The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 29, 1913, Image 1

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Havo You a IIouso For Salo or For
The Citizen Advertisers Rf ilzo
the Value of This Tancr By;?;! jults
Obtained. p
Rent? Use Our Ccnt-A-Word
71st YEAR -NO. 70
PRICE 2 Cs 11 S
jlwu jrtHiiiuiis uiii un liL-puuiican
One AAnsliington nnu One Demo-,
crnt Hawley Hull Mooters Offer
An Fight and Lcnvo Field to Dem
ocrats and Regulars.
Tuesday was the last day for regls-
rprmir jir a. r..inninain inr nnv nim:H
in the borough or county. The coun-
UUL1L1UI1H uru iimu. WUS U UU&Y U1UUU
II fiiifinir i m iiiiv. itTin iiim rim nv
. i .1 1 .1 ...1.1. ilAH nn
ririnna rnnTinnnii un in nip n ns nc
It' had been generally supposed!'0 engagements. Each' team has
llll I. I I K IJ(-IIIIll.l iLI.M Wtllllll HIIIIUINK
ii h nrt'si'ii r. fim ni'i i men ;inn wnii in
me canuiuaies ming peuuons ior
II1II1IILTII IllllfMSi with: 11 i-ltmsvi. - , .
1UU1 C 1111U A. A. Z 11 1 V J 11 1 nrL. ilUUl
ur, r i uhk vmuuu uuu r ruiiK irus-
Ti i- Tf i "n i m
oit; juugu oi election, iuuwaru mdi-
New petitions filed Tuesday were:
lepuuucan ucicei; uev. ueo. a. wen-
mi fnr Hiirppsa nn thp Wnshinitnn
From the appearance of the can-
itlates netitlons for borouch offices
n Hawlnv it. would sppm thnt Hip
vusiuuiuu yurty jiiuii are iiul uumg
num. i 1 1 h iiitiit. kprttik in m np-
ween the Democrats and regular
Kltnn f. T..nnJ.. 11
av fnr .p.finrllflntps tn rpelstpr tlipir
euuons una quuu a numuer irom
The following petitions were filed
ui&usa, milium w. .uuipny; uuuii-
ilmen, Peter J. Unger, Michael P.
onsen, John J. Sheridan, Charles
McHale, Charles P. Nell; school
irectors, Chas. S. Houck, A. C.
oigt, Joseph A. Runyon and Chas.
Schardt; for auditor, A. L. Row-
eauer: iuciko or election. James L.
ighe; tax collector, Nicholas Med-
The Republicans have also en-
T T.l. i I .. 1 O 1
nn inn n rpmnrH. v m. hiiv-
im .Tr A P Vntrrt Plino C5 TTni,.Tr
mhiiii n . iiiniviiii iliiii i:iiiiriRH n .
Jphn J. Sheridan, Charles P. Nell
n NRmofirnrin npririnn. "nn npw
en on the Republican ticket are,
1 TIT ,T1 Tl 1 T (-11
id Frank J. Dennison.
TTnrlpr flip Wnoliinfyfnn nnrtv nnlw
rpo rnndlrlntpa filprl npHMnna
.1 1 1. 1 .. Tk XTA11 f ..
Death of Mrs. AV. W. Wood.
Mrs. W. W. Wood, wife of county
te home on West Eleventh street
9:30 o'clock Tuesday evening, fol
wlng an illness lasting over seven
;eks. Mrs. Wood had not been In
uu iiuiuui mr iuo past iuw yuuia.
Elizabeth Jane Kirkpatrick was
rn In New York G4 years ago and
me 10 ionesaaio witn ner nus-
nd. She was loved by all who
ew her for her patience and forti-
de in endurinc much suffering
avely. Mrs. Wood is survived by
r bereaved husband, two sons and
o daughters: Walter W AVood, Jr.,
California; Charles B. Wood, of
rby, Conn.; Mrs. F. W. Tibbetts,
'Philadelphia, and Mrs. Mae Spetti
e, of Honesdale; also by three
L11U1 M. .IUI1I1 Ill lIll-
ogue, N. Y.; Joseph Kirkpatrick,
'VTrtn. Vil flUir TUirvino T'lwl
trick, of Brooklyn, N. Y.
The funeral, which will be private,
11 bo held from tho late home at 3
iock rnursaay aiiernoon. uov. w.
Swift will officiate. Interment
11 take place in Glen Dyberry ceme-
Death of Mrs. John Olver.
Mrs. John Olver. Tyler Hill, died
i.m l. . xtrn... i i
e was it) years oi age. sne is sur-
uu uui uuouaiiu uiiu b u buiib,
pr. nr uamasniiRT it rpn nr up-
Minor firnshv et nx.. of Tfixns. tn
iuel Joseph Saunders, same, land
Berlin township; $2500.
C. Mumford ct ux.. to Anna
rlr. Texas, lnnil In Spplvvllln?
u tiuiouui nun lutn vi iti iuuu
Buckingham township; $1.
!. uu can; uutu ii.uiuiu w. m.i-
siono Known to overy uiuu, woui
and child, not alone In Honesdale
throughout the county, will dis
mte nersonally No. 1 circular
wing wuui no uua uuuu iui nuuco
e for the past fifty years; and why
asks for their support and votes
the office of Burgess at the
line nrlmnrlpfl nnrl tho ppnaral
uon, AQV.
NexfSaturday the big game of the
year will be pulled off at Hawley,
when the deciding game for the
championship of Wayne county will
be played between Hawley and
The locals have a very big job on
their hands to trim the Hawley team
under the probable circumstances,
us uiey win nu uuuui gu up against
the strongest team that ever repre-
Rpntfifl our npluhborlnir town. In ad
dition to playing on an unknown and I
unfriendly field. While we are of
course expecting to win, we realize
under the conditions that if tho boys
give the Hawley people a good game I
exhibition, it is all that we can ask,
and then if they SHOULD win!
Labor Day will be another big day
for the local fans, when we shall
again ,bo privileged to see the fast
Crescent team .of Scranton play in
won one game this year and both are
looking for a double victory on Mon
day, as such a victory means the
winning of a $50 pot.
At the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. George Kimble, East Hones
dale, Frank C. Wilniarth and
Blanche Kimble" were married
Thursday morning at 8 o'clock, by
Rev. G. S. Wendell of the Baptist
church. Immediately following the
ceremony, a wedding breakfast was
served, after which the bridal couple
left by automobile to Scranton and
other places for a few days' visit.
Upon their return Mr. and -Mrs.
Wilniarth will make their home
with the groom's parents on High
Ran Into AVoods AVitli His Child
Following Family Trouble. Had
Not Been Living AA'ith AVife For
Some Time.
Driven to desperation over family
troubles, Milton Blauville, a young
man of Glen Eyre, Pike county, ran
off into the woods on Tuesday night
with his young child and has not
been heard from since. It was at
first thought that he had committed
suicide but as young Blauville bears
a good reputation in that neighbor
hood the suicide theory is disproved.
Mr. and Mrs. Blauville, who live
near Glen Eyre, have not been living
together for somo time. Mrs. Blau
ville has been making her home with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacoby,
who live a short distance from the
B'auvlllo home. The cause of the
breach in their domestic relations, is
said to have been caused by the
woman's parents.
On Tuesday night Blauville heard
that his wife was to leave for New
York on the next day with the child.
He went to the Jacoby home to see
her and the babe. He was given the
child to hold and as soon as he se
cured the child he ran into tho
woods. Mrs. Blauville said that she
hadheard shots Immediately after
and a search was made. No trace
of the man or the child could be
found. Friends of the young man
think that he left for New York
with his own child rather than have
It in the care of his wife's parents.
Washington, Aug. 27. Another
turn in the Mexican situation late
tonight when Secretary of State
Bryan Announced he had received
from John Lind, the President's
special en voy.a- summary of Huerta's
last note to this government. As a
result of this communication Mr.
Bryan characterized tho situation as
This statement by Mr. Bryan was
regarded as significant. Up to this
time ho had refused to commit him
self on the Mexican situation beyond
saying that it was unchanged. The
fact that he was willing to announce
that it was "encouraging ' led to the
belief that Huerta has given some
substantial ground for hope.
Mr. Bryan declined to indicate in
any way whether Huerta had made
concessions or what was the basis of
his encouragement.'
The note, a summary of which was
communicated to Mr. Bryan, was
sent by special courier to Mr. Lind at
Vera Cruz by President Huerta last
night. President Wilson had waited
anxiously for some word in regard
to this note but when it failed to
reach here by 1 o'clock in the after
noon he felt .he could no longer post
pone his address to Congress.
At the same time tho American
Empassy and all consular represen
tatives throughout the Southern Re
public were instructed "to notify all
ofilcials, civil and military, in Mex
ico" that they would bo held strictly
responsible for harm or injury done
to Americans or their property.
The Wayne 'Baptist Association
was hold at Clinton Center on Tues
day and Wednesday of this week
and was largely attended. All of
tho eighteen churches of tho ooun
ty were represented with tho excep
tion of Blooming Grove. Communl
cations wero read from every church
and seventeen baptisms were report
ed during tho year. Officers were
elected as follows: Rev. C. O. Fuller,
of Hawley, moderator; Geo. Py Ross,
Honesdale. secretary; John U. Pen
warden, of Carley Brook, treasurer:
G. M. Stanton, of Clinton, was elect
ed president of the Young People's
convention. Geo. P. Ross and John
Penwarden were elected secretary
and treasurer.
Everybody Praised the Program
The Chautauqua interest was man
ifested as strongly on Monday as any
day of the week. Dr. Turner again
greeted a large audience who listen
ed with the closest attention to his
lecture upon The Family a Social
Unit." He introduced his subject
by stating that there are four rea
sons for marriage, namely, beauty,
love, purpose and business. The
presence of children in the home was
advocated by Dr. Turner. A child
has done much to bring about har
mony and concerted action between
the parents. In punishment, Dr.
Turner stated, there ought to be an
agreement between father and moth
er, that is, if a father corrects a child
the mother should uphold him in dis
cipline. The speaker believes that
husband and wife should enjoy pros
perity together and share in sym
pathizing in sorrow. An illustration
of the fidelity of this was shown in
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Strauss, who
both sank with the Titantlc. This is
a strong bond in the social unit. On
the other side of the ocean the man
asserts himself as being the head of
the house. Sociology believes that
that is better than no head or where
the boy or girl is tho domineering
force. '
The question of who a young man
or woman should marry is one wor
thy of consideration. It was ' the
speaker's opinion that a young man
would do better to go out of his own
community to find a wife. Should a
young man marry for money?
Should ho be encouraged to marry
his mother-in-law? Not by a license
but "Take Mary take me." The ma
jority of this kind of cases are un
wholesome and unhappy. The young
couple should start out in life alone.
If in after years a home can be pro
vided for tho loving father and ten
der mother, well enough, but not at
the beginning of the wedded life.
Marry early. The speaker's advice
to young people was to become home
owners rather than tennants. He ad
vised young couples to get in debt
very early in life for what it is neces
sary to have. A house is something
you need, Don't buy what you
don't need, for instance an automo
bile. The present schedule of di
vorce laws In the 48 states is a dis
grace to the Union. By living in Ne
vada a few weeks a man can dissolve
the marriage bond between himself
and wife. Women don't nag your
husbands and husbands don't get the
nagging habit. Often times men and
women are nervously constituted and
sooner or later become Dhvslcal
wrecks. In tho world do your duty
and more. To do only your duty is
hard and cruel. To be happy you
should give. Do your duty and a
little more. It will bring to you
unspeakable happiness.
Dictrics and Rosnni Amuse.
Following Dr. Turner's address
Mr. and Mrs. DIetric entertained the
audience for the remainder of the
aiiernoon. jur. uietnc was very
ciover in perrorming ins magic tricks,
which greatly pleased the little folks
and grown people as well. Rosani,
the Prince of Jugglers, by his won
derful juggling acts, demonstrated
to the audience that ho Is what his
name implies. Ho did a number of
astounding feats in balancing. He
was one of the star attractions of the
AVllliam Sterling Battis.
William Sterling Battis imperson
ated the characters In a number of
Charles Dickens' writings with great
aptitude. Mr. Battis represented the
following characters: "Bill Sykes '
from Oliver Twist; "Sidney Carlton"
from "A Tale of Two Cities"; "Sam
Welier" from Pickwick Papers;
"Uriah Hepp, rrom David Copper-
neld; "Captain Cuttle" from Dom-
bey and Son; "Mr. Pecksmlth" from
Martin Chuzzlewlt, and many oth
ers. Mr. uattis mado up his charac
ters on the platform before his audi
ence. Tho evening program closed with
motion pictures.
Tuesday Gain Day for Children.
The coming of Judge Ben B, Lind
soy, of Juvenile court, Denver, Colo.,
to Honesdale on Tuesday gladdened
more than one boy's and girl's heart.
"The Friend of the Children" as he
is well and favorably known, was
K. of C.
Charms and Buttons
A very plentiful variety
at very reasonable prices.
See them in our window.
Opp. New P. O.
scheduled to arrive in Honesdale at
10:15 from Farview where he stop
ped for a short time on his way here
from Carbondale. At 10 o'clock
about fifty children headed by a
juvenile fife and drum corps, (but
instead of fifes, horns were used)
marched down Main street from the
Chautauqua tent to Central Park.
The children carried the stars and
stripes at the head of the procession,
while placards, bearing the words,
"Hurrah for Ben, the Children's
Friend," "Vote for Ben," and other
banners were held aloft by the lit
tle admirers of this great jurist.
Miss Foster, who had charge of tho
Junior Chautauqua, and Mr. AVard
accompanied the procession. Judge
LIndsey upon his arrival was given
a hearty welcome by the children t6
which he responded in his most gen
tle and characteristic manner. After
a short address by Judge Lindsey the
little company disbanded, all children
going to their respective homes with
lighter hearts and a feeling of sat
isfaction like they had not experi
enced in some time.
Tu6sdny Afternoon.
The first session was opened by
Dr. Turner who gave a masterful
lecture upon "Sociology and Educa
tion." He said in part:
"If America is not democratic in
the true sense in her system of gov
ernment, she .is democratic in her
schools. Education was defined as
the maintenance of social units in
their normal relationships.
Certain defects of the educational
system were graphically pointed out.
The speaker emphasized particular
ly the large number of incompetent
teachers to be found in tlie profes
sion. He attributed this situation to
the prevalent practice of making
school teaching a stepping stone to
one's ultimate vocation. The prime
responsibility for this situation,
however, was said to be the par
simonious policy of the average
school board. It was affirmed that
teifthers wero more Inadequately
paid than any other class of profes
sional men and women. A salary
which is paid for nine months must
be made to cover twelve because the
vacation period must be given large
ly to more thorough preparation
for the work which the teacher is
expected to do.
It is fortunate that taxpayers are
willing to contribute generously for
courses of Instruction in scientific
farming, the protection of animals
and trees, and a large yield of grain,
but this expenditure ought not to
reduce expenditures made in behalf
of the children of the community
who compose Its most valuable as
set. The scientific courses of study,
especially the abuse of electlves, the
inadequate provision for urban pu
pils, and the lack of unity in the
American system as a whole were
characterized as serious defects.
The speaker suggested as a means
of .remedying these conditions; First,
the exaltation of the individual in
education; second, the promotion of
thinking; third, due attention to
tho relation between results and pro
cesses. Whllo praising measures re
cently proposed in support of con
servation, such as tho protection of
water supply, the care of forests,
and government supervision of food
supply, the. lecturer emphasized the
fact that tho greatest conservation
problem before the American citi
zen to-day is the sane, well-considered
and purposeful training of
the boys and girls who must In a
few years assume the duties of lead
ership and service.
At the closo of the speaker's ad
dress the "Niagara Male Quartette",
furnished excellent music in solos,
quartottes, piano soles, etc. The
young men were heartily encored.
Evening Session.
Ono of the largest audiences ever
to sit beneath the Chautauqua tent
assembled Tuesday evening to greet
Judge Ben B. Lindsey, of Denver,
Colorado. At 7:30 the Niagara Male
Quartette, attired in the Seventeenth
century costume, entertained for a
half hour. At 7:15 Jenkln's Boy
Band and Honesdale Troop of Boy
Scouts assembled at the Allen House
to escort Judge Lindsey, Burgess Mc
carty and Prothonotary W. J. Barnes
to .the tent. Judge Lindsey, by the
way, is a director in the National
Boy Scout movement. At tho close
of this treat, Dr. Turner, platform
superintendent. Judge Ben B. Lind
sey, Burgess C. A. McCarty and W.
J. Barnes, vice-chairman of the
Honesdale Chautauqua, took their
respective places on the platform bo:
fore the audience. They wero given!
a hearty ovation.
Dr. Turner first presented Mr.
Barnes, who thanked the public for
their responso which Insured mak
ing the Chautauqua the success
which it has proven to be. He thank
ed tho chairman of tho various com
mittees for discharging tholr re
spective duties in so efficient a man
ner and stated that Honesdale is
now ready for the Chautauqua next
Judge Liudsey Presented.
Dr. E. A. Turner said In present
ing Judge Lindsey that he was here
(Continued on Page Four.)
Labor Day will be observed at the
Methodist Episcopal church next
Sunday, August 31. The subject for
special sermons by the pastor, Rev.
Will H. Hiller will be, morning at
10:30, "The Tollers." In the even
ing at 7:30 p. m. the subject will be
"A Living AVage." All the pews in
this church are free at all services.
Special music: Anthems, solos, quar
tettes and gospel hymns. A welcome
is extended to all.
On Tuesday morning at 7:30
o'clock Miss Margaret AValsh be
came the bride of Christopher E.
Beurket. They were married at St.
Mary Magdalen's church by Rev. J.
AV. Balta. They were attended by
Miss Eva Beurket and Thomas
After the ceremony at the church
a wedding breakfast was served to
about twenty-five persons at the
home of the bridegroom's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'Beurket on
Main street.
The bride was attired in white
charmeuse with cream over lace and
wore a white hat. The bridesmaid
wore a pink dress with hat to match.
The young couple left on the
12:i25 Delaware & Hudson train for
a several days' trip after which they
will return to Honesdale to reside on
the Fred Saunders farm at East
Honesdale. Mr. Beurket is em
ployed as clerk in the Enterprise
Clothing House and his wife is well
known to a largo circle of admiring
James O'Connor sends word from
Scranton to The Citizen that the an
nual reunion of the old employees
of tho D. & H. and Pa. Coal Co.'s
gravity railroads, will be held in the
pavilion at Nay Aug Park, Scranton,
on Saturday, September G.
He Tells of the AVork Done in Den
ver For the Good of tho Children
How the Juvenile Court Move
ment Has Grown.
A large crowd greeted Judge Ben
B. Lindsey, of Denver, Colorado, on
his arrival in Honesdale Tuesday
morning via automobile. The party
arrived here about ten-fifteen o'clock
and Judge Lindsey registered at the
Allen House. He was then escorted
to the Court House where the large
crowd awaited him. The Junior
Chautauqua under the direction of
Miss Foster gathered at the foot of
the steps leading into the building.
The crowd scattered over the lawn in
front of tho court house expectantly
as Juvenile Court Judge of Denver
arose to speak. On the steps back
of the speaker wero Dr. Turner of
the Chautauqua Association, and sev
eral members of the local committee.
Judge Lindsey spoke mainly to tho
children whom he told of the many
tilings the city of Denver had done
for tho children. He told how he
had upheld boys that were brought
before him for swimming in the pub
lic fountains. He said that as long
as tho city did not furnish public
bathing places for the boys he
would not punish any of them. The
result was that public bathing places
were built for the children of that
For many years Judge Lindsey has
fought the gang and political crooks
of Colorado single handed. Last
spring when he was a candidate for
re-election he was elected by a ma
jority or zt.uuu. This rail he was
elected by a majority of 35,000.
Judge Lindsey told of the neces
sity of having public baths, play
grounds, Boy Scout clubs and van
ous other forms of amusement for
tho children, so as to afford them
the proper kind of amusement. This,
he said, would be an added step in
the right direction, as It would tend
to tho development of more healthful
and bright young citizens.
" AVe givo the children justice out
in Denver," said Judge Lindsey, "for
we know that they are not wholly to
blame for the so-called crime. I try
to be the children's friend for I know
that the children aro my friends."
Judge Lindsey spoke at the Chau
tauqua In Carbondale Monday even
ing pnd on the way to Honesdale ho
stopped off at Farview to Inspect
our hospital for the criminal insane.
That evening the Boy Scouts accom
panied by Jenkins' Boy Band met
Judge Lindsey at the Allen House
and conducted him to the Chautau
qua tent.
Large Chunk of Metal Brought To
Surface on AVilliam Swingle's
Farm Near Lake Ariel AAlien
Boring n Well.
The discovery of a three-foot vein
of ore beneath the surface of land
owned by William S,wlngle, who
l'ves about a mile north of Lako
Ariel, In Lake township, one day last
week, caused no little excitement
among the people living in this vi
cinity. The vein appears to be a
good one and from the appearance
of the metal it is judged to be lead
ore. The vein runs parallel to a
ledge of rock and lies on top of tho
rock. By the size and appearance
of the specimen that was brought to
the surface it is thought that a rich
deposit of lead ore lies there. For a
a long time it has been tho general
supposition that copper and lead ore
existed in parts of AVayne county but
up to this time no evidence of a vein
had been uncovered. The Swingle
farm lies in rather hilly country
this side of the village of Lake
The discovery of the vein of what
is supposed to be lead ore by Mr.
Swingle came as a surprise. Ho had
been engaged in boring a well on
his place and last Friday after
hoisting the loose dirt and clay from
the hole he found a large piece of
metal. The piece gave evidence of
having been cut away from a larger
formation and was about three feet
in thickness. The metal was soft
enough for the drill to cut through
and it lav on ton nf a rnck formation
It is not known just how far be
neath the surface tho. vein was en
countered. Samples of the ore tend
to prove that tho find is a valuable
one, but Mr. Swingle in all probabil
ity will send the ore specimens to
the assay office at Washington for
The finding of what is supposed
to be a lead deposit in Lake town
ship recalls to mind a story that has
been handed down for many gener
atons concerning the existence of
lead ore. The story originated with
the Indians and appears to have
been about the time of the Revolu
tonary war. Old residents state for
a fact that the Indians who roamed
the lands at that time knew of the
existence of lead ore and for some
unknown . reason concealed the
knowledge from the white settlers
after their advent into that region.
It was only by accident, so It Is
stated, that its existence became
known to the settlers and then after
finding the mine they were no long
er able to locate It.
The Indian mind was subtle and
evidently knowing that lead was
used for the making of bullets for
their muskets, also realized that It
was better to keep the location of
the mine a secret.
An old resident of that locality
relates that when his father was a
young man and the valley was yet
the home of the red man, he and
another man brought up the. subject
of the existence of lead while con
versing with a friendly native. The
old Indian said that the story was
true but refused to tell them where
it could be found. After some per
suasion the Indian consented to lead
them to the mine and secure for
them a small quantity of the ore If
they would allow themselves to be
blindfolded. The men submitted
and the Indian led the way through
the forest, winding in and out as he
did so, so that a trail could not bo
followed. In due time tho bandages
were taken from their eyes and they
beheld a largo flat stone lying be
fore them. They wero in an open
space in tho forest. Tho stone was
removed, revealing a hole Into the
earth. Tho old Indian bade the men
descend into the hole and take what
they wanted. They took tholr axes
and chopped away from what ap
peared to bo an endless supply of
lead. Taking as much as they could
carry, they were again blindfolded
and led away. They tried to mark
the trail by breaking off twigs from
the shrubbery and trees but in mak
ing an attempt to find the spot in
the midst of tho forest a second time
they failed. The trail had been lost.
Many times people have searched for
this lead mine and failed and tho
story as It Is handed down from
generation to generation loses none
of Its mystery and leaves the present
day people of that region still won
dering whether or not there ever was
such a mine. Perhaps Mr. Swingle
has stumbled onto an end of the
vein. AVho knows?