The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, November 18, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Continued From Last Friday's Issue.
Prof. Barbour on "Webster's Reply
to Hayne."
Prof. Barbour discussed "Web
ster's Reply to Hayne." The great
value of Daniel Webster's speech
was the fact that it interpreted the
meaning of the Constitution to the
great middle class of people? Mr.
Hayne had attacked the whole policy
of the north. He quoted the Virgin
ia and Kentucky Resolutions. He
upheld the southern policy that a
State may nullify an act of Congress
under certain conditions. Daniel
Webster in his great reply to Hayne
said the Constitution originated with
the people of the United States and
not by the people of any one State.
The Constitution gave the people the
right to declare war, coin money,
regulate trade and make treaties.
The Constitution of the United
tates are the supreme laws of the
land and no state shall have laws
conflicting with it.
South Carolina says the tariff is
unconstitutional, Pennsylvania says
it is not. The Constitution says that
the tariff shall be uniform among all
the states. If South Carolina will
not pay the tariff then she will have
to stop the United States Collector
of Imports, when he comes to her
state. Only the militia can do that
and would not that be treason?
What is Mr. Hayne going to do about
The makers of the Constitution
.trusted in:
1. The correct interpretation of
the Constitution by the U. S. peo
ple. 2. In frequent elections.
3. In the dignity of the decisions
of the Supreme Court of the U. S.
4. In the power of amendment.
Prof. Barbour concluded by say
ing: 1 The North and the South have be
.come so firmly welded together that
each now rejoices in the fame and
honor and distinction won by the
Wednesday Evening.
The Maurer Sisters' Quartet,
composed of four young ladies, de
lighted a large audience at the High
School Auditorium, Wednesday
evening. There were humorous reci
tations, whistling solos, flute, violin
and cornet solos with piano accom
paniments, and all were pleasingly
rendered. I
Thursday Morning's Session.
The institute opened with martial
music, led by Prof. Watklns in his
usual inimitable style. Prof. Wat
Idns puts an enthusiasm and life in
to his singing which makes it a de
light to every one in the room.
The devotional exercises were
conducted by Rev. Albert L. Whit
taker of the Grace Episcopal church
of Honesdale.
I)r. Corson on His Choice Subject.
Dr. Corson then took up the sub
ject of arithmetic again. Ho said
in part: "Boys and girls try to re
member how to do questions and do
not try to reason them out. They
memorize a certain process and ap
ply it to all questions of a similar
nature and use no reasoning at all.
Bo sure the first step in a problem
is thoroughly understood by every
pupil before the next step Is taken
up. The child should be made in
dependent in reasoning. His parents
should not rob him of his chance to
grow by doing their work or reason
ing for them. It is unfortunate for
a child to have well-educated par
ents if their Judgment is so harmful
as to take away their child's inde
pendent thinking."
Prof. Barbour Slinlcespearo.
Professor Barbour then took up
Shakespeare's "Macbeth." Shakes
peare's plays all teach "whatsoever
a man doeth that shall he also reap,"
no less truly than does the Bible.
He paints sin with a power almost
superhuman, but never forgets its
"Macbeth" opens with the proph
ecy of the Witches of Endor for tell
ing "Macbeth" of his future. The
Introduction is most significant.
Lady Macbeth and her husband
plan to murder King Duncan, that
they may usurp the crown.
Macbeth hesitates and draws back
but Lady Macbeth taunts him for his
cowardice and fickleness and dares
him on to tho deed. So the plot is
Macbeth steals into King Duncan's
chamber and murders him. Retri
bution at once commences. Remorse
and agony haunt Macbeth in a mil
lion ways. Macbeth and Lady Mac
beth are now, through Duncan's
death, King and Queen of Scotland.
Now Macbeth in cold blooded bru
tality plans the murder of his dearest
friend, Banko. This accomplished,
he tries to make himself feel secure.
He goes to consult tho WltcheB and
they uphold him by raise promises
He la spurred to desperation and or
ders Macduff's wife and children
killed. Lady Macbeth is so haunted
and tormented by awful dreams that
she finally ends her own life.
The conclusion is a mighty pic
ture of Macbeth's remorse and des
pair, and his penalty for sin. He is
Anally killed by Macduff on the field
of battle. This play must bo taught
by such a master mind as Prof. Bar
bour to be thoroughly appreciated
and enjoyed.
Dr. Corson Occupies Last Period.
Dr. Corson took up the last period
in the 'morning. He says the imagin
ation of the child is never fully ap
preciated. The average pupil, who
fails in arithmetic, docs so because
the teacher fails to read into his
question tho necessary imaginary
conditions that make its successful
A banker once said he could teach
a boy more practical business in his
bank in three weeks than a teacher
could in three months. Of course
he could. Because that's the only
thing lied have'to teach. The big
gest help the banker would have
would be that the boy would be
working with actual notes and drafts
instead of with meaningless printed
forms of such. If teachers brought
concrete arithmetic into their schools
in a practical way, much more effec
tive results would follow. Dr. Cor
son said often too much credit was
given a pupil for a correct process,
but an incorrect result. This should
not be tolerated. Their standard in
school should be as exacting as the
one life will require of them later.
Thursday Afternoon.
Thursday was banner day in the
history of the Teachers' Institute.
At 2 o'clock the High school auditor
ium was crowded to its utmost ca
pacity. The High school orchestra
rendered some excellent music in a
most creditable manner. Singing by
Miss Blanche Pierce followed next.
She gave in a most pleasing manner
a Scotch song and "His Lullaby."
Two recitations were then given
by Miss Edith Simons of Newfound
land. They were thoroughly enjoy
ed by everybody present. Miss
Simons has a pleasing personality
and delightful manner.
Prof. Watkins sang J'Tho Elf-
man ana me our-ieni uiover.
He was so heartily encored that he
sang, "You'll Get Heaps of Lickins
for tho Things You've Never Done."
Dr. AVood on "Patriotism."
Hon. Frederick Dale Wood, of
Seattle, Washington, who lectured
on "Patriotism" was then presented.
Many men think if they shoulder a
musket and march away to war, they
have the deepest and best patriot
Ism. A'exander thought he had it.
Joan of Arc thought she had it. The
French Revolutionists thought they
had it, but they mistook liberty for
license and defeated tho very pur
pose they sought to obtain. This
patriotism is surely one kind and Is
lecognized as such by men In all
lands, but the highest and best form
Is the patriotism of tho home, the
patriotism of our every-day life
which expresses Itself in our efforts
to better ourselves and our fellow-
men. Mr. Wood said if he had the
power ho would force every school
board to vote enough to have the
Stars and Stripes .floating over every
school in the land every day from
sunrise to sunset.
The speaker said he would never
forget the time when Tetrazzini sang
in the streets of California. Two
hundred and fifty thousand voices
caught up the song of "Auld Lang
Syne" when she raised the leader's
baton and led that vast multitude In
it. The great singer's voice was
worth, commercially, to her $2,500
a night and yet she had real patriot
ism enough to give to tho poor the
benefit of her wonderful voice. The
acts that lead to doing for others
show the highest and best patriot
ism. Reverence lor womankind and
respect for mankind are two forms
of patriotism well worth cultivating.
The teacher has the greatest oppor
tunity for sowing the good seed for
the child remembers longest what he
learns at school. The patriotism
taught there will long livo in the
soul of the child. The national
songs should be taught in the public
schools, no matter what must be sac
rificed to this end. Children should
be taught to rise when the national
airs are played. Too much patriot
Ism lies dormant in the hearts of
our people. The world is getting
better every day. Men and women
are getting better, boys and girls are
getting better. Some schools teach
sex hygiene, because it is a subject
Ignored completely in the homo.
Parents are to blame for this Ignor
ance. They should not force upon
tho teacher a duty which they them
selves should discharge without fall.
The speaker became a tramp in or
der to find out why tramps are
tramps. He became a convict in
order to find out what causo has
made the cqnvlcts bad. He lived
among the girls of bad repute in or
der to find out the temptations of
Why is the soda
cracker today
such a universal
People ate soda
crackers in the
old days, it is
true but they
bought them
from a barrel or
box and took
them home in a
paper bag, their
crispness and
flavor all gone.
Uneeda Biscuit
soda crackers
better than any
ever made be
fore made in
the greatest
bakeries in the
world baked to
packed to per
fection kept to
perfection until
you take them,
oven -fresh and
crisp, from their
protecting pack
age. Five cents.
their life. All this he did and much
more so that he might know the
cause of much of the sin in the
world and do what he could for its
extermination. There has come to
him one answer and that is this:
That their Darents neglected the sa
cred duty of telling them about their
physical functions.
Mr. Wood's lecture was keenly ap
preciated by the audience. Adjourn
ment. Friday Morning's Session.
The Institute opened Friday morn
ing with the singing of "Lead, Kind
ly Light." Professor Koehler gave
out several announcements and then
thanked the different Instructors for
their splendid and efficient work.
Ho expressed his joy and satisfaction
at the enthusiasm of the teachers and
their evident earnestness.
Rev. W. H. Swift, of tho Presby
terian church of Honesdale, led the
devotional exercises.
"Christ Before Pilate."
The institute then indulged in sev
eral inspiring songs, after which
Prof. Barbour gave his last talk.
His subject was "Christ Before Pi
late." Pontius Pilate had the power
of life and of death over his subjects.
He was, however, responsible to Tib
erius at Rome for his decisions.
Pontius was not a popular governor.
He sent soldiers with concealed dag
gers to murder tho Galilean rioters.
Early on tho Friday morning of
Christ's crucifixion Pilate's palace
was surrounded by a 'mob of Jews.
Pontius Pilate knew human nature
well. He read the anger and malice
in the faces of the accusers and ho
also read Innocence in the face of
the Silent Man in their midst. Pi
late took Jesus into an inner room
and said, "Art Thou the King of the
Jews?" And Jesus answered him
gently, "Think ye that I am or did
others tell It thee?" Then Jesus
explains to Pilate that the kingdom
he represents Is not an earthly but a
heavenly one.
Pilate, knowing and feeling Jesus'
Innocense, comes before the people
and says, he finds no fault in Him.
So Pilate sends him to Herod where
he Is crowned with thorns and cloth
ed In a purple robe. Pilate, wishing
to compromise, tells the Jews he
finds Jesus innocent, but will chastise
him and let him go. This shows Pi
late's cowardice. He knew Jesus to
be Innocent but he lacked the moral
courage to carry out his convictions.
When Pilate could no longer satis
fy the Jews, he delivered Jesus up to
them and they took him to the
Cross. Pontius Pilate was a shrewd,
cunning, conniving politician, grovel
ing for the popularity which the peo
ple could give him. We denounce
Pontius Pilato but we support others
much like him because we, too, are
too cowardly to stand against the
multitude. Jesus left a splendid gift
to his Immediate disciples. He left
them his example of unswerving loy
alty to his own manhood, to truth,
and to righteousness. Jesus em
phasized the sacredness of a public
trust. And we need to-day to hear
from the public platform, In the
school, and In the home, the deep
disgrace of the man who betrays the
public trust placed in him to his own
personal benefit. The richest Inheri
tance of American citizenship in this
country to-day, is Christian citizen
ship. Professor Barbour touches the
hearts of all his hearers, his message
will long live in tho hearts of thoso
who love him.
Closing Work of Institute.
A long intermission, followed by
roll call, and the Institute took up its
closing work. Miss Edith Swift then
spoke for State College. She de
scribed its educational advantages,
its beautiful scenery, the superiority
of its Instructors and closed with a
plea that next year Wayne County
might be the banner county on send
ing representatives to the Pennsyl
vania State College summer session.
AVants Supt. Koehler Re-elected
The committee on resolutions
made one recommendation. It was
voiced by Professor H. A. Oday, of
the Honesdale schools, who offered
the resolution that In view of tho
fact that Superintendent Koehler has
thrown his heart and soul so nobly
into the work of the schools, be it
Resolved, That wo ask the direc
tors of Wayne county to re-elect
Supt. Koehler and increase his sal
ary to $2,500 a year. The resolu
tion was unanimously adopted.
The present salary of the office is
$1800 a year, but Superintendent
Koehler must pay his own expenses
out of that amount. He must do con
siderable traveling about the coun
ty in visiting schools and the. in
crease Js meant to cover all expenses
occurring in carrying out the duties
of the office. Mr. Koehler would
not receive any increase in salary but
If the school directors acted favor
ably on the resolution as passed by
the institute, It would not be neces
sary for him to pay his actual ex
penses out of his present salary.
"Tho Teacner's Growth."
"The Teacner's Growth" was then
discussed by Dr. Corson. He said
he had gotten so much good out of
a little book called "The Teacher."
In this book is a balance sheet for
teachers. On it the teacher should
credit themselves with the work they
have done well, and to charge them
selves with the work they might have
done better. Let the teacher ask
herself this question: "Am I growing
or am I not? Would I go to the
teachers institute if I wasn't paid?
is another personal question the
teacher should also inquire. What
am I doing for the community in
which I work? What am I doing for
the moral uplift of the people among
whom I labor? Is my school better
because I am there? Is the com
munity better because I live there?
If you are teaching only for the
money you get put of it, you had bet
ter credit yourself with failure. If
you don't give your spirit and life to
it, you aro worthless. Emerson said
"I can't hear what that man says,
his life speaks so loud that I lose
his words." Let your life be tho
molding influence in your commun
ity. The teacher should test himself
on his promptness. It has been said
teachers preach tho most prompt
ness and practice the most tardiness
of any class of people. Then again,
do you radiate happiness? Are you
a constant brlnger of cheer and joy?
If not, try It and see how much good
you'll get out of giving cheer.
Dr. Corson closed with Ella Wheel-
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er Wilcox's poem, "Talk Happiness."
Resolved to do Better Work.
The institute closed with Dr. Cor
son's blessing on the teachers. Every
teacher went away Inspired, resolved
to do better work and more of it.
All felt the institute to be one of
the finest the county ever held.
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timates from available figures, will
earn about '$30,000,000 for the gov
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payment to the undersigned: anl
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Sherman, Pa., Oct. 30, 1913.
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