THE CITIZEN Hjivo You a IIouso For Sale or For Rent? Use Our Cent-A-AVord The Citizen Advertise ccognlze the Vnluo of This Pnpcj ' ' Results Obtained. 71st YEAR. --NO. 72 PRICE 2 JAUNTS HONE SD ALE, WAYNE CO., PA., PBIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1913. HON, LEOPOLD FUERTH PASSED AWAY SUDDENLY 13X11 CAME WEDNESDAY MOHN IXG AND NEWS WAS 11IST1XCT SHOCK. lie Wns Prominent In Politics hi Wayne County, Having Repre sented District in State Legisla ture Democratic County Chair Hon. Leopold Fuerth, ono of Wayne's county best known men, prominent In Its political and busi ness life, died suddenly during Wed nesday morning, his lifeless body be ing found in bed by members of his family cho went to call him when ho did nil arise at his usu:il hoiir. The news of his death when it spread throughout Honesdale, caus ed a distinct shock to all his ac- HOX. IiEOl'OIiD FUERTH. quaintances, and everywhere In town there was keen regret at his passing away. Mr. Fuorth came to Honesdale lo make his home in 1875, having been married the year before to Miss Rachel Silverstone, wljile ho was re aming m rori jervis, xv. ., wnero he had been in business several .years and had become prominent In tne life or the town, Ailing the dosI- tion of chief of the fire department and other places of honor. Since 1873 his home had been here, and from the early years of his career he was foremost in the business and political life of the town. He was a Democrat In politics, and had serv ed his party well and been honored by it. In 1884 he was the candl date of his party for the legislature, but was defeated. In 1900 he again received tne nomination and was elected, being re-elected in 1902. serving the two terms with credit to himself and to his constituency. Ho was again elected to tho lecis. lature in 1D0C and In 1908, serving these two terms also with credit, and being placed on some of the more important committees. While in the legislature, ho was Instrument tal In having money appropriated tor tne erection at Pleasant Mount. Wayne county, of a monument to General Meredith, who was the Ilrst treasurer of the United States under the constitution. He also introduced the bill and carried it through to passage Increasing tne pay of jurors from J1.50 to $2.50 per day. At tho time of death, Mr. Fuerth was chairman of the Democratic county committee of this countv. and had already mapped out consider able campaign work. He was prom inent in Odd Fellowship, being a member of Howard lodge of Hones dale, serving three years as district deputy grand master, and for eigh teen consecutlvo years was a repre sentative from his lodge to the grand lodge of Pennsylvania. Mr. Fuerth was born in Austria, February 1, 1848, and was educated in the public schools of his native town, and later for two years at tended tho high school at Prague. He came to tho United States In 18C3, and lived in New York city and Newark, N. J until 18G8, when he took up his residence at Port Jervis, where he lived until coming to Honesdale In 1875. He Is survived by his wife and three daughters Sadie H. and Etta G., at home, and Bertha, wife of Dr. E. T. Brown, of Honesdale. Mr. Fuerth was known not only to his friends and neighbors, but to all with whom he came In contact as a generous, warm-hearted public spirited citizen. He favored every movement which had In view the bet terment of the town and its institu tions. He was charitable and his generosity often reached fully to tho limit of his means. As a friend ho was congenial and companionable to a high degree. These qualifications account In some degree at least for tho esteem in Which he was held by all, and together with his strict in tegrity accounts for his success in being four times elected as a repre sentative from this county. As a husband and father he was most indulgent and generous and in his own homo there will toe left a void which shall remain for a long time to come. The funeral will be held from his late homo on Fifteenth street this (Friday) afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Tho Citizen office is fully equipped to do till kinds of Job Printing. S. E. MOKRISOX AWARDED PLUMBING COXTRACT. Commissioners Opened Bids at Reg ular Meeting Tuesday Citizen Prints Primary Ballots Oth er Business. S. E. Morrison was awarded the contract for county plumbing at the regular meeting of the county com missioners held In the court house on Tuesday, September 2. A bubble fountain will be installed In the cor ridor of the court house and many other improvements will be made soon. The Citizen Publishing company was awarded the contract for print ing the ballots for the primary elec tion, which wll1 be held on Septem ber 1G, their hid having been the lowest. There are 10,000 official bal lots to be printed and 4,000 speci men ballots. Besides these there are 7,000 official to be printed for the non-partisan ballots, and 1,750 speci men. Wayne county has 42 districts and the name of each district must be changed on tho back and stub as well as the face of each ballot. Bills that have accumulated during the month of August were ordered paid. Other routine business con cluded the meeting. INSURANCE COMPANY LEVY TEX PER CEXT. ASSESSMEXT. The directors of the Wayne Coun ty Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance company met at the office of the secretary last Saturday and declared an assessment of 10 per cent, on premium notes for the ensuing year. All directors were present except Robert Whittaker, of South Sterl ing. The 10 per cent, assessment is two per cent, higher than it was last year For the year ending Septem ber 1, 1912, the losses were ?10,000, while for the year closing business September 1, 1918, the total loss amounted to $17,000, hence the in crease. Tho Farmers' Mutual Is now carrying insurance to the amount of nearly $5,000,000. Among other business transacted was the increase of rate of insurance on barns. Tho old rate was 4 , the new rato being doubled or 8 . This only where barns are Insured without the farm house. All losses not adjusted were approved by the board and the secretary was in structed to draw orders on the treas urer for the payment of same. In tho matter to try and settle and satisfactorily adjust the losses of Al- den Davis, of Damascus, and also that of Paul Vavorchak, of Canaan, Pres ident H. C. Jackson appointed a com mittee consisting of Attorney F. P, Kimble and P. A. Clark. These gen tlemen, it is alleged, ask for greater damages than the company think it ought to pay. TOOICDEPOSITIONS WEDXESDAY. Depositions of witnesses In the case of the directors of the poor of Dreher township against the poor directors of Sterling township, were taken in the court room at tho court house on Wednesday. It -was to have been held in the grand Jury room but on account of the large number of witnesses the court room was found necessary. The defendants' witnesses were called Wednesday morning and fin ished Rlinrtlv hafnrn nnnn "Plia Aa- fendants' witnesses were called In tne arternoon. Kimble & Hanlan rep resented Henry Foster and J. M. Catterson, poor directors of Sterling, while M. IE. Simons and C. P. Searle, Esq., represented the poor directors of Dreher. The trouble Is over the residence of one Charles B. Edwards. Ed wards lived In Dreher township and it is alleged that an order of re moval was secured before a Justice of the peace and Edwards was obliged to move into Sterling township. Foster said that Edwards at no time asked them, as poor directors, for help but that they did help him at one time when he injured his hand In a saw mill. That was about seven years ago. Judge Searle will consider the written evidence. TRANSFERS OF REAL ESTATE. W. H. Leo, Honesdale, to Jacob Metterer et ux. of Preston, land in Preston township; $1. Jacob Metterer et ux., of Preston, to W. H. Lee, Honesdale, land in Preston township; $1. Joseph Metterer et ux., of Toma hawk, Wisconsin, to Jacob Metterer, of La Cledo, Idaho, land in Preston township; $1. George Scublx to Joseph Poloncic, of Browndale, land In latter village; $600. W. H. Lee et ux., of Honesdale, to Joseph Poloncic of Browndale, land in Browndale; $200. Carnllnfi C T.nrd nnrl nhnrlna P Lord, of Manchester, to Joel L. Bul- iock, same, land in Manchester town ship; $1. Mrs. Minnie Stephenson of Preston to Milton Rhone, of same, land In Preston township; $400. CHURCH XOTES. Services will be resumed in the Presbyterian church jnoxt Sunday. Dr. Swift will speak at both services. The topic In tho evening1 will be "A Message From Labor Day." Services In St. John's Ev. Lu theran church Sunday, Sept. 7 th, will be as follows: 10:30 a. m., "Der Muhsame Lauf"; 11:45 a. m Bible school; 7:30 p. m., "Prisoners for Life." "PEG O' MY HEART." "Peg O' My Heart" is Coming to Honesdale. The winsome Irish girl, whoso wit, purity unselfishness and ignoranco has taken Now York by storm and held the theatregolng public in tho hollow of her band for the last ten months, at the Cortland Theatre, at tne Lyric Friday, sept. lath. MILL BROOK FARM POPULAR WITH THE YOUNG PEOPLE F. A. JEXKIXS ENTERTAINS MEM HERS OF HONESDALE COX CERT COMPANY. Dinner Saturday Evening and En tertainment by Darin's Boy Or chestra Furnished Pleasure for Young Guests. F. A. Jenkins, of Honesdale, en tertained the concert company of this place on Saturday evening at the cottage on Mill 'Brook Farm which was recently jointly purchased by F. A. Jenkins, Joseph A. Bodle, Jr., and C. P. Searle, situated in Pau pack township. A dinner, prepared by Mrs. Jen kins was the principal feature of the evening and after it was over Dorln's Boy orchestra gave selections. Solos and choruses by members of the party were very much enjoyed. The" young people were transported to the farm by William Reafier, Jr., David Peterson and F. A. Jenkins in autos. While the company wore seated around tho large fireplace in tho cot tage, the orchestra playing and everybody singing and listening to the crackling logs In the grate. Dr. Frederick Brush and a friend from Now York, came In. They were on a hike overland from Susquehanna where the former is spending the summer. Dr. Brush Is a writer of note and is one of the national di rectors of the camp fire girl move ment. Those present at the dinner were: Misses Eda Krantz, Jane Hagaman, Florence Eldred, Margaret Ebor hardt, 'Elsie Krantz, Gertrude Krantz, Lucllo Rowland, May Robinson, Elsa Prosch, Mary Bodie, Jessica Robinson, Mildred Ward, Maud Reh bein, Dorothy Reafier, Flossie Bry ant, Charlotte Bullock, Harriet Ar nold, Elwin Butler, Somner Cross ley, Robert Dorin,, Jr., Harold Mul aney, Raymond Faatz, Edward Cau lield, Charles Kreitner, R. M. Sal mon, C. P. Searle, Joseph Bodie, Jr., Ray Dibble, George Hayward, H. G. Rowland. YOUNG MEN OF HONESDALE this is for you if you buy your house hold goods, clothing, furnishings, etc., out of town. Don't do it any longer. It will not help the home merchant and what out-of-town con cern does anything to help Hones dale? Think a little. It will help you and certainly will help the town to which you owe your living if the co-operation spirit is practiced in Honesdale. If you advertise steadily results will bo sure to follow. - Bunkered!" When a golf player is "BUNKERED" bo is "UP AGAINST IT" and "IN" BAD," to uso tho slang of tho day. Local merchants aro "BUNKERED" when you fail to patronizo thorn and send your monoy out of town to mail ordor houses. Tho town itself is "BUNKERED" when it does not hustlo for now industries and support a livo' Board of Trade. Don't Be Bunkered! ANNOUNCEMENT We have instituted a process whereby we are In a position to do all kinds of Silver Plating, Oxidizing, Gum Metaling. Gold Plat ing with any kind of a finish you may desire, such as bright, satin or gray on Silver and Roman, bright, rose or English on Gold. The work is all done here in this store and we will gladly de monstrate to you at any time. ROWLAND The Jeweler, Silversmith and Optician Opposite the SURVIVORS OF CO. ii HOLD MEETING. Was Held nt Gravity Saturdny In stead of Ariel Association of Wayne County Veterans Formed A meeting of the survivors of Company B, 3rd regiment, Pennsyl vania reserves, was held at Gravity oa Saturday, August 30. President L. T. Adams opened the meeting and called on Rev. Wm. Underwood to lead In prayer. The roll call was an swered by nine survivors, namely: Ffeeland Brundage, Benjamin Ben nett, C. W. Hubbard, Andrew Brooks. 'E. A. Marshall, Joseph Bas chon, H. Hlnes, C. E. Mitchell and L. T, Adams. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. It was ux plained why the meeting place had been changed from Ariel to Gravity The election of officers followed: L. T. Adams, president; Freeland Brundage, secretary; C. W. Hub bard, treasurer. A society to be composed of all the veterans living in Wayne county or vicinity was formed. The name of the new organization will be known as the Wayne County Veter ans' Association. Albert Schaffer was elected president unanimously; L. T. Smith, vice-president; W. W. Wood, secretary; Wm. II. BIdwell, treasurer. Rev. Underwood delivered an ad dress and the ladies of Gravity serv ed a sumptuous repast for the vet erans. BETHANY. Mrs. John Grey is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Avery and children 'spent several days last week with relatives In Mount Pleas ant. Mrs. Voigt and sister, Miss Schoon over, of Honesdale, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Ernest Bodie. Mr. Becker of Wilkes-Barre, spent Sunday and Labor Day at Ms. D. W. Manning's. Miss Eva Harmes left for Mount Pleasant Sunday by auto. Mrs. Dan Smith and son, Graydon of Honesdale, visited the former's sons, John and Harry, and families here. Ira Bryant and Lee Paynter spent last week In Susquehanna painting the former's home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gammcll, Ella Blake and Mr. Davis spent Sun day at Beach Lake, j Jasper Faatz, of Scranton, spent unday and Labor Day here with relatives. J School will open on Monday, Sept. 8th, with Miss Margaret Purdy as teacher. James L. Monlngton Is moving to honesdale to-day, where he and his 2&i.31y expect to reside since selling his farm to I. J. Many. new Postofflee. TAFT PRESIDENT OF 'BAR ASSOCIATION GEORGE WH1TELOCK, BALTI MORE, SECRETARY, AND F. E. WEDHAMS, TREAS. They Held u Banquet Wednesday Night Judge A. T. Senile of Honesdale, is In Attendance nt the Meeting of the Association. Montreal, Sept. 3. Former Presi dent William H. Taft was elected president of the American Bar as sociation today at the close of the annual meeting. Other officers elected were: Secretary, G. White lock, Baltimore; treasurer, Frederick E. Wadhams, Albany, N. Y. Mr. Taft in an address made a strong plea for broader and more comprehensive standards for admis sion to the bar. He denounced the practice of law solely as means of livelihood apart from social and community aspects of the profession. "In most states this question of admission to the bar Is given to the supreme court," said the former president. "It ought to be possible, therefore, to secure a proper stand ard for the making of new lawyers." The association after electing of ficers adjourned its business sessions preparatory to the last event of the convention, the banquet. The mem bers Immediately went Into joint meeting with the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, which called Its fifth annual conven tion, to conclude with an Informal dinner Thursday night. Judge A. T. Searle of Honesdale, has been In attendance at this meet ing of the American Bar Association which is now in session nt Montreal, Canada. ANNUAL CONVENTION OF W. C. T. U. CLOSED. Tho annual convention of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, which was held at Waymart Tuesday afternoon, evening and all day Wednesday came to a close Wednesday evening following a very profitable session. Tho attendance was good. Reports of the various departments were given and officers elected for the coming year. Among the number was the re-election of theh president, Mrs. W. J. Barnes, of tins place. Wednesday evening's meeting closed with a gold medal contest. Miss Lavina Quintin of Ariel was the successful contestant. There were sis contestants in the declama tion. To Miss Emma May Buckingham, of Hamlin, annd Mrs. S. A. Brown, of Ariel, considerable credit belongs for Jtho time and attention given by these ladies in helping the contest ants. Miss Buckingham was present ed with a purse containing a gold contribution as a token of esteem by members of the Union. She has had charge of the oratorical contests in Wayne county for 20 years, During this time 200 contests. Uaye been held. ' ' ' '", : - . A&au THIS IS A TRUE STORY. On the start, beforo you have had Chance to read two lines, we will tell you It Is not a patent medicine ad vertisement, neither Is It a poHtlcal announcement, but something of vit al Importance to you and your kin. Not long since a Wayne county young coupie went to housekeeping in a lownsuip not many miles irom tllA pnilntv cpnt T Arn mnat f o ttyi " - J UUMV. tHIW houses, their respectives homes be- lore marriage were lined with litera ture from mall order houses. They unfortunately took no" county paper and the only paper In their homes us uuu oi uiese large department stores. Their minds had become saturated In mail order news, telling how easy It was to order by mall, etc., so that when the time came to buy furniture, why of course the man oruer nouses were patronized. The roods were shlnnprt in Hnnoo- dale and tho things came all right, such as they were, but a mattress hannened to ho mlsslnc Tim vnnm bride-to-be had (forgotten to tell her nusoana-to-be mat another mattress was necessary for the spareroom. The young man came to the coun ty seat and went to a furniture deaelr from whom he asked the price of mattresses, and other pieces of household necessities. Before leav ing the young man, whoso credit was good, had the nerve to ask the homo merchant to charge the mat tress. The furniture dealer then "let In" on the young farmer. He told how he sent away from the county and town to buy his furni ture and before receiving It how he had to pay cash for same. Then, af ter having first purchased the goods came to Honesdale to get something which ho claimed he was short and which the mail order house would not replace, came to Honesdale to " hang up tho merchant." The fur niture dealer told the young farmer that ho knew he was well able to pay for tho mattress many times over, but that he didn't havo money enough to buy a mattress of him. If you happen to havo the mall order habit shake tho dust from your feet at once and purchase from your homo merchant. BASE BALL. In a game of ball played on Wed nesday between Greenville and Splrella the latter team, with Fred Schuerholz in tho box, won from the former by a score of 5 to 0. Sherry struck out five men and as sisted In putting two men out. Judging by the showing made here by the Crescents tho game on Saturday between Honesdale and Petersburg will be a good one, as this Petersburg crowd Is better than the Crescent team, both of them be ing in the Keystone League. Peters burg is first and the Crescents fourth. JOSEPH SLOCUM AT LA1U? SffD SUNDAY. r - Born In Slocuiu llol.Ow and Wns Great Nephew of Frances Slocuni of Wyoming Massacre Fame. Joseph Warren Slocum, aged 80 years, whose great aunt, Frances Slocum, was.captured by the Indians at the time of the Wyoming massacre on July 4, 1778, died Sunday at the home of her son, Frank C. Slocum, at Lakewood, this county. The body was taken to Scranton for burial. The funeral took place from the home of 002 Slocum street, Scranton. . Mr. Slocum was born In Slocum Hollow, eighty years ago, the son of Joseph Slocum, whose father was a brother of Frances Slocum. Tho story of Fannie Slocum's capture by tho Indians and the search by her parents and friends for her Is known to every school boy and girl In this section of the state'. The first name of the settlement which blossomed In later years to the city of Scranton, was taken from the Slocums. For many years Joseph W. Slocum was a United States Marshal In this district. For the past few years he has lived retired, and In May last with his wife, he wont to Lakewood to spend the summer. He has been suffering from heart trouble all summer, death coming after a par ticularly acute attack. Mr. Slocum is survived by his wife, who is now in her eightieth year, by four sons, Joseph, of Pau pack, Pike county; Frank Slocum, of Lakewood; Florence and George, and by one granddaughter, Mrs. F. A. Taylor, of Janesville, Wis. Seven grandchildren also survive. MISS KEEN'S SUMMER SCHOOL. Miss Keen's summer school of sis weeks closed Friday, Aug. 22. The great spelling match was regretfully deferred. Nevertheless in four weeks one book or 30 lessons was covered. Head marks as follows: A Class Frances Oaks 10, Mary Bell 8, Susan Rodman 3, Nicholas Stapleton 7, Margaret Roegner 5, Joseph Van Driosen 3. B Class Merriman Reifier 10, Robert Crist 7. James Coyne 1. C Class Lola Fassheur 12, Louise Salber 12, Lois Lamnessor 7, Louise Tingley 3, Robt. Sonner C, Walter Dapper 8, Helen Coyne 1. Some good work In penmanship was dono by Mary Bell, Frances Oaks, Susan Rodman and Julius Kelz. Very nice tablet work was done by Lola Fassheur, Louise Sal ber, Louise Tingley, Lois Lamnessor, Walter Dapper and Robert Sonner. Robert Crist did good work In reading. Merriman Riefler excelled In spelling. Misses Dora and Ora Bodie and Miss Mary Bell have made a good beginning In bookkeeping. The school will open Monday, Sept. 1C. Louisa C. Keen, teacher. WAYNE CO. S. S. COXVEXTIOX AX ORSON, Sept. 10 and 17, from 1 p. m. Tuesday, to 12 M. Wednesday. Mrs. Maud J. Baldwin, Rev. Geo. G. Dowey, and Rev. Dr. M. S. Godshell will be present to Intorest and In struct. Every Sunday school In the county Should send two. delegates. Orson Is situated on the MSw York, Ontario and Western R. R. which runs only one trald ft dag through this section. Leaving Scran ton at 10 a. m., Carbondale at 10:55. Arrive at Orson at 11:42. Returned train leaves Orson at 3:30 p. m.; Carbondale at '4; 13. Arrive at Scranton at 5 p. m. Far6 between, Orson and Carbondale, 38c; Orson and Scranton 70c; Orson and Han cock, 34c. Time of trains between Orson and Hancock: Leave Hancock at 2:15 p. m., arrive at Orson at 8:30. Returning, leave Qrson at 11:42 a. m., arrive at Hancock at 112:54. Automobiles will run from Honesdale to Orson. Time will ap pear In next Issue of paper. Watch for it. , : "NIGHT OX BROADWAY." "Night on Broadway," which comes to tho Lyric on Friday, Sept. 5th, is a genuine laugh producer, not of the namby-pamby kind but laughs that come from tho heart and aro really infectuous. The principal fun maker Is Harry Emerson, long Iden tified with "Gay New York." Emer son being of those stars who do not believe In giving the whole show, Is surrounded by a cast of well known principals, and a cutey cutey chorus of twenty, In so many changes of gowns that the effect Is really chame leonic. The music Is of the Jingle order which fixes you so you cannot make your feet keep still. COMMITTEES IX CHARGE OF K. OF O. ENTERTAINMENT. On account of a rush of matter for the first Issue of The Citizen, tho names of the men who composed the committees having charge of the affairs at the exemplification of the third degree of the Knights of Co lumbus at the State Armory on Sun day, wero omitted. The committees were: Reception Rev. O'Toole, Dr. Balta, Joseph J. Grlffln; entertain ment John Carrol, John Hlckert, Robert J. Murray; refreshments, John Crosby, John RIsso, and John Schilling; building John McGlnnls, John Polt, Matthew Rielly, L. Bried, F. Murtha and Thomas Gallagher; finance, Edward Deltzer, John Cau fleld and Joseph J. Griffin. GRACE CHURCH REOPENED. Services will be resumed at Grace Episcopal church next Sunday, Sept. 7, and the Sunday school will com mence its new term. Let everyone make this rally day for church and Sunday school. The services will ho as fo'lows: Holy Communion and sermon, 10:30; evening prayer and sermon, 7:30; Sunday school at 12 M. At Christ church, Indian Or chard, Sunday, Sept 7, Rev. A. L. Whittaker will hold service at 2:30 p. m.; Sunday school every Sunday ui xidu p. m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers