The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, September 05, 1913, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Scml-Wcekly Founded 10 08; Weekly Founded 1814.
Published Tuesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company.
Ttmlt bv EDress Money Order, Draft, Postoffice Order or Registered letter.
AddrSa aU commuratlons to The Citizen. No. M3 Main street, Honesdale, Pa.
ah ratine nf shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of making
ilv or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only be admitted to this
5L0.5S.ynSi ifnvment of regular advertising rates. Notices of entertainments for the
ESESnt &Pehu?che3 or for charitable purposes where a fee is charged, will be pub
ulhA at haU rStls" Cards of thanks, cents, memorial poetry and resolutions
of rtspect will be T charged for at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on
application. i
During the recent registrations in
the larger cities throughout the state
political symptoms have been dis
closed which have been guessed at
for a long time, but could not actual
ly be demonstrated.
Enrollment under the Washington
party title was not only very much
less than the leaders had confidently
hoped It would be, but In many lo
calities it was so small as to be
hardly worth considering.
Some of the most ardent support
ers of Theodore Roosevelt enrolled
as Republicans and not a few of
those who registered as Washington
party members are known to be
Democrats who are dissatisfied with
the present management of their
party and who, although unwilling
to become Republicans out and out,
came as near to it as they possibly
could by affliliating themselves with
"the party of protest."
The enrollment so far as It has
gone indicates a realization among
the Republicans who have temporar
ily worn another name of the fact
that party differences should be set
tled within the party.
Monday was a day of amusement,
of holiday games, of parade, of or
ganized labor. While it was a day
off for a good many of us, the fact is
due to organized labor; and it is only
common and evident justice to the
organizations to say that they are
strong and ever getting stronger,
though they are but a fragment of
the population. They are admirable
for their solidarity, their intellectual
self-interest, their boldness and per
sistence of demand, their masterly
skill In playing on the ambition, the
weakness and the essential and per
petual cowardice of politicians.
In Honesdale nearly all of the
business places closed their shops
for the day to give their employes a
chance to recreate. Many visited
ball games, one of. which was held
In the morning and the other in the
afternoon. Many took advantago of
the picnic at Lake Lodore and many
more attended the picnic of the Cen
tral Labor union which was held at
Bellevue Park in the afternoon and
The parade of organized labor in
the morning was not carried out as
planned and only a few participated
and followed the band and Maple
City Drum Corps.
Mr. Editor:
Dear Sir: A few days ago the
writer read in a Scranton paper
something concerning four innocent
and poor foreigners who were arrest
ed for catching fish on Sunday and
were fined $25 each. I just want to
ask one question: In the face of the
law, did the innocent foreigner com
mit a greater sin by fishing on Sun
day to keep his family from hunger
or is a certain manufacturer who of
late has killed wagon loads upon
wagon loads of fish in the Dyberry
river by emptying acid from a wood
alcohol factory less liable?
Buso Ball.
Sporting Editor:
Hawley cannot claim the champ
ionship of Wayne county. Suppos
ing that they could claim a victory
over Honesdale in the series which
they won with the aid of over one
half of the Keyser Valley team,
there is Starrucca and Aldenville,
both of whom are demanding recog
nition and Hawley has defeated
neither of these organizations.
Only Those Elected or Appointed
Juno 27.Aro Entitled to $3 Per
Harrisburg, Sept. 4. Deputy At
torney General Cunningham has de
cided that only such election officers
as happen to be elected or appointed
since June 27 are entitled to the $5
per day salary carried by the act of
June 27, 1913, and he also holds that
the f 5 per day rate Is to be paid for
primary as well as general and muni
cipal elections.
The question has been widely agi
tated throughout the State and many
letters were addressed to the Secre
tary of the Commonwealth on the
An interesting feature of this is
that while judges, inspectors and
clerks holding the offlco on Juno 27
must work at elections until the end
of their terms at $3.50 per day any
persona appointed since June 27 to
serve as judges. Inspectors or even
clerks will be paid ?5.
W. W. WlOD
.. .75-ONE MONTH 13o
Seaweeds as Food.
Wanderers along the ocean beaches
often stop to adtnlro the beautiful or
curious forma of plant llfo thrown out
by tho resistless tide, but few ore
aware or core to know that some of
tbeao weeds are esteomod staple arti
cles of food In distant parts of our
great republic. In Hawaii many tons
are annually gathered and eaten by
the ncttves, also by the Chinese and
Japanese residents. At low tide great
numbers of women and children may
be seen with polls, baskets and socks
scraping tho weeds off the rocks with
knives or pieces of sharpened Iron.
Though a few species are favorites,
more than a score aso commercially
The Most Improbable Story.
Materials required are as many pen
cils and sheets of paper as there are
This Is an excellent game and is spe
cially suitable to people posscsslng'the
bump of imagination After pencils
and paper have been distributed among
tho players they are told that they will
be given twenty minutes tn which to
write tho most improbable story that
occurs to them. The papers are then
passed on, so that each player gets
somo other player's story, and the sto
ries are read aloud in turn and judg
ment pronounced, tho best story being
not tho cleverest or tho most interest
ing, but the most Improbable.
Japanese Tag.
When a player la tagged he must
place his toft hand on tho spot tagged
ind keep it tioro until ho has caught
lomo other boy or girl. The game
irorks out In this way: Tho one who Is
"It" endeavors to tag a runner on the
knee or foot, so that his efforts to tag
any one else while his hand Is on that
part of the body will be awkward and
An Old Time Coach.
In tho museum of coaches at Lisbon
Is a coacli which was built in 1S21.
Taps the Earth.
A six foot clock which stands in an
office at Carlisle, Pa., has boon oper
ated by electricity from tho earth sinco
1870. A wire runs from the earth to a
magnet in the clock, and so constant
has tho supply of electricity been that
the clock has run well nigh continu
ously since it was invented.
Monster Palm Leaves.
The leaf of tho Ceylon talipot palm,
which grows to a hundred feet In
height, is so wide that it will cover
twenty men.
Potato Wine.
Wlno Is sometimes made from tho
lowly potato.
The Mighty Mississippi.
In an average year tho Mississippi
carries out to sea 13(000,000 tons of
mineral or earth salts In solution and
840,000,000 tons of mud.
Monks of 8t. Bernard.
Tho hard climate and the perilous
task undertaken by tho monks of the
famous St. Bernard hospice usually
ruin the health of these originally ro
bust men In the brief spell of fifteen
years, when they return to Martigny
to conclude their days. Even tho. dogs
are at Intervals sent to Martigny for
a rest.
Weighting a Diver.
The boots worn by a professional
diver weigh twenty pounds each. Tho
helmet weighs forty pounds, and the
diver also carries eighty pounds ad
ditional weight.
Costly Uniforms.
The cost of a British cabinet min
ister's full dress uniform Is 120
How the Lantern Was Invented.
King .Alfred tho Great Is credited
wlUi originaUng the lantern, no was
so bothered by the candle flames blow
ing In the wind that ho protected
them by putting the candles in cow
bprns, which ho ordered to bo scraped
tlrfli. Our grandfathers made lanterns
by punching holes and silts in properly
shaped pieces of Uh, which were then
soldered together. Tho light which
came through tho little cuts was al
ways very dim and flickering.
Tiny Electrical Motor.
The smallest commercial electric mo
tor weighs less than two pounds. It la
used whero a little power Is required,
such as for dental drills, etc.
LEGAL BLANKa ror eale at The
Citizen office: Land Contracts,
Leases, Judgment Notes, Warrantee
Deeds, Bonds. Transcripts, Sum
mons, Attachments, Subpoenas, La
bor Claim Deeds, Commitments, Ex-blanks,
The Annual Report of the County Superintendent to Dr. N. C.
Schaeffer, Supt. of Public Instruction. .
For the School Year beginning the first Monday of July,
1912, and ending the first Monday of July, 1913.
During the past school year the various school agencies of the coun
ty made a conscientious effort for greater efficiency and progress. Teach
ers are spending more time in preparing for their work and are constantly
Improving in scholarship and professional zeal. These things have their
corresponding effects upon our schools.
Nothing has done more toward unifying our school work than the
State Course of Study. We are also using a county outline in the rural
schools. Definite requirements bring definite results. This is especially
true o inexperienced teachers who are generally uncertain in deciding be
tween essentials and non-essentials.
An epidemic of smallpox prevailed in one section of the county which
materially interfered with school work in the Fall. The disease was in a
light form and no deaths among the school population were reported. The
mild winter enabled smaller pupils in sparsely settled subdistrlcts to at
tend school unusually regular.
The Smith and Waterbury Heating and Ventilating Systems displaced
the ordinary stoves in some of the one-room school buildings in Clinton,
Salem, Dyberry and Texas townships. They were installed too late, in
many instances, In the school year to be thoroughly tried out and no con
clusive report can be made at present of their worth. However, the pro
gress of the times has made it almost mandatory for school boards to fur
nish heating and ventilation in our country schools other than the old
kind of stove and the lowering of windows.
The highest tax levy was in the districts of Hawley and Scott, con
sisting of 13 mills; the lowest, in Lebanon, consisting of 3 mills. '
In May the school board of Clinton township, whose residents are
mainly occupied in agricultural pursuits, voted to raise the school term to
eight months. Lehigh is the only township with a school term of nine
A large number of school libraries were replenished. School enter
tainments were usually the direct means of securing the money. The
teachers of Honesdale took up a subscription for a library fund and in a
remarkably brief time raised more than $600 from the townspeople.
No new school buildings were erected but a large number of rural
school buildings were repaired and made neat and comfortable. The
school board of Berlin township voted to erect a modern three-room graded
school building. This building is to take the place of five country schools.
Our high schools are doing effective work and are a great educational
factor in the communities in which they are located. We have fifteen
standard high schools and, with several exceptions, they are distributed
very well over tho county. There is only one township beyond a rea
sonable distance from a high school. The attendance of pupils is ex
cellent. A large proportion of township high school graduates enter the
profession of teaching. More than one hundred pupils studied agriculture.
In somo high schools, the subject was treated in rather a bookish form,
but in several high schools real practical agriculture was taught and en
couraging results were obtained.
The County Spelling contest proved very effective in arousing an in
terest in spelling. After the pupils in the various districts had made a
thorough study of the 1500 words published by the County committee of
teachers selected for that purpose, district contests were conducted during
the latter part of October. Tho winners of the district contests came to
tho County Institute to receive appropriate spelling diplomas. The di
plomas were presented by Hon. W. D. B. Ainey, U. S. Representative of
the Fourteenth congressional district who delivered an excellent address
for the occasion. In the county contest five pupils made perfect marks in
the written contest, and in the oral contest four pupils spelled the loOO
words correctly. These were presented with a set of Carpenter's Geo
graphical Readers and other books
charged at the County contest and
The teachers' reading course consisted of Dlcken's " Tale of Two
Cities," Colgrove's " The Teacher and the School " and Sabin's " Common
Sense Didactics." In several townships the teachers organized themselves
into reading clubs and held regular
cuss the contents of these hooks.
for much of our local institute work in the townships.
Of tho 246 teachers employed, 202 were ladles and 44 gentlemen: 11
are college graduates, 73 hold State
tificate, 28 hold county permanent certificates, 42 hold professional certi
ficates, and 91 hold provisional certificates. The beginner teachers num
bered 42. Approximately 200 eighth grade pupils took tho common
school examinations and 160 of these applicants were granted common
school diplomas.
Three hundred and three visits to schools were made by the county
superintendent and 27 educational meetings were either conducted, or at
tended by him.
There were 172 applicants for
granted professional certificates, 94
rejected. However, of the professional certificates granted, zn were re
newals of old certificates upon examination of the applicants -in two extra
branches and two books in pedagogy as specified in the School Code. Ten
certificates in special subjects were granted to high school teachers.
Nearly all of the applicants for teachers' certificates are high school
December 20th and February
Special programs were prepared and
ty and Invitations were sent to the patrons. School work of various kinds
was displayed for inspection.
Eleven district institutes were held besides a number of extra local
teachers' meetings. These meetings were always well attended by the
teachers. Summer schools for teachers were conducted at Honesdale,
Ariel and Lakewood.
Tho Annual County Institute was held at Honesdale beginning No
vember 11th. Tho instructors were Deputy State Superintendent Reed B.
Teitriek, Dr. O. L. Warren, Dr. C. T. MacFarlane, Miss Rose Fetterolf,
Prof. L. H. Dennis and Prof. John T. Watklns. The chief lines of discus
sion were school management, methods, reading, geography, drawing and
agriculture. Tho work was practical and many suggestions given by the
instructors could be seen applied by the teachers in their schools. The
attendance of teachers was almost perfect with scarcely any tardiness.
The public patronized the sessions very well. Enthusiasm prevailed dur
ing the entire week. The attitude of the teachers for institute work is
gratifying and their desire to be benefited professionally and socially is
commendable. The evening numbers were as follows: Monday, High
School Literary Contest; .Tuesday, ' Uncle Sam's Folks," by Alton Pack
ard, Cartoonist and Humorist; Wednesday, Instrumental and Vocal Music
by the Hartfords, a male quartet; Thursday, " America Facing the Far
East," by Dr. John Merrltte Driver, Lecturer. Tho institute was very suc
cessful from both an educational and financial standpoint.
Tho annual meeting of the County Directors' Association was held
during the latter part of institute week. The directors and teachers met In
joint sessions Thursday afternoon and evening, but held separate sessions
on Friday morning. One-hundred ten of a total of one-hundred
fifty directors were present, and sixty-eight consisted of new members.
Prof. O. L. Warren presented " My School Experiences " and Supt. R. B.
Teitriek delivered two excellent and inspiring lectures on " My Boy's
Teacher," and " Directors' Problems." Reuben Lancaster, speaking for
the delegates to the State convention, summed up in a complete report
the work of the convention. Dr. A. J. Simons and J. A. Brown, local mem
bers, opened the general discussion on " Reminders for School Directors."
This series of talks had the desired effect on school directors and made
them realize that they are an important factor in the success of tho pub
lic schools.
The County Teachers' Association held its semi-annual meetings at
Ariel and Pleasant Mt. Dr. Smith Burnham of West Chester delivered two
lectures at the Fall meeting and Dr. J. George Becht, Secretary of the
State Board of Education, delivered a lecture at the Spring meeting. Both
educators inspired the teachers with renewed zeal for school work and
left a healthy school spirit with the numerous patrons in attendance.
In submitting this report, we desire to express our appreciation for
the kind assistance from the county press In everything uplifting in edu
cation, and for the hearty co-operation of teachers, directors and patrons.
Mr. and Mrs. Tallman Gilpin are
temporarily living in Scranton.
A. C. Howe is attending the State
convention of the P. O. S. of A. at
Altoona this week.
M. A. Gilpin and S. N. Cross took
In the Honesdale Chautauqua.
Thomas Frazer Is doing carpenter
work at R. B. Simons'.
A number from this section at
tended the Simons reunion at Ariel.
Tho Sterling schools are now run
ning with tho following teachers:
High school, Prof. D. L. Savige, of
Montrose, principal; Margaret M.
Howe, teacher of the intermediate
and Ethel A. Simons in tho primary
room. Lester Barnes at Webster;
Lydla Lesher at Jericho and Maria
Martin at ZIon.
Divine services will be held in tho
vacant room of tho high school for
well, say some time.
Although it is not quite la our
Jurisdiction we will say that we were
very sorry to havo had occasion to
attend tho burial of Miss Alma, only
living child of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E.
of value. A small admission was
a large audience was present.
bi - weekly meetings to study and dte
Parts of those texts formed tho basis
Normal diplomas, 1 holds a State cer
teachers' certificates of whom 43 were
provisional certificates and 35 were
14th were observed as Patrons' Days
rendered in the schools of the coun
Ferguson on the afternoon of the
27th in the Catterson cemetery. A
few years ago Miss Lizzie was bur
ied and now the only child is laid to
rest. Sad!
George Cross left for New York
last Tuesday where he is now visit
ing his brothers, David and Floyd,
and they expect to accompany him
home in a day or two.
Mrs. S. N. Cross Is still at her
daughter's, Mrs. W. B. Lesher, in
Laura A. Gilpin expects to teach
school again at Dalton and Susan J.
Cross expects to again teach at Wav
erly and they will both leave in a
day or two.
Mrs. H. H, Crosby is visiting her
daughters in New York state.
Miss Clare Dills has returned
from Lake Huntington to take
charge of a school in Manchester
Miss Nellie Hall, who has been
vslting In Scranton, was called home
to attend the funeral of her grand-
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Garratt,
which was held from the Garratt
homestead on Tuesday at 2 p. m.
a numoer irom mis place attended
the Chautauaua at Honpsrinin re
Miss Laura Ham, of Scranton, re
cently spent a few days at her moth
er's, Mrs. R. Ham.
.T. Irvln TTPTinlinW tiaO irnna in
Lanesboro, a suburb of Philadelphia,
10 taice cnarge of a school.
O. S. MvprH nnrl onn nf Tin tin nlfrmrn
were business callers at this place
on Saturday last.
E. F. Maver and family, of Alden
ville, came to visit their farm and
friends at this place on Friday last.
ine Aid ana mends joined with
friends from Laurella and vicinity in
ft Efftthprlni nt M10 Immn rt TP G
1J o v v..u j i.i j i a j .
Marshall on Monday, August 25, in
aunur 01 111s momer, Mrs. Simeon
Marshall's birthday. Mrs. Marshall
rpnolvpri mnriv Manful rrlfla rhlnT.
showed the high esteem in which she
is neia oy ner many friends.
The Aid will meet with Mrs. Chas.
Carhuff Sept. 17.
Miss Ida Coots, of Cochecton, Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Orvillo Kays.
Miss Gertrude Calkins will teach
the Riverside school and Miss Fred
erecka Hocker the Milanville school.
It is with untold sadness that we
tell of the death of Mary Skinner
Beach, wife of Charles Beach. While
for several years Mrs. Beach has
sufered from heart trouble, yet when
death came Monday night It brought
with it a shock from v:h the fam
ily and community will be long re
covering from for the deceased was
one whose life was lived for others
and therefore she was beloved by all.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Tegeler recent
ly returned from a delightful auto
trip to West Grove, Pa., where their
son,-W. H. Tegeler,' is a prosperous
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Illman of
Washington, D. C, are guests at tho
Milanville House. Mr. illman Is one
df the government superintendents
of construction and for some time
past has been located at Suffolk, Va.,
superintending the building of a post
Miss Ethel Magruder, Miss Lyman
ana mt. Magruaer are spending a
few days at their bungalow and will
return to Brooklyn this week.
Mrs. D. H. Beach entertained on
Saturday afternoon in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Illman of Wash
ington, D. C.
Miss Florence C. Skinner and Miss
Cora Gardner went to Port Jervis
Thursday and were guests of Chas.
Gordon at his bungalow at Mill Rift.
Miss Lalia Skinner will return to
Caznovia, N. Y., this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tyler and
two children, Martha and Ralph, of
Cortland, N. Y., are visiting at G. H.
Miss Helene Yerkes will leave this
week for the Bloomsburg State
The trade making feature of Monday is Price. Every arti
cle advertised for Monday selling is truthfully described, every
price is special and for one day only. You will not find a word
of exaggeration in what we say.. Neither will you find a price
that is not lower than the usual cost.
Grocery Departments:
Columbian or Snow White Flour, $1.45 sack.
Queen Fruit Jars, quarts, glass tops, 90c value, Soc dozen
Queen Fruit Jars, pints, glass tops, 85c value, 75c dozen.
Drey Mason Fruit Jars, quarts, 65c value, 55c doz.
Drey Mason Fruit Jars, pints, 60c value, 50c doz.
Honest Can Rubbers, 10c value, 8c dozen.
Crown Can Rubbers, 5c value, 4c dozen.
Mason Jar Tops, 25c value, 19c dozen.
Famous White Rose Coffee, 35c value, 32c lb.
Mother's Corn, Flakes, 10c value, 2 packages for 15c.
Full Cream Cheese, special, 18c pound.
Other Departments-Main Floor
Yard-wide Messaline Satin, colors and black, $1.00 val., 89c yd.
Yard-wide half wool dress goods, special, 22c yd.
Clean up sale best American Dress Ginghams, I2jc va., 9jc yd
Outing Flannel, best quality, 10c val., 9c yd.
Fine quality Bleached Muslin, special, 9c yd.
10x4 Cotton Blankets, grey and white, 75c value, 69c pr.
Ladies' Long Silk Gloves, 75c value, 65c pr.
All-wool. Ruff Neck Sweaters, $4.50 value, $3.75 each.
Men's Balbriggan Underwear, best, 50c value, 43c each.
100 Doz. Ladies' Black Stockings, 15c value, 11c pair.
New Cloth Ratine, latest weave out, 25c value, 22c yd.
Extra size bleached Turkish Towels, 25c value, 21c each.
Colgate's Toilet Soap, best 10c value, 7c cake.
Second Floor Specials
Ladies' Striped Silk Shirts, $2.98 val., $1.98 each
Middys, all styles and sizes, $1.00 value, 89c each.
Ladies' Tailored Linene Waists, $1.00 and $1.25 val., 89c each.
Children's Rompers, best, 50c value, 43c each.
Ladies' Black Sateen Petticoats, $1.00 value, 89c each.
Clean-up Sale Linoleum Remnants, 2-5 yd. lengths, 60c value,
47c sq. yard.
Clean-up Sale Linoleum Remnants, 2-5 yd. lengths, 50c value,
39c sq. yd.
New lot fine Axminster Rugs, 9x12 ft., $25-00 val., $22.50.
Union Ingrain Stair Carpet, 35c val., 29c yard.
Hodge's Fibre Matting, 39c value, 32c yard. .
Katz Bros. Inc.
NOTICE-Monday Specials are sold for Cash.
Mareuerite dnrpv nnil Tlornlno Vin
cent, are attending school at Lake-
Geo. Hubbard, of Jermyn, spent
Monday and Tuesday with relatives,
Little Miss Olive Lee, while going
across the road to the home of her
undo Monday evening, ran into a
barbed wire which was strung across
the gateway for the purpose o
keeping a horse in the yard and re
ceived some ugly cuts about her
Ed. Cole, of Scranton, is doing
carpenter work for C. D. Corey.
Mrs. Hattie Hubbard is spending a
few weeks with her daughter, Mrs.
Manly Wallace.
Pierce Dunn visited along our
streets Sunday afternoon.
Geo. Dibble, of Preston Center,
has been engaged threshing oats for
farmers in this vicinity the past
Mrs. Tom Davis, of Carbondale, is
spending a few days here.
Mrs. Carl Youngs, who has been
confined to her bed for several days,
is able to be out again.
Dallas Carpenter made a trip to
Uniondale. Monday and purchased a
A. O. Holford is about to build
a concrete silo on his farm here.
L. A. Wall has furnished his home
with running water from a spring on
his farm.
John Stevens and family spent
Sunday in Poyntelle.
Bessie, a little child of Mr. and
ivirs. .Horace L,ee, was badly stunci
about her head and body, with honey
bees while playing in the yard near
her home Monday morning. She
was poking the bees with a stick.
Danie Wall Is working for Zara
Lee in the lumber woods near Pleas
ant Mount this week.
all Headache. 10 cents. Sold
BIDS will be received at the Com
missioners' office up to noon, Wed
nesday, Sept. 10, 1913, for the de
livery of the ballots for the Primary
election on Tuesday, Sept. 16, 1913.
Attest: Commissioners.
T. Y. Boyd, Clerk. It
NOTICE The school directors of
Honesdale Borough will receive
bids for furnlphlng and laying floors
in the Grammar school on 11th
Bids received up to 7 P. M. Tues
day, Sept. 16th, 1913.
Copies of .the specifications may
be seen at Leine's Drug Store.
F. C. SCHOELL, Pres't.
A. M. Leine, Secretary. 72t3