymond, O.; T. J. Ham, of Clyde, O.J G. M. Keyes, of Morence, Mich.; Clevo and Henry Harrison and Roice D, Dill of To ledo, O. Congress on Monday closed up the extraordinary session which began April 7', and settled down to the grind of .the regular "long" session, expected to last' well into next sum mer. Only the absolutely necessary formality marked the ending of the old session and the beginning of the new. The Senate was at work practically all day, and at a short night session completed the first reading of the Currency bill, but adjourned without a formal onenlng of the debate. Sen ator Owen announced that lie ex pected discussion of the measure to open late tomorrow. Raw Wool On Free List. Raw wool went on the free list Monday under the provisions of the new tariff act. Figures on wool that has been held in bonded ware houses waiting admission free of duty are not available here, but It is esti mated that probably '$1,000,000 worth was In bond in New York alone. Providence, R. I. Millmen Tues day withdrew from bond here 1, 300,000 pounds of wool after wait ing for the wool free-list to become effective. AT NO TIME OF THE YEAR ARE WE SO WELI ABLE TO MAKE OUR REGULAR MONDAY SALE S( IMPRESSIVE WITH BARGAINS. IT'S BUT 17 DAYS T( XMAS. THE WHOLE STORE IS FILLED TO THI BRIM WITH GOODS SUITABLE FOR XMAS GIFTS. MONDAY. DEC. 8 One Billion Dollars Asked. Congress Is asked to appropriate $1,108,681,777 to operate the Gov ernment of the United States during the fiscal year 1915, according to the estimates prepared by each depart ment and sent to the House by Secre tary McAdoo of the Treasury. With this vast sum the Government will maintain the battleships and forts, and the armies In the States and in the countries that border the seven seas; it will keep the scales of jus tice balanced; endeavor to retain the friendship of foreign nations, , look after domestic prosperity and seek at Intervals to discover how ways in which to better health, improve living conditions and investigate the merits of the thousand new things in industry and commerce that come to its attention. The estimates submitted are $22, 864,067 in excess of tho appropria tions for the last fiscal year, but their total falls $39,255,060 below the estimates for that year. The international tangle over the presence in the United States of J. Santos Zelaya, former President of Nicaragua, apparently was solved Monday by Zelaya agreeing to re turn to Barcelona, Spain, whence he came to New York a inbnth ago. were introduced by Chairman Adam son, of the House Interstate Com merce Committee. The bills strike at monopoly and suppression of com petition by combinations of capital. Mr.- Adamson explained that his1 measures were in line with the idea of defining rights and duties, and prescribing remedies and penalties to prevent discrimination and unfair dealing, rather than with the theory that to regulate commerce the Gov ernment must take charge of and operate It. The first bill would require rail roads to publish their schedules in every county through which they run, and authorize, after contracting at regular rates for advertising, to ac cept the receipts for freight and pas senger fares. Another would authorize more completely the regulation and su pervision by tho Interstate Com merce Commission of issues of stocks and bonds, the disposition of the money obtained from them and the prevention of interlocking director ates. The third would provide for a com mercial directory to be published by the Secretary of Commerce, by which an individual, partnership or cor poration qualified to do business in its own State, territory or district might do so everywhere without ad ditional license or registration or re striction, except in compliance with police regulations. Trio of Rnilroad Bills. A trio of bills to regulate Inter state railroads and other corporations PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE IN TABLOID FORM. Mexico "Mexico has no govern ment." "Thero can be no certain prospect of .peace in America until General Huerta has surrendered his usurped authority." "The collapse is not far away." Farmers "Pending currency bill does the farmers a great service." The farmer "Is the servant of the seasons." "The farmer and the' gov ernment will henceforth work togeth er as real partners." , Business "Let the Sherman anti trust law stand unaltered, but re duce the debatable ground" by "more explicit legislation" to make It "fair er to all concerned." Special mes sage promised. ' Presidential Primaries "I urge the prompt enactment of legislation which will provide for primary elec tions throughout tho country at which the voters may chooso their nominees for tho presidency." United States Territories Ulti mate independence in the Philip pines, Perfected self-government in Hawaii. Mines Provide a fair and effective employers' liability act. "Social jus tice comes first. Law is the machin ery for Us realization." Grocery Departments: Best Granulated Sugar, 25-pound bag, per bag SI .2 Good Quality Bulk Coffee, 25c value, per pound 22 Crisco, purely yegetable, 25c value, per can . J 23 Creso Crackers, the family favorite, 2 packages for. . . . ,5 None-Such Mince Meat, special, per package. n. ?( Colegate's Octagon Soap, 6 bars for 25 i Good Quality Canned Corn, 13c value, per can ( Hallock's Vanilla, 10c value, per bottle Si Full Cream Cheese, per pound ' 20 Good Quality No. 7 Broom, 35c value, each 30 Cape Cod Cranberries, special, per quart. . JQ Other Departments-Main Floor New Silk Crepe de Chene, 50c value, per yard 43 1 Extra Width Dress Goods, $1.06 and $1.25 val., per yd. . 79a Best Quality Outing Flannel, special, per yard 9i Yard Wide English Percale, 13c value, per yard Mixed Wool Socks, all colors, 15c value, per pair ( Ladies' Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs in holly boxes, 29c value, each 23c 24 in. Renaissance Squares, 75c value, each 43i Wool Sweaters, assorted colors, $2.50 value, each $1 ,9c Men's Suspenders, in holly boxes, 50c value, each 43 i Ladies' Kid Gloves in holly boxes, $1.00 value, per pair 7 9 CM Yard Wide Bleached Muslin, special, per yard Mercerized White Goods and Shirtings, 19c val, per yd. ( Ladies' Stylish Trimmed Hats, $5.00 and $6.00 val., ea.-S3.8i Second Floor Specials Ladies' Black Coney Muffs, special, each. $2.59 Kelly Green and American Beauty Sateen Skirts, each . 89 C Ladies' Muslin Gowns, $1.00 value, each. ..." 79 1 Infants' Short White Dresses, 29c and 35c val., each. . . 25 i Ladies' Percale Waists, 50c and 59c value, each 43 1 9x12 Tapestry Brussell Rugs, $15.00 value, each SI 2. 50 Fine all wool White Blankets, slightly seconds, $3.00 val., each SI. 89 Lace Curtains, including angle rods, $1.60 val., per pair. SI . 9 27x54 Axminster Rugs, $1.89 value, per pair SI .60 Katz Bros. Inc. NOTICE-Monday Specials are sold for Cash.
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