The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 29, 1913, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Animal Fun.
A thick fleeced lamb came trotting by.
"Pray, whither now, my lamb?" quoth 1.
"1u have" said he, with ne'er a stop,
"My wool clipped off at the ba-ba shop."
I asked tho dos, "Why all thla din?"
Bald he, "I'm fashioned outsldo In,
And nil my nights and days I've tried
My best to get the bark outside."
A hen was cackling loud and long.
Bald I to her, "How strango your song!"
Bald she, " "Tis scarce a song In fact,
It's just a lay, to bo eggs-act."
I asked tho cat, "Pray tell mo why
you lovo to sins." Sbo blinked her eye.
"My pur-puss, sir, as you can see,
Js to a-mows myself," said she.
Christian Endeavor World.
Game of Colors.
Thl3 is a gaine played by German
children in New York. A row of chil
dren sit or stand on the doorsteps or
against a wall. Opposite each other
stand two girls, representing one tho
good, the other the bad angel. Every
child chooses n color. Tho "mother"
stands in front of the children. The
"good angel" knocks and is answered
by the mother:
"Who's knocking at the door?"
"The Angel with the Golden Star."
"What do you want?'
"Blue." (Or any color.)
Tho "good angel" names a color. It
It is one represented the angel takes
tho child, but If unsuccessful must re
tire, whllo tho "bad angel," or the "an
gel with tho pitchfork," comes for
ward and makes a similar demand.
When all tho children are divided a
"tug of war" follows, as in "Loudon
Geographical Game.
Seat the players in a ring. Let tho
first one say aloud tho name of a city,
mountain, river, lake, etc., located In
any part of the world, or any division
of the earth previously agreed upon.
The next player must then give a
name beginning with the last letter of
the name just given, and the' third
must supply one beginning with the
final letter of the second, and so on
around tho circle. Thus: America.
Athens, Salem, Mobile, Erie. Ecuador.
Itochester, Home, etc. '
Each player Is allowed thirty seconds
in which to think. If by tho end of that
time he fails to supply a name he must
drop out of tho game. The one who
keeps up longest is champion.
Any player may at any time bo chal
lenged to give the geographical loca
tion of tho place he has named. If he
cannot do this he must pay a forfeit.
Game of Watchman.
Have a sheet or screen so placed
that shadows may be cast upon it.
Facing it have one of the players sit
ting In such a position that he can see
only tho screen, not anything that is
going on behind ldm. This player is
called "tho watchman." Now, behind
tho watchman and at such a distance
that there is space for a person to
walk between the watchman and the
light place a caudle.
The object of tho game is for the
watchman to guess from the shadows
cast who Is passing behind him.
Tho players, going one by one, may
disguise themselves by limping, bow
ing the head or wearing a hat, but
generally the watchman. If ho is dis
cerning, may detect the player by
some peculiarity. For every one ho
guesses correctly a forfeit must be
paid by tho one discovered.
A Spool Trick.
Run n pin its whole length througb
the middle of a card. Place tho card
on tho end of a spool In such a way as
to allow the pin to hang down in tho
hole in the spool. Hold the spool up
right and blow into tho open end.
Howover hard you blow, you will not
be able to force tho card away. If you
blow steadily you can even turn the
spool downward, and tho card will still
refuse to drop.
The card is held in place by suction.
The thin film of air escaping with
much force in all directions between
the end of tho spool and the card pre
sents a smooth surface to which tho
card adheres as ft would to glass, but
with greater force, for tho film of air is
even smoother than glass. Tho pin
serves only to prevent tho card from
working off at ono side. Youth's Com
panion. About the Cat Family,
It is a fact that a lion's, or a tiger's
whiskers onco taken off will never grow
again. These animals ahod their hair
ordinarily onco a year, all- except the
whiskers. Tho shedding depends en
tirely upon tho clfinate, and there Is a
peculiar tiling connected with it.
Men who liavo taken wild animals
from Asia and Africa to Europe say
that they never knew a lion or a tiger
or any animal of the cat species to go
through the Rod sea without shedding.
They will shed at Suufclm nnd come
out with hair fresh and glossy as silk,
and yet going through tho Hod sea they
will shed ngaln. No one 1ms been able
to account for it, but it is a fact never
theless. Gopher In the Hole.
This game requires at least thirteen
persons. Circles are formed by three
players Jolulng hands. Thcso are the
boles. In each holo is another player,
who U a gopher. Ono extra player is
outsldo nnd has no bole. At a given
signal from the leader, who may bo
any one of tho players, all tho gophers
havo to clmnga holes, and tho ono who
la outside tries to get a holo. Tho one
who is left out then becomes tho homo
less gopher.
Stem Should Be Strong Enough to
Support Flower Without Droop
ing and With Broad Petal.
(Dy W. It. GILBERT.)
In a good pink the stem should bo
strong enough to support the flower
without drooping, and not less than
from ten to twelve Inches high, which
will elevate It above the foliage. Tho
calyx or rod ought to bo proportionate
ly long, straight, and not to narrow,
but correspond with the size of tho
flower, not Incurved, but rather turned
outwards, so that the flower may ex
pand freely and without bursting out
at the side. The petal should be broad,
flat and substantial, and as free from
Indentation on the edges as possible.
It is not desirable for tho flower to be
too double, and there ought to be a suf
ficient number of rows of petals to
show symmetry without being crowd
ed, each row being smaller in size
than tho next below, lying over each
other In regular imbricated form. In
a laced kind the belting should be
even and equal in breadth, surround
ing the outer edge of each petal and
uniting with the eye. Whatever the
color is it ought to be uniform, rich
and solid. In tho purple a rich purplish
maroon, and in tho red tho nearer ap
proach to scarlet the better. In all
the classes the white ought to bo clear
and distinct, without blemish. Propa
gation is most readily accomplished
by pipings which are simply the tops
of tho shoots struck under hand
glasses; very strong soli should not bo
used for the pink, for too rich a com
post only Injures it and makes the
color run. The most suitable soil is a
fresh loam, only ordinarily fertile, the
top spit of an old pasture, with a
fourth part cow dung, and both thor
oughly rotted together. Care should
bo used that there are no wlreworms
In it, as they are very destructive, not
Another Fragrant Favorite the Pink.
only to the pink but also to the car
nation and plcotoe. Where perfection
Is studied, it is beet to have nothing
else in tho some bed, which may be
12 inches deep of the above named ma
terial Plant about the middle of Au
gust, about eight Inches apart, and
make tho soil somewhat solid around
the neck of the plants, but do not bury
too deeply. If dry weather should oc
cur grro a good soaking of water, but
keep as dry as possible through the,
winter. Towards the end of April
stirring the soil and giving a top
dressing vlll" greatly invigorate the
plants and assist the bloom. As the
flower stems approach blooming havo
in readiness a quantity of slender
twigs; fix ono to each plant and tie
loosely with soft thread. When tho
flowers begin to expand, If it Is desired
to have them quite perfect, examine
the pods, and if they appear to be
opening more on ono side than the
other take a penknife and slit the
closed divisions equally, but not so
far as to let the petals fall down and
out of place. At tho tlmo tie a small
bit of bast round immediately under
where slit; this will prevent bursting
and keep, the flower uniform in shape.
If there be during blooming a thin
covering of muslin fixed over the bed,
and raised sufficiently high above the
flower, so as not to rub them, the flow
ering will bo considerably prolonged,
and the colors much more distinct and
clear. Where it 1b desirable to savo
seed and keep the progeny in class
character, each class ought to be kept
separately, and tho flowers assisted by
artificial fertilization, choosing thoso
of the same class, with good marking,
to hybridize with. Tho pink is easily
forced and is a most desirable acquisi
tion among early spring flowers. The
care requisite to accomplish this ob
ject Is very nttle. As soon as pipings
can be had off forced plants strike
them In pots or pans in sand under a
hand glass hi a gentle heat. After
they have struck root gradually harden
them off, and plant them out In well
prepared beds, In which they will
make strong plants, ready for lifting
and potting by October; afterwards
beep them In a cold frame. For forc
ing, the Pheasant's Eye, white with
dark eyevj Moss's Red, which is later
than tho last, and Paddlngton Pink,
which Is later still, aw tho best. In
forcing them they may be placed near
the gloss In any house where a temper,
aturo of BO or 65 degrees la kept at
night Whatever house they a.-a
forced In care should bo taken to keep
them freely exposed to the sun, for
this la the main secret of sueews-
No FqoI Like
An Old Fool
"My son," said the seuloi Wlnthrop
when his boy was about to leave lilm
to enter Into business In the city, "I
will forgive you for nnything except
making u senseless marriage, In other
words. I expect you to consider when
you marry upon what you propose to
supjrait a wife. If you marry a girl
who can do her part In the family
tlnanclul requirements, well and good.
If you secure an Income to do It all
yourself, well and good. But if neither
of you has anything more than u pit
tance don't come to me for help. In
short. I shall not want to see any
thing more of you. One word more:
The worst thing you can do is to mar
ry a girl brought up In allluence who
has nothing on which to keep up a
position "
ISob Wlnthrop chose what his father
considered the worst thing he could do.
Miss ttosalle Hilton was the daughter
of a man who lavished luxuries upon
her till she was twenty years old,
then failed In business and died, leav
ing her with uothing at nil. Bob was
a gentleman-like, handsome chap and
bad not been long in town before lie
was received In society and met Miss
Hilton just before misfortune befell
her family. She had met many agree
able young men and hud had a num
ber of suitors, but between her and
Bob came something that neither bad
felt before. Bob proposed and was ac
cepted when he supposed he was con
sidering his father's warning. Then
came the crash, and tho young man
was not only too honorable to with
draw his offer, but ho did not wish to
withdraw It
But he had a hard time in persuad
ing Itosallo to marry him. She had a
good bend on her shoulders and realiz
ed what would likely be tho result of
marrying a man whoso Income did not
admit of his supporting any wife at
all. to say nothing of one who hart
been brought up in luxury, but since
her heart was with Bob and he said
he was wllllug to take the responai
billty, if she was, she Anally yielded
and they became engaged.
Bob wrote his father all about It
and received In reply: "They say
there's no fool like an old fool. My
opinion Is that there could not possibly
be a greater fool than a young fool."
Bob showed his father's letter to
Bosallc. She said not a word In reply,
but seemed to be doing a good deal' of
thinking. Presently she said: "Well,
Bob, there's evidently no hope for us
with your father. And your Income is
too small for us to marry on. Either
you must consent to my doing some
thing to earn money or we must give
up marriage. 1 am well educated and
shall teach."
"We needn't bo married right off,"
said Bob. "Walt awhile."
Six mouths of waiting passed, and
Bob found It a depressing period. Ro
salie went to live with an aunt in
another city and wrote Bob that she
was getting ready to teach. Then she
wrote that sho had found a position at
a salary of $800 a year. Sho could
save most of it, and in a year they
would havo tho wherewithal to start a
fortune. Bob smiled at her way of
expressing It, but n year seemed very
long to him.
Ono day Bob received a letter from
his father, who was a widower, that
he had concluded to take a second
wife. In order to gild his announce
ment ho added that he would colebrato
the event by giving his son $10,000. If
he chose to spend It In marrying a
girl who had been born "with n silver
spoon in her mouth" and who would
doubtless spend tho money or lose It
within a year, ho was welcome to do
so. But ho advised Bob to follow bis
father's example and marry a practi
cal woman.
Bob sent tho letter to Rosalie, who re-
plied: "Why don't you go home and
Inspect your future stepmother? I
havo no confidence In tho sense of old
men In the matter of marriage. I no
tice your father doesn't mention his
flanceo's age. Ten to ono ho has got
hold of somo chit, or rather some chit
has got hold of him, and she'll lead
him a dance. I've found a position as
governess in tho family of a widower,
and he's bothering mo to marry him."
Bob wrote hia father, thanking him
for his kind Intention, and added, "I
shall bo able get off for tho week end
and will run down and see you to offer
my thanks In person and meet the fu
ture Mrs. Wlnthrop."
Saturday evening Bob appeared In his
father's house and wns welcomed by
his two younger sisters, aged respec
tively fourteen and ten. They were
loud in their praises of their future
stepmother. Then came tho father,
beaming all over with happiness. Bob
asked if his father would take him to
call on the lady during tho evening, to
which his father replied that the lady
was In tho houso and would be down
In a few minutes. As ho spoke tho
words the door opened and she stepped
Into tho room.
"For heaven's sake. Rosalie, what
are you doing here?"
"1 camo hero to dlsprovo your fa
ther's words that a young fool Is a
worse fool than an old fool. I am the
governess of your slstors and havo De
come very much attached to tbem, also
to your father"
The old man was much shocked and
disappointed, but bo Anally decided to
take it all In good part and consent to
Bob's marriage provided Rosalie would
finish the year as his daughters' gov
ern oss.
Two Methods Given for Breaking
Up Setting Hens.
Strenuous Measures Must Be Adopted
to Dissuade Fowl From Her Pur
pose Leghorns Are Most
Popular for Eggs.
Contrary to general Impression,
broodiness in hens is not a fever and
we havo no evidence to show that it
Is contagious. Tho ailment, if we may
term it thus, appears without warn
ing. Tho fowl may have been laying
steadily and acting n a perfectly nor
mal fashion, when suddenly she be
comes imbued with a great distaste
for active pursuits. She betrays a
very crabbed disposition, rushing at
her erstwhllo friends and pecking
them viciously whenever they ap
proach her. Her plumage sticks out
at right angles, making her appear
about twice as large as usual. With
head drawn deep Into her hackle
feathers ,and wings and body taking
op as much spaco as possible, sho
mounts guard over her chosen nest
and defies all comers.
The hen becomes broody because
naturo prompts her with a sudden de
sire for a brood of chicks. She prob
ably does not know why sho does It,
as she will take to potatoes or door
knobs as kindly a3 to eggs, but -she
Excellent Egg Type,
sets when the tlmo comes just tho
Bame, and she will keep on setting
until you break her up or let her
hatch out a brood of chicks.
This pertinacity would not bo so
Important If it were not for tho fact
that she quits laying and stays quit.
Sho has decided upon a vacation and
she refuses to work during this period.
The loss of a couplo of months of a
ben's time Is not to bo thought of
at any period, and especially during
tho spring, which Is the natural time
for setting and heaviest egg produc
tion as well.
If wo do not wish to sot the hen on
eggs we will have to adopt strenuous
means to dissuado her from her pup
pose and start her to laying again.
There are a number of successful
ways of doing this, and conditions will
indicate the most favorable. The main
thing is to act promptly and be thor
ough. Remove the broody hens from the
nests each night, as they are most
easily detected then. They stick to
iho nest instead of going to roost
Dust them thoroughly with Insect pow
der and confine them in an open slat
crate or cage In a cool, light location.
Keep water before them and give
nothing to eat except a little whole
wheat and green stuff 'once a day. This
will not hurt tho hen and about three
days of this "water cure" will con
vince hor of the error of her ways.
Another good way Is to have a sep
rato pen with absolutely bare floor
and walls, and no possible place to
nest, and place all of tho broody hens
In It, in the company of two or threo
vigorous male birds. This schemo la
frequently used on large poultry
The heavior breeds are especially
addicted to broodiness, the Asiatics
being the worst offenders ancf tho
Plymouth Rocks and R. I. Reds lead
ing in tho American class. Leghorns
and Minorcas and Hamburg3 sot so
rarely that thoy cannot bo depended
on to ralso their young. For this rea
son the Leghorns aro tho most popu
lar breed for largo egg farms, as thoy
waste no tlmo sotting and tho young
aro easily raised artificially.
Most Fertile Eggs.
The eggs from mature hens will
hatch better and produce stronger
chicks than tho eggs of pullets. They
are usually larger, too.
Discarding Setting Hen.
Tho old setting hen Is gradually go
ing out of business, with several hun
dred manufacturers of Incubators arid
brooders as competitors.
Dont Chang Its Mind,
When once set, the Incubator does
not have the privilege of changing IU
mind as does old Biddy.
AnTononendlnj? n Mti'tri mi. description mny
qiiloklr nacerltilit our i.ImiiIi.h free whether un
Invout'on Is prolmbljr pnienlnblo. Communion.
UimsBirlctlyeoiiUdcnuui. HM1UUUUH onrtitcnis
sent free. Oldest apency for Bocurmff putcnts.
l'ntcnts taken tbroiich Muun & Co. receive
Ipedlal notice, without chnrgo. In tlio
A handsomely lllmtrnterl woefctjr. Largest ctr
ciilatlou of nny ccientlUc journal. Terms, $3 a
year: four months, ft. Bold by all newsdealer.
branch Offlca. 625 F BU Washington, D. c.
'l 'Plsrnrn nf
Late of Borough of Honesdale.
All persons Indebted to said es
tate are notified to make immediate
payment to the undersigned; and
those having claims against the said
estate are notified to present them
duly attested for settlement.
Honesdale, Pa., Aug. 25, 1913.
Estate of
Orrin E. 'Babcock, late of Hawley.
All persons Indebted to said estate
are notified to make Immediate pay
ment to the undersigned; and those
having claims against said estate are
notified to present them, ddly attest
ed, for settlement.
1435 Church Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Or John Conklin, Hawley, Pa. G9wG
IN re Executor's sale of real estate
of H. -J. Quinney, late of the
Borough of Honesdale, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
Orphans' Court of Wayno County has
fixed Monday, September S, 1913, at
2 o'clock p. m., for tho hearing of an
application made by tho Executor of
H. J. Quinney, late of Honesdale,
deceased, for a private sale of tho
real estate of said decedent, situated
in the borough of Honesdale, for the
sum of Sixteen Hundred Dollars. At
which time and place any objections
to a private sale on tho terms set
forth in tho application will bo
GGw3 Executor.
The Commissioners of 'Wayne
county will receive bids for carpen
ter work in toilet room at the Court
House. They will also receive bids
for plumbing work in toilet room.
Bids received up to noon Tuesday,
September 2, 1913.
Plans and specifications for above
work can be seen at the Commission
ers' office, at tho court house.
Attest: Commissioners.
T. Y. Boyd, Clerk. G5eoi3
Wayne County
Savings Bank
87 1 42 YEARS
BECAUSE we have been transacting a SUCCESSFUL
banking business CONTINUOUSLY since 1S71
and are prepared and qualified to renderVALU
ABLE SERVICE to our customers.
ONE years.
BECAUSE of SECURITY guaranteed by our LARGE
CAPITAL and SURPLUS of 8550,000 00.
BECAUSE of our TOTAL ASSETS of $3,000,000.00.
Wayne county.
BECAUSE of these reasons wo confidently ask you to
become a depositor.
COURTEOUS treatment to all CUSTOMERS
whether their account is LARGE or SMALL
INTEREST allowed from the FIRST of ANY
MONTH on Deposits made on or before the
TENTH of the month.
A. T. BEARIxE, Vice-President. W. J, WARD, Asst. Cashier
John Kuhbach,
Late of Honesdale, deceased.
Tho undersigned an auditor ap
pointed to pass upon the exceptions
to account and to report distribution
of said estate, will attend to the du
ties of his appointment, on
Thursday, Sept. 11, 1913, at 10 a. m.
at his office In the borough of
Honesdale, at which time and place
all claims against said estate must
be presented, or recourse to the fund
for distribution will be lost.
E. C. MUMFORD, Auditor.
Honesdale, Aug. 9th, 1913. G5w3
REAL ESTATE. By virtue of
process Issued, out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Wayne county, and
State of Pennnylvania, and to mo di
rected and delivered, I have levied on
and will expose to public sale, at the
Court House in Honesdale on
SEPTEMBER 12, 1013, at 11 A. M.
All tho defendant's right, title and
interest In the following described
property viz:
All the. surface or right of soil of ana
in all that certain piece or parcel of land
situate, lying and being In the town of
Browndale, Clinton township, Wayno
County, Pennsylvania, designated as
GOxSO feet of the westerly portion of lots
No. 9 and No. 10 In Block No. 16 as de
scribed on the map of building lots of the
town of Browndale, being eighty feet on
the easterly and westerly boundaries and
fifty feet on the northerly and southerly
boundaries and bounded easterly by por
tions of lots No. 9 and No. 10, owned by
Joseph Scublx, southerly by lot No. 8;
westerly by lands of the Hillside Coal &
Iron Co.; and northerly by lot No. 11; be
ing fifty feet on the westerly end of lots
which Gregor Scublx granted and con
veyed to Joseph Scublx by deed dated
Aug. 18, 1908, and recorded In Deed Book
No. 93, page 12. Also a free and Unin
terrupted use, liberty and privilege of a
passage in and along a certain alley or
passage six feet in breadth by fifty feet
In depth, extending from the south-east
corner of land herein conveyed east fifty
feet along the southery boundary of land
still owned by Joseph Scublx to land of
Anthony Drashler, where connection Is
made with the alley to tho street Ex
cepting and reserving as excepted and re
served In the hereinbefore recited deed
to Joseph Scublx. Being the same land
granted and conveyed by Joseph Scublx
to Frank Koenlg by deed dated Aug. 31,
1910, and recorded In Deed Book No. 101,
pago 305.
Property above described Improved with
a two-story frame dwelling house.
ALSO all tho surface or right of soil
of and In all that certain pleco or parcel
of land sltuato in tho town of Brown
dale, Clinton township, Wayno county,
Pennsylvania, distinguished as 100x80 feet
of the westerly extremity of lots No. 9
and No. 10 In Block No. 10 as described In
a map of building lots of II. W. Brown
In said town of Browndale, being eighty
feet on tho easterly and westerly bound
aries, and bounded easterly by portions
of lots No. 9 and No. 10, sold to Anthony
Drashler; southerly by lot No. 8; westerly
by land of the Hillside Coal & Iron Com
panyr northerly by lot No. 11. Being the
same property granted and conveyed to
Joseph Scublx by Gregor Scublx by deed
dated Aug. 18, 1908, and recorded In Deed
Book No. 99, pago 12. Excepting and re
serving as excepted and reserved In last
mentioned deed. Also excepting and re
serving therefrom a lot BOxSO feet which
was granted and conveyed by Joseph
Scublx et ux. to Frank Koenlg by deed
dated Aug. 31, 1910, and recorded In Deed
Book No. 101, pago 303.
Improved with a two-story frame
dwelling house.
Seized and taken In execution as the
property of Joseph Scublx at the suit of
E. A. Bloxham. No. 53 June Term, 1913.
Judgment, $1700. Attorneys, Gardiner &
TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs
must be paid on day of sale or deeds
will not be acknowledged.
AdV 05 3w