The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 05, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
THE CITIZEN, FfclDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1913. PAGE THREE Bell Service Spans the Distance . Miles may separate your home from the stores and time-consuming trains or trolleys make the "going" hard. But the Bell Telephone knows neither time nor distance and YOU may be "next door" to the shops and stores if you Use the Bell. In these days of fall preparations, a Bell Tele phone would be a mighty help. Call the Business Office to-day. "Practice the Telephone Smile." 0 WIT SE LEV 1 rnnmnnt iiiimnn nntn nut thn iGoiuoiii miouii uuio uui 1110 New Year's Reception. 'STRAIN (IN PRFflFRHMMRS any Had to Have Arms Hnnrinnnri Ancr nanasnaKinn uraeai univ Twice In a Century Has This An nual tvent ueen Omitted. President Wilson has shnttcrcd nn- .ncr iiroiiMifnr. nnn nr 11mm r hid n niirrvi von re KtntifMiin' line nit limr'fMi rnnr 1 nrn w im ha rum n For many years it has been custom- . 1U1 LUU UiL'MUUIiL III III I III men niiniie v rn mi wnn nntnn n nni uauujgLuu ior u urier nouuay vaea- Only twice in the hundred Years of miw uuusB uistury mm mis tiimuui smm noon n nn 11 n nn rv 1 in ti nm nf umnistrnuon or iresiaciit jucivinicy, hen. nwlner tn trmrtonth nf lila mnflinr December, there was no reception TRENGTH FOR OLD PEOPLE Old people, to overcome the weak- 1? n n hcr. mmn mnn : vprv rum 1nt.fl.1f a 1n HRlncr Rn-7n.11 firl "rpmfl. rs' mar. rnniJi n nifnnni nnn nnn- IIIIIH III 111 I -I III III I II IT lirillTH. I )! n t 11 1 r hi 11 t r. npnnn r 1 r vnnn nnn IKUlClia IUCLU UU U. 1ILL1U IUBL ill Lt3I If In rr n. ilnfiA. Ipn rla tliAm tr Itrin. ueu n isii c. itemeaies iaai reiy ir Liieir kih on sucn fiecHiL. nn rm nnnniiRn run m rr ptpitoitirtit the nerves and heart leaves them ursw iuuu muy wero uuiuiu. Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion is a real Rnin nH si. Rn nnn n nnnv nnn r ATI ctri-hiil lrl fir PHnpMnllv p-nnrl fnr n nennlA. henn.iiRA it. fiirnlshps tn iUUllU WUSLeil L1HSUB8. BLFfjll IT LIlRIl H h 1 Hrves. irivHH iihw hiihtitv J1T1I1 3L nv not. mako vou reel hfittfir after days. But if you don't feel much it 1 A 1 LLcl UI1LL UCr UUlUId VUU UUVtl ikon a quarter as much as you nave t other medicines that didn't help 111 1.11.. t..A V. n 1 . III IIIIIIIC. 1 11UL 3 LCI LU1 li 1 T U mlinl nn.lnlnt.. n muni 11 Hill. The four Hypophospnltes it con- lins are used by leading, physicians ability to disease, to tone and rencmen me nerves. 1'uresL uiive siiv.fiifrnRTRn rnniiH kiiiiwii. iihiiiit ikon with the hypophosphltes, gives nli tissue nourishment to tne enure You who are weak and rundown, nd you "who are apparently well ow, but are liable to suffer from arlous weather ailments use Itexall nil nnil Rtronc. For the tlred-out. HU-UUWJl, UUJVUU9, cuiautvwu Ul UD llltated the convalescing grow- lg children aged people It is a i ewed strength, better spirits, glow ig health. If It does not help you, our money will bo given back to ou without argument. Sold In this fiynll Stnrn nnn nf -more than 7.- 00 leading drug stores In the United tates, Canada and Great Britain. '-'"ill,, tj nnnjj The Bell Telephone Co. of Pa. T. A. Garvey, Local Mgr., Carbon dale, Pa. on Jttn. J. lierore- that, In President Cleveland's ndnilnlstrntlon, the recep tion was callejl off on New Year's morning because of tbo death of the daughter of the secretary of state, Thomas P. Rnyard. Thousands of Hands to Shake. The New Year's reception was par ticipated In by the entire diplomatic corps, supremo court, both houses of congress, all the high officials of the national government and all nrmy. nnvy and marine officers in or near Washington. It also was the occasion on which thousands of American citi zens from the private walks of life stood in line for hours for the chance of entering the White House and shak ing hands with the president. There nre many Indications that the reception will not bo revived duriug the present administration. For many years officials at the White House have protested mildly against the traditional ceremony, which they felt involved cer tain discomfort to the president and his family, besides considerable respon sibility for the secret service men controlling the enormous crowds. Many presidents have suffered great pain as a result of having their hands wrung so often in one day. President Roosevelt is said to have shaken the hands of 8,000 people one New Year's day, aud even his powerful physique felt the strain. Other presidents have had to have their arms wrapped In bandages and rubbed with ointment for several days following the public re ception. These are not the only reasons, how ever, that are thought to Influence President Wilson In abandoning the re ception. Just before ho took office ho let it be known that he was opposed to the inaugural ball. Then a recep tion was suggested, and ho opposed that. It was said at the time that If tlio managers of the Inauguration In sisted on a ball he would attend, but the members of his family would not accompany him. It is believed that the decision regarding the New Year's reception Is a logical sequel of his at titude toward the ball. The secretary of state and Mrs. Bry an will glvo the annual breakfast to the diplomatic corps regardless of the change of plan nt the White House. This attention from the secretary of state to tbo diplomats has come to bo only a little less Important than the Whlto nouse reception. Feels Need of a Rest. According to the announcement made from the White House, President Wil son feels tho need of n complete rest, which be can take more conveniently at Christmas than at any other time. He Is contemplating a short out of town trip and docs not wish to bo obliged to return to Washington before the reassembling of congress early In tho new year. Tho authoritative an nouncement on' the subject is as fol lows: "The usual Now Year recentlon of tho president will not be held Jan. f!f 1914. The departure from custom on this occasion Is duo to tho fact that tho president will not be In Washing ton at that time. Owing to tho Ions session of congress, tho president has had 'no vacation since his Inaugura tion. As tbo approaching session of congress will bo the long session, the only opportunity for tho president to secure a rest will be during tho usual holiday recess of congress." It Is posslblo that President and Mrs. Wilson may pass Now Year's day in tho canal zone, as tho secretary of war has urged the president to make Pana ma the objective point of his vacation trip. The president and Mrs. Wilson lire, however, reported as not being anxious to mako the' Panama trip at this time, because tbey expect to at tend tho formal celebration in 1f)1H NIAGAHA PALLS. THE TOWEIt HOTEL is located directly opposite the Falls. Rates are reasonable. lfleoily Subscribe now for The Citizen. J Brothers Aged Twelve' and c ' Nina Also Take Up Arms. i Photo bv American Press Association Inc'nclcil nmoiiR Genernl Villa's nrmy nre n number of boys, many as young as nine years. In many cases thoy nccom pinv their father, who Is fighting against Hncrta. It Is said they show remarkable nrve In the face of powder and never flinch. KIlliD IN STRIKE RIOT. Police Fire Into Crowd In Indianapolis Teamsters' Strike. Indianapolis, Dec. 3. Claude Lewis, a negro, ngod nineteen, was killed and four men were wounded, one probably fatally, In a strike riot when six spe cial police officers, riding on an Ice wagon, shot into a crowd which tried to stop the wagon in Indiana avenue. Tlie special officers wore taken to the police station, but It was said they would bo released as soon as tbey made a statement. Tho four injured are J. II. Mason, negro barber, shot in- abdomen, prob ably fatal; John Ashley, forty-eight, shot in left foot: Archie Smith, negro porter, shot In left shoulder; Alexander Sedan, shot hi neck, not serious. Tho wagon had stopped to unload Ice at a saloon. A largo crowd gath ered and began booting the six men on the wagon, who had been given police powers in order to protect tho Ice com pany's property during the teamsters strike. After the ice bad been unloaded the crowd tried to prevent the wagon mov ing down the avenue. Then tho special officers opened fire, and nt tho first vol ley Lewis, Mason, Smith and Sedan, who were In the front ranks of tho crowd, fell. Ashley was almost half a block away when he was hit by a stray bullet. Mayor Wallace ordered the police to disperse a parade which was proposed by the teamsters nnd chauffeurs. The police kept the crowd about labor headquarters moving and did not glvo the men n chance to start a demon stration. As an additional help to the police In preventing tho parade one of tho fire department's largo automobiles was loaded with policemen armed with riot guns. The machine was run through tho downtown streets, scattering the pedestrians. More wagons wero In operation to day, It was reported. The wholesalers who refused to risk their wagons on tho streets yesterday sent out a num. ber of loads of goods to freight depots and outlying stores. The department stores, however, still decline to mako deliveries. ASKS MILLION OF GRAND TRUNK Westinghouse Concern Alleges Breach of Contract on Terminal. Boston, Dec. 3. Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co. of New York filed In tho United States district court a suit for $1,000,000 against the Grand Trunk railroad, alleging breach of con tract In the construction of a terminal station and equipment at Toronto. Tho Westinghouse firm alleges that under tho contract raado in 1000 they were to receive cost plus 1C per cent for construction of the station and cost plus 15 per cent profit on equip ment and that tho defendant companj did not live up to tho contract. The entire construction cost was $9,000,00!. Suit was filed In this district becnus Grand Trunk officers are here. CAPTAIN OF MARINES IN JAIL. Charged With Murderous Assault on His Mother-in-law. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 3. Because she refused him permission to see his son, for whom ho has instituted habeas cor pus proceedings, Captain Ernest E. West of the marine corps, stationed at San Francisco, but now homo on a visit, is alleged to have made an attack on Mrs. John H. Jones, his mother-in-law, and to have Injured her. no is under arrest charged with as sault with Intent to murder nnd with drunkenness and disorderly conduct Yeggs Find Safe Empty. Syracuse, N. Y., Dec. 3. Following what seemed to bo a monthly custom, yeggs again cracked tho postofflco safo at Liverpool, across tho lake from Syracuse, but this time wero fooled for Ihelr pains. Tho safe had not been re paired since the last robbery a few weeks ago nnd tbo postmaster had Uncle Sam's valuables In the hip pock et of his trousers. -0-NA STOPS ALL STOMACH DISTRESS Why suffer with that uncomfort able feeling of fullness, headaches, dizziness, sour, gassy, upset stomach, or heartburn? Get relief at once delays are dangerous. Buy to-day now a fifty cent box of Ml-o-na Tablets. Their action is sure, safo and Immediate. There Is no more effective stom ach remedy than Mi-o-na. Besides quickly stopping the distress Mi-o-na soothes the irritated walls of the stomach, strengthens and builds up the digestive organs, thus assisting nature in tho prompt digestion of tho food your entire system Is bene fited, you will enjoy good health. Do not suffer another day get a box of Mi-o-na Tablets from Pell, the druggist. Take them as directed and see how quickly you get relief. Dec. 5 & 12. 11IGELOAV CASE IS TO BE PRE CEDENT. A test caso that will establish a precedent for the wholo State Is to bo made of the Indictment of High way Commissioner E. M. Bigelow and other Highway Department offi cials at Sunbury. If the Northum berland county court refuses to quash tho indictment the case will be appealed. Argument was heard Friday at Sunbury on tho motion of H. S. Knight, of Sunbury, local counsel for the. State, to quash the Indictment found against tho commissioner and other officials for falling to maintain a road between Shamokln and Mount Carmel. The argument was made by Attorney General John C. Bell and Deputy William M. Hargest and the brief for the State raises several questions of far-reaching conse quence. They include these points: Tho Highway Commissioner Is the agent of the State, which is sov ereign. The commissioner Is not like sup ervisors, who have power to levy taxes for improvements and main tenance, and who can be indicted; the commissioner can only spend what is voted to him by the Legisla ture and Is subject to a criminal pros ecution if he does not draw it tho way the law provides or overdraws. The commissioner is given dis cretionary powers. Mr. Bell also showed the state of the finances of the Highway Depart ment and that the money was not available for all demands. He furth er stated that Mr. Bigelow was un well and that If the Northumberland Indictment stood he could be Indicted In sixty-seven other counties and do nothing except appear in court to an swer suits caused by his Inability to do things for which he did not have the money. W H. H. Oram, who is prosecuting the case, said very kindly that If Mr. Bigelow was sick he should resign and demanded that the Northumber land road be fixed up. LOOKOUT. Lookout, Dec. 3. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hill and sons and Mrs. Schultz recently spent the day at Arthur Par son's at Pine Mill. Mrs. Georgo Kellam and Mrs. Charles Clauson and daughter, Lena, spent a few days last week at Wal ter Anderson's at Pine Mill. Mr. and Mrs. Millard Teeple and daughter, Mildred, of Pond Eddy, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clauson of Honesdale, Fred Knapp and friend of Norwich, N. Y., were Thanksgiving guests at E. Teeple's. Lydla Flynn, a nurse from Port Jervls, N. Y., is spending some time at her home at this place. Ezra Maudsley, of Damascus, was a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Maudsley on Thursday last. Wm. Varcoo recently purchased a fine driving horse at Stockport, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brinnlng of Union, spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. A. Doney. Shop early and help the clerk in the stores. FOR THE HAIR If your hair is too dry brittle color less thin stringy or falling out use Parisian Sage now at once. It stops itching scalp, cleanses the hair of dust and excessive oils, removes dand ruff with one application, and makes the hair doubly beautiful soft fluffy abundant. Try a 50c. bottle to-day. It will not only save your hair and make it grow, but give it the bsauty you desire. Tor Sale by G. W. TELL. Honesdale Dime RESOURCES. Loans $ 505,381.00 Bonds and Mortgages.'.. 218,350.80 Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 21,000.00 Cash and due from banks 81,070.17 Overdrafts ,18 The eight years' healthy growth and prosperous condition of this bank Indicates public confidence In the safety and Integrity of Its management. Our constant endeavor lias been to render n bonking scrvlco second to none, thoroughly adapted to tho needs of this community, nssurlng tho sumo wclcomo to tho small depositor ns to tho ono with larger business to transact. E. O. MUMPORD, President AV. P. RIEPLER, Vlco-Presldent BUSINESS CONDITIONS AT A GLANCE. Steel mills contlnuo to curtail op erations by reducing working days, hours and tho number of workers. Half schedules by Christmas are pre dicted for the trade as a whole. Rail mills are especially in need of speci fications. Greater competition among the wire drawers resulted in a drop of $1 per ton in all sections last week, and $2 per ton In the south end of the Ohio valley. Nails are now selling at $1.50 to $1.55, and plain wiro nt $1.30 to $1.35 for im mediate specifications, yet the largest interests are accumulating stocks bo fore mill operations are cut down to tho minimum. Tin plate mills also are accumulating stock, although fair orders are coming from can manufacturers and meat and salmon packers. Steel building work throughout the country continues light. TUBERCULOSIS SUNDAY DEC. 7. Tuberculosis day is to be observed again this year, Dec. 7, and n general notico of it is asked. While the work is being done to stamp out this needless disease, its ravages do not attract the attention they should, because they occur separately and in dividually. A Titanic disaster gets the big headlines, while the efforts to stop an infinitely more destructive disease attract comparatively little notice. When will some people learn the menace to health caused by tho habit of spitting on sidewalks and other public places? Ten years ago it is recalled that In one of the most Intelligent cities of the country, an anti-spitting ordinance was hooted out of the city council, as an infringe ment on every day privileges,. There has been a gain since then, but the habit continues. A man may have no communicable disease himself, but every time he expectorates on the walk, he encourages some victim of tuberculosis toMo his deadly work. It is in this way that the majority of cases are distributed. Pittston Ga zette. GROWTH OP CEMENT. No less than 83,351,191, barrels of Portland natural and other cements were produced in the United States in 1912, according to an advance statement by Ernest F. Burchard, of the United States geological survey. This great quantity represented a value of $C7, 401,513, an Increase of 3,803,233 barrels, valued at $756, 377, over tho preceding year. Of this "cement, 82,438,090 bar rels, valued at $G7,01G,928, were Portland cement, and 821,231 bar rels, valued at $307,222, of natural cement. During the year tho shipments of Portland cement amounted to 85, 012,550 barrels, valued at $69,109, 800, as compared with 75,547,829 barrels, valued at $C3,762,G38, In 1911. The average price per barrel by these figures was 81.3 cents in 1912, as against 84.4 cents in 1911, This represents the value of tho ce ment in bulk in tho mills, including labor and cost of packing, but not the value of sacks and barrels. The average price per barrel through the country was 13.9 cents higher than it was in the Lehigh dis trict, where It was sold at the cheap est rate, and was near the average price received in the Iowa-Missouri district, but was 54.5 cents lower than the price brought along the Pa cific coast where It was the highest. STATE'S BIG INCOME. Harrlsburg, Dec. 2. The income of the state of Pennsylvania for the fiscal year ending Saturday has broken all records by more than $3, 000,000. The aggregate in round figures is $35,400,000 as compar ed with $32,372,000 last year. Cor poration taxes this year amounted to $21,000,000. LINCOLN MEMORIAL. Washington, Dec. 1. Ground was broken today f6r the $2,000,000 Lin coln memorial In Washington's beau tiful Potomac park. The building will bo of Colorado yule. Our GOLD TABLETS if used promptly will make short work of a cold. (X Th chambers PHARMACIST, Honesdale, - Pa. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF HONESDALE, PA. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 103,203.00 Deposits 028,530.82 $831,823.01 OFFICERS. BE JEALOUS OF THE BEAUTY OF YOUR HAIR In other words, ho careful of it. Tho beauty of your hair depends up on its health. If It's beautiful, it's healthy. To mako It glossy, bright, silky-soft to mako It fall moro eas ily Into the graceful, wavy folds of tho coiffure to mako It stay where you put It use Harmony Hair Beau tlfler. This dainty liquid dressing is just what It is named a beautl fier. If your hair is beautiful now, use it to mako It even moro so, and to preserve Its loveliness. If It Is not beautiful now, Harmony Hair Beautlfier will Improvo Its appear ance In a way to please you, or money back. Its rose fragrance will overcome tho oily smell of your hair. Easy to apply simply sprinkle a lit tle on- your hair each time before brushing it. Contains no oil; will not change color of hair, nor darken gray hair. To keep hair and scalp dandruff free and clean, use Harmony Sham poo. This pure liquid shampoo gives an instantaneous rich lather that Immediately penetrates to every part of hair and scalp, insuring a quick, thorough cleansing. Washed off just as quickly, the entire operation takes only a few moments. Con tains nothing that can harm tho hair; leaves no harshness or sticki ness just a sweet cleanliness. Both preparations come In odd shaped, very ornamental bottles, with sprinkler tops. Harmony Hair Beautlfier, $1.00. Harmony Sham poo, 50c. . Both guaranteed to satis fy you In every way, or your money back. Sold in this community only at our store The Rexall Store one of tho more than 7,000 leading drug stores of the United States, Canada and Great Britain, which own tho big Harmony laboratories in Boston, where the many celebrated Harmony Perfumes and Toilet Preparations are made. A. M. Leine, Honesdale. IF YOU Want a Cook Want a Clerk Want a Partner Want a Servant Girl Want to Sell a Piano Want to Sell a Carriage Want to Sell Town Property Want to Sell Your Groceries Want to Sell Your Hardware AUVERTISE. Advertising Is tne Way to Success Advertise Regularly in This Paper Advertising Brings Customers Advertising Keeps Customers Advertising Insures Success Advertising Shows Energy Advertising Shows Pluck Advertising or Bust Advertise Long Advertise Well ADVERTISE BUY A FARM HOUSE HOTEL "WOODLAND LAKE SUMMER COTTAGE BUILDING LOT POULTRY FARM: PACTORY FACTORY SITE SURETY BONDS SICK INSURANCE FntE INSURANCE ACCIDENT INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INS. PARCEL POST PLATE GLASS BOILER INSURANCE IiUi'E INSURANCE "Write, Call or 'Phono. Real Estate FASSHAUER Licensed Broker 647 Main St., Honesdale, Pa. 9 Bank, 831,823.01 If You Want To JOSEPII A. FlSCn, Cashier CLARENCE WRIGIIT, Asst. Cash. . M. Iyfilnn. TTnnpsnnln. Pa.