PAGE FOUR THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 26, 19 13. THE CITIZEN Semi-Weekly Founded 1008; Wqckly Founded 1814. Published Tuesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company. B. B. liAnDRNDEnOH PRESIDENT H. C. VAN ALSTYNE and E. B. CALLAWAY MANAGING EDITORS FRANK P. WOODWARD ADVERTISING MANAGER AND FEATURE WRITER. L. J, DORFUNOEn. ONE YEAR BIX MONTHS , Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Postoffice Order or Registered letter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street, Honesdale, Pa. All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of making money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only bo admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notices of entertainments, for tho benefit of churches or for charitable purposes where a fee is charged, will be pub lished at half rates. Cards of thanks, 50 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application. TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1013. Rev, Dr. Grant Robblns, pastor of the Onion Methodist Episcopal church of St. Louis, Mo., In a recent sermon says that "poverty Is no bar to marriage. He said: " If we set up poverty as a barrier to marriage, it will not be long be fore we will not have much popula tion left. The rich and affluent of tho country are not taking the responsi bility of home and family. They are 'too busy going to the warmer climes In the winter time and cooler spots In the summer. We therefore de pend for our population on the humbler people of the world." Dr. Robbins quoted an eastern pro fessor's proposal that no man should marry on a salary under $2,000 a year. He said such a proposition is out of the question. It is a source of regret that be cause of insufficient appropriation to carry forward its work the Chestnut Tree Blight Commission of Pennsylvania is forced to suspend Its efforts to control this serious menace to a valuable tree. It was hardly to be expected that the dras tic measures which the Commission believed to be necessary would pop ularize its efforts sufficiently to en courage liberal consideration from the legislators, but it Is unfortunate that the work of investigation must be halted. During its two years of existence much attention was drawn to forests and forest enemies, and in creased interest- exhibited in the care of individual trees. Hence, al though the Commission cannot be credited with a completed work, it accomplished much good which will vbe of lasting character, and the Com missioners who gave without com pensation time and effort for the good of the Commonwealth are to be thanked. SLEEPING SICKNESS. A new kind of sleeping sickness is reported more deadly than the ordi nary sort. Sir David Bruce, head of the English commission sent to Africa two years ago to Investigate the disease, reports that the so-called sleeping sickness of Nyassaland is not the same as that of Uganda or the west coast, being more rapid and so fatal that there is no known case of recovery. It is now established that the fly, which carries the dis ease, at first supposed to be the ill famed tsetse, is glosslna morsitans, a species widespread in Africa. This question of flies and the part wild animals play in harboring them is included in tho Important program of the committee just appointed by tho Eng'ish government at the re quest of the Liverpool school of tropical medicine. It will be asked to decide whether it is advisable to carry out an experiment of game ex termination in a localized area in or der to determine, whether sleeping sickness and other trypanosome dis eases of men and. stock can bo thus checked. The interior of the dark continent is well guarded against the Intrusion of civilization; if these plagues can bo stamped out will be among the most wonderful achieve ment of man. SCRANTON'S NEW DAILY. It is seldom fair to say much about flrst numbers of newspapers, because they are apt to be better than will be the successive numbers. On the other hand it is seldom fair to criticise the initial numbers of new publications, because nobody, except those directly interested may know the difficulties under which they are published. The Scranton Dajly News made Its advent Into Scranton Journalism on Saturday, Aug. ICth, and Tho Citizen says "good morning" to It, and wishes for it a full measure of success. The (News Is Just a com mon newspaper, like other newspa pers, but, Judging from the qualifi cation of Its editor and co-workers, it will grow in excellence, because It would not bo reasonable to expect the very best results In tho first numbers of a paper that has its pub lication office In Scranton while It Is printed In Wllkes-Barre. The Citizen believes In a square deal all around, and really admires men and enterprises that are not afraid to try to succeed under stress of adverse circumstances. When the Dinzcronfl: ALLEN, E. B. HAUDENBEROn W. W. WoOD TERMS: . . 11.60 THREE MONTHS S8c 75-ONE MONTH 13c News shall be published from Its own plant it undoubtedly will be greatly Improved. And this is not to be construed as saying or Imply ing that the new newspaper Is not a good one. MEAT FAMINE IS CO.MING. It is predicted by those who are supposed to know what they are talking about that this country will experience next winter the greatest shortage of beef In its history, Prices, which already have advanced 25 to 50 per cent, in a year, are to be 10 to 13 per cent higher by Jan uary 1. Meat will sell at unheard of figures. Forty cents a pound for the choice cuts seems a certainty, 45 cents is a probability, and even 50 cents a pos sibility before spring. The causes leading to the meat famine are graphically described by the New York Sun which says that "the corn killing drought In Kansas and neighboring States has deprived the cattle raising sections of feed for their stock. Fodder remains, hut the corn itself, necessary to fatten the steers for market, will have to be shipped into sections of country naturally grain exporters, at an eX' pense that will preclude the Idea of satisfactory profit by cattle raisers at anything near the present prices. "For ten days a steady rush of cat tie to tho big stock markets of the middle West has been in progress, Tho raisers can't afford to hold and feed the cattle. In many 'instances cows are being sent to market in such numbers that tho generation of calves due next spring will be much less than the average. " Cattle receipts In the Western markets first rose- above the normal when tho hot weather killed tho pasturage. Carload after carload of steers went to Chicago and Kansas City. The general movement to tho slaughter houses is still in progress. In the first three days of tho present week 129,000 cattle were received at the Wetern markets, nearly as many as in the entire week a year ago. " The same condition to a certain extent holds true in the hog market, and Receipts have been nearly doub led since the drought, " Live stock prices are naturally slumping while the markets are load ed with stock. But In spite of the fact that steers and hogs are cost ing the packers less than at any time for several months no reduction in the wholesale price of meats is an nounced, and tho housewife has ob tained no benefits because of the present abnormal conditions In the markets. " The drought, according to stock men, will result In Immense profits for the packers because of their ability to buy now when tho cattle raisers are at a disadvantage and to set new prices this winter when there is a scarcity in tho cattle re ceipts." As a matter of fact, whether neo- ple desire to do so or not, they .will soon see the wisdom of elimlnatine meat from their regular bill of faro. It Is far from being a necessity, and there are authorities aplenty who de clare that meat eaters are not so strong physically, mentally or moral ly as are those who use no meat whatever. For years the Seventh Day Adven tists have used nuts in various ways in tho place of meat. In Battle. Creek, Michigan, the homo of health foods, they have long used nut foods In their college, their sanitarium and their various institutions. 'The writ er has eaten baked protose at their restaurants, and it Is In every way as palatable as nicely cooked meat, and you are surprised when told that it is entirely composed' of nuts. Then there is peanut butter. To many Veople that compound, which had its origin, also, we believe, In that same Battle Creek, is quite as satisfying as meat. Our Wayne county cooks aro a wlso lot, and they know how to meet the hunger needs with a great varie ty of dishes that not only appeal to the appetite but do for human bod ies what good food Is expected to do. There was a time when Wayne county farmers would have laughed at any suggestion of a fresh meat famine. She had cattle on a thous and hills, and every farmer killed one or two beeves in the late fall and early winter. There were drove's, and droves of sheep nnd mutton and tender lamb were common articles of meat on the tables of the people in the country districts. In the spring of the year veal, too, was a common article of flesh food in every farmer's home. With four-weeks-old calves selling from $10 to $15, no farmer eats veal any more. Neither does he hold calves to become; beef later In tho season. So much whole milk Is sold nowa days that farmers no longer raise much pork; and one can readily see that a meat famine may really soon be upon us. But why worry? Meat, as be fore stated, is no necessity, and 'the Wayne county farmers have an op portunity to raise more meat of all kinds for the years to come, to make money by thus raising meat, and to emerge from the valley of meat fam ine a wealthier and healthier lot of humanity than they were when they went down Into its shadows. A GOOD ROADS CONVENTION. The Pennsylvania Motor Federa tion deserves a great deal of credit for the service it has rendered the cause of good 'roads in this advo cacy of the proposed '$50,000,000 bond issue. For many months the Federation has been conducting a campaign of education to prove that it Is to the interest of all classes of citizens and not of motorists-alone, that the high ways of the state be put in the best possible condition. It has shown the bond issue is necessary to the working out of any adequate plan of road improvement, and it has answered patiently and fully each argument advanced against the most ambitious project of Governor Tener's constructive ad ministration. It Is now proposed to hold a good roads convention in Harrlsburg on September 17, and the Federation hopes that it will be attended by farmers, business men' and property holders, as well as by owners of au tomobiles. There is general recognition of the fact that the fato of the bond issue depends largely upon the atti tude of the farmer. Mr. Creasy and his political allies have unquestion ably created a formidable sentiment against it in the rural districts by declaring that Its real purpose is to furnish "graft" for politicians and to make life more pleasant for rich men who are able to roll around the country in $5,000 touring cars. "Current revenues," they say, "are ample for all the road Improve ment this Commonwealth is in a position to make" an assertion which is proved false by the dilemma in which the Highway Department finds itself at the present time. Upon the ability of non-political organizations like the Pennsylvania Motor Federation, to show the farm ers of tho state how they are being deluded by their supposed friends will depend very largely the adoption or rejection of the bond proposition at the polls next November. "AN OUTGROWN CONSTITUTION." Dr. Frank W. Dixon spoke at the Chautauqua Friday evening on tho subject, "An Outgrown Constitution." The discourse was able and caused no little comment among his hear ers. Dr. Dixon asserts that our con stitution Is "outgrown" and that it should bo cast aside and a new one adopted that would make legislation instantly responsive to a popular de mand, depriving the president of his veto power and, the Supreme court of the power to declare unconstitu tional an act of congress which is the will of tho people. Our constitution Is capable of amendment when ever public opinion really demands it. The amendment only recently secured making it pos sible to elect United States Senators by a direct vote of the people Is an example of this. It Is an accom plished, fact because the people de manded it. It was brought about on a quiet and orderly manner. If the people want the Referendum, tho Initiative or tho Recall inserted In tho Constitution there will be a pop ular demand for it and If this is so, then they will get it. Our constitu tion Is all right as a whole. Changes may be necessary and advisable in spots but these changes can bo made by amendments, and the Supreme Court of the United States is only carrying out its inherent right in Interpreting tho laws of Congress. It is the back bone of centralized government under which wo have grown to bo one, of the strongest na tions on tho globe. CARD OF. TIIANKS. I wish to tVi nnlr ihn Tnnnv frlonfla and neighbors who so kindly assist ed me during the death of my hus band, Andrew Decker, and the long illneSS in mv fnmllv nlsn ihn unotnr and choir who assisted at the memor ial services held at the M. E. church on Sunday last. Mrs. Mary Decker, Orson, Pa. Some Citizens We Greet On Tuesday of last week Cornel ius Comegys and wife, of Scranton, were In Honesdale In attendance at the funeral of the late Hon. C. C. Jadwln. Mr. and Mrs. Comegys came into Honesdale over the Erie road by tho way of Hawley. So re tiring and becomingly modest is Mr. Comegys that he had come and gone before Honesdale people .realized that a prominent non-partisan candi date for Judge of the Superior court had actually been In our midst. One of the first, wo are not suro but that he was the very first, to sign his name to nomination -papers for Mr. Comegys in Wayne county, was tho late Mr. Jadwln. As a matter of fact, as well as of local Interest, Mr. Jadwln and Mr. Comegys bore the same name, and both were nam ed after the same man. The man's name was Cornelius Comegys, the Grandfather of the man who may be a Superior Court Judge in the near future. Mr. Comegys's grandfather was a first cousin to the father of the late Cornelius Comegys Jadwln. That Is why they bore the same name, and that is one reason, no doubt, why Mr. Jadwln signed tho nomination papers of Mr. Comegys for Judge of tho Superior Court; but it is not the only reason, for Mr. Jad wln, doubtless, knew his relative as well, if not better, than the writer hereof, who knows him to be one of the kindest as well as one of the most capable of men. He has a grace and courtesy of manner that belong to his nature, for it could not be acquired by cultivation. He is away and beyond the narrow limits of party lines, and can truly be classed as a man and not as a politic- Ian. In this connection .the writer begs the privilege of inserting here what E. J. Lynett, the editor of the Scran ton Times, says of Mr. Comegys, and Mr. Lynett s knowledge of Mr. Com egys is of the first-hand quality, for he has known the man, as has the writer hereof, from the time he came to Scranton fresh from the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Mr. Lynett says: "Yesterday, In Harrlsburg, a number of petitions, signed by good people of Pennsylvania, were filed with the secretary of the common wealth, asking that the name of Cornelius Comegys, of Lackawanna county, be submitted to the electors of the state, on the non-partisan bal lot, as a candidate for the office of Judge of- the Superior court. The primary election, at which the ini tial ballot is to be fought, will occur on September 1G; and, as the terri tory to bo covered is large, and the population to be reached Is great too large and too great, Indee'd, to be covered and reached by the efforts of a few, however active and in fluential they may be, It behooves all the public-spirited citizens of Lackawanna county to get industri ously busy in this matter. The Su perior court sits here; Its records are kept here, for the convenience of lawyers and others, as well as for the honor of the third city of the commonwealth, one of its judges should reside here. To every citizen of this town and county it might. with perfect propriety, bo said: his election is up k you. " For fifteen years at least, an ac tive and prominent member of the Scranton Board of Trade, giving his time and his talent freely and with out price for the public interest and tho advancement of the city s pros perity, to the membership of this Justly influential body, composed as it is or wnat is best in our civic life, it might be especially said: Get busy, here and everywhere; his election is up to you. " For thirty years a lawyer, and now full ripe for judicial place a lawyer wnoso character Is beyond re proach and whose ability is beyond question a lawyer whose every hour of living and working now re- llects honor upon the profession which his well-deserved position adorns to his brother lawyers, here and elsewhere in tho staterit may also be emphatically said: Get busy; his election is up to you. " And finally, to the men of news paperdom, who gather the facts of the passing day to spread them for the enlightenment and direction of the popular mind to such men in Scranton, particularly who personal ly know tho character and worth of this man, his present manner of lifo, and something of those professional attainments that make him lit to ad minister " 'Justice and equity " to them It may also be specially urged; Get busy; his election Is up to you!" BAPTIST ASSOCIATION TO CONVENE. Tho Wayne Baptist Association and the Bible school convention will be held at Clinton Center on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 26-27. It will bo the forty-fourth annual ses sion. The following program has been prepared: Tuesday morning at ten o'clock, devotional service, Geo. Perham; Words of Welcome, Rev. A. H. Knight; response, moderator; Intro ductory sermon, Rev. Franklin Pierce; offering for expenses, read ing church letters, election of officers, dinner. Afternoon session at two o'clock, Sunday school and Young People's Work; devotional, W. C. Knapp; re- vjew on tne lire or Joseph, Rev. R. D. Mlnch; singing, offering, reports of Bible school; election of officers; address, Dr. E. M. Stephenson. Evenjng, 7:30, praise service, in charge of choir; eight o'clock, ad dress, Rev. Leroy Stephens, D. D.; offering. Wednesday forenoon, 9:30, devo tional, J. E. Schoblg; business; so cieties and Institutions; doctrinal sermon, Rev. R. D. Mlnch; dinner. Afternoon, devotional service, Rev. C. O. Fuller; unfinished busi ness; address, Rev, C. A. Soares, D. D. Evening. 7:30. musical service. choir; address, Rev. J. A, Maxwell; closing consecration and prayer, led oy moderator, HONESDALE CHAUTAUQUA AN UPLIFT TO THE COMMUNITY (Continued From I'ngo One.) his theme, the speaker said, "The ludicrous is not a human invention but one of the Divine ideas. Man is the only animal that can laugh. Man needs to laugh; without laugh ter no man will come to the full statue of spiritual manhood. Re ligion and laughter may dwell to gether. Children need laughter. They will not grow normally without It. Laugh into tho cradle of a child of three months and you will get a laugh back. , He doesn't know what you are laughing at but he will laugh. He should have laughter every day." " Man will not reach normal phy sical (development without laughter. Tho mirth cure recently Imported from Paris Is not a new thing. It was the King of Israel who said 'a merry heart doeth good as a medl cine.' Shakespeare referred to mer riment "that bars a thousand harm a and lengthens life." "Laughter blessed not only him who laughs, but all that touch his raiment." , Following his custom, Dr. Pear son emphasized his various points by reciting appropriate poems, which is a distinctive art form which he has made familiar on the Chautau qua platform the lecture-recital. Saturday evening the Brodbeck Such company gave another of lt3 first-class concerts to a capacity tent. The continued applause after each number gave evidence of the appre ciation of the audience. " The Wonders of Science " was Reno B. Welbourn's instructive and Interesting subject. The late Inven tions were explained and many ot mem clearly demonstrated by Mr. Welbourn. He said that by the means of a mechanical eye, placed to the ears of a deaf man, that he will be enabled to see by the means of light waves. These waves act on the nerves of the ear Instead of the eye, producing the same results. This wonderful little piece of me chanism was placed on a table before the audience and by the means of light diffused through white, red and blue incandescent lamps the wonder ful little machine- responded most effectively and clearly. In due time tho blind man will be reading by light waves. To demonstrate this Mr. Welbourn placed a. piece of card board between the mechanical eye ani the light. The cardboard wa perforated, the perforation repre senting the letters used in the Morse telegraphy code. The word light was spelled. The mechanical eye was given other tests and demon strations which were astdnishing to tho audience, brought forth ap plause. An outline of other inven tions fully as wonderful, follows: Demonstrating buoys 'on the coast operated by light and dark. Had the ill-fated TJtanic a mechanical eye it would not have struck the iceberg. One of the remarkable demonstra tions made was the welding of two iron bolts, using nails and chemi cals as a compound. Instead of a match a piece of Ice was used. An other startling experiment was' the burning of a hole through a piece of iron in three seconds, tho tem perature reaching 7.000 decrees Fahrenheit. A model of tho Gyro stat was placed on a wire, which by tne means or tne gyroscope balanced itself and also a half pound weight at the end of a seven foot stick. Many other demonstrations were made, such as falling blocks by light and sound waves, etc. Space will not permit us to go farther in to detail, enumerating the many in teresting Inventions which have been achieved that were explained by Mr. Welbourn. Sunday's Large Audiences. Sunday's attendance at the Chau tauqua was the largest since the opening sessions. Fully 1,200 people were present and enjoyed the con cert and religious services. Many persons came from a distance and nearly a dozen automobiles were lined up outside tho tent, showing that the interest is growing daily. Previous to the afternoon meeting the Brodbeck-Such company enter tained with a few selections. After congregational singing, Dr. Turner gavo one of his interesting addresses upon " Tho Conventional Con science." , Dr. Turner made a plea in gener al for independence for thinking and consequence independence of action. The motto. "In Rome do as tho Ro man does" was carefully analyzed and shown to be untrustworthy In that it tends to submerge rationality in conventionality. Tho result is to discount leadership and to be prac tical life on the plane of cheap poll tics. Tho point was Illustrated by The Greatest of all Boy Heroes "BILLY, THE KID" Watch for the Parade, Head ed by "Billy" and his Boy Scout Band. SPECIAL PRICES : 15c, Seat sale starts at 9 President Harley's definition of cul- fnrn wVilnVi In nnlrl in hft "tho nnnnqltA of absorption In the , obvious. He' emphasized tne fact) tjiat he snouiti make it his rule of action in Rome rule Rome. Essentials to such pow er are concentration of mind, cor- I -0 mn.1 nnnnAA,t.. " .1 .1 I auate preparation ' -Preparation for efficient service Involves culture, con secration and character. Horace Greeley was quoted to tho effect that "Character is tne only thing that en dures." The .speaker also cited 'Emerson's dictum, "It is easy In the world to live after the world's opin ion. It Is easy in solitude to live af ter one's own, but he only is truly great who preserves amidst the crowd tho independence of solitude." Sunday Evening. A half hour before the evening, session started, people began to flock to the tent and at 7:15 there was only standing room. Dr. Turner opened tho meeting and expressed his gratification In seeing so many nonnm wnn ronrpsnnrpri rnn lnpm. Religious concert by the Brodbeck Such company. Dr. Turner then an nounced Rev. George S. Wendell, pastor of the Honesdale Baptist church, who read the Scriptural les son. Congregational singing, "On ward Christian Soldiers," followed by prayer by Rev. C. C. Miller of the Lutheran church. "Rock of Ages" was also sung before President Paul M. Pearson delivered his masterful auu&coo. 4 "Tho Poetry of Life." "''"I Dr. Pearson's lecture-recital ort Sunday night at the Honesdale Chau tauqua had for its theme, the practi cal uses of poetry. Taking for his text Darwin's resolution: " If I had my life to live again, I would let no week go by in which I did not listen to some good music, or read some good poetry," he showed how the beautiful is a necessity in daily af fairs. Most people look upon beauty as something to be enjoyed at their leisure, when they are looking for agreeable, ways to spend their time and their money. But Darwin's ex perience was that the beautiful Is not an extra but a necessity. In discussing the practical uses of poetry, Dr. Pearson declared that It was a necessity because "poetry is a record of the best and happiest minds at their best and happiest moments." Such association Is a necessity to the best living. Poetry reveals tho beautiful about us every where; It shows us things in their relation, It reveals God, It teaches the joy of living. All these points were discussed and illuminated by reciung poems wnicn lenu tnem selves to reading aloud. The Junior Chautauqua. Tho Junior Chautauqua is con ducted by Miss Foster, a senior in Swarthmore college. The children meet every morning at 9 o'clock in the big tent, where they receive In struction. Tiro Juniors will give a. concert Wednesday afternoon. VEST POCKET PROGRAM FOR CHAUTAUQUA. Tuesday, afternoon, 2:30, Dr. A. E Turner, will deliver his lecture on "Sociology and Education." At 3:30 there will be a concert by the Com monwealth Male Quartet. Evening 7:30, concert, Common wealth Male Quartet. 8:00, Lecture, Judge Ben. B. Lindsey, "The Mis fortunes of Mickey." 9:15, Motion Pictures. Wednesday, Aug. 27. 2:30, Chil dren's Play Presented by Members of the Junior Chautauqua. 3:30, Concert National Opera Quartet. 4:00, Lecture, Dr. N. M. Walters, "The Foundations of American De mocracy. Evening 7:30, Concert Scenes from Operas: -National Opera Quar tet. 9:00, Motion Pictures. CARLEY BROOK. Several from this place have been attending .the Chautauqua with pleas ure and profit. Mrs. Henry Riefler spent last week with relatives in Scranton. Mrs. Geo. Hessberger spent tho week-end with Mrs. Barhlte of West Damascus. The Junior League will hold s a festival Thursday evening, August 28, for the church painting fund. At 8 o'clock sharp an entertainment, consisting of music, recitations and pantomimes will be held in the church. No admission will be charg ed. After this the guests are invited to the parsonage lawn, where Ice cream and cake, home-made candy and fruit will be sold. Among the other attractions are an apron sale and an orango tree. Your aching corn will not trouble you if you use "PE DOS" CORN CURE. 15 cents. WAUG.28 25c, 35c, and 50c, A. M, "Thursday