The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 26, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Our Imports For 1913 Totaled
6,500,000,000 Pounds.
In Round Terms, Foreign Countries
Supply United States With One-half
Its Sugar, Our Own Islands One
fourth and Our Own Fields Balance
Consumed Big Increase Shown.
More sugar was brought Into conti
nental United States In the fiscal year
just ended than In any other year In
the history of the country, according to
the latest figures of the bureau of for
eign and domestic commerce, depart
ment of commerce, Just given out at
Washington. The quantity of sugar
entering from foreign countries and
our own Islands In the year ended June
30, 1013, was 0,500,000,000 pounds and
exceeded by 500,000,000 pounds the fig
ures of the former high record year,
1012, when the Imports from foreign
countries and the Islands were In
round terms G,000,000,000 pounds.
Of the 0,500,000,000 pounds brought
In during 1913, 4,333,000,000 came from
Cuba, f,000,000,000 from Hawaii, 750,
000,000 from Porto UIco, nearly 250,
000,000 from the Philippines and the
remainder chiefly from South America.
Java, which has In some years sent as
much as 1,000,000,000 pounds of sugar,
sent but 13,000,000 pounds In 1013,
while tho quantity from Europe, chief
ly beet sugar, was 1S2,000,000 pounds,
against but 0,500,000 in 1012, but be
ing materially less than In certain
earlier years, the total quantity of beet
sugar Imported In 1001 having been
008,0.83,078 pounds and In 1807 1,805,
r07,105 pounds.
Falling Off In Value.
In value, however, the year's receipts
of sugar fell nearly 30,000,000 below
those of last year, despite tho fact that
the quantity received was 500,000,000
pounds greater. The total value of
sugar Imported from foreign countries
during the fiscal year 1913 was $10J,
030,823 and of that coming from Ha
waii ?30,007,S20, from Torto Itlco $20,
010,158 and from tho Philippines ?4,
003,100, the latter, however, being in
cluded in the figures of imports from
foreign countries. Tho average value
per pound of tho sugar Imported from
fortign countries lu tho fiscal year 1013
was 2.2 cents against 2.81 cents in
1912, 2.40 cents In 1011 and 2.0 cents in
i These figures, which show that the
sugar imported in 1013 exceeded that
of any other year, suggest that the
.sugar consumption of the United Stales
In 1013 will be larger than ever before
iind will for the first time exceed 8,000,
000,000 pounds. The quantity brought
from foreign countries Is about 4,750,
000,000 pounds and. from Hawaii and
Porto Itlco nearly 2,000,000,000, while
the domestic production now approxi
mates 2,000,000,000 pounds, tho figures
for 1012 being of beet sugar about
1,200,000,000 pounds and of cane sugar
724,000,000 pounds. Speaking In very
round terms, It may bo said that for
eign countries supply approximately
one-half of tho sugar consumed In tho
United States, our own Islands about
one-fourth and our own fields about
one-fourth. Cuba supplies, nine-tenths
of that from abroad, Hawaii about
one-half of that from our Islands nnd
beets nearly two-thirds of that pro
duced at homo.
Cuban Sugar's High Record.
Sugar from Cuba made Its highest
record in 1913, 4,311,744,013 pounds,
against 3,509,057,500 pounds in the for
mer high record year, 1010, while that
from the Dutch East Indies (principal
ly Java) maites Its lowest record In
many years, being but l'2,750,750
pounds, against 310,390,410 pounds In
1012. 9ltf;S58,331 pounds In 1909 and
1,102,202,854 pounds In 1900.
Figures Indicate that tho United
States Is Clearly at the head of the list
tof sugar consuming countries, the flg
'urcs of tho current year suggesting a
consumption of more than 8,000,000.000
pounds, while tho latest figures Indi
cate a consumption-In India of about
0,000,000,000 pounds, In Great Britain
over 3,750,000,000, Russia 3,000,000,000
nnd Germany 2,750,000,000 pounds.
Lack of Funds Hampers Participation
In San Francisco Exposition.
Dispatches from Peking state that
the Chinese government will be un
able, owing to Its financial difficulties,
to furnish the funds necessary to sup
port tho Chinese exhibit at tho Pana
ma-Pacific exposition nt San Francisco
In tbo manner originally planned.
Tho finance minister hopes to obtain
"an appropriation of $500,000, although
many members of tho Chlneso parlia
ment oppose it. Several members of
ronimerco also are reluctant in tho
matter, owing to tho losses to mer
chants In the recent rebellion.
To Refund Pay to Navy Aliens,
Foreign born sailors of tho American
navy who had to surrender "extra
pay" received during their entlro en
listment unless they could prove they
wero naturalized citizens are to have
(be money returned to them. Comp
troller of tho Treasury Downey having
ruled that the order should apply only
to future payments..
of the News
Right Off the Reel
Nonunion chickens are now tabooed
la Boston. The Chicken Pickers nnd
Handlers' union won a strike.
Moving picture shows on ocean liners
Is tho latest plan of those catering to
tho entertainment of voyagers.
Amos Itusie, once famous pitcher of
the Giants, Is now a plumber In Se
attle. Not long ago ho worked as a
day laborer.
Treasury olfielals are puzzled over
tho withdrawal from circulation of
the recent Issue of buffalo nickels. It
Is believed they are being hoarded.
Eccentric Swiss living in Moscow
left ?10 In his will to a Geneva editor
to "drink to my death, on Jan. 1 and
Aug. 1 of every year." The editor
never heard of the man, but will ac
cept the bequest.
Wall Known Editor Offers Substitute
For Complex Currency Systems.
John Brlsben 'Walker, formerly
chairman of the Colomdo state mone
tary commission and -k ':oso reputation
as editor and publisher Is nation wide
In character, lias submitted a plan deal
ing with the currency problem to Pres
ident Wilson which Is far simpler than
any of the many hitherto offered to the
administration for consideration. In a
letter to tho president, under date of
July 20. 1913, now made public for the
first time, Mr. Walker points out that
tho plan "was previously presented as
a substitute for tho Aldrlch bill In
1911. He adds that It would be "cer
tain In Its operation, quick of action,
Infallible and requiring no political
Here is the plan as embodied In Mr.
Walker's letter to President Wilson:
"First. Subject all commercial pa
per accepted by the banks to n double
Inspection, first by the government and
then by the clearing house, and stamp
'O. K.' If so found.
"Second. Permit any banker who
finds danger of unexpected withdraw
als to go to the nearest subtreasury
subtreasuries to bo established nt con
venient points throughout the country
and upon presentation of hkt Inspect
ed and stamped commercial paper ob
tain from the government currency
amounting to 50'per cent of tho face
value of tho paper so presented.
"The banker's visit need not be
known to tho public, his right to tho
currency could not be questioned, there
would be no political Influence re
quired, and tho government's security
would bo absolute. A high rate of in
terest would prevent undue Inflation.
"If this plan appeals to you I will bo
glad to send a report prepared upon
tho subject while acting as chairman
of tho Colorado state monetary com
mission. But If It seems to you ob
scure or unworkablo I will feel obliged
If you will so state In your nnswer,
that I may bo able to lay stress upon
nny points which may seem weak or
Mrs. Gibboney of Alabama Not Afraid
to Arrest Lawbreakers.
Mrs. Norma F. Gibboney of Aloha,
Ala., is tho only woman game warden
in the United States. Living near Mo
bile bay, she has always been fond of
outdoor life nnd Is expert In tho use
of the rifle and shotgun. Her friends
were not surprised when Governor
O'Neal appointed her a state game
warden, which gives her authority to
make arrests. Speaking of her new
place, she said:
"While I am not fond of publicity
about most of my affairs, I am not
averse to having It known that I am
deeply in earnest about protecting tho
birds. I have been shocked to find
how rapidly tho birds are disappear
ing right here In my own neighbor
hood. "I wanted to do something to stop
the wanton slaughter, and if possible,
give them an opportunity to como
back to their old haunts. An ardent
sportsman, a friend of mine, suggest
ed that I could do this most effective
ly by being appointed a game warden,
"navlng ample leisure and a good
snddlo horse, I decided that I would
do what I could If appointed to stop
tho pothunters nnd tho game hogs
from slaughtering our birds. I have
made two arrests already and am
ready to make more if it is necessary."
A New Ballooning Era Forecasted if
Search Is Successful.
Leading London scientists, Including
Kir William Ramsay, aro making an
ndeavor to produce on earth the new
gns coronlum, tho weight of which Is
ono-slxtcenth that of hydrogen, whose
presence in tho sun waa definitely es
tablished at tho tlmo of the last
Tho successful production of coro.
nlum would revolutionize tho science
of aerostatics. Tbo now gas would
tako the place of hydrogen in balloons,
wording to scientists.
Part of Vessel's Hell Sighted
at Scene of Disaster.
Report of Liner's Captain Believed to
be Important by Naval Official May
Establish Contention That Ship Was
Torn by Sunken Ledge as Well as
by Giant Iceberg.
Much of the mystery that surround
ed the sinking of the White Star liner
Titanic on April 14, 1012, may bo'dls
pelled by the discovery of a wreck, be
lieved to be part of the hulk of the ill
starred vessel, standing on end In tho
Atlantic ocean off the grand banks of
Newfoundland, practically in the spot
where tho disaster occurred.
Captain ltcinnant of the British
steamship LuclUuo, which arrived at
Philadelphia from Bordeaux some tlmo
ago, reported sighting tho derelict, and
tho United States hydrographic ollice
has begun an Investigation to learn
more about tho wreck. Lieutenant
Commander Landeuberger, United
States hydrographer, stationed In Phil
adelphia, attaches much Importance to
tho report.
May be Titanic.
Should the wreckage sighted by the
Luclllne prove to be part of tho re
mains of the Titanic tho story of the
memorable wreck would be rewritten.
Tho fact that after moro than a year
tho hulk stands vertically In the
waves, protruding eight feet or more
above tho surface, would Indicate that
a submerged ledge of rock had pre
vented tho wreck from going to the
actual bottom of tho sea. If such a
ledge exists and evidouccs of one
were reported os long ago as 1722
then It is regarded as possible that the
foundering of the Titanic was caused
by tho hidden obstruction ripping open
her hull as much as by her collision
with tho Iceberg.
Should these theories prove to be
facts, Captain Smith, who was in
command of the Titanic nnd perished
when his vessel went down, might bo
absolved, It Is said, of tho charge of
lack of vigilance and damage suits
against the International Mercantile
Marino based on tho disaster would
fall, admiralty lawyers say, for the
same reason.
Captain Ilemnant of tho Lucllliie be
lieves that what he saw was the
wreck of tho Titanic or part of it. It
was covered with a marino growth of
comparatively recent formation, tend
ing to show that it had been In tho
water a little moro than a year. It had
tho appearance. Captain Remnant said,
of being held down by anchors in shoal
water and of being buoyed up by wa
ter tight compartments. He Is of tho
opinion that It was the forward part
of tbo Titanic, which, It was said, split
In two Just before it sank.
Sunken Ledge May Exist.
Mariners say there is every reosou
to bellevo tho existence of a submerg
ed ledge of rock at or near tbo spot
where tho Titanic was destroyed.
Tlrroo different obstructions of such
a character have been reported and
tho calculations of the position of tho
grave of tho Titanic as well as those
of tho sunken rocks and of tho wreck
reported by Captain Remnant are all
Lieutenant Commander Landenberg-
er, United States hydrographer, said
in discussing tho report that tho mat
ter Is one of tho utmost importance.
Ho asserted that tho government
should dispatch n surveying vessel to
tho scene of tho disaster to establish
or disprove nt once the existence of
tho sunken ledge and to ascertain if
possible If tho wreck seen by tho Brit
ish officer- was that of tho ill fated
Farm Girls Compete In Getting Up
Cheap Meals.
Tho Ohio Tomato club, founded by
Mrs. J. K. Turner of Cleveland among
a group of farm girls, and tho recent
attack on the high cost of living on the
farm, also led byMrs. Turner, have at
tracted the attention of tho United
States government.
Miss Ilena May Bailey of tho farm
management offlco of tho department
of agriculture is at tho Turner farm,
near Chardon, O., to investigate the
work being done. Miss Bailey is in
terested particularly in tho contest
among farm wpmen to prepare the best
and most economical meals In the
farmhouse for tho anonth of August.
"Tho need of such work among farm
people has been apparent for a long
time," said Miss Bailey. "Mrs. Turner
is doing great work. I am much In
terested In the Tomato club girls, and
bellevo it will bo a huge success and
will bo copied by people in farm com
munities all over tho country within a
tew years."
. Record Big Tree Discovered.
All previous records of big trees dis
covered in 'Washington and Oregon
forests havo been eclipsed by the latest
find in Snohomish county, Wash. Tho
giant Is a yellow fir, is nearly sixty
tlx feet in j?Ircumfcrenco at tho butt
end is twenty-eight feet to tho first
limb, which measures 100 Inches In cir
cumference. The estimated height of
the big fir is 300 feet
F. W. Vundcrbilt has given Tale
f 100,000 for a new dormitory.
Sir Gerard Lowther, who has resign
ed tho post ns British nmbnssador to
Turkey, has been In the diplomatic
service for thirty-four years, represent
ing his country In Chill, Morocco and
Sir John Hare, the English actor, has
Just begun his sixty-ninth ysar. Ho
made his first appearance on the pro
fessional stage at Liverpool, in Sept.,
1SG4, and will next year celebrate his
theatrical Jubilee. He Is a native of
London, where ho lives.
The Rev. John Fryer Mosick, upon
whom Rutgers college recently con
ferred tho honorary degree of doctor
of laws, is the oldest living college
graduate in this country. He gradu
ated from Rutgers In 1834, and has
Just celebrated his 100th birthday an
niversary. Ho lives at York, Pa.
Albert Broden, whom tho king of
Sweden has made a knight of the Or
der of Vasa, first class, is the superin
tendent of an iron company nt Read
ing, Pa. He has always displayed great
Interest In the development of com
mercial relations between Sweden nnd
the United States, and the decoration
came in recognition of his work In
strengthening the international friend
ship between the two countries.
Miss Alice Montgomery of New York
must marry before she Is thirty-five t'i
secure the $15,000 prov'ded for in the
will of her grandfather.
The president of the Chicago Wo
man's Association of Commerce 1:5
Miss Florence King, who won special
recognition a decade ago as a patent
Miss Nebraska Cropsey, on whom the
Indiana university has conferred an
honorary degree of master of arts, Is
tho first woman In the history of that
school to receive this mark of distinc
tion. Miss Cropsey is assistant super
intendent of schools of Indianapolis.
Cristabelle Mlllgate, though only
twelve years old, Is lady mayoress of
tho town of Newport, England. Her
father Is mayor, and, her mother being
dead, she performs acceptably tho du
ties of the position on all public occa
sions. Sho is undoubtedly tho young
est person holding such a position in
JN h U KA UWUHiKb cure
all Headache, io cents. Sold
f Said by daalara orerjrw&oM
The Atlantio Refining Company
Eureka gi
Always Your Friend
It is a pleasure to assist our patrons in every way possible
with reference to business matters as well as financial transac
tions. A depositor often finds that a recommendation or a let
ter of introduction from his bank is of greatest value.
You may be in a quandary over a contemplated business
change, or an insurance policy, or an investment, or the selec- ,
tion of a competent lawyer or agent. We are always apprecia
tive of your confidence, and glad to confer and advise on any
matter of importance to you. Our depositors' room is at your
service for private conferences.
First time you pass this way drop in and have a talk with
us about opening a savings account. Let us explain how much
more it means to you than you think it does.
You can .start with one dollar.
HENRY Z. RUSSELL, President, LEWIS A. HOWELL, Cashier,
ANDREW THOMPSON, Vice-President, ALBERT C. LINDSAY, Asst. Cashier
nENRV z. russell, tomer greene,
The choicest Blooms of the
Looms await you, now, at the
Model Clothing Shop. Luke
Levy, Wants to See You.
Honesdale, Pa., opposite Union
LEGAL BLANK ror sale at Tin
Citizen ortlco: Land Contracts
Leases, Judgment Notes, Warranie.
DeedB, Bonds. Transcripts, Sum
mons, Attachments, Subpoenas, La
bor Claim Deeds. Commitmnnts. Ex-
S EALED proposals will be received
for furnishing groceries and pro
visions, fresh and cured meats,
grain, feed, etc., for the quarter be
ginning September 1, 1913, and end
ing December 1. 1913. to the State
Hospital for the Criminal Insane at
Farvlew, Wayne county, Pa., until
August 30th, 1913. Bids to be ad
dressed to the Superintendent of the
Hospital, T. C. Fitzsimmons, M. D
Waymart, Wayne county, Pa., and
from whom all additional Informa
tion may bo obtained. Blank sched
ules will bo mailed to bidders on ap
plication to the Superintendent.
G8el3 President.
White sheep give more wool
than black sheep there are
more of them
REMINGTON stenographers do
more of the world's work than
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Nature only knows why there
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12,500,000 Remington letters
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nnnrlntlv nhla tn nai.. ...-
ligations made by his firm.
roieao, u.
, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
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