The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 26, 1913, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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inn tTff ran" MVKTf
HAU lid UtNII6ld
t M n n n If. m.t r- I
., w w - - "
With Gold Teeth,
dkk mm mm skill.
. r n 1 !.. I.
uibobvi wnvniD ui wuiuihuid w . 1
Land of the Inoas With Some Re-
marKaoio examples 01 ruuory vvuin
or r ormc r uivn zai ana
mn 111 j.siiu'rumu. rxiuuuur. wuu iulu
rotnrntvl to the Unltod States, tolls
discoveries that among other fhinga,
j. .1 l i H V. i I.
or war nrnrtirrei in run incur conn
more than 1000 years ago.
n a l A l il 1 j.i. A ! t
ri 1'foroRsnr isnviiin "inn mis nmi?
tho trip has been a most success-
one in every resnect I manajred
get along very well In places that
I ntntft nf nrnenrrnt nn ' in Tfnrn
Got Much New Data.
XUU UCUU Ui. XUJ' ttUllk luia nun; It US
u l wur uuiu tu iULut't iuuuu uutv
ui uuaniiK ou uiu uuuiuiii v:itiuv.u-
ns of this hemisphere. Tho skulls
riu Willi uuiii. uf'iiiif mien avilii uum
the inside, but showing only slight
without Tlio teeth seemed to have
gold band stretched across their
for olthor fnr rlnmrntion nf tin
itly chiseled out and filled with gold
some instances and in others with a
llllll hiri'iiii'ii i.ii in: ii iviiiu ui
til IWlULUCl Lj ('U U1U et'U'U. MdllU tt HO
nenteu to mo teem, out most re-
nc'imn worn unci ciiistiit?u noii!s. iiiusl
kl.tiU. ..klV2 VJ11".3, till IWVU IjWIU!
n effect is strlklnc and tho work
v ill! i.uuw vi?iirs mil lis u iii:iilui ui
t. ..11 .. 1 1 J
1. 1L uiu uutu Lnjuu. UU1IU UUUIV llltJ
Tho skill with which these people
rked speaks volumes for tho civill-
Int. V1n- -l nn .1 ,wl 1IL
I have brought back with me nrtl-
wnicn snow now wouueriuuy siiiu-
thoso people were in pottery work.
nvn oxnmnles of tlio most uistlnc-
I7inri rr nnTTtirv mil Kinp.'
Objects of Ancient Art.
moncr other thincrs tho nrofofiscr
ught back with hlra wc a mlnia
o faco and bust and a perfectly
inn n nv iiniui niuiur. mil kiza ill. 1111
i ..
no of tho heads was so finely flnish
that it seemed to bo of marble in
& of clay. Tho noso was delicately
-nl r'1 n it1 flm 1 1 rvo itrfr ry to itrt-Tiil 1 rr
r seen." Professor Savillo said,
d show that these early inhabitants
on that continent to bring pottery
cing to such a high state of per-
ion. xuejure, so mr us i Know,
only people of ttfSt time and re
i who worked with jewels and plat-
n. ii proves mat mcso people
o highly cultured. They were pure-
mnrlenn nnd miiRt Iinvo nnil hmli.
killed dentists among them."
nfpRftfir Rnvllln tzni ho wns rnn-
nt that many moro wonderful dls-
trios nwnltrtl thn nrolinrnlni?!st Ir
ador arid tho adjoining countries.
Live Wildcat to Attack
York Artist.
bcrt Hamilton, a New York urtist,
has a summer studio in Lenox,
Is recovering from injuries re
in a rough and tumblo fight
wildcat in his lonely studio a
jilghts ago. Ho was surprised by
'cast wuuu iHuuung u wiiucac iruiu
iffed model.
Hamilton had posed his mode!
a oaic tree near uio stuuio. anu nt
finishing touches by lamplight.
10 started to go after tho stuffed
tho live one met him In tho door'
and leaped on him.
, , Hamilton was thrown to tho
; but, snatching a can of turpen
from a shelf, ho throw it into tho
t's faco as it mode a second Bprlng.
liquid bafflled tho cat, nnd it
r- nnt nt ihn window.
. nainllton was badly scratched
ic faco nnd body, and his clothing
torn to tatters. Ho thinks tho
t was attracted to tho spot by the
1 or slcht of tho stuffed ekln.
Vines Bore Cooked Beans.
Iliam Williams, n farmer, who
near Washington, went out to
;r some string boa ns for tho fam
iuio a tew uays ago unu uxscov
that they wcro dellclously cook
In planting ho had placed wires
ccn the poles, and during a recent
i lightning struck tho wires and
d the tiennn.
Apples and Pears That Drop From
Trees and Cannot Be Sold Should
Be Made Into Cider.
Apples and pears that drop from
the trees and cannot be sold, should
bo made Into cider or dried. A
double-cage cider mill of four or
six barrels per day, may be had for
$18, and a small mill for family
use for ten dollars. A cook stove
fruit drier may be had for flvo dol
lars. Evaporated peaches, cherries,
raspberries, apples, pears and black
berries may be put up for family use
er mado into salable products. There
is a steady demand for evaporated
fruit during tho winter months. In
most every neighborhood a profitable
business could bo established that
would not only prove profitable to
the owner, but would glvo employ
ment to the boys and girls' of the
In a trip through tho fruit belt of
on adjoining state, taken recently, I
found a number of such establish
ments. I was told that tho business
was not only fairly remunerative to
tho owner, but was a moana of bring
ing in moro and better help In tho
community where they were located.
Sweet potatoes, winter squash,
pumpkins are now being packed in
large quantities and find a ready
In the commercial packing houses
tho apple parings are mado into jelly
and tho peach stones cracked, tho
kernels ground and made Into vari
ous medicines; tho stones are ground,
and sold for packing purposes.
If tho fallen fruit can not be put
up tho pigs should be turned into tho
orchard, and many insects would also
bo destroyed. One pock of sliced ap
ples, jalxed with two quarts of wheat
bran, may bo fed to tho cow twice
a day. Tho apples should not be
fed wl ole as thero is danger of chok
Seeds Planted Either In Squares er
Triangles Of Much Advantage
to Florists.
A new method of planting seeds has
Just boen invented which is very inter
esting on account of tho perfectly reg
ular geometrical figures in which it
will plant single seeds. Such a ma
chlno should be of great advantage to
gardeners, and particularly to florists,
says the Popular Mechanics. The spo-
Seedlng Machine.
clal machine Illustrated Is designed to
plant tho seeds either hi squares or. In
triangles, though it could easily bo
modified to plant them In circles, hex
agons, rectangles, or any other desired
Considered Best Late Flowering and
Hardy Shrub Easy of Culture
and Attractive,
It Is likely that if n vote were to bo
taken for tho best lato flowering
hardy shrub tho honor would fall to
tho Hydrangea,
While there are shrubs that I ll&o
bettor, this ' one seems to suit tho
masses. It has tho merit of extreme
hardiness, easy" culture, groat florlfer
ousnoss, lato blooming and per
Bisteicy. Its flowers loso their early white
ness ns tho season advances, but In
their pinkybrown stage they are not
without attractiveness.
In planting tho Hydrangea, I would
never advise using It singly. It 1b
vastly moro effective when grouped.
By this means we secure for It a
strength and'dlgnlty which single
specimens never have. Planted thick
ly It produces a grand effect.
Tho enormous heads of tho bloom
havo considerable weight, but they
causo tho branches to take a grace
ful curve, and seldom If over need
Those who are in soorch of a plant
that will grow In almost any soil and
under almost any condition, and Is
equally beautiful In tho south and
tho north, will find the Hydrangea
the very thing they aro looking for.
Manure Is Money.
Manure Is money. Thero Is no dis
counting tho conclusion, and any
landowner who doesn't believe it by
tho way ho robs his soil Is making a
great mistake that will soon stare
him in tho faco. All soil Is depleted
sooner or later, and that farm comes
to tho turn soonest to which nothing
is given back.
Preserve Cut Flowers.
Cut flowers may bo preserved for
on QQUsuolly long time it a little salt
peter or carbonate of soda la added
to the water. Salt also holps to keep
them fresh.
Phantom Craft That Are Said to
Haunt the High Seas.
The Log of the Warship Bacchante
Under Date of July 11, 1831, Bears
the Entry, "Flying Dutchman Cross
ed Our Bows" The Goblin Ship.
There are numerous legends and sto
ries of ghostly vessels that roam tho
briny deep, nnd many hard headed
mariners, free from tho common su
perstition of the ordinary sallorman,
stoutly maintain that they have ut
leant onco In their maritime career en
tountered what was undoubtedly a
phantom ship.
Iiest known of those mysterious
:raft that haunt tho high seas Is, of
:ourse. thu famous Flying Dutchman,
or phantom ship of Vnnderdecken.
How the story originated IS doubtful,
but it has been ascertained that there
was n seaman of repute who many
years ago sailed from Holland to the
east via the Cnpo of Good Hope, but i
wan never again heard of.
Some authorities say that, meeting
with contrary winds off the cape, he
swore a teniblo oath, In consequence
of which the divine wrath decreed
that he should be occupied till the
crack of doom in endeavoring to
weather the headland. Others state
that this punishment was meted out
to him in retribution for n terrible
murder ho committed before commenc
ing liis fateful voyage.
Whatever the cause of this ancient
gentleman's monotonous wandering
may be. It is probably in connection
with him that tho most authentic nnd
cold blooded record of nny phantom ex
ists either alloat or ashore, for It is
stated that in tho log of II. M. S. Bac
chante while on a voyage round tho
world with tho little princes In 1S81
there appears on July 11 the entry,
"Flying Dutchman crossed our bows."
The log book of one of the then largest
of her majesty's warships Is certainly
the very last place to expect to find
that which is generally associated with
the hysterical of either sex.
During January, 1017, a vessel left
New Haven, Conn., on her maiden voy
age, but was never again heard of. In
tho following Juno, just before the
hour of sunset nnd after a severe
thunderstorm, the missing ship was
seen sailing up tho river. The Inhabit
ants, taking their evening stroll, were
overjoyed nt her return, but the most
observant of thoin noticed that there
was something uncanny about her, es
pecially in that she appeared to be
sailing up against the wind.
Then, to the consternation of all, she
gradually faded away before their eyes
and entireley disappeared. We may be
assured that there were not wanting
those who maintained that the vessel
in spirit had paid a last visit to her
port before resting for good on the
ocean bed.
In the "Chronicles dftho St. Law
rence," by Le Mnlne, It is recorded that
on a certain day In the year a phantom
ship is seen off Cap d'Espoir, In Gospe
bay. Lights are seen aboard her, nnd
her decks are crowded with men. By
tho foot of the bowsprit a man Is con.
splcuously standing and facing toward
tho shore, with a lady clinging to Ills
arm. 'Gradually the lights go out and
tho vessel sinks. It is said to be the
ghost of tho flagship of a fleet which
was sent out to reduce the French
forts, the vessel being lost with nil
To come to British waters, there nre
numerous instances related In local
history of tho visitations of ghostly
vessels, the west of England, as might
be expected, being most prolific in
theso records, says a writer in the, Lon
don Globe. Indeed, Cornwall boasts of
a goblin ship probably unique the
world over, ns she not only sails tho
water, but proceeds most unconcerned
a good distance inland.
This is the specter ship of Torthcurt
no, nnd In Itobcr nunt's book on "Ito
mances of the West of England" arc re
lated the experiences of a local Inhab
itant who witnessed one of her esca
pades. She is described as a black
square rigged single masted vessel,
sometimes towing a small boat No
crew are ever seen; presumably they
are down below. The personal narra.
tivo goes on to say:
"On camo tho craft It passed stead
ily through tho breakers, glided up
over tlio sands, steadily pursued Its
course on tho dry land ns if it had.bcen
water. On It went to Bodelan, 'whore
St Leven formerly dwelt. It then
steered Its course to Chygwlden nnd
there vnnlshed like smoke."
An Awful Blow.
"Yes," said Slithers, "Mlckley was
ray dearest friend, and I shall never
censo to mourn his death. It wns a
terriblo blow, from which I shall never
"Why I thought you married his
widow?" said Jlmpson.
"Why er ahem! why, yes, I did;
nero Slithers subsided Into a deep
and uncomfortable silence. Harper's
Poor Comedy.
"Why did sho cut you?"
"She doesn't llko my comedy."
"How's that?"
"Sho mado tho statement at a party
last night that she was twenty years
of ago, and I said, 'Yes, I knew that
fifteen years ago.' "Houston Post
No protecting deities are wanted if
there is prudence. Juvenal.
First Duty Is to Provide Suitable Coop
for Hen and Brood Two Methods
of Feeding.
During the hatching, if you are
wise, you will not bo too curious, but
will allow tho instinct of tho hen to
do her work. It may bo well to quiet
ly reach under tho hen and remove
such egg shells as can bo taken out
without disturbing her, but nothing
further should bo attempted.
Tho first duty is to provide a coop
for tho hen and brood. No matter
what kind of a coop, from a barrel
laid down to the most improved pat
ented article, is used. See that it is
clean and the bottom covered with
find sand, or If the weather be really
cold, with oat chaff or short fine hay.
When tho chickens aro twenty-four
liours old they aro ready to bo re
moved to their now quarters. Up to
this time, writes M. E. Scully of Illi
nois in the Pralrio Farmer, they
should have received no food, but they
are now ready for their first meal.
Glvo them water to drink in a vessel
into which they cannot get their
bodies. A tin vegetablo can with
small holos punched around tho bot
tom and placed In a deep saucer will
answer admirably. Whatever their
first food may be, give them only a
small quantity. The best rulo for
feeding is "littlo and often."
Two distinct methods of feeding
havo their special advocates, tho wet,
that is, ground feed moistened with
milk or water; and tho dry. I find
tho latter method tho moro satisfac
tory. I feed cracked wheat, corn and
Keep tho chicks healthy and grow
ing right from the start Keep them
dry and warm. Give them plenty of
grit and pure water. If In a brooder
scatter food in chaff and let them get
exercise by scratching. Tho first
threo weeks are tho most critical time;
after that, if kept freo from.llco, they
will do well.
Home-made Receptacle for Keeping
Oyster Shells, Charcoal and Grit
Is Quite Convenient.
I follow tho "dry hopper" method
in feeling fowls and keep constantly
before them a mash mado of two parts
bran and one part each by weight of
middlings, corn meal, gluten meal,
ground oats and beef spraps. In tho
morning I scatter whole grain In the
litter and at night feed corn in win
ter, but only a littlo of It in summer,
Dry Mash Self-Feeder.
writes Merrlt T. Mead of Montgomery-
County, Ind., in the Farm and Homo.
Oystor shells, charcoal and grit aro
kept In "bins" In tho home-mado
"hopper," which is herewith illus
trated. From experienco I think this
line of feeding satisfactory, for from
115 hens I got 11,357 eggs in 11
Keep something in tho grit box.
Millet Is a great egg-producing
Crowding just now lessen the fer
tility of eggs.
Get an Incubator and let the hens
keep on laying.
No better feed in tho world than
nice plump oats and wheat.
Trie first warm days start vermin to
growing in unclean houses.
Tho modern poultry house has
everything inside it easily movable.
Never feed littlo chicks wet, slop
py food. It is bad enough for maturo
Boiling tho oats or wheat makes a
good ration and a desirable change
Feed at regular hours and tho fowls
will always bo ready and waiting for
their last meal.
A littlo moro elbow grease used in
keeping tho premises clean wljl often
prevent disease.
A hopperful.of bran is always sea-,
sonauiu iuu ana uiu wuuio uucs uuouiu
have access to it
Get rid of the hen that is never
caught on the nest "By their fruits
ye shall know them."
When disposing of some of tho old
stock, pick out the poor layers and
oldost specimens, Tboy aro Just as
good for the table, and you cant af
ford to part vlth tho money-makers.
fter u meeting of our medical soci
ety wo seimrati'd into small groups.
somi dlscus-ilng n paper that had been
read, sonie Idly chatting and some toll
ing experiences. In our group we fell
to talking about leaving patients In the
bauds of nurses we were not sure of,
and one of our number told tho follow
ing story:
One morning wheu making my round
nf visits 1 was going upstairs to the
room of a sick lady 'when 1 heard the
"Doctor, my nurse Is killing mo!"
1 stopped nnd listened for a repeti
tion. 1 did not doubt that it came from
the sickroom, though tho patient had
not complained of her nurse, whom 1
had recently placed on my list of those
r recommended. But I did not hear the
words again, so resolved to keep my
own counsel nnd went on to tho sick
chamber, knocked and was admitted.
Now, I am enough of a scientist to
know that an investigator is very easi
ly worked upon by his theories. Be
fore entering tho room I had explained
in my own mind tho words I had heard.
A former patient of mine had once,
while 1 was bonding over her, whisper
ed to me, "For heaven's sake, take
away that nurse!" I nt onco made an
excuse to do so. nnd the patient, whose
nerves were shattered, told mo that tho
woman domineered over her. I did
not completely side with my patient in
tho matter, for sho needed a firm hand.
but I gave her another nurse..
Nevertheless thut case influenced me
in the second one, and. realizing that
I was influenced by it, I resolved to
banish it and get nt tho facts without
a word with tho patient or tho nurse.
found the nurse somewhat agitated,
though the potleut did not give evi
dence of anything unusual having hap
pened. Tho nurse hnd just come into
the room through a door opening upon
a back stairway and carried a tray, on
which was tlio invalid's luncheon.
There was no opportunity to speak
to the patient alone during my visit.
for tho nurse did not leave tho room.
It has alwnys seemed to mo that for a
doctor to send a nurse from the room
reflects upon her. Indicating that he
wisheK to say that to tho patient
which he does not wish tho nurse to
hear. At nny rate, I onco offended
one of my best nurses by doing thnt
very thing. So in this case I went
away without having acquired any fur
ther information about tho matter.
On my uoxt visit I mado a pretext
to send the nurse out of tho room to
bring something I wanted, but she
foiled me by going to a closet for it.
I couldn't think of any other excuse
and went away as uninformed as be
fore. On my next visit I had scarcely
entered the houso before I again heard
the words:
"Doctor, my nurse Is killing me!"
This time, since I had not gone up
stairs, tho sound was farther away
from me and less distinct. It seemed
to como from directly over my head,
though I paid no attention to this, for
tho ear does not give us the direction
of sound. I hurried upstairs and into
the sickroom without knocking, hoping
to learn something by taking them by
surprise. I found the nurso arranging
the patient's pillow. Neither showed
a consciousness of nnything disagree
able between them.
But despite my remedies my patient
was getting worse. Probably this turn
ed the scale in my mind against the
nurso. At any rate, I determined to re
movo her without offending her. I told
her that I had another caso in which
she alone would satisfy me and I
would send a substitute, sho reporting
nt tho now place that. everting. Then
I left without saying anything to her
charge about the change', Intending to
do so after it had been made nnd nt
tho same time glvo her my reasons for
relieving her of her nurse.
What was my astonishment at my
next visit to hear on ascending the
staircase the words:
"Doctor, my nurse is killing me!"
I had only an hour before left the
nurse who had had charge of tho case
with another patient, nnd hero was
tlio same complaint 1 resolved to in
vestigate on my own account. Avoid
ing tho sickroom, 1 opened every door.
In a small room directly over tho front
door was a parrot on a perch besldo
tho window where he could see my
carriage drive up and see mo nllght
nnd enter tho houso.
Here was tho explanation, or a part
of it. Still keeping my own counsel.
realizing that I hnd removed tho nurse
unjustly. I returned to tho houso
whero I had placed tho suspected wo
man and told her what had happened.
"Doctor' sho said,, "tho morning you
called when I was carrying In tho pa
tient's breakfast I had Just passed tho
room where tho parrot was kept and
heard him say, 'Doctor, my nurse is
killing mo!' I wns In terror when I
saw you enter for fenr you had heard
him and would suspect inc. Upon In
quiry I Jearnod that a former patient
had been delirious in that houso and
bad repeatedly accused her nurse of
trying to kill her. That's whore the
parrot picked up tho phrase and when
ever ho saw you enter repeated it"
I was So disgusted at tho way I had
been fooled that never since will I per
mit a parrot to remain in any bouse
whero I have a patient There arts
other ways than the one I havo men
tioned that they may influence what in
taking place In a sickroom. At any
rate-1 don't want one about
r sre
The OLDEST Fire Insurance
Agency In Wayne County.
Offlce: Second floor Masonic Build
ing, over C. C. Jadwln's drug store,
N re Executor's sale of real estate
of H. J. Quinney, late of tho
Borough of Honesdale, deceased.
Notice is hereby, given that the
Orphans' Court of Wayno County has
fixed Monday, September 8, 1913, at
2 o'clock p. m for the hearing of an
application made by the Executor of
H. J. Quinney, late of Honesdale,
deceased, for a private sale of tho
real estate of said decedent, situated
in tho borough of Honesdale, for the
sum of Sixteen Hundred Dollars. At
which time and, place any objections
to a private salo on the terms set
forth in the application will bo
CGw3 Executor.
Tho Commissioners of Wayne
county will receive bids for carpen
ter work in toilet room at the Court
House. They will also receive bids
for plumbing work in toilet room.
Bids received up to noon Tuesday,
September 2, 1913.
Plans and specifications for above
work can be seen at the Commission
ers' office, at tho court house.
Attest: Commissioners.
T. Y. Boyd, Clerk. C5eol3
John Kuhbach,
Late of Honesdale, deceased.
x Tho undersigned an auditor ap
pointed to pass upon the exceptions
to account and to report distribution
of said estate, will attend to the du
ties of his appointment, on
Thursday, Sept. 11, 1913, at 10 a. m.
at his office in tho borough of
Honesdale, at which time and place
all claims against said estate must
be presented, or recourse to the fund
for distribution will be lost.
E. C. MUMFORD, Auditor.
Honesdale, Aug. 9th, 1913. G5w3
REAL ESTATE. By virtue of
process Issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Wayne county, and
State of Pennnylvanla, and to me di
rected and delivered, I have levied on
and will expose to public sale, at the
Court House In Honesdale on
SEPTEMBER 12, 1913, at 11 A. M.
All the defendant's right, title and
interest In the following described
property viz:
All the surface or rleht of soil of and
in all that certain piece or parcel of land
situate, lying and being in tho town of
Browndale, Clinton township, Wayne
County, Pennsylvania, designated as
DOxSO feet of the westerly portion of lots
io. u ana :o. iu in jjiock xno. xt as De
scribed on tho map of building lots of tho
town of Browndale, being eighty feet on
the easterly and westerly boundaries and
fifty feet on the northerly and southerly
boundaries and bounded easterly by por
tions of lots No. 9 and No. 10, owned by
Joseph Scublx, southerly by lot No. 8;
westerly by lands of the Hillside Coal &
Iron Co.; and northerly by lot No. 11; be
ing fifty feet on the westerly end of lots
which Gregor Scublx granted and con
veyed to Joseph Scublx by deed dated
Aug. 18, 190S, and recorded in Deed Book
No. 9D, page 12. Also a freo and unin
terrupted use, liberty and privilege of a
passage in and along a certain alley or
passage six feet in breadth by fifty feet
in depth, extending from the south-east
corner of land herein conveyed east fifty
feet along the southery boundary of land
still owned by Joseph Scublx to land of
Anthony Drashler, whero connection is
made with the alley to tho stree.t Ex
cepting and reserving as excepted and re
served in the hereinbefore recited deed
to Joseph Scublx. Being tho same land
granted and conveyed by Joseph Scublx
to Frank Koenig by deed dated Aug. 31,
1910, and recorded in Deed Book No. 101,
page 303.
Property above described improved with
a two-story frame dwelling house.
ALSO all the surface or right of soil
of and In all that certain piece or parcel
of land situate In tho town of Brown
dale, Clinton township, Wayne county,
Pennsylvania, distinguished as 100x80 feet
of the westerly extremity of lots No, 9
and No. 10 in Block No. 16 as described In
a map of building lots of II. W. Brown
in said town of Browndale, being eighty
feet on the easterly and westerly bound
aries, .and bounded easterly by portions
of lots No. 9 and No. 10, sold to Anthony
Drashler; southerly by lot No. 8; westerly
by land of the Hillside Coal & Iron Com
pany; northerly by lot No. 11. Being the
same property granted and conveyed to
Joseph Scubix by Qregor Scublx by deed
dated Aug. 18, 1908, and recorded In Deed
Book No. 99, page 12. Excepting and re
serving as excepted and reserved In last
mentioned deed. Also excepting and re
serving therefrom a lot wxsu reet wnicn
was granted and conveyed by Joseph
Scubix et ux. to Frank Koenig by deed
dated Aug. 31, 1910, and recorded In Deed
Book No. 101, page 205.
Improved with a two-story frame
dwelling house.
Seized and taken In execution as the
property of Joseph Scublx at the suit of
15. A. Bloxham. No.- 63 June Term, 1913.
Judgment, 11700. Attorneys, Gardiner &
TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs
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