! FILIPINOS BOUGHT IF CHATTELS, 0 o S Governor General's Secretary of Interior Makes Report to Senate. VC0 SLAVERY, in the full meaning of the word, exists throughout tho Philippines, even tn the city of Manila, and peonage Is general In the Islands, according to a special report Commissioner Dean C. Worces ter, secretary of the interior oC the Philippines, has Just made to the In sular government. According to Dean Worcester, Fili pinos In some parts of the Islands com monly capture children and sell them Into slavery for profit Some are seut to Chlun, where they are dressed iu the native fashion. Some children have been enticed from their homes by slave agents upon promises of Bcboiar ehlps iu schools, and some of those. In uu Instance which Mr. Worcester re ports in detail, were sold and others were farmed out for money. He cites tlio case of a thlrtecn-year-old girl, bought for some pigs, rice, chickens and a cloak. The supreme court of the islands released the slave trader on the ground that no crime had been committed because no physical forco had been used. This one case, Mr. Worcester says, has blocked oth er slavery prosecutions. New Governor General. The report follows close on the heels of the announcement that President Wilson had appointed Representative Fronds Burton Ilarrlson of New York to bo governor general of the Pnfllp plnes to succeed W. Cn moron Forbes, who has held that post since Novem ber, 1000. The nearly simultaneous publication of the report and the appointment of TV. CASIEItON WMiBES. HID SOLD IS WORCESTE I Sordid Details of Traffic In Children Revealed by t Investigation. sold him to Benito Marcelo for 55 pe sos. The case came before the secretary-treasurer of Palawan, who ia also Justice of the peace, bee fro bo of some trouble over the last payment for slaves, and in that way the govern ment learned of the matter. The offi cial sent Loeso back to Ula tribe nod furnished me with a statement of the facts. "Persons less rash than those of the class of slave traders Just referred to have made a claim that slavery does not exist and never has existed in the territory subject to the atrtlwrfty of the Philippine legislature as distin guished from Uiat inhaMtod by Moron and other non-Christian trH)ea and subject to the authority of the Philip pine) commission only. Bnt Palawan is coo of the provinces subject to the authority of the Phillpiino assembly. Eoplies to Qneeon. "It Is possible that Senior Quezon, tho Philippine delegatfc in congress ' who denies the existence of slavery, ts m. fsabefta province in 1003, Mr, Tnft referred tliom ta Commissioner Wright, suggesting that anti-slavery laws ought to be incorporated hi tho new penal code which was being drawn up under Wright's supervision. Tho revision of that code wns-n tremendous piece, of work, which boo not been completed yet, and so Mr. Toffs roc ommendadona might Just as well not have been made. "Jn my own annual report for tho ear 1012 I urged tho pofisofio of some law to pcnnlizo tl slave trade, and on Oct. 24 of that year tho Philippine commission did paes one. It went to tho PhUlpplno assembly on Jan, 8, 1013, and was promptly tabled.' It is tabled' still, and this is tho status of tho situation today. !Some light may be thrown on the ubject by going bock to the year 1003, when my attention was first called to tho subject of slavery by Louis D. Knight, governor of Nueva Vlscayo province, who told mo 6omo harrowing tales of certain doings so that some thing might be done about it, and ho wrote out a very lengthy and detailed account, including tho prices at which women and children were sold Into bondage, ranging from a few pesos to hundred dollars. Proeecutiotis Unsuccessful. "Three of tlieso cases were prosccutr ed beforo tlio court of Nueva Vlscayo, and tho slave traders were noqultted, tho Judso basing his action on tho be lief that tho children sold were or phans and on tho further ground that tney were, not locked up, guarded, men aced or threoteiiod or otherwise de prived of liberty by force, nt least wliHo in the custody of tho nocneod. "Anotlier test case wra bsonght against Thomas Cabaiwg. a well known slave trader, who mndo a busi ness of buying und eelllng Ifugno chil dren. Ho was charged with illegal do- tontlon In connection with the admlt ted eale of on Ifugao girl named Jlma- ya. lie was convicted In tho lower court, but nppealed to .the supremo court March 10, 1007, and went cot fro. This was tho famous slow case In which Judge Tmeey wrote-tho opln The girl in question was thirteen years old, and the evidence showed that she had been bought from her motlver for some pigs, chickens, rice the new governor general ore- regarded In official circles' at' Washington as sig nificant. At the same time It is un derstood that President Wilson will not announce a definite Philippine pol icy until Mr. Harrison has had ample opportunity to investigate conditions there. Pending his report tlio government will endeavor to block nt once farther traffic in human Iwlngs In tho Islands if It is found to be possible. Dean Worcester's report follows a request for Information made to tho war department by tho senate on May 1, when Senator Borah road a letter from Dr. Worcester stating In a gen eral way that slavery existed to such an extent as to make It one. of the most serious problems confronting tlio government Tho report Is all the more interesting becauso tho war de partment Informed tho senato that It had no information concerning slavery In the islands. Tho commissioner says ho made a report on slavery to tho bureau of In sular affairs In 1010 and another In 1012. Defining 'peonago as tho condi tion of a debtor held by his creditor In Involuntary servitude and slavery, as a condition In which a human being Is held us a chattel, fed and clothed, bat not paid, Dr. Worcester describes In detail the forms of human truffle, tho Impossibility of suppressing the busi ness under tho present lawB and the futllo efforts at new legislation since tho American occupation of tho Is lands, Tho citations cover tho entire period down to tho present time. Slavery Common. "It has been and still is a common thing for Filipinos living In a territory adjacent to that Inhabited by Negritos, Tagabanaus, Eongots or Ifugaos," oays the report, "to obtain children by rapture or purchoso and hold them as Blaves, selling them to others when ever It proves financially advantageous to do so. Such unfortunates are dear ly chattel slaves and often ore repeat edly sold and resold. "A typical case Is that of Togbanau ct Palawan, Lasso, who was bought from ono Patrico Tabastabas by Pas tor Medino for 40 pesos. Mcdlno sold him to Vlncente Baculll for the sumo price, and Tabastabas bought him back In 1012 for 45 pesos. This year he Photo by American Press Association. KHUscjs Bxnnm nsEnisou. bo- ignorant of conditions there as to bo unaware of the conditions I have Just described and of tho fact that many Moroe of that place held slaves until compelled to give them up by the provincial government adirttolstarcd by mo as secretary of the interior, but if so he ho has no right to claim that be is a 'FlUplno CmnHar with coodltlons,' "Isabella ts a province atfso subject to the authority of the'PmTTpptno as sembly, but It differs from Palawan In that the largo majority of Its inhabi tants aro Christians and in tho further fact that It la organized under tho pro vincial government act and Is there fore not ln any way subject to mo as secretary at the Interior, Yet BJavery has been common In this province from tho beginning of historic times, and It Is common there today. Its oc currence Is admitted, and Its condl tlons aro described In a report made by a fellow townsman of Senor Que zon, Francisco Dlchoso, who wns gov ernor of the province when he mode tho report In 1003. "William II. Tnft was civil governor of tho Philippines at tho time, and lie directed that a full Investigation of these facts bo mode. Among other things Governor Dlchoso himself bad been charged with owning slaves, but ho denied It, not because there wore no slaves to bo had, but because It was against his nature to treat human beings as property. Children Sold to China. "Anthers Cmnartnca fa a regularly or ganized province, under control of tbo Philippine assembly, yet stneo tho American occupation children have been sold Into slavery there for depor tation into China. The- essential facts wcro reported by tho Filipino governor and tho Filipino fiscal of thoprovincD." Dean Worcester presents records to provo his assertions, including a letter from Lieutenant Governor Banz of Ramblon, where seventy children wcro enticed from noma Dr. Wfcsoestcr then says: "Sana has subsequently recovered a number of these children, hut to do so ho had to enlist tho old of tho se cret service at Manila and tho Philip pine constabulary at Caplz. Tho great er port of tho children, however, have never been located. Tho men con cerned In these transactions were ar rested and tried, and tho principal. who was operating under an assumed name, was convicted of abduction of minors. "The question will bo Disked, "What baa been done to stop this traffic In hu man flesh?' And I really do not know when) to begin. Upon receiving re ports of tho slavery which existed In DEFEAT F0R THAW Get Him Out of Canada, Orders Premier. COURT RESERVES DECISION. Detention of Prisoner Branded as Scan dal to Dominion, and Sherbrooke Jail Is Sarcastically Referred to as a "Public Board ing House." HA&MSON EESIGNATI0N IN. Addressed "To the Governor," It Goea to Mr. Sulzer. Albany, Sept 3. Tho resignation of Francis llurtou Ilarrlson as congress-' man, representing tho Twentieth New York district, to take effect Sept 1, was received by William ulzer. Mr. Harrison recently was nppolnted gov ernor general of tho Philippines. Tlio resignation was addressed, "To Uie governor of tho state of New York." Following out tho policy in effect since both Mr. Sulzer nnd Lieu tenant Governor Glynn laid claim to tho gubernatorial prerogatives, the postolllco authorities placed the letter In the postofflce box of which Mr. Sul zer had the key. BONDS FOUND, MAN SEIZED, BEAN a VTOBCESTEE. and a ckmk. Cnbanag sold her to a man from Nueva Vlscayo and tho lat ter to turn to a native of Isabella. Tho court held that no law was violated since tho girl was not detained by ac tual physical force. That decision, has blocked every slavery prosecution wo have attempted since. "What reason has tbo PWllpptno as sembly for blocking lawB which would stop this truffle? That body has mem bers from Pampangn, Talllnc, Bataan, Zombies, Isabella, Cagnyan and no merous other provinces In which slav ery flourishes, and it holds Its sessions hi Manila, where also slavery exists. Island Assembly's Apathy. 'Without hesitation, I express tho opinion" that the chief reason why tho assemblymen object to such a law as tho ono they havo tabled b that It would not only prohibit and penalize slavery, but would necessarily pcnnlizo peonago as welL And peonage Is so widespread that It must bo colled gen eral. Indeed, I havo no hesitation In asserting that it prevails in every mu nldpollty In tho Philippine Islands. "In Manila an assemblyman, Slrrero D, Cecilia, was caught red handed In slave ownership, but no prosecution resulted, and tho slavo girl Involved was left tn the possession of tho as semblyman, although she appealed to the courts and complained of brutal treatment But why multiply cases? "I could obtain conclusive evidence concerning a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand of them. It is eimpty a Ques tion of time and work. I how not made fho slightest effort to get at tho peonago records of tho aesembrymen on their farms back In tho provinces; but, taking tho cases as they come, I have already run across .three which directly Involved members or es-tnem- bcra of that body. Is thcro any won der they would not pass tho Phfltpplno rommlssion's antl-elav-ery billS" Sherbrooke, Que., Sept 3. Harry K. Thaw will find a huven for another day ct least in tho Sherbrooke Jail, secure from tho immigration au thorities who seek to deport him. Superior Judge Hutchinson reserved decision after hearing arguments for and against sustaining a writ of habeas corpus calling for tho fugitive's re lease. Meanwhile Thaw will remain In his cell. Crowds gathered here for the fair cheered him wildly as be was driven up tho hill ou his return trip to the Jail Ho bowed In acknowledg ment, but showed signs of extreme nervousness after tho morning bearing. Dcvelopnionts come fast Aime Geofrrion, special represcntntlvo for tbo provisional attorney general and premier, scotched tlio attempt of ThawB lawyers to obtain adjournment of tho habeas corpus proceedings by declaring that It was tho attorney gen eral's wish that tho matter bo disposed of forthwith. This was n blow to tbo Thaw forces and to Thaw himself. Ills lawyers contended that to liberate Thaw on a writ sued out by his erstwhile captor, John Boudreau, chief of police of Oofttlcool;, were perversion of tlio act and that if necessary, they would carry the cose to the "foot of the throne." Prisoner Very Nervous. W. L. Shurtleff of counsel for Thaw questioned the right of tlio attorney generul to Intervene, nnd H. It Frnser defied tlio lawyers acting for New York state to cite ono instance on rec ord where a writ has been sustained when the prisoner was an unwilling party to the proceedings, ns is the present cose. Thaw, paler than usual, sat through It all scrunclied up on a lounge. He twirled his new straw hat to case the tension, bit his nails and now and then scribbled notes, using his hat crown to rest the paper on. Sir Ixmer Gouln, attorney general and premier, intervened In the case through Almo Geoffrlon, as special representative, and demanded that steps be taken at onco to bring about his liberation from the Sherbrooke Jail where for two weeks Thaw has defied deportation. His detention was branded as a scandal' to the Dominion, the Jail was described sarcastically as a "public boarding house," Thaw ns ono who had boasted that bo laughed at out witting the authorities. Probably 200 persons waited with out the Jail to watch Thaw moke tho trip down to the courthouse. Outside the main entrance there wero fully 15,000 persons. Several ran up to- clap Thaw on tbo bock as he made his way through tho crowd, but La Force shoved them forcibly back. Police Trace to House Securities Taken In Buffalo Station. Buffalo, Sept. 3. The police an nounced that bonds valued at $15,000, stolen last week from John G. Lalor In tho New York Central station, were recovered. Tbo securities wero found in the home of Fred Werner, and Werner was placed under arrest on an open charge. Jewelry valued at $500, which tailor said also was in tho satchel with the- bonds, has not been found. Hot weather makes aching corns but why suffer? PEDOS CORN CURE will give instant relief. flu? Bros FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT AUTOMOBILE NSURANlE BenfEey Bros. Liberty Hall Building, HONESDALE. PA. Consolidated Phone 1 0 li That splitting Headache wil get almost instant relief if yol take a Neur'a Powder, io anl 25 cts. Sold everywhere. The Ideal Guardian of the estates of your minor chil dren. It has the very best facilities for the profitable and wise invest ment and re investment of the princi pal and accrued income,-The Scranton Trust Co. 510 Spruce Street I Gur GOLD TABLETS if used i will make short work of a cold. promptly 13 DUBLnT FAMILIES BURIED. United States Needa Preea Aon'. Tho United Stoics wants a press agent to boom tho good roods move ment, according to an announcement of tho Chicago branch of tho federal civil service commission. Tho posi tion may bo competed for by any male. but a trained newspaper man "te pre ferred. Tho position will pay $8 a day for ach day omployed. Houeee Collapse Seven Dead Extri cated 53 Persons Missing. Dublin, Sept 3. Two houses rn Church street, occupied by thirteen families, collapsed, burying all tbo In mates. A large force of rescuers was speed ily at work, and seven dead and many Injured have been extricated. It la feared that the death roll will be heavy, as it Is reported that flfty-three persons aro missing. Heartrending cries are heard from tho ruins, as many persons still alive uro imprisoned in tho wreckage. The houses fell without tho slightest warning. Church street consists of old, dilapidated tenement buildings, oc cupied by members of tho very poor classes PHARMACIST, Honesdale, ... pa. 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