The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 02, 1913, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Gosstp From
mmxm f n
' T all depends upon the point of view," said Senator
Dillingham of Vo-niont "These political discus
sions around here, which convince no ono except
the persons talking, remind me of a farmer from
my own state.
"I had been traveling alt day in a buggy with a
friend. First wo would strike a grade that would take
us up, up, up, for live miles and then down, down,
down, for five miles. At the top of ono enormous climb
we saw the farmer in a fence corner. My friend asked
him in a jocular vein if there were 'any mountains
around here.'
"The old farmer spat a mouthful of tobacco juice before ho answered:
" 'Waal, 'I don't know ef there air any mountains
about here, but thpy're some all flred big hollows!'"
f. it
If you had been in Washington a few weeks ago you
might have seen tawny haired Victor Murdock of Kan
sas, militant, eager and optimistic leader of the Pro
gressive party in the house of representatives, on his
way to the Henry D. Cooke school with his little seven-year-old
daughter by his side.
It was the first day of school, and little Miss Mur
dock was going to enter the first grade. It was her
debut into public school circles.
Now, tho Henry D. Cooke school is an imposing edi
fice, said to bo one of the finest examples of school struc
ture in the country. Everything about it is imposing
the broad front steps, tho entry, the assembly ball. But
most imposing of all was the gentleman whom Repre
eentatlvo Murdock queried about tho requiremeuts of a
little stranger getting a seat in tho first grade.
Later Mr. Murdock found tho teacher of tho first
"Isn't it too bad a person has to go through so much
red tape to get a child in the public school?" asked Mr.
"There isn't any red tape. All you have to do Is to
bring the child and leave her. Wo do the rest."
"But I was talking to tho principal, and he told me
I would have to get allidavlts and certificates and a
dozen other things," said tho Progressive leader.
"Ho told you!" exclaimed the pretty teacher in sur
prise. "Our principal isn't a mau; it's a woman Mrs.
C. B. Smith."
Just then tho imposing looking man with whom Mur
dock had talked walked by.
"Isn't that tho principal?" he inquired. "He was the
man who told me."
"No, indeed, Mr. Murdock!" laughed tho teacher. "He
viCTon murdock. is not tho principal; he's our janitor!"
t. .
Tho youngest "ambassadress" who will take part in tho brilliant season
now begun In tho capital city is Mme. Riano, wife of tho former Spanish min
ister, who is now an ambassador. She was Miss Alice Ward of Washington.
Tho senate of tho United States has been called hard names on the Chau
tauqua platform, In the crossroads grocery stores and In the muckraking maga
zines. No one, however, would call It Illiterate, but If you don't think it Is an
alliterative body look at the list:
Ashurst of Arizona? Here!
Du Tont of Delaware? nere!
Fletcher of Florida? Here!
Myers of Montana? Here!
Norrls of Nebraska? Here!
i Newlands of Nevada? Here!
Owen of Oklahoma? nere!
Penrose of Pennsylvania? nere!
' Smith of South Carolina? nere!
Sterling of South Dakota? nere!
I Warren of Wyoming? Here!
Today's Short Story.
After Many f
A NTHONY OLCOTT was romantic.
J ne fell In love with Marguerite
Searle, and when her mother
would not consent to tho marriage ho
felt that the bottom had fallen out of
the universe. Marguerite would not
marry him without that consent, and
as there was no hope and ho felt ho
could not live near her and not possess
licr ho went to a point as far distant
from his eastern homo as lie could well
get within the limits of the United
States'. Ho settled in Soattle.
Marguerite married to suit her moth
er about a year after Olcott's de
parture, but Olcott did not hear of it
till long after and then pnly that she
was married.
Then Olcott's uncle died and loft him
11 fortune on condition that he should
take the uncle's name, nowe. Olcott
accepted tho terms and tho fortund
and went east to manage his estate.
He was now forty instead of twenty
and began to feel the necessity of a
Among those to whom ho was Intro
duced after his return to tho east was
a Mrs. Harding, a widow. Thero was
something about her that reminded
him of his old love. At any rate ho
made up his mind the first timo ho
saw her that she was tho woman he
wanted, no was hurried into a some
what precipitate proposal from tho
itact that she was preparing for a two
years absence in Europe, nowe de
termined to stop this if possible, and
tho only way ho knew to go about it
was to offer her the position ho had in
"I know," ho said to her, "that wo
havo both passed that romantic period
where we think we can love but onco.
I confess that my heart was given to
another when I was but half my pres
ent age, and I have been true In a ro
mantic point of view to tho girl I
loved and shall always be thus true.
But tho affection of more mature years
is still mine to give. That love I offer
"I, too," said tho widow, "havo pass
ed into that stage which you describe.
I havo had ono lovo in which my heart
was absolutely engaged, and I can nev
er have another such. But I can love
as you say, and If such a lovo Is ac
ceptable to you it Is yours."
Howe winced.
"There is a difference," ho said, "be
tween our cases. In yours tho object
of your love is dead; In mine she may
bo living, though, I confess, as to this
I am not informed. She married years
ago, since when I havo heard nothing
of her."
"You mistake," replied tho widow.
"My lato husband was not the love 1
refer to. In my girlhood I loved one
whom I could not marry."
"Then," said nowe, "we are quits as
to these two loves. Dear Mrs. Hard-ing"-
"Call mo Marguerite," sho whisper
ed, letting her head fall on his breast.
"Marguerite?" ho asked, starting.
"Yes; Marguerite."
, "Marguerite Searle?"
"I was Marguerite Searle."
"And I am"
"Anthony Olcott."
"You knew me?"
"From tho first. A woman's lovo Is
not a man's, to forget even tho slight
est trait, a tone of voice, a step, a look
of the eye. She treasures these in her
heart, and when they come to hor
again after years of absence, though
disguised, they havo for her the same
charm as of old."
"Marguerite, forgive me for not-
true, you reminded me of yourself, but
I eoufess"
"There Is nothing to forgive you for
unless It Is for being a man. ' Men can
not retain what la so enduring in woman."
Duchess Soup. Put ono tablespoon
ful of butter in a saucepan and when
melted add one cupful of grated bread
crumbs. Stir until a golden brown
and then add about a quart of chicken
stock. Season and simmer half an
hour. Rub through a sieve, add ono
cupful of the breast of chicken (fried)
and simmer about five minutes, then
draw to one side of the stove. Boat
together the yolks of three eggs and
one cupful of cream, add to the soup,
stir one minute and serve.
Black Bean Soup. Wash one pint of
black beans and let tliem soak over
night In cold water. In the morning
put them over the fire In a soup kettle
with five quarts of cold water. Add
one-half pound of salt pork cut In fine
pieces and one-quarter pound of lean
frosh beef. Chop fine one carrot, one
small turnip and two onions. Add to
the other Ingredients and cook slowly
two or three hours. Half an hour be
fore serving season with pepper, salt,
a tiny pinch of mace and a little
ground clove. Strain and add one-half
gill of sherry. Havo ready in a hot
tureen throe sliced hard boiled eggs
and a lemon cut in slice's, pour tho
soup over them and serve.
Salmon Soup. Put ono quart of milk
over tho fire, drain off tho oil from a
can of salmon, remove the skin and
bones and rub through a sieve. Melt
two tablespoonfuls of butter, add two
tablespoonfuls of flour, stir until
smooth and mix with scalding milk,
stirring until thickened. Add salt, pep
per and the salmon. Servo very hot.
Cream of Tomato Soup. Cook one
half can of tomatoes until soft, then
strain. Have ready in a double boiler
one quart of milk thickened when at
the boiling point with a tablespoonful
of cornstarch mixed with two table
sponfuls' of butter. Boll ten minutes
and season with salt and pepper. Add
the strained tomatoes, and should they
be very acid add one-half saltspoonful
of ' soda before turning in with the
milk. Serve at once with croutons.
j A Gharming Arrangement of Doorways j
HE arched doorways at each side of the Qrcplaco are an attractive fea
ture of this colonial sitting room. The simplicity of tho mantel, which
Is admirably designed to add to the apparent height of this low celled
room, is also admirable.
Sliced ham Is more tender if it
Is baked than If fried. Cut a
slice three-quarters of an inch
thick, put it into a small enamel
pan, turn three-quarters of a
cupful of milk qver it, cover and
bake for an hour and a quarter.
For luncheon grind the ends of
a boiled ham and mix it with a
button onion that has been chop
ped fine and a little minced pars
ley. Put the mixture into a pan
with a little butter and moisten
with hot water or cream. Sim
mer four or five minutes and
then heap on slices of toast
For curly bacon cut it very
thin and hnlf cook It In boiling
water; then curl It, fasten in
shape with u toothpick and broil
It over tho fire.
A little grated American cheese
mixed with minced ham used in
sandwiches is delicious If tho
sandwich is fried brown and
served very hot.
Cold ham is tasty if it is shred
ded and cooked in currant Jelly
sauce. Put a cupful of the shred
ded ham Into a saucepan with a
level tablespoonful of butter and
half a cupful of currant jelly.
As soon as the Jelly and butter
begin to bubble add four table
spoonfuls of sherry and a sea
soning of paprika, Simmer the
mixture about five or six min
utes and serve with toast.
Chocolate Popcorn. Two cunfuls of
white sugar, one-half cupful of corn
sirup, two ounces of chocolate, one
cupful of water. Put these ingredients
into a kettle and cook them until tho
sirup hardens when put In cold water.
l'our over rour quarts of crisp, freshly
popped corn and stir well to insure tho
uniform coating of the kernels.
Sugared Popcorn. Make a sirup by
boiling together two teacupfuls of
granulated sugar and one teacupful of
water. Boll until the sirup strings
from tho spoon or hardens when drop
ped into cold water. Pour over six
quarts of freshly popped corn and stir
1 Popcorn Balls. Ono nlnt of slrun.
one pint of sugar, two tablespoonfuls
of butter, ono teaspoonful of vinegar.
Cook till the sirup hardens when drop
ped Into cold water. Remove to back
of stove and ndd one-half teaspoonful
nf Kftrln fllaftnU-fwl l n tnlilrtarmrtnf ill r9
hot water, and then pour the hot sirup
over four quarts of freshly popped
corn, stirring till each kernel Is well
coated, when It can bo molded into
balls or Into any desired form.
aim. "Mi-jCk t--
So Comforting!
Hub The doctor says that if I keep
working at this pace after money I
shall bo a wreck at forty-five.
Wife Never mind, dear. By that
timo Wo shall bo able to afford it.
A Comprehensive Order.
Mr. Hyde (of Hyde &
Tallow, Chicago) Waiter,
I want a dinner.
Waiter Will ze gentle
men haf table d'hoto or
a la carte?
Mr. Hyde Bring me a
little of both and havo 'em
put lots of gravy on it
She Might.
"Woman can't do man's
work. Sho couldn't be a
blacksmith, for example."
"Could she?"
"Doesn't it consist large
ly in wielding the hammer?"
Comes the Jest
great ambitions
to bo a
"Ho had
"Yes, but ho is completely cured."
"What did ho take for it?"
"Tho count."
An Old Favorite ,
Olde Englishe
OD rest you merry, gentlemen.
Let nothing you dismay,
For Jesus Christ our Saviour
Was born upon this day
To savo us all from Satan's power
When wo were gone astray.
Oh, tidings of comfort and Joy,
For Jesus Christ our Saviour
Was born on Christmas day!
In Bethlehem, in Jewry,
This blessed Babe was born
'And laid within a manger
Upon this blessed morn,
The which his mother, Mary,
Nothing did take In scorn.
Now to the Lord sing praises,
All you within this place.
lAnd with true love and brotherhood
Each other now embrace.
This holy tide of Christmas
All others doth deface.
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy,
For Jesus Christ our Saviour
Was born on Christmas day!
Hints come from Paris that tht
Ingenue slouch, by whatever
name it goes the drooping figure
is doomed to pass tho way of
all tho fashionable figures of tho
past. So the girl who has let
her fine, straight back get
curved and hor broad, full chest
get flat must set about hold
ing herself up again. You might
ns well bo In tho vanguard of
the upright figure, even If you
havo just learned to carry off the
fashionable slouch gracefully,
without suffocating yourself by
contracting your chest
At the timo that the drooping
figure first bocamo fashionable
some theatrical man dubbed it
tho "Ingenue slouch," it is said.
It was adopted by all the chorus
girls of Broadway.
Doubtless some equally obser
vant theatricaj'manager will find
some good name for the upright
figure, if it really does become
At eighteen we learn to ndoro a
woman In a moment, at twenty
wo love her, we yearn for her at
thirty, but at forty wo consider
whether sho Is worth tho trouble
Paul do Kock.
God created women to mollify
men. Voltaire ,
The more women look In the
mirror tho less they look; to their
house. Old French ProVorb.
Colored ehlffou waists are
shown In some very attractive
styles, the colors over white lace
or net being exceedingly well
liked. Owing to the sbeerness
and softness of the combined
laces and chiffons they meet the
requirements of present fashions
more than any other materials,
Special stylcs'lrt these waists aro
also being brought out for tho
holiday trade, these newest mod
els representing tho high colors,
such as the oriole and minaret
yellows, eco blue, bermifda red,
hunter green, etc.
What's the Answer.
What trade did little
Jack Horner work at?
Ho was a plum-mer.
What other name
would you call an
eavesdropper? An Ici
cle. What would you call
a boy who eats green
apples? A pains-taking
When is a ship not
true to its captain?
When sho lies at tho
Why Is a scholar
learning tho nlphabet
apt to get stung? Be
cause it begins with
A B.
Why is a newly
hung picture like a
conspiracy? Because it's
a framoup.
Why did the noodle
cry "All is lost?" Be
cause it was in the
What gives tho ocean
great social promi
nence? Its many
"Hey, Jimmy; ain't yer a-rushln' tho season?"
"Rushln' the season? Naw! When I picked out
a suit at the Chrlsmus clothln fund It was a warm
day, an'. I wanted to look swell!"
Not Much of a Rabbit.
A little boy was carrying n pet rab;
bit' In his arms when suddenly It
sprang from him and ran away. With
all haste ho ran after it, calling fran
tically, "Come; bunny, como; come
back, bunny." But bunny did not
como back and did not oven pause In
his flight to tho fields. Tho little fol
low ceased his futile efforts to recap
ture tho fugitive and, while tho tears
forced themselves out of his eyes,
shook his fist and shouted, "Well, run,
then; you're not much of a rabbit anyhow."
Why nro teeth llko verbs?
Because they aro regular, Irregular
aud defective.
A Riddle.
Where head and body duly meet
I am us slender as a bee.
Whether I stand on head or feet,
Jly figure Bhows Its symmetry.
But when my head Is cut away
The metamorphosis (a ctrange;
Though both of them unaltered stay.
Body and head to nothing change.
Answer. The figure 8.