PAGE EIGHT THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 19 13. WAITS Ml SHIPS Secretary of Navy Daniels fssues First Report. fAVOKSBiG BUILDING PROGRAM Recommends Construction of Ten Dreadnoughts, Eight Destroyers and Threo Submarines Comments on the Reduction of Arma ment For Army and Navy. Washington, Dec. 1. Josephus Dan lels, secretary of the navy, haB made public bis first annual report, one of the chief features' of which 1b the an nouncement df his '''building program" for the navy and. his recommendation of the authorization by the present congress of the construction, .of two Dreadnoughts, eight destroyers nnd three submarines. He admits that it will be observed that thiB is not o large program, but says that 'It 1b n progressive one" and meets the de mands to go forward in tho continua tion of "an adequate and well propor tioned navy." Mr. Daniels says that wo now have under construction six battleships of the largest and most approved type and adds: "With the authorization of two of the largest battleships ever construct ed before tho closo of the present ad ministration, the United States will have enough ships to have always a creditable and capable floet In both the Pacific and tho Atlantic oceans. These, together with the smaller ships under construction, will make the American navy one of strength and power, ready for the protection of American shores and American interests. "A steady building program of ad vancement from year to year will be necessary to glvo us 'an adequate navy,' tho goal of American needs and desires. Those Who Can't Be Pleased. "Those who bid against us stand still as to construction and will not approve this conservative program," tho secre tary continues. "Those who wish to hasten more rapidly In construction will not give it their approval. "It bos been recommended, after mature consideration, as a middle course of wisdom. It is a condition nnd not n theory that confronts us Tho revenues of the country do not permit so largo an expansion In narnl building as tho department might de eiro to enter upon nt this time." As to the reduction in armament the report says: "I trust that this country will take tho initiative and that steps will be taken by a conference of all the pow ers to discuss reduction of tho heavy cost of the nrmy and navy." Secretary Daniels says that "the time has como when the department should bo freed from excessive prices charged by private manufacturers of armor plate, guns and gun forcings, powder, torpedoes nnd other supplies and munitions," nnd recommends that appropriations be made for an armor plate factorj-, tho powder factory and tho torpedo works. "Tho ability to mako part of tho powder used has effected some reduc tion," ho declnres, "but tho depart ment Is still forced to buy too largo a quantity from tho powder trust at an exorbitant figure." In urging a sufficient appropriation to begin tho construction of n govern ment armor plant to relieve a situation which, ho says, "Is intolerable and at total variance with tho principle of economy In spending government money," Mr. Daniels says that It was sufficient to mention that only throe firms in tills country can manufacture armor plate "and that these firms have put in bids for armor plato seldom varying over a few dollars and in many instances being Identical to the cent" "It Is evident that without an armor plant of its own," tho secretary adds, "tho government In time of war or Im pending war would be entirely nt the mercy of these three manufacturers and obliged to pay practically what ever prices they asked." DIVES--TO HIS DEATH. Fearing Sanitarium, John Churchill, Inventor, Takes Fatal Plunge. New York. Dec. l.--FearIng that he would bo returned to tho King's Park sanitarium, where ho had been ror two years, John Churchill, an Inventor, Hilrtv.four vears old. committed sui cide, by leaping out of the' window of tho homo of bis urotner at, jzu bt John's nlaco. Brooklyn. Churchill had patented a number of inventions, but hud concentrated his mind on making, an absolutely nonre fillable bottle. So hard had he labored on the Invention that his nifnd Is said to linvo become affected, and two years ago he was sent to the sanitarium where ho was kept In confinement 1915DECEMBER 1915 I IS I M I T I W I IT I F1S 11 1213,14; 56 Z8.910U1213 14 15 6 17 18 19 20 2122242627 l2829l30Bin I FACES FINAL CRISIS Huerta Tottering, Is the Re port From Gapital. AMPiGO MENACED BY REBELS apturo of Mazatan, on West Coast, Leaves Sallna Cruz the Only Port Through Which Arms From Ja pan May Bo Landed. Mexico City, Dec. 1. There is strong Urong feeling here that General Hu- rrta Is close to his last stand. The government has been forced to admit the fall of imiwrtant northern strong holds, and It was also admitted that tho rebels had done such damage to tho railroad nnd telegraph lines that oncerted movements of federal troops ire barely possible. It is believed that the government hns received word that Guaymas has fallen as well as Mnzatlan, the other Important western port If this Is true the government will have hard work sotting to the cnpltnl the big shipment of arms and ammunition reported to be on the wny from Japan. If Guuymas has fallen the only Im portant Pacific port remaining In the hands of the federals is Sallna Cruz. The rebels have further disorganized tho federal cnmpalgn by the seizure of all the vast oil property of the Cow dray syndicate In the Tuxpan district The only way fuel oil can be shipped from the port for the use of the Na tional railways Is by water. The Constitutionalists under General Candldo Agullar have threatened to destroy the oil wells if the company continues to ship oil for the use of the railways. The company is reported to have yielded to the demands that they will supply no more oil to tho National railways, that no appeal will be made to tho Huerta government for protec tion nnd that the taxes will bo paid to tho rebel chiefs. The National railways use only oil for fuel, and the cutting off of the sup ply means that any considerable mili tary movement In that district must be abandoned by the government Tampico In Danger. Tnmplco is said to be in grave dan ger of capture. It Is reported that a body of rebels In the oil district left Xicotencatl presumably to cut the railroad from San Luis Potosl, having 1 ready destroyed tho Tnmplco-Mon- teroy road. This would completely solute Tampico from any land ap proach of the federals. It was reported that General Huerta had obtained a loan of 7,000,000 pesos from some unidentified source. The belief lur is that If tho report is true the loan will serve only to delay tho financial crisis a few weeks more nt best General Blauquet has assured Gen eral Huerta that the war department debt of 22,000,000 pesos would be paid, but where these funds are coming from has not been revealed. Instead of being paid with cash on Saturday, as Is customary,, the employees of tho Na tional railways received checkB to be cashed today. The obligations of the National railways must bo met this month, which causes much concern in government circles. Tho government finds it more difficult dally to raise funds. Tho Japanuso minister has requested Nelson O'Shaughnessy, the American charge d'affuirs, to protect Japanese on the west coast After consulting with Washington Mr. O'Shaughnessy replied that Amerlcun protection would bo ex tended to Japanese subjects. FATAL SCALDS FROM ENGINE. Engineer on Colorado Train Pinned Under It Against Mountain. Denver, Dec. 1. James Duffey, en gineer of n passenger train bound hero du tho Colorado and Southern railway, was scalded to death when his engine ran Into tho side of a snow covered mountain opposite Blnckhawk, near Central City. The fireman, Charles A, Russell, was hurled through the cab window and landed seventy-five yards down the mountain sldo. Ills right ear was torn off. Duffey was pinned under the engine for two hours before rescuers could reach him, but they were helpless until a ditch had been dug through tho snow and frozen earth, through which he was taken out Uoth the englno nnd the smoking car rero overturned. Tho express messen ger, Francis Noonan, 'wns burled under tho car. but escaped Injury. The pas senger cars remained on tho track. No passengers were injured. HUSBAND SLAYER TO PRISON, Mrs. Wasserleben Fails In Appeal Against Alabama Conviction. Mobile, Ala., Dec. 1. After a legal fight lasting nearly two years against her conviction Mrs. Virginia Theresa Wasserleben. found guilty of tho mur der of her husband. Frederick Wasser leben, a pollco officer. In December, IWl, nnd sentenced to life Imprison' pent, wns taken to the state convict arm to begin her sentence. Sho pro fessed to believe that "spirits" would save her. Her motherMrs. Mary T. Godou, a cripple, ijdlso serving a life tei;m for tho murder, which was committed to obtain life insurance to the amount of GOULDSBORO. Gouldsboro, Nov. 29. Flags are being rapidly placed in all the school rooms in this section. Last Saturday evening the P. O. S. of A. at Toby hanna presented all tho schools In the townBhlp, including three high schools, with not only a large flag for their pole, but with a flag for each room and introduced the flag sa lute at tho opening exercises. Prof. J. A. Kunkle, principal of the Toby hanna schoolfe,- acted as chairman of the ceremonies. Ira LaBar, dis trict attorney of Monroe county, gave a very fine address, that was greatly appreciated. Mrs. G. A. Kerllng, the department patriotic instructor of the W. R. C, talked on patriotic work in tho schools. The school had very fine exercises and closed by re peating the flag salute in unison. Flags have 'been ordered by Miss Clare Foley, teacher of the Lehigh Glen school, Miss Spicher, teacher of the Fayette school, Miss Grace Crooks for the Lehigh school, Miss Ruth Thomas of Dalevllle, and Miss Propst of Hazard Home school. All of these and several others are to 'be presented in the year. Chaplain T. P. Swartz, W. R. C, of Moscow, is to present four large bunting flags to the Moscow school in the near fu ture. The Corps recently presented tho Gouldsboro schools with flags. While many of the schools have flags on the poles outside of tho school buildings, a geat many, es pecially in the small district schools, have not had the flags in the school rooms. The patriotic societies throughout are endeavoring to have a flag placed in every school room in the United States and the flag salute repeated at the opening exercises every morning. Flags are also be ing placed in many Sunday school rooms. Cards have been received here announcing the marriage of Miss urace mizaDetn uowie, or uaston, to Harry Wllmer Markel, of Greens burg. The ceremony occurred at the home of the bride at noon Wednes day, Nov. 25. The bride was at tended by her sister, Alpha Bowie and the groom by his brother. A wedding dinner and reception was held immediately afterwards. The bridal party departed for an extend ed trip through the South. . The bride, who lived here for several years with her grandmother, Mrs. Etna Staples, has many friends here who wish her a long and happy mar ried life. The groom, a, graduate of Lafayette College, 1910, Is principal of tho high school at Bollver, where they will make their home. Mrs: Staples, who was at Easton to at tend the wedding, has returned home. Dorothy Mae O'Boyle, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James O Boyle, and Fred Hager Rhodes, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Rhodes, were recently married at Bingham- ton, N. Y. The Ish Ki Bible class gave the bride a variety shower. Many pretty and useful gifts were received. The following were pres ent: Misses Mabel and Llnnian Hawke, Mabel and Annie Flower, Minnie Courtney, Annie Kintzer, Florence Gruver, (Mildred Sebrlng, Messrs. Dennis Shay, George Se aring, Howard Flower, Arthur and Russel O'Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. Jnmes O'Boyle, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rhodes. The young couple are very popular and are receiving the hearty congratulations of their many friends. Rev. Clarence R. Hickok, pastor of the Court street M. E. church, Scranton, will preach In the M. E. church Tuesday, Dec. 4th, and ad minister the Holy Sacrament. A largo number from here attend ed tho lecture given by Rev. Wa man, of Philadelphia, at the Dale vllle M. P. church Thursday eve ning. Gouldsboro Lodge, No. 298, I. O O. F had as their guest Wednes day evening tho Grand Master of the State, Fred C. Hanyen, of Scranton. Mrs. S. S. Hager is spending some time with her son, Mr. Hager, at Rozolle, N. J. Tho next regular meeting of Chap lain 'T. D. Swartz, R. R. C, will bo held Wednesday, Dec. 3, at which time the election of officers will be held for tho coming year. Mrs. Hager of South Sterling who has been spending several weeks here with her daughter, Margaret. returned home the last of the week. Her daughter is now he're. Margar et underwent an operation- at the Stajo hospital a couple of months ago for appendicitis and has since been at the home of Ernest Eadler, whero she has been critically 111. She is slowly gaining. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grac- er Saturday, Nov. 22, a son. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Grover Johnson of Sunnysido on Saturday, Nov. 22, a son. Cards have been received here an nounclng the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Latham of Phil adelphia. SEELYVILLE. Mrs. Schott of Lackawaxen, was a guest of her son George several days of last week. Charles Brown, of Scranton, spent a few days of this week with his uncle, George Ordnung, and other relatives. Susa Moser is spending this week in Brooklyn, N. Y., as the guest of her cousin, Edith Ulrlch Elizabeth Moser spent a few days of last week with friends at Forest City. Marie Martwlck is snendlng a few days of this week with relatives at Scranton and Clark's Summit. Mrs. William Swartz of South Ca naan spent Saturday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Shu- man. Ross Thomas of Carbondale spent Saturday and Sunday with friends hero. Allco Doney spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Gun- sauls of Forest City. Mrs. Walter Moules and Alice Ma tch ell spent a few days with their parents, Mr, and Airs.- Jacob Match eji of south Canaan, Allen Bryant, of Carbondale, was a guest of his parents, Mr, ana Mrs, Edgar Bryant, over Sunday. dale is home Buffering from a frac tured wrist. She is much Improved at this writing. George Evans and Wife left' here on Friday to attend the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. John Johns at Plttston. Henry Owens of Carbondale, spent the week end with relatives and friends here. WAYMART. Waymart, Nov. 29. A Thanks giving entertainment was given by the pupils of the Dwyer school, Canaan township, on Wednesday af ternoon, Nov. 25. The program was as follows: Nine Littlo Pumpkin Faces Exercise by Nino Pupils. Tho Reason Why ....Robt. Gilpin The Thanksgiving Turkey Sara J. Sncdeker Thanksgiving Fun Austin Lautenachlager The Turkey's Soliloquy. Beatrice Gilpin Thanksgiving Dinner Lizzlo Snedeker November Joseph Snedoker A Thanksgiving Wish Freddie LautenBchlager At Grandma's , .Anton Lautenschlager The Story of the Pilgrims (reading) Sara J. Snedeker Thanksgiving . Albert Lautenschlager A Mutual Mistake ...Robert Gilpin Tho Cat's, Thanksgiving Soliloquy Beatrice Gilpin Thanksgiving Day Austin Lautenschlager The Kitten's Thanksgiving Lizzie Snedeker Tho last number on the program was a laughable one. A large pa per turkey was pinned to the curtain and each pupil given a paper turkey head to put in place, the pupils to be blindfolded while doing this. Many patrons and friends of teach er and pupils attended. PLEASANT, MOUNT. Pleasant Mount, Nov. 29. On Wednesday evening, Nov. 2G, at 6 o'clock, at the parochial residence, occurred the marriage of Miss Teresa F., daughter of Garrett Kier nan, to Irving W. Bunnell' a busi ness man, both of Herrlck Center. The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. J. Crogan, pastor of St. James' church. The bride was hand somely attired in a blue coat suit with a white picture hat. The bridesmaid, Miss Mary Kiernan, a sister of tho bride, wore a blue coat with hat to match. The groom was attended by Mr. William O'Hara of Pleasant Mount. After tho cere mony the bridal party was driven to the home of the bride, whero a re ception was held for the immediate friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bunnell left on the 10 o'clock train for their honeymoon. They have a host of friends who extend their heartiest congratulations and wish them a happy wedded life. COMPLIMENTARY". "I tell my wife all I know." "Yes, she told ,my wife that you hardly say a thing to her." Answers. THE CITIZEN OFFERS YOU THIS ILLUSTRATED BOOK tins great uook wnicn contains over 050 nnery illustrated pages and is (handsomely and sub stantially bound in cloth. Now, then it is up to yon. It is your move. The Citizen" Publishing Co. Honesdale, Pa. '! Did Not. Know You Gould Buy Such Nice Things In a Hardware Store." That's what one of our lady customers said after she examined our big line of useful holiday gifts, and sho might havo truthfully added that our kind of holiday goods are always doubly appreciat ed because they are not only fine in appearance but always use ful and a constant pleasure to the recipient. Just a Few Suggestions: Rogers new pattern knives and forks, 21 dwts. silver, $4.50 per set. Gloves and mittens in Christmas boxes,. $. 25 to '$3.00 pr. Electric flashlights, always acceptable, '$1.00 to $3.50 each. Aluminum war for the kitchen, $.25 to $5.00 each. Driving Lamps and Lanterns, for those who need them, $.75 to $3.50 each. Keen Kutter Shears and Pocket Knives, $.25 to $1.50 each. Horse Blankets and Robes make real gifts, $1.50 to $15.00 each. Watch This Space for More Suggestions MURRAY CO. Home of Useful Christmas Gifts. Honesdale, Pa. SIKO. Siko, Dec. 1. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Ridd spent Thanksgiving at Port Jer vis as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Bolkcom. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. E. Plntler an Nov. 29. Tho Pleasant Valley W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Lizzie Eldred, Carley Brook, on Thursday after noon, December 4. .$1,000,000 TO BOOST PAItTV. Prohibitionists Plan to- Elect Ten Congressmen Next Year. Columbus, Nov. 29. Plans to raise a fund of $1,000,000 for the Presidential campaign of 19 16 and to elect 10 members of Congress next year have been outlined by a " Concentration Committee " of Prohibition party leaders. The "Concentration Committee " will decide later what 10 districts of the United States they will select as battle ground in the effort to ob tain representation in Congress for tho party. Shop early and help the clerk in the stores. AVIIAT IS IMPUKE AIR,? The Smithsonian Institution has recently published a revolutionary memoir by Prof. Leonard Hill and several collaborators, entitled " The Influence of the Atmosphere on Our Health and Comfort in Confined and Crowded Places." A main purpose of the memoir is to show that the chemical quality of the air in crowd ed and stuffy -rooms has nothing to do with its 111 effects, and that, apart from tho influence or infecting bac teria, the ventilation problem is es sentially one of the temperature, rel ative humidity and movement of the air. Tho ordinary tests of air for carbon dioxide are declared to be worthless. The percentage of car bon dioxide in the worst ventilated room does not rise above 0.5 or, at most, 1 per cent., whereas the norm al concentration of carbon dioxide in the lungs is from 5 to 6 per cent, of an atmosphere. Tho writers adduce a great number of experiments and observations to prove that percent ages regaded as deleterious or deadly by hygienists are quite harm less. They claim that it is also a fallacy to assume that a diminished amount of oxygen is harmful. At noted health resorts in tho Alps the barometer stands at such a height that the concentration of oxygen is far less than in the most ill-ventilated room. One unfortunato result of this fallacy is that tho laws regard ing ventilation of mines Insist on a high percentage ' of oxygen, and thereby increase the danger of mine explosions. Finally, the widespread belief in tho presence of an organic poison in expired air is equally er roneous. The smells of crowded rooms and the like are no indication that the air is deleterious. " The deaths in the Black Hole of Calcutta, the depression, headache, etc., in closo rooms, are alike due to heat stagnation; the victims of the Black Hole died of heat-stroke." Scienti fic American. FREE Dr. Cook's Book is just out, spic and span new. In it he tells the complete story of his journey to the top of the Earth. It is a thriller, and The Citizen is going to sell it. A lot of the books are on the way hot from the publishers. Al though the book sells for a dol lar, and is as large and fine as fcS MJ 4. 11V V V IT "J a copy i i :i lii in'i'rv new NTTiisrniir.r wiiu vonr'c cnhcrrtntinn T")rm't wait for a Citizen representa tive to call on you, but call at the office, or send in your sub scription at qnce so that you will bep-in rip-lit awav to receive o - ucr in vvavne cuuiiw in vuur nome twice a weeK, ana at tne same time get a FREE cony of er. a teacper at Palls